11th Nov. 2008 15:00 Close 11月11日 午後3時締切
Tender Auction
11th Nov. 2008 15:00 Close 11月11日 午後3時締切
2008 年 10 月
T.H.I. テンダーオークション特別規約
<22nd T.H.I. Premier Auction 同時開催>
1) テンダーオークション出品機は全て、最低応札価格が定められ、一番高い価格の入札者が落札者となります。複数の入札者が同一の最高額を入札した場合は、抽選により落札者を決定させて頂きます。
2) テンダーオークションは、2008 年 11 月 1 日(土)にオークション会場と FAX・ホームページにて応札受付を開始し、11 月 11 日(火)日本時間午後 3 時に締め切ります。入札者は前の入札金額以上であれば、何度でも入札できます。
3) 入札者は、X.X.X.が指定する入札用紙に必要事項を記入し、オークション会場設置の入札箱に投函して下さい。FAX による応札の場合、受領印を押した入札用紙をFAXにて返信致します。
4) T.H.I.はテンダーオークション終了後 2 営業日以内に、入札者に対し書面にて結果連絡致します。
5) 落札者(バイヤー)による落札機の支払いが全額完了した時点で、落札機の所有権、リスクはバイヤーに移転します。
1) 落札機の支払期限は 2008 年 11 月 19 日(水)迄にT.H.I.の指定する銀行口座宛に全額現金振込にてお支払い頂くものとします。L/C での支払いはお受けできません。なお、振込手数料はバイヤー負担と致します。
2) 落札機の引取期限は 2008 年 11 月 26 日(水)迄とします。
11 月 27 日(木)以降の引取には、1 日につき保管料 500 円/台・建機、800 円/台・トラックを課金させて頂きます。 なお、T.H.I.にて輸出手配を行う場合、2008 年 12 月 11 日(木)以降の船積みについては、1 日につき保管料 500 円/台・建機、800 円/台・トラックを課金させて頂きます。
October 2008
T.H.I. Tender Auction Special Terms & Conditions
< The Tender Auction in Parallel with the 22nd Premier Auction >
These Special Terms and Conditions below are applicable to the THI Tender Auction being run in parallel to the THI Premier Auction and are supplemental to the Terms and Conditions for the T.H.I. Premier Auction. Therefore, bidding at the Tender Auction in Parallel with the Premier Auction is considered as agreement with our terms and conditions by the bidder. The terms & conditions of the T.H.I, Premier Auction will be applied in principal for the events which are not specified in the Special Terms & Conditions. The Special Terms & Conditions shall be superior to the Premier Auction Terms & Conditions if there is any discrepancy. All machines are exhibited in “As is where is” condition supplied Assessment Sheets are for information purposes only.
1. Tender Auction Terms :
1.1 All listed units have a minimum bid price (Opening Price) and the highest bidder will be the winner. In case of multiple bids with the same price, the winner will be decided by drawing lots.
1.2 Tender bids will be accepted from Saturday the 1st November thru Tuesday the 11th November 2008, 15:00, JST. The bidder can bid for an unlimited number of times provided that the amount of his new bid exceeds his previous bid amount for the same machine. Once tendered, bids cannot be cancelled under any circumstances.
1.3 Bids may be placed in person at the Auction Center by posting your bid on the relevant form in the bid box inside
T.H.I. Yokohama offices. Bidders can also bid by filling out the relevant questions on the Tender Sheet and submitting it by fax or on-line via the T.H.I. webpage. After submitting the Tender Sheet by fax or the Internet, T.H.I. will verify it with an acceptance seal and return it to the bidder. Only Tender Sheets with an acceptance seal are considered valid. Bids placed through our homepage will be validated by a verification e-mail sent by X.X.X.
1.4 T.H.I. will inform bidders on the result of each valid bid in writing within 2 working days after the end of the Tender Auction.
1.5 The risk and title to the machine will be transferred to the winning bidder (Buyer) after confirming receipt of the full payment amount
2. Payment and Delivery:
2.1 All payments must reach T.H.I. Corp by Wednesday the 19th November 2008 via telegraphic transfer.
Please note that all banking charges are the responsibility of the buyer and that Letter of Credit payments cannot be accepted.
2.2 The deadline to remove all purchased equipment is Wednesday the 26th November 2008. From Thursday the 27th November 2008 a daily storage of JPY 500 for machine and JPY 800 for truck, will be charged per unit. For overseas customers wishing to arrange export of their units through THI a daily storage of JPY 500 for machine and JPY 800 for truck will be charged per unit from Thursday the 11th December 2008.
