宿 泊 約 款
私どもは、そのご要望にお応えできるよう、またご要望どおりにお応えできないときも、 代案をご用意し、xx誠意対応することをお約束しますので、その際には暴力や、不必要な大声、乱暴な言葉遣い、執拗に話を繰り返すなど、他のお客様や私どもが、不安や恐怖、 危険を感じる行為はお止めくださいませ。
万が一、私どもからの求めに応じていただけない場合は、私たちの安心、安全を守るため、警察等への通報など関係機関と連携対応させていただくとともに、宿泊約款(第 7 条)に基づき、宿泊契約を解除することもございますので、予めご承知おきください。
Dear Guests,
Thank you for choosing to stay at Kyoritsu Resort.
We work with creativity and ingenuity to create a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment for our guests so that you are able to feel at home.
If you have any opinions or requests, such as things that you have noticed, things you are not satisfied with, and what we can do to improve, please do not hesitate to tell us in detail.
We promise to do our best to fulfill your requests. And if we are unable to do so, we will make wholehearted efforts to provide alternative arrangements. In return, we kindly ask that you refrain from acts that make other guests and the hotel staff feel uneasy, fearful, or in danger, such as violence, speaking in an unnecessarily loud voice, crude language, persistent repetition of demands, etc.
If you do not comply with these requests, we may cancel your Accommodation Contract based on the provisions of Article 7 of these Terms, as well as cooperate with related organizations such as reporting to the police, etc., as necessary, in order to protect our safety and security.
Please read carefully.
人 x x 針
これまでも「Hospitality Business」に従事する者として、「いかにお客様を笑顔に出来るか」ということに挑戦し続けてきました。
1 人でも多くの人を「笑顔」にするために、私たちの事③活動に関わっていただく皆さまの人権を尊重し、そして、共に働く仲間たちの人権が尊重されるような職場環境の構築に全力で取り組むことを宣言します。
1. 適用範囲
本方針は共立メンテナンス ホテルグループ全ての役員及び従③員
2. 人権デュー・ディリジェンス
3. 教育・研修
4. 是正・救済
5. ステークホルダーとの対話・協議
6. 情報開示
適用範囲 第1条
1. 当ホテルが宿泊客との間で締結する宿泊契約およびこれに関連する契約は、この約款の定めるところによるものとし、この約款に定めのない事項については、法令または一般に確立された慣習によるものとします。
2. 当ホテルが、法令および慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先するものとします。
Scope of Application Article 1
1. Contracts for Accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between this Hotel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Moreover, any particulars not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and generally accepted practices.
2. In the case when the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the preceding Paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
宿泊契約の申し込み 第 2 条
1. 当ホテルに宿泊契約の申込みをしようとする方には、次の事項を当ホテルに申し出ていただきます。
( 1 )宿泊者名
( 2 )宿泊日および到着予定時刻
( 3 )電話番号等の連絡先その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項
2. 宿泊客が、宿泊中に前項第 2 号の宿泊日を超えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合は、当ホテルは、その申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申込みがあったものとして処理します。
3. 当ホテルにお申し出いただいた事項に変更が生じた場合には、速やかに変更した内容を当ホテルにお申し出ください。
4. 第1項でお申し出いただいた内容が虚偽であることが判明した場合または前項に違反して変更内容のお申し出をいただけなかった場合には、宿泊契約締結の拒否または宿泊契約の解除をさせていただくことがございます。
Application for Accommodation Contracts Article 2
1. A Guest who intends to make an application for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars:
( 1 ) Name of the Guest(s);
( 2 ) Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival; and
( 3 ) Contact information such as a telephone number and other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel;
2. In the case when the Guest requests during his stay, extension of the accommodation beyond the date in subparagraph (2) of the preceding Paragraph, it shall be regarded as an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such request is made.
3. The Guest shall promptly notify the Hotel of any changes to the matters they have reported to the Hotel.
4. The Hotel may refuse to conclude an Accommodation Contract, or cancel the Accommodation Contract, with the Guest if the content reported by the Guest based on the provisions of Paragraph 1 is found to be false or if the Guest does not report changes to the matters they have reported to the Hotel in violation of the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.
宿泊契約の成立等 第 3 条
1. 宿泊契約は、当ホテルが前条の申込みを承諾した時に成立するものとします。
2. 前項の規定により宿泊契約が成立したときは、宿泊期間の基本宿泊料を限度として当ホテルが定める申込金を、当ホテルが指定する日までに、お支払いいただきます。
3. 申込金は、まず、宿泊客が最終的に支払うべき宿泊料金に充当し、第 6 条および第 18 条の規定を適用する事態が生じたときは、違約金に次いで賠償金の順序で充当し、残額があれば、第 12 条の規定による料金の支払いの際に返還します。
4. 第 2 項の申込金を同項の規定により当ホテルが指定した日までにお支払いいただけない場合は、宿泊契約はその効力を失うものとします。ただし、申込金の支払期日を指定するに当たり、当ホテルがその旨を宿泊客に告知した場合に限ります。
Conclusion of Accommodation Contracts, etc. Article 3
1. A Contract for Accommodation shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel has duly accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding Article.
2. When a Contract for Accommodation has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest is requested to pay an accommodation deposit fixed by the Hotel within the limits of Basic Accommodation Charges by the date specified by the Hotel.
3. The deposit shall be first used for the Total Accommodation Charges to be paid by the Guest, then secondly for the cancellation charges under Article 6 and thirdly for the reparations under Article 18 as applicable, and the Accommodation Charges as stated in Article 12.
