Contract Terms
再譲渡の際の 説明 | 作品の所有者は、作品を次の所有者に再譲渡する際、次の所有者に本規約の内容を事前に伝え、承諾を得た上で再譲渡をしてください。 |
Cert.の移転 | 作品の所有者は、Startbahn Cert.上で次の所有者のEmail宛てにCert.を移転することで、所有者情報を変更してください。 |
還元金の設定 | この作品には、作品の売却時における還元金が設定されています。 |
還元金の金額 | 還元金の金額は、作品の所有者が作品を売却したことにより受領した売却代金(消費税込み)の 10%(Viewerに記載)です。 |
支払期限 | 作品の所有者は、作品を売却した際、作品の売却代金の受領後30日以内にお支払いください。 |
支払方法 | 作品の所有者は、作品を売却した際、還元金を作品規約設定者の指定する次の銀行口座にお支払いください。 ※作品購入時の作品規約には、口座情報の記載があります。 なお、振込手数料は、お支払者の負担となります。 |
支払通貨 | 還元金の支払通貨は、日本円とします。作品の所有者が作品を売却したことにより受領した売却代金が日本円以外の通貨である場合、還元金の支払日に適用されるお支払者が利用する銀行の為替レートに基づき日本円に換算してお支払いください。 |
支払期間 | 還元金の支払いが必要な期間は、作品に関する著作権の保護期間と同一の期間です。 |
無償譲渡の取 り扱い | 無償の作品譲渡の場合は還元金の支払いは必要ありません。 |
追及権との適 用関係 | 作者の国籍、作品の売却場所、取引形態等によっては各国の法律を根拠とする追及権(Artist Resale Right)に基づくロイヤルティの対象となることがあります。作品譲渡がこのロイヤルティの対象となる場合、還元金の支払いは必要ありません。 |
変更手続 | 作品の所有者と作品規約設定者が合意することにより、本規約の内容を変更することができます。 |
作者の承認 |
属性: 作者本人
氏名: xxxx
Contract Terms
October 26th, 2021
This Contract Terms (the "Terms") is an agreement between the owner of this work (the " Owner" or "you") and the person who set the Terms in the bottom of the Terms (the "Cont racting Party").
The Owner hereby confirms and agrees to the contents of the Terms.
Retransfer of work
Explanation for retransf er | If the Owner re-transfers the work to another owner, please inform the next owner of the contents of the Terms in advance, and obtain their consent before retransferring the work. |
Cert. transf er | The Owner shall change the owner information on the Startbahn Cert. b y transferring the Cert. to the next owner via email. |
Return Royalty
Return Royal ty | This work has a set Return Royalty if the work is sold to another own er. | |
Amount of Re turn Royalty | The amount of the Return Royalty is [10] percent(in the Viewer) of th e sale price (including consumption tax) received by the Owner for a sale of the work. | |
Due date | The Owner shall pay within [30] days of receipt of the proceeds from the sale of the work. | |
Payment meth od | When the work is sold, the Owner shall pay the Return Royalty to the following bank account designated by the Contracting Party. * The bank account to pay the Return Royalty will be provided when yo u acquire the work. The Owner shall bear the cost of any bank transfer fees. | |
Currency | The currency for payment of the Return Royalty shall be [Japanese ye n]. If the proceeds received by the Owner from the sale of the work a re in a currency other than [Japanese yen], the payment shall be conv erted into [Japanese yen] based on the exchange rate of the bank used by you applicable on the payment date of the Return Royalty. |
Duration of the Return R oyalty | The duration of the Return Royalty is the same as the term of the cop yright protection period for the work. |
Gratuitous t ransfers | In the case of any gratuitous transfer of the work, no payment of the Return Royalty is required. |
Relationship with Artis t’s Resale Right | Depending on the nationality of the artist, the location where the wo rk is sold, the type of transaction, etc., a sale of the work may be subject to royalties based on the Artist Resale Right under the laws of each country. If the transfer of the work is subject to such royal ty, no payment of the Return Royalty is required. |
Changes to the Terms
Procedure | The Terms may be amended by an agreement to change the content of the Terms between the Owner and the Contracting Party. |
Author's app roval | If the Contracting Party is not the author of the work, the Terms set ter shall obtain the author's approval for any changes to the Terms. |
Governing Law
The Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Japan].
Contact information of the Contracting Party
Title: author
Name: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx