ミキワメ提供企業 株式会社リーディングマーク 利用規約(ユーザー) [English is below]
ミキワメ提供企業 株式会社リーディングマーク 利用規約(ユーザー) [English is below]
本利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます)は、株式会社リーディングマーク(以下「当社」といいま す)が提供する「ミキワメ」(名称を変更した場合は変更後の名称を含みます。以下同じ)の利用条件及び当該検査のユーザーの受検結果またはその分析データをカスタマー(第2条にて定義します)に 提供するサービス等について規定したものです。
1. 「ミキワメ」とは適性検査およびそれに関連して当社が提供するサービスの総称をいいます。
2. ユーザーが利用できる本サービスは、企業の受検条件や就職時期等によって制限されることがあります。
1. ユーザーは、自らの意思により本サービスを利用するものとします。
2. ユーザーは、ユーザー登録の際に入力した情報のxx性について責任を負うものとします。
3. ユーザーは登録内容の確認・変更ページにおいて、ユーザー登録の際に入力した登録情報をいつでも変更・追加・削除することができます。
(1) 意図的に虚偽の情報を登録・表示する行為
(2) 本サービスにおけるユーザー企業の会社説明、本検査の問題、検査結果、その他本サービスに おいて提供される一切のコンテンツを無断で複製、複写、編集、翻案する行為、及び、本サービス以 外のインターネット Web サイトにアップロードする行為
(3) 著作権、商標権、プライバシー権、肖像権、名誉等の他人の権利を侵害する行為
(4) 他人を誹謗中傷する行為
(5) 営利を目的とした行為
(6) 本サービスの運営を妨げる行為
(7) 法令に違反する行為またはそのおそれのある行為
(8) 当社または第三者(関連会社を含みます)に不利益を与える行為
(9) 当サービスに用いられるプログラムを改変し、毀損し、又は逆アセンブルし、逆コンパイル し、リバースエンジニアリングする行為 (10)上記の他、当社または関連会社が不適切と判断する行為
1 本サービスの利用、あるいは本サービスを利用するカスタマーとの接触、その他本サービスに関わったことによって、ユーザーに損害が生じた場合であっても、当社および当社の関連会社は一切の責任を負わないものとし
1. 本サービスにおいて第三者より提供される情報(会社情報等の第三者の情報、広告その他第三者により提供される情報を含みます。)は、当該第三者の責任のもとで提供されるものであり、当社および関連会社は、当該情報のxx性、 合法性、安全性、適切性、有用性について何ら保証しないものとします。
2. 当社および関連会社は、a.本サービスに不具合やエラー等の障害が生じないこと、b.本サービ スから得られる情報がxx性、合法性、安全性、適切性、有用性を有するものであること、c. 本サ ービスおよび本サービスを通じて得られる情報、役務等がユーザーの要望を満たすものであることを、いずれも保証するものではあ
りません。ユーザーは、このことを予め承諾した上で本サービスを 利用するものとします。
く、当該ユーザーの本サービスの全部または一部の利用を一時中止し、または当該ユーザーの登録情報の一部の抹消、ユーザーからの除名または再登録を拒否できるものとします。なお、サービスの中 止、除名または登録できないことに伴う一切の不利益に関して当社および関連会社は責任を負いません。
1. 当社は、ユーザーへの事前の通知なくして、本サービスの変更または一時的な中断(サーバー保
2. 当社は2週間の予告期間をもってユーザーに通知のうえ、本サービス全体の提供を長期的に中断
サイバー攻撃、天変地異による被害、その他当社の責によらない事由(以下「不可抗力」といいま す)により被害が生じた場合、当社および関連会社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。当社は、不可抗力に起因して本サービスにおけるデータが消去・変更されないことを保証するものではなく、ユーザーは自己の責任において必要なデータを保存しなければならないものとします。
1 ユーザーは、当社の書面による事前の承諾なく、利用契約上の地位又は本規約に基づく権利若しくは義務につき、第三者に対し、移転、譲渡、担保設定、その他の処分をすることはできません。
2 当社は、利用契約上の地位、本規約に基づく権利及び義務並びにユーザーの応募者登録情報その他の顧客情報(ユーザー企業保有情報を含みます。)を第三者に譲渡することができるものとし、ユ
最終改訂日 2022年2月9日
Mikiwame Provider Leading Mark, Inc. Terms of Use (User)
The terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) stipulates the terms of use for “Mikiwame” (in a case where the name is changed, the changed name will be included; hereinafter the same), services for providing customers (defined in Article 2) with a test result of a user of a corresponding test and analysis data thereof, and the like that Leading Mark, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provides.
Article 1 Purpose of Agreement
In a case where one is to use the following services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") that the Company provides, one is required to agree to the terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").
Article 2 User and Customer
An individual who uses the tests and systems that “Mikiwame” provides is called a user. In addition, a company, a corporation, or a similar organization that uses the tests and systems that “Mikiwame” provides for employment or other purposes is called a customer.
1. “Mikiwame” is a collective name for the aptitude tests and services that the Company provides.