4. When the Guest has failed to pay the deposit by the date as stipulated in Paragraph 2, the Hotel shall treat the Accommodation Contract as invalid. However, the same shall apply only in the case where the Guest is thus informed by the Hotel when the period of payment of the deposit is specified.
申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約 第 4 条
1. 前条第 2 項の規定にかかわらず、当ホテルは、同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととすることがあります。
2. 当ホテルが宿泊契約の申込みを承諾するに当たり前条第 2 項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合および当該申込金の支払期日を指定しなかった場合は、申込金の支払いを要しないものとして取り扱います。
Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit Article 4
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may not require payment of an accommodation deposit as stipulated in the same Paragraph.
2. In the case that the Hotel has not requested payment of the deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, or has not specified the date of payment of the deposit, at the time the Hotel has accepted the application for an Accommodation Contract, it shall be treated as that the Hotel has not required payment of an accommodation deposit.
宿泊契約締結の拒否 第 5 条 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合には、宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。
( 1 )宿泊の申込みが、この約款によらないとき。
( 2 )客室の余裕がないとき。
( 3 )宿泊客が、宿泊に関し、法令、公の秩序または善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき。
( 4 )宿泊客が泥酔等により他の宿泊客に著しい迷惑を及ぼすおそれのあるとき。
( 5 )宿泊客が、反社会的勢力(暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団員でなくなった時から5年を経過しない者、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係企業、総会屋等、社会運動等標榜ゴロまたは特殊知能暴力集団、その他これらに準ずるものをいう。以下同じ)に該当するとき。
( 6 )宿泊客または宿泊客が所属する組織の役員(業務を執行する社員、取締役、執行役またはこれらに準ずる者をいう)が反社会的勢力に該当するとき。
( 7 )宿泊客または宿泊客が所属する組織が、(イ)から(ホ)までのいずれかに該当するとき。
(8 )宿泊客が、他の宿泊客に著しい迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
( 9 )宿泊客が、当ホテルの器物を損壊する行為もしくは業務を妨害する行為、または当ホテル従業員に対し、暴力、脅迫、恐喝、わいせつ行為、土下座の強要、威圧的な不当要求、当ホテル従業員のプライバシーや人権を侵害する言動その他著しい大声や人格攻撃といった声量や内容において社会的相当性を逸脱しもしくは風紀を乱す言動を行ったとき、またはかつてそれらと同様の行為を行ったと認められるとき。
Refusal of Accommodation Contract Article 5
The Hotel may not accept the conclusion of an Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases:
( 1 ) When the application for accommodation doe s not conform with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions;
( 2 ) When there are no guest rooms available;
( 3 ) When the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct himself in a manner that will contravene the laws or act against the public order or good morals in regard to his accommodation;
( 4 ) When the Guest is severely intoxicated or in other cases where the Guest is thought likely to cause significant inconvenience to other Guests;
( 5 ) When the Guest is an anti-social force (which means an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person who has been a member of an organized crime group at any time in the past 5 years, a quasi- member of an organized crime group, a company affiliated with an organized crime group, a corporate extortionist, a group engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns, etc., an organized crime syndicate specialized in intellectual crimes, or any other party analogous to each of the preceding; and the same applies hereinafter);
( 6 ) When the Guest or an officer (which means partners who execute business, directors, executive officers, or persons equivalent to each of the preceding) of the organization to which the Guest belongs is an anti-social force;
( 7 ) When any of the following circumstances listed from (a) through (e) below apply to the Guest or the organization to which the Guest belongs:
( a ) It is recognized that they are being controlled by an anti-social force; ( b ) It is recognized that they are being subject to the substantial involvement
of an anti-social force;
( c ) It is recognized that they have unduly used an anti-social force for the purpose of obtaining illicit benefit for themselves, for the organization to which it belongs, or for a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party, etc.;
( d ) It is recognized that they are involved with an anti-social force through the provision of funding and favors, etc.; or
( e ) It is recognized that they have any other socially reprehensible relationship with an anti-social force;
( 8 ) When the behavior of the Guest has created a significant inconvenience for other Guests;
(9 ) When the Guest engages in acts that damage the property of the Hotel or interfere with the business of the Hotel; or engages in violence, threats, extortion, or obscene acts, or makes coercive improper demands (including a demand to kneel down on the ground and apologize), against the Hotel or its employees; or engages in acts that violate the privacy or human rights of the Hotel’s employees; or behaves in a socially inappropriate manner or in a manner injurious to public morals in terms of speaking volume and contents, such as extreme loudness or personal attacks; or is known to have previously engaged in said behavior.
(10) When the Guest seeking accommodation is a patient with a Specified Infectious Disease, etc. (which means a Class I Infectious Disease, a Class II Infectious Disease, a Novel Influenza Infection, etc., a New Infectious Disease or a Designated Infectious Disease that is subject to the provisions of hospitalization, etc. in the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases);
(11) When the Guest has, without valid reason, refused to comply with a request from the Hotel to cooperate as necessary to prevent infection, such as by wearing a mask and confirming their health condition, during a period when a Specified Infectious Disease is spreading in Japan, or when the Guest has symptoms of a Specified Infectious Disease such as a fever and does not, without valid reason, comply with a request from the Hotel to confirm whether they are a patient with a Specified Infectious Disease and to cooperate as necessary to prevent infection;
(12) When the Guest has made repeated requests to the Hotel or its employees that are excessively burdensome and are likely to significantly hinder the provision of accommodation-related services to other Guests, such as repeated requests for excessive services such as unreasonable discounts or unreasonable room upgrades, repeated requests to be served only by a specific employee or for a specific employee not to come to work, repeated requests for apology in a socially inappropriate manner, or the act of holding up a person for a long time to reprimand them, etc. in person or over the phone, etc.
