<訳文>序 文
第 1 条 定義
(4)「所有者」とは、「物品」の所有者及びその「物品」に利害を有する他のいかなる「人」をいう。 (5)「人」は、個人、団体、会社、法人団体又はその他のいかなる法的存在をも含む。
第 2 条 適用範囲
(1) 当条件は、サービスが無償の場合でもそうでない場合でも、顧客または所有者または他のいかなる人から供給されるすべての他の条件を除き、フレイトフォワーダーとしての当社によって提供されるあらゆるサービスに適用されるものとする。
(2) 前掲の (1) 項にもかかわらず、物品に関して、運送人としての当社の名義で運送書類が発行されるときは、当条件からは離れて、その運送書類の規定が当該物品の運送に適用されるものとする。
(3) 当社が顧客のために引き受けたサービスに強制的に適用される法律がある場合には、この標準取引条件は、当該サービスに関して、当該法律を条件とするものとし、且つこの標準取引条件の条項が当該法律に基づく当社の権利若しくは特権の放棄と解釈され、又は当該法律に基づく当社の責任若しくは義務を強めるものと解釈されてはならないし、仮に、この標準取引条件の条項が当該法律に何らかの範囲で抵触する場合には、その抵触する条項は、抵触する範囲内で無効とし、それ以上に及ばないものとする。
(4) 当条件の全ての変更、取り消し又は放棄は、当社が署名した書面で行わなければならない。当社以外の人は、当条件のいかなる変更、取り消し又は放棄にも同意する権限を有しないものとする。
第 3 条 不測の事態
第 4 条 当社の地位と役割
(1) 当社は、顧客の代理人として全てのサービスを行う権利を与えられている。
(2) 前項(1)に拘わらず、下記項目の一つあるいはそれ以上が該当する場合は、当社は元請けとして下記のサービスを行う:
(a) 当社によって提供されるサービスと物品が当社の管理又は監督の下にある場合
(b) 物品に関して、運送人としての当社の名義で運送書類が発行される場合、又は別の条件の下の契約による場合。
(c) 強制的に適用されるあらゆる法律の下では、当社は元請けとしてサービスを提供する、又は、しているものとみなされる場合。
(3) 他の人から運賃・賦課金・種々の料金やその他の諸費用を回収するようにという顧客の指示を当社が受容した場合であっても、顧客は、それらの運賃・賦課金・種々の料金やその他の諸費用に関する責任を負い、且つ、支払満期日に至っても上記の人から支払いが為されないときは、直ちに当社へそれらを支払うものとする。
(4) サービスの開始に先立って書面で別段の合意が特に為されていない限り、当社は、物品に対するサービスを、他の人の貨物に対する役務と併せて提供することが許される。
第 5 条 代理人としての当社の行為
(1) 当社は、当社以外の人と顧客との間の運送契約を証明する運送書類を周旋(仲立ち)する場合には、顧客の代理人として行為する。
(2) 顧客の代理人として行為する場合は、当社は顧客から明示的に下記の権限を与えられるものとする。
(a) 顧客または所有者に代わって、顧客の指示の実行や履行に関する、顧客または所有者または会社、さもなければ、当条件、免責事項、第三者への責任制限を含む全ての条件の基に第三者との全ての如何なる契約に於ける名義で、従事する。
(b) 顧客および/または所有者に代わって顧客の指示の実行や履行に関連する全てと他の行為を行う
(3) 当社は、独自の裁量により、その項目の全部または一部を委任する権利を有するものとする。
(4) サービスの価格が包括的なものであろうとなかろうと、その価格の合意は、当社が元請契約者としてサービスを提供するのか、又は顧客の代理人としてサービスを提供するのかを、それ自体で示唆もしくは決定するものではない。
(5) 当社が顧客の代理人として行為する場合は、当社に運送品の受取、保管及び引渡し、運送人の選択について過失があったときのみ顧客に対して賠償責任を負う。
第 6 条 顧客の義務と保証
(1) 当条件に合意するに際して、顧客は、自らが物品の所有者であること、又は物品の所有者から授権されていることを保証する。
(2) 顧客は、物品の記述及び明細が、完全かつ正確であるとともに、当社がサービスを安全・効果的・合法的に且つ適用されるあらゆる法律又は規則に沿って実施するために必要なすべてのデータを含んでいることを保証する。ここにいう法律又は規則は、税関規則、輸出入制限、貿易制裁、及び関連する指示を遂行するために必要なその他の関連法規を言う。
(3) 顧客は、物品がサービスのために適切且つ万全な準備・梱包・ラベル標示・荷印や付番がなされていること、特に通常の取扱や保管、輸送の危険に耐えうることを保証する。
(4) 物品が顧客によって輸送機器の中に収められて、又は輸送機器に載せられて当社に差し出される場合には、顧客は、次の事柄を保証する。
(a) 物品が、当該輸送機器に適切に積載され固定されており、
(b) 輸送機器が、物品をその中に収めて、又はその上に載せて運送するのに適した状態であり、且つ、
(c) 物品が、輸送機器の中に収められて、又は輸送機器に載せられて運送するのに適していること。
(5) 物品が顧客によって輸送機器の中に収められて、又は輸送機器に載せられて当社に差し出される場合には、顧客は、次の事柄を保証する。
(a) 物品を輸送機器の中に収める前または、収める時に顧客は輸送機器が、物品を収めて、または乗せられて輸送するのに適しており、手入れがされ、整然とし良い状態であることを点検する。
(b) 顧客のために当社によって輸送機器若しくはその他の機材が供給又は手配され、それが顧客の占有又は監督の下にある間に滅失又は損傷したときは、顧客は、その滅失又は損傷に関して、全面的な責務を負うとともに、当社に補償するものとする。
(c) 当社によって供給又は手配された輸送機器若しくはその他の機材が顧客によって取り扱われて
第 7 条 顧客の賠償
(a) 顧客は、当社が顧客又は所有者のためまたはその指示に従って行為した結果又は、顧客又は所有者の保証違反またはその行為、不作為または過失(曖昧、不完全または不正確な情報または指示を含むがそれにとどまらない)の結果としていかなる類の責任対して当社並びに当社のあらゆる使用人、代理人及び下請け業者を免除し、賠償するものとする。