T.H.I. Premier Auction 規約
1. オークション参加資格
(1) 本オークションにて参加・入札されるお客様は、T.H.I.のメンバーカードをお持ちの登録会員であることが条件となります。
(2) 上記(1)項に規定される以外のお客様が、参加・入札を希望される場合は、原則として、保証金 500,000 円を事前にお預かりさせて頂くものとします。未成約の場合、上記保証金は次回取引成立時までお預かりす
るものとします。ご希望によりオークション終了後に振込手数料を差引いて返金致します。万が一、支払の不履行などにより T.H.I.が金銭的損害を被った場合には、保証金より損害額を充当するものとし
(3) 本オークション参加当日時点で X.X.X. AssetLine の登録会員でないお客
(4) 本オークション参加者が本来、古物営業法の適用を受けるべき営業行為を行っているにもかかわらず、古物商の免許を取得していないことが判明した場合には、オークションの参加をお断りするか、契約を解除する場合があります。
2. 入札及び落札
(1) オークション出品機は、アンリザーブ(売切り)出品とリザーブ出品があります。アンリザーブ出品は、X.X.X.が出品機其々に開始価格を定めています。万一、開始価格以上での応札が無かった場合、コンダクターの判断により開始価格を下げて再度セリを続行致します。リザーブ出品は、最低入札価格が定められていますが、原則最低入札価格より低い価格でセリを開始します。どちらも一番高い価格の入札者を落札者とします。
(2) オークションでの入札通貨は、全て日本円にて行われるものとします。入札の有効通貨は日本円のみとなります。
(3) 落札者による落札機の支払いが全額完了した時点で、落札機の所有権、リスクは落札者に移転します。
(4) 商品の価格は、現状有り姿・T.H.I.指定ヤード渡し、又は X.X.X.指定港湾内ヤード渡し条件であり消費税 5は含みません。港湾迄の輸送費、 FOB チャージ、保税地域から出庫時の出庫料等の諸費用は別途申し受けます。
(5) オークション出品機は基本洗車(アジア向け基本洗車)済みです。落札者の要求による追加洗車や輸入時に必要な特殊洗車(アメリカ、豪州向け特殊洗車等)及び船社の要求により一部追加洗車が必要な場合には、別途費用が発生致します。
(6) 応札後のxxxxx・xxxxはいかなる理由があっても認められません。時間経過、その他のいかなる要因による油漏れ、固着、エンジン・バッテリー不良等の不具合についても落札者が責任を負い、X.X.X.はその責任を負わないものとします。万が一、キャンセルが発生した場合は、キャンセルにともない T.H.I.が被った損害相当のキャンセル料を頂きま す。
3. 支払及び引取
(1) 落札者との代金の決済は、出品者に代わり X.X.X.が行い、決済通貨は全て日本円で行うものとします。
(2) 代金支払については、2008 年 11 月 11 日(火)迄に全額現金にて、X.X.X.の指定する銀行口座宛にご入金頂くものとします。
なお、振込時の銀行手数料は落札者負担と致します。原則としてL/C でのお支払いはお受けできません。
(3) 代金支払いが遅延した場合、遅延日数に対し年利 14%の損害遅延金を支払う義務が発生致します。
(4) 落札機の引渡しは、X.X.X.横浜xxヤード渡し、或いは T.H.I.指定港湾内ヤード渡しとなります。港湾内ヤード渡しの落札機引取の場合、出庫料を別途請求致します。
(5) 落札機の引取期限は 2008 年 11 月 17 日(月)までとします。11 月 18 日 (火)以降の引取には、1 日につき保管料 500 円/台・建機、800 円/台・トラックを課金させて頂きます。なお、X.X.X.にて輸出代行手配を行う場合、 2008 年 12 月 1 日(月)以降の船積みについては、1 日につき保管料 500円/台・建機、800 円/台・トラックを課金させて頂きます。
(6) 落札機の引取・廻送・船積みに際し、取外し作業、積み込み、及び修理等が必要な場合は落札者の費用負担となります。
(7) 落札機の引取、及びご指定先への廻送は出庫準備の都合により、2 営業日前までに所定の用紙にてご依頼下さい。
4. 入札の条件と入札者の義務について
入札者は X.X.X が有効と認めた入札の取り消し、撤回は出来ません。
(1) T.H.I.はオークションをxxに運営する為、不適切な行為と判断した場合には、入札を無効にすることがあります。
(2) 入札者は入札した時点で本規約に規定する落札者として法的義務を負うものとします。契約不履行の場合、落札者は X.X.X.に対し下記ペナルティを別途指定する期日までに支払う義務が発生します。ペナルティ費用は落札金額1 台につき1,000,000 円未満の場合100,000 円、2,000,000円未満の場合300,000 円、2,000,000 円以上の場合500,000 円とします。落札者が本規約を守らず、指定された期日までに商品代金或いは上記ペナルティ費用の支払いを怠った場合、又はその他不法行為を行った場合は、その落札者は契約不履行として、T.H.I.は商品代金、及びこの落札者の契約不履行によって被ったあらゆる損害、費用及び全ての支出を賄うためあらゆる法的手段を講じます。この法的手段は、契約不履行をした落札者に対する破産申告、清算手続きを含みます。また X.X.X.は他オークション事業者への告知を行い、悪質な場合は T.H.I.及びアセットラインのホームページ上で情報公開を行う場合もあります。
(3) 契約不履行となった場合、T.H.I.は落札者の同意なしに、又法的義務を負わず、この落札者(第一位の入札者)に次ぐ金額を入札した第二位の入札者に当該機械を販売する権利を保有します。T.H.I.がこの権利を行使する場合は、直ちに第二位の入札者にその旨を通知し、当該入札者には直ちに当該機械を購入するか、否かを決めて頂きます。第二位の入札者は、購入を決めた時点で落札者となり、本規約の売買条件を履行する法的義務が発生します。
5. 登録書類と名義変更について
(1) 車検付車輌(ナンバー付含む)を落札した場合、落札者は、書類一式を受領後 1 ヵ月後以内に移転登録、又は抹消登録を完了し、その写しを T.H.I.宛に送付下さい。
(2) 変更登録が上記に規定する期限を超えても完了しない場合は、遅延損害金として 1 週間あたり 5,000 円請求させて頂きます。
(3) 落札者の自己責任により書類等の差替えを必要とする場合(訂正印も含む)、ペナルティとして 1 件あたり 15,000 円を別途請求させて頂きます。
6. リサイクル預託料及び自動車税の処理について
(1) リサイクル券付き車輌を落札された場合、リサイクル預託料を別途請求させて頂きます。
(2) 課税対象の車検付車輌(ナンバー付含む)を落札した場合、落札者は、当該オークション開催月の翌々月より年度末までの自動車税未経過分相当額を、出品者が納付した金額をもとに負担するものとします。なお、当該車輌について抹消登録を希望する場合は、速やかにその旨をお申出ください。
T.H.I.のオークションヤードの来場者は、十分な安全注意義務を負うものとし、オークションヤードにおける怪我、事故、盗難等に関しては X.X.X.は一切責任を負いません。
本規約に定めのない事項、及びその解釈に疑義が生じた時は T.H.I.とその入札者或いは落札者が協議の上、誠意を持って、解決をするものとします。本規約は日本法に基づき解釈されるものとし、本規約に関する係争はすべて東京地方裁判所或いは横浜地方裁判所を第xxの管轄裁判所とします。
2008 年 10 月 T.H.I. Corp.
T.H.I. Premier Auction Terms & Conditions
1. Registration and Participation Requirements
The terms and conditions below are the condition for participating in the Premier Auction sponsored by X.X.X. Therefore, bidding at the THI Premier Auction is considered as agreement with terms and conditions by the bidder. All machines are exhibited in “As is where is” condition supplied Assessment Sheets are for information purposes only.