(13) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, dysfunction of the facilities, or other unavoidable causes; and
(14) When the Hotel expects that the Guest will bring any of the items listed in items (a) through (f) below into the Hotel:
( a ) Animals (pets) (excluding assistance dogs for persons with physical disabilities)
( b ) Articles with an offensive odor
( c ) Gunpowder, volatile oils, fuels, or other flammable or ignitable substances, or any products using any of the preceding
( d ) Narcotics, illegal drugs, or other substances ( e ) Guns or swords
( f ) Other items of a nature or quantity that, if brought into the Hotel, would be injurious to public morals, or interfere with safety management or business operations within the Hotel, etc., and thereby cause significant inconvenience to other Guests
宿泊客の契約解除権 第 6 条
1. 宿泊客は、当ホテルに申し出て、宿泊契約を解除することができます。
2. 当ホテルは、宿泊客がその責めに帰すべき事由により宿泊契約の全部または一部を解除した場合(第 3 条第 2 項の規定により当ホテルが申込金の支払期日を指定してその支払いを求めた場合であって、その支払期日より前に宿泊客が宿泊契約を解除したときを除きます)は、別表第 2 に掲げるところにより、違約金を申し受けます。
3. 当ホテルは、宿泊客が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の午後 10 時(あらかじめ到着予定時刻が明示されている場合は、その時刻を 2時間経過した時刻)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊客により解除されたものとみなすことがあります。
Right to Cancel Accommodation Contract by the Guest Article 6
1. The Guest is entitled to cancel the Accommodation Contract by so notifying the Hotel.
2. In the case when the Guest has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to causes for which the Guest is liable (except in the case when the Hotel has requested the payment of the deposit during the specified period as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and the Guest has cancelled before the payment), the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed in the Attached Table No. 2.
3. In the case when the Guest does not appear by 10 p.m. of the accommodation date (2 hours after the expected time of arrival if the Hotel is notified of it) without advance notice, the Hotel may regard the Accommodation Contract as being cancelled by the Guest.
当ホテルの契約解除権 第 7 条
1. 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合においては、宿泊契約を解除することがあります。
( 1 )宿泊客が、宿泊に関し、法律、公の秩序または善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき。
( 2 )宿泊客が、泥酔等により他の宿泊客に著しい迷惑を及ぼすおそれのあるとき。
( 3 )宿泊客が、反社会的勢力(暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団員でなくなった時から5年を経過しない者、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係企業、総会屋等、社会運動等標榜ゴロまたは特殊知能暴力集団、その他これらに準ずるものをいう。以下同じ)に該当するとき。
( 4 )宿泊客または宿泊客が所属する組織の役員(業務を執行する社員、取締役、執行役またはこれらに準ずる者をいう)が反社会的勢力に該当するとき。
( 5 )宿泊客または宿泊客が所属する組織が、以下(イ)から(ホ)までのいずれかに該当するとき。
( 6 )宿泊客が、他の宿泊客に著しい迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
( 7 )宿泊客が、当ホテルの器物を損壊する行為もしくは業務を妨害する行為、または当ホテル従業員に対し、暴力、脅迫、恐喝、わいせつ行為、土下座の強要、威圧的な不当要求、当ホテル従業員のプライバシーや人権を侵害する言動、その他著しい大声や人格攻撃といった声量や内容において社会的相当性を逸脱しもしくは風紀を乱す言動を行ったとき、またはかつてそれらと同様の行為を行ったと認められるとき。
( 8 )宿泊客が、特定感染症(感染症法における一類感染症・二類感染症・新型インフルエンザ等感染症・新感染症および指定感染症のうち入院等の規定が適用されるもの)の患者等であるとき。
Right to Cancel Accommodation Contract by the Hotel Article 7
1. The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases:
( 1 ) When the Guest is deemed liable to conduct or has conducted himself in a manner that will contravene the laws or act against the public order and good morals in regard to his accommodation;
( 2 ) When the Guest is severely intoxicated or in other cases where the Guest is thought likely to cause significant inconvenience to other Guests;
( 3 ) When the Guest is an anti-social force (which means an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a person who has been a member of an organized crime group at any time in the past 5 years, a quasi- member of an organized crime group, a company affiliated with an organized crime group, a corporate extortionist, a group engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns, etc., an organized crime syndicate specialized in intellectual crimes, or any other party analogous to each of the preceding; and the same applies hereinafter);
( 4 ) When the Guest or an officer (which means partners who execute business, directors, executive officers, or persons equivalent to each of the preceding) of the organization to which the Guest belongs is an anti-social force;
( 5 ) When any of the following circumstances listed from (a) through (e) below apply to the Guest or the organization to which the Guest belongs:
( a ) It is recognized that they are being controlled by an anti-social force; ( b ) It is recognized that they are being subject to the substantial involvement
of an anti-social force;
( c ) It is recognized that they have unduly used an anti-social force for the purpose of obtaining illicit benefit for themselves, for the organization to which it belongs, or for a third party, or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party, etc.;
( d ) It is recognized that they are involved with an anti-social force through the provision of funding and favors, etc.; or
( e ) It is recognized that they have any other socially reprehensible relationship with an anti-social force;
( 6 ) When the behavior of the Guest has created a significant inconvenience for other Guests;
( 7 ) When the Guest engages in acts that damage the property of the Hotel or interfere with the business of the Hotel; or engages in violence, threats, extortion, or obscene acts, or makes coercive improper demands (including a demand to kneel down on the ground and apologize), against the Hotel or its employees; or engages in acts that violate the privacy or human rights of the Hotel’s employees; or behaves in a socially inappropriate manner or in a manner injurious to public morals in terms of speaking volume and contents, such as extreme loudness or personal attacks; or is known to have previously engaged in said behavior.
( 8 ) When the Guest seeking accommodation is a patient with a Specified Infectious Disease, etc. (which means a Class I Infectious Disease, a Class II Infectious Disease, a Novel Influenza Infection, etc., a New Infectious Disease or a Designated Infectious Disease that is subject to the provisions of hospitalization, etc. in the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases);
( 9 )特定感染症が国内で発生している期間において、宿泊客がマスク着用や健康状態の確認といった感染防止に必要な協力についての当ホテルからの求めを正当な理由なく拒んだ場合、または宿泊客に発熱などの特定感染症の症状があった場合において、特定感染症の患者に該当するかどうかの当ホテルからの報告要請及び感染防止のための協力要請に正当な理由なく応じないとき。
(へ)その他、当ホテル施設内に持ち込むことにより、風紀を乱し、または施設内の安全管理や業務運営に支障が出ること等に より他の宿泊者に著しい迷惑を及ぼすことになる性質または量の物品
2. 当ホテルが前項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、宿泊客がいまだ提供を受けていない宿泊サービス等の料金はいただきません。
3. 第 1 項(1)から(11)に該当する事態が生じた場合は、当ホテルは、宿泊契約の解除の有無にかかわらず、速やかに警察等関係機関と連携の上、厳格に対処させていただきます。
( 9 ) When the Guest has, without valid reason, refused to comply with a request from the Hotel to cooperate as necessary to prevent infection, such as by wearing a mask and confirming their health condition, during a period when a Specified Infectious Disease is spreading in Japan, or when the Guest has symptoms of a Specified Infectious Disease such as a fever and does not, without valid reason, comply with a request from the Hotel to confirm whether they are a patient with a Specified Infectious Disease and to cooperate as necessary to prevent infection;
(10) When the Guest has made repeated requests to the Hotel or its employees that are excessively burdensome and are likely to significantly hinder the provision of accommodation-related services to other Guests, such as repeated requests for excessive services such as unreasonable discounts or unreasonable room upgrades, repeated requests to be served only by a specific employee or for a specific employee not to come to work, repeated requests for apology in a socially inappropriate manner, or the act of holding up a person for a long time to reprimand them, etc. in person or over the phone, etc.
(11) When the Guest has engaged in prohibited actions such as smoking in bed, unnecessary usage of firefighting equipment, or other prohibitions of the Use Regulations stipulated by the Hotel (restricted to particulars deemed necessary in order to avoid the causing of fires), or has attempted to do so;
(12) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, dysfunction of the facilities, or other unavoidable causes;
(13) When the Hotel expects that the Guest will bring any of the items listed in items (a) through (f) below into the Hotel:
( a ) Animals (pets) (excluding assistance dogs for persons with physical disabilities)
( b ) Articles with an offensive odor
( c ) Gunpowder, volatile oils, fuels, or other flammable or ignitable substances, or any products using any of the preceding
( d ) Narcotics, illegal drugs, or other substances ( e ) Guns or swords
( f ) Other items of a nature or quantity that, if brought into the Hotel, would be injurious to public morals, or interfere with safety management or business operations within the Hotel, etc., and thereby cause significant inconvenience to other Guests
2. In the case when the Hotel has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the pre ceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall not be entitled to charge the Guest for any of the services in the future during the contractual period which he has not received.
3. If any of the cases listed in item (1) through (11) of Paragraph 1 have occurred, then the Hotel will promptly take strict action in cooperation with the relevant organizations such as the police, regardless of whether or not the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract.
宿泊の登録 第 8 条
1. 宿泊客には、宿泊日当日、当ホテルのフロントにおいて、次の事項を登録していただきます。
( 1 )宿泊客の氏名、年齢、性別、住所および電話番号
( 2 )外国人にあっては、国籍、旅券番号、入国地及び入国年月日(パスポートをコピーさせていただきます)
( 3 )出発日および出発予定時刻
( 4 )その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項
2. 宿泊客が、第 12 条の料金の支払いを、旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等通貨に代わり得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、前項の登録時にそれらを呈示していただきます。
3. 当ホテルは、お預かりした個人情報を株式会社共立メンテナンスの個人情報保護方針に基づき適切に管理いたします。
Registration Article 8
1. The Guest shall register the following particulars at the front desk of the Hotel on the day of accommodation:
( 1 ) Name, age, sex, address, and telephone number of the Guest(s);
( 2 ) In the case of foreign nationals, nationality, passport number, port and date of entry into Japan (the Hotel will make a copy of the passport);
( 3 ) Date and estimated time of departure;
( 4 ) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.
2. In the case when the Guest intends to pay his Accommodation Charges prescribed in Article 12 by any means other than Japanese currency, such as traveler’s cheques, coupons or credit cards, these credentials shall be shown in advance at the time of the registration prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.
3. The personal information collected by the Hotel shall be stored appropriately, based on the privacy policy of Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd.
