【第 1 条】適用範囲
1. 当館が宿泊客との間で締結する宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約は、この約款の定めるところによるものとし、この約款に定めのない事項については、法令等(法令又は法令に基づくものをいう。以下同じ。)又は一般に確立された慣習によるものとします。
2. 当館が、法令等及び慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先するものとします。
【第 2 条】宿泊契約の申込み
1. 当館に宿泊契約の申込みをしようとする者は、次の事項を当館に申し出ていただきます。
(1) 宿泊者名
(2) 宿泊日及び到着予定時刻
(3) 宿泊料金(原則として別表第 1 の基本宿泊料による。)
(4) その他当館が必要と認める事項
2. 宿泊客が、宿泊中に前項第 2 号の宿泊日を超えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当館は、その申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申込みがあったものとして処理します。
【第 3 条】宿泊契約の成立等
1. 宿泊契約は、当館が前条の申込みを承諾したときに成立するものとします。ただし、当館が承諾をしなかったことを証明したときは、この限りではありません。
2. 前項の規定により宿泊契約が成立したときは、宿泊期間(3 日を超えるときは 3 日間)の基本宿泊料を限度として当館が定める申込金を、当館が指定する日までに、お支払いいただきます。
3 申込金は、まず、宿泊客が最終的に支払うべき宿泊料金に充当し、第 6 条及び第 18 条の規定を適用する事態が生じたときは、違約金に次いで賠償金の順序で充当し、残額があれば、第 12 条の規定による料金の支払いの際に返還します。
4. 第 2 項の申込金を同項の規定により当館が指定した日までにお支払いいただけない場合は、宿泊契約はその効力を失うものとします。ただし、申込金の支払期日を指定するに当たり、当館がその旨を宿泊客に告知した場合に限ります。
【第 4 条】申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約
1. 前条第 2 項の規定にかかわらず、当館は、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
2. 宿泊契約の申込みを承諾するに当たり、当館が前条第 2 項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合及び当該申込金の支払期日を指定しなかった場合は、前項の特約に応じたものとして取り扱います。
【第 4 条の 2】施設における感染防止対策への協力の求め
当館は、宿泊しようとする者に対し、旅館業法 ( 昭和 23 年法律第 138 号 ) 第4条の2第1項の規定による協力を求めることができます。
【第 5 条】宿泊契約締結の拒否
当館は、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。ただし、本項は、当館が、旅館業法第 5 条に掲げる場合以外の場合に宿泊を拒むことがあることを意味するものではありません。
1. 宿泊の申し込みが、この約款によらないとき。
2. 満室 ( 員)により客室の余裕がないとき。
3. 宿泊しようとする者が、宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序若しくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき。
4. 宿泊しようとする者が、次のイからハに該当すると認められるとき。
イ 暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律 ( 平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団 ( 以下「暴力団」という。)、同条第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員( 以下「暴力団員」という。)、暴力団準構成員又は暴力団関係者その他の反社会的勢力
ロ 暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるときハ 法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当する者があるもの
5. 宿泊しようとする者が、他の宿泊客に著しい迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
6. 宿泊しようとする者が、旅館業法第 4 条の 2 第 1 項第 2 号に規定する特定感染症の 患者等 ( 以下「特定感染症の患者等」という。)であるとき。
7. 宿泊に関し暴力的要求行為が行われ、又は合理的な範囲を超える負担を求められたとき( 宿泊しようとする者が障害を理由とする差別の解消の推進に関する法律 ( 平成 25 年法律第 65 号。以下「障害者差別解消法」という。) 第 7 条第 2 項又は第 8 条第 2 項の規定による社会的障壁の除去を求める場合は除く。)。
8. 宿泊しようとする者が、当館に対し、その実施に伴う負担が過重であって他の宿泊者に対する宿泊に関するサービスの提供を著しく阻害するおそれのある要求として旅館業法施行規則第5条の6で定めるものを繰り返したとき。
9. 天災、施設の故障、その他やむを得ない事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
10. 奈良県旅行業法施行条例の規定する場合に該当するとき。
【第 5 条の 2】宿泊契約締結の拒否の説明
【第 6 条】宿泊客の契約解除権
1. 宿泊客は、当館に申し出て、宿泊契約を解除することができます。
2. 当館は、宿泊客がその責めに帰すべき事由により宿泊契約の全部又は一部を解除した場合(第 3 条第 2 項の規定により当館が申込金の支払期日を指定してその支払いを求めた場合であって、その支払いより前に宿泊客が宿泊契約を解除したときを除きます。)は、別表第 2に掲げるところにより、違約金を申し受けます。ただし、当館が第 4 条第 1 項の特約に応じた場合にあっては、その特約に応じるに当たって、宿泊客が宿泊契約を解除したときの違約金支払義務について、当館が宿泊客に告知したときに限ります。