Holding a THI Member Card and being a registered member of T.H.I. is a pre-requisite for participating in the Premier Auction.
For Customers wishing to bid with a status other than described in 1.1 a safety deposit payment of JPY 500,000 (Japanese yen five hundred thousand) will be required in advance for eligibility. The deposit amount will be deduced from the machine charge in case of a successful bid. In the case that no successful bids are made the deposit is retained to be used as a balance for your future purchases from THI. Furthermore, we can refund the deposit less the banking charges should the depositor request us to do so. Should T.H.I. suffer a financial loss due to any violation of the rules concerning payment by the customer, then, the amount of loss will be deducted from the deposit. Please note however, that the amount of the deposit does not represent any limit on the required compensation amount in case of such loss.
Those customers who are not yet registered members of AssetLine the internet auction managed by THI by the day of the Auction, must agree that Assetline registration will be completed and direct mails will be sent from the following day onwards.
Auction participants must be eligible under Japanese law and legislation to deal in used goods and other associated activities as applicable.
2. Bidding and Purchasing
2.1. There are two types of lots, Unreserved units and Reserved units. The Unreserved listed units will start with a minimum bid price (Opening Price) decided by X.X.X. If there are no bids made at minimum bid price, then T.H.I. conductor shall reduce the minimum bid price until a bid has been made. Units listed in the Reserved section have a minimum bid price decided by the consigner and are started below the minimum bid price. The highest bidder will be the winner for the both types of auction.
2.2 All bid amounts are indicated in Japanese yen. Japanese yen is the only acceptable currency for bidding.
2.3 The risk and title to the machine will be transferred to the winning bidder (Buyer) after confirming receipt of the full payment amount.
2.4 The indicated prices are Ex-THI Yokohama Yard prices or Ex-Port Yard indicated by the T.H.I. price in “As Is “ condition not including any Consumption Tax (5%), inland transport charge to the seaport, FOB, Carry out fee from PortYard or other charges. These expenses will be charged separately.
2.5 Basic washing (Asian washing) is completed on all listed units.
The following washing charges will additionally be charged: any
additional washing or special washing required at the time of export (E.g.: USA or Australian/N.Z. washing) as requested by the Buyer or additional washing required by the shipping company.
2.6 No Cancellation requests or claims after bidding can be accepted under any circumstances. X.X.X. does not take responsibility for oil leakage, seizure, battery defect or other problems caused by the passing of time. These are the responsibility of the winning bidder. In case of cancellation the bidder will be charged a cancellation fee equivalent to the amount of the financial loss suffered by X.X.X..
3. Payments and Delivery
3.1 The winning bidder will be invoiced by X.X.X. who collects the machine charge instead of the consignor. All payments must be in Japanese yen only.
3.2 All payments must reach T.H.I. Corp by, November 11th (Tue.), 2008 via telegraphic transfer. Please note that all banking charges are the responsibility of the buyer and that Letter of Credit payments cannot be accepted.
3.3 Where payment is delayed, a penalty interest rate of 14% p.a. will be applied for the duration in the delay incurred.
3.4 Machines are available for collection from THI Yokohama yard or Ex-Port Yard determined by X.X.X. Where units are to be moved by THI to another yard or port yard this carry out fee will be separately invoiced by THI.
3.5 The deadline to remove all purchased equipment is November 17th (Mon.), 2008. From November 18th (Tue.), 2008 a daily storage fee of JPY 000 xxx xxxxxxxx, XXX000 for trucks will be charged per unit. For overseas buyers wishing to arrange export of their units through THI a daily storage of JPY 500 per unit for machines and JPY 800 per unit for trucks will be charged from December 1st 2008 (Mon.).
3.6 Please note that all charges for dismantling, loading onto trucks and repair etc. required for transportation or shipping are to be borne by the Buyer.
3.7 Please submit your Transport Request form to T.H.I. at least two working days before collecting your unit(s) in order for us to prepare the machines for collection from our yard in a timely manner.
4. Bidder Agrees
All bids have to be placed within the time limits set by T.H.I..
No withdrawals are accepted on any bid considered valid by X.X.X. Some units remaining unsold during the auction may be sold after the end of the auction as a Post Auction Sale with the consent of T.H.I. and the consignor. Nevertheless, Post Auction Sale prices will be the same or higher than Opening Prices at the auction.
4.1 T.H.I. retains the right to invalidate bids in the following cases:
-If the bid is proved to be a fake or a void bid
-If the bidder refuses to agree with X.X.X. Terms & Conditions
-If the bid is considered to be against the law
4.2 Under the auction terms the bidder has the legal responsibility of the buyer until being outbid by a third party. Acceptance of T.H.I. terms is a precondition of placing any bid, therefore the bidder automatically assumes legal obligation to comply with T.H.I. terms. Failure to pay the machine charge by the winning bidder by the payment deadline and/or breaching the applicable law is considered as violation of this agreement with T.H.I. In this case THI will initiate legal action against defaulters in order to recuperate the full amount of financial losses, costs and expenses suffered due to the regulation breach. The range of legal action includes bankruptcy and liquidation procedures. Any buyer who violates the present rules is obliged to pay a cancellation penalty by the due date which will be assigned by X.X.X. The penalty amount per unit shall be specified as JPY 100,000.- for unit sale prices of under JPY 1,000,000.-, JPY 300,000.- for sale prices of under JPY 2,000,000.- and JPY 500,000 for sale prices of more than JPY 2,000,000.- . Furthermore, THI will also notify other auction companies. Should the violation be judged intentional and of bad will, the name of the defaulting bidder will be exposed on the homepages of THI and Assetline.
4.3 If the winning bidder fails to comply with X.X.X. sales terms, THI retains the right to resell the unit to the bidder with the second highest bid price (the second bidder) without the consent of the buyer (highest bidder/ winning bidder) with no legal xxxxxxxxxxx whatsoever.
In case of practicing this right T.H.I. will offer the unit to the second bidder and expects his swift decision on whether he accepts or declines the offer. If the second bidder accepts the offer he will be considered the buyer with all legal obligations under the present sales terms.
5. Documentation and Change of Ownership
5.1 For units with registration remaining (Or numbers affixed) the registration should be changed and evidence of this (A photocopy of the registration certificate) must be presented to THI within 2 weeks of the auction close. (Evidence of change of registration or de-registration)
5.2 Where the change of ownership or de-registration is delayed a penalty of 5,000 YEN per week will be invoiced.
5.3 Where due to delays additional paperwork is required from consignors or THI a penalty fee of 15,000 yen per item is applicable (In addition to revenue stamps as required)
** Where THI exports units on behalf of customers’ paperwork will only be prepared once full payment for the unit and all applicable export fees have been received. An export certificate issued by the department of transport will be provided with shipping documents. THI will export on behalf of customers but are not able to advise as to regulations in destination countries. We encourage buyers to confirm overseas regulations before bidding on units at the auction.
6. Vehicle Tax and Recycling Certificates (Only applicable to domestic sales)
6.1 For units with registration remaining (Or numbers affixed) annual vehicle tax will be calculated on a monthly basis and charged to the successful bidder from the month of purchase to the end of the tax year. We request successful bidders who win a unit that has Japanese Registration remaining and intend to de-register the vehicle, to inform us immediately. In this situation we will calculate the relevant annual car tax portion to be billed and invoice together with the unit price.
6.2 Where a Recycle fee certificate is provided with units, an ‘R’ symbol will be displayed on the auction list. This will be charged separately.
7. Export Control
It is the responsibility of the winning bidder (Buyer) to take all necessary actions to comply with the import/export control laws and regulations of Japan and the destination countries and areas so that the purchased equipment shall not be used for the development and/or transportation of the mass destruction weapons etc.
8. Auction Yard Safety Warning
The bidder acknowledges that the Auction Yard is a potentially dangerous place. Heavy equipment is being operated, potentially dangerous materials may be present, electric circuits may be live and other potential dangers may be present. Every person at the Auction Yard (and any other area where the property is located or displayed) shall be there at his or her own risk. No person shall have any claim against the Auctioneer, X.X.X. Corp., and its partners and employees neither for any personal injury sustained or death nor for damages or loss of property that may occur from any causes whatsoever.
9. Governing Law & Jurisdiction
T.H.I and its bidders and buyers shall make efforts to settle any controversies and disputes in good faith. The terms and conditions of this auction shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan unless otherwise expressly provided. All controversies and disputes, arising out of or relating to the terms and conditions of this auction shall be submitted to the Tokyo District Court or Yokohama District Court of Japan as the first court of instance.
October 2008 T.H.I. CORP. END
Type of Equipment | Inland Freight(廻送費) THI →Yokohama Port | FOB/Customs Clearance |
Excavator | ||
307-308/B7/E70/EX60-90/FX60-75/HD250-370/IS75/KH60/KX75/PC60-90/SH60-75 SK60-75/MS070-8/S160F/SK03/UH025-035/VIO70/ZX75 | ¥10,000 | ¥51,000 |
311/E110/EX100/FX100/HD400-510/MS110/PC100/S260 /SH100/SK04 SK100-115/UH04/ZX110 | ¥13,000 | ¥56,000 |
312-313/E120/EX120-130/FX120/HD450-512/IS120/KX120/MS120/PC120-130/S265 SH120-125/SK045/SK120-135/UH045/ZX120-130 | ¥14,000 | |
314/EX135-150/FX135/MS140/SH135-145/SK05/SK135-145/PC138-150 /UH055/ZX135 | ¥16,000 | ¥61,000 |
20-HT/315-320/E200B/EX200-210/FX200/HD820/IS190/MS180/PC200-210 S280/SH200/SK07/SK200-210/UH07/ZX200-210 | ¥20,000 | ¥66,000 |
322/E240/EX220-225/HD900/IS220/MS230/PC220-230/S90/S340/SH220-225 SK09/UH09/ZX225 | ¥22,000 | |
UH10 | ¥25,000 | ¥71,000 |
325/EX300-310/HD1220-1250/PC300-310/S430/SK300-320/ZX330 | ¥32,000 | ¥76,000 |
330/EX350/PC350/ZX350 | ¥81,000 | |
EX400-450 (except EX450LCH-5)/PC400-450 /SK450/ZX450 | ¥38,000 | ¥86,000 |
UH23 | ¥40,000 | ¥101,000 |
375 | ¥70,000 | ¥121,000 |
Wheeled Excavator | ||
KH70FD | ¥13,000 | ¥51,000 |
EX100WD-125WD | ¥19,000 | ¥56,000 |
PW200 | ¥25,000 | ¥66,000 |
Wheel Loader | ||
50B/507-520(Komatsu)/804-830(TCM)/910/FL60-301/IT12F JH30B/KLD50/L13-16/LK80-300/LX50-70/STD10-30 WA30-100/WS3/WS200-500 | ¥14,000 | ¥56,000 |
835/LX80/WA150/KLD60/916/IT14F/WR11/920 | ¥16,000 | |
JH63/KLD65Z/926/LK190Z/WA200/840/KLD6A/930/936 | ¥20,000 | ¥61,000 |
70Z2-80Z3/WA300-350/LK23Z/530/KLD70-80/938-950/L26-32/FL200B/FL335/860 | ¥22,000 | ¥66,000 |
LX160-190/FL345/85Z-90Z/966C/LK310Z/WA380-450/960-962/FL320A/L34/870 | ¥25,000 | ¥71,000 |
FL365/WA470-480/966/LX230/972G/980C | ¥28,000 | |
WA500/97ZA/880 | ¥30,000 | |
988B/115Z/890 | ¥42,000 | ¥86,000 |
Dozer | ||
D30-31/D3 | ¥10,000 | ¥56,000 |
D40-41/D4 | ¥14,000 | ¥61,000 |
951-963/D50-65/D5-6 | ¥34,000 | ¥66,000 |
D7/D75 | ¥38,000 | ¥71,000 |
D80-85 | ¥50,000 | ¥76,000 |
D9/D155 | ¥70,000 | ¥86,000 |
D10 | ¥100,000 | ¥91,000 |
Roller | ||
BW115-131/CC21/JV30-40/JW200-210/K10/KV4/R2/TG41/TW40/TW500 | ¥11,000 | ¥56,000 |
BW212D/RS120/CS12/KD7610/FR12/RT205/T2/JW215/TS150 | ¥13,000 | ¥61,000 |
CP20/JM1202/KMRH12D/TA7510/WP15WE/KR20D | ¥20,000 | ¥61,000 |
Motor Grader | ||
GD300-405/MG3/MG150-200/SG1 | ¥14,000 | ¥56,000 |
LG2H/MG230-330/SD451 | ¥20,000 | ¥61,000 |
GD37-6H/MG400/MG430/GD605 | ¥22,000 | |
GD705/MG500 | ¥26,000 | ¥66,000 |
Carrier Dump | ||
C60R/CH40/MST800-1100/LD400/CG45 | ¥10,000 | ¥56,000 |
MST1500-2000/CD60R/C80R/LD700 | ¥14,000 | ¥61,000 |
MST2200-2500/C12R/LD1000/CD110R | ¥20,000 | ¥66,000 |
Truck Crane | ||
NK70-75/TS70-75 | ¥16,000 | ¥66,000 |
NK200/TL200 | ¥30,000 | ¥71,000 |
Rough-terrain Crane | ||
KR10/LW80-100/RK70/TR80 | ¥16,000 | ¥61,000 |
RK160/TR160 | ¥25,000 | ¥66,000 |
KR20/TR200 | ¥30,000 | ¥71,000 |
KR25/LW250/RK250/TR250 | ¥32,000 | ¥76,000 |
KR35/RK350/TR350 | ¥37,000 | ¥81,000 |
TR500 | ¥40,000 | ¥86,000 |
Asphalt Finisher | ||
F31/HA25-31/MF31-40/NF22-36 | ¥10,000 | ¥56,000 |
HA45/MF45 | ¥14,000 | |
HA60/MF55-60/NFB6W/NF220 | ¥16,000 | ¥61,000 |
Dump | ||
HD205-3/D201/HD255 | ¥32,000 | ¥66,000 |
HD325 | ¥32,000 | ¥76,000 |
D350 | ¥40,000 | ¥76,000 |
A35 | ¥32,000 | ¥81,000 |
HD465 | ¥120,000 | ¥86,000 |
UP TO 2t Vehicle UP TO 20m3 | ¥10,000 | ¥25,000 |
UP TO 4t Vehicle UP TO 40m3 | ¥12,000 | ¥40,000 |
UP TO 15t Vehicle UP TO 120m3 | ¥16,000 | ¥59,000 |
Export Certificate | ¥5,000 | |
Container charge (Please note that additional fee will be charged for special vanning) | Yokohama/Osaka/Kobe /Hakata/Nagoya | Tomakomai |
20'Dry | ¥96,000 | ¥101,000 |
40'Dry & 40'HCB | ¥116,000 | ¥121,000 |
Inland Transportation from Tomakomai Ferry Yard to YK port/If parts are dismantled, additonal charge is necessary. (苫小牧フェリーポートから横浜港までの廻送費/パーツが外れている場合は別途費用を申し受けます。) | Rubber | Steel |
Excavator | ||
PC60/PC75 | ¥100,000 | ¥160,000 |
EX100 | ¥120,000 | ¥185,000 |
EX120 | ¥130,000 | ¥195,000 |
E140 | ¥150,000 | ¥230,000 |
320C/E200B/PC200/ZX210 | ¥280,000 | |
PC200LC-6E | ¥295,000 | |
PC230LC-6E | ¥310,000 | |
PC300LC-5 | ¥340,000 | |
Mini-Excavator | ||
PC20 | ¥75,000 | ¥120,000 |
PC30/PC40/PC50UU | ¥90,000 | ¥140,000 |
Wheel Loader | ||
FL302/WA30 | ¥75,000 | |
507(Komatsu) | ¥80,000 | |
510(Komatsu)/910(CAT)/LK300/WA100 | ¥90,000 | |
515(Komatsu)/920(CAT)/JH63KLD65ZA/WA200 | ¥110,000 | |
55(TCM) | ¥120,000 | |
Dozer | ||
BD2 | ¥70,000 | ¥105,000 |
D3 | ¥125,000 | |
D40 | ¥165,000 | |
D50 | ¥190,000 | |
D60 | ¥250,000 | |
Roller | ||
KR20D/TS150 | ¥95,000 | |
JW30-33 | ¥65,000 | |
CS12/R2 | ¥145,000 | |
Carrier Dump | ||
C80R | ¥85,000 | |
MST1500 | ¥95,000 |
***NOTE / ご注意***
Fees for disassembly and packing of parts are not included in the above list and may be applicable.
THC (Terminal Handling Charge) is required for container shipment.
When exporting equipment additional charges not listed here may be applicable.
(Ex. Carry Out Fee ,transport to a cleaning yard, transport between port terminals etc.)
Where an offshore cleaning inspection is required, an additional cleaning charge is applicable.
When removing units from a forwarders yard a "CARRY OUT FEE" will be applicable and charged separately.
港湾内置き場(Port Yard = 乙仲保税ヤード)より搬出する場合は、別途費用が発生いたします。
Effective of July 1st a handling fee for JPY10,000 will be charged per container for requests concerning consolidation with other (than THI) suppliers.
Customers are requested to explain the below condition (especially for condition2,3,5,8) directly to their suppliers and get their confirmation.
1. Example: Supplier A (or THI) - 2 machines (SHIPPER) Supplier B - 1 machine
Supplier C - 1 machine
Total number of suppliers allowed per consolidation (container) including SHIPPER: 3
2. All logistics costs (FOB, freight etc) will be charged by the SHIPPER to the BUYER
3. The BUYER's contract with Suppliers (B & C) will be on Ex-port yard (Supplier A's nominated xxxxxxxxx's yard) basis
4. SHIPPER will indicate the details of the other suppliers' units on all shipping documents
5. ONLY the SHIPPER's name will be listed on the Export Declaration
6. Bill of Lading: ONLY "Supplier A" will be indicated in the "SHIPPER" colum. Other suppliers name will be mentioned under the description of the units as "ON BEHALF OF Supplier B or C"
7. SHIPPER will collect and deliver all shipping documents directly to buyers
8. After shipment, XXXXXXX will send a copy of 1st Bil of Lading & Export Declaration to other suppliers (B & C)
1. 例 : Supplier A (or THI) - 2 machines (SHIPPER) Supplier B - 1 machine
Supplier C - 1 machine
2. Shipper(以下A社とする)が輸出に関する全ての費用をバイヤーへ請求し、通関・書類作成を一括して行う。
3. Shipperとならない相積み機の売主(以下B社 & C社とする)とバイヤーの契約はA社・港指定置き場渡しとし、A社指定乙仲まで機械を搬入する。
4. A社が作成するI/V & P/LにはB社・C社の機械内容も明記する。
5. ED上のShipper名はA社のみとする。
6. B/L上のShipperはA社となり、B社の社名をDescription欄のB社・C社が販売した機械の下に"ON BEHALF OF B or C"と明記する。
7. 出港後、B/Lの収集、客先への書類送付はA社にて一括で行う。
8. A社はB社へ1st B/LとEDのPhoto CopyをFaxする。
Lot | Model | Serial | Year | Hour Km | Remarks/書類 | 引渡場所Ex-Yard | Start Price |
0001 | 350L | 9DK00219 | 1996 | 5314 | 900G, A/C | Osaka Port Yard-F | \7,530,000 |
0002 | 325CL | BKT00329 | 2003 | 10982 | 700G, EPA, A/C | THI Yokohama Yard* | \8,000,000 |
0005 | EX200 | 145-49029 | 1990 | 7051【O】 | 600G | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,500,000 |
0008 | PC138US-2 | 1865 | 2000 | 3821 | 695G, EPA, A/C | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,250,000 |
0009 | PC138US-2 | 1271 | 1999 | 4512 | 500PAD, EPA, A/C, Multi Lever, Arm Crane | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,680,000 |
0010 | 313BCR | AEX01009 | 2001 | 4274 | 700G, EPA, A/C, Multi Lever, Arm Crane | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,400,000 |
0011 | 313BCR | AEX00783 | 2001 | 4460 | 700G, ComPIP, EPA, A/C | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,250,000 |
0012 | 313BSR | 9PR00692 | 1998 | 5923 | 500ROADLINER, A/C, Multi Lever, Blade | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,890,000 |
0013 | 311 | 5PK01763 | 1995 | 7202 | 500G, A/C, Multi Lever | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,020,000 |
0014 | EX120-5Z | 1EEP054136 | 1998 | 12441【O】 | 500G, Heater, Skelton Bkt | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,800,000 |
0016 | EX120-1 | 12H-16929 | 1987 | 5002 | 500G, ComPIP, Heater | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,000,000 |
0017 | UH04-7 | 12A-16023 | 1985 | 4398【O】 | G, Heater | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,200,000 |
0018 | SK135SRLC-1E | YH03-02654 | 2004 | 1270 | 500PAD, ComPIP, EPA, A/C, Multi Lever, W/Telescopic Arm,Clam Shell Bkt | THI Yokohama Yard* | \7,160,000 |
0019 | SK120 | LP-09241 | 1992 | 4119【O】 | 600G, A/C, Long Arm, Multi Lever | Hakata Port Yard-C | \1,800,000 |
0020 | SK115SR | YV-00335 | 1998 | 4798 | 500PAD, PIP, A/C, Multi Lever | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,800,000 |
0021 | SK045 | LP-02143 | 1987 | 7500【N】 | 700G, Heater, Without Bucket | THI Yokohama Yard* | \900,000 |
0028 | PC75UU-3C | 20016 | 2000 | 4873 | 450PAD, EPA, Heater & Cooler, Multi Lever | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,130,000 |
0029 | PC75UU-3C | 19140 | 1999 | 5257 | 450PAD, EPA, Heater & Cooler, Multi Lever | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,130,000 |
0030 | PC75UU-3 | 17382 | 1999 | 7349 | 450G, Heater, Arm Crane | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,310,000 |
0031 | 308CSR | CRW00956 | 2003 | 2401 | 450PAD, EPA, A/C, Multi Lever | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,000,000 |
Lot | Model | Serial | Year | Hour Km | Remarks/書類 | 引渡場所Ex-Yard | Start Price |
0032 | 307 | 9ZL03813 | 1996 | 4726 | 450PAD, Heater & Cooler, 4.9t | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,500,000 |
0033 | SH60B | 060B1-2820 | 1995 | 3777 | 450R, ComPIP, Heater | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,120,000 |
0034 | LS1600FJ2B | 160B2-6918 | 1992 | 4145 | 500R, Heater, Multi Lever, Blade, Quick Changer | THI Yokohama Yard* | \250,000 |
0035 | LS-1600FJ | 160FB-5745 | 1989 | 3624 | 600G, Heater, Blade, With Extra Travelling Motor | THI Yokohama Yard* | \700,000 |
0036 | B7 | 00875B | 1993 | 5268 | 450R, Heater | THI Yokohama Yard* | \600,000 |
0040 | PC50UU-2 | 12577 | 1995 | 5880 | CAB, 400R, Heater | THI Yokohama Yard* | \710,000 |
0041 | PC40R-8 | 30058 | 1996 | 3310 | 400R | Hakata Port Yard-C | \600,000 |
0042 | PC40-3 | 6196 | 1984 | 5016 | G | THI Yokohama Yard | \430,000 |
0043 | SK15SR | PU06003 | 1997 | 2060 | R | THI Yokohama Yard | \300,000 |
0048 | D10N | 2YD01217 | 1989 | 13825 | ROPS, 600G, A/C, Ripper | THI Yokohama Yard* | \15,950,000 |
0049 | D7H | 5WB04157 | 1991 | 3476【N】 | ROPS, 910LGP, A/C | THI Yokohama Yard* | \6,170,000 |
0050 | D5H | 2SD00573 | 1989 | 5363 | CNP, 860LGP | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,630,000 |
0051 | D3C | 9CL01155 | 2000 | 4075 | CAB, 630LGP, Heater | Tomakomai Port Yard-C | \3,100,000 |
0052 | D41E-6 | B20067 | 1996 | 4327 | CAB, G, A/C | Osaka Port Yard-F | \4,110,000 |
0053 | D150-1 | 6680 | 1971 | 4686【N】 | CNP, 600G, Heater, Multi Ripper | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,800,000 |
0054 | BD2G | 2B102024 | 1990 | 1800 | CNP, 500R | THI Yokohama Yard* | \350,000 |
0055 | BD2H | 550127 | 1995 | 942【N】 | CNP, 450R, Heater | THI Yokohama Yard* | \550,000 |
0060 | WA470-5 | 70121 | 2002 | 14279 | ROPS, 26.5-25EPA, A/C | THI Yokohama Yard* | \10,950,000 |
0061 | WA380-5 | 60423 | 2004 | 2545 | ROPS, 23.5-25EPA, A/C | Hakata Port Yard-C | \12,250,000 |
0062 | WA70-1 | 14251 | 1992 | 1380 | CAB, 17.5/65-20Heater, Standard Tire, Snow blade, Quick changer 抹/譲 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,600,000 |
Lot | Model | Serial | Year | Hour Km | Remarks/書類 | 引渡場所Ex-Yard | Start Price |
0063 | 966F | 8BG02141 | 1993 | 13801 | ROPS, 26.5-25A/C, w/1 spare tire 書類なし | Hakata Port Yard-C | \9,410,000 |
0064 | 950H | XX0X00000 | 2007 | 2600 | CAB, 23.5-25A/C | THI Yokohama Yard* | \16,550,000 |
0065 | 910G-2 | B9X00856 | 2004 | 2023 | CAB, 16.9-24A/C, Standard Tire | THI Yokohama Yard* | \3,640,000 |
0066 | 910F-2 | 0XX00000 | 0000 | 0000 | XXX, 00.0-00X/X, w/Quick changer, Special Piping | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,940,000 |
0067 | L32 | 67600195 | 1997 | 15789 | CAB, A/C | THI Yokohama Yard* | \4,600,000 |
0068 | 880 | 68000153 | 2919【N】 | CAB, 29.5-25Log Fork | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,900,000 | |
0070 | GD405A-2 | 3528 | 1996 | 3912 | CAB, 11.00-20Heater, Scarifier 書類なし | THI Yokohama Yard* | \4,560,000 |
0071 | MG230 | 2GA00199 | 1989 | 2428 | 10.00-20/11.00-20Heater, Standard Tire | THI Yokohama Yard* | \4,150,000 |
4780 | |||||||
0075 | EX125WD-5 | XXX00X00X00000000 | 2002 | 3305 | 9.00-20ComPIP, EPA, A/C | Osaka Port Yard-F | \6,070,000 |
0076 | WH06D | 134-0302 | 1986 | 7012 | 10.00-20WHEEL, Heater & Cooler, Outrigger, Blade | Tomakomai Port Yard-C | \4,870,000 |
0077 | DM121 | 5063 | 2002 | 1194 | 2100mm 抹/譲 | Hakata Port Yard-C | \1,410,000 |
0078 | K12II | K122-0178 | 1997 | 1197 | 2100mm 抹/譲 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,500,000 |
0079 | TS30H | 30377 | 1983 | 1100mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \120,000 | |
725 | |||||||
0080 | TW500 | 11130 | 1994 | 2613 | 1300mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \880,000 |
0083 | NFB6W1 | NFB6W10205 | 1990 | 3573 | WHEEL | Hakata Port Yard-C | \2,300,000 |
0084 | LD1000B | 1L000290 | 1994 | 2461【N】 | CAB, R, Heater & Cooler | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,050,000 |
0085 | C30R | 00962 | 1991 | 950【O】 | 310R | THI Yokohama Yard* | \250,000 |
0088 | 773B | 63W03076 | 1990 | 18034 | 21.00-35 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \8,800,000 |
0090 | KR-45H-V | 051495 | 1991 | 18739 | 18.00R25Heater & Cooler, 45ton, H- Outrigger, Power Jib 検/H21.3./揚H21.2./譲/設置有 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \25,000,000 |
69193 | |||||||
0091 | KR35H-III | 2835545 | 1992 | 18284 | 455/95R25Heater, 35t, Used outside Japan, No doccument 書類無 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \14,800,000 |
535741 |
Lot | Model | Serial | Year | Hour Km | Remarks/書類 | 引渡場所Ex-Yard | Start Price |
0094 | GC380F-1 | 00000 | 0000 | 0000 | 00.00-00 | Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx-X | \0,000,000 |
0000 | AC120-1 | 095121 | 1996 | 5333 | 500G, 250kg,11m | THI Yokohama Yard* | \950,000 |
0096 | SH138 | 512017 | 1988 | 6571【O】 | Heater, 200kg,13m 抹/譲 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \500,000 |
0100 | DSG-360SBK | 3 SET | 1999 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \5,700,000 | ||
0101 | NES350SM | N0112-SJ | 1984 | 1291【N】 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,480,000 | |
0102 | NES350SM | NO332SJC | 1991 | 6966 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,000,000 | |
0103 | NES90SN | N0450SGD | 1990 | 5604 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \500,000 | |
0106 | SDG45S | 133-051004 | 7098 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \400,000 | ||
0107 | SDG25S | 000000 | 0000 | 0000 | Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx-X | \000,000 | |
0000 | HB20G | 5901 | PinDia 70mm BossWidth 315mm OperationOK | THI Yokohama Yard* | \480,000 | ||