延長料金 第 9 条 当ホテルは、規定時間外の客室利用に応じることがあります。この場合には次に掲げる追加料金を申し受けます。
12 時まで ご利用宿泊料金の 20%
13 時まで ご利用宿泊料金の 40%
14 時まで ご利用宿泊料金の 60%
15 時まで ご利用宿泊料金の 80%
15 時以降 基本宿泊料金の 100%(各税込)
Late Checkout Article 9
The Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the room beyond the time prescribed. In this case, extra charges shall be paid as follows:
[Additional Fee]
Checkout by 12:00 p.m., 20% of the Accommodation Charge; Checkout by 1:00 p.m., 40% of the Accommodation Charge; Checkout by 2:00 p.m., 60% of the Accommodation Charge; Checkout by 3:00 p.m., 80% of the Accommodation Charge;
Checkout after 3:00 p.m., 100% of the Basic Accommodation Charge (each including taxes)
利用規則の遵守 第 10 条 宿泊客は、以下の内容を含むものとして当ホテルが定める利用規則および当ホテル内に提示する館内ルールに従っていただきます。
1. 客室には訪問客をお招きにならないでください。
2. 当ホテルの従業員が、宿泊客の安全確認、衛生管理等の必要から客室内に立ち入る場合がございますので、あらかじめご承知おきください。
3. ロビーおよび客室内に次のものをお持ち込みにならないでください。
( 1 )動物、鳥類(ペット類)。ただし、身体障害者補助犬は除く。
( 2 )著しく悪臭を発するもの
( 3 )火薬、揮発油類、燃料その他の発火または引火しやすい物質およびそれらを使用した製品
( 4 )麻薬、非合法薬物またはそれに類するもの
( 5 )鉄砲、刀剣類
( 6 )その他、当ホテル施設内に持ち込むことにより、風紀を乱し、または施設内の安全管理や業務運営に支障が出ること等により他の宿泊者に著しい迷惑を及ぼすことになる性質または量の物品
4. 館内での以下の行為を禁止させていただきます。
( 1 )喫煙室や喫煙ブース等、当ホテルでの所定の場所以外での喫煙(電子タバコ、加熱式タバコ等による喫煙を含みます)
( 2 )香を焚く行為その他著しく臭いや煙が発生する行為
( 3 )大浴場脱衣室・貸切風呂でのカメラ・カメラ付きの機器(撮影機能を有するスマートフォンやデジタルカメラ等)の使用および大浴場内へのカメラ・カメラ付きの機器(撮影機能を有するスマートフォンやデジタルカメラ等)の持ち込み
( 4 )客室内ユニットバス・シャワーブースおよび大浴場における染毛や漂白剤の使用
( 5 )館内備品以外の高熱や騒音を発する機器の使用
( 6 )とばくその他風紀を乱す行為および他のお客さまに迷惑を及ぼす行為
( 7 )当ホテルの許可なく客室やロビーその他当ホテルの設備を事務所・事業所として使用する行為(客室の宿泊以外の利用はお断りいたします。)
( 8 )許可なく客室内の現状を変更するような加工を行う行為
( 9 )他のお客さまに広告物を配付する行為
5. 館内の諸設備および諸物品の取扱いに際しては、以下の点をお守りくださいますようお願い申し上げます。
( 1 )本来の目的以外の用途にご使用なさらないでください。
( 2 )ホテルの外へ持ち出さないでください。
( 3 )所定の場所から移動したり、加工したりなさらないでください。
6. 廊下やロビーなど客室以外の場所に所持品を放置なさらないでください。
7. 未成年者のみのご宿泊は、保護者の許可のない限りお断りさせていただきます。
8. 不可抗力以外の理由により、建造物・備品その他の当ホテルの物品を損傷・汚損された場合は、相当の修繕費を弁償していただきます。また、お部屋のカギを紛失された場合は、相当額を弁償していただきます。
9. 長期間連泊される場合の客室については、客室の衛生管理等の観点から、7 日に 1 度以上の頻度で客室清掃を実施させていただきます。また、当ホテルの判断するタイミングにおいて定期的に客室変更を実施させていただきます。
Observance of Use Regulations Article 10
The Guest shall observe the Use Regulations established by the Hotel and the Hotel rules posted within the premises of the Hotel, which include the following contents:
1. Visitors are not permitted in guest rooms.
2. Please be aware that Hotel employees may enter guest rooms as necessary to confirm the safety of Guests and for hygiene management, etc.
3. The following items may not be brought into the Hotel: ( 1 ) Animals (pets) (excluding assistance dogs for persons with physical disabilities) ( 2 ) Articles with an offensive odor
( 3 ) Gunpowder, volatile oils, fuels, or other flammable or ignitable substances, or any products using any of the preceding
( 4 ) Narcotics, illegal drugs, or other substances ( 5 ) Guns or swords
( 6 ) Other items of a nature or quantity that, if brought into the Hotel, would be injurious to public morals, or interfere with safety management or business operations within the Hotel, etc., and thereby cause significant inconvenience to other Guests
4. The following acts are prohibited within the premises of the Hotel: ( 1 ) Smoking outside the designated areas of the Hotel such as smoking rooms
and smoking booths (including e-cigarettes and vapes);
( 2 ) Burning incense or other acts that generate significant odors or smoke; ( 3 ) Use of cameras and devices with built-in cameras (smartphones, digital
cameras, etc. that have a shooting function) in the public bath dressing room or private baths and bringing cameras and devices with built-in cameras (smartphones, digital cameras, etc. that have a shooting function) into the public bath;
( 4 ) Use of hair dye and bleach in the guest room unit bath and shower booth, and in the public bath;
( 5 ) Use of equipment that generates intense heat or loud noise other than the equipment provided by the Hotel;
( 6 ) Gambling, and other acts that are injurious to public morals or that cause inconvenience to other Guests;
( 7 ) Use of guest rooms, the lobby or other equipment of the Hotel as an office or for commercial activities without the consent of Hotel. (Use of guest rooms other than for lodging purposes is prohibited.);
( 8 ) Altering or rearranging guest room fixtures without permission; ( 9 ) Distributing advertising materials to other Guests;
(10) Photographing guest rooms, the lobby, and other Hotel facilities, or interviewing and photographing Guests and Hotel employees, without the prior approval of the Hotel; publicly disclosing information, audio, video, etc. obtained through such acts; and asking personal questions to Hotel employees.