2. The Services that the user can use may be limited depending on the testing conditions of a company, the time of employment, and the like.
1. The user shall use the Services at his/her discretion.
2. The user shall bear responsibility for the truthfulness of information that he/she has inputted at the time of user registration.
3. The user can change, add, or delete the registered information inputted at the time of user registration on the registration content confirmation and modification page.
Article 5 Prohibited Matters
The user is prohibited from performing the following acts.
(1) Acts of intentionally registering or displaying false information
(2) Acts of reproducing, duplicating, editing, or adapting or acts of uploading, onto an online Website besides that of the Services, the company introduction of the user, problems of the tests, test results, any of the other contents that are provided in the Services
(3) Acts of infringing other people’s rights such as copyright, trademark rights, privacy rights, portrait rights, and reputation
(4) Acts of slandering others
(5) Acts for profit
(6) Acts of hindering the operation of the Services
(7) Acts of infringing laws and ordinances
(8) Acts that are disadvantageous to the Company or a third party
(9) Acts of altering, damaging, or reverse assembling, reverse compiling, and reverse engineering the programs used in the Services
(10) In addition to the above, acts that the Company or affiliated companies determine as inappropriate
Article 6 Our Responsibility
1. Even in a case where the user has suffered damage due to the use of the Services, contact with the customer that uses the Services, or any other association with the Services, the Company and our affiliated companies shall not bear any responsibility.
Article 7 Non-Warranty
1. The information provided by a third party (includes the information of the third party such as company information, advertisements, and other information provided by the third party ) in the services is provided under the responsibility of the said third party and the Company and the affiliated companies shall not guarantee the truthfulness, legitimacy, safety, adequacy, or usefulness of the said information. In addition, the user shall use the Services after agreeing to such in advance.
2. The Company and the affiliated companies shall not guarantee that 1 there will not be difficulties such as defects or errors in the Services, 2 that the information that can be acquired from the services is truthful, legitimate, safe, adequate, or useful, or 3 that the information, position, for the like that is acquired via the Services satisfies the user's desire.
The user shall use the Services after agreeing to such in advance.
Article 8 Temporary Suspension and Expulsion of Use of Services
The Company, in a case where it is determined that a user has violated the Agreement, shall temporarily suspend all or a part of the use of the Services by the said user, or delete a part of the registered information of the said user, or expel from usership or reject re-registration without an advanced notification to the said user.
Note that the Company and the affiliated companies shall not bear responsibility regarding any loss due to the suspension of the Services, expulsion, or rejection of registration.
Article 9 Amendments to Agreement and the Like
1. The Company may perform a temporary change or suspension of the services (includes cases of server maintenance, change in system specifications, rectification of defects, and the like and cases where there is a need to temporarily suspend the operation of the Services due to the occurrence or the possibility of occurrence of natural disasters or other emergencies or due to an amendment in laws and ordinances or a transfer of business that pertains to the Services ) without notifications to the user in advance.
2. The company, after notifying the user with a two-week notice period, shall be able to perform a long-term suspension or end the provision of the entire Services.
Article 10 Force Majeure
In a case where damage occurs due to a cyberattack, a natural disaster, or matters (hereinafter referred to as "force majeure") that are not attributable to the responsibility of the Company, the Company and the affiliated companies shall not bear any responsibility. The Company does not guarantee that data of the Services will not be deleted or changed due to force majeure. The user shall be required to save necessary data under his/her responsibility.
Article 11 Transfer of Contractual Status and the Like
1. The user shall not be able to relocate, transfer, collateralize, or execute other dispositions to a third party on the basis of a right or duty based on the contractual status of a usage contract or the Agreement without prior written consent from the Company.
2. The Company shall be able to transfer to a third party the contractual status of the usage contract, rights and duties based on the Agreement, applicant registration information of the user, other customer information (includes user company-owned information ), and it shall be considered that the user has agreed to the transfer in advance. Note that the transfer of business defined in this item includes not only the transfer of business under the Companies Act but also various forms of transfer of business such as splitting or merger of a company.
Article 12 Dispute Resolution
The user, in a case where the Company has become involved in a dispute due to his/her violation of the Agreement, shall aim to resolve the dispute with a third party under his/her responsibility and expense. In addition, the user, in a case where he/she inflicts damage to the Company or a third party due to his/her violation of the Agreement, shall compensate for all the damage (includes attorney’s fee ).
Article 13 (Subcontract)
Our company shall be able to subcontract all or a part of the operations necessary for providing the Services to a third party. Note that our company shall have the subcontractor bear the same responsibility as the responsibility in the Agreement borne by our company.
Article 14 Amendment of Agreement
Our company shall be able to amend the Agreement at any time. At the point in time when the amendment has been displayed on the Services for two (2) weeks, It is considered that all the users have agreed to the content of the amendment.
Article 15 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The governing law of the Services and the Agreement is the Japanese law and Tokyo District Court shall be the trial course of exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute that arises in relation to the Services or the Agreement.
Last Amended: February 9, 2022