本スクールは、渋谷区神宮前 1-10-34-116、NPO 法人チアマックスチア&ダンスアカデミー(以下本スクール)が運営し、株式会社 チアマックストウキョウが管理します。
2021 年 6 月 15 日
本スクールは、xx区神宮前 1-10-34-116、NPO 法人チアマックスチア&ダンスアカデミー(以下本スクール)が運営し、株式会社 チアマックストウキョウが管理します。
体験レッスンは 1 回 1000 円(税込)にて 1 回に限り、いつでも受講いただけます。 無料キャンペーン時はこの限りではございません。 カリキュラムの都合上、日によって見学が多くなる可能性があることをあらかじめご了承ください。
資料提出後、受講料などと振込期日をご連絡いたしますので所定のお支払方法にてご入金ください。 すべてのお手続きが完了し次第、本スクールに参加することができます。
尚、活動内容上、会員資格の有効期限は毎年翌年の 4 月末(チアジムは 3 月末)までと定めます。但し、提携スクールは別途定めるとします。
(1) 本スクールの目的に賛同し、本規約に同意及び遵守できるものであること。
(2) スポーツを行うに適した健康状態であるもの。
(3)NPO 法人チアマックスチア&ダンスアカデミーの会員として認められた者。
・月会費などのすべてのお支払いは口座振替となり、毎月 27 日が代金の振替日となります。休日、祝日の場合は 1 営業日後の日付となります。 金融機関での振替不能等エラーとなった場合、事務局より銀行振込でのご請求をご連絡いたします。 振替できない場合が多い場合は口座情報を変える、クレジット決済にするなどの速やかな変更をお願い致します
1. 入会費: 入会月に入会手数料、他施設代として指定の入会金をお支払いください。(チアジムは SSSA への入会が必須です)
2. 年間運営費: 提携スクールは指定の年会費をお支払い下さい。スポーツ保険の対応はスクールごとに異なります。年間運営費には音源管理費、事務手数料、通信費などが含まれます。
3. 月会費: 月会費は前納制です。 各チームの会費一覧をご参照ください。
4. 大会、合宿、特別練習参加費: 大会チームのみ該当
また滞納金未納のまま退会されると法的手続き対象となりますのでご注意ください。 継続して 3 回振替ができない場合、また振替できない場合が年間を通じて何回かあった場合はスクール/チームから除外致します
欠席する場合は必ず先生への連絡とサークルスクエアへの入力、両方をお願いします。 急な場合は練習開始時間までに担当の先生までご連絡いただき、欠席理由をお伝えください。
ただし、移動中やレッスン中等でメールの返信ができない、電話にでられない場合もございます。 その場合は必ず留守番電話に内容を録音ください。
・悪天候や天災地変、社会情勢の変化、その他通常のスクール運営を継続することが困難となる事由が生じた時は、本スクールを休校、もしくは閉鎖することがあります。 その場合の該当月会費は返金致しかねますが、事態、時期を加味した上でスクール内にて検討いたします。
・悪天候、災害、感染症の拡大など指導ができない状況による臨時休講のご案内は、該当レッスンの 3 時間前までに事務局からメールにてお知らせします。 但し、災害などによる通信機器の不通でお知らせを即時掲載出来ない場合がありますので予めご了承ください。
・臨時休講の際は可能な限り振替日を設定いたします。 その際、振替日が翌月以降になる場合があります。 ただし政府の定め要請などによる休講でシーズン中に対応しかねるものもございますのでその際には翌シーズン以降になる可能性がございます。 振替に関しては下記『レッスン振替について』をお読みください。
・メンバー都合での練習振替はxxxxの内容的に不可といたします。 但しクラスの参加メンバーの 80%以上が欠席になる学校イベントなどの場合は別途定めるとします。 その場合、曜日、開始時間、レッスン実施時間が通常時間と異なる場合がございますのでご了承ください。 振替日は通常練習と考えこの分の振替は不可といたします。
・臨時休講の際は可能な限り振替日を設定いたします。 その際、振替日が翌月以降になる場合があります。 ただし政府の定め要請などによる休講でシーズン中に対応しかねるものもございますのでその際には翌シーズン以降になる可能性がございます。
スクール生は、受講クラス、住所、連絡先等、入会手続きの際の記載事項に変更があった場合 には該当月 10 日までに登録内容変更届にて速やかに届け出下さい。
(1) クラス追加、時間の変更などすべてのクラスに関係するもの(自動繰り上げはございません)
(2) 受講曜日の変更
(3) 休会
(4) 連絡先や住所の変更
2. 本スクールからの連絡事項はすべて指定のシステム(メール、またはサークルスクエア)より配信されます。
3. 本スクールの練習日、時間、大会については、スクールが定めた年間スケジュールにより決定いたします。
4. 特別練習や大会、発表会、ユニフォームについては別途費用が発生するものといたします。
(1) スポーツマン精神をモットーとし、スクール生全員がチアに親しみ楽しめるよう努めること。
(2) 本スクールの目的に沿うよう努めること。
(3) 当規約、及び本スクールの定める諸規則を遵守すること。
(4) 練習及び大会に際して、本スクールが指定したウェア、シューズ等がある場合にはそれを着用し、常に動きやすく品位を保つよう努めること。ウェアはすべて記名すること。
(5) 水分補給の観点から必ず飲み物を持参すること。
(6) 日頃よりアスリートとして高いパフォーマンスを維持できる生活(早寝、栄養バランスのよい食事、など)心がけること。
年に数回の保護者観覧日を設けます。 ライブレッスンも行いますのでぜひご覧ください。
発表会は、当スクールのカリキュラムの一環として年1~2 回開催します。 特別な事情のある場合を除いて、全員参加となります。 ただし入会月が開催月に近い場合は、コーチが出演の判断をいたします。 ぜひご相談ください。
当スクールでは安全にレッスンを受講いただくため細心の注意を払っておりますが、受講生のみなさんにおかれましてもくれぐれも危険な行為等が無きようご留意ください。 レッスン参加に関する免責の署名をお願いしております。