3. 当館は、宿泊客が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の午後 8 時(あらかじめ到着予定時刻が明示されている場合は、その時刻を 2 時間経過した時刻)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊客により解除されたものとみなし処理することがあります。
【第 7 条】当館の契約解除権
1. 当館は、次に掲げる場合においては、宿泊契約を解除することがあります。ただし、本項は、当館が、旅館業法第5条に掲げる場合以外の場合に宿泊を拒むことがあることを意味するものではありません。
(1) 宿泊客が宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序若しくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき、又は同行為をしたと認められるとき。
(2) 宿泊客が次のイからハに該当すると認められるとき。
イ 暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員又は暴力団関係者その他の反社会的勢力ロ 暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるとき
ハ 法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当する者があるもの
(3) 宿泊客が他の宿泊客に著しい迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
(4) 宿泊客が特定感染症の患者等であるとき。
(5) 宿泊に関し暴力的要求行為が行われ、又は合理的な範囲を超える負担を求められたとき( 宿泊客が障害者差別解消法第 7 条第 2 項又は第 8 条第 2 項の規定による社 会的障壁の除去を求める場合は除く。)。
(6) 宿泊客が、当館に対し、その実施に伴う負担が過重であって他の宿泊者に対する宿泊に関するサービスの提供を著しく阻害するおそれのある要求として旅館業法施行規則第5条の6で定めるものを繰り返したとき。
(7) 天災等不可抗力に起因する事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
(8) 奈良県旅行業法施行条例の規定する場合に該当するとき。
(9) 寝室での寝たばこ、消防用設備等に対するいたずら、その他当館が定める利用規則の禁止事項 ( 火災予防上必要なものに限る。)に従わないとき。
2. 当館が前項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、宿泊客がいまだ提供を受けていない宿泊サービス等の料金はいただきません。
【第 7 条の 2】宿泊契約解除の説明
【第 8 条】宿泊の登録
1. 宿泊客は、宿泊日当日、当館のフロントにおいて、次の事項を登録していただきます。
(1) 宿泊客の氏名、住所及び連絡先
(2) 日本国内に住所を有しない外国人にあっては、国籍及び旅券番号
(3) その他当館が必要と認める事項
2. 宿泊客が第 12 条の料金の支払いを、旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等通貨に代わり得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、前項の登録時にそれらを呈示していただきます。
【第 9 条】客室の使用時間
宿泊客が当館の客室を使用できる時間は、午後 3 時から翌朝 11 時までとします。ただし、連続して宿泊する場合においては、到着日及び出発日を除き、終日使用することができます。
【第 10 条】利用規則の遵守
【第 11 条】営業時間
【第 12 条】料金の支払い
1. 宿泊客が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳は、別表第 1 に掲げるところによります。
2. 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは、通貨又は当館が認めた旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等これに代わり得る方法により、宿泊客の出発の際又は当館が請求した時、フロントにおいて行っていただきます。
3. 当館が宿泊客に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊客が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても、宿泊料金は申し受けます。
【第 13 条】当館の責任
1. 当館は、宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約の履行に当たり、又はそれらの不履行により宿泊客に損害を与えたときは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、それが当館の責めに帰すべき事由によるものでないときは、この限りではありません。
2. 当館は、防災につとめておりますが、万一の火災等に対処するため、旅館賠償責任保険に加入しております。
【第 14 条】契約した客室の提供ができないときの取扱い
1. 当館は、宿泊客に契約した客室を提供できないときは、宿泊客の了解を得て、できる限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設をあっ旋するものとします。
2. 当館は、前項の規定にかかわらず他の宿泊施設のあっ旋ができないときは、違約金相当額の補償料を宿泊客に支払い、その補償料は損害賠償額に充当します。ただし、客室が提供できないことについて、当館の責めに帰すべき事由がないときは、補償料を支払いません。
【第 15 条】寄託物等の取扱い
1. 宿泊客がフロントにお預けになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品について、滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、それが不可抗力である場合を除き、当館は、その損害を賠償します。ただし、現金及び貴重品については、当館がその種類及び価額の明告を求めた場合であって、宿泊客がそれを行わなかったときは、当館は 15 万円を限度としてその損害を賠償します。
