(MelbouruneIT DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION AGREEMENT )にあなたは合意しなくてはならない。またメール・Web 転送サービスをは付属書 B(転送サービス規約)が適応されるものとする。
第1条 導入
このサービス規約規約(本規約)において、「あなた」及び「あなたの」は、各ユーザ及びあなたの管理上の連絡先を含む、あなたの指定する代理人を参照し、「我々」、「我々を(に)」及び「我々の」は、日本ベリサイン株式会社をまとめて参照する。本規約は、我々のあなたに対する義務、あなたの購入したベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスに関連するあなたの我々に対する義務について説明する。ベリサインドメインネーム サービスを購入することにより、あなたは当該サービスに関するユーザ IDを我々に開設することに同意する。あなたがあなたのユーザ ID を利用し、又は第三者にあなたのユーザ ID を利用させて、サービスを追加で購入もしくは獲得し、又はあなたのサービス内容を変更もしくは取消した場合(我々がこれらに関する授権を知らされていなかったとしても)、本規約はこれらのサービス又は行為に適用される。さらに、あなたに提供されるサービス(ドメイン・ネーム登録サービスを含むがこれに限定されない)の管理上の連絡先が、これらのサービスに関して全ての権限(当該サービスの終了、譲渡(譲渡が許容されている場合)、変更を含むがこれに限定されない)を有するあなたの代理人であることに合意する。我々のサービスへのあなたの申込又は依頼の承諾及び我々のサービスの履行は、神奈川県xx市にある我々の営業所で行われる。
第2条 種々のサービス
ベリサイン ドメインネーム xxxxx.xxx .net .org .biz .info xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx .net の日本語版について MelrbouruneIT 社(xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/) のドメインネームサービスをレジストラとして使用することに、あなたは合意しなくてはならない。
このため、ベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスの本規約と同時に、該当する付属書 A
(MelbouruneIT DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION AGREEMENT )にあなたは合意しなくてはならない。またメール・Web 転送サービスをは付属書 B(転送サービス規約)が適応されるものとする。
第 1 条から第27条は、あなたが購入する全てのベリサインドメインネームサービスに適用される。付属書 A~C に定める条件は、これらの別紙に該当するベリサイン ドメイン ネームサービスを購入したユーザだけに適用される。第 1 条~第27条と別紙 A~B に矛盾が発生した場合は、該当するベリサインドメインネームサービスについて別紙 A~B が優先する。
第3条 料金、支払及びサービス期間
あなたが購入したサービスの対価として、あなたは日本ベリサインに適用されるサービス 料金を、あなたの選択時に我々のウェブ・サイトに定める料金で、支払うことに合意する。 別紙 A~C の何れかに明示の規定がある場合を除き、全ての支払は直ちになされるものとし、返還されることはない。本規約に別途定めのない限り、ベリサインドメインネームサービ スの最初の期間は 1 年間であり、その後 1 年単位で延長することができる。あなたのサー ビスの更新は、その時における我々の最新の条件(申請手続き、更新時に適用される料金 の支払が無事完了すること、ドメイン・ネーム登録の場合は、あなたのドメイン・ネーム 登録がドメイン・ネーム・レジストリに承諾されることを含むが、これらに限定されない)に従うものとする。我々は更新日の少なくとも10日前までに、あなたのサービスの更新 に関する通知を電子メールにて発送するよう努力する。さらに、あなたは、サービスが更 新されることについて、単独で責任を負うものとする。日本ベリサイン及び他の第三者は、 本規約で規定する更新(サービスを更新することについての失敗、誤りを含むがこれらに 限定されない)について、何等の責任を負わない。あなたは、本規約に基づく費用の支払 に関する全ての税金(日本ベリサインの収入に関する税金を除く)を負担することに同意 する。ベリサインドメインネームサービスの全ての支払は日本円でなされるものとする。
第4条 正確な情報
あなたは次の事項に同意する。(1)申請手続きにおいて要求されるあなたに関する正しく、最新の、完全で正確な情報を提供すること、及び(2)我々のサービスを購入するときにあなたが提供した情報を最新の、完全で正確なものに保つため、我々の変更手続きに従いこれを維持し、最新の状態に保つこと。我々は、あなたのユーザ ID 及び我々のサービスに関する重要な情報及び通知をするために、上記の情報を信頼する。さらに、あなたはベリサインがこれらによって変更された住所情報を、あなたのユーザ ID に関連する全ての目的
第5条 プライバシー
xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxx ry/privacy/privacy_statement.html にあり、適用されるプライバシー・ポリシーは、あなたの個人情報に関するあなた及び我々の権利と義務を規定する。あなたは、我々の裁量において、我々のプライバシー・ポリシーが変更される可能性があることに同意する。我々は、変更後のポリシーを、効力発生日の少なくとも 30日前までにウェブ・サイトに掲載する。変更後のプライバシー・ポリシーの発効後、我々のサービスを利用することにより、あなたは当該変更に同意したことになる。あなたがこれに同意しない場合は、本規約を解除できることを、あなたは確認する。我々は、別紙に規定のない限り、あなたが本規約を解除した場合でも、支払われた料金の返還を行わない。
第6条 所有権
第7条 唯一の救済
本規約に基づき提供されるベリサインドメインネームサービス及び本規約の違反に関する、法律、xx法、その他の根拠による我々の全ての責任及びあなたの唯一の救済は、本規約 期間中に当該サービスにあなたが支払った金額に限定される。いかなる場合においても、 ベリサインは、可能性を事前に通知されていたとしても、間接、付随、特別及び結果損害 について責任を負わない。本規約において規定する責任の排除又は制限を日本国が許容し
ない場合、ベリサインの責任は日本国の許容する範囲に限定される。ベリサインは、次の事項等から発生する一切の損失及び責任を否定する。(1)アクセスの遅延又は妨害に起因する損失又は責任、(2)データ不達又は誤送に起因する損失又は責任、(3)不可抗力に起因する損失又は責任、(4)あなたのユーザ ID 番号、パスワード又はセキュリティ・オーセンティケーションの不正使用又は誤用に起因する損失又は責任、(5)本規約に基づき提供される情報又はサービスの過誤、脱落、虚偽の記述に起因する損失又は責任、(6)電子メールメッセージの削除又は保管の失敗に起因する損失又は責任、(7)あなたのウェブ・サイト又はベリサインウェブ・サイトの開発又は妨害に起因する損失又は責任、(8)我々の e-ーのコンポーネントをあなたが使用することができないことに起因する損失又は責任、(9)我々のサービスに対するあなたの申込の処理、あなたのドメイン・ネーム記録の許可された変更処理、又はあなたの代理人による手数料の不払い(登録料、更新料を含む)に関連し、あなたが負担することのある損失又は責任、(10)我々の紛争解決ポリシーの適用に起因する損失又は責任。
第8条 保証の否認
第9条 補償
あなたは、ベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスのドメイン・ネーム取扱事業者としての
立場及びあなたが本規約上のサービスを申請する関係するトップ・レベル・ドメインを含む)及び我々の(又は彼らの)請負者、代理人、従業員、役員、取締役、株主、関係会社及び譲受人を、次の事項に関連し又は発生する全ての責任、請求、損害及び費用(合理的な弁護士費用を含む)から免責される。(a)本規約、又は本規約上のあなたの保証、表明及び義務違反、(b)ベリサイン ドメインネーム サービス又は当該サービスの利用(あなた又はあなたのコンピュータから我々のサービスを利用する第三者による権利侵害、希薄化を含む)、(c)第三者の知的財産権その他の知的財産情報に関する権利、(d)提供されるサービスに関する我々の運用規則・方針に対する違反、(e)あなたがベリサインに提供する情報・データで、あなたの申請中の不実表示を含む、(f)あなた又はベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスを通じて作成されるウェブ・サイト中のメタタグその他の要素の包含、又は(g)あなたにライセンスされた、日本ベリサイン・ウェブ・サイト上で利用可能な情報、資料又はサービス。我々が、第三者から訴訟のおそれのある場合、我々はあなたから我々を免責する旨の書面による保証を求めることがある。当該保証を提供しない場合、本規約の重大な違反とみなされることがある。我々は、我々の費用で選任する法律顧問と共に、あなたのベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスの利用に関する第三者のクレームの防御に参加する権利を有する。我々は、当該防御にあなたの請求と費用により、合理的な範囲で協力する。あなたは、いかなるクレームからも我々を防御する責任を有するが、その解決には我々の書面による事前の同意を必要とする。本条の条件は、本規約終了後も有効に存続する。
第10条 解除
a あなたによって、あなたは、本規約を理由の如何を問わず、少なくとも 30 日前の書面による通知をなすことによって、解除することができる。
b 我々によって。あなたが本規約上の義務違反をした場合何時でも、あなたが本規約第4条に引用されている情報の正確性又は完全性に関する我々からの問合せに 10 日以内に返答しない場合、我々は、本規約又はベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスの一部を解除することができる。
c 解除の効果。本規約の解除があなたの本規約の違反による場合、あなたはあなたのユーザ ID の閉鎖費用を含む、当該解除による全ての費用を負担する。あなたは、ベリサインが本条にしたがって権利を実行する時に負担する全ての費用を支払うことに同意する。解除時に、あなたは本規約に基づきライセンスされた又は本規約で引用する資料の写しを破棄することに同意する。あなたは、解除時に又は理由の如何を問わず中断したときに、ベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスについてあなたに関連する全ての情報をベリサインが消去
することがあることに同意する。本規約で定める条件に加え、一部のベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスは解除に関する追加の条件を有する場合があり、これらは適用される別紙に記載される。
第11条 表明と保証
あなたは次の事項に同意し、これを保証する。(i)あなたの登録、ベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスの利用、あなたの意図するベリサイン ドメインネーム サービスの利用の方法の何れも第三者の法的権利を直接若しくは間接に侵害しないこと、(ii)あなたは、本規約を締結・履行するために必要な全ての権限を有していること、(iii)あなたは、あなたのドメイン・ネーム記録のために必要なセキュリティ・オプションを選択したこと、(iv)あなたは本規約を締結することのできる法定年齢に達していること(又は少なくとも 13 歳以上で、本規約上のサービスを申請することに両親の同意を得ていること)、(v)あなたの連絡先が日本国内で登録されていること、(vi)あなたは、適用される全ての法律と規則を遵守すること。
第12条 規約の変更
本規約に別途定めない限り、本規約有効期間中、我々が(1)本規約条件を改定する可能性があること、(2)本規約で提供するサービスの一部を何時でも変更する可能性があることに、あなたは合意する。当該改定又は変更は、ベリサインのウェブ・サイトへの掲載後、あなたに対する電子メールまたは書面での郵送後、30 日経過後有効になるものとする。あなたは、本規約の最新版がウェブ上で利用可能であることを含め、上記の変更がなされていないかどうか確認するために、定期的に我々のウェブ・サイトを調べることに合意する。あなたが本規約の変更に同意しない場合、我々に通知することにより、何時でも本規約を解除することができる。あなたの解除通知は、我々によって受領され処理されたときに有効となる。あなたが我々との間の規約を解除した場合、あなたの支払った料金は、別紙 A
~C に別途記載ない限り返還されないが、あなたに追加の費用が発生することはない。本規
第13条 ユーザ ID へのアクセス
ベリサインドメインネームサービスへのアクセス・利用をするために、又はあなたのユーザ ID を変更するために、あなたはユーザ ID の開設、パスワードの取得を要求される。あなたは、我々に、あなたのユーザ ID 番号、パスワードによって開始された、ユーザ ID に関する全ての取引を処理する権限を与える。あなたは、ユーザ ID 番号、パスワードの管理について、単独で責任を負う。あなたは、ユーザ ID 番号、パスワードの不正使用について、直ちに我々に通知し、当該不正使用によりなされた不正行動、利用料又は債務について責
任を負わなくてはならない。いかなる場合においても、我々はユーザ ID 番号、パスワードの不正使用について、責任を負わない。
第14条 代理人
あなたの代理人(例えば、管理上の連絡先、インターネット・サービス・プロバイダー、従業員)が、あなたの代理人として我々のサービスを購入した場合、あなたは本人として、ドメイン・ネーム紛争ポリシーを含む、本規約の全ての条件に拘束されることに合意する。我々のサービスの継続した利用は、あなたの代理人の無権限の行為を認めることになる。あなたのユーザ ID 番号またはパスワードを利用することにより、その他あなたの代理として行動しようとすることにより、あなたの代理人は、あなたの代理として我々のサービスを申し込む権限があること、あなたに本規約の条件を通知していること、その他あなたの代理として行為することを認められていることを、証明する。さらに、あなたはあなたの代理人のなした一切の過誤についての責任を負う。
第15条 拒絶権
我々は、独自の判断により、あなたの選択したドメイン・ネームの登録を拒絶する権利を留保し、これらのサービスの支払受領から最初の 30 日以内にあなたの選択したドメイン・ネームを削除する権利を留保する。我々が、あなたの選択したドメイン・ネームの登録を行わなかった場合、または上記の 30 日の期間内にあなたの選択したドメイン・ネームを削除した場合、我々はあなたの支払った手数料の内該当するものを返還することに合意する。あなたの選択したドメイン・ネームの登録の拒絶から発生する損失又は損害について、我々が責任を負わないことにあなたは同意する。
第16条 通知及び告知
(a)本規約で明示の定めのある場合を除き、ベリサインに対する全ての通知は電子メールによりされるものとする。あなた宛の通知は、あなたのユーザ ID 情報(本規約に従い最新のもの)に記載の電子メールアドレス宛送付される。(b)あなたは、我々のユーザであるあなたに対し、あなたが興味を持つであろうと我々が思う情報を我々が送付することを認める。通知及び告知には、商業的な電子メール、電話、変更・新製品・新サービスに関するその他の通知、インターネット・セキュリティに関する情報、インターネット上でのあなたのアイデンティティを向上させるための情報、その他の関連事項を含む。
第17条 分割可能性
第18条 完全な合意
第19条 譲渡と再販
第20条 準拠法
あなたとベリサインは、付属書 A~B で規定される紛争解決ポリシーに従うものとする。
第21条 拘束される合意
第22条 独立当事者
第23条 放棄の不放棄
第24条 輸出制限
第25条 不可抗力
何れの当事者も、地震、洪水、火事、嵐、自然災害、天災、テロ、武力紛争、労働争議、ロックアウト、xxxxxによる本規約上の義務履行の中断、妨害又は遅延について、本規約の違反とみなされず、また他の当事者に対し責任を負わない。但し、本条に頼ろうとする当事者は、(i)上記についての書面による通知を速やかに、そしていかなる場合においてもその認知後 5 日以内に、他の当事者に出すことを要し、(ii)上記で通知した不可抗力の影響を最小にすべくその環境下で合理的に必要な措置をとらなければならない。さらに、本セクションで記載した不可抗力が累積で 30 日間を超えた場合は、ベリサインは直ちに本規約を解除することができる。
第26条 標題
第27条 存続条項
本規約が期間満了又は解除された場合、セクション 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10(c),14 及び 17~27は、当該期間満了又は解除後も有効に存続する。
1. Introduction
付属書 A
.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name, .travel, .cat and .mobi registrations only PART A - Terms that apply to all domain name registrations
Melbourne IT is an accredited Registrar of Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). This domain name registration agreement (Registration Agreement) is submitted by you, the applicant for, and on registration, the licence holder of a domain name (refered to in this Agreement as you, your and the Registrant) to Melbourne IT Limited ACN 073 716 793 (Melbourne IT) for the purpose of registering a domain name.