・インストラクターは選手に対し日常の 「手洗い」や「うがい」 の励行を指導します。 レッスン前に消毒ジェルを致します。
・選手自身が 「インフルエンザ、または準ずる感染性疾患」 の感染が疑わしい場合、練習、イベント、大会への参加はお控えください。
当サークル指定のスポーツ傷害保険にご加入いただきます。 当サークル活動外の当人の責に帰する事故に関しては、当サークルでは一切の責任を負いません。 軽度な障害の場合の応急処置は致します。必要であれば自己負担にて別途保険へご加入願います。
1. 本スクールの休会(引き続き 1 ヶ月以上 3 ヶ月以下休む場合をいう)を希望するスクール生は、前月 10 日までに休会届をご提出ください。 休会費は月 2200 円となりますが、ケガや疫病などやむを得ない場合は復会時に半額返金致します。
2. 休会の期間は 3 ヶ月以内とし、休会の期間が経過したときは自動的に退会するものとします。 継続希望の方は必ず再度休会届をご提出ください。 ただし、本スクールが休会の必要性を認めた場合はこの限りではございません。
1. やむを得ず退会の場合は、必ず退会する月の前月 10 日までに事務局、または担当の先生までご連絡ください。メールは受け付けません。 退会される方は必ず指定の退会届にご記入下さい。
退会届の受領をもって自動振替の停止手続きがとなります。 期日を過ぎた分は一切返金しませんのでご注意ください。
当スクールにて振替解除手続きを致します。 債務金がある場合がございますので個人で解約しないで下さい。
2. 退会後、再入会する場合は、再度、入会金及び年会費、月会費などをお納めいただきます。
3. 本規約に違反する等、スクール生としてふさわしくないと認めた者に対し、本スクールは退会していただきます
講師や他メンバーに対する迷惑行為があった場合や、本規約に違反する等、NPO 法人チアマックスチア&ダンスアカデミー生としてふさわしくないと認めた者に対し、本スクールから退会させることができます。
本スクールの活動風景を撮影した写真及び映像を cheermax のホームページ、姉妹校のホームページ、その他プロモーションに使用する場合があります。
Gym Policy
June 15,2021
The goal of our gym is to nurture sportsmanship and provide an opportunity of self-growth through cheerleading and dance, deepen the understanding of what it means to “cheer”, contribute to local communities and to society, while aiming to further spread the sport.
■Gym Operations & Management
This gym is named “cheermax cheer& dance academy” (hereinafter referred to as the “gym”).
All gym operations by gym and management are carried out by cheermax tokyo Inc. (Headquarters located in 1-10-34-116 Jingumae, Shibuya).
■Trial Lesson
Trial lessons can be done at 1000yen(tax included) and any time. This does not apply during free campaign. There are times when you can only watch the class, due to the seasonal issue.
■Registration Process
Once the participant has accepted and agreed to this policy and has submitted all of the necessary documents, they will be admitted membership in the gym according to prescribed registration procedures. After the submission of documents, we will inform you of the tuition fee and payment deadline. Please make a payment according to the designated method. Members may participate in gym activities after all of the admission and registration procedures are complete.
Due to activity schedules, membership will expire annually on the last day of April (last day of March, in the case of cheer gym). *Different for affiliated gyms
※When there is a change in enrollment date due to the member’s personal reasons, or if the member
cancels their registration after the registration process is completed, there will be no refund of tuition and other related fees (for the enrolled month and month following).
※Please note that applications for classes will be closed once the number of members reaches maximum class capacity. Depending on events and competition schedules, there may be certain months in which the gym will not be accepting new admissions.
■Membership Eligibility
To be registered as a gym member, the participant must meet the following requirements:
(1) Must agree with the gym goals and agree to abide by gym policies
(2) Must be in good health conditions to participate in the sport
(3) Must be admitted as a member of cheermax cheer& dance academy
■Payment of Tuition & Fees
・Payments of all tuitions and other related fees shall be made through bank transfer. Monthly tuitions and other fees will be automatically transferred on the 27th of each month. In the case of which the 27th is a
weekend or holiday, the transfer date will be the first business day after. If for some reason (such as a bank system error) the transfer is unsuccessful, we will inform you the details of billing through bank transfer. If transfer errors occur often, we may ask you to switch to another bank account, or switch to credit card payment.
・Admission fees and tuitions once paid are non-refundable for any reason, with the exception of when an the membership application is denied by the gym.
・If a member fails to pay the necessary tuitions and/or fees, the gym will halt instructions and guidance to the applicable participant(s). Whether deliberate or not, if the gym determines this act to be malicious, we may ask you to withdraw from the gym.
■Types of Tuition and Fees
1. Registration Fee:
Required on the month of admission, includes handling charges and facility-related fees (SSSA membership required for CGT classes participation)
2. Annual Operation Fee:
Will be charged according to gym *Insurance differs from gym to gym
Includes music-related expenses, operation expenses, communication expenses, and such
3. Monthly Fee (Tuition):
To be paid in advance. Please refer separately to each teams’ information for the applicable fees.
4. Competition, Camp, Special Training Fees: Only applies to competition teams
■Late and Overdue Payments
If for some reason the automatic bank transfer is unsuccessful, please make a payment to the designated account by the specified deadline.
Please note legal actions will be taken if a member withdraws from the gym without paying any of his/her overdue fees. If the transfer of tuition is unsuccessful for 3 consecutive months, or in the case of which it is unsuccessful for multiple times throughout the year, we may ask the member to withdraw from the gym and/or team(s).
■Absence and Tardy
For any absences, please notify the instructor in charge, and also enter in the “Circle Square” system. If urgent, please notify the instructor before the scheduled class time, with the reason of absence. Please be aware that the instructor may not be able to respond in a timely matter as they may be in public transportation or in the middle of a class. Please make sure to leave a message if he/she does not pick up the phone call.
■Substitutions and Gym Closure / Cancellation of Classes
・Please note that in some cases classes may be taught by a substitute instructor.
・In the event of bad weather or natural disasters, change in social and/or political conditions, and other possible reasons it is determined difficult for the gym to operate, classes may be cancelled, or gyms may be closed down. In such cases, the monthly tuition will not be refunded, however, we will respond accordingly considering the situation and timing of the event.
・If a class in cancelled due to bad weather, any other natural disaster, or infectious disease, a notification will be sent by e-mail at least 3 hours prior to the class. Please be aware that there may be a delay in
notification, as in some worse cases communication networks may be affected.
・In the occurrence of a class cancelation, we will try as much as possible to reschedule a substitution
class. The substitution class may be rescheduled later than the occurring month. In some cases (such as due to government rules) the substitution class may be rescheduled for the following season. For rescheduled classes, please refer to “Class Reschedules" below.
■Class Reschedules
・We will not conduct a substitution class for a member missing class for personal reasons. However, if in the event of a gym or any other event where over 80% of the class members are required to be absent, we will reschedule a substitution class. Please note that in some cases the substitution class may be
scheduled on a different day and/or time to the regular class. A substitution class will be considered the same as a regular class, and there will be no re-takes.
・In the occurrence of a class cancelation, we will try as much as possible to reschedule a substitution
class. The substitution class may be rescheduled later than the occurring month. In some cases (such as due to government rules) the substitution class may be rescheduled for the following season.
■Changes in Registered Information
If there are any necessary changes to the currently registered information, members must inform the gym through a Registration Information Change Form no later than the 10th of the month in which the change will be occurring. This includes switching or addition of classes (there will be no automatic advancements), changes in home address, contact information, etc.
(1) Change in class day
(2) Pausing membership status
(3) Change in address or contact information
■Important Matters Regarding Our Gyms and Classes
1.The gym has established guidelines for each class according to their level. All classes are taught and all gym activities (such as annual events) are set based on these guidelines.
2. All necessary communication from the gym will be sent and released through designated systems (e- mail, or Circle Square).
3. All class days/times, competitions and events are set by the gym on an annual basis.
4. Please be aware that there may be additional fees charged due to extra training/practice, competition(s), gym show(s), purchase or renting of uniforms, etc.
Furthermore, members must follow the following moral guidelines of the gym:
(1) Our motto is “Good Sportsmanship”. We try our best that all of our members enjoy cheer.
(2) We strive to meet the goals of our gym.
(3) We follow and abide by the gym policy, and all other gym rules and regulations.
(4) During training and while competing, members must wear the gym’s designated attire and shoes, and commit to maintaining their good quality for good movement. Names must be written on all items.
(5) All members must bring a drink to class to stay hydrated.
(6) To exert high performance as an athlete, we must keep in mind to maintain a healthy lifestyle. (Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, etc.)
■Parents watch day
Parents watch days are set 2-3times throughout the year. Possibility to hold live lessons so please join. please refrain from talking directly to athletes during the class, to keep the concentration during practice.
■Performances and Events
Performances and events are scheduled 1-2 time the season, as a part of the curriculum. We ask every member to attend the event, unless there’s special occasion.
If the member is very newly joined, the coaches will make decision of the athlete’s participation. Please feel free to ask coaches.
■Safety Guidelines and Disclaimer
We commit to the safety of our members, and take extra care in operating our classes safely. We also ask participants of the class to be careful, and refrain from acting dangerously. We also ask participants of our classes to sign a disclaimer of liability.
The gym will not be held responsible for any incidents resulting from a members’ careless action. Please make sure to manage one’s own physical condition and personal belongings individually. In the event of a natural disaster or emergency, please follow the staffs’ instructions and cooperate in prompt evacuation. About Hygiene Control
The gym’s guidelines to minimize the spread of influenza (the flu) and other contagious diseases, is as follows:
・Instructors will advise and encourage gym members to make “hand-washing” and “gargling” a daily habit. We will use a hand sanitizer (disinfectant gel) before lessons.
・If a member is suspected to have the symptoms of the flu or other contagious diseases, please refrain from attending class, events, or competitions.
・Instructors will keep an eye out for the members’ health conditions, and if we notice or suspect any case of disease within the team, we will ask the member(s) to return home.
・If a family within the same household is suspected to have the symptoms of the flu or other contagious diseases, to prevent spreading, please refrain from attending class, events, or competitions.
About Sports Insurance
Members will be asked to sign up for the gym’s designated sports accident insurance. We will not take any responsibility for any accidents caused outside of our gym activities (we will conduct first aid in the case of a minor accident or injury). Please join a separate insurance service if necessary.
■Membership Pause Request
1. If a member wishes to pause their membership (requires to take a break from classes consecutively for a period between 1 to 3 months) please submit a Membership Pause Request form by the 10th of the previous month. The fee during a paused membership is 2200 yen/month, however, if the member must take a break from activities due to injury, sickness, or other unavoidable reasons, 50% of the fee will be refunded when the membership is resumed.
2. The period in which a pause in membership will be admitted is limited to 3 months. One’s membership will automatically be cancelled if the member’s absence period exceeds this limit. If a member wishes to stay a member (after 3 months), they will be required to submit another Membership Pause Request. However, if the gym determines the absence or break to be necessary, it will not be limited to these terms. Please let us know in the case of gym entrance exams, or long-term injuries such as broken bones
1. Members who must inevitably withdraw from the gym must contact the office or notify the instructor by the 10th of the month previous to withdrawal. We will not accept a withdrawal notification by e-mail. Withdrawing members must fill out and submit a Withdrawal Form.
Automatic transfer of tuition payment will be terminated upon the receipt of the Withdrawal Form. Any amount overdue will not be refunded,
The transfer cancellation process will be proceeded by the gym.
Please do not cancel any transactions or terminate your account individually as there may be liabilities.
2. If a member wishes to re-enroll in the gym after withdrawing, they will be required to pay the registration fee and applicable tuition fees again.
3. If the gym determines that a member has violated the gym policies, or determines that a member has behaved inappropriately, we may ask the member to withdraw from the gym.
If we determine one’s behavior to be disruptive against instructors or other gym members, a violation of gym policies, and/or inappropriate as a cheermax cheer & dance academy member, we may ask the member to withdraw from the gym.
■Use of Photography and Videos
Photos or videos taken of gym activities may be used on the cheermax website and affiliate gym websites, and for other promotion purposes.
■Competition Team Policies
Separate management and operation policies will be set for competition teams*
*Teams whose purposes are to participate and compete in competitions
■Other Matters
・Changes may be made to programs, class schedules, and gym policies if the company determines necessary.
・Please be aware that classes may be filmed or observed for instructor training purposes. Please also note that some portions of the class may be taught by instructors-in-training.
・We ask you to refrain from contacting instructors personally (by phone, e-mail, etc). Please e-mail the office for any necessary communications.
・The gym will not be held responsible for any theft/damage of personal belongings, or other personal incidents. Please take home all personal belongings. Any items left behind will be discarded.
■Privacy Policy
The gym will comply with the laws and handle all personal information collected in the registration procedure according to regulations set separately.