2. 宿泊客が、当館内にお持込みになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品であってフロントにお預けにならなかったものについては、当館の故意又は過失により滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、当館はその損害を賠償します。ただし、宿泊客からあらかじめ種類及び価額の明告のなかったものについては、15 万円を限度として当館はその損害を賠償します。
【第 16 条】宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管
1. 宿泊客の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当館に到着した場合は、その到着前に当館が了解したときに限って責任をもって保管し、宿泊客がフロントにおいてチェックインする際お渡しします。
2. 宿泊客がチェックアウトしたのち、宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品が当館に置き忘れられていた場合において、その所有者が判明したときは、当館は、当該所有者に連絡をするとともにその指示を求めるものとします。ただし、所有者の指示がない場合又は所有者が判明しないときは、発見日を含め 7 日間保管し、その後最寄りの警察署に届けます。
3. 前 2 項の場合における宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当館の責任は、第 1 項の場合にあっては前条第1項の規定に、前項の場合にあっては同条第 2 項の規定に準じるものとします。
【第 17 条】駐車の責任
【第 18 条】宿泊客の責任
【別表第 1】宿泊料金の算定方法(第 2 条第 1 項及び第 12 条第 1 項関係)
内訳 | ||
宿泊客が支払うべき総額 | 宿泊料金 | ①基本宿泊料 (室料または室料+飲食料) |
追加料金 | ②飲食料(①に含まれるものを除く)及びその他の利用料金 ③サービス料(② ×15%) | |
税金 | ④消費税 |
1. 基本宿泊料金はフロントと客室に掲示する料金表になります。
2. 当館では子供も大人料金と同一になりますが、6 歳未満の寝具及び食事を提供しない幼児については、料金をいただきません。
3. エキストラベッドは、別途頂戴します。
4. 税法が改正された場合は、その改正された規定によるものとします。
【別表第 2】違約金(第 6 条第 2 項関係)
利用客室数 | 取消の通知を受けた日 | |||
1~4 室利用 | 7 日前~ 3 日前 | 2 日前 | 1 日前 | 当日・不泊(連絡なし) |
20% | 50% | 80% | 100% | |
5 室以上利用 | 60 日前~ 31 日前 | 30 日前~当日・不泊(連絡なし) | ||
50% | 100% |
1. 数字は、宿泊料金に対する違約金の比率です。
2. 予約日数の変更(短縮)をする場合は、その短縮日数にかかわりなく、1 日分(初日)の違約金を収受します。
Terms and Conditions of Accommodation Contracts
Article 1 — Scope of Application
1. Contracts for accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between this Hotel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided herein shall be governed by laws and regulations ("laws and regulations," or those based on laws and regulations. The same shall apply hereinafter) and/or generally accepted practices.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest, the special contract shall take precedence insofar as it does not contravene laws and ordinances or generally accepted practices.
Article 2 — Application for Accommodation Contracts
1. Applicants for an accommodation contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars:
(1) Name of Guest
(2) Date(s) of stay and intended time of arrival
(3) Accommodation charges (based, in principle, on the basic accommodation charge in Table 1)
(4) Any other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel
2. If the Guest, during their stay, requests an extension of accommodation beyond the last date given in Item 2 of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall regard an application for a new accommodation contract as having been made at the time of the request.
Article 3 — Conclusion, etc of Accommodation Contracts
1. An accommodation contract shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel accepts the application described in the preceding article. However, this shall not apply if it is proved that the Hotel has not accepted the application.
2. When an accommodation contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Guest shall pay a deposit specified by the Hotel, not exceeding the amount of the basic accommodation charge for the full period of the stay (or for 3 days if the period of the stay exceeds 3 days), by the date specified by the Hotel.
3. The deposit shall be applied firstly to the total accommodation charges to be paid by the Guest and, under circumstances where the provisions of Article 6 or Article 18 are applicable, secondly to cancellation charges and thirdly to reparations, and any remainder shall be refunded at the time of payment of charges as set out in Article 12.
4. If the Guest fails to pay the deposit described in Paragraph 2 by the date specified by the Hotel, as set out in the same paragraph, the accommodation contract shall lose its validity. However, this shall apply only if the Hotel so notifies the Guest when specifying the due date of payment for the deposit.
Article 4 — Special Contracts Requiring no Deposit
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract that does not require the payment of a deposit after the contract has been concluded as set out in the same paragraph.
2. If the Hotel does not request the payment of a deposit as set out in Paragraph 2 of the preceding article, and/or does not specify a due date of payment for the deposit when accepting the application for an accommodation contract, the Hotel shall be deemed to have entered into a special contract as set out in the preceding paragraph.
Article 4-2 — Request for cooperation in infection control measures at facilities
The Hotel may request cooperation from the person who intends to stay at the hotel in accordance with the provisions of Article 4-2, Paragraph 1 of the Hotel Business Act (Act No. 138 of 1948).
Article 5 — Refusal of Accommodation Contracts
The Hotel may refuse to conclude an accommodation contract under any of the following circumstances. However, this paragraph does not mean that the Hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.
1. If the application for an accommodation contract does not conform to these Terms and Conditions.
2. If the Hotel is fully booked and no room is available.
3. If the applicant for accommodation is deemed likely to engage in behaviour that will contravene laws or ordinances, public order or morality in conjunction with their stay
4. When the person who intends to stay at this hotel is deemed to fall under any of the following items (a) through (c).
(a)If the applicant for accommodation is an organized crime group, member of an organized crime group, company or organization associated with an organized crime group, person involved with such a company or organization,or other antisocial force (hereinafter “organized crime group or other antisocial force”).
(b) If the applicant for accommodation is a company or other organization whose business operations are controlled by an organized crime group or member of an organized crime group.
(c) If the applicant for accommodation is a company whose directors include a member of an organized crime group.
5. If the applicant for accommodation engages in behaviour that causes significant nuisance to other guests.
6. When a person who intends to stay at this hotel is a patient, etc. of a specified infectious disease as defined in Article 4-2, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Hotel Business Act (hereinafter referred to as "patient, etc. of specified infectious disease").
7. When a violent act of demand is committed or a burden exceeding a reasonable range is demanded with regard to accommodation (Excluding cases where the person seeking accommodation requests the removal of social barriers pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act (Act No. 65 of 2013. Hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities") on Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability.).
8. When the person who intends to stay in the Hotel has repeatedly made a request to the Hotel as specified in Article 5-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Hotel Business Act as a request whose burden is excessive in its implementation and which may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests.
9. When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, malfunction of facilities and/or other unavoidable causes.
10. When the case falls under the provisions of the Nara Prefectural Ordinance Article.
Article 5-2 — Explanation of refusal to conclude a contract of accommodation
The person who intends to stay may request the Hotel to explain the reasons for its refusal to enter into a contract of accommodation in accordance with the preceding article.
Article 6 — Guest’s Right to Cancel Accommodation Contract
1. The Guest may cancel the accommodation contract upon application to the Hotel.
2. If the Guest cancels all or part of the accommodation contract through their own fault, the Guest shall pay a cancellation charge to the Hotel, as set out in Table 2, except where the Hotel has specified a due date of payment for a deposit in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 2, and the Guest cancels the contract before the deposit is paid. However, where the Hotel has entered into a special contract as described in Article 4, Paragraph 1, this shall apply only where, when entering into the special contract, the Hotel has notified the Guest of their obligation to pay a cancellation charge if the Guest cancels the accommodation contract.
3. If the Guest fails to arrive at the Hotel by 8pm (or where the Guest has specified an intended time of arrival, within 2 hours after that time) on the first day of their stay, without prior notice, the Hotel may regard the accommodation contract as having been cancelled by the Guest.
Article 7 — Hotel’s Right to Cancel Accommodation Contract
1. The Hotel may cancel the accommodation contract under any of the following circumstances. However, this paragraph does not mean that this hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.
(1) If the Guest engages or is deemed likely to engage in behaviour that will contravene laws or ordinances,public order or morality in conjunction with their stay.
(2) When it is recognized that the Guest falls under any of the following items (a) through (c).
(a) If it is clear that the Guest is an organized crime group or other antisocial force.
(b) If it is clear that the Guest is a company or other organization whose business operations are controlled by an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group.
(c) If it is clear that the Guest is a company whose directors include a person who falls into the category of member of an organized crime group.
(3) If the Guest engages in any behaviour that causes significant nuisance to other guests.
(4) When the Guest is a patient, etc. of specified infectious disease.
(5) When the Guest who intends to stay at the accommodation commits a violent demand act or asks for a burden exceeding a reasonable range with regard to the accommodation (except when the guest requests the removal of social barriers as provided in Article 7, paragraph 2 or Article 8, paragraph 2 of the Act on Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities).
(6) When the Guest repeatedly makes a request to this hotel that is so burdensome in its implementation that it may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests, as specified in the Article 5-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Hotel Business Act.
(7) If the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation owing to a natural disaster or other force majeure.
(8) When the case falls under the provisions of the Nara Prefectural Ordinance Article .
(9) If the Guest fails to observe the rules prohibiting certain acts under the Accommodation Policy, such as smoking in bed or tampering with fire-fighting equipment (applicable only to provisions necessary for the prevention of fire).
2. If the Hotel cancels the accommodation contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall not charge the Guest for any services not yet received.
Article 7-2 — Explanation of Cancellation of Accommodation Contract
In the event that the Hotel cancels the accommodation contract in accordance with the preceding article, the Guest may request an explanation of the reasons for such cancellation.
Article 8 — Registration
1. The Guest shall register the following particulars at Reception on the first day of their stay:
(1) Name, address, and contact information of the Guest(s).
(2) Nationality and passport number for foreigners who do not have a domicile in Japan.
(3) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.
2. Guests intending to pay the charges set out in Article 12 by any means other than cash, such as a traveller’s cheques, coupons, or credit cards, shall present such means of payment at the time of registration as described in the preceding paragraph.
Article 9 — Guest Room Occupancy Hours
The Guest shall be entitled to occupy the contracted guest room from 3pm on the day of registration to 11am the following day. However, in the event of a stay of consecutive nights, the Guest shall be entitled to occupy the room throughout the day, except on the day of registration and day of departure.
Article 10 — Observance of House Regulations
Within the Hotel’s premises, the Guest shall observe the House Regulations established by the Hotel and posted within the premises of the Hotel.
Article 11 — Opening Hours
1. The opening hours of the main facilities of the Hotel and details of the opening hours of other facilities are listed in the service directory provided in guest rooms and elsewhere.
2. The facilities will be closed every Monday. However, where a national holiday falls on a Monday, the facilities will be closed on the Tuesday of that week.
3. Under unavoidable circumstances, the days of the week and hours set out in the two preceding paragraphs are subject to temporary change. In such cases, the Guest will be informed by appropriate means.
Article 12 — Payment of Charges
1. The breakdown of accommodation charges, etc to be paid by the Guest shall be as set out in Table 1.
2. The accommodation charges, etc mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be paid at the front desk at the time of the Guest’s departure, or upon request by the Hotel, in cash or by other means such as traveller’s cheques, coupons or credit cards.
3. Accommodations charges shall be payable even in the event that the Guest of their own volition does not use the room provided by the Hotel once it has become available.
Article 13 — Liabilities of the Hotel
1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for any damages incurred by the Guest owing to the Hotel’s fulfilment or non- fulfilment of the accommodation contract or related contracts. However, this shall not apply where the damages are due to causes not attributable to the Hotel.