Part A sets out the general provisions governing all domain name registrations governed by this Registration Agreement.
Part B sets out the additional provisions specific to .com, .net and .org domain name registrations. Part C sets out the additional provisions specific to multi-lingual domain name registrations.
Part D sets out the additional provisions specific to other domain name pre-registrations and registrations governed by this Registration Agreement.
If this Registration Agreement is accepted by Melbourne IT, Registrant agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Registration Agreement in respect of any domain name pre-registrations or registrations submitted by Registrant to Melbourne IT.
2. Changes to this Registration Agreement
Melbourne IT may change the terms and conditions of this Registration Agreement either by obtaining your consent or giving you notice. The period of notice given by Melbourne IT depends on the nature of the change. If:
1.the change will benefit you, we may make the change immediately and are not required to notify you prior to the change;
2.the change is required by law, a regulatory body (including ICANN, auDA or any other domain name regulatory body) or for a technical reason (including for security), we will give you a reasonable period of notice not exceeding 3 days;
3.we consider that the change has a significant and detrimental impact on our customers generally, we will give you at least 30 days notice prior to the change, and
4.for all other changes, we will also give you at least 30 days notice prior to the change.
Melbourne IT may give notice of a change by posting the new version of the Agreement on its website located at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxxx
3. Licensing of Domain Name
Registrant remains the responsible contracting party under this Registration Agreement, even if Registrant licenses use of the domain name to a third party.
4. Dispute Policy
Registrant agrees, as a condition to submitting this Registration Agreement, and if the Registration Agreement is accepted by Melbourne IT, that on successful registration of any domain name under this Agreement the Registrant is bound by Melbourne IT's current dispute policy and the dispute policy procedures. Registrant acknowledges that the dispute policy described in this clause 4 is the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the UDRP Dispute Policy). Registrant agrees that in respect of the pre-registration or registration of other domain names covered by this agreement in Part D, other dispute policies may apply as specified by the registry administrator of those domain names from time to time, as described in more detail in Part D (the "Other Dispute Policies"). Registrant agrees that Melbourne IT may change or modify the UDRP Dispute Policy, incorporated by reference herein, at any time. Registrant agrees that Registrant's maintaining the registration of a domain name after changes or modifications to the UDRP Dispute Policy become effective constitutes Registrant's continued acceptance of these changes or modifications. Registrant agrees that any dispute relating to registration or use of its domain name (and which is not the subject of the Other Dispute Policies) will be subject to the provisions specified in the UDRP Dispute Policy. Without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, Registrant submits to the jurisdiction of the courts as described in clause 19. The UDRP Dispute Policy can be viewed at xxx.xxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx0. The UDRP Dispute Policy procedure can be viewed at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx.xxx0.
5. Agents
Registrant agrees that if this Registration Agreement is completed by an agent for the Registrant, such as an Administrative Contact/Agent, the Registrant is nonetheless bound as a principal by all terms and conditions herein, including the relevant domain name dispute policy.
6. Expiration of the domain name license
x.Xxx may renew your domain name with Melbourne IT at any time before the date 40 days after the Expiry Date (Renewal Deadline).
ii.Registrant acknowledges that certain registry authorities offer a further period after the Renewal Deadline during which a registrant may renew their domain name before it is available for re-registration by other parties. If your domain name has not otherwise been dealt with by Melbourne IT under the terms of this Registration Agreement, your domain name will be cancelled at the registry after which you may be eligible for a further 30 day Registry Redemption Grace Period during which you may redeem your
domain name by paying to Melbourne IT the redemption fee (the current redemption fee is set out at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx and is subject to change).
6A Additional Provisions for Undelegated and Expiring Domain Names 6A.1On registration of a domain name with Melbourne IT as registrar Melbourne IT may by default delegate that name to resolve to a Melbourne IT Parked Page. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that the Melbourne IT Parked Page may include a statement and graphics to the effect that the website/domain name is registered/powered by Melbourne IT; links to Melbourne IT's website; links to third party websites, advertising of Melbourne IT products and services and advertising content from or about a third party and/or their products and services. Registrant may opt-out of the display of the Melbourne IT Parked Page prior to the Expiry Date by: 6A.1.1 registering the domain name with a Melbourne IT Authorised Reseller who has agreed with Melbourne IT not to participate;
6A.1.2 delegating its domain name to a different nameserver; or
6A.1.3 giving written notice to Melbourne IT Limited at Levex 0, 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx 0000 Xxxtralia (or such other business address notified from time to time by Melbourne IT on its web site).
6A.2 At the request of the Registrant Melbourne IT may provide its Private Registration Service (which includes, without limitation, updating certain public contact details associated with the domain name such as the postal address and email address in the WHOIS database) with respect to the domain name for the period up to and including the Expiry Date on the following terms. 6A.2.2 The Private Registration Terms located at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx (as may be updated from time to time) are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
6A.2.4Registrant may terminate the provision of the Private Registration Service at any time prior to the Expiry Date in accordance with the Private Registration Terms.
6A.2.5Melbourne IT may charge Registrant a fee for the provision of the Private Registration Service as notified to the Registrant from time to time. Registrant will be required to pay (and to continue to pay) for the Private Registration Service in accordance with the billing and payment provisions contained in the Private Registration Terms
6A.2.6Registrant may terminate the provision of the Private Registration Service: 6A.2.6.1in the case of changing the fee for the Private Registration Service, at any time by at least 30 days written notice to Melbourne IT; or
6A.2.6.2at any other time in accordance with the Private Registration Terms.
6A.3 Melbourne IT may elect to lock the domain name at any time and Registrant may unlock the domain name at any time subject to any relevant policies, procedures and processes (for example, relating to a UDRP dispute).
6A.5 Following the Expiry Date, Melbourne IT may delegate (or re-delegate, if applicable) any domain name registered through Melbourne IT as registrar to resolve to a Melbourne IT Parked Page.
6A.6 Melbourne IT may from the Expiry Date: 6A.6.1 state that the domain name may become
available to be acquired or transferred to a third party following the expiration of the Renewal Deadline via the Melbourne IT Parked Page or such other means reasonably determined by Melbourne IT; and
6A.6.2 Melbourne IT may continue to supply Melbourne IT's Private Registration Service to Registrant in connection with the domain name) in accordance with the Private Registration Terms, at no cost to Registrant.
6A.7 If Registrant has not renewed the domain name by the Renewal Deadline, Melbourne IT may transfer the domain name to a third party (Transferee) on Registrant's behalf and as Registrant's agent (Registrant Domain Name Transfer).
6A.8 In order to facilitate a Registrant Domain Name Transfer, Registrant agrees that: 6A.8.1 Melbourne IT may use a third party provider of auction services and/or sale services in connection
with the transfer of domain names (Third Party Provider);
6A.8.2 Melbourne IT has full authority to act as Registrant's agent (including to exercise any rights under any terms and conditions) to effect the Registrant Domain Name Transfer, and any such acts will be deemed as an act validly performed by the Registrant;
6A.8.4 Melbourne IT will notify Registrant by email following receipt of any fees received by Melbourne IT in cleared funds from a Transferee for a Registrant Domain Name Transfer. Registrant acknowledges that Melbourne IT will only be able to contact Registrant, if required, under this clause 6A.8.4. if Registrant keep its contact details with respect to the domain name up to date. Registrant therefore agrees that Registrant will be solely responsible for keeping such contact details up to date;
6A.8.5 Registrant may receive a transfer price commission, as specified from time to time at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxx/xxxxx.xxx?xxxxxxxxxxx00000, which link or transfer price commission may be updated or amended by Melbourne IT from time to time (Transfer Price Commission) subject to: 6A.8.5.1 Registrant applying to Melbourne IT for that Transfer Price Commission within ninety days of the email notification referred to in clause 6A.8.4, in accordance with the process notified from time to time by Melbourne IT to Registrant (Transfer Price Commission Application); and
6A.8.5.2 Melbourne IT being able to authenticate the identity of Registrant via Melbourne IT's standard authentication procedures, as applicable at the relevant time;
6A.8.6 If eligible and the Registrant has provided Melbourne IT with the Transfer Price Commission Application (but not otherwise), Registrant, will be paid the Transfer Price Commission within 30 days of receipt by Melbourne IT of the Transfer Price Commission Application (Payment Date Period) and in a manner determined by Melbourne IT in its sole discretion (including but not limited to, by a transfer of funds via a Paypal™ account or similar service), such manner to be detailed in an email communication to Registrant within the Payment Date Period. Registrant acknowledges that if Melbourne IT determines to pay the Transfer Price Commission via a Paypal™ account or similar service, Registrant will only be able to receive the Transfer Price Commission in the event that Registrant sets up an account with Paypal™ account or that other service (if applicable); and
6A.8.7 If eligible the Registrant will be paid any Transfer Price Commission (if applicable): 6A.8.7(A) subject to clause 6A.8.7(B), exclusive of any goods and services tax and any other taxes and charges that may be applicable to the Transfer Price Commission by any relevant law, and Registrant will be responsible for any applicable tax, charge or levy; or
6A.8.7(B) if Registrant is an Australian resident for taxation purposes, in addition to being required to provide Melbourne IT with the Transfer Price Application, Registrant must provide Melbourne IT with a valid Australian Business Number (ABN), and any Transfer Price Commission paid to Registrant: 6A.8.7(B)(i) will be paid inclusive of any goods and services tax ("GST") but exclusive of any other tax or charge which may apply to the commission under any relevant law, and for which Registrant shall be responsible; and
6A.8.7(B)(ii) will be supported by a recipient-created tax invoice issued to Registrant by Melbourne IT in accordance with the requirements of the GST legislation then in force.
6A.8Registrant acknowledges that if Melbourne IT undertakes any of the actions contemplated by clauses 6A.5 or 6A.6, any services in connection with the domain name (including without limitation, any email services) will cease.
6A.9 Registrant agrees that Melbourne IT may cease and not complete a Registrant Domain Name Transfer for any reason at any time (including, without limitation, if any dispute is raised in connection with the domain name or if Melbourne IT is required to do so to comply with any order or direction of ICANN, any applicable registry administrator or enforcement agency, or Melbourne IT elects to comply with any request from such party to do so).
6A.10 Nothing in this clause 6A will constitute an obligation for Melbourne IT to effect or an express or implied guarantee or warranty that Melbourne IT will be successful in effecting a Registrant Domain Name Transfer. In addition Melbourne IT takes no responsibility for (and will have no liability to Registrant for) any act (or omission) of the Third Party Provider arising directly or indirectly out of the auction or sale of the domain name, including, without limitation, with respect to the finalisation of the auction or sale of the domain name of the domain name by the Third Party Provider.
6A.11Nothing in this clause 6A shall require Melbourne IT to perform any act or thing which, in Melbourne IT's sole discretion, is inconsistent with or disadvantageous to its role as registrar under this Agreement or otherwise, or result in Melbourne IT not being entitled to exercise any other right available to Melbourne IT under this Agreement.
7. Limitation of Liability
To the extent permitted by law, Registrant agrees that neither Melbourne IT nor the registry administrator has any liability to the Registrant or the Registrant's agent for any loss Registrant may incur in connection with Melbourne IT's processing of this Registration Agreement, Melbourne IT's processing of any pre-registration application or application for a domain name, the processing of any authorized modification to the domain
name's record during the covered registration or renewal period, any action (or inaction of either Melbourne IT or any Third Party Provider under clause 6A), or the failure by the Registrant or the Registrant's agent to pay a pre-registration fee or other fee (including, without limitation, any registration fee or renewal fee), or as a result of the application of the provisions of the relevant domain name dispute policy. Registrant agrees that in no event will the liability of Melbourne IT under this Agreement for any matter exceed, in the sole option of Melbourne IT, the re-supply of the services again or the fee paid to Melbourne IT for the provision of the services.
8. Indemnity
Registrant agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold both Melbourne IT and the registry administrator, their directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against all and any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of or relating to Registrant's domain name registration, renewal or pre-registration, or to the Registrant's use of the domain name. This clause survives termination of this Agreement.
9. Breach
Registrant agrees that failure to abide by any provision of this Registration Agreement or the relevant domain name dispute policy (including, without limitation, any domain name dispute policy that applies during a pre-registration period) may be considered by Melbourne IT to be a material breach and that Melbourne IT may provide a notice, describing the breach, to the Registrant. If, within thirty (30) days of the date of such notice, the Registrant fails to provide evidence, which is reasonably satisfactory to Melbourne IT, that it has not breached its obligations, then Melbourne IT may delete Registrant's registration of the domain name. Any such breach by a Registrant shall not be deemed to be excused simply because Melbourne IT did not act earlier in response to that, or any other, breach by the Registrant. Notice may be given by mail, facsimile or electronic means.
10. No Warranty by Melbourne IT
Registrant agrees that neither a pre-registration application nor a registration of a domain name grants any legal rights of ownership of the relevant domain name, nor does it confer immunity from objection to the pre-registration, registration or use of the domain name.
11. Acknowledgements and Warranty
(i) Registrant acknowledges that it is Registrant's responsibility to ensure that the domain name is renewed. Registrant agrees, in addition to the indemnity above, to keep indemnified, release and hold harmless Melbourne IT and the registry administrator, their directors, officers, employees and agents, against any claim for damage or loss arising from any failure of Registrant's domain name to be renewed by Registrant.
(ii) Registrant warrants that, to the best of Registrant's knowledge and belief, neither its registration of a domain name nor the manner in which it is directly or indirectly used infringes the legal rights of a third party. Breach of this warranty will constitute a material breach.
12. Revocation
Registrant agrees that Melbourne IT may delete a Registrant's domain name if any information required to be supplied by the Registrant under this Registration Agreement, or subsequent modification(s) thereto, is false or misleading, or conceals or omits any information Melbourne IT would likely consider material to its decision to approve this Registration Agreement.
13. Right of Refusal
Registrant acknowledges that the registry administrator or ICANN policy may provide that registration of certain domain names is prohibited. Melbourne IT, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse to approve the Registration Agreement for any Registrant. Registrant agrees that the submission of this Registration Agreement does not obligate Melbourne IT to accept this Registration Agreement. Registrant agrees that Melbourne IT is not liable for loss or damage that may result from Melbourne IT's refusal to accept this Registration Agreement.
14. Change in Registrar
Registrant agrees that it can change its Registrar for an existing domain name only in accordance with registry administrator policy. Registrant agrees it may not change its Registrar for a period of sixty (60) days after initial registration of the domain name with Melbourne IT.
15. Suspension, Cancellation, Transfer Registrant agrees that registration of its domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation or transfer by any ICANN procedure, or by any registry administrator procedure approved by ICANN policy:
15.1 to correct mistakes by Registrar or the registry administrator in registering the domain name;
15.2 for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name; or
15.3 in case of arbitration or court proceedings being commenced with respect to the rights to the domain name. In addition to the above rights, Melbourne IT may suspend or cancel the registration of Registrant's domain name, or, suspend the delegation of Registrant's Domain Name, if as reasonably determined by Melbourne IT in its sole discretion, the Registrant or any other person uses the domain name in connection with any:
15.4 activity that infringes the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party;
15.5 activity that defames or disparages any third party; or
15.6otherwise illegal or fraudulent activity, or otherwise in accordance with Melbourne IT's Acceptable Use
16. Payment
16.1 The registration fee is payable with the Application.
16.2 Registration is not effective until the Registration fee has been paid and cleared.
16.3 The registration is for the full period of years selected and paid for at the time of Application or renewal.
16.4 All fees are non-refundable.
17. Non payment
Registrant agrees that failure to pay any fee for its domain name when due (as evidenced for example by, without limitation, Registrant's credit card company notifying Melbourne IT of Registrant disputing the payment of, or refusing to pay such Registration fee, or where the Registrant's credit card payment has been declined or reversed) will entitle Melbourne IT to immediately transfer the relevant domain name from the Registrant to Melbourne IT, at its sole discretion. Registrant acknowledges that Melbourne IT will own all rights of the registered domain name holder in respect of any domain name transferred to Melbourne IT under this clause 16, including the right to sell the domain name to a third party. Melbourne IT may in its sole discretion re-transfer the relevant domain name to the Registrant subject to the Registrant's payment of any outstanding Registration fee, and Registrant's payment of Melbourne IT's then current re-transfer fee.
17. Severability
Registrant agrees that the terms of this Registration Agreement are severable. If any term or provision is declared invalid, it shall not affect the remaining terms or provisions, which shall continue to be binding.
18. Application Details
Registrant must provide to Melbourne IT the information set out in the compulsory fields and may provide the information set out in the discretionary fields of the Application ('Information'). Registrant warrants that all Information provided is accurate and reliable. Registrant undertakes to promptly correct and update Information during the registration or renewal period and to respond within fifteen (15) calendar days to inquiries from Melbourne IT concerning the accuracy of compulsory Information.
Registrant agrees that this Registration Agreement and the relevant domain name dispute policy (including, without limitation, any domain name dispute policy that applies during a pre-registration period) is the complete and exclusive agreement between Registrant and Melbourne IT regarding the registration of Registrant's domain name. This Registration Agreement and the relevant domain name dispute policy supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether established by custom, practice, policy, or precedent.
19. Use of Information
19.1 Registrant acknowledges Information obtained from Registrant will be: 19.1.1 transmitted to the registry administrator for registry use
19.1.2publicly available as required by ICANN, the registry or the relevant regulator;
19.1.3 used by Melbourne IT for inclusion in registers and data bases produced by Melbourne IT or its licensees.
19.2 Registrant may access data provided and rectify any incorrect data relating to Registrant through a registry key to be provided by Melbourne IT. Registrant may provide a written authorisation to an agent to hold and use the registry key. Registrant must inform Melbourne IT of its current agent as required by Melbourne IT.
19.3 Registrant consents to the use of the Information for the purposes set out in clauses 19.1.1 to 19.1.3.
19.4 Registrant warrants that it has provided, or will provide, to any third party individuals whose personal details the Registrant has provided to Melbourne IT, the same information about use of those details as are set out in this clause 19, and that the third parties individually have consented to use of their personal data.
19.5 Melbourne IT will not process Information in a manner incompatible with the purposes and limitations set out in this clause 19. Melbourne IT will process Information in accordance with the terms of its Privacy Policy, which can be viewed at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx/
19.6 Melbourne IT will take reasonable precautions to protect personal information obtained from Registrant from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration or destruction.
20. Severability
Registrant agrees that the terms of this Registration Agreement are severable. If any term or provision is declared invalid, it shall not affect the remaining terms or provisions, which shall continue to be binding.
21. Entirety
Registrant agrees that this Registration Agreement and the relevant domain name dispute policy (including, without limitation, any domain name dispute policy that applies during a pre-registration period) is the complete and exclusive agreement between Registrant and Melbourne IT regarding the registration of Registrant's domain name. This Registration Agreement and the relevant domain name dispute policy supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether established by custom, practice, policy, or precedent.
22. Governing Law
22.1 Registrant agrees that this Registration Agreement is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia.
22.2 In relation to any dispute, legal action or proceedings that may be brought by the Registrant with
respect to this Agreement or any transaction contemplated by this Agreement, Registrant irrevocably and unconditionally submits to and accepts the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the Courts of Victoria, Australia (including the Victorian Registry of the Federal Courts. and all courts hearing appeals from such Courts.
22.3 In relation to any dispute, legal action or proceedings that may be brought against the Registrant by a third party concerning or arising from use of the domain name (including a UDRP dispute), the Registrant shall submit, without prejudice to other potentially applicable jurisdictions, to the jurisdiction of the courts (1) of the Registrant's domicile and (2) where Melbourne IT is located.
23. General
23.1 Nothing in this Agreement may be construed as creating the relationship of agency partnership or joint venture between the parties.
23.2 Failure by Melbourne IT to require Registrant to comply with a provision of this agreement does not affect the full right to require any provision to be performed at any time thereafter.
Part B - Terms that apply to .com, .net, .org domain name registrations only
24. .com, .net and .org registry operators
Verisign Global Registry Services is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .com and .net domain name registry. Public Interest Registry is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .org domain name registry.
PART C - Multilingual Registrations
25. Special Provisions for ML.Registrations
Registrants who register an Internationalised Domain Name (hereafter referred to as a 'Multilingual domain name') acknowledge that the Multilingual system is at all times subject to any change in standards published from time to time by the Internet Engineering Task Force ('IETF').
As at the date of this Agreement, IETF standards have been implemented for .com, .net and .org Multilingual domain names.
Registrant acknowledges and agrees that any changes or amendments to these IETF standards may cause the internal representation of a Multilingual domain name or the licence period of a Multilingual domain name to change, become invalid, or, be deleted. Such occurrences will be resolved on a case-by-case basis by Melbourne IT, as they occur, to the extent that Melbourne IT is able to do so.
No .org Multilingual domain name may be registered from the date of this Agreement, unless Melbourne IT provides notification to the contrary.
PART D - Terms that apply to other domain name pre-registrations and registrations
26. .biz, .info, .name, .travel and .cat Domain Names
A Should you seek to register a .biz second level domain name, you must contractually agree to the following terms:
0.XXX REGISTRY OPERATORNeuLevel, Inc is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .biz domain name registry.
0.XXX RESTRICTIONSRegistrations in the .biz TLD must be used or intended to be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes. For purposes of the .biz Registration Restrictions ("Restrictions"), "bona fide business or commercial use" shall mean the bona fide use or bona fide intent to use the domain name or any content, software, materials, graphics or other information thereon, to permit Internet users to access one or more host computers through the DNS: a) To exchange goods, services, or property of any kind;b) In the ordinary course of trade or business; or c) To facilitate (i) the exchange of goods, services, information, or property of any kind; or, (ii) the ordinary course of trade or business. Registering a domain name solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation shall not constitute a "bona fide business or "commercial use" of that domain name.
0.XXX CERTIFICATIONAs a .biz domain name Registrant, you hereby certify to the a) The registered domain name will be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes and not (i) exclusively for personal use; or (ii) solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation. For more information on the .biz restrictions, which are incorporated herein by reference, please see: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxx/ b) The domain name Registrant has the authority to enter into the registration agreement; and c) The registered domain name is reasonably related to the Registrant's business or intended commercial purpose at the time of registration.
4.PROVISION OF REGISTRATION DATA4.1 Provision of Registration Xxxx.Xx part of the registration process, you are required to provide the registry administrator with certain information and to update this
information to keep it current, complete and accurate. This information includes: (i) your full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available; (ii) the name of an authorized person for contact purposes in the case of a Registrant that is an organization, association, or corporation; (iii) the IP addresses of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver(s) for the domain name; (iv) the corresponding names of those nameservers; (v) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the technical contact for the domain name; (vi) the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the administrative contact for the domain name; (vii) the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the billing contact for the domain name; and (viii) any remark concerning the registered domain name that should appear in the Whois directory. You agree and understand that the foregoing registration data will be publicly available and accessible on the Whois directory as required by ICANN/Registry Policy and may be sold in bulk in accordance with the ICANN Accreditation Agreement (the "ICANN Agreement"), available at ICANN's site. For bulk services in respect of the registration data which are provided by Melbourne IT, if the Registrant does not consent to the use of such information for inclusion in registers and data bases produced by Melbourne IT or its licensees, then the Registrant is required to provide non consent verification stating name, address, date and signed by the appropriate authorised individual. This must be sent to Melbourne IT Limited, 120 King Street, Melbourne 3000 Australia.
