一般財団法人 FM 八女福岡県知事登録第 2-772 号
一般財団法人 FM 八女福岡県知事登録第 2-772 号
この旅行条件は旅行業法第 12 条の 4 による旅行取引条件説明書面に
なります。また旅行契約が成立した場合は旅行業法第 12 条の 5 に交付する契約書面の一部になります。お申込み頂く前に必ずお読みください。
(1)この旅行は、一般財団法人 FM 八女(以下当社といいます)が企画・実施する企画旅行で、この旅行に参加されるお客様は当社と募集型企画旅行契約(以下「旅行契約」といいます)を締結することになります。
(1)お申込み時に 18 歳未満の方は保護者の同意書が必要となります。なお、15 歳未満の方は保護者の同行を条件とさせて頂きます。
(2)身体に障害をお持ちの方、健康を害している方、妊娠中の方、補助犬使用者の方、その他旅行の参加に際し特別な配慮を必要とする方は、予約申込み時にその旨をお申し出下さい。このとき当社は可能な範囲内でこれに応じます。なお、この場合、医師の診断書を提出して頂く場合があります。また、現地事情や関係機関等の状況等により、旅行の安全かつ円滑な実施のために介助者/同伴者の同行等を条件とさせて頂 く又はご参加をお断りさせて頂く場合があります。お客様のお申し出に基づき当社がお客様のために講じた特別な措置に要する費用はお客様の負担とします。
(3)旅行中にお客様が疾病、傷害、その他の事由により医師の診断又は治療を必要とする状態になったと当社が判断する場合は、旅行の円滑 な実施をはかるため必要な措置を取ることがあります。これにかかる一切の費用はお客様のご負担となります。
(5)その他当社の業務上の都合で申込みをお断りすることがあります。 4:確定書面(最終旅行日程表)
旅行日当日までに参加料のお支払いを頂きます。 6:旅行代金に含まれるもの
第 6 項のほかは旅行代金に含まれません。その一部を以下に例示。
(3)任意の旅行傷害保険料並びに携帯品保険料 8:旅行契約内容の変更
(4)第 8 項の規定に基づく契約内容の変更により旅行の実施に要する費用(契約内容の変更のためにその提供を受けなかった旅行サービスに対して取消料、違約料その他既に支払い、又はこれから支払わなければならない費用を含む)の減少又は増加が生じる場合(いわゆる運送・宿泊機関の過剰予約等のように、サービスの提供が行われているにも かかわらず、運送、宿泊機関等の座席、部屋その他の諸設備を利用でき ない場合を除く)には、当該契約内容の変更の際にその範囲において旅行代金の額を変更することがあります。
(a)契約内容が変更されたとき。ただしその変更が第 22 項の表に掲げるもの、その他の重要なものである場合に限ります。
(b)第 9 項(1)の規定に基づいて旅行代金が増額されたとき。
(d)当社がお客様に対して、第 4 項の期日までに確定書面を交付しなかったとき。
(d)参加者数が契約書面に記載した最少催行人員に達しなかったとき。この場合、旅行開始日の前日から起算してさかのぼって13 日目(日
帰り旅行については 3 日目)に当たる日より前に旅行を中止する旨をお客様に通知致します。
(2)お客様が第 5 項に記載する期日までに旅行代金を支払わないときは、当該期日の翌日においてお客様が旅行契約を解除したものとします。この場合においてお客様は当社に対し第 11 項に定める取消料に相当する額の違約料を支払わなければなりません。
(4)当社が(1)の(a)、(c)により旅行契約を解除したときは、お客様の求めに応じて出発地に戻るための必要な手配をします。ただし、出発地に戻るための旅行に要する費用はお客様の負担とします。 13:旅行代金の払戻し
当社は第 9 項(1)~(5)の規定により旅行代金が減額された場合又
は第 12 項及び 13 項の規定により旅行契約が解除された場合において、お客様に払戻すべき金額が生じたときは、旅行開始前の解除による払
戻しにあっては解除日の翌日から起算して 7 日以内に、減額又は旅行開始後の解除による払戻しにあっては契約書面に記載した旅行終了日の翌日から起算して 30 日以内に当該金額を払戻しします。ただし、第
12 項及び13 項において旅行契約が解除されたときには、旅行を中止したためにその提供を受けなかった旅行サービスの提供に対して、取消料、違約料その他既に支払い、又はこれから支払わなければならない費用はお客様の負担とします。
当社は第 12 項(1)の(a)又は(c)の規定によって旅行開始後に旅行契約を解除したときは、お客様のご依頼に応じてお客様が当該旅行の出発地に戻るために必要な旅行サービスの手配を引き受けます。この場合に要する一切の費用はお客様の負担とします。
(1)当社は募集型企画旅行契約の履行に当たって、当社または当社が手配を代行させた者の故意又は過失によりお客様に損害を与えたときはその損害を賠償する責に任じます。但し損害発生の翌日から起算して 2 年以内に当社に対して通知があった場合に限ります。
(f) 盗難
(3)当社は手荷物について生じた(1)の損害については、同項但し書きの規定にかかわらず、損害発生の翌日から起算して14 日以内に当社
に通知があったときに限り、旅行者1名につき 15 万円(当社に故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除く)を限度として賠償致します。
お客様の個人情報を利用させて頂くことがあります。 20:その他
福岡県知事登録第 2-772 号 一般社団法人全国旅行業協会正会員
旅行企画・実施 一般財団法人 FM 八女
xxxxxxx 0000 xx 0
【取扱営業所】茶のくに観光案内所 xxxxx 0-000
TEL 0000-00-0000 FAX 0000-00-0000
Terms and Conditions of an Agent-organized Tours
This Terms and Conditions for Agent-organized Tours are in conformity with FM Yame’s Terms and Conditions for Agent-organized Tours (Japanese version)
This contract for an agent-organized Tours (the document of the terms and the conditions thereof) comprises part of “the statement explaining trade terms” and “the contract document” stipulated in Article 12(4), and Article 12(5) of the Travel Agency Law.
1. Agent-organized Tours Contract
(1). This travel is arranged by FM Yame (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), and the client buying this travel automatically concludes the agent-organized Tours contract (hereinafter referred to as “the Travel Contract”).
(2). The content and conditions of the Travel Contract are governed by this document of the terms and conditions for FM Yame agent-organized Tourss and the section “Agent-organized Tours Contract” in the Company’s “Travel Agency Covenant” (hereinafter referred to as “the Covenant”).
(3). Under the Travel Contract, the Company assumes, on consignment of the client, and by acting as proxy, intermediary, agency, or otherwise on behalf of the client, arrangements in order to enable the client to be provided transportation, lodging, and other travel-related services (hereinafter referred to as “the Travel Service”) offered by carriers, hotels, and other service providers, in accordance with the itinerary established by the Company.
(4). Any issue regarding matters not specified in the tourism agreement or FM Yame’s terms and conditions shall be complied with laws and customs.
2. Application for the Travel, and Effective Date of the Travel
(1). The client is requested to complete the Company’s travel application form and make a payment of the full travel costs.
(2). The Company accepts applications for an Agent-organized Tours by facsimile. In this case, the contract is not in effect at the time of the reservation.
(3). The Travel Contract becomes valid when the Company agrees to sign the contract and receives the application fees from the client.
3. Conditions of Tour Application
(1). A client under 20 years is required to present written consent from a parent or guardian when booking. Clients under 15 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
(2). Any traveler who is physically handicapped, ill, and pregnant, with assistance dogs or otherwise requires special care is requested to state so upon application. The company arranges for necessary care within reason. The company may be required to present a medical certificate. The Company may refuse a client’s application if conditions at travel destinations and facilities are such that safe, smooth tour operation cannot be guaranteed, or require the client to be accompanied by an escort. The Company takes a special arrangement in compliance with the client’s request, the client shall be responsible for incurred expenses related with the request.
(3). If the Company determines that the client needs medical diagnosis or treatment by a physician owing to illness, functional disease or other reasons during the tour, the Company shall take measures necessary to ensure smooth operation of the tour. All costs resulting from such measures shall be borne by the client.
(4). The Company may refuse client participation if it determines that he or she threatens to embarrass, inconvenience or interfere with the collective activities of tour participants.
(5). The Company may also refuse client participation for the tour operational reasons.
4. Contract Document and Final Tour Itinerary
(1). The Final Tour Itinerary shall be presented to the client by the departure date. The Company explains the status of booking if the client requests before the final tour itinerary is submitted.
(2). The scope of travel services for which the Company is liable in arranging and administering the itinerary shall be specified in the Final Tour Itinerary as stipulated in Clause (1)
5. Payment of Tour Fare.
The Tour Fare shall be paid no later than the departure date.
6. Included in the Tour Fare
Items listed below which are specified in the itinerary are included in the Tour Fare: transportation cost (including insurance), meals, experience fee, entrance fee, tax
7. Not included in the Tour Fare
Charges and expenses other than those specified in the preceding Article 6, some of which are listed as follows:
(1). Medical expenses for injuries and illness.
(2). Traveling and accommodation costs, meals and other personal costs between clients home and the starting/finishing points
(3). Voluntary travel accident insurance and baggage insurance
8. Revision of Contents of Travel Services
The Company may, after conclusion of the Travel Contract, revise its contents and services for any of the following reasons: natural disaster, a war, a riot, the suspension of the provision of Travel Services of transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., an order of a government or other public offices, provision of transportation not based on the original operational plan, governmental orders, or other circumstances beyond the Company control. The Company reserves the right to take necessary measures when safe, smooth tour operation in accordance with the itinerary is deemed impossible, or when there is valid reason to believe that the tour cannot continue. In such cases, the Company must explain in a timely manner its inability to function according to the Travel Contract under the circumstances. However, said explanation may be made after revisions are made when conditions demand.
9. Change of Tour Fare
The company may, after conclusion of the Travel Contract, change the tour fare for the following reason.
(1). If the fares and charges which are applied to the transportation facilities used in operating an Agent-Organized Tour are increased or reduced drastically exceeding the extent normally assumed in comparison with the Applicable Fares and Charges published as effective at the time of specifying them at the recruitment for the Agent-Organized Tour due to a significant change in the economic conditions, etc., the Company may, within the amount increased or reduced, increase or reduce the amount of the tour fare.
(2). If the Company decides to increase the tour fare as stipulated in clause (1), it shall inform the Client before the eve of departure date.
(3). If the Company decides to reduce the tour fare, as stipulated in clause (1), it shall reduce the tour fare by the amount of such reduction.
(4). If the cost of operating the travel is reduced or increased due to a change in the Contract Contents as stipulated in Article 8, (such cost includes the cancellation fee, the penalty, or any other cost which has already been paid or which must be paid in the future in respect of the Travel Services which have not been received due to the change in the Contract Contents) (excluding a case where the increase in the cost has resulted from the occurrence of a shortage of seats, rooms or any other facilities of the transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., despite the fact that the Travel Services are provided by the transportation and accommodation facilities, etc.), the Company may change the amount of the tour fare within the amount of such reduction or increase at the time of the said change in the Contract Contents.
(5). If it is mentioned in the Contract Document to the effect that the travel fee will vary depending on the number of persons using the transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., and if, after the conclusion of the Travel Contract, the number of using persons has changed due to causes not attributable to the Company, the Company may change the amount of the tour fare in accordance with what is mentioned in the Contract Document.
10. Cancellation of Travel Contract by the Client
(1). The client may cancel a Travel Contract at any time on payment to the company of the cancellation fee specified below. In the case the Company canceled the Travel Contract as the client fails to pay the travel fare by the specified payment date, the client shall be responsible for paying the cancellation fee (or penalty charge). “Date of cancellation” in the following table
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means the date the company accepted the cancellation request during the office hours of the office.
【Date of cancellation】
If cancellation is made on 21 or more days prior to the starting date of the tour | No charge |
If cancellation is made on 20 days to 8 days prior to the starting date of the tour | 20% of the tour fare |
If cancellation is made on 7 days to 2 days prior to the starting date of the tour | 30% of the tour fare |
If cancellation is made on 1 day prior to the starting date of the tour | 40% of the tour fare |
If cancellation is made prior to the starting time of the tour. | 50% of the tour fare |
If cancellation is made after departure, or in case of failure to show without notice | 100% of the tour fare |
(2). In any of the following cases, the client may cancel the Travel Contract without paying a cancellation fee.
(a). When the contents of the Travel Contract have been substantially revised. However, changes shall be limited to the cases listed in the left side of the table in Article 22 and other important circumstances.
(b). When the tour fare has been increased in accordance with Article 9(1).
(c). When a natural disaster, a war, a riot, the suspension of the provision of Travel Services of transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., an order of a government or other public offices, or any other event has occurred, and the safe and smooth operation of the travel has become impossible or there is a very large possibility of such impossibility arising.
(d). When the Company has failed to issue to the Client the Final Document by the date as stipulated in Article 4.
(e). When it has become impossible to operate the travel in accordance with the itinerary mentioned in the Contract Document due to causes attributable to the Company
(3). When the Client cancels the Travel Contract in accordance with
(1) hereinabove, the Company shall refund payment after deducting the cancellation fee. If the tour deposit is not enough to cover the cancellation fee, the Company shall charge the difference separately. When the Company cancels the Travel Contract in accordance with (2) hereinabove, it shall return the full amount of the tour fare (or deposit) received from the client.
(4). When after the commencement of the travel the client cancel the Travel Contract for the reason attributed to the client or leaves the tour group for personal reasons, the Company will consider it a forfeiture of contracted rights and claims to any refund.
11. Cancellation of Travel Contract by the Company before commencement of Travel
(1). The Company may cancel the Travel Contract before the commencement of the travel explaining the reason to the Client, in any of the following cases:
(a). If it has become clear that the Client does not satisfy the conditions for a participating Client in respect of sex, age, qualifications, skills, etc., which the Company has specified in advance;
(b). If it is considered that the Client is not fit for the travel concerned for reasons of illness, absence of a required assistant or other reasons;
(c). If it is considered that the Client may give trouble to other tour participants or disturb the smooth conduct of the group travel;
(d). If the number of participants has not reached the minimum number of participants mentioned in the Travel Contract. In such cases, the Company shall notify the client of tour cancellation no later than 13th day (3rd day for a one-day tour) prior to the eve of departure;
(e). If a natural disaster, a war, a riot, the suspension of the provision of Travel Services of transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., an order of a government or other public offices, or any other event in which the Company is unable to intervene has occurred, and the safe and smooth operation of the travel in accordance
with the itinerary mentioned in the Contract Document has become impossible, or there is a very large possibility of such impossibility arising;
(2). If the Client has not paid the Tour Fare by the date mentioned in the Contract Document as stipulated in Article 5, it shall be deemed that the Client has canceled the Travel Contract on the day following that date. In this case, the Client shall pay the Company a penalty, the amount of which is equivalent to the cancellation fee stipulated in Article 10.
12. Cancellation of Travel Contract by the Company after commencement of Travel
(1). In any of the following cases, the Company may cancel part of the Travel Contract, explaining the reason to the Client, even after the commencement of the travel:
(a). If the Client is not fit for the continuance of the travel for reasons of illness, absence of a required assistant or other reasons;
(b). If the Client corrupts the discipline of group activities and disturbs the safe and smooth operation of the travel through violation of the instructions of the Company conveyed by the tour conductor or any other person for the safe and smooth operation of the travel;
(c). If a natural disaster, a war, a riot, the suspension of the provision of Travel Services of transportation and accommodation facilities, etc., an order of a government or other public offices, or any other event in which the Company is unable to intervene has occurred, and it has become impossible to continue the travel.
(2). If the Company has canceled the Travel Contract in accordance with (1) hereinabove, the contractual relationship between the Company and the Client may cease to exist at and after the time of the cancellation. In this case, for the obligations of the Company regarding the Travel Services which have already been received by the Client, they shall be deemed as having been validly performed.
(3). In the case referred to (2) hereinabove, the Company shall refund the Client, out of the travel fee, the amount for that part of the Travel Services which have not yet been received by the Client less the amount of the cancellation fee, the penalty, and any other cost which have already been paid or must be paid in future in respect of the Travel Services concerned.
(4). If the Company cancels the Travel Contract in accordance with (1)(a) and (c) hereinabove, the Company shall, at the client’s expense, make necessary arrangements as requested for return to point of departure.
13. Refund of Travel Costs
If the Tour Fare has been reduced in accordance with article 9 (1)-(5), or the Travel Contract has been canceled in accordance with article 12 and 13, resulting in an amount which should be refunded to the Client, the Company shall refund the said amount to the Client within 7 days of the day following the date of the cancellation in case of a refund due to cancellation before the commencement of the travel, or within 30 days of the day following the date of completion of the travel mentioned in the Travel Contract in case of a refund due to reduction of the amount or cancellation after the commencement of the travel.
14. Arrangements for Return Trip after Cancellation of Contract If the Company cancels the Travel Contract in accordance with article 12(1)(a) and (c) , the Company shall, at the client’s expense, make necessary arrangements as requested for return to point of departure.
15. Itinerary Management
The Company shall make efforts to secure for the client the safe and smooth operation of the travel, and conduct the following businesses for the client unless the Company has concluded a different special agreement with the client:
(1). If it is considered that there is a possibility that the client will not be able to receive Travel Services during the travel, to take reasonably necessary measures for proper receiving of Travel Services in accordance with the Travel Contract;
(2). If the Contract Contents have to be changed despite the fact that the measures referred to in the preceding Item have been taken, to make arrangements for alternative services. In this case, efforts must be made to minimize the change in the Contract Contents by, inter alia, endeavoring to make the itinerary after the change conform to the purposes of the original itinerary in case the contents of the itinerary are to be changed, and endeavoring to make the Travel Services after the change similar to the original Travel Services in case the contents of the Travel Services are to be changed.
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(3). The businesses listed as (1) (2) hereinabove will be provided by a conductor. In case the tour which is not accompanied by a conductor, it will be provided by the business agent consigned by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “consigned business agent”). The contact of the business agent shall be provided on Contract Document and Final Tour Itinerary.
16. Instructions of the Company
The Client must follow instructions of the Company for the safe and smooth operation of the travel when acting in a group during the period between the commencement of the travel and
the completion of the travel.
17. Liability of the Company
(1). In performing its obligations under the terms of its Tour Contract, should the Company or the consigned business agent cause damage to the client through willful negligence or fault, the Company shall be liable for such damages. However, this only applies if the damage report is made within 2 years reckoned from the day following the occurrence of the damage.
(2). The Company shall not be liable for damages incurred by clients as stipulated in Clause 1. hereinabove if any of the following reasons apply:
(a). Natural disaster, war, civil unrest, strike, hijack, and alteration or cancellation of tour itinerary due to such causes.
(b). Cessation of services related to transportation or accommodation facilities, and tour itinerary alteration or cancellation owing to such causes.
(c). Orders of either Japanese or foreign governments, immigration regulations, isolation resulting from infectious
(d). Accidents occurring during the client’s free activities. (e). Food poisoning.
(f). Theft.
(g). Delays, stoppages, changes of schedule and route in relation to transportation facilities, and tour itinerary alterations and/or shortened stays at destinations owing to such causes.
(3). The Company shall compensate for the damage caused to
baggage within the limits of 150,000 yen per a Client (except in a case where the damage has been caused by the Company intentionally or by gross negligence) if the Company has been informed within 14 days , notwithstanding the (1) hereinabove, if the Company has been informed within 14 days of the day following the date of occurrence of the damage.
18. Liability of Client
The Company shall require the client to indemnify the Company for losses sustained owing to a client’s willful negligence, fault, conduct against public order and good manners, or breach of provisions in the Company’s Organized Tour Contract.
19. Privacy Policy
The Company will use the personal information provided in the tour application forms only for communicating with clients and for arranging transportation and accommodations to provide the services request by the client.
In addition to the above, the Company will use the personal information for the followings:
(1). Sending information next tours
(2). Requesting feedbacks after the tour (3). Asking answering the questionnaire
20. Others
(1). Under no circumstances shall The Company re-conduct a tour. (2). The client shall pay the expenses incurred when he or she asks
for the personal accompaniment of a tour conductor for such purposes as guiding shopping, etc., costs arising from client injury or illness, the return of lost baggage or articles left behind owing to personal negligence, as well as changes incurred by independent activity.
(3). The client shall accept all responsibility for decisions regarding individual purchases at souvenir shops even when said shops are introduced by the Company.
(4). Responsibilities of the Company under the Travel Contract to manage the itinerary are after departure from the point of departure and returning to the point specified on pamphlets etc.
◼ Handling company:Yame Tourist Information Center
2-129 Moto-machi, Yame, Fukuoka TEL:0000-00-0000 FAX:0000-00-0000
◼ Planning and operation:FM Yame 【Travel Agency registered with Governor of Fukuoka [No.2-772]】
1314-1 Kurogimachiima, Yame, Fukuoka