2. The Hotel makes every effort to prevent fires, but subscribes to a hotel liability insurance scheme in case of fire, etc.
Article 14 — Arrangements if the Hotel is Unable to Provide the Contracted Room
1. If the Hotel is unable to provide the contracted room, it shall, with the consent of the Guest, arrange accommodation elsewhere of as similar a standard as possible.
2. If, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel is unable to arrange accommodation elsewhere, it shall pay the Guest compensation equivalent to the cancellation charge by way of damages. However, no compensation shall be payable in the event that the Hotel is unable to provide the contracted room through no fault of its own.
Article 15 — Handling of Deposited Articles, etc
1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for any loss, damage, etc to cash, valuables or other articles deposited with the front desk, except where such loss, damage, etc is due to force majeure. However, in the event of loss, damage, etc to cash or valuables, the maximum amount of compensation shall be ¥150,000 if the Guest has refused to disclose the type and value of the items deposited when requested to do so by the Hotel.
2. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for any loss, damage, etc to cash, valuables or other articles that the Guest has brought into the Hotel but not deposited with the front desk, if such loss, damage, etc is the result of the Hotel’s wilful or gross negligence. However, the maximum amount of compensation shall be ¥150,000 if the Guest has refused to disclose the type and value of the items deposited when requested to do so by the Hotel.
Article 16 — Custody of the Guest’s Luggage or Personal Effects
1. If the Guest’s luggage arrives at the Hotel before the Guest, the Hotel shall store the luggage and hand it over to the Guest at the front desk at the time of their check-in, provided that the Hotel has agreed to do so in advance.
2. If any of the Guest’s luggage or personal effects are accidentally left within the Hotel after the Guest has checked out, the Hotel shall, once the owner of the luggage has been identified, contact the owner and request their instructions. However, if the owner fails to give any instructions or if the owner cannot be identified, the Hotel shall retain the luggage for a period of 7 days including the day of its discovery, and thereafter deliver it to the nearest police station.
3. The Hotel’s liability in regard to the custody of the Guest’s luggage or personal effects under the circumstances described in the two preceding paragraphs shall be governed by the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article under the circumstances described in Paragraph 1 above, and in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding article under the circumstances described in the preceding paragraph.
Article 17 — Liability in Regard to Parking
If the Guest makes use of the Hotel’s parking facilities, the Hotel merely offers the space for parking and shall bear no responsibility for custody of the vehicle, whether or not the keys to the vehicle are deposited with the Hotel. However, the Hotel shall be liable for any damage to the vehicle caused by its wilful or gross negligence in the management of the parking facilities.
Article 18 — Liabilities of the Guest
The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for any damage caused by the Guest, whether intentionally or through negligence.
Table 1: Calculation of accommodation charges (Article 2, Paragraph 1; Article 12, Paragraph 1)
Breakdown | ||
Total accommodation charges to be paid by the Guest | Accommodation charges | (1) Basic accommodation charge (Room charge or room charge + food and beverages charge) |
Additional charges | (2) Food and beverages (except food and beverages included in (1)) and other charges (3) Service charge (15%) | |
Taxes | (4) Consumption tax, (5) Bath tax |
1. The basic accommodation charge is based on the tariffs displayed at the front desk and in the guest rooms.
2. The Hotel charges the same tariffs for children as for adult Guests, but no charge will be made for infants under 6 years old for whom bedding and meals are not provided.
3. A charge will be made for the provision of extra beds.
4. In the event that applicable tax legislation is amended, the amended provisions shall apply.
Table 2: Cancellation charge (Article 6, Paragraph 2)
Number of rooms | Notice of cancellation | |||
1-4 rooms | 7-3 days' before | 2 days' before | 1 day before | No show (no notice given) |
20% | 50% | 80% | 100% | |
more than 5 rooms | 60 ~ 31 days' before | 30 days' before ~ No show (no notice given) | ||
50% | 100% |
1. The figyre shown above are percentage of cancellation charges againt accomodation charges.
2. If the Guest changes (shortens) the duration of their stay, a cancellation charge for 1 day (the first day) shall be made, regardless of the number of days by which the stay is shortened.