4.2Inaccurate or Unreliable Xxxx.Xxx hereby represent and warrant that the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete and that you will continue to keep all the information provided up to date. Your willful provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, your willful failure promptly to update information provided to the registry administrator, or any failure to respond for over five calendar days to our inquiries addressed to the e-mail address of the administrative, billing or technical contact then appearing in the Whois directory with respect to an domain name concerning the accuracy of contact details associated with any registration(s) or the registration of any domain name(s) registered by or through you or your account, shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. Any information collected by the registry administrator concerning an identified or identifiable natural person ("Personal Data") will be used in connection with the registration of your domain name(s) and for the purposes of this Agreement and as required or permitted by the ICANN Agreement or any ICANN/Registry Policy.
4.DOMAIN NAME DISPUTE POLICYIf you reserved or registered a .biz domain name through the registry administrator, you agree to be bound by our current domain name dispute policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with that policy. In addition, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement: i. The Start-up
Trademark Opposition Policy ("STOP"), available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx.xxxx; and ii. The Restrictions Dispute Resolution Criteria and Rules, available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx.xxxx. The STOP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant of a .biz domain name ("Registrant") with any third party (other than registry administrator or registrar) over the registration or the use of a .biz domain name registered by Registrant that is subject to the Intellectual Property Claim Service. The Intellectual Property Claim Service is a service introduced by Registry administrator to notify a trademark or service mark holder ("Claimant") that a second-level domain name has been registered in which that Claimant claims intellectual property rights. In accordance with the STOP and its associated Rules, those Claimants will have the right to challenge registrations through independent ICANN-accredited dispute resolution providers. The RDRP sets forth the terms under which any allegation that a domain name is not used primarily for business or commercial purposes shall be enforced on a case-by-case, fact specific basis by an independent ICANN-accredited dispute provider. None of the violations of the Restrictions will be enforced directly by or through Registry administrator. Registry administrator will not review, monitor, or otherwise verify that any particular domain name is being used primarily for business or commercial purposes or that a domain name is being used in compliance with the SUDRP or UDRP processes.
5.DOMAIN NAME DISPUTE POLICY MODIFICATIONSYou agree that the registry administrator, in its sole discretion, may modify its dispute policy. The registry administrator will post any such revised policy on its Website at least thirty (30) calendar days before it becomes effective. You agree that, by maintaining the reservation or registration of your domain name after modifications to the dispute policy become effective, you have agreed to these modifications.
6.RESERVATION OF RIGHTSMelbourne IT and the .biz registry administrator, NeuLevel, Inc. expressly reserve the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration that it deems necessary, in its discretion, to protect the integrity and stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, in compliance with any dispute resolution process, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Melbourne IT and/or NeuLevel, Inc., as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees. Melbourne IT and NeuLevel, Inc. also reserve the right to freeze a domain name during resolution of a dispute.
B Should you seek to register a .info second level domain name, you must contractually agree to the following terms:
1.Afilias Ltd is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .info domain name registry. 2.Registrant consents to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification, and other processing of the Registrant's Personal Data by the .INFO registry administrator, and its designees and agents in a manner consistent with the purposes specified pursuant in its contract with ICANN.
3.Registrant agrees to submit to proceedings under the UDRP Dispute Policy and comply with the requirements set forth by the registry administrator for domain names registered during the Sunrise Period,
These policies are subject to modification by the registry administrator.
4.Registrant agrees to immediately correct and update the registration information for any domain name during its registration term, failure to correct this information shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. Registrant acknowledges that the registry administrator will have no liability of any kind for any loss or liability resulting from the proceedings and processes relating to the Sunrise Period or the Land Rush Period including, without limitation: (a) the ability or inability of a Registrant to obtain a domain name during either the Sunrise or Land Rush periods, and (b) the results of any dispute over a domain name registration which is processed during the Sunrise period.
5.Registrar and the registry administrator expressly reserve the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration that it deems necessary, in its discretion, to protect the integrity and stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, in compliance with any applicable dispute resolution process, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Registrar and/or the registry administrator as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees. Registrar and the registry administrator also reserve the right to freeze a domain name during resolution of a dispute.
C Should You seek to register a .name third level domain name you must contractually agree to the following terms:
0.Xxxxxx Name Registry Ltd is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .name domain name registry.
0.Xxx acknowledge that your right to register a .name domain name is subject to You complying with the .name eligibility requirements, which are set out on the website of the .name registry administrator, and which are currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxx/ (the "Eligibility Requirements"). You agree that your registration of any .name domain name will be in compliance with the terms of the Eligibility Requirements, as these may be amended by the .name registry administrator from time to time.
0.Xxx acknowledge that your right to register a .name domain name is subject to You complying with the .name acceptable use policy, which is set out on the website of the registry administrator, and which is currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxx/ (the "Acceptable Use Policy"). You agree that Your registration of any .name domain name will be in compliance with the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy, as these may be amended by the .name registry administrator from time to time.
0.Xx addition to the UDRP Process described in Clause 4, You agree that on successful registration of a .name domain name, You will be bound by the Eligibility Requirements Disputes Resolution Policy (the "ERDRP"). The ERDRP is set out on the website of the registry administrator, and is currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxx/, and should be read in conjunction with the following related information:i) Summary of Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (which is currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxx/);
ii) Disputes: Filing a Complaint (which is currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxx/); iii) ERDRP Rules (which is currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxx/); and iv) ERDRP Dispute Resolution Providers (which
is currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxx/).
You agree to be bound by the ERDRP, as this policy (and any related information as described above) may be amended from time to time by the registry administrator.
D Should you seek to register a .travel second level domain name you must contractually agree to the following terms:
0.Xxxxxx Name Registry Ltd is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .name domain name registry.
2.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT. Registrations in the .travel name space are restricted to people, organizations, associations and private, governmental and non-governmental agencies in the travel and tourism industry. Registrant acknowledges that its right to register a .travel domain name is subject to Registrant complying with the .travel eligibility requirements, which are set out on the web site of the .travel registry administrator, and which are currently located at xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx/ (the "Eligibility Requirements"). Registrant agrees that the registration of any .travel domain name will be in compliance with the terms of the Eligibility Requirements, as these may be amended by the .travel registry administrator from time to time. The Eligibility Requirements are incorporated herein by reference.
3.CONTINUING ELIGIBILITY. Registrant agrees to maintain its eligibility to hold a .travel license throughout the term of the license, including renewal. If Registrant ceases to be a member of the travel or tourism industry as defined by the current policies of the Registry, Registrant must give notice of such change within 14 days of ceasing to be eligible to hold the license. In the event that Registrant does not notify the Registry of such change of status, the Registry will revoke all registrations held by Registrant immediately upon becoming aware of the change of status.
4.WARRANTIES. Registrant warrants that: i) Registrant understands and meets the Eligibility Requirements;ii) Registrant's selected domain name meets the requirements of the .travel Registry Policies (currently located at xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx/);xxx) Any information provided by Registrant is accurate and complete and any future changes to this information will be provided in a timely manner;iv) Registrant has the authority to enter into the Registration Agreement; v) Registrant is able to enter into this agreement and if a real person is of legal age; andvi) Registrant's domain name is not registered for an unlawful purpose.
5.INFORMATION REQUIREMENT. Registrant acknowledges that any travel organization assisting the Registry in the authentication process will be required to solicit and receive an update of all authentication data from Registrant within 30 or up to 60 days prior to the anniversary date of registration. In the event that Registrant is no longer eligible to hold the license, Registrant will be given 30 days to provide updated data which confirms Registrant's eligibility. Where such authentication data is not provided by Registrant or does not confirm Registrant's eligibility, the Registry will inform Registrant and Registrant will have the right to request a review of the denial as if it had been an initial registration. Should Registrant remain ineligible at the end of the review, the Registry will revoke the registration.
6.DISPUTE RESOLUTION In addition to the UDRP Process outlined in Clause 4, Registrant agrees that on successful registration of a .travel domain name, Registrant will be bound by the following: i. in relation to disputes by any third party that Registrant is not eligible to hold a .travel domain name, the ICANN Charter Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy (CEDRP); andii. in relation to a formal complaint by Registrant over a denial of Registrant's eligibility to hold a .travel domain name, a decision of the Domain Name Denial Review Panel of the Travel PartnershipCorporation (TTCP).
7.REVOCATION OF LICENSE. In addition to clause 14, Melbourne IT and the Registry administrator may revoke Registrant's license to use a .travel domain name for the following reasons: i) to protect the integrity and stability of the Registry;ii) to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement or any dispute resolution process;iiii) to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on part of Registry as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, officers, directors, and employees;iv) for violations of this Agreement or any ICANN or Registry policy;v) to correct mistakes made by the Registry or any Registrar in connection with a domain name registration;vi) if Registrant ceases to be a member of the eligible community defined by the .travel Charter and policies;vii) failure by Registrant to comply with any .travel policy that applies to Registrant at any time;viii) if Registrant's .travel domain name or Registrant's use of the .travel domain name is not in the best interests of the travel community; andix) if any information provided by Registrant in the course of registration is incorrect.
8.RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Melbourne IT and the .travel registry administrator, Tralliance Corporation, expressly reserve the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration that it deems necessary, in its discretion, to protect the integrity and stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, in compliance with any dispute resolution process, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Melbourne IT and/or Tralliance Corporation., as well as their affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees. Melbourne IT and Tralliance Corporation also reserve the right to freeze a domain name during resolution of a dispute.
9.ICANN POLICY. Registrant must comply with all ICANN and .travel registry and registry administrators standards, policies, procedures and practices as notified to if from time to time by Registrar.
10.THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY. Registrant acknowledges that the .travel registry administrator is an intended third party beneficiary of this Registration Agreement.
11.INDEMNITY. Without limiting clause 7, Registrant agrees to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold the .travel registry and registry administrator, their subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, accountants, attorneys, insurers, agents, predecessors, successors and assigns harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, causes of action or other liabilities of any kind, whether known or unknown, in any way arising out of, relating to, or otherwise in connection with the Registrant's domain name registration.
E Should you seek to register a .cat second level domain name you must contractually agree to the following terms:
1.Fundaciò puntCAT is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .cat domain name registry.
0.Xxx acknowledge that your right to register a .cat domain name is subject to You complying with the .cat eligibility requirements, which are set out on the website of the .cat registry administrator, and which are currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx (the "Eligibility Requirements"). You agree that your registration of any .cat domain name will be in compliance with the terms of the Eligibility Requirements, as these may be amended by the .cat registry administrator from time to time.
0.Xxx acknowledge that your right to register a .name domain name is subject to You complying with the .cat acceptable use policy, which is set out on the website of the registry administrator, and which is currently located at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx (the "Acceptable Use Policy"). You agree that Your registration of any .name domain name will be in compliance with the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy, as these may be amended by the .cat registry administrator from time to time.
4.REGISTRATION AGREEMENT. The registrant agrees to be bound by the .cat Registration Agreement between the registrant and .cat registry administrator, as may be updated from time to time. The .cat Registration Agreement is located at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx.
F Should you seek to register a .mobi second level domain name you must contractually agree to the following terms:
1.mTLD Top Level Domain Limited is the registry administrator responsible for administering the .mobi domain name registry.
0.Xxx acknowledge and agree to comply with the requirements, standards, policies, procedures and practices set forth in the dotmobi Style Guide (xxx.xxxx.xxxx) and consents to the monitoring of the website as described in the dotmobi Style Guide monitoring guidelines (xxx.xxxx.xxxx) for compliance with the StyleGuide. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that this Style Guide is subject to modification by the Registry with any such changes appearing at the previously designated URL, and that you must promptly comply with any such changes in the time allotted.
3.INDEMNITY. Without limiting clause 7, you agree to indemnify, defend, keep indemnified and hold Affilias Limited (Registry Services Provider), its directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against all and any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of or relating to your domain name registration, renewal or pre-registration, or to your use of the domain name. This clause survives termination of this Agreement.
4.THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY. Notwithstanding anything in this agreement to the contrary, the registry administrator is and shall be an intended third party beneficiary of this Agreement. As such, the you acknowledge and agree that the third party beneficiary rights of the registry administrator have vested and that the registry administrator has relied on its third party beneficiary rights under this agreement in agreeing to Melbourne IT being a registrar for the .mobi top-level domain. Additionally, the third party beneficiary rights shall survive any termination or expiration of this agreement.
5.POLICY. You must comply with all ICANN and .mobi registry and registry administrator's standards, requirements, policies, procedures and practices, as set out on the website of the .mobi registry administrator, and which are currently located at xxx.xxxx.xxxx, and as notified from time to time by the registry administrator or Melbourne IT ('Registry Policies'). You agree that your registration of any .mobi domain name will be in compliance with the terms of the Registry Policies, as these may be amended by the .mobi registry administrator from time to time.
6.USE OF PERSONAL DATA. You consent to the use, copying, distribution, publication, modification and other processing of your personal data by the registry administrator and its designees and agents for such purposes as may be notified to Melbourne IT by the registry administrator from time to time. You otherwise agree to the provisions of clause 22 of this Agreement.
7.APPLICATION DETAILS You agree to be bound by the provisions of clause 21 of this Agreement.
0.Xxx agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the initial launch and general operations of the registry administrator, including without limitation the Limited Industry Launch, the Sunrise Period, the Land Rush Period, the Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy, the Premium Name Allocation Process, and the General Registration Period (as outlined at xxx.xxxx.xxxx), and further acknowledge that the registry administrator has no liability of any kind for any loss or liability resulting from the proceedings and processes relating to the Limited Industry Launch, the Sunrise Period, the Land Rush Period, the Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy, the Premium Name Allocation Process, and the General Registration Period including, without limitation: (a) the ability or inability of a registrant to obtain a registered name during these periods, and (b) the results of any dispute made during the limited industry launch or over a Sunrise Registration.
9.REVOCATION, TRANSFER AND CANCELLATION OF LICENSE. Without limiting clause 14, you acknowledge and agree that the .mobi registry and the Registry Service Provider, acting in consent with the registry, reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration that it deems necessary, in its discretion (i) to protect the integrity and stability of the registry; (ii) to comply with all applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, in compliance with any dispute resolution process; to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of the registry or any registrar in connection with a domain name registration. The registry also reserves the right to freeze a registered name during resolution of a dispute.
付属書 B 転送サービス規約
1. 「ユーザ」とは、本規約をご承諾のうえ、「転送サービス」をお申込いただいたお客様をいいます。
2. 「ドメイン名」とは、日本ベリサイン主催の下記 Web サイトでのユーザの登録(日本
「.net」 「.biz」 「.info」 をトップ・レベル・ドメイン名とするインターネット上のドメイン名をいいます。
3. 「転送サービス」とは、「ウェブ転送サービス」と「メール転送サービス」の双方を総称したものをいいます。
4. 「ウェブ転送サービス」とは、ドメイン名へのアクセスを、ユーザが日本ベリサインに登録した別の URL へ、自動的に転送するサービスをいい、第3条に定めるものをいいます。
5. 「メール転送サービス」とは、ユーザが日本ベリサインに登録したメールアドレス宛に届いた電子メールを、ユーザが当該メールアドレスの転送先として指定した別のメールアドレスへ、自動的に転送するサービスをいい、第4条に定めるものをいいます。
6. 「本サービス」とは、日本ベリサインが提供する「転送サービス」全体をいいます。
7. 「本規約」とは、この転送サービス利用規約のことをいいます。
1. 本サービスのお申込みは、既にドメイン名を登録しているか、本サービスのお申込と同時にドメイン名の登録の申込をし、有効に登録されたことが必要となります。
2. 本サービスは、ユーザのドメイン名の登録が、ユーザが締結された本規約本体に基づき、有効であり、かつ、理由の如何を問わず、レジストリにより削除または留保の処分・処置を受けてない限りにおいて、ご利用になれます。
1. ユーザは、転送サービスの申込に際し、あるいは申込後、ドメイン名へのアクセスの転送を希望する URL をひとつ、日本ベリサインの本サービス上の申込フォームに従って、登録するものとします。
2. 日本ベリサインは、ドメイン名へのアクセスを、第1項の URL の登録後、当該 URL
1. ユーザは、転送サービスの申込に際し、あるいは申込後、電子メールの転送を希望する、転送元メールアドレスと転送先メールアドレスの組み合わせを、1つ日本ベリサインの本サービス上の申込フォームに従って、登録するものとします。
2. 日本ベリサインは、第1項の登録に従い、転送元メールアドレスに届いた電子メールを、転送先メールアドレスへ転送します。
第5条(URL 及びメールアドレスの変更等)
1. ユーザは、本規約期間中、何時でも、また何度でも、第3条第1項の URL 及び第4条第1項の転送元メールアドレスと転送先メールアドレスの組み合わせを変更することがxxxx。
2. 第1項の変更及び追加は、ユーザがドメイン名の利用に関し、日本ベリサインが設定したユーザ ID とパスワード(以下「ユーザ ID」といいます)を使用して、日本ベリサインのインターネット上の Web サイトにおいて行うものとします。
第6条(登録 URL 及びメールアドレス)
1. ユーザは、第3条ないし第5条における URL 及びメールアドレスの登録に際し、誤記のないように注意するものとし、誤記により第三者に損害・迷惑をかけた場合には、その責任と費用において、当該第三者とのトラブルを解決するものとします。
2. 第3条の URL は、ユーザが主催・運営する Web ページの URL に限るものとし、ユーザは、当該 URL への転送により、第三者の権利・財産・名誉等を一切侵害しないことを保証します。
3. 第4条及び第5条のメールアドレスは、転送元メールアドレス、転送先メールアドレスともに、全て、ユーザご自身が適正にその権利を保有するものに限るものとし、ユーザは、ユーザの登録に従った電子メールの転送により、第三者の権利・財産・名誉等を一切侵害しないことを保証します。
4. 第3条ないし第5条により登録された URL 又はメールアドレスに関し、日本ベリサ
1. ユーザは、本規約に従い、本サービスをご利用いただくものとします。
2. ユーザは、本サービスを、第三者に迷惑、不利益を与える等の目的に利用しないものとします。
3. ユーザは、本サービスの運営に支障をきたす行為、公序良俗に反するような行為を行わないものとします。
1. ユーザは、本サービスの申込に際し、本サービス上の申込フォームに従って、必要な事項を適切に登録するものとし、当該登録事項がxxであることを保証します。
2. ユーザは、登録事項の変更を希望する場合には、本サービス上の所定の手続きに従って、当該変更の手続きを取るものとします。但し、手続きの関係上、変更の手続きをされてから、当該変更が有効になるまで数日を要することがあります。当該変更手続は、第5条の定めに準ずるものとします。
3. ユーザは、登録した電子メールアドレス等を、本サービスに関する通知、日本ベリサイン及び日本ベリサインの関連会社による製品及びサービスに関するご案内等の送付のために使用することを、予め承認するものとします。
4. 日本ベリサインのユーザに対する通知は、電子メール又は本サービス上での掲示により行うものとし、電子メールにて通知した場合には、ユーザの登録した電子メールアドレスに日本ベリサインが電子メールを発信した時をもって、当該通知はユーザに到達したものとします。
1. ユーザは、転送サービスの対価として、日本ベリサインのウェブ・ページに掲載されている料金を、クレジット・カードにより支払うものとします。
2. 本規約は、転送サービス上の申込フォームに従ってユーザが申込み、前項の支払いがクレジット・カードによる場合は、ユーザが希望したクレジット・カードによる転送サービスの対価の決済が、当該クレジット・カード会社によって承認された時点で、その他の支払方法による場合は、日本ベリサインへの支払いを日本ベリサインが確認した時点で、日本ベリサインとユーザとの間で成立したものとします。
3. 第1項の支払がクレジット・カードの方法により、当該クレジット・カード会社から日本ベリサインに対する転送サービスの対価の支払が実行されない場合、当該支払拒絶が日本ベリサインの責めに帰すべき場合の除き、転送規約は規約成立時に溯って無効となることとします。
第12条(DNS サーバの書き換え)
a. ユーザは、
本サービスの申込により、ユーザが設定した DNS サーバは、自動的にその利用が不可能となり、日本ベリサインが本サービス用にユーザに割り当てる DNS サーバが利用されることになること
b. 第1号により DNS サーバーの利用が不可能となっても、日本ベリサインに支払ったドメイン名の料金は返還されないこと
1. 日本ベリサインは、次のいずれかに該当するユーザにつき、第9条第4項に基づくユーザへの通知により本サービスの利用の一時停止あるいは、本規約を解除することが出来るものとします。
a. 登録事項に虚偽がある場合。
b. ユーザ ID を不正に使用し、または使用させた場合。
c. 本サービスの運営を妨害した場合。
d. Melbourne IT, Ltd., のサービスが、理由の如何を問わず終了した場合。
e. Melbourne IT, Ltd. サービス規約に基づき、ユーザのドメイン名が、Melbourne IT,
f. 第3条ないし第5条における登録 URL 及びメールアドレスへの転送により、第三者から損害または迷惑を被った旨の通知を受け、あるいは損害賠償等の請求、裁判の提起があった場合。
g. その他、本規約に違反する行為があった場合。
2. ユーザは、日本ベリサインが前項に従って、本サービスの利用の一時停止あるいは本規約を解除した場合、第10条第1項に定める本サービスの対価の払い戻しのないことを予め承諾します。
第14条(免 責)
1. ユーザは、本サービスが現在発展途上の技術に基づくものであり、完全なシステムで
2. ユーザは日本ベリサインに対し、前項の一時的停止を理由として、損害賠償及び本規約の解除を請求することは出来ないものとする。
第15条(x x)
1. 日本ベリサインは、運営等の必要がある場合、本サービスの名称、内容、URL 等を、ユーザに通知の上変更することが出来るものとします。
2. 日本ベリサインは、本サービスの稼働状態を良好に保つため、ユーザに事前の通知なく、本サービスの運用を停止することが出来るものとします。
1. 日本ベリサインは、ユーザに1カ月前に本サービス上に掲示することにより、本サービスを終了することが出来るものとします。
2. xxxは日本ベリサインに対し、日本ベリサイン所定の手続きにより、何時でも、本規約を終了させることがxxxx。但し、手続きの関係上、終了の手続きを戴いてから、当該手続きが有効となるまでに数日を要することがあります。また、本項により本規約が終了する場合、ユーザは第 10 条第1項に定める本サービスの対価の払い戻しのないことを予め承諾します。