(b) 顧客は、いかなる類のクレーム、損失、請求が、どのように生じようとも当条件に基づいた当社の責任を超過した、またはそれに加えて当社に生じた、当社に提起された、それらの責任を免除士、賠償するものとする。
(c) 顧客は、当社が顧客または所有者のためまたはその指示に従って行為した結果としていかなる類の責任、罰金、クレーム、損失、損害、経費及び費用がどのように生じようとも、それらの全てに対して、免除し、当社に補償するものとする。前記経費及び費用にはコンテナデマレージおよびディテンションチャージを含むが、これらに限られない。
第 8 条 危険品、貴重品、腐敗しやすい物品及び特殊な物品
(a) 国際海事機関(International Maritime Organization)の International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)、国際民間航空機関(International Civil Aviation Organization)により公表された航空機による危険物の安全輸送に関する技術指針、IATA 危険物規則で危険品又は有害品に分類されている「物品」。
(b) 危険性を有する物品で、他の貨物に損害や汚れ若しくは別の何らかの形での影響を及ぼす恐れがある、又は財産、生命若しくは健康に危害を加える恐れがあるもの
(c) 特別な取扱を必要とする植物や物品。
(d) 貴重品の性状を有する品目。ここにいう品目は、金塊、硬貨、貴石、宝飾品、芸術品及び骨董品を含むが、それらには限られない。
(e) 腐敗しやすい物品。
(f) 温度調節を必要とする物品、或いは、
(g) 保存有効期間が短い物品。
第 9 条 見積りと諸費用
(1) 当社の見積りは、即座の受諾を本義として、且つ、撤回又は改訂されることがありうることを条件として、顧客へ提示されるものとする。
(2) 顧客は、すべての金額を、クレームや反対請求又は相殺を理由とした減額又は支払延期をせずに、現金又は他に取り決めた方法で直ちに当社へ支払うものとする。
(3) サービスに対する諸費用は物品を受取った時、又はサービス開始のどちらか早い時期から発生し、顧客と当社との相互合意によって支払期日が決められていない場合は、直ちに支払われるものとする。
(4) 当社の書面による同意がなく何らかの金額が、期日を過ぎても未払いのままで残っている場合、当社は、期日を超える期間を通して、年率 6 % の利息を当該金額に付加することができるものとする。
(5) 顧客は、税関、港湾局及びその他の当局のあらゆる規則又は要求事項を遵守し、輸入税、税金、関
(6) 当社は、取引において慣習的なものとなっている全ての仲介料、手数料又は他の報酬を確保し且つ支払われる権利があるものとする。
第 10 条 保険
第 11 条 申告
第 12 条 リエン
第 13 条 特別な引渡し
(1) もしも物品または物品の一部を顧客が相当期間内に引取りを怠ったときは、当社は、顧客に対して物品の引取りを要求する権利を有する。その物品を保管する権利を有するものとし、そのような保管の開始をもって、物品または物品の一部に関する当社の責任は完全に消滅するものとする。その保管の経費は、顧客によって負担されるものとする。
(2) 物品を顧客が相当期間内に引取らない場合、当社の単独の見解で、物品が品質劣化・腐敗・無価値化する恐れがあるときは、当社は、顧客への事前通知なしに顧客の単独の危険及び費用負担で、リエンに基づいて直ちに売却、廃棄又は、その他の方法によってその物品を処分することができる。
第 14 条 免責事由
(a) 顧客、所有者又は当社以外の人で顧客若しくは所有者を代理する人のあらゆる行為又は不作為。
(b) 顧客、所有者又は人から与えられた指示に従ったこと。
(c) 物品の不十分な梱包・荷印標示・ラベル標示、又は付番。ただし、当社の故意の怠慢や故意の不履行による場合は、その限りでない。
(d) 顧客若しくは所有者又は当社以外の人で顧客若しくは所有者を代理する人による物品の運送、保管、梱包、積み替え、積み込み、荷卸し、又は取り扱い。
(e) 物品の固有の欠陥又は性状。
(f) テロ行為、戦争、暴動、騒擾、労働争議、生産妨害又は破壊行為。
(g) 火災、天災、原子力事故。
(h) 当社および下請人には回避することができず、また理に適った注意を尽くしてもその結果を防ぐことができなかったあらゆる原因又は出来事。
(i) 当社および下請人がその結果を合理的には予見しえようもなかったあらゆる自己の行為又は不作為。
(j) 権限のある当局又は「人」から与えられた命令又は勧告に従ったこと。
第 15 条 責任の制限
(1) 物品の滅失又は損傷について当社は、いかなる場合も、滅失又は損傷した物品の総重量に対して 1キログラム当たり国際通貨基金の定める 2SDR(特別引出権)に相当する額を超えた金額での責任を負わないものとする。
(2) その他のあらゆるクレームの場合には、賠償額は次のうちの少ないほうを限度とするものとする。
(a) サービスの対象である物品の価額、又は、
(b) サービスの対象である物品の総重量に対して 1 キログラム当たり国際通貨基金の定める 2SDR(特別引出権)に相当する割合の金額。
(3) 前(1)項および(2)項は、次の事柄に基づいて算定される ;
物品の滅失又は損傷に係わる賠償について当社に責任がある場合、その賠償は、物品が顧客に引渡された - 又は引渡されるべきであった - 場所と時における物品の価額を基に算定されるものとする。 この趣旨に拠って、顧客のインボイスに記された物品の価額には、もしも顧客によって運賃・諸料金・保険料が支払われているならば、それらも加算されるものと看做される。
(4) 顧客からの事前の書面による要求に基づき、当社は、前記の各項に規定された限度を超す責任を受容することが有り得る。ただし、その拡大責任に対して当社が課する追加料金を顧客が支払うことを条件とする。上述にも拘わらず、間接的若しくは結果的な損失、又は遅延の結果については、一切責任を負わないものとする。