(11) Entering stairwells, the rooftop, maintenance facilities, the machine room, offices, kitchens or other employee-only areas.
5. Please observe the following points when handling equipment and fixtures on the premises:
( 1 ) Please refrain from using equipment and fixtures other than for their intended purpose.
( 2 ) Please do not take equipment or fixtures out of the hotel. ( 3 ) Removal or alterations of equipment or fixtures is prohibited.
6. Personal belongings may not be left outside of guest rooms such as in the lobby or in hallways.
7. Minors are not permitted to stay at the Hotel without parental or guardian consent.
8. The management reserves the right to hold Guests responsible for damages, contamination, or loss caused to any part of the building, its furniture, or fixtures for reasons other than force majeure. Also, the cost of a replacement will be levied for loss of room key.
9. If the Guest will stay at the Hotel for an extended period, then the Hotel will clean the Guest’s guest room at least once every 7 days from the viewpoint of guest room hygiene management, and will periodically move the Guest to another guest room at a timing determined by the Hotel.
10.Please promptly present your ID (passport, driver’s license, etc.) if requested by the Hotel in order to verify your identity.
11.Please use the restrooms in the common areas of the Hotel according to your physical (biological) gender.
12.The Hotel may cancel the Guest’s accommodation contract in whole or in part if the Guest does not comply with the matters stipulated in this Article.
大浴場利用規則 第 11 条
1. 入れ墨またはタトゥーのある方のご利用をお断りさせていただきます。
2. 当ホテルは、脱衣所内での盗難については、責任を負いかねます。
3. 貴重品はフロントにお預けください。
4. 混浴の年齢制限は原則として 6 歳までとさせていただきます。なお、ホテルが所在する自治体が条例等により個別に年齢制限を定める場合は、それに準じます。
5. ロッカーの利用は、大浴場の利用時間内に限らせていただきます。
( 1 )大浴場の利用時間を過ぎましたら、全てのロッカー扉を開放させていただきます。
( 2 )大浴場の利用時間を過ぎた後にロッカー内に置き忘れられた物につきましては、当日 17 時までにご連絡がない場合、所有権が放棄されたものとみなし、廃棄させて頂きます。
6. 大浴場(男湯・女湯)につきましては、身体的(生物学)な特徴の性に従ってのご利用をお願いいたします。
Public Bath Use Regulations Article 11
1. Persons with tattoos are not permitted to use the public bath facilities.
2. The Hotel shall accept no responsibility for theft or loss of valuables left in changing rooms.
3. Please deposit valuables at the front desk.
4. In principle, the age limit for mixed bathing is up to 6 years old; provided, however, that if the municipality where the Hotel is located has enacted an ordinance, etc. to establish a different age limit, then the provisions of that ordinance, etc. shall apply.
5. Lockers may be used only during the public bath hours. ( 1 ) All locker doors will be opened after public bath hours.
( 2 ) The Hotel shall keep articles left behind in lockers after public bath hours until 5 p.m. on the same day, and if not claimed by such time, the Hotel shall treat the articles as having been abandoned by the owner and dispose of them.
6. Please use the public bath facilities (men’s and women’s baths) according to your physical (biological) gender.
料金の支払い 第 12 条
1. 宿泊客が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳およびその算定方法は、別表 1 に掲げるところによります。
2. 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは、日本円または当ホテルが認めた旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等これに代わり得る方法により、宿泊客の到着の際または当ホテルが請求した時に、フロントにおいて行っていただきます。
3. 当ホテルが宿泊客に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊客が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても、宿泊料金は申し受けます。
4. 宿泊料金は前払い制になっております。
Payment of Accommodation Charges Article 12
1. The breakdown and method of calculation of the Accommodation Charges, etc. that the Guest shall pay are as listed in the Attached Table No. 1.
2. Accommodation charges, etc. as stated in the preceding paragraph shall be paid in Japanese yen or by any means other than Japanese yen such as traveler’s cheques, coupons or credit cards recognized by the Hotel at the front desk at the time of the arrival of the Guest or upon request by the Hotel.
3. Accommodation Charges shall be paid even if the Guest voluntarily does not utilize the accommodation facilities provided for him by the Hotel and are at his disposal.
4. Accommodation Charges must be paid by the Guest in advance.
当ホテルの責任 第 13 条
1. 当ホテルは、宿泊契約およびこれに関連する契約の履行に当たり、またはそれらの不履行により宿泊客に損害を与えたときは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、それが当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由によるものでないときは、この限りではありません。
2. 当ホテルが提供する Wi-Fi 等インターネット接続サービスについては、利用者の判断と責任においてご利用ください。当ホテルでは、通信環境 ・ 通信速度を保証するものではありません。また、その他の接続品質、利用者の所有する機器の故障・不具合、セキュリティ等について、当ホテルは一切の責任を負いません。
3. 自然災害および電気・水道・ガス等の供給元からの予期せぬ途絶その他当ホテルにおける施設管理に起因しない原因で生じた停電、断水および施設の不具合・使用不能並びに非常用放送設備の発報に起因したお客様のトラブルにつきましては 当ホテルは賠償の責を負いません。
4. 当ホテルは、万一の火災等に対処するため、旅館賠償責任保険に加入しております。
Liabilities of the Hotel Article 13
1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the damage if the Hotel has caused such damage to the Guest in the fulfillment or the non-fulfillment of the Accommodation Contract or related agreements. However, the same shall not apply in a case where such damage has been caused due to reasons for which the Hotel is not liable.
2. Please use the Wi-Fi and other Internet connection services provided by the Hotel at your own discretion and responsibility. The Hotel makes no guarantee with respect to the communications environment or communication speed. In addition, the Hotel assumes no liability with respect to connection quality, the failure or malfunction of the equipment owned by users, security, etc.
3. The Hotel assumes no liability with respect to trouble experienced by the Guest as a result of power outages, water outages, malfunctioning or unusable facilities and alarms from emergency broadcast equipment that are caused by natural disaster, the unexpected disruption of the supply of electricity, water, gas, etc., or any other causes not attributable to the Hotel’s facility management.
4. The Hotel is covered by Hotel Liability Insurance in order to deal with unexpected fire and other disasters.
駐車場利用規則 第 14 条
1. ご利用時間は、チェックイン時刻からチェックアウト時刻までとさせていただきます。
2. 当ホテルは、次の事由によって生じた車輌または利用者の損害については賠償の責を負いません。
( 1 )自然災害その他不可抗力による事故および故障
( 2 )当該車輌の積載物または取付物が原因で生じた事故
( 3 )当ホテルの責に帰することのできない事由によって生じた衝突および接触その他立体駐車場内における事故ならびに利用者間の一切のトラブル
( 4 )車内における物品、貴重品の紛失および盗難
3. 宿泊客が駐車場の施設等を損傷したときは、その損害を弁償していただきます。
4. 当ホテルは、場内において不正駐車を発見したときには、車輌の使用者に不正駐車による損害の賠償を請求いたします。
5. 駐車場機器の故障によりチェックアウト後の車輌の出庫ができない事態が生じた場合は、当ホテルは、当日中に必要となる代替交通手段の費用を負担いたしますが、それ以外の賠償の責任は負いません。
6. 提携駐車場を利用される場合は、提携駐車場運営会社の定めた規則等に従っていただきます。
Parking Space Regulations Article 14
1. This parking lot may only be used by the Guest between the hours of his/her check-in and check-out.
2. The Hotel assumes no liability for damage to vehicles or users caused by the following circumstances:
( 1 ) Accidents and failures caused by natural disasters and other force majeure; ( 2 ) Accidents caused by loads or attachments on vehicles;
( 3 ) Collisions, contact, and other accidents in the multilevel parking lot caused by circumstances not attributable to the responsibility of the Hotel, and any troubles between users; and
( 4 ) The loss or theft of items or valuables from vehicles.
3. The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for any damage they may cause to parking lot facilities.
4. The Hotel will charge a fee to the user of any vehicle found to be parked in the parking lot without authorization.
5. In the event that the Guest is unable to remove their vehicle from the parking lot after checkout due to the malfunction of parking lot equipment, then the Hotel will cover the cost of alternative means of transportation that the Guest requires for that day; provided, however, that the Hotel assumes no other liability for damages.
6. If using an affiliated parking lot, please follow the rules and regulations established by the operator of that affiliated parking lot.
契約した客室の提供ができないときの取扱い 第 15 条
1. 当ホテルは、宿泊客に契約した客室を提供できないときは、宿泊客の了解を得て、できる限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設を斡旋するものとします。
2. 当ホテルは、前項の規定にかかわらず他の宿泊施設の斡旋ができないときは、違約金相当額の補償料を宿泊客に支払い、その補償料は損害賠償額に充当します。ただし、客室が提供できないことについて、当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由がない時は、補償料を支払いません。
Handling When Unable to Provide Contracted Rooms Article 15
1. The Hotel shall, when unable to provide contracted rooms, arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere for the Guest insofar as practicable with the consent of the Guest.
2. When arrangement of other accommodation cannot be made notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the cancellation charges and the compensation fee shall be applied to the reparations. However, when the Hotel cannot provide accommodation due to causes for which the Hotel is not liable, the Hotel shall not compensate the Guest.
寄託物等の取り扱い 第 16 条
1. 宿泊客がフロントにお預けできる物品または現金並びに貴重品の上限額は 10 万円とします。
2. 宿泊客がフロントにお預けになった物品または現金並びに貴重品について、減失、毀損等の損害が生じた場合は、それが、不可抗力であるときを除き、当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。但し、現金並びに貴重品に付いては、当ホテルがその種類及び価格の明告を求めた場合であって、宿泊客がそれを行わなかったときは、当ホテルは 10 万円を限度としてその損害を賠償します。
3. 宿泊客が、当ホテルにお持込みになった物品または現金並びに貴重品であって、フロントにお預けにならなかったものについて、当ホテルの故意又は過失により減失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。但し、宿泊客から予め種類及び価額の明告がなかったものについては、当ホテルに故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、10 万円を限度として当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
4. 宿泊客が、手荷物やクリーニングサービスの利用で衣類をフロントに預け、3 か月を経過してもお引き取りいただけなかった場合で、その間に宿泊者との連絡がつかなかったときには、所有権が放棄されたとみなし、廃棄処分させていただきます。
Handling of Deposited Articles Article 16
1. The Guest may deposit goods or cash and valuables up to a maximum value of 100,000 yen at the front desk.
2. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest when loss, breakage, or other damage is caused to the goods or cash and valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except in cases where it occurred due to force majeure; provided, however, that the Hotel shall compensate the Guest within the limit of 100,000 yen for cash and valuables in the case that the Hotel requested the Guest to declare the type and value of such cash and valuables, and the Guest failed to do so.
3. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest when loss, breakage, or other damage is caused, through the willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Hotel, to goods or cash and valuables brought into the premises of the Hotel by the Guest but not deposited at the front desk; provided, however, that the Hotel shall compensate the Guest within the limit of 100,000 yen for goods or cash and valuables for which the Guest did not declare the type and value in advance, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
4. When the Guest deposits hand luggage or articles of clothing for cleaning service at the front desk, the Hotel shall keep the article for 3 months, and after this time, if the Hotel has not received any contact from the Guest, the Hotel shall treat the articles as having been abandoned by the owner and dispose of them.
宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管 第 17 条
1. 宿泊客の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当ホテルに到着した場合は、その到着前に当ホテルが了解したときに限って責任をもって保管します。
2. 宿泊客(所有者)がチェックアウトしたのち当ホテルに保管の依頼なく、当ホテル内に置き忘れられた手荷物および携行品については、原則として当ホテルからの連絡はいたしません。置き忘れられた手荷物および携行品については、宿泊者(所有者)からの照会の連絡を待ちます。宿泊者(所有者)の指示がない場合は、当ホテルの判断において、最寄りの警察に届けるか、 3 か月経過後処分させていただきます。
3. 置き忘れられた物品の発送に要する費用につきましては、宿泊客(所有者)の負担とさせていただきます。
4. 本条に係る物品の保管に関する当ホテルの責任は、宿泊約款第 16 条第 2 項の規定に準じるものとします。
Custody of Baggage and Belongings of the Guest Article 17
1. When the baggage of the Guest is brought into the Hotel prior to his arrival, the Hotel shall be liable to keep it only in the case when such a request has been accepted by the Hotel.
2. When baggage or belongings of the Guest (the owner) are found left behind after checkout, without a request for safekeeping given to the Hotel by the Guest (the owner), the Hotel will not contact the Guest (the owner) in principle, but rather wait to be contacted by the Guest (the owner). If there is no instruction from the Guest (the owner), the Hotel will, at its discretion, either deliver the item to the nearest police station or dispose of it after 3 months have passed. Furthermore, foods, beverages, tobacco products, magazines, and any items that may compromise the sanitary conditions of the Hotel shall be disposed of on the same day.
3. The Guest (the owner) shall bear the cost of shipping their items left behind at the Hotel.
4. The Hotel’s liability in regard to the custody of items pertaining to this Article shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 16.
宿泊客の責任 第 18 条
Liability of the Guest Article 18
The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for the damage caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Guest.
専属的合意管轄および準拠法 第 19 条
Exclusive Jurisdiction and Governing Law Article 19
Any disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be resolved by the Japanese court having jurisdiction over the location of the Hotel’s head office in accordance with the laws of Japan.
優先言語 第 20 条
Preferred Language Article 20
These Terms and Conditions have been prepared in Japanese and in English; however, in the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the two versions, the Japanese language version shall prevail.
別表第 1
宿泊料金 追加料金
宿泊料金等の算定方法(第2 条第1 項、第3 条第2 項及び第12 第1 項関係)
宿泊客が支払うべき総額 | 内訳 | 税金 ( イ・ロ ) の精算 | |
(1) | ① 基本宿泊料 ② 税金 イ. 消費税 | イ. ①の消費税 各都道府県の条例等の宿泊税 | |
(2) | ③ 飲食料及びその他の利用料金 ④ 税金 ロ. 消費税 | ロ. ③の消費税 |
※ 税法が改正された場合は、その改正された規定によるものとします。
※ 入湯税、宿泊税は各都道府県の条例等によるものとします。
Attached Table No. 1
Calculation method for Accommodation Charges, etc. (Ref. Paragraph 1 of Article 2, Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and Paragraph 1 of Article 12)
Total Amount be paid by Guest | Item | Tax Calculation (a ・ b) | |
Accommodation Charges (1) | ① Basic Accommodation Charge ② Taxes a. Consumption Tax | a.Consumption Tax for ① ※ Accommodation tax stipulated in prefectural ordinance, etc. | |
Extra | ③ Meals & Drinks and Other Expenses ④ Taxes b. Consumption Tax | b.Consumption Tax for ③ ※ |
Charges (2)
※ Should the taxation laws be revised, the revised provisions shall apply here.
※ Bath tax and accommodation tax are in accordance with the ordinances, etc. of each prefecture.
Day when Cancellation
of Contract is
別表第 2
Contracted Number of Guests
違約金(第 6 条第 2 項関係)
契約解除の通知を 受けた日契約申込人数 | 不泊 | 当日 | ~ 2 日前 | ~ 4 日前 | ~ 7 日前 | ~ 10 日前 | ~ 14 日前 | |
一般 | 14 名まで | 100% | 80% | 50% | 20% | 10% | ― | ― |
団体 | 15 名以上 | 100% | 100% | 80% | 50% | 20% | 20% | 10% |
1. %は、基本宿泊料に対する違約金の比率です。
2. 契約日数が短縮した場合は、その短縮日数にかかわりなく、1 日分(初日)の違約金を収受します。
Attached Table No. 2
Cancellation Charge for Hotel (Ref. Paragraph 2 of Article 6)
No Show | Accom. Day | By 2 days prior | By 4 days prior | By 7 days prior | By 10 days prior | By 14 days prior | ||
General | Up to 14 | 100% | 80% | 50% | 20% | 10% | ― | ― |
Group | 15 or more | 100% | 100% | 80% | 50% | 20% | 20% | 10% |
1. The percentage signifies the rate of cancellation charge to the Basic Accommodation Charges.
2. When the number of days contracted is shortened, a cancellation charge for one day (the first day) shall be paid by the Guest regardless of the number of days shortened.
株式会社共立メンテナンス Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd.