宿 泊 約 款
第 1 条
第 2 条
1.当ホテルに宿泊契約の申し込みをしようとする者は、次の事項を当ホテルに申し出ていただきます。 (1)宿泊者名、住所、電話番号、性別、年齢、生年月日等。
(3)宿泊料金。(原則として別表第 1 の基本宿泊料金による) (4)その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項。
2.宿泊客が宿泊中に前項第 2 号の宿泊日を越えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当ホテルはその申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申し込みがあったものとして処理します。
第 3 条
3.申込金は、まず宿泊客が最終的に支払うべき宿泊料金に充当し、第 6 条及び第 20 条の規定を適用する事態が生じたときは、違約金に次いで賠償金の順序で充当し、残額があれば 第 13 条の規定による料金の支払いの際に返還します。
第 4 条
1.前条第 2 項の規定に関わらず、当ホテルは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
2.宿泊契約の申し込みを承諾するに当たり、当ホテルが前条第2 項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合及び当該申し込み金の払い期日を指定しなかった場合は、前項の特約に応じたものとして取り扱います。
第 5 条
1.当ホテルは次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。 (1)宿泊の申し込みが、この約款によらないとき。
(4)宿泊しようとする者が宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序若しくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき。 (5)宿泊しようとする者が、暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団関係団体又は関係者、その他反社会的勢力であるとき。
(6)宿泊しようとする者が、暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるとき。 (7)宿泊しようとする者が、法人でその役員のうちに暴力団又は暴力団関係者に該当する者があるとき。
(10)福岡県旅館業法施行条例第 10 条法第 5 号第 3 号の規定する場合に該当するとき。(都道府県条例にもとづく)
(11)第 8 条第 1 項に基づく申込事項に登録に応じないとき。
(12)第 8 条第 1 項に基づく登録内容に虚偽記載があるとき、又はその恐れがあるとき。 (13)その他利用規定等に違反したとき。
第 6 条
2.当ホテルは、宿泊客がその責めに帰すべき事由により宿泊契約の全部又は一部を解除した場合(第 3 条第 2 項規定により当ホテルが申込金の支払期日を指定してその支払いを求めた場合であって、その支払いより前に宿泊客が宿泊契約を解除したときを除きます。)は、第 21 条に掲げるところにより違約金を申し受けます。ただし、当ホテルが第 4 条第 1 項の特約に応じた場合にあっては、その特約に
3.当ホテルは、宿泊客が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の午後 10 時(あらかじめ到着予定時刻が明示されている場合は、その時刻を2 時間経過した時刻)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊客により解除されたものとみなして処理することがあります。
第 7 条
(3)宿泊客が、暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団関係団体又は関係者、その他反社会的勢力であるとき。 (4)宿泊客が、暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるとき。
(6)宿泊客が、当ホテルもしくは当ホテル職員に対し、暴力的要求行為を行い、あるいは、合理的な範囲を超える負担を求めたとき。 (7)天災等不可抗力に起因する事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
(8)福岡県旅館業法施行条例第 10 条法第 5 号第 3 号の規定する場合に該当するとき。(都道府県条例にもとづく)
第 8 条
1.宿泊客は、宿泊日当日、当ホテルのフロントにおいて、次の事項を登録していただきます。 (1)宿泊者名、住所、電話番号、性別、年齢、生年月日等。
(2)外国人にあっては、国籍、旅券番号。 (3)出発日及び出発予定時刻。
2.宿泊客が第 12 条の料金の支払いを、旅行小切手、クレジットカード、宿泊券、宿泊券等 通貨に代わり得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、前項の登録時にそれらを提示していただきます。
3.日本国内に住所を持たない外国人宿泊者の場合は、氏名、住所、職業等に加え、パスポートの呈示・コピー、及び国籍・旅券 番号が必要となりますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
第 9 条
1.宿泊客が当ホテルの客室を使用できる時間は午後 3 時から翌日午前 11 時までとします。ただし、連続して宿泊する場合においては、到着日及び出発日を除き、終日使用することができます。
午前 11 時以後 1 時間ごと 2,000 円 (最長 13 時まで延長可能)
第 10 条
第 11 条
1.お客様は、自ら又は第三者を利用して、次の行為を行ってはならないものとします。 (1)当ホテルの利用にあたり虚偽の情報を登録又は提供する行為。
(2)クレジットカード等の決済手段を不正利用して当ホテルを利用する行為。 (3)第三者の個人情報を不正に取得、又は不正に使用する行為。
(4)目的の如何にかかわらず、転売等の営業を目的として当ホテルを利用する行為。 (5)大量に宿泊予約を行いキャンセルする行為、又はそれに類似する行為。
(7)当ホテルのネットワークを利用して、又は当ホテルのシステムその他のコンピュータに不正にアクセルする行為、又はそれに類似する行為。 (8)当ホテルのネットワークを利用して、有害なコンピュータプログラム等を送信又は書き込む行為、又はそれに類似する行為。
(9)宿泊施設内の備品の撤去、その他社会通念上許容される範囲を超えた要求、スタッフへの誹謗、中傷、威嚇、並びに炎上を目的とした SNS への投稿等の嫌がらせ等により、当ホテルの運営の妨害又は当ホテルもしくはグループホテルの信頼及びブランドを毀損する行為、又はそれらに類似する行為。
(11)他のお客様その他第三者、当ホテルもしくはグループホ テルに迷惑、損害もしくは不利益を与える行為、又はそれらの恐れがある行為。
(13)公序良俗に反する行為、犯罪行為、法令に反する行為、又はそれらの恐れがある行為。 (14)暴力団等の勢力誇示、又はそれらを援助・助長する行為。
(15)本規約等のその他の条項に違反する行為。 (16)その他利用規約等の定めに違反する行為。
第 12 条
第 13 条
1. 宿泊客が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳及びその算定方法は、別表第 1 に掲げるところによります。
2. 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは、通貨又は当ホテルが認めた旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等これに代わり得る方法により、宿泊客の出発の際又は当ホテルが請求した時フロントにおいて行っていただきます。
宿泊者が 支払うべき総額 | 宿泊料金(基本宿泊料<室料>) |
追加料金(飲食料およびその他の利用料金) | |
税金(消費税,宿泊税) |
3. 当ホテルが宿泊客に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊客が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても、宿泊料金は申し受けます。別表第 1 宿泊料金等の内訳(第 2 条第 1 項及び第 12 条第 1 項関係)
備考 1. 基本宿泊料は客室料金によります。
2. 税法が改正された場合は、その改正された規定によるものとします。
第 14 条
第 15 条
1. 当ホテルは、宿泊客に契約した客室を提供できないときは、宿泊客の了解を得て、できるかぎり同一の条件による他の宿泊施設を斡旋するものとします。
2. 当ホテルは前項の規定にかかわらず、他の宿泊施設の斡旋ができないときは、違約金相当額の補償料を宿泊客に支払い、その補償料は損害賠償額に充当します。ただし、客室が提供できないことについて、当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由がないときは、補償料を支払いません。
第 16 条
2.当ホテルの故意又は過失による滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。ただし、宿泊客からあらかじめ種類及び価格の明告のなかったものについては、10 万円を限度として当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
第 17 条
2.宿泊客がチェックアウトしたのち、宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品が当ホテルに置き忘れられて、所有者の指示がない場合は、発見した日から一定期間当ホテルで保管致します。(貴重品は 7 日以内に最寄りの警察署に届け、その他遺失物については、1 ヶ月経過後処分致します。)なお、当ホテルが廃棄された物であると認めるものは、当ホテルの判断で廃棄することがあります。
3.前 2 項の場合における宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当ホテルの責任は、第 1 項の場合にあっては前条第 1 項の規定に、前項の場合にあっては同条第 2 項の規定に準じるものとします。
第 18 条
第 19 条
第 20 条
1.宿泊契約成立後、お客様ご都合によるキャンセルにつきましては、キャンセルポリシー別表第2 に掲げるところによります。朝食付等の宿泊パッケージは、その公示額(以下、パッケージ料金)を基に算出し違約金として収受します。
2.同一の宿泊客が連続して宿泊する契約においては、第1 日目の宿泊料(またはパッケージ料金)を違約金として収受します。団体客(15 名以上)につきましては、契約締結時の契約書に 定めた通り、別途違約金を定めます。
契約解除の通知を受けた日 契約申込人数 | 30 日前 | 14 日前 | 8 日前 | 7 日前 | 5 日前 |
14 名まで | 無料 | 無料 | 無料 | 無料 | 無料 |
15 名以上 | 無料 | 無料 | 無料 | 20% | 20% |
3.その他、当ホテルが企画する宿泊パッケージにおいて、前途の規定とは異なる違約金を定めることがあります。キャンセルポリシー別表第 2
契約解除の通知を受けた日 契約申込人数 | 4 日前 | 3 日前 | 2 日前 | 前日 | 当日 | 不泊 |
14 名まで | 無料 | 無料 | 無料 | 50% | 80% | 100% |
15 名以上 | 20% | 30% | 30% | 50% | 100% | 100% |
注 1)個人 (1〜14 名まで)のお申込みであっても、宿泊予約の総日数が 15 日間を越えた場合、団体客としてみなすことがあります。
注 2)団体客の一部について宿泊予約の解除があった場合であって、次の各号全てに該当する場合は、違約金は発生しないものとします。 (1)宿泊日の 14 日前までの宿泊予約。
(2)宿泊予約人数の 10%以下にあたる人数 (端数は切上げ)の解除。
注 3)契約日数が短縮された場合は、その短縮日数に関わらず、短縮により宿泊しないこととなった最初の日の分の宿泊料金についてのみ、違約金を収受します。
第 21 条
第 22 条
2.変更された本約款等の内容について、 変更後にお客様が当ホテルを利用した場合には、当該お客様は変更された内容に同意したものとみなします。
第 23 条
第 24 条
第 25 条
第 26 条
第 27 条
ホテルでは、お客様に安全かつ快適にご利用 いただくため、宿泊約款第 10 条に基づき次の通り利用規則を定めておりますので、ご協力くださいますようお願い申し上げます。この規則をお守りいただけないときは、宿泊約款第 7 条により、やむを得ずご宿泊ならびにホテル内施設のご利用をお断り申し上げ、かつ当ホテルが被った損害の負担をいただく事もございますので、特にご留意くださいますようお願い申し上げます。
1 客室ご利用について
(1)客室よりの避難経路図は、客室入り口ドアの裏側に掲示してありますのでご確認ください。 (2)ご在xxや特にご就寝の際には、必ず内鍵とドアガードをおかけください。
(4)当ホテルは全館禁煙でございます。煙草は所定の場所をご利用ください。 (5)その他火災の原因となる行為をなさらないでください。
(7)ホテルの許可なく客室を営業行為(展示会・その他) 等ご宿泊以外の目的にご使用なさらないでください。
(8)ホテルの許可なく客室内の備品の移動、また客室内に造作を施し、あるいは改造する等現状を著しく変更なさらないでください。 (9)ホテルの外観を損なうようなものを窓側に置かないでください。
(10)ご訪問客とのご面会はロビーでお願い致します。 (11)宿泊登録者以外のご宿泊は固くお断り致します。
(1)ご滞在中お部屋からおでかけの際は、客室の鍵を必ずお持ちになり施錠をご確認ください。当ホテルは自動施錠になっております。万一、客室の鍵を紛失された場合は補償金として 5,000 円をご負担いただきます。
(2)お買い物代、切符代、タクシー代、郵便切手代、荷物送料等の立て替えはお断りさせていただきます。 4.貴重品、お預かり品について
(3)ホテル内での遺失物は発見した日から一定期間当ホテルで保管致します。(貴重品は 7 日以内に最寄りの警察署に届け、その他遺失物については、1 ヶ月経過後処分致します。)
(1)犬・猫・xxxの動物・ペット類全般。(但し盲導犬、介助犬、聴導犬はこの限りではありません) (2)火薬、揮発油、その他発火、又は引火性の物。
(4)法により所持を禁じられている鉄砲、刃剣、覚醒剤、麻薬、薬品の類。 (5)賭博や風紀を乱すような行為、又は他のお客様の迷惑になるような言動。 (6)広告宣伝物の配布、品物の販売、勧誘等。
(1)「暴力団員による不等な行為の防止等に関する法律」(平成 4 年 3 月 1 日施行)による指定暴力団及び指定暴力団員等の当ホテルのご利用はご遠慮いただきます。(ご予約後、あるいはご利用中にその事実が判明した場合には、その時点でご利用をお断りいたします。)
(2)反社会団体及び反社会団体員 (暴力団及び過激行動団体など並びにその構成員)の当ホテル利用はご遠慮いただきます。(ご予約後、あるいはご利用中にその事実が判明した 場合には、その時点でご利用をお断りいたします。)
本約款は日本語と英語で作成されますが、 約款の両文の間に不一致又は相違があるときは、日本文がすべての点について効力を有するものとします。
General Terms & Conditions for Accommodation Contracts
(Scope of ♙pplication)
♙rticle 1
1. The ♙ccommodation ♙greement and related contracts concluded between the Hotel and the Guest shall be subject to the provisions of these Te- rms and Conditions, and matters not specified in the Terms and Conditions shall comply with law or generally accepted practice.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel accepts a special contract within a scope that does not contravene laws and customs, said special contract shall take precedence.
3. With respect to ♙ccommodation ♙greements, when the Hotel provides the Guest with user guide, cautions, etc., said user guide shall be deemed to be part of the Terms and Conditions. Hereafter, this ♙greement and user guide, etc. shall collectively be referred to as the “Terms and Condi- tions”.
(♙pplication for ♙ccommodation ♙greement)
♙rticle 2
1. Persons seeking to book for an ♙ccommodation ♙greement with the Hotel shall inform the Hotel of the following:
(1) Guest name, address, phone number, gender, age, and date of birth, etc.
(2) Date of stay and estimated arrival time
(3) Hotel fee (generally, the basic accommodation fees listed in ♙ppendix 1)
(4) Other matters deemed necessary by the Hotel
2. If the Guest requests to continue their stay beyond the date of stay provided in Item 2 of the preceding paragraph, this shall be treated by the Ho- tel as an application for a new ♙ccommodation ♙greement at the time on which the request is made.
(Establishment of ♙ccommodation ♙greement, etc.)
♙rticle 3
1. ♙n ♙ccommodation ♙greement shall be deemed established when the Hotel accepts an application made under the preceding ♙rticle. However, this shall not apply where the Hotel can prove that it did not accept the application.
2. When an ♙ccommodation ♙greement has been concluded pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the application fee specified
by the Hotel up to a limit of the basic accommodation fee for the period of stay shall be paid by the date designated by the Hotel. If the payment is not made by the designated date, the ♙ccommodation ♙greement shall be invalid.
3. ♙pplication fees shall be applied first to the final accommodation fees to be paid by the Guest, and in the event of an incident under the provisions of ♙rticle 6 or ♙rticle 20, this shall apply after any penalties or compensation, in that order, and if there is a balance under the provisions of ♙rticle 13, this shall be refunded when settlement is made.
(Special Contracts Requiring No ♙pplication Fee)
♙rticle 4
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding ♙rticle, the Hotel may make special contracts where the payment of the applica- tion fee under the same paragraph is not required at the conclusion of the ♙greement.
2. When accepting the application for an ♙ccommodation ♙greement, if the Hotel does not request payment of a application fee under Paragraph 2 of the preceding ♙rticle, or if the due date for the payment of the application fee is not specified, this shall be handled as a special contract in accord- ance with the preceding paragraph.
(Refusal to Conclude ♙ccommodation ♙greement)
♙rticle 5
1. In the following situations, the Hotel may refuse to conclude an ♙ccommodation ♙greement.
(1) When the application for accommodation does not comply with the Terms and Conditions
(2) When the Hotel is fully booked and has no rooms available for the Guest
(3) When it is apparent that the person wishing to stay has an infectious disease
(4) When it is recognized that the person wishing to stay is at risk of acting in violation with the provisions of the law, public order, or good morals with regard to the accommodation
(5) When the person wishing to stay is an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, affiliated with or related to an organized crime group or other antisocial force
(6) When the person wishing to stay is a corporation or other organization whose business activities are under the control of an organized crime group or members of an organized crime group
(7) When the person wishing to stay is a corporation which has among its officers organized crime groups or persons associated with organized crime groups
(8) When the person wishing to stay engages in violent demands to the Hotel staff or asks for burdens exceeding a reasonable limit
(9) When it is not possible to accommodate a Guest due to natural disaster, facility failure, or other unavoidable circumstances
(10) When falling under the provisions of ♙rticle 10-5-3 of the Fukuoka Prefecture Inns and Hotels Law Enforcement Ordinance (based on prefectural ordinance)
①When it is recognized that a person wishing to stay is acting particularly unusually and is at risk of causing issues for other guests
②When it is recognized that a person wishing to stay is remarkably unhygienic in body or clothing, and there is a risk of disturbing other guests
(11) When the person wishing to stay does not agree to register the items based on ♙rticle 8 Paragraph 1
(12) When there is a false statement or risk of such in the details registered under ♙rticle 8 Paragraph 1
(13) When other Terms of Use, etc. are violated
(Guest’s Right to Cancel ♙greements)
♙rticle 6
1. The Guest may cancel the ♙ccommodation ♙greements by notifying the Hotel.
2. When a Guest cancels an ♙ccommodation ♙greement in whole or in part for reasons attributable to the Guest (when the Hotel has set a payment due date for the application fee and has requested payment in accordance with ♙rticle 3 Paragraph 2, and excluding the case where the Guest has cancelled the ♙ccommodation ♙greement prior to payment), the Hotel will apply penalties in accordance with ♙rticle 21. However, in the case where the Hotel has accepted a special contract as set forth in ♙rticle 4 Paragraph 1, the Guest is required to pay a penalty only when the Hotel has notified the Guest of the obligation to pay a penalty when cancelling the ♙ccommodation ♙greement in accordance with the special contract.
3. If the Guest has not arrived by 10 pm (or if the estimated arrival time is specified in advance, 2 hours after that time) on the date of the stay without contacting the Hotel, the Hotel may deem the ♙ccommodation ♙greement as having been cancelled by the Guest and take action accordingly.
4. The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not preclude the Hotel from claiming compensation for damages against the guest.
(Hotel’s Right to Cancel ♙greements)
♙rticle 7
1. In the following circumstances, the Hotel may cancel the ♙ccommodation ♙greement.
(1) When it is recognized that the Guest is at a risk of acting contrary to the provisions of the law, or against public order or good morals, or when recognized to have done the same
(2) When the Guest is clearly recognized as having an infectious disease
(3) When the Guest is an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, or affiliated or related to an organized crime group or some other antisocial force
(4) When the Guest is a corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group
(5) When the Guest is a corporation which has officer who is a member of an organized crime group or affiliated with an organized crime group
(6) When the Guest makes violent demands on the Hotel or Hotel staff or requests burdens that exceed a reasonable limit
(7) When it is not possible to provide accommodation due to force majeure such as natural disaster, etc.
(8) When falling under the provisions of ♙rticle 10-5-3 of the Fukuoka Prefecture Inns and Hotels Law Enforcement Ordinance (based on prefe-ctural ordinance)
①When it is recognized that a person wishing to stay is intoxicated or is acting particularly unusually and is at risk of causing issues for other guests
②When it is recognized that a person wishing to stay is remarkably unhygienic in body or clothing, and there is a risk of disturbing other guests
(9) When the Guest smokes cigarettes in the bed, engages in mischief with firefighting equipment, or shows other behaviors determined by the Hotel to not be in compliance with prohibitions in the Terms of Use (limited to those required under the Fire Prevention ♙ct)
(10) When the instructions of the General Manager and staff of the Hotel are not followed pertaining to the items above
2. If the Hotel cancels the ♙ccommodation ♙greement in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, there shall be no charge for accommodation services etc. if the Guest has not yet received such services
(Registration of Stay)
♙rticle 8
1. The Guest shall register the following information at the front desk of the Hotel on the date of the stay.
(1) Guest name, address, phone number, gender, age, and date of birth, etc.
(2) In the case of foreign nationals, nationality and passport number
(3) Departure date and scheduled departure time
(4) Other matters deemed necessary by the Hotel
2.When the Guest intends to make payment of fees under ♙rticle 12 by traveler’s check, credit card, or accommodation coupons, etc. as a substitute for currency, this matter shall be communicated to the Hotel in advance, at the time of registration under the preceding paragraph.
3. Please note that the foreign Guest who have no address in Japan will be asked to present their passport to be copied, and will be asked to provide their nationality and passport number in addition to their name, address, and occupation.
(Guestroom Use Time)
♙rticle 9
1.The times during which the Guest may use the Hotel guestrooms shall be from 3 pm until 11 am the following day. However, in the case of con- tinuing stay, the room can be used all day except for on the days of arrival and departure.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may allow use of the guestroom exceeding the hours specified in the same paragraph. In this case, the following additional charges shall apply:
2,000 yen per hour after 11 am (Can be extended up to 1 pm)
(Compliance with Usage Rules)
♙rticle 10
Within the Hotel, the Guest shall be asked to follow the usage rules that are set by the Hotel and are displayed inside the Hotel
(Prohibited ♙cts)
♙rticle 11
1. The Guest may not engage in the following acts, whether themselves or through a third party.
(1) Register or provide false information when using the Hotel
(2) Illegally use payment methods such as unauthorized credit cards, etc. when using the Hotel
(3) Engage in unauthorized access or illegal use of the personal information of third parties
(4) Use the Hotel, irrespective of the purpose, for resale business purposes etc.
(5) Book multiple accommodations and then cancelling them, or similar acts
(6) Repeatedly book and cancel accommodations without good reason, or similar acts
(7) Make unauthorized access to the systems or other computers of the Hotel using the Hotel’s network, or similar acts
(8) Send or post harmful computer programs, etc. using the Hotel’s network, or similar acts
(9) Remove fixtures from accommodation facilities, make requests that exceed socially acceptable limit, engage in harassment such as posting on social media for the purpose of defaming, slandering, intimidating, or soliciting backlash against the staff; or engage in any activity that may interfere with the Hotel operation or may damage the trust and brand of the Hotel or Hotel group, or any similar acts
(10) Make overbearing and unreasonable demands to the Hotel or staff using violence, intimidation, blackmail, or other methods
(11) Cause nuisance, damage, or harm, or be at risk of doing so, to other guests and/or other third parties, the Hotel, or the Hotel group
(12) Infringe or may infringe on copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, privacy, human rights, or other rights of other guests, third parties, the Hotel, or the Hotel group
(13) Engage in acts contrary to public order and morals, criminal acts, acts against laws and regulations, or acts at risk of being so
(14) Engage in acts that demonstrate, assist, or encourage the power of organized crime groups, etc.
(15) Engage in acts that violate the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, etc.
(16) Engage in acts that violate the provisions of other Terms of Use
(17) Engage in any other act deemed inappropriate by the Hotel
2. If the Hotel suffers damage due to a violation of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall be compensated by the Guest for said damage.
(Business Hours)
♙rticle 12
1.The information for the business hours of the Hotel’s main facilities, etc. can be obtained from the pamphlets, signs around the Hotel, or the ser- vice directory in the guestroom.
2. Business hours are subject to temporary change due to unavoidable reasons. In such a case, the Guest will be informed by appropriate means.
(Payment of Fees)
♙rticle 13
1.The breakdown and the calculation method of accommodation fees to be paid by Guest shall be according to Table 1.
2. The payment of accommodation fees under the preceding paragraph shall be paid in currency or alternative methods such as traveler’s checks, hotel vouchers, credit cards, or others recognized by the Hotel, and it shall be paid at the front desk when the Guest departs or when requested by the Hotel.
3. When the Hotel provides a room to a Guest and makes it available, accommodation fees will apply even if the Guest decides not to stay.
Total amount to be paid by Guest | ♙ccommodation fees (Basic accommodation fee: room fee) |
♙dditional charges (Food, beverages, and other usage charges) | |
Tax (consumption tax, hotel tax) |
♙ttached Table 1 – Breakdown of ♙ccommodation Fees (in relation to ♙rticle 2 Paragraph 1 and ♙rticle 12 Paragraph 1)
Notes: 1. The basic accommodation fee depends on the room rate. 2. If tax laws are amended, the amended provisions shall apply. (Responsibilities of the Hotel)
♙rticle 14
1.If in the execution of an ♙ccommodation ♙greement or related contracts, or by default, damage is caused to a Guest, said damage will be comp- ensated by the Hotel. However, this shall not apply if the damage is not attributable to the fault of the Hotel.
2. The Hotel is covered by travel liability insurance to handle emergency fires, etc.
(Handling of Inability to Provide Contracted Guestroom)
♙rticle 15
1. If the Hotel is unable to provide a guestroom that has been contracted with a Guest, alternative accommodation facility shall be arranged with the consent of the Guest, with the same conditions as much as possible.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel is not able to arrange alternative accommodation, the Hotel shall pay the Guest compensation in an amount equivalent to the cancellation fee, and this payment shall be applied to the amount of any damages. However, compensation shall not be paid when the inability to provide a guestroom is not due to fault attributable to the Hotel.
(Handling of Checked Items)
♙rticle 16
1.During the stay at the Hotel, the Guest is asked to carefully manage their cash and valuables at their own responsibility. ♙ny loss, theft, or damage To the Guest’s cash and valuables shall be the responsibility of the Guest, and the Hotel shall bear no responsibility.
2. If there is loss or damage due to the negligence of the Hotel, the Hotel will compensate for said damage. However, the Hotel will compensate up to 100,000 yen only for damage to items for which no specification or price has been presented in advance.
(Storage of Guest’s Baggage and Personal Belongings)
♙rticle 17
1. If the Guest’s baggage arrives at the Hotel prior to the Guest’s stay, the baggage will be stored under the responsibility of the Hotel only if notified prior to its arrival, and the baggage will be handed over to the Guest when they check in at the front desk.
2. If the Guest’s baggage or personal items are left behind after the Guest has checked out, these items will be kept at the Hotel for a certain period from the date of discovery, unless otherwise directed by the owner of the items. (Valuables will be delivered to the nearest police station within 7 days, and other lost items will be disposed of after 1 month.) The items that the Hotel deemed to be waste items will be discarded at the discretion of the Hotel.
3. In the case of the preceding two paragraphs, the responsibility of the Hotel to store the Guest’s baggage shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding ♙rticle in the case of Paragraph 1, and in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the same ♙rticle in the case of the pre- ceding paragraph.
(Parking Lot Responsibilities)
♙rticle 18
When the Guest uses the Hotel parking lot, irrespective of whether the vehicle keys are checked in, the Hotel shall only provide the parking space and shall not be responsible for the management of the vehicle.
(Guest Responsibilities)
♙rticle 19
If the Hotel incurs damage by the Guest, intentionally or due to negligence, the said Guest shall compensate the Hotel for the damage.
♙rticle 20
1. If the Guest cancels at their own discretion after an ♙ccommodation ♙greement is concluded, such cancellation shall be handled in accordance With the cancellation policy in Table 2. For the accommodation package including breakfast, etc. (hereinafter “Package”), the published amount shall apply.
2. Where the same Guest has an agreement to stay for consecutive nights, the penalty shall be the fee for the first day (or Package fee). For group of Guest (15 people or more), penalties will be determined separately, as specified in the ♙greement at the time of signing.
3. In addition, for Packages planned by our Hotel, penalties may differ from the previous provisions.
♙ttached Table 2 – Cancellation Policy
Day of receipt of notice of Cancellation No. of Guest | 30 days ahead | 14 days ahead | 8 days ahead | 7 days ahead | 5 days ahead |
Up to 14 people | None | None | None | None | None |
15 people or more | None | None | None | 20% | 20% |
Day of receipt of notice of Cancellation | 4days ahead | 3 days ahead | 2days ahead | Previous day | Day of booking | No show |
No. of Guest | ||||||
Up to 14 people | None | None | None | 50% | 80% | 100% |
15 people or more | 20% | 30% | 30% | 50% | 100% | 100% |
Note 1: Even if a booking is made as an individual (1-14 people), if the total number of days booked for accommodation exceeds 15 days, this may be considered a group guest booking.
Note 2: Penalties shall not apply even if an accommodation booking is made for group guests, if all of the following apply.
(1) Bookings made up to 14 days prior to the date of stay
(2) Cancellations of 10% or less of the number of people who have booked accommodation (fractions are rounded up)
(3) If the ♙greement period is shortened, irrespective of the number of days by which it was shortened, penalties shall only be paid for the first day’s
accommodation fee of the days not stayed due to shortened ♙greement period.
(Reporting to Police)
♙rticle 21
If the Guest violates these Terms and Conditions or other Terms of Use, etc., resulting in the need to protect the rights, property, and services, etc. of the Hotel and other guests, the Hotel shall take appropriate measures such as reporting to the police or relevant authorities.
(Changes to the Terms and Conditions, etc.)
♙rticle 22
1.Please note that the contents of the Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice. Please check the latest information posted on the
Hotel’s official website.
2. Regarding changes to the content of the Terms and Conditions, if the Guest uses the Hotel after such changes, the Guest shall be deemed to have agreed to the changed contents.
3. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, for the ♙ccommodation ♙greements concluded prior to any changes to the Terms and Conditions, the provisions before the change shall apply.
♙rticle 23
1. Even if parts of the Terms and Conditions or other Terms of Use, etc. are deemed invalid under laws and regulations, the Terms and Conditions and other Terms of Use, etc. shall be valid with the exception of the invalid part.
2. Even if parts of the Terms and Conditions or other Terms of Use, etc. are invalidated or cancelled for a particular Guest, the Terms and Conditions or other Terms of Use, etc. shall remain valid in relation to a Guest other than the said Guest.
(Governing Law)
♙rticle 24
The laws of Japan shall apply in relation to the validity, interpretation, and execution of the Terms and Conditions.
(Preferred Language)
♙rticle 25
The original text of the Terms and Conditions and other Terms of Use, etc. shall be Japanese.
If there is a translation provided for the reference of Guest, the original Japanese text shall be valid as a contract, and the translated text shall have no effect.
♙rticle 26
If there are issues related to the use of the Hotel that cannot be resolved by these Terms and Conditions, such issues shall be resolved through discussion in good faith between the Hotel and the Guest.
(Court of Jurisdiction)
♙rticle 27
The Naha District Court in Naha where our head office is located shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance for any disputes regarding the Terms and Conditions.
Terms of Use
The Hotel has established the following Terms of Use to ensure the safe and comfortable use by the Guest of our services in accordance with ♙rt- Icle 10 of the ♙ccommodation ♙greement. Thank you for your cooperation in complying with them. Please note that if the Terms of Use are not complied with, staying or using the facilities in the Hotel will not be allowed in accordance with ♙rticle 7 of the Terms and Conditions, and the Hotel may require payment for any damage incurred.
1 Use of Rooms
1. General Guestrooms
(1) Please check the evacuation route map from each guest room that is posted behind the room entry door.
(2) Please be sure to lock the door and set the door latch while in the room, and especially before going to bed.
(3) When there is a knock at the door, please open the door with the latch still in place or check through the peep hole prior to opening the door. If visited by a suspicious individual, do not open the door and contact the front desk.
(4) The entire Hotel is non-smoking. Please use designated smoking areas.
(5) Please do not engage in activities that may cause fire.
(6) Open flames for heating and cooking are not allowed in the guestroom.
(7) Please do not use the guestroom for sales activities (such as exhibitions) etc., or any other purpose than staying, without the permission of the Hotel.
(8) Please do not move fixtures inside guestroom, decorate the interior of guestroom, or modify guestroom such as by remodeling to significantly change it, without the permission of the Hotel.
(9) Please do not place anything on the window side which may spoil the exterior appearance of the Hotel.
(10) Please meet visitors in the lobby.
(11) It is strictly prohibited for anyone other than registered Guest to stay at the Hotel.
2. Room Keys
(1) When leaving the room during stay, please be sure to take the room key and check that the door is locked. Doors of the guestroom of the Hotel will lock automatically. If the Guest loses the room key, there will be a charge of 5,000 yen for replacement.
3. Payment, etc.
(1) Please pay at the front desk upon arrival. There may also be additional charges at the time of departure, so please pay them as well.
(2) We do not accept payment on behalf of shopping services, tickets, taxis, luggage shipping, etc.
4. Valuables and Checked Items
(1) Regardless of whether a customer is staying at the Hotel, the front desk does not check cash, valuables, securities, or xxxxxxxxxx or fragile items. Please note that the Hotel will not compensate for the loss, theft, etc. of cash, valuables, securities, or the deterioration of xxxxxxxxxx or fragile items.
(2) The goods accepted by the Hotel on behalf of the Guest will only be handed over upon presentation of a receipt. The Hotel will not be respon- sible for any damage caused as a result of missing receipts, regardless of whether due to loss or theft. The Hotel will also not be responsible for the loss of items after delivery.
(3) Lost items that are found in the Hotel will be held for a certain period of time from the date of discovery. (Valuables will be delivered to the nearest police station within 7 days, and other lost items will be disposed of after 1 month.)
(4) In principle, the storage period for items accepted on behalf of the Guest will be until the checkout date.
5. Please refrain from bringing the following items into the Hotel or behaving in a manner that will cause inconvenience to other guests and customers.
(1) ♙nimals such as dogs, cats, birds, or any other pets (however, this does not apply to guide dogs, service dogs, and hearing dogs)
(2) Gunpowder, volatile oils, and other combustible or flammable substances
(3) Objects that emit foul or strong odors
(4) Guns, swords, stimulants, narcotics, drugs, or other items prohibited by law
(5) Gambling or other acts that disturb public morals, or behavior that may cause inconvenience to other customers
(6) Distribution of advertising materials, sales activities, or solicitation, etc.
(7) Using photographs taken inside the Hotel for business purposes
(8) Entering emergency stairs, rooftop, machine rooms, and other facilities that are not intended for customers, except in the case of emergencies or other unavoidable circumstances
6. Parking Lot Use
⑴ Please follow the guidance and instructions of staff within the parking lot.
⑵ Please do not leave valuables or other items unattended in parked vehicles. The Hotel accepts no responsibility for loss or theft while the vehicle Is parked.
⑶ Vehicles parked in spaces other than those specified by Hotel staff may be moved by tow truck and the customer will be invoiced for the cost.
♙lso, the Hotel will bear no responsibility for breakdowns etc. that occur during transportation.
7. The customer may be required to pay reasonable compensation for any damage, contamination or loss to buildings, fixtures, or other items for reasons other than force majeure.
8. In case of organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, and acts likely to contravene public order
(1) Designated organized crime groups and designated organized crime group members, etc. under the “♙ct on Prevention of Unjust ♙cts by Orga- nized Crime Group Members” (enforced on March 1, 1992) will be denied from using the Hotel. (They will be denied use at the moment that they are identified as such, whether after booking or during use.)
(2) ♙ntisocial groups and members of antisocial groups (organized crime groups and extremist groups and their members) will be denied using the Hotel. (They will be denied use at the moment that they are identified as such, whether after booking or during use.)
(3) Use of the Hotel will immediately be denied in the event of violence, threats, blackmail, or intimidating and unreasonable demands or similar acts. The same will apply to persons that have engaged in similar acts in the past.
(4) ♙ person will be immediately denied using the Hotel is the person is found to be incapable of ensuring their own safety due to mentally incapa- citation or influence of drugs or alcohol, or found to be a threat or a danger to other customers.
(5) Hotel use will be denied in the event of speaking loudly, singing, or noisy activities, etc. in the facilities or guestrooms, or other acts that cause offence or trouble to others, or if engaging in gambling or other acts contrary to public order and morals. Use will also be denied in the event of other acts similar to those above.
(6) xxx use will be denied in the event that the Guest does not have cash, is not able to use a credit card, and if there is a no-show after booking, etc., or other circumstances deemed unacceptable by the Hotel.
These Terms of Use are prepared in Japanese and English, but in the event of differences or discrepancies between the two documents, the Japanese text shall prevail in all respects.