(5) 当社、使用人、代理人、下請人の使用人及び代理人から賠償を得ることができる総額は、契約に基づくものであろうと、不法行為に基づくものであろうと、いかなる場合でも当条件に規定される制限額を超えないものとする。
第 16 条 下請業者と賠償
(1) 当社は、任意の条件の下で運送の全部又は一部、積荷、揚荷、蔵置、保管、取扱その他物品に関して当社が請け負う全ての業務を下請けに出す契約を結ぶ権利を有する。これには更なる下請けに出す自由を含む。
(2) 顧客は、当社の全ての使用人、代理人、その下請け人に対して、賠償請求若しくは主張がなされないことを保証する。この賠償請求若しくは主張とは、これらのいかなる人に対して、サービスに関連したおよそ何らかの責任を負わせる、又は負わせようと意図するものをさす。それにも係わらず、このような損害請求若しくは主張がなされた場合には、その行為から生じたあらゆる結果について、顧客は当社に補償を行うことを約束するものとする。上述の規定が放棄されることなく、これら全ての使用人、代理人、又は下請け人は、本条件に含まれる当社の利益を、あたかもそれらの規定が自らの利益のために明記されたかの如く享受する。そして、当条件を締結するに当たり、当社は、それらの規定に関しては、自己のためのみならず、使用人、代理人、下請け人の代理人及び受託者として契約を締結するものとする。
(3) 当社、使用人、代理人、又は下請人の使用人及び代理人から賠償を得ることができる総額は、いかなる場合でもこの当条件に規定される制限額を超えないものとする。
第 17 条 クレームの通知及び提訴期間
当社は、下記に明示された日から 14 日以内に何らのクレームの通知が当社若しくは当社の代理人によ
って書面で受領されず、さらに下記に明示された日から 9 ヶ月以内に、顧客によって日本の東京地方裁判所に提訴され且つその旨の書面での通知が当社によって受領されない限り、全ての責任を免除されるものとする。
(a) 物品の損傷の場合には、物品の引渡しの日。
(b) 物品の滅失、不着、誤配又は遅延の場合には、物品が引渡されるべきであった日。
(c) その他の場合にはすべて、クレームをもたらした出来事が生じた日。
第 18 条 準拠法及び裁判管轄
These Conditions are laid down to formalize the business relationship between the Company and its Customers.
1. Definitions
In these Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Company" means a trading under these "Conditions" which means the entire undertakings, terms and conditions embodied herein.
(2) "Customer" means any Person at whose request or on whose behalf the Company provides any Service.
(3) "Customer's Instructions" means statements of the Customer’s any specific requirements, whether
oral or in writing, with regard to the Service.
(4) "Owner" means the owner of the Goods and any other Person who is or may become interested in the Goods.
(5) "Person" means including individuals, groups, companies, bodies corporate or any other legal entities.
(6) "Service" means any business undertaken or any advice, information or services provided by the Company for the Customer under these conditions.
(7) "Goods" means the cargo in relation to which the Service are provided by the Company and includes any Transport Units supplied by or on behalf of the Customer.
(8) "Subcontractor" means direct and indirect subcontractors and their respective officers, servants, agents and subcontractors.
(9) "Transport Units" means includes any container, trailer, railroad car, tank or any other unit load device for the carriage of goods.
(10) "Transport Document" means Ocean Bill of Lading, Combined Bill of Lading, Combined Sea Waybill or any other document of similar nature, howsoever named, evidencing a contract of carriage of goods.
2. Applicability
(1) These conditions shall apply to all and any Services, whether gratuitous or otherwise, are provided by the Company as freight forwarder, which are deemed to be incorporated in any agreement between the Company and the Customer, to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions furnished by the Customer or the Owner or any other Persons on their behalf.
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph (1), Where the Company in its own name issues its own Transport Document, as a carrier in respect of the Goods, the provisions of the Transport Document shall apply to the carriage of the Goods apart from these Conditions.
(3) If any legislation is compulsorily applicable to any Service, these Conditions shall as regards such Service be read as subject to such legislation and nothing in these Conditions shall be construed as a surrender by the Company of any of its Rights and Defenses or as an increase of any of its liabilities under such legislation and if any part of these Conditions be repugnant to such legislation to any extent such part shall as regards such Service be void to that extent but no further.
(4) Every variation, cancellation or waiver of these conditions or any part thereof must be in writing signed by the Company. No other Person has or will be given any authority whatsoever to agree to any variation, cancellation or waiver of these conditions.
3. Contingencies
If at any time is or is likely to be affected by any hindrance, risk, delay, difficulty or disadvantage of any kind, the Company may, without prior notice to the Customer, treat performance of the contract for Service terminated and place of the Goods at the Customer’s disposal at any place which the Company may deem safe and convenient, whereupon all responsibilities of the Company for performance of the contract and all responsibilities in respect of the Goods shall cease absolutely.
In this case, the Customer shall be liable for payment of any freight, charge or expenses arising out of the circumstances referred above.
4. The Company's Status and Role
(1) The company shall be entitled to perform all Services as agent for the Customer.
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph(1), the Company acts as a principal in respect of a Service if and to the extent that one or more of the following is applicable:-
(a) the Service is performed by the Company itself and the Goods are in its actual custody and control;
(b) where the Company issues its own Transport Document as a carrier or enters into a separate contract and under the Separate Terms the Company contracts as a principal;
(c) under any compulsorily applicable law the Company is or is deemed to be providing the Service as a principal.
(3) Even in the case that the Company accepts the Customer’s Instructions to collect freight, duties, charges of any kind or other expenses from any other Person, the Customer shall remain responsible for such freight, duties, charges or expenses and shall pay the same to the Company immediately if they are not paid by such other Person when due.
(4) The Company may provide the Service to the Goods in conjunction with services to the goods of other Persons, unless otherwise specifically agreed upon in writing prior to commencement of the Service.
5. The Company Acting as Agent
(1) The Company acts as agent for the Customer where the Company procures the Transport Document evidencing a contract of carriage between any Person, other than the Company, and the Customer.
(2) When the Company acts as agent, the Company shall be entitled, the Customer hereby expressly authorizes Company to:
(a) enter into in the name of the Customer or the Owner or the Company or otherwise all and any contracts with any third party on any terms including standard trading terms and terms exempting or limiting liability of such third party; and
(b) do all and any other acts
on behalf of the Customer and/or the Owner in relation to the performance or fulfilment of the Customer’s instructions. Matters authorized aforesaid include without limitation selecting, engaging and contracting with any carriers, forwarders, truck men, receiving agents, delivery agents, warehousemen, packers and other service providers.
(3) The Company shall be entitled in its sole discretion to delegate on any items its authority in whole or in part.
(4) Any agreement of a price, inclusive or otherwise, for the Service is not of itself an indication or determination of whether the Company provides the Service as principal contractor or as agent for the Customer.
(5) When the Company acts as agent for the Customer, the Company shall be liable to the Customer only if the Company has been negligent in the receipt, storage and delivery of the carriage and in the choice of the carrier.
6. Customer’s Warranties and Obligations
(1) In agreeing to these Conditions, the Customer warrants that it is, or has the authorization of, the Owner of the Goods.
(2) The Customer warrants to the Company that particulars of Goods given to the Company or any Person on its behalf are complete, accurate and include all data and information necessary for all purposes including without limitation customs, import and export restrictions, trade sanctions and other purposes to accomplish the relevant instructions and the required Service effectively, lawfully and safely.
(3) The Customer warrants to the Company that the Goods have been properly, securely and sufficiently packed, and prepared including proper labelling, marking and numbering in compliance with any statutory regulations or official or recognized standards or requirements, and that such packing and preparation are appropriate to all operations affecting the Goods and in particular to withstand the ordinary risks of handling, storage and carriage.
(4) The Customer warrants to the Company where the Goods are packed in or on the Transport Units not provided by the Company, the:
(a) Goods have been properly and competently packed into/onto the Transport Units;
(b) Goods are suitable for handling or carriage in/on the Transport Units being utilized; and
(c) Transport Units is in a suitable condition to carry the Goods packed therein or thereon onto the destination intended.
(5) The Customer warrants to the Company Where Goods are packed by the Customer in or on a Transport Units provided by the Company:
(a) prior to and at the time of packing, the Customer has inspected the Transport Units and has found the same to be in good repair, order and condition suitable for the packing of the Goods and for the carriage and other handling;
(b) The Customer shall assume full responsibility for and shall indemnify the Company against any loss of or damage to any Transport Units or other equipment furnished or arranged by the Company for the Customer which occurs while such Transport Units or equipment is in the possession or under the control of the Customer.; and
(c) The Company shall in no event be liable for, and the Customer shall indemnify the Company against any loss of or damage to the property of any other person or any bodily injury to or death of any other Person caused by any Transport Units or other equipment furnished or arranged by the Company or by the contents of the Transport Units while such Transport Units or equipment is handled by or is in the possession or under the control of the Customer.
7. Customer’s Indemnity
The Customer shall indemnify and save harmless the Company from and against:
(a) Liabilities arising as a result of the Company acting for Customer or the Owner and/or in accordance with their instructions, or arising from any breach by the Customer or the Owner of any warranty, representation, agreement or undertaking herein contained, or arising from any act or omission or negligence (including or not limited to ambiguous or incomplete or inaccurate information or instructions) of the Customer or the Owner or their respective servants, agents or the Subcontractors;
(b) all and any claims, costs and demands whatsoever and by whomsoever and howsoever arising or caused made or preferred against the Company in excess of or in addition to the liability of the Company under these Conditions; and
(c) all liability, penalties, claims, loss, damage, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising as a result of the Company acting for Customer or The Owner and/or in accordance with their Instructions. These costs and expenses include, but are not limited to, container demurrages and detention charges.
8. Dangerous, Valuable, Xxxxxxxxxx and Other Goods
The Customer warrants that, unless the Customer gives prior written notice to and obtains written agreement from the Company, the Customer will not tender for the Service any Goods which are:
(a) classified as hazardous or obnoxious goods in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) of the International Maritime Organization, the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air approved and published by the International Civil Aviation Organization or the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations;
(b) of a dangerous nature, being likely to damage, taint or otherwise affect any other goods or to be a risk to property, life or health;
(c) plants or other goods which require any special handling;
(d) valuable goods including but not limited to bullion, coins, precious stones, jewelry, works of art and antiques;
(e) xxxxxxxxxx;
(f) in need of temperature control; or
(g) of a short shelf-life
9. Quotations and Charges
(1) Quotations are given for immediate acceptance and are subject to withdrawals or revisions. The Company may, notwithstanding any acceptance, revise quotations or charges with or without prior notice in case of changes beyond its control in the costs for providing the Services contracted, including, without limitation, changes in currency exchange rates, fuel costs, rates of freight, insurance premiums or other costs or charges relative to the Goods.
(2) The Customer undertakes to pay to the Company in cash or in such other mode as the Company may otherwise stipulate or agree, all sums immediately when due without deduction or deferment on account of any claim, dispute, counterclaim, set-off, or any other matter whatsoever.
(3) Charges for Services shall be deemed fully earned on receipt of Goods or commencement of Service by or for the Company whichever is the earlier and shall be paid immediately, unless otherwise the due date of payment shall be agreed by mutual consent between the Customer and the Company.
(4) Unless otherwise agreed by the Company in writing, on all amounts overdue, the Company without prejudice to its other rights or remedies shall be entitled to charge interest at the rate of 6% per annum during the period that such amounts are overdue.
(5) The Customer shall be liable for any duties, taxes, imposts, levies, deposits or outlays of any kind levied by any authorities at any port or place for or in connection with the Goods or Services other than profit tax of the Company, and for any payments, fines, expenses, loss or damage whatsoever incurred by the Company, its servants, agents, or sub-contractors in connection therewith.
(6) The Company shall be entitled to retain and be paid all brokerages, commissions, allowances and other remunerations customarily in the trade.
10. Insurance
No insurance will be arranged except on express written instruction given by the Customer and accepted by the Company in writing. Where the Company accepts such instructions, the Company shall act solely as agent of the Customer using reasonable efforts to assist the Customer in obtaining insurance coverage for and on behalf of the Customer at the Customer’s expenses. The Company does not warrant or undertake any such insurance shall be accepted by the insurance company or underwriters.
11. Declarations
Unless express written instructions have previously been given by the Customer and accepted by the Company in writing, the Company shall not be obliged to make any declaration for the purpose of any statute, convention or contract as to the nature or value of any Goods or as to any special interest in delivery or to make any declaration as to specific stowage or storage requirements of any Goods
12. Lien
The Company shall have a lien on the Goods and any documents relating thereto, for all amount due at
any time to the Company from the Customer in respect of the Service or any previous service and for the costs of recovering these sums. To this effect, the Company shall have the right to sell the Goods and documents by public auction or private treaty, without notice to the Customer and at the Customer’s expense and without any responsibilities for the Customer. The Company shall be entitled to recover the deficit from the Customer against the amount due and the cost incurred consequent on sale of the Goods.
13. Special Delivery
(1) If delivery of the Goods or any part thereof is not taken by the Customer within a reasonable time, thereafter the Company is entitled to call upon the Customer to take delivery thereof, the Company shall be at liberty to store the Goods or that part, whereupon the liability of the Company in respect of the Goods or that part shall wholly cease and the cost and expenses of such storage shall forthwith upon demand be paid by the Customer to the Company.
(2) If the Goods are unclaimed during a reasonable time, or whenever in the Company’s opinion, the Goods will become deteriorated, decayed or worthless, the Company may, at his discretion and subject to his lien and without any responsibility attaching to him, sell, abandon or otherwise dispose of such Goods solely at the risk and expense of the Customer.
The Company shall be entitled to recover the deficit from the Customer against the amount due and the cost incurred consequent on sale of the Goods.