0116 | HB20G | 3372 | PinDia 80mm Bracket W 330mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \410,000 | ||
0117 | HB8G | 3016 | 1994 | PinDia 45mm Bracket W 230mm OperationOK | THI Yokohama Yard* | \500,000 | |
0119 | H-10XB | 16414 | PinDia 75mm BossWidth 310mm OperationOK | THI Yokohama Yard* | \480,000 | ||
0120 | Breaker for 0.25 | 1254 | PinHoleDia 55mm Bracket W 250mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \180,000 | ||
0121 | H4X | 41807 | PinDia 45mm BossWidth 180mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \180,000 | ||
0122 | H-1XA | 38307 | Operation is confirmed | Tomakomai Port Yard-C | \220,000 | ||
0123 | E-212 | 40145 | PinDia 80mm Bracket W 370mm OperationOK | THI Yokohama Yard* | \650,000 | ||
0124 | OUB316 | 1069 | PinDia 100mm Bracket W 420mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \600,000 | ||
0125 | OUB316 | 0241 | PinHoleDia 90mm Bracket W 345mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,100,000 | ||
0126 | OUB316 | 188 | PinHoleDia 80mm Bracket W 327mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \750,000 | ||
Lot | Model | Serial | Year | Hour Km | Remarks/書類 | 引渡場所Ex-Yard | Start Price |
0130 | MKB1300 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \450,000 | ||||
0131 | THBB2000 | 109H | PinDia 90mm BossWidth 345mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \900,000 | ||
0132 | THBB1401 | 1503 | For EX200 etc. Operation Confirmed | THI Yokohama Yard* | \220,000 | ||
0133 | F9 | 2141 | Pin Dia:50mm,Boss width:200mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,000,000 | ||
TNB-3E | 181 | Pin Dia:45mm, Pin Boss width:152mm | |||||
TNB-6E | 2493 | Pin Dia:50mm, Pin Boss width:190mm | |||||
NJB221 | 6M1163 | Pin Dia:80mm,Bracket width325mm | |||||
0135 | TS850RCD | 1337 | 1989 | Pin Dia:90mm, Pin Boss width:400mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,200,000 | |
0140 | 252-1073 | 017 | Angling snow plow for 950 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \500,000 | ||
0141 | 3306 | 10Z37043 | Engine | THI Yokohama Yard* | \800,000 | ||
0142 | 3176 | 7ZR03507 | EPA, Engine | THI Yokohama Yard* | \700,000 | ||
0143 | 3126 | 5GG06421 | EPA, Engine | THI Yokohama Yard* | \600,000 | ||
0144 | Blade | For 850 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \50,000 | |||
0145 | N14-C | 12036642 | Engine and radiator for MST3300VD | THI Yokohama Yard* | \1,500,000 | ||
0146 | Rubber Track(1 pc) | 300x52.5Nx80 | PC30FR-1, PC15-3, PC15-3E etc. | THI Yokohama Yard* | \90,000 | ||
0147 | Rubber Track(1 pc) | 300x52.5Nx80 | PC30FR-1, PC15-3, PC15-3E etc. | THI Yokohama Yard* | \90,000 | ||
0148 | Rubber Track(1 pc) | 400x72.5Nx74 | SK045-1, 2, SH55J etc. | THI Yokohama Yard* | \90,000 | ||
0149 | Rubber Track(1 pc) | 400x72.5Nx74 | SK045-1, 2, SH55J etc. | THI Yokohama Yard* | \90,000 | ||
0150 | Rubber Track(1 pc) | 300x52.5Wx80 | EX30, MM30, 30J, SH30 etc. | THI Yokohama Yard* | \90,000 | ||
0151 | Rubber Track(1 pc) | 300x109x41 | For EX35,EX40UR | THI Yokohama Yard* | \65,000 | ||
Lot | Model | Serial | Year | Hour Km | Remarks/書類 | 引渡場所Ex-Yard | Start Price |
0155 | Tires | For KR25HV | THI Yokohama Yard* | \450,000 | |||
0156 | Tires | For KLD85ZA | THI Yokohama Yard* | \90,000 | |||
0157 | Tire | For KR45H-V | 505/95R25 | THI Yokohama Yard* | \500,000 | ||
0160 | FT70 | FT70013 | 1990 | Silent Piler | THI Yokohama Yard* | \2,000,000 | |
0161 | KGK-100H | 01102 | 1981 | 4246 | 120t Silent Piler | Yokohama Port Yard-C | \1,500,000 |
0162 | KGK-80C4 | 1308314B | 1987 | Silent Piler | THI Yokohama Yard* | \600,000 | |
0165 | Orange BKT | THI Yokohama Yard* | \270,000 | ||||
0166 | Fork | For 0.25m3 | Arm edge w 210mm Pin hole 70mm | THI Yokohama Yard* | \10,000 | ||
0167 | Forkgrab | THI Yokohama Yard* | \200,000 | ||||
プレミアオークション協賛各社 Supported by
Specialized Forwarding Agent for Construction Equipment
通関業 新和企業株式会社
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E-mail : xxxx@xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx
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プレミアオークション協賛各社 Supported by
TEL : 00-0-0000-0000 FAX : 00-0-0000-0000 xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/
◆保税ヤード10,000㎡所有 ◆国内最大の洗車設備を保有し、安全・迅速に対応致します。
株式会社 ショーワ xxxxxxxxxx000-0 TEL.0000-00-0000
T.H.I. Corp.
THE 乙仲。
輸出書類、通関手続き、建機の運送・洗浄・解体・コンテナ・RORO船積み。 xxxxが選ぶ理由、THE OTSUNAKA。
TEL(: 045)000-0000 XXX(: 045)000-0000
E-mail: xxx-xxx@xxx.xxxxxxx.xx.xx
プレミアオークション協賛各社 Supported by
Japan/Hong Kong & Vietnam Vehicle Carrier & Multi Liner Service
MV BLUE EXPRESS G/W 12,452 MV RAINBOW EXPRESS G/W 10,833 MV CEBU ROSA G/W 7,442 MV SUNRISE EXPRESS G/W 8,649 TEL: x00-0-0000-0000 (Tokyo), x00-0-0000-0000 (Osaka)
Booking agent
T.H.I. Corp.
ECLの船隊は、自動車専用船・多目的船・在来船を揃え、 あらゆる貨物に安全・迅速対応します。
イ ー ス タ ン ・ カ ー ラ イ ナ ー 株 式 会 社 栄 和 エ ー ジ ェ ン シ ー 株 式 会 社
x 000-0000 x x x x x x x x x 0-0-0 天 王 洲 パ ー ク サ イド ビ ル 5 階 EIWA AGENCY CO., LTD.
TEL:00-0000-0000 FAX:00-0000-0000 TEL:00-0000-0000 FAX:00-0000-0000