14. Exclusion
Whether the Company acts as agent for the Customer or principal contractor, the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage or expense if and to the extent the same was caused by any of the following:
(a) any act or omission of the Customer or the Owner or any Person other than the Company acting on behalf of the Customer or the Owner;
(b) compliance with instructions given by or on behalf of the Customer, the Owner or the Person;
(c) insufficient packing, marking, labelling and/or numbering of the Goods unless caused by the willful neglect or willful default of the Company;
(d) handling, loading, stowing, unloading of Goods by the Customer or the Owner or any Person other than the Company acting on behalf of the Customer or the Owner;
(e) inherent vice or defects of Goods;
(f) terrorism, war, riot, civil commotions, strikes, lock outs, stoppage or restraint of labor;
(g) fire, act of God, nuclear incident;
(h) any cause or event which the Company and the Subcontractor were unable to avoid and the consequences whereof the Company and the Subcontractor were unable to prevent by the exercise of reasonable diligence;
(i) any act or omission of the Company and the Subcontractor the consequences of which it could not reasonably have foreseen;
(j) compliance with the any instructions given by any competent authority or the Person;
15. Limit of Liability
(1) The Company shall be under no liability for any loss of or damage to the Goods in an amount exceeding the 2 Special Drawing Rights(SDR) as defined by the International Monetary Fund per kilogram of gross weight of the Goods lost or damaged.
(2) In the case of all other claims, the amount of compensation shall be limited to the lesser of the following:
(a) the value of the Goods, the subject of the Service, or
(b) a sum at the rate of 2 Special Drawing Rights(SDR) as defined by the International Monetary Fund per kilogram of the gross weight of the Goods, the subject of the Service.
(3) The preceding paragraph (1) and (2) are calculated on the basis of the following:
When the Company is liable for compensation in respect of any loss of or damage to the Goods, compensation by the Company shall be calculated on the basis of the value of the Goods at the place and time they were delivered or should have been delivered to the Customer. To this effect, the Customer’s invoice value of the Goods plus freight, charges and insurance premium if paid, the value of the Goods is presumed to include them by the Customer.
(4) By special arrangement agreed by the Company, the Company shall accept alternative limits of liability in excess of the limit set out these conditions if the Customer agrees to pay and has paid Xxxxxxx’x additional charges for accepting such increased liability limits.
Notwithstanding the above mentioned, the Company shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or any consequential of delay.
(5) The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the Company and his servant, agent, or the Subcontractor and their servant and agent shall in no case exceed the limits provided for in these Conditions whether the action be founded in contract, in tort or otherwise.
16. Subcontracting and Indemnity
(1) The Company shall be entitled to sub-contract the Carriage on any terms the whole or any part of the Carriage, loading, unloading, storing, warehousing, handling and any and all duties whatsoever undertaken by the Company in relation to the Goods, including liberty to further sub-contract.
(2) The Customer undertakes that no claim or allegation shall be made against any servant, agent, or the Subcontractor of the Company which imposes or attempts to impose upon any of them any of the many liabilities whatsoever in connection with the Service. If any such claim or allegation should nevertheless be made, the Customer shall indemnify the Company against all consequences thereof. Without prejudice to the foregoing, every such servant, agent, or the Subcontractor shall have the benefit of all provisions herein for the benefit of the Company as if such provisions were expressly for their benefit and in entering into these Conditions, the Company, to the extent of those provisions, does so not only on his own behalf, but also as agent and trustee for such servant, agents, or the Subcontractor.
(3) The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the Company and such servant, agent, or the Subcontractor and their servant and agent shall in no case exceed the limits provided herein.
17. Notice of Claim and Time Bar
The Company shall be discharged from all liabilities and no action whatsoever shall lie against the Company, if notice of claim in writing by the Customer is not received by the Company or its agent within 14 current days after the date specified as below, and a suit is brought in the Tokyo District Court in Japan by the Customer and written notice thereof given to the Company within 9 months from the date specified also as below:
(1) in the case of damage to Goods; the date of delivery of the Goods;
(2) in the case of loss, non-delivery, mis-delivery or delay of Goods; the date the Goods should have been delivered; and
(3) in any other case; the date of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim.
18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Conditions and any contract to which they apply shall be governed by and construed according to Japanese laws, unless otherwise specified herein, and any action against the Company shall be brought the Tokyo District Court in Japan.