の外貨建てで生じた場合には、米ドルを介しての円換算、すなわちカード利用代金等を一旦米ドルに換算後これを円換算します。また、カード利用代金等が米ドル建てで生じた 場合には、直接円換算します。法令により特定の換算レートの適用が義務付けられている場合、または協定もしくは現地の慣例により当該カード利用代金等に関して特定の換算 レートが使用される場合を除き、AEEMLによる円換算に際しては、AEEMLが日本国外で所有し管理するアメリカン・エキスプレス財務システムを利用し、換算日の前営...
アメリカン ・ エキスプレスのカード会員規約
JP531732L 04/20
会員規約ならびに個人情報の取り扱いに関する同意条項および重要事項をよくお読み いただき、それらを契約内容とすることに同意の上で、カードをご利用ください。
第 1 章 一般条項
第 1 条(カードおよび会員)
(7)アメリカン・エキスプレス®・スカイ・トラベラー・プレミア・カード 2.「基本カード会員」とは、本規約を承認の上、当社にカードの申込みまたはこれに準ずる行為をし、当社が入会を認めた 個人をいいます。当社は、基本カード会員に対し、1枚または 複数のカードを発行し、貸与します。基本カード会員は原則 として日本国内に住居を有する者に限ります。基本カード 会員が海外に転出した場合には、当社は会員資格の再審査
合には、当社に対して一切の責任を負うものとします。 4.「会員」とは「基本カード会員」および「家族カード会員」をいいます。会員と当社との間の契約は、当社が入会を認めた時
第 2 条(カードの貸与および利用)
1. カードは、当社が発行し基本カード会員に貸与するもので、当社が所有権を有します。カードの表面または裏面には会員氏名、カード番号、有効期限、セキュリティコード等(以下
2. 会員は、善良なる管理者の注意をもってカードおよびカード情報を管理、使用するものとします。カードは、カード表面にその氏名が印字または刻印されカード裏面に署名した会員本人だけが利用できるものとし、他人に貸与、譲渡または質入れしてはならず、その他当社の所有権を侵害することはできません。また、会員は、カード情報を他人に使用させることはできません。
3. 会員は、カードの表面もしくは裏面に刻印されているカード有効期間の終了後、会員資格が一時停止されている期間、会員が退会した後、または会員資格が取り消されもしくはカードが無効とされた後は、カードを利用することはできません。
4. 当社は、第18条に基づく会員資格の一時停止および取消しのほか、当社が指定する国または地域におけるカードの利用をいつでも中止または停止することができます。
第 3 条(暗証番号)
1. 会員は、カード利用に必要となる暗証番号を、当社に登録するものとします。会員からの登録がない場合、または、会員が登録した暗証番号について当社が不適切と判断した場合は、当社が暗証番号を登録し通知することがあります。会員の暗証番号の登録、指定および利用に関しては、当社所定の手続に従っていただきます。会員は、暗証番号を登録するに際し、生年月日、電話番号等、第三者が容易に推測できる番号は使用しないものとします。
2. 会員は、暗証番号を他人に知られないよう、善良なる管理者の注意をもって管理する責任があります。会員は、暗証番号を他人に開示等してはならず、また、暗証番号を他人に使用させることはできません。
3. 会員は、別途当社が定める手続に従い、暗証番号を変更することができます。ただし、ICカードの暗証番号を変更する場合は、カードの再発行手続が必要となります。
第 4 条(カードの機能および付帯サービス・特典)
1. 会員は、カードの有効期間中、本規約の規定その他当社が定める方法および条件に従いカードまたはカード情報を使用することにより、本規約第2章(ショッピング条項)に定める機能およびその他当社が設定する機能を利用することができます。
2. 会員は、当社または提携会社が提供するカード付帯サービス・特典を、当社が別途定めるところに従い、利用することができます。ただし、会員は、退会し、または、その会員資格が取り消された場合には、付帯サービス・特典を利用する権利(既に取得した付帯サービス・特典に基づく権利行使を含む。)を失います。
3. 当社は、必要と認めた場合には、前項の付帯サービス・特典の内容の変更、または、提供の一部もしくは全部の中止をすることができるものとします。
第 5 条(年会費等)
1. 会員は、保有する各カードにつき、当社所定の年会費を当社にお支払いいただきます。当社の責に帰すべき事由により退会または会員資格を喪失した場合を除き、一旦お支払いいただいた年会費は返還いたしません。
2. 会員はカードの入会に当たり、当社所定の入会金を当社にお支払いいただく場合があります。一旦お支払いいただいた入会金は、退会または会員資格の取消しその他理由の如何を問わず返還いたしません。
第 6 条(カードの紛失・盗難、偽造等)
1. カードの紛失、盗難、カード情報の漏えい等により他人にカードを不正使用された場合、または発行時・更新時等これを通常受け取るべき時に届かないことに気づいた場合には、会員は、直ちに最寄りの当社の営業所(海外においてはアメリカン・エキスプレスの営業所)にその旨を届け出るものとします。この場合には、会員は、最寄りの警察署に紛失届・被害届等を提出した上、その警察署より交付される届出の受理を証明する文書または受理番号その他警察署への申告等を行ったことを示す書類として当社が認めるものを当社に提出するものとします。この他、会員は、不正使用者の発見および損害の防止軽減に必要な努力をし、当社または当社の契約する保険会社の指示に従って必要な手続を行い、その調査に協力するものとします。
2. 基本カード会員は、カードおよびカード情報の管理責任が会員にあることを踏まえ、承諾したと否とにかかわらず会
3. 前項の規定にかかわらず、カードの紛失、盗難またはカード情報の漏えい等などについて本条第1項の届出がなされた場合においては、その届出を当社が受け取った日から遡って60日目以降に生じたカードの不正使用については、基本カード会員は、支払責任を負わず、既に支払った不正使用によるカード利用代金等相当額は当社が補てんするものとします。ただし、次の場合はこの限りでないものとします。
4. 偽造カードの使用に係る債務については、偽造カードの作出または使用について会員に故意または過失がない場合には、基本カード会員は、支払の責を負わないものとします。なお、偽造カードの作出または使用について会員に故意または過失があるときは、その偽造カードの使用に係る債務については基本カード会員が支払の責を負うものとします。
1. 会員は、その住所、氏名、電子メールアドレス等の連絡先、勤務先、職業、カード利用代金等の指定支払口座または支払方法その他当社に届け出た事項に変更があった場合には、直ちに当社に届け出ていただきます。
2. 前項の届出がなかった場合においては、このために当社からの送付物その他の通知の到着が遅れ、またはこれらが到達しなくても、当社は、会員宛てに通常到達すべきときに届
1. 会員から更新カードの発行を希望しない旨の通知がない場合において、当社が引き続き会員として適格と認めるときには、カード表面または裏面記載の有効期間が満了するまでに更新カードを発行します。
2. 会員は、カードの紛失・盗難、破損等の場合は、当社が別途定める手続に従い当社にカードの再発行を申し込み、当社が認めた場合に再発行を受けることができます。また、当社は、カード情報の管理等の業務上の必要が生じた場合は、会員番号の変更および会員に貸与するカードの再発行ができるものとします。なお、カードが再発行される場合には、カード番号・有効期間が変更されます。また、基本カード会員および家族カード会員に貸与されたカードのうちの一枚につきカード番号の変更・再発行がされる場合、他のカードについてもカード番号の変更・再発行がされることがあります。
第2章 ショッピング条項
1. 会員は、カードを利用して、当社、当社の関連会社、または提携会社が指定する国内外のアメリカン・エキスプレス・カード取扱加盟店(以下「加盟店」といいます。)で商品等の購入、役務の提供等を受けることができます。会員は、加盟店でカードを提示して使用する際、加盟店の指示に従い、カード利用代金等の明細を記載した売上票にカード裏面の署名と同じ署名をし、もしくは、加盟店の端末機に暗証番号を入力し、または、署名と暗証番号の入力の両方を行うものとします。ただし、会員がカード利用の意思を明確にして行う次の各号の取引等については、会員の署名または暗証番号の入力のない売上票を当社または加盟店において作成する場合があります。
2. 会員は、当社が適当と認めた場合には、カード番号・有効期限等を加盟店に事前に登録することにより、通信サービス料金その他継続的に発生する各種利用代金等の決済手段としてカードを利用することができます。この場合、会員は、カード番号・有効期間等が変更されもしくは退会・会員資格取消し等によりカードが無効となったときには、その旨
3. カードは、会員が個人的に消費するための商品等の購入または役務の提供等を受けることの決済に通常利用するものであって、転売または換金目的で利用することはできません。この他、過去の商品等の購入または役務の提供等に係る債務の精算にカードを利用することはできません。
4. カードによる物品等の購入またはサービスの提供の受領を取り消す場合は、当社所定の手続によるものとします。また、その払戻しは当社を通じてこれを行い、現金等での払戻しはいたしません。
5. 会員によるカード利用には、原則として、当社(当社が業務委託する者を含みます。本項において同じ。)の承認が必要となり、加盟店は、当社に対して取引内容や利用金額等の情報提供をした上で利用承認に関する照会を行います。また、会員は、(1)第三者によるカードの不正利用を防止する目的等のため、当社が利用承認を保留することがあること、および(2)会員本人の利用であることを確認するため、会員に対して直接、電話、Eメール、SMS等の方法により連絡をして、本人確認・利用確認の手続等することがあることを、あらかじめ承諾するものとします。
6. 会員は、当社または当社の加盟店業務委託先と加盟店との間の加盟店契約の内容に従い、加盟店でのカード利用による取引の結果発生した加盟店の会員に対する債権を(、1)当該加盟店から直接または第三者を経由して当社に対して譲渡されること、または、(2)会員からの委託に基づいて当社が立替払いをすることについて、あらかじめ承諾します。また、会員は、上記(1)の譲渡に際し、加盟店に有する一切の抗弁(同時履行の抗弁、相殺の抗弁、無効・取消し・解除の抗弁、消滅時効の抗弁その他抗弁を含むがこれらに限られません。ただし、「ペイフレックス特約」第 7 条および「ボーナス一括払い・分割払い特約」第 7 条の支払停止の抗弁を除きます。)を主張しないことを、あらかじめ承諾するものとします。
第 10 条(カードにより加入する保険)
1. カードを利用して保険(当社を代理店とするもの。共済を含む。以下同じ。)に加入する場合、会員は、当社が会員のために期日に保険会社に対して保険料の支払をすることを了承するとともに、別段の合意あるときを除いて第13条に定め
2. カードにより加入した保険の継続を中止しようとするときは、会員はその旨文書により当社またはその保険の引受保険会社に申し出るものとします。
3. カードが退会その他により失効した場合または第13条に定めるところに従って当社への支払が行われない場合には、当社は保険会社に対する保険料の支払を中止することができるものとし、保険料の支払が中止されたときはその保険は解約扱いとなります。この場合、継続可能な保険について会員が継続を希望するときは、継続に必要な手続は会員において直接保険会社との間でとっていただきます。
4. 会員は各保険加入申込みの条件に定める諸条項および本規約の諸条項に拘束されるものとします。
5. 当社は保険業法その他関連法令を遵守し、会員の代理人または受託者としてではなく、保険会社・共済の代理人として、会員向けの保険会社・保険商品・共済を選定しております。保険会社・共済から当社に対して、保険会社・共済の定める料率に基づき代理店手数料・代理所手数料が支払われます。また、一部の保険商品については、国外の当社の関連会社が再保険を引き受け、再保険収益を得る場合もあります。会員向けの保険商品・共済の選定にあたっては、このような保険会社・共済との間の取り決めを考慮する場合があります。かかる保険商品・共済への加入は任意です。
第 11 条(加盟店との紛議)
1. 当社は、カードの利用拒絶等の加盟店の措置または加盟店が引き渡しもしくは提供する商品等もしくはサービスが会員と加盟店との間の契約の内容に適合しない場合であっても、その不適合について責任を負いません。会員がカードにより購入しまたは提供を受けた商品等またはサービスに関する紛議は、会員と加盟店との間で解決するものとします。紛議の解決の有無にかかわらず、会員は、当社に対してそのカード利用代金等の支払の責任を負います。
2. 会員は、加盟店に対し、見本、カタログ等により購入した商品等または提供を受けたサービス等に関し、引き渡された商品等またはサービスが見本、カタログ等と相違している場合には、会員と加盟店との契約に基づいて、商品の交換またはサービスの再提供を申し出るか、または当該売買契約の解除もしくはサービス提供契約の解除ができるものとします。
第 12 条(カード利用代金等の支払区分およびカードの利用可能枠)
1. 加盟店でのカード利用代金等の支払区分は、1回払いとします。ただし、特約の適用がある場合はその限りではありません。
2. カードの利用可能枠は、お申込みの内容、ご利用実績その他の事情に応じ当社が審査、決定した額とし、その時々の状況に応じ変動します。
3. 会員は、前項の利用可能枠を超える利用についても当然にその支払の責を負うものとします。
第 3 章 カード利用代金等の支払
第 13 条(カード利用代金等の支払)
1. 基本カード会員は、本人および家族カード会員の各カードについて生じた一切のカード利用代金等についてその支払の責を負うものとします。
2. 当社は、カード利用代金等を別途定める毎月の所定日に締め切り、各基本カード会員宛に『ご利用代金明細書』を送付し、または別途合意するところに従い電磁的方法により交付します。この『ご利用代金明細書』には、家族カードに関して生じたすべてのカード利用代金等も含むものとします。当社は、会員がこの『ご利用代金明細書』を受け取ってから、 2週間以内に会員からの申出がない限り、この『ご利用代金明細書』の内容について承認いただいたものとみなします。
3. 基本カード会員は、カード利用代金等を、その『ご利用代金明細書』に記載の当社指定日(ただし、同日が金融機関の休日の場合は翌営業日とします。)に、基本カード会員指定の支払口座からの自動振替の方法により支払うものとします。なお、当社指定日に自動振替ができなかった場合には、一部金融機関との約定に基づき、指定日以降再度全額または一部を自動振替することができるものとします。
4. 前項の規定にかかわらず、基本カード会員は、あらかじめ当社の同意を得た場合のみ、この支払方法を当社の指定する銀行口座への振込による方法に代えることができ、この場合には『、ご利用代金明細書』に記載の当社指定日を支払期日とします。基本カード会員は、当社指定の口座への振込みの方法により支払を行う場合には、支払期日の当社または金融機関所定の時刻までに振込みを完了するものとし、振込みの完了が当該時刻を過ぎた場合に原則として翌営業日の支払として取り扱われることに異議がないものとします。
5. 基本カード会員は、金融機関等にて振込により支払う場合の金融機関等所定の振込手数料その他本規約に基づく債務の支払いに際して発生する各種取扱手数料、本規約に基づく費用・手数料等に課される消費税その他公租公課を負担するものとします。
第 14 条(外貨建てのカード利用代金等の円換算等)
1. カード利用代金等が外貨建てで生じた場合には、American Express Exposure Management Ltd(以下「AEEML」)が日本円に換算します。この換算は、アメリカン・エキスプレスにおけるカード利用代金等の処理日に行われ、当該カード利用代金等のアメリカン・エキスプレスへの提出時期により実際のカード利用日と異なることがあります。
2. 前項の円換算に際しては、カード利用代金等が米ドル以外
の外貨建てで生じた場合には、米ドルを介しての円換算、すなわちカード利用代金等を一旦米ドルに換算後これを円換算します。また、カード利用代金等が米ドル建てで生じた場合には、直接円換算します。法令により特定の換算レートの適用が義務付けられている場合、または協定もしくは現地の慣例により当該カード利用代金等に関して特定の換算レートが使用される場合を除き、AEEMLによる円換算に際しては、AEEMLが日本国外で所有し管理するアメリカン・エキスプレス財務システムを利用し、換算日の前営業日における主要な外国為替相場情報から選択した銀行間レートを基に、2%の外貨取扱手数料を加えた(ただし、米ドルを介しての円換算の場合、当該手数料が重複して課せられることはありません。)換算レートを使用するものとし、会員はこれに理解・同意するものとします。この外貨取扱手数料は American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.もしくはその関連会社の収益となります。なお、カード利用代金等がアメリカン・エキスプレスに提出される前に第三者により換算される場合、適用される換算レートは当該第三者が決定するものとします。
3. ①外貨建てのカード利用が取り消された場合の取消されるべき金額の円換算、および②付加価値税の還付金の円換算は、当該カード利用の取消処理がアメリカン・エキスプレスで行われる処理日を換算日として、前2項の規定に準じるものとします。
4. 前3項の規定にかかわらず、一部の海外加盟店でのカード利用に際して、加盟店から外貨建ての利用金額とともに、加盟店が独自に定めるレートにより換算した円建ての利用金額の提示がある場合において、会員が円建ての利用金額によることを選択したときは、当該円建て金額をカード利用代金等として請求します。なお、かかる場合において、会員が当該カード利用を取り消した場合、取消金額は外貨建てで生じることがあり、その場合取り消すべき金額の円換算は前3項に従います。
第 15 条(遅延損害金その他カード利用代金等の支払の過不足の処理)
1. 会員が、第13条第3項および第4項に規定する支払期日にお支払いいただけなかった場合は、お支払いいただくべき金額に対し支払期日の翌日から完済に至るまで、または本規約に基づき期限の利益を喪失した場合には、残債務全額に対し期限の利益喪失の日から完済に至るまで、実質年率 14.6%の遅延損害金を年365日(うるう年は366日)の日割計算で請求させていただきます。
2. 会員が本規約に基づく支払を怠り、当社の催告に応じないときは、会員は、当社のとる措置に服するものとし、当社が法的手続に要した一切の費用(弁護士費用を含むものとします。)を負担していただきます。
3. お支払いいただいた金額が、会員の当社に対する一切の債務を完済させるに足りない場合、会員への通知なくして当社が適当と認める順序、方法によりいずれの債務に充当しても、会員は、異議のないものといたします。加盟店でのカード利用が取り消された場合およびその他の場合の調整金額についても同様とします。ただし、ペイフレックス特約第7条に基づく支払停止の抗弁に係る充当については割賦販売法第 30 条の 5 の規定によるものとします。
4. 当社は、会員の加盟店でのカード利用の取消しその他原因の如何を問わずカードについて過払い状態が生じた場合、当該差額につき基本カード会員の当社に対する期限到来前または将来発生する債務に充当することができるものとします。ただし、基本カード会員から振込返金の依頼があった場合は、当社はそれに従うものとします。
第 4 章 その他
第 16 条(期限の利益の喪失)
1. 基本カード会員は、次のいずれかの事由に該当した場合、この規約に定める支払期限にかかわらず、当社からの通知・催告なしに当然に期限の利益を失い、直ちに未払債務の全額
2. 基本カード会員は、次のいずれかの事由に該当した場合、当
第 17 条(退会)
1. 基本カード会員が退会しようとするときは、当社にその届出をするとともに、そのカードを半分に切断して、切断したカードを当社に返却するものとします。また、切断できない場合には当社の指示に従うものとします。家族カードを発行している場合には、家族カード会員も同時に退会となりますので、基本カード会員より家族カード会員に対して退会した旨を通知するとともに家族カード会員のカードも半分に切断して直ちに当社に返却し、当社に対する支払債務の全額を直ちにお支払いいただきます。ただし、当社が認める場合は、この規約に定める支払方法によることができるものとします。
2. 基本カード会員が家族カード会員のみの退会の届出を当社に行う場合は、そのカードの返却を前項に従って行っていただきます。
3. 基本カード会員は、当社に退会の届出をした後も、そのカードおよび家族カード会員のカードに関して生じた一切のカード利用代金等についてその支払の責を負うものとします。
第 18 条(会員資格の一時停止および取消し)
1. 当社は、次の各号に1つでも該当した場合には、あらかじめ通知することなく、いつでも会員のカード利用の一時停止を含む利用制限または会員資格の取消しをすることができるものとします。この場合、家族カード会員は、基本カード会員に対する当社の措置に従うものとします。当社が本条項に基づく措置をとったことにより、会員にいかなる損害、費用が発生しても、当社は一切責任を負わないものとします。
2. 当社は、会員資格が取り消された会員の氏名および会員番号を無効番号通知書に掲載し、加盟店に通知することができます。会員資格を取り消された会員は、直ちにカードを半分に切断の上、当社に返却するものとします。
第 19 条(適用法規・合意管轄裁判所)
1. カードの発行または使用に関して生じた事項については、すべて日本の法律が適用されるものとします。
2. 会員は、本規約について紛争が生じた場合、訴額の如何にかかわらず、会員の住所地、購入地、または当社の日本における営業所、各支店を管轄する簡易裁判所、または地方裁判所を管轄裁判所とすることに同意するものとします。
第 20 条(本規約の改定)
1. 当社は、次の各号に該当する場合には、本規約の変更の効力発生時期を定め、本規約を変更する旨、変更後の内容および効力発生時期を、当社のウェブサイトへ掲載するほか、必要があるときは基本カード会員に通知する方法その他の相当な方法により周知することによって、本規約を改定することができます。なお、第2号に該当する場合には、当社は、定めた効力発生時期が到来するまでに、当社のウェブサイトへの掲載等を行うものとします。
2. 当社は、前項に基づくほか、あらかじめ変更後の内容を当社のウェブページに掲載する方法により基本カード会員に周知した上で(必要があるときには、これに加え基本カード会員に通知する方法その他相当な方法での周知を行うことします。)、本規約を変更することができるものとします。この場合、会員がかかる周知の後に行うカード使用をもって、変更に対する承諾の意思表示とし、当該意思表示をもって当該会員に対し変更後の本規約が適用されるものとします。
第 21 条(債権譲渡、契約上の地位の譲渡および提携カード発行の終了)
1. 当社は、いつでも、会員に対して事前の通知をすることなく、この規約に基づく債権および契約上の地位を譲渡することができます。
2. 当社は、金融機関等の提携会社と提携またはこれに準じる関係の下で発行するカードに関して、当該提携関係等が終了した場合、会員に対して事前に通知した上で、基本カード会員と当社との間の当該提携カードに係る本規約に基づく取引を終了することができるものとします。
第 22 条(反社会的勢力でないことの表明・確約)
1. 会員は、会員が、現在かつ将来にわたって、次の各号のいずれにも該当しないことを表明、確約します。
2. 会員は、自らまたは第三者を利用して次の号のいずれの行為も行わないことを確約します。
第 23 条(犯罪収益移転防止法等に基づく対応)
1. 会員は、当社が犯罪収益移転防止法および同法に関連するガイドライン等に基づき行う、会員に関する情報や具体的な取引の内容等の確認に関して、以下の事項に異議なく同意します。
2. 会員は、外国の重要な公的地位を現在もしくは過去に有する者またはその家族(犯罪収益移転防止法施行令第12 条第 3 項各号に掲げる者であって、以下「外国PEPs」といいます。)に該当する場合(入会後に該当することとなった場合を含みます。)は、その旨およびその国名と職名を直ちに当社へ届け出るものとします。
3. 会員は、外国為替および外国貿易管理に関する法令等により一定の手続が必要な場合、当社の要求に応じこの手続を行うものとし、または日本国外でのカード利用の全部または一部の制限または停止に応じるものとします。
*アメリカン・エキスプレスのホームページアドレス: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
〒000-0000 xxx杉並区荻窪4丁目30番16号
第 1 条(総則)
1. 本特約はアメリカン・エキスプレスのカード会員規約(以下
2. 本特約は、次条に定めるペイフレックス登録をされた会員がペイフレックスを利用したときに、会員により承諾されたものとみなされます。
第 2 条(ペイフレックス登録)
1. アメリカン・エキスプレス・インターナショナル・インコーポレイテッド(日本支社)(以下「当社」といいます)が発行するカードのうち当社が指定するカードの基本カード会員は、(1)当社に対して所定の方法で申込みをし、当社が審査の上サービスの利用を認めその旨の利用登録をした場合、または、(2)あらかじめ当社が審査の上サービスの利用を認めその旨の利用登録をした場合(ただし、当社は、基本カード会員からかかるサービスの利用を希望しない旨の申し出があった場合、利用登録を解除するものとします)、(以下
2. 当社は、必要があると認める場合(カードの再発行等によりカード番号の変更が生じた場合を含む)には、あらかじめ会員に通知することなく、会員のペイフレックス登録を解除し、またはペイフレックスの利用を一時停止することがで
3. ペイフレックス登録は、原則として日本国内に住居を有する会員に限り認められます。また、支払方法として会員指定の支払口座からの自動振替の方法をとっている場合に限り認められます。会員が、これらの条件を満たさなくなった場合、ペイフレックスの登録および利用については当社の指示に従うものとします。
4. 会員は、いつでもペイフレックス登録を解除できますが、その場合には、当社からの請求に基づき、ペイフレックス利用代金の未決済残高を一括でお支払いいただきます。
第 3 条(ペイフレックスの利用)
1. ペイフレックスには、次の二つの方式があり、基本カード会員が事前に選択し登録したいずれか一方の方式のみを利用できるものとします。なお、あらかじめ当社がいずれかの方式を指定して登録しておく場合があります。基本カード会員は、当社が認めた場合、当社所定の手続により、もう一方の方式に登録を変更することができますが、従来の登録に基づき変更前になされたペイフレックスの利用に影響しません。なお、ペイフレックス登録後においては、当社は基本カード会員のEメールアドレス宛てに、当社が必要と認めた場合、締切日等重要事項について通知します。
第 4 条(リボルビング払い利用可能枠)
1. 当社は、ペイフレックス登録に際して、基本カード会員ごとにリボルビング払い利用可能枠を設定し、対象カードを特定の上、所定の方法で基本カード会員に対し通知します。
2. 当社は会員のカード利用状況や信用状況等を勘案し必要と認める場合には、特段の通知をせず随時リボルビング払い利用可能枠を増額または減額することができるものとします。ただし、当社は、基本カード会員から増額を希望しない旨の申出があった場合は、従前の利用可能枠に戻すものリボルビング払い利用可能枠は、基本カード会員および家族カード会員のペイフレックス利用代金の未決済残高について適用され、会員は、リボルビング払い利用可能枠を超えない範囲内でペイフレックスを利用できるものとします。なお、リボルビング払い利用可能枠超過の判断は、当社のシステム上で行うものとし、ペイフレックス利用代金の支払があった場合でも、金融機関からの情報が当社のシステムに反映されるまでの間は、未決済と取り扱われることがあります。
3. 本条に基づくリボルビング払い利用可能枠に加え、当社が別に定めるボーナス一括払い・分割払い特約に基づくボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠の設定がされる場合、その総計は割賦販売法に定める上限を超えないものとします。また、会員が複数のカードを貸与されている場合において複数のカードにそれぞれ利用可能枠が設定される場合も同様とします。
第 5 条(ペイフレックス利用代金の支払)
1. ペイフレックス利用代金とは、ペイフレックスの適用に基づきリボルビング払いとして扱われるカード利用代金等を言います。基本カード会員は、毎月の締切日におけるペイフレックス利用代金の未決済残高に応じて、次条に定める手数料と元本との合計額として、別表(1)の弁済額表の中から当社があらかじめ指定し、基本カード会員に対して通知した方法に基づく弁済金(ただし、締切日の残高と手数料との合計額が弁済金に満たない時はその合計額)を支払うものとします。
2. 前項の規定にかかわらず、毎月の締切日において、ペイフレックス利用代金の未決済合計額が、リボルビング払い利用可能枠を超過した場合、会員はその超える金額を、当社からの請求に基づき、前項の弁済金と合わせて、一括払いにより支払っていただくものとします。
3. 基本カード会員は、毎月の『ご利用代金明細書』を受領後、当社が定める一定期間内に、別途定める方法に従い当社に申し出ることにより、当月のペイフレックスにかかる弁済金を増額することができます。また、会員は、別途定める方法に従い、ペイフレックス利用代金に係る債務の全部または一部を随時支払うことができます。ただし、この場合、会員
4. 基本カード会員は、本条の金額を、会員規約第13条に従い、その他のカード利用代金等とあわせて支払うものとします。
第 6 条(ペイフレックスに係る手数料)
1. ペイフレックス利用代金については、各明細書作成対象期間(前月の明細書作成対象日の翌日から当月の明細書作成日までの期間)の各日の未決済残高に対して当社が別途定め基本カード会員に通知する実質年率による手数料を年 365日(うるう年の場合は366日)の日割計算でお支払いいただきます。ただし、各々の利用につき利用日から起算して最初に到来する明細書作成日までの期間については、手数料計算の対象となりません。
2. ペイフレックス利用代金に対する手数料、毎月の弁済金の具体的算定例は別表(2)のとおりです。
3. 当社は、金融情勢の変化その他相当の事由がある場合には、随時会員に通知することによって、当該手数料率を変更することができるものとします。変更後の手数料率は、別段の定めがない限り、変更日におけるペイフレックス利用代金の未決済残高および以降の未決済残高に対し適用されるものとします。
第 7 条(支払停止の抗弁)
1. 会員は、ペイフレックスを利用して購入した商品等について次の事由が存するときは、会員規約第11条第1項にかかわらず、その事由が解消されるまでの間、当該事由の存する商品等について、カード利用代金等の支払を停止することができるものとします。
2. 当社は、会員が前項の支払の停止を行う旨を当社に申し出たときは、直ちに所定の手続を取るものとします。
3. 会員は、前項の申出をするときは、あらかじめ上記の事由の解消のため、加盟店と交渉を行うよう努めるものとします。
4. 会員は、本条第2項の申出をするときは、速やかに上記の事由を記載した書面(資料がある場合には資料添付のこと。)を当社に提出するよう努めるものとします。また、当社が上
5. 本条第1項の規定にかかわらず、次のいずれかに該当するときは、支払を停止することはできないものとします。この場合、カードの利用による取引上の紛議は会員と加盟店とにおいて解決するものとします。
6. 当社がカード利用代金等の残高から本条第1項に基づく支払の停止に係る代金に相当する額を控除して請求したときは、会員は控除後のカード利用代金等の支払を継続するものとします。
毎月の締切日におけるペイフレックスのリボルビング未決済残高(円) | ① | ② |
弁済金(円) | 弁済金(円) | |
100,000以下 | 3,000 | 7,000 |
100,001以上、200,000以下 | 6,000 | 14,000 |
200,001以上、300,000以下 | 9,000 | 21,000 |
以降1,500,000円までは同様に残高10 万円迄増加ごとに | 3,000円加算 | 7,000円加算 |
1,500,001以上、1,800,000以下 | 60,000 | 135,000 |
1,800,001以上、2,100,000以下 | 75,000 | 165,000 |
2,100,001以上、2,400,000以下 | 90,000 | 195,000 |
2,400,001以上、2,700,000以下 | 105,000 | 225,000 |
2,700,001以上、3,000,000以下 | 120,000 | 255,000 |
未決済残高 A月21日からB月9日までの19日間:100,000円 B月10日からB月20日までの11日間:97,449円
手数料 (100,000円 × 14.9% × 19日 ÷365日)+
(97,449円 × 14.9% × 11日 ÷365日) = 1,213円
弁 済 金 3,000 円
元本充当分 3,000円 - 1,213円 = 1,787円
標準用語 | 法定書面における表記 | ||
会員規約 | ご利用代金明細書 | 登録完了通知 | |
弁済金、各回の支払金額 | 毎月の弁済金、ペイフレックス利用代金の弁済金 | 弁済金額、今回ご請求金額、前回弁済金額 | 毎月のご返済金額、毎月の弁済金の額 |
包括信用購入 あっせんの手数料、リボ手数料 | 手数料 | 手数料、利息 | |
実質年率 | 手数料率 | 基本手数料率 | 手数料利率(実質年率)、基本手数料率(実質年率) |
手数料率を14.9%、会員規約第13条第3項の支払期日を毎月10日、利用残高100,000円に対応する弁済金を3,000円、会員規約第13条第2項の毎月の締め日を各月20日とします。また、A月 20日のペイフレックス利用代金の未決済残高を100,000円と
第 1 条(総則)
1. 本特約は、アメリカン・エキスプレスのカード会員規約(以下「会員規約」といいます。)の一部を構成し、カード利用代金等の支払区分に関する特則を定めるものです。この特約に定める事項以外は、会員規約が適用されるものとします。
2. 本特約は、次条に定めるボーナス一括払い・分割払い登録をされた会員がボーナス一括払いまたは分割払いを利用したときに、会員により承諾されたものとみなされます。
第 2 条(ボーナス一括払い・分割払い登録)
1. アメリカン・エキスプレス・インターナショナル・インコーポレイテッド(日本支社)(以下「当社」といいます)が発行するカードのうち当社が指定するカードの基本カード会員は、(1)当社に対して所定の方法で申込みをし、当社が審査の上サービスの利用を認めその旨の利用登録をした場合、または、(2)あらかじめ当社が審査の上サービスの利用を認めその旨の利用登録をした場合に(ただし、当社は、基本カード会員からかかるサービスの利用を希望しない旨の申し出があった場合、利用登録を解除するものとします。)(以下(1)(2)あわせて「ボーナス一括払い・分割払い登録」といいます。)、本特約および会員規約に従い、ボーナス一括払い・分割払いを利用できるものとします。会員が当社の発行する複数のカードを貸与されている場合、ボーナス一括払い・分割払い登録はカードを特定した上で行います。
2. 当社は、必要があると認める場合(カードの再発行等によりカード番号の変更が生じた場合を含みます。)には、あらかじめ会員に通知することなく、会員のボーナス一括払い・分割払い登録を解除し、またはボーナス一括払いもしくは分割払いの利用を一時停止することができるものとします。
3. ボーナス一括払い・分割払いの登録は、原則として日本国内に住居を有する会員に限り認められます。会員が、海外に転出した場合、ボーナス一括払い・分割払い登録およびその利用については当社の指示に従うものとします。
第 3 条(ボーナス一括払い・分割払いの利用)
第 4 条(ボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠)
1. 当社は、ボーナス一括払い・分割払い登録に際して、基本カード会員ごとにボーナス一括払いおよび分割払いに共通の利用可能枠を設定し、対象カードを特定の上、所定の方法で基本カード会員に対し通知します。
2. 当社は、会員のカード利用状況や信用状況等を勘案し必要と認める場合には、特段の通知をせず随時ボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠を増額または減額する事ができるものとします。ただし、当社は、基本カード会員から増額を
3. ボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠は、基本カード会員および家族カード会員のボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用代金の未決済残高について適用され、会員は、ボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠を超えない範囲内でボーナス一括払いおよび分割払いを利用できるものとします。なお、ボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠超過の判断は、当社のシステム上で行うものとし、利用代金の弁済があった場合でも、金融機関からの情報が当社のシステムに反映されるまでの間は、未決済と取り扱われることがあります。
4. 本条に基づくボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠に加え、当社が別に定めるペイフレックス特約に基づくリボルビング払い利用可能枠の設定がされる場合、その総計は割賦販売法に定める上限を超えないものとします。また、会員が複数のカードを貸与されている場合において複数のカードにそれぞれ利用可能枠が設定される場合も同様とします。
第 5 条(カード利用代金等の支払の特則)
1. 会員がボーナス一括払いを利用したカード利用代金等は、毎年8月または1月の約定支払日に一括で支払うものとします。ただし、締日との関係で翌月または翌々月の約定支払日となることがあります。ボーナス一括払いの利用には手数料はかかりません。
2. 分割払いを利用した場合のカード利用代金等の合計は、ご利用代金に別表(1)による分割払手数料を加算した金額となります。また、分割支払金は分割支払金合計を支払回数で除した金額(1円単位の端数は最終回算入)となります。分割払いの支払回数、実質年率、計算方法は別表のとおりとします。ただし、金融情勢の変化その他相当の事由があるときは、当社は、あらかじめ会員に通知することによって、当該手数料を変更できるものとします。また、加盟店により指定できない支払回数があります。
3. 前項の規定にかかわらず、毎月の締切日において、ボーナス一括払いおよび分割払いのご利用代金が、理由の如何を問わず、ボーナス一括払い・分割払い利用可能枠を超過した場合には、基本カード会員は、その超える金額を一括払いにより支払っていただくものとします。
4. 基本カード会員は、当社が別途定める方法に従い、分割払いに係る債務を一括して返済することができます。この場合、当社は、当社所定の計算方法により算出された期限未到来の分割払手数料の請求をせず、基本カード会員は、残元本に相当する額を当社に支払うものとします。
5. 基本カード会員は、本条の金額を、会員規約第13条に従い、その他のカード利用代金等とあわせて支払うものとします。
第 6 条(遅延損害金の特則)
第 7 条(支払停止の抗弁)
1. 会員はボーナス一括払い・分割払いを利用して購入した商品等について次の事由が存するときは、会員規約第11条第 1項にかかわらず、その事由が解消されるまでの間、当該事由の存する商品等について、カード利用代金等の支払を停止することができるものとします。
2. 当社は、会員が前項の支払の停止を行う旨を当社に申し出たときは、直ちに所定の手続を取るものとします。
3. 会員は、前項の申出をするときは、あらかじめ上記の事由の解消のため、加盟店と交渉を行うよう努めるものとします。
4. 会員は、本条第2項の申出をするときは、速やかに上記の事由を記載した書面(資料がある場合には資料添付のこと。)を当社に提出するよう努めるものとします。また、当社が上記の事由について調査する必要があるときは、会員はその調査に協力するものとします。
5. 本条第1項の規定にかかわらず、次のいずれかに該当するときは、支払を停止することはできないものとします。この場合、カードの利用による取引上の紛議は会員と加盟店とにおいて解決するものとします。
(2)第1号に該当しない場合であって、売買契約が会員にとって商行為(業務提供誘引販売個人契約または連鎖販売個人契約に係るものを除く)であるとき、海外加盟店においてカードを利用したときなどカード利用が割賦販売法第35条の3の60 第1項に該当するとき。
6. 当社がカード利用代金等の残高から本条第1項に基づく支払の停止に係る代金に相当する額を控除して請求したときは、会員は控除後のカード利用代金等の支払を継続するものとします。
支払回数 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 20 | 24 |
支払期間(月) | 3 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 20 | 24 |
実質年率(%) | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 |
利用代金100円当たりの分割払手数料の額(円) | 2.49 | 3.76 | 4.39 | 6.31 | 6.96 | 8.25 | 10.22 | 12.21 | 13.55 | 16.25 |
①分割払手数料 100,000円 × (6.96÷100円) = 6,960円
②分割支払金合計 100,000円 + 6,960円 = 106,960円
③分割支払額 106,960円 ÷ 10回 = 10,696円
標準用語 | 法定書面における表記 | ||
会員規約 | ご利用代金明細書 | 登録完了通知 | |
現金価格、利用金額 | 加盟店でのカード利用代金、カード利用代金、利用代金 | ご利用分、元本分ご請求額 | |
支払総額 | 分割支払金合計 | ||
支払期間 | お支払い期間 | お支払い期間 | 支払い期間 |
支払回数、分割回数 | 分割払いの支払回数、お支払い回数 | 支払分の支払回数、お支払回数 | お支払回数(分割払い) |
支払分、分割支払額、分割支払金、各回の支払金額 | 今回お支払金額 ( お支払月額)、今月ご請求額 | ||
包括 信用 購 入あっせんの手数料/分割払手数料 | 手数料 | 手数料、手数料ご請求額 | |
実質年率 | 手数料率 | 年利率、手数料率 | 分割払い手数料率(実質年率) |
第 1 条(個人情報の収集・保有・利用、提供)
1. 会員および入会申込者(以下「会員等」という。)は、当社が本規約に基づく取引(申込みを含む。以下「本契約」という。)を含む会員等との取引の与信判断および与信後の管理(支払い延滞時の督促および債権譲渡を含む。)ならびに付帯サービスの提供等を目的とし、以下の個人情報を当社が保護措置を講じた上で収集・保有・利用することに同意するものとします。
2. 会員等は、前項に定めるもののほか以下各号の目的のため、当社が個人情報を利用することに同意するものとします。当社の具体的事業に関しては当社ホームページに掲載してあります。
3. 会員等は、当社が、本条第1項および第2項の目的のため、本条第1項(1)から(8)までの個人情報を、以下の者との間で共同して利用することに同意するものとします。これらの情報は、当社から以下の者に対し提供され、また場合により以下の者から当社に対して提供されることがあります。これらの情報の管理についての責任は、当社が有するものとします。
4. 会員等は、以下の場合に、当社が本条第1項(1)および(8)のうち目的達成に必要最小限の個人情報をそれぞれ以下に記載の者に対して提供し、提供先が利用することに同意するものとします。
5. 本条第2項(3)(4)による同意を得た範囲内で当社が会員等の個人情報を利用、提供している場合であっても、中止の申出があった場合は、それ以降当社での利用、他社への提供を中止する措置をとるものとします。ただし、カードおよびご利用代金明細書に同封される営業案内等の発送はこの限りではありません。
6. 会員等は、会員等のEメールアドレスに関して、当社が、不正利用対策を目的として、外国にある提供先に提出し、当該提供先が有する不正検知システムに照合すること、および、当該提供先により、不正利用対策を目的として、当該不正検知システム内に保有され、利用されることに同意するものとします。
第 2 条(個人信用情報機関の利用および登録)
1. 会員等(ただし、本条においては家族カード会員を除く。)は、当社が利用・登録する個人信用情報機関について、次の事項に同意するものとします。
2. 当社が加盟する個人信用情報機関の名称、連絡先等および登録される情報とその期間は別表をご覧ください。また、当社が契約期間中に新たに個人信用情報機関に加盟し、当該機関に照会・登録する場合には、別途書面等の方法により会員等に通知の上、法令等に基づき所定の対応を行うものとします。
第 3 条(情報の開示、訂正・削除)
1. 会員等は、当社および加盟信用情報機関に対して、個人情報保護に関する法律の定めるところに従い所定の方法により、自己に関する個人情報を開示するよう請求することができます。
2. 万一、個人情報の内容が事実でないことが判明した場合には、当社は速やかに訂正または削除に応じるものとします。
第 4 条(不同意の場合)
第 5 条(契約の不成立および会員資格取消・退会の場合)
1. 本契約が不成立の場合であっても、入会申込みをした事実は、第1条および第2条第1項(2)に基づき、不成立の理由の如何を問わず、一定期間利用されますが、それ以外に利用されることはありません。
2. 当社は、カードの表面または裏面に刻印されているカード有効期間の経過、退会、会員資格取消等により会員資格を喪失した後においても、第1条第1項および第2項(9)ならびに第2条第1項に定める目的で、法令等または当社が定める所定の期間、個人情報を保有し、利用します。
第 6 条(条項の変更)
名称:株式会社 シー・アイ・シー (貸金業法・割賦販売法に基づく指定信用情報機関)
住所:〒160-8375 xxx新宿区西新宿1-23-7新宿ファーストウエスト15階
名称:株式会社 日本信用情報機構(貸金業法に基づく指定信用情報機関)
住所:〒110-0014 xxx台東区xxx1-10-14住友不動産xxビル5号館
住所:〒100-8216 xxxxxx区丸の内1-3-1電話番号:00-0000-0000
登録情報 | 登録信用情報機関と登録期間 | |
株式会社シー・アイ・シー | 株式会社日本信用情報機構 | |
1)氏名、生年月日、性別、住所、電話番号、勤務先、運転免許証の番号、本人確認書類の記号番号等の本人情報 | 左欄(2)(3)(4)の登録情報のいずれかが登録されている期間 | |
(2)本契約に係る申込みをした事実 | 当社が照会した日から6 か月間 | 当社が照会した日から6 か月以内 |
(3)本契約に係る客観的な取引事実 | 契約期間中および契約終了後(完済していない場合は完済後)5年以内 | 契約継続中および契約終了後5年以内(ただし、債権譲渡の事実に係る情報については当該事実の発生日から1年以内) |
(4)債務の支払を延滞した事実 | 契約期間中および契約終了後(完済していない場合は完済後)5年間 | 契約期間中および契約終了後(完済していない場合は完済後)5年以内 |
*アメリカン・エキスプレスのホームページアドレス: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Terms and Conditions for Cardmembers of American Express
Note: This document is an English translation of “Terms and Conditions for Cardmembers of American Express” in Japanese. In the event of any conflict between the English and Japanese versions, the Japanese original will prevail.
Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions and the Agreement and Important Items Relating to Personal Information set forth below, and you consent to these as the terms of the Agreement prior to the use of your American Express Card.
Chapter 1 – General
Article 1. (Cards/Cardmembers)
1. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the “Card” refers to cards issued by American Express International, Inc., Japan Branch (“AEII”), including the following cards and cards of American Express on which the name of an institution such as a financial institution or other affiliated company of AEII is printed:
(a) Centurion® Card from American Express;
(b) The Platinum Card®;
(c) American Express® Gold Card;
(d) The American Express® Card;
(e) American Express® Blue;
(f) American Express® Sky Traveler Card
(g) American Express® Sky Traveler Premium Card
2. “Basic Cardmember” refers to an individual who, upon acknowledgement of these Terms and Conditions, has submitted an application for one or more Cards to AEII (or conducted a similar act) and who has been accepted for membership by AEII. AEII will issue one or more Cards and loan them to the Basic Cardmember. As a general rule, the Basic Cardmember must reside in Japan. If the Basic Cardmember moves overseas, AEII may reevaluate the Member’s membership.
3. (a) “Additional Cardmember” refers to an individual who is designated by a Basic Cardmember as his or her agent and who has agreed to become an Additional Cardmember and has been accepted for membership by AEII.
(b) A Basic Cardmember authorizes an Additional Cardmember to use, as agent of the Basic Cardmember, a Card which is issued by AEII for use by the Additional Cardmember (“Additional Card”), and the Additional Cardmember uses the Additional Card as agent of the Basic Cardmember. Except where a membership of an Additional Cardmember has been cancelled in accordance with Article 17, a Basic Cardmember does not have a right to claim that his or her authorization of an Additional Cardmember as agent is void, cancelled, or withdrawn, etc.
(c) The Basic Cardmember agrees to control the use of an Additional Card by an Additional Cardmember and shall be liable for all liabilities that may arise with regard to an Additional Card including, but not limited to, liabilities arising from an Additional Cardmember’s use of an Additional Card. Also, Additional Cardmembers agrees to allow XXXX to inform the Basic Cardmember of the status of his or her use of the Additional Card.
(d) A Basic Cardmember must ensure that Additional Cardmembers observe these Terms and Conditions and, in the event of a violation of any provision of these Terms and Conditions by the Additional Cardmember, shall assume full responsibility to AEII.
4. “Member” refers to a Basic Cardmember and/or an Additional Cardmember. An agreement between a Member and XXXX will declare when such Member is accepted for membership by XXXX.
5. “Charges” refers to the charges incurred by a Member
using a Card, including charges for purchases of goods and rights (“Goods”) or receipt of services, etc., charges incurred by mail order, etc., all annual fees and other charges and fees, and the consumption tax levied thereon.
Article 2. (Loan and Use of Cards)
1. A Card is issued and loaned to a Basic Cardmember by AEII and remains the property of AEII. A Member’s name, Card number, expiration date, security code, etc. (“Card Information”) is printed or embossed on the front or back of the Card. As soon as a Member is loaned a Card, the Member shall sign the designated section on the back of the Card.
2. The Member shall manage and use the Card and the Card Information with the care of a good manager. A Card may be used only by the actual Member whose name appears on the front of the Card and who has signed the Card on the reverse side thereof. XXXX’x title to the Card may not be infringed upon in any way, and the Member is not permitted to loan, transfer or pledge the Card to any other person. Member is also not permitted to allow any other person to use Card Information.
3. A Member may not use a Card after the Card expiration date as embossed on the front or back of the Card, during a period of suspension of membership, or after the Member’s withdrawal or cancellation of membership or revocation of the Card.
4. AEII may cancel or suspend a Member’s right to use a Card in any country or territory at any time, in addition to the suspension and cancellation of membership pursuant to Article 18.
Article 3. (PIN)
1. Members shall register a personal identification number (“PIN”), required to use the Card, with AEII. In the event that Member does not register a PIN or AEII deems the registered PIN to be inadequate, AEII may register a PIN on behalf of Member and notify the Member. Members shall follow the procedures prescribed by AEII with regard to designation, registration, and use of the PIN. In registering a PIN, Members shall not use any number easily deducible by a third party, such as birth year, birthday, or telephone number.
2. Any Member has the responsibility of taking a good manager’s due care in ensuring that his or her PIN does not become known to others. Members shall not make any disclosures of their own PIN to a third party and shall not allow a third party to use their own PIN.
3. Members may change their PIN by following the procedure separately established by XXXX. However, to change the PIN on a Card with an internal chip, the Card must be re-issued.
Article 4. (Card Functionality and Ancillary Services and Offers)
1. During the effective term of the Card and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the methods and requirements separately set forth by AEII, Members may use their Card or Card Information and utilize the Card functions listed in Chapter 2 of these Terms and Conditions and/or other functions provided by AEII.
2. A Member may receive ancillary services and benefits from AEII and/or affiliated companies in accordance with the terms separately set forth by AEII. However, Members lose the right to receive these services and benefits if the Member withdrawals his or her membership or a Member’s Card is revoked (includes rights to exercise the services and benefits which have already been provided).
3. Whenever it deems necessary, AEII may alter the content of such ancillary services or benefits or cease provision of part or all of such services or benefits.
Article 5. (Annual Fees, etc.)
1. Members shall pay to AEII annual fees designated by AEII for each Card they are issued. Annual fees which have been paid shall not be returned for any reason, except where a Member withdraws or loses his or her membership due to a reason caused by XXXX.
2. In some cases, Members may be required to pay AEII an additional enrollment fee designated by AEII at the time of admission to the membership. Enrollment fees which have been paid shall not be returned for any reason, including withdrawal or revocation of membership.
Article 6. (Loss, Theft, or Misuse of Cards)
1. If a Card is lost or stolen, or misused by a third party who, without disclosure by the Member, knows Card Information, or when a Member realizes that the Card has not been delivered within a reasonable time following issuance or renewal, the Member shall immediately make a report to the nearest American Express office, whether in Japan or in a foreign country. In such an event, a Member shall submit a report of loss or damage to the nearest police station, and shall deliver to AEII a written statement or an acceptance number as evidence of its receipt of such report issued by the police station or other documents approved by AEII as evidence of such report to the police station. Additionally, the Member shall endeavor, as necessary, to discover any persons misusing the Card and mitigate losses, to perform the necessary procedures in accordance with the directions of AEII and its insurance company, and to cooperate in their investigation.
2. Basic Cardmembers shall pay any and all Charges incurred through use of the Card or Card Information by a third party with or without authorization by the Basic Cardmember (an “Unauthorized Use”) by agreeing in advance that such Unauthorized Use shall be deemed to have been made by the Basic Cardmember on the grounds that the Basic Cardmember has the responsibility to manage and secure his or her Card and Card Information.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the event that a report is made as provided for in Article 6.1 that the Card was lost or stolen or that Card Information was misused by a third party, without disclosure by the Member, the Basic Cardmember shall not be liable for any Unauthorized Use arising within the 60 days prior to the date of receipt of such report by AEII and AEII shall compensate the Basic Cardmember for the amount equivalent to the Charges and other costs incurred due to such Unauthorized Use and already paid by the Basic Cardmember. Provided, however, the Member shall have full liability for all Charges incurred from use of the Card in the following cases:
(a) When the loss of the Card occurs as a result of a willful or grossly negligent act on the part of the Member;
(b) When any member of the Member’s family, cohabitant, caretaker in the Member’s absence or person the Member has entrusted with the care of the Member’s personal belongings loses, misuses, or steals the Card, or such a person is involved in the loss, misuse or theft of the Card;
(c) When the Card or Card Information is used by a third party due to a breach of Article 2.2 by the Member, or the Member is negligent and in breach of Article 2.2 with respect to the management of his or her Card or Card Information;
(d) When misuse occurs as a result of some other violation by Member of these Terms and Conditions;
(e) When the Member fails to cooperate with AEII or its insurance company in investigating the circumstances
of a casualty or loss or does not provide any documentation that AEII or its insurance company deems necessary;
(f) When Member’s PIN is used (excluding where XXXX agrees that the Member did not intentionally or negligently fail to manage his or her PIN based on the level of management of his or her PIN); or
(g) When damage occurs as a result of loss or theft arising in the midst of significant disruption or due to any other disruptive event which is beyond reasonable control including, but not limited to, war or an earthquake.
4. Basic Cardmembers have no responsibility for payment of any debts for the use of forged Cards that are created or used with no intention or negligence of the Basic Cardmember. If a Basic Cardmember intentionally or negligently creates or uses forged Cards, the Basic Cardmember shall have responsibility for payment of any debts for use of such forged Cards.
Article 7. (Change in Reported Matters)
1. A Member shall immediately report to AEII any change in his or her contact details, including his or her name, address, E-mail address, place of employment, occupation, designated deposit account for payment of Charges or method of payment or any other matters previously notified to AEII.
2. In the event that the report provided for in the preceding paragraph is not made and in xxxxxxxxxxx thereof, notices or other materials dispatched by AEII are delayed in arrival or do not arrive, such notices or other materials shall be deemed to have reached the Member at the time they normally should have arrived; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the notice of change, as required in the previous paragraph, was not made due to circumstances beyond the Member’s control.
Article 8. (Renewal/Replacement of the Card)
1. Unless requested by a Member not to issue a renewal Card, AEII shall issue a renewal Card prior to the expiration date of the Card, which is indicated on the front and back of the Card, if AEII deems such renewal to be appropriate.
2. In the event that a Card is lost, stolen, or damaged, etc., a Member may request a replacement Card in the manner separately designated by AEII. If AEII deems such request to be appropriate, AEII will issue a replacement Card. Additionally, AEII may change the Card number or issue a new Card to replace the Card loaned to the Member when such necessity arises for the management of the Card Information or other operational purposes. If a replacement Card is issued, the Card number and expiration date will change. When the Card number is changed or a replacement Card is issued with regard to any of the Cards loaned to the Basic Cardmember and Additional Cardmembers, the other Cards may be reissued with a new Card number.
Chapter 2 - Shopping
Article 9. (Card Use at Service Establishments)
1. Members may use their Card to purchase Goods and receive services, etc. from establishments designated by AEII, affiliated companies of AEII, or AEII partner companies (“Service Establishments”). When presenting a Card for use at a Service Establishment, a Member will be instructed by the Service Establishment to either: (i) sign, with the same signature on the reverse side of Member’s card a record of charge form detailing each Charge incurred by use of the Card (ii) enter a PIN on the Service Establishment’s terminal, or (iii) provide both a signature
and a PIN. However, after confirming the Member’s intent to use the Card, the Service Establishment or AEII may prepare a record of charge without the Member’s signature or the input of a PIN for any of the following transactions:
(a) Transactions conducted by telephone, mail order, or Internet, etc.;
(b) Transactions which AEII and the Service Establishments have determined may be conducted without the Member’s signature on a record of charge form; and
(c) Other transactions as may be designated by AEII from time to time and notified to Members.
2. When AEII deems it appropriate, Members may use a Card for the settlement of communication service fees and other various charges and fees which arise continuously by pre-registering Card number, expiration date, etc. with Service Establishments. In such a case, if the Card number or expiration date of the Card has been changed or the Card has been invalidated due to revocation or termination of membership or other reasons, the Member must notify the applicable Service Establishment to that effect and take necessary steps to change the payment procedure. If a Member fails to give such notice to the Service Establishment, there is a possibility that a Charge will be made to the registered Card, even after the Card has been invalidated due to revocation or termination of membership, etc., and in such a case, Member will be responsible for such Charges. Member agrees that AEII may notify certain Service Establishments (including Payment Service Providers, etc.) of changes to Card numbers and expiration dates, as well as information regarding invalidation, in the place of Members.
3. A Card can only be used as a payment instrument for the purchase of Goods or receipt of services, etc. for personal consumption by the Member, which means it may not be used for the purpose of resale or cash exchange. A Card may also not be used for the settlement of debts related to past purchases of Goods or past receipt of services, etc.
4. Cancellation of any purchase of Goods or receipt of services made with a Card shall be carried out in accordance with procedures established by AEII. Any cancellation must take place in the form of a credit to the Member’s Card account, and the Member agrees not to seek a cash refund for the return of goods or services purchased with the Card.
5. As a general rule, Card usage requires the approval of AEII or its authorized agent, and Service Establishments makes an inquiry to AEII regarding approval depending on the transaction content, transaction amount and other information. Members hereby consent in advance that (i) AEII may withhold approval in order to prevent unauthorized use by third parties, and (ii) AEII or its authorized agent may contact Members directly via phone, E-mail, SMS, etc. in order to verify the individual’s identity or transactions.
6. Members hereby consent in advance that, in accordance with each agreement regarding acceptance of the American Express Cards between AEII (or its agent for the Service Establishment related business) and a Service Establishment, claims arising from their Card transactions at the Service Establishment shall (i) be assigned from the relevant Service Establishment to AEII, whether directly or via third parties, or (ii) be paid for by AEII on behalf of Members based on their authorization. Members also consent in advance, that, in making the assignment set forth in (i) above, they will not claim any defense against the Service Establishment (including, but not limited to, defense of simultaneous performance, defense of offset, defense of invalidity, cancellation or termination, defense of extinctive prescription and other defenses, but excluding
defense of suspension of payment set forth in Article 7 of the Payflex Supplement and Article 7 of the Bonus/ Installment Plan Supplement).
Article 10. (Insurance)
1. If a Member uses a Card to purchase insurance (which AEII sells as an insurance agent and includes mutual benefit product; the same hereinafter), AEII shall have such Member’s permission to pay premiums to the insurance company for such Member when due, and the Member shall, unless otherwise agreed to, pay AEII as prescribed in Article 13.
2. If a Member wishes to terminate the insurance coverage purchased through use of the Card, notice to that effect must be given, in writing, to either AEII or the relevant insurance company.
3. If a Member’s Card account is terminated due to the Member’s withdrawal or other reasons or if a Member does not make payment to AEII as prescribed in Article 13, AEII may stop paying such insurance premiums to the insurance company, whereupon the insurance policy will be deemed to have been cancelled. In such a case the Member may have to make arrangements directly with the insurer in order for such insurance to continue.
4. Members agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions as well as by the terms and conditions of each insurance application.
5. AEII identifies insurance/mutual aid providers and products that may be of interest to Members. In this role, XXXX does not act as an agent or fiduciary for Members, and AEII may act on behalf of the insurance/mutual aid provider, in compliance with Insurance Business Law and other related laws and regulations. AEII receives commissions from providers based on the rates which are set by insurance/mutual aid providers. In some cases, AEII’s affiliate company outside Japan may be the reinsurer and may earn reinsurance income. These arrangements with certain providers may be taken into consideration when AEII identifies insurance/mutual aid products for Members. Members are not required to purchase any insurance/mutual aid product.
Article 11. (Disputes with Service Establishments)
1. AEII shall not be responsible for the acts of any Service Establishment including, without limitation, any refusal to honor the Card or any discrepancies between Goods or services delivered or provided by the Service Establishment and the contents of any agreement between the Member and the Service Establishment. Any dispute concerning Goods or services purchased or received by a Member through use of the Card shall be settled between the Member and the relevant Service Establishment. The Member shall be responsible for paying for Charges incurred through use of the Card without regard to whether there has been a resolution of the Member’s dispute with a Service Establishment.
2. In the event that a Member purchased Goods or received services by means of samples, catalogues, etc. and such Goods or services as delivered, differ from those set out in such samples, catalogues, etc., the Member may, in accordance with the agreement between the Service Establishment and Member, (i) request that the applicable Service Establishment exchange the goods or re-offer the services, or (ii) terminate the applicable contract for such goods or services.
Article 12. (Types of Payment for Charges and Line of Credit)
1. The payment type for Charges at a Service Establishment
shall be a lump-sum payment. However, this does not apply if a supplemental agreement applies.
2. Line of credit is determined by AEII based on its assessment according to the contents of application, a record of use and other factors which varies from time to time according to circumstances.
3. Members shall be responsible for payment of the amount of Charges that exceeds the Line of Credit as a matter of course.
Chapter 3 – Payment of Charges
Article 13. (Payment of Charges)
1. Basic Cardmember shall be liable for any and all Charges on all Cards issued to the Basic Cardmember and any Additional Cardmembers.
2. AEII sends (or, subject to a separate agreement, issues electronically) a Monthly Statement to each Basic Cardmember listing all of the Charges up to the closing date of each month, as determined by AEII. The Monthly Statement shall include all the Charges incurred on any Additional Cards. If AEII is not otherwise notified by a Member within two (2) weeks after the Monthly Statement is received, the Member shall be deemed to have acknowledged the accuracy of its contents.
3. Members shall pay the Charges on the day designated by AEII in such Monthly Statement (if the day falls on a day on which financial institutions are closed, then the business day immediately following the designated date) (“Payment Date”) through automatic transfer from the deposit account designated by the Basic Cardmember. In the event such automatic transfer fails on the Payment Date, AEII may, in accordance with agreements with certain financial institutions, re-try an automatic transfer for all or a part of the applicable Charges.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, Basic Cardmembers may pay the Charges by transfer to a bank account designated by AEII in lieu of the aforementioned method only if the Basic Cardmember obtains the prior consent of AEII. In the event such method is agreed to, payment shall be due on the day of the month designated by AEII in the Monthly Statement. If a Basic Cardmember pays the Charges by transfer to a bank account designated by AEII, the Basic Cardmember shall complete the transfer no later than the time specified by AEII or the financial institution on the Payment Date. If the transfer is completed after the specified time, the Basic Cardmember shall not object to the payment being treated as being made on the following business day.
5. Basic Cardmembers shall bear bank transfer fees prescribed by the financial institution, etc. when paying the Charges by transfer via a financial institution, etc., other various fees incurred in paying debts hereunder, and consumption tax and other taxes and public charges imposed on expenses and fees, etc. hereunder.
Article 14. (Conversion of Foreign Currency Charges)
1. If a Member makes a Charge in a currency other than Japanese Yen, that Charge will be converted into Japanese Yen by American Express Exposure Management Ltd. (“AEEML”). The exchange of that other currency will take place on the date the Charge is processed by American Express, which may not be the same date on which the Member made his or her Charge, as it depends on when the Charge was submitted to American Express.
2. If the Charge is not in U.S. dollars, the exchange of that other currency will be made through U.S. dollars, by converting the Charge amount into U.S. dollars and then by converting the U.S. dollar amount into Japanese Yen. If
the Charge is in U.S. dollars, it will be converted directly into Japanese Yen. Unless a specific exchange rate is used by convention or local custom relevant to the Charge, or a specific exchange rate is required by applicable law, the Member understands and agrees that AEEML will effect the conversion using the American Express Treasury System, owned and managed by AEEML, outside Japan, using conversion rates based on interbank rates that it selects from customary industry sources on the business day prior to the processing date, increased by a conversion commission of 2%; provided that if multiple conversions are conducted through U.S. dollars, such conversion commission shall be added only once. The conversion commission is earned by American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. and/or its affiliate(s). If Charges are converted by third parties prior to being submitted to American Express, any Conversions made by those third parties will be at rates selected by them.
3. The conversion to Japanese Yen of (i) any foreign currency Charges which have been cancelled, and (ii) any value- added tax refunds will be conducted by the date on which such cancellation is processed by American Express, in accordance with Article 14.2 above.
4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Article 14.3, certain foreign Service Establishments may display a Charge amount in Japanese Yen, calculated using their own unique exchange rate, alongside the Charge amount in a foreign currency. If a Member chooses this converted Japanese Yen amount displayed by the Service Establishment as the Charge amount, the Charge amount billed to Member will be this Japanese Yen amount. If Member cancels such transaction, there is a possibility that the cancelled amount will be in a foreign currency, requiring conversion into Japanese Yen. In such an instance, the conversion to Japanese Yen will be conducted in accordance with Article 14.3.
Article 15 (Delinquency Charges and Processing Excessive/ Deficient Charge Payments)
1. In the event that a Member has failed to make a full payment on the Payment Date set forth in Article 13.3 and
13.4 above, delinquency charges will be assessed against the amount payable on the Payment Date, by using the per annum rate of 14.6% on a pro rata basis, based on a 365-day year (or 366 days for a leap year), for the period from the day following the Payment Date until the amount payable has been fully paid. In the event that a Member loses the benefit of delayed payment in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, delinquency charges will be assessed against the total of all the outstanding amounts, by using the per annum rate of 14.6%, and calculating on pro rata basis based on a 365-day year with regard to the period from the day the Member loses the benefit of delayed payment and until the amount payable has been fully paid.
2. If a Member defaults in payment of any obligations hereunder or fails to comply with any of AEII’s requests, the Member shall submit to any action taken by AEII, and any and all expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by AEII in connection with such legal procedures shall be borne by the Member.
3. If the amount paid by a Member is not sufficient to settle all outstanding obligations to AEII, the Member shall not object to AEII applying the amount paid for settlement of such obligations in such order and manner as AEII deems appropriate without any notice to the Member. The foregoing shall also apply to an adjustment amount to be made when any Charge at Service Establishment has been cancelled or for other reasons; provided, however,
that the provisions of Article 30-5 of the Installment Sales Act shall apply to the application made in connection with defense of suspension of payment under Article 7 of Payflex Supplement.
4. If the amount paid by a Member is in excess of the amount payable due to cancellation of transactions or other reasons, AEII may apply the overpaid amount to any obligations which will become due or any obligations which will occur in the future. If a Basic Cardmember requests that the overpaid amount be returned by remittance, AEII will comply with such request.
Chapter 4 – Miscellaneous
Article 16. (Acceleration of Payment)
1. In the event that any of the following circumstances is applicable to a Basic Cardmember, then irrespective of any due dates for payment set forth herein, the Basic Cardmember shall automatically lose the benefit of delayed payment without notice or demand from AEII, and shall immediately make payment of all of the remaining obligations (including all obligations, regardless of payment type):
(a) In the event that full payment for the Charges due in any month has not been made on the due date for payment; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to the delay of payment obligations related to Payflex, bonus payments or an installment payments (based on a separate supplement agreement).
(b) In the event that the payment of obligations related to Payflex, bonus payments or an installment payments (based on a separate supplement agreement) due in any month has not been made on the due date, and despite AEII’s written notification to the Member, payment has not been made within the period specified by AEII, which period shall be 20 days or more. Or in the event that Member has performed an act infringing upon AEII’s title to any Goods purchased with Payflex, bonus lump-sum payment, or an installment payment (based on a separate supplement agreement), including pawning, transferring or loaning of the Goods;
(c) In the event that a check or note drawn by a Member is dishonored or payment is suspended generally;
(e) In the event that the Member is the subject of a motion for attachment (sashi-osae), provisional attachment (kari-sashiosae), provisional disposition (kari-shobun) of assets, or a penalty for delayed payment;
(e) In the event that the Member or a company the Member carries out is subject to a motion for bankruptcy (xxxxx), civil resuscitation (minji-saisei), special liquidation (tokubetsu-seisan) or company reorganization (kaisha-kosei), or any other process for bankruptcy, or in the event the Member himself or such company itself makes such a motion;
(f) In the event any of the items in Article 22.1 applies to Member or if Member engages in any of the conduct listed in Article 22.2 or if any of the representations and warranties made in those sections are found to be false.
2. In the case that any of the following circumstances is applicable to a Basic Cardmember, then irrespective of any due dates for payment set forth herein, the Basic Cardmember shall automatically lose the benefit of delayed payment, and shall immediately make payment of all of the remaining obligations upon demand by AEII.
(a) If there was a material breach of the terms of these Terms and Conditions;
(b) In the event that succession has commenced;
(c) If the Member holds two or more cards issued by AEII, in the event that a circumstance which is applicable to
any of the circumstances set forth in this Article has arisen; or
(d) In the event that the Member’s membership has been revoked pursuant to Article 18.1, or in the case of serious deterioration in the Member’s credit standing.
Article 17. (Withdrawal from Membership)
1. A Basic Cardmember may withdraw from membership at any time by notifying AEII and cutting the Card in half and returning both halves to AEII. Such notice shall also constitute a request to AEII to cancel all Additional Cards, if any. In such event the Basic Cardmember shall notify the Additional Cardmembers of the withdrawal and shall collect, cut in half and return to AEII all Additional Cards (or if cutting is not possible, follow directions of AEII) Upon withdrawal, the Member shall make immediate payment of all obligations owed to AEII, absent a special agreement of AEII to make payments in the manner set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
2. If a Basic Cardmember gives notice to AEII to cancel the membership of only an Additional Cardmember, the Basic Cardmember shall collect and return such Additional Card to AEII in accordance with the previous paragraph.
3. Notwithstanding a notice of withdrawal from membership having been given to AEII in accordance with the two previous paragraphs, the Basic Cardmember shall remain liable for all Charges incurred on the Cards of the Basic Cardmember or any Additional Cardmembers after such notice.
Article 18. (Suspension/Revocation of Membership)
1. AEII may suspend or revoke the membership of a Member at any time, without prior notice to the Member, in any of the following situations. In such an event, Additional Cardmembers shall also abide by the steps which AEII takes against the Basic Cardmember. AEII will not be responsible for any damages or costs which XXXX’x conduct hereunder in such an event may cause the Member.
(a) If there is any false content in any of the items declared to AEII by the Member, such as those filled in application forms;
(b) If Member breaches or is threatens to breach these Terms and Conditions, or the terms and conditions of any other agreement which the Member has with AEII;
(c) If Member fails to perform any obligation to AEII (however, for payment obligations related to Payflex, bonus payments or an installment payments, Member’s failure to meet payment obligations by the due date will only be deemed a failure to perform if Member does not make payment within the time period designated by AEII (minimum of 20 days) after receiving notice from AEII);
(d) If AEII determines that there has been a deterioration in the Member’s credit standing;
(e) If Member corresponds to any of the items listed in Article 22.1, the Member has conducted any act which corresponds to any of the items listed in Article 22.2, or the Member’s representation and warranty declared under Article 22 turns out to be false;
(f) If multiple Cards are loaned to the Member and any of the situations set forth in this Article 23.1 is applicable with regard to any Card;
(g) If Verification at the Time of Transaction in accordance with the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds (the “Criminal Proceeds Transfer Prevention Act”), including verification of the Member’s identification has not been completed within a reasonable length of period of time after the Member
was accepted for membership;
(h) If a Card loaned by AEII to the Member is used or is threatens to be used for money laundering, terrorist financing or transactions that are in violation of economic sanction related laws, etc.
(i) If the address of Member becomes unknown
(j) If AEII in its sole judgment determines that the Member’s use of a Card or its purpose, etc. would not be appropriate, including the case where AEII determines that a Card has been used for the purpose of obtaining cash; or
(k) If the procedures for setting the payment account necessary for payment by automatic transfer as set forth in Article 13.3 have not been completed.
2. AEII may list in its cancellation bulletin the name and Card number of a Member whose membership has been revoked, to notify Service Establishments. A Member whose membership has been revoked shall cut the Card in half and immediately return to AEII both halves of the Card.
Article 19. (Governing Law; Jurisdiction)
1. Any and all matters concerning the issuance or use of the Card shall be governed by Japanese law.
2. The Member consents that the summary court or district court governing either (i) the Member’s address, a place of purchase; or (ii) AEII’s offices or branch offices in Japan shall have jurisdiction over any dispute which may arise hereunder, regardless of the amount involved.
Article 20. (Revision of These Terms and Conditions)
1. In any of the events specified in this Article 20.1, AEII may revise these Terms and Conditions from time to time by specifying the effective date of such revision and notifying Basic Cardmembers of the revision of these Terms and Conditions, the amended Terms and Conditions and the effective date of the revision specified by AEII or by other appropriate methods, as necessary, as well as by making announcement thereof on its website. In the event of (b) below, AEII shall make announcement thereof on its website, or other communications, no later than the effective date specified.
(a) If the contents of the revision conform to Members’ benefit in general; or
(b) If the contents of the revision are consistent with the purpose of transactions in connection with this Agreement and reasonable in light of the necessity of the revision, the appropriateness of the revised Terms and Conditions and other circumstances of the revision.
2. In addition to the events set out in Article 20.1, AEII may amend these Terms and Conditions after notifying Basic Cardmembers of the amended Terms and Conditions by announcing thereof in advance on its website (in addition to the announcement on the website, by giving notice to Basic Cardmembers or other appropriate methods as necessary). In such case, Members who use the Cards subsequent to such notice shall be deemed to have consented to the amendment and will be subject to the amended Terms and Conditions.
Article 21. (Assignment of Claims and Contractual Status; Termination of Issuance of Affiliated Cards)
1. AEII may assign the claims and/or contractual status hereunder at any time without giving the Members prior notice thereof.
2. With regard to Cards which are issued in accordance with AEII’s affiliation with affiliated companies such as financial institutions, or similar relationship thereto, if such affiliation, etc. terminates, AEII may terminate the
agreements for such Cards between Basic Cardmembers and AEII, upon notifying the Basic Cardmembers in advance.
Article 22. (Representation and Warranty Related to Anti- Social Forces)
1. A Member represents and warrants that the Member does not and will not in the future correspond to any of the following items: (i) crime syndicate, (ii) a person who belongs to a crime syndicate or who lost his/her status belonging to a crime syndicate less than 5 years ago, (iii) quasi member of a crime syndicate, (iv) a corporation which has a relationship with a crime syndicate, (v) sokaiya (corporate extortionist), gangster calling for a social movement, etc., or violence group specializing in intellectual crimes, etc., (vi) symbiont of any of the above,
(vii) a terrorist, etc. (including a suspected terrorist), or
(viii) a person who AEII recognizes to be similar to any of the above.
2. A Member warrants that the Member will not conduct any of the following acts by himself/herself or by using other person: (i) act of making a violent claim, (ii) act of making a unjustifiable claim beyond the legal responsibilities, (iii) act of threatening or using violence in connection with a transaction, (iv) act of degrading the credit of AEII or obstructing the business activities of AEII by diffusing a rumor, using a fraudulent means, or utilizing a power, or
(v) act which is similar to any of the above.
Article 23. (Response under Criminal Proceeds Transfer Prevention Act, Etc.)
1. Members agree to the following items without objection with respect to verification conducted by AEII of information related to Members and specific contents of transactions in accordance with the Criminal Proceeds Transfer Prevention Act and any guidelines. related to the same act:
(a) If a Member is requested by XXXX to present or submit his or her driver’s license or other materials or copies thereof, the Member shall cooperate with AEII (including the case where the Member is requested by AEII to present or submit additional materials);
(b) If a Member is requested by AEII to verify the purpose of transactions using a Card or other contents of transactions., the Member shall cooperate with AEII;
(c) In the events of the preceding items, if AEII specifies the due date of the presentation, submission or reply, the Member shall comply with such due date unless he or she has valid reasons not to do so; and
(d) If AEII determines that a Member is involved in money laundering, terrorist financing or violation of economic sanction related laws, taking into consideration a Member’s response to the verification set forth in the preceding items, specific contents of transactions, explanation of the Member and other circumstances, AEII may restrict or suspend use of a Card in whole or in part.
2. If a Member was or is a foreign politically exposed person or a family member of such person (meaning a person falling under any item of Article 12, Paragraph 3 of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, hereinafter referred to as “Foreign PEPs”) (including the case where a Basic Cardmember becomes a Foreign PEP after the Basic Cardmember was accepted for membership), the Basic Cardmember shall immediately notify AEII of the fact and the name of country and position.
3. If a Member is required by AEII to take certain procedures pursuant to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act, etc., the Member shall take such procedures or accept restriction or suspension of use of a Card in whole or in part overseas.
・ All inquiries concerning the purchase of goods and/or services should be addressed to the Service Establishment at which the Card was used for such purchase.
・ All inquiries concerning payment of Charges should be addressed to the applicable Membership Service Center specified below or American Express telephone number indicated on the back of a Card.
・ Request to disclose, correct, delete, or cease use or forwarding of, Persons’ personal information or other related inquiries should be addressed to the applicable Membership Service Center specified below or American Express telephone number indicated on the back of a Card.
・ Website of American Express: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Membership Service Center The name and telephone number for each Membership Service Center:
American Express Gold Card/American Express Sky Traveler Premier Card: Telephone 0000-000000
American Express Card/American Express Sky Traveler Card: Telephone 0000-000000
American Express Blue: Telephone 00-0000-0000
American Express Customer Consulting Office Telephone: 0000-000-000
American Express International, Inc. Xxxxx Xxxxxx
0-00-00 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx-xx, Xxxxx 000-0000
(Amendment as of April 1, 2020)
Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Payflex
Article 1. (General)
1. These Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Payflex (“Payflex Supplement”) are part of the Terms and Conditions for Cardmembers of American Express (“Cardmember T&Cs”) and establish special provisions regarding payment types. Any matter which is not provided for in this Payflex Supplement shall be subject to the Cardmember T&Cs.
2. When a Member who enrolls in Payflex in accordance with the following Article uses Payflex, he or she shall be deemed to have agreed to this Payflex Supplement.
Article 2 (Payflex Enrollment)
1. A Basic Cardmember of any of the designated Cards that are issued by American Express International, Inc., Japan Branch (“AEII”) may use Payflex in accordance with this Payflex Supplement and the Cardmember T&Cs, (1) if the Basic Cardmember’s application to use Payflex made in a manner which AEII prescribes has been examined, accepted and enrolled by AEII, or (2) if AEII, after its own examination, has determined to allow the Basic Cardmember’s use of Payflex and enrolls it without his or
her application (provided, however, XXXX agrees to cancel this enrollment upon the Basic Cardmember’s request to not use Payflex) (collectively “Payflex Enrollment”). If the Member holds multiple Cards issued by AEII, a Member may only enroll in Payflex upon specifying the Card for enrollment.
2. When AEII deems it necessary (including a case where the Card number is changed after the reissuance of a Card), AEII may cancel Payflex Enrollment or temporarily suspend use of Payflex, without prior notice to Members.
3. As a general rule, Payflex Enrollment is only available to Members who are residents of Japan. Additionally, Payflex is only available for Members who have selected automatic transfer from a designated bank account as their payment method. If Member no longer satisfies these requirements, Member agrees to follow the instructions from AEII regarding enrollment in and use of Payflex.
4. Member may terminate his or her Payflex Enrollment at any time. However, if Member terminates his or her Payflex Enrollment, the Member must pay, in one lump- sum payment, all Payflex Charges (defined below) owing to AEII, as assessed by AEII.
Article 3 (Use of Payflex)
There are two types of Payflex plans set forth below, and a Basic Cardmember may use the only one plan which he or she pre-selected and is enrolled in before use. There are also instances in which AEII will enroll a Basic Cardmember in one of the two Payflex plans. In such an instance, the Basic Cardmember may switch to the other Payflex plan, subject to AEII’s approval, by following the process designated by AEII. This will not affect any use of the Payflex plan that was made prior to the switch based on the original enrollment. After Payflex Enrollment is complete, whenever AEII recognizes the need, AEII will notify closing dates or other important items via the Basic Cardmember’s E-mail address. For purposes of this Payflex Supplement, “Payflex” refers to both of these plans.
i. Payflex (Automatic Revolving Plan)
Refers to the Payflex plan under which if any Charge (if made in a foreign currency, the Charge will be converted to Japanese Yen subject to Article 14 of the Cardmember T&Cs first), subject to Article 12 of the Cardmember T&Cs as a lump-sum payment, arises from a Member’s use of a Card at a Service Establishment and its amount exceeds a certain threshold amount determined in advance by and between AEII and the relevant Basic Cardmember by the prescribed method (“Revolving Threshold Amount”), such Charge shall be treated as being designated for revolving payment (except when, depending on the type of Service Establishment and content of the Charge, AEII determines that the Charge should be treated as an exception). However, even if a Charge amount exceeds the Revolving Threshold Amount, it will not be designated for revolving payment if the Payflex Charge alone or when the total amount of Payflex Charge and any other outstanding Payflex related balances exceeds the Revolving Payment Line of Credit set forth in the following Article.
ii. Payflex Select (Select Revolving Plan)
Refers to the Payflex plan under which if any Charge, subject to Article 12 of the Cardmember T&Cs as a lump- sum payment, arises from a Member’s use of a Card at a Service Establishment, and the Basic Cardmember requests by the prescribed method before a deadline AEII designates for a payment method change that the payment method for this Charge be changed to revolving payment and AEII approves this request.
Article 4 (Revolving Payment Line of Credit)
1. At the time of Payflex Enrollment, AEII will establish a revolving payment usage limit (“Revolving Payment Line of Credit”) for each Basic Cardmember and notify each Basic Cardmember by the prescribed method upon specifying the applicable Card.
2. AEII may increase or decrease the Payflex Charge Limit at any time, without special notice to Members, if it deems necessary considering the Member’s Card usage and credit information. However, if the Basic Cardmember informs AEII that an increase in Revolving Payment Line of Credit is not desired, AEII will change the Revolving Payment Line of Credit back to its original amount. The Revolving Payment Line of Credit applies to the total amount of outstanding balance of Payflex Charges made by Basic Cardmember and any Additional Cardmembers, and Members may only use Payflex if this total amount does not exceed the Revolving Payment Line of Credit. Decisions regarding going over the Revolving Payment Line of Credit will be conducted based on AEII’s system. In some instances, information from financial institutions regarding a payment for a Payflex Charge made to AEII may not be immediately reflected in the system. Until such payment is reflected, this amount will be treated as an outstanding balance.
3. In addition to the Revolving Payment Line of Credit set in accordance with this Article, AEII may separately set a limit on bonus lump-sum payments and installment payments in accordance with the Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Bonus Lump-Sum Payments and Installment Payments. The total sum of these limits shall not exceed the usage limit prescribed by the Installment Sales Act. If a Member is issued multiple Cards and a limit is set for each Card, the same upper limit under the Installment Sales Act applies for the total sum of such limits on all Cards.
Article 5 (Payment of Payflex Charges)
1. “Payflex Charges” refers to Charges which are put on a revolving payment by application of Payflex. A Basic Cardmember shall make monthly repayments of Payflex Charges. Based on the outstanding amount of Payflex Charges at the closing date of each month, a monthly repayment amount (“Payflex Payment”), as the sum of the principal and fees set forth in the following Article, shall be determined in accordance with a method designated by AEII from the Payflex Repayment Table (set forth in Appendix (1) below) which Member has been given prior notice of (if the sum of the outstanding balance and fees at the closing date is less than the Payflex Payment amount so determined, the payment amount will only be the sum of the outstanding balance and fees).
2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if at the closing date of any month, the total outstanding balance of Payflex Charges exceeds the Revolving Payment Line of Credit, the Member must pay the excess amount as a lump-sum payment, in addition to the Payflex Payment for that month, upon demand by AEII.
3. A Basic Cardmember may increase their monthly Payflex Payment amount by making a request following the process separately designated by AEII and within the set time period after receiving a Monthly Statement. Additionally, Member may follow the process separately designated by AEII to make payments, in part or in full, on any outstanding Payflex Charges balances at any time. However, in such an instance, if the payment amounts do not satisfy the Member’s obligations to AEII in full, such additional payments may be used to satisfy the Payflex related obligations first, in accordance with Article 15.3 of the Cardmember T&Cs, and Member will make no
objection in this regard. The foregoing shall also apply to an adjustment amount to be made when any Charge at Service Establishment has been cancelled or for other reasons.
4. Basic Cardmembers shall pay the amount set forth in this
article together with the amount of other Charges pursuant to Article 13 of the Cardmember T&Cs.
Article 6 (Payflex Fees)
1. A standard annual percentage rate (“APR”), separately designated by AEII and of which Basic Cardmember is given notice of, shall be assessed on outstanding balance of Payflex Charges as of each day within the Monthly Statement period (from the day following the creation date for the previous month’s Monthly Statement to the creation date of the next Monthly Statement), on a pro rata basis, based on a 365-day year (366 days in the case of a leap year). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the APR will not be assessed for the period between the date on which a Payflex Charge arises and the date on which the first Monthly Statement including such Payflex Charge is created.
2. A sample calculation of the APR and monthly Payflex Payment amounts is shown in Section (2) of Appendix below.
3. If XXXX finds substantial reason to do so, XXXX may change this APR at any time by giving prior notice to Members. Such reasons include, but are not limited to, changes in financial conditions. Changes in the APR will apply to outstanding Payflex Charges amount on the dates from when the change is effective and after, unless separately designated otherwise.
Article 7 (Suspension of Payment)
1. Notwithstanding Article 11.1 of the Cardmember T&Cs, if any of the following apply to any purchase of Goods, etc. made with Payflex, a Member may suspend payment on the Payflex Charge for such purchase until such issue is resolved.
i. The Goods are not delivered, transferred or the service not performed;
ii. The Goods are damaged, defaced, broken or flawed (defective) in some other way; or
iii. If there is a claim arising from the sale of the Goods or provision of services against a Service Establishment.
2. Upon receiving notification from the Member that the Member will suspend payment in accordance with the previous section, AEII will immediately take the prescribed measures.
3. Member will make efforts to negotiate with the Service Establishment to resolve any of the above issues before requesting a suspension of payment in accordance with the previous section.
4. When requesting suspension of payment in accordance with Article 7.2, Member will make efforts to promptly provide AEII with the reason for the request in writing (if there are any supporting documents, attach such documents). If AEII is required to investigate the above given reason, Member shall cooperate with AEII in doing so.
5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Article 7.1, suspension of payment is not permitted if any of the items below apply. In such a case, any disputes regarding the Card transaction shall be resolved between the Member and the Service Establishment.
i. If the Installment Sales Act is not applicable to the use of the Card;
ii. In the event not falling under the preceding item and if the contract for sale represents commercial transaction
for Member (excludes individual business opportunity related sales contracts (業務提供誘引販売個人契約)or individual multilevel marketing contracts (連鎖販売個人契約)or if Article 35-3-60(1) of the Installment Sales Act applies to the Card transaction, including the case where the Card is used at a Service Establishment outside of Japan;
iii. The cash amount of the individual Payflex Charge does not reach 38,000 Japanese Yen;
iv. Suspension of payment by the Member is not made in good faith; or
v. Any of the reasons listed in Article 7.1 is attributable to the Member.
6. If AEII assesses any outstanding balance amount with a deduction of an amount equivalent to the payment amount being suspended under Article 7.1, Member shall continue paying the assessed amount after the deduction is made.
(1) Payflex Repayment Table
Outstanding Payflex Balance at Monthly Closing Date (JPY) | Type 1 | Type 2* |
Payflex Payment (JPY)** | Payflex Payment (JPY)** | |
Up to 100,000 | 3,000 | 7,000 |
From 100,001 to 200,000 | 6,000 | 14,000 |
From 200,001 to 300,000 | 9,000 | 21,000 |
Up to 1,500,000, for every 100,000 increase | + 3,000 | + 7,000 |
From 1,500,001 to 1,800,000 | 60,000 | 135,000 |
From 1,800,001 to 2,100,000 | 75,000 | 165,000 |
From 2,100,001 to 2,400,000 | 90,000 | 195,000 |
From 2,400,001 to 2,700,000 | 105,000 | 225,000 |
From 2,700,001 to 3,000,000 | 120,000 | 255,000 |
*Type 2 is not available for new enrollees.
** The Payflex Payment amount is the sum of the principal repayment amount and fees.
(2) A sample calculation of fees and monthly Payflex Payments is provided below:
Annual Fee: 14.9 %
Payment Date (Article 13.3 of Cardmember T&Cs): 10th of each month Payflex Payment amount applicable to
Outstanding Payflex Balance of JPY100,000: JPY 3,000 Closing Date (Article 13.3 of Cardmember T&Cs): 20th of each month
Assuming that the outstanding balance of Payflex Charges on the 20th of month A is JPY 100,000 and there were no new transactions made between the 21st of month A to the 20th of month B, and that a Payflex Payment of JPY 3,000 (JPY 449 as the fee up until the 20th of month A is included in this Payflex Payment amount), the outstanding balance for each day, the fee amount for that period and the amount of the next Payflex Payment to be assessed is the following:
Outstanding Balance: From 21st of month A to 9th of month B:
JPY 100,000
11 days period from 10th of month B to 20th of month B: JPY 97,449
Fee: (JPY 100,000 × 14.9% × 19 days ÷
365 days) + (JPY 97,449 × 14.9% ×
11 days ÷ 365 days) = JPY 1,213 Payflex Payment: JPY 3,000
Amount Applied to Principal: JPY 3,000 – JPY 1,213 = JPY 1,787
*Documents relating to suspension of payment (Article 7 of the Payflex Supplement) shall be addressed to the Membership Service Center, the details of which are specified below.
< American Express Customer Consulting Office >
Telephone: 0000-000000
(Amendment as of April 1, 2020)
Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Bonus Lump-Sum Payment and Installment Payment Plans
Article 1 (General)
1. These Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Bonus Lump-Sum Payment and Installment Payment Plans (“Bonus/Installment Plan Supplement”) are part of the Terms and Conditions for Cardmembers of American Express (“Cardmember T&Cs”) and establish special provisions regarding payment types. Any matter which is not provided for in this Bonus/Installment Plan Supplement shall be subject to the Cardmember T&Cs.
2. When a Member who is enrolled in the bonus lump-sum payment plan (“Bonus Plan”) or the installment payment plan (“Installment Plan”) (collectively “Bonus/Installment Plans”) in accordance with the following Article uses any of the Bonus/Installment Plans, he or she shall be deemed to have agreed to this Bonus/Installment Plan Supplement.
Article 2 (Bonus Plan/Installment Plan Enrollment)
1. A Basic Cardmember of any of the designated Cards that are issued by American Express International, Inc., Japan Branch (“AEII”) may use Bonus/Installment Plans in accordance with this Bonus/Installment Plan Supplement and the Cardmember T&Cs, (1) if the Basic Cardmember’s application to use either the Bonus Plan or Installment Plan made in a manner which AEII prescribes has been examined, accepted and enrolled by AEII, or (2) if AEII, after its own examination, has determined to allow the Basic Cardmember to use the Bonus Plan or Installment Plan and enrolls it without the Basic Cardmember’s application (provide, however, AEII agrees to cancel this enrollment upon the Basic Cardmember’s request to not use the Bonus/Installment Plans) (collectively “Bonus/ Installment Plan Enrollment”). If the Member holds multiple Cards issued by XXXX, a Member may only enroll in Bonus/Installment Plans upon specifying the Card for enrollment.
2. When AEII deems it necessary (including a case where the Card number is changed after the reissuance of a Card), AEII may cancel any Member’s enrollment in Bonus/ Installment Plans or temporarily suspend use of the Bonus/Installment Plans, without prior notice to Members.
3. As a general rule, Bonus/Installment Enrollment is only available to Members who are residents of Japan. Member agrees to follow the instructions of XXXX regarding
enrollment in and use of the Bonus/Installment Plans if Members moves outside of Japan.
Article 3 (Use of Bonus/Installment)
Member may select the Bonus Plan or Installment Plan as the repayment method for Card transactions at Service Establishments designated by AEII. However, the handling period for Bonus Plans may differ depending on the Service Establishment. AEII may limit the number of transactions on the Bonus/Installment Plans for each Member.
Article 4 (Charge Limit for Bonus/Installment Plans)
1. AEII will establish a usage limit on Bonus/Installment Plans (“Bonus/Installment Charge Limit”) for each Basic Cardmember and notify each Basic Cardmember by the prescribed method upon designation of the applicable Card.
2. AEII may increase or decrease the Bonus/Installment Charge Limit at any time without special notice to Member if it deems necessary considering the Member’s Card usage and credit information. However, if the Basic Cardmember informs AEII that an increase in Bonus/Installment Charge Limit is not desired, AEII will change the Bonus/Installment Charge Limit back to its original amount.
3. The Bonus/Installment Charge Limit applies to the total outstanding amount of Bonus/Installment Charges made by Basic Cardmember and any Additional Cardmembers, and Members may only use Bonus/Installment Plans if the total amount of Bonus/Installment Charges does not exceed the Bonus/Installment Charge Limit. Decisions about exceeding the Bonus/Installment Charge Limit will be conducted based on AEII’s system. In some instances, information from financial institutions regarding a Bonus/ Installment payment may not immediately be reflected in the system. Until such payment is reflected, the amount will be treated as an outstanding balance.
4. In addition to the Bonus/Installment Charge Limit set in accordance with this Article, AEII may separately set a usage limit on revolving payments in accordance with the Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Payflex. The total sum of these usage limits shall not exceed the usage limit prescribed by the Installment Sales Act. If a Member is issued multiple Cards, the same upper limit under the Installment Sales Act applies for the total sum of usage limits on all Cards.
Article 5 (Payment of Bonus/Installment Charges)
1. Members shall pay the balance for any Charges made on the Bonus Plan in one lump-sum payment on the designated Payment Date of August or January of each year. However, depending on the closing date, the designated Payment Date may be the following month or the month after the following month. There are no fees for using the Bonus Plan.
2. The total amount due for Charges on the Installment Plan will be the Charge amount plus the interest for Installment Plan, as listed in Section (1) of Appendix below. Installment Payment amounts shall be the sum of the Charge amount and interest divided by the number of payments (payment amount will be rounded off to the nearest yen, remaining amount added to the final payment). The number of payments, interest, and calculation method is shown in the table below. If XXXX finds substantial reason to do so, AEII may change the Installment Plan interest rate at any time by providing notice to Members. Such reasons include, but are not limited to, change in financial conditions. Depending on the Service Establishment, certain “number of payment” options may not be available.
3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if at the closing date of any month, the total outstanding balance of Bonus/ Installment Charges exceeds the Bonus/Installment Charge Limit, the Basic Cardmember must pay the excess amount as a lump-sum payment.
4. Basic Cardmembers may pay any outstanding balances on an Installment Plan in full by following the process separately designated by AEII. In this case, AEII will not assess interest, calculated by XXXX’x designated method, for the amounts still not due and the Basic Cardmembers will pay AEII the amount equivalent to the outstanding principal balance.
5. Basic Cardmembers shall pay the amount set forth in this article together with the amount of other Charges pursuant to Article 13 of the Cardmember T&Cs.
Article 6 (Delinquency Charge on Bonus/Installment Plan) Notwithstanding Article 15.1 of the Cardmember T&Cs, the delinquency charge on any late payments made for any Bonus/Installment Charges shall not exceed the amount calculated by multiplying the outstanding principal amount by the statutory interest rate.
Article 7 (Suspension of Payment)
1. Notwithstanding Article 11.1 of the Cardmember T&Cs, if any of the following applies to any Goods purchased with the Bonus/Installment Plans, a Member may suspend payment on the Bonus/Installment Charge for such Goods until such issue is resolved.
i. The Goods are not delivered, transferred or the service not performed;
ii. The Goods are damaged, defaced, broken or flawed (defective) in some other way; or
iii. If there is a claim arising from the sale of the Goods or provision of services against a Service Establishment.
2. Upon receiving notification from the Member that the Member will suspend payment in accordance with the previous section, AEII will immediately take the prescribed measures.
3. Member will make efforts to negotiate with the Service Establishment to resolve any of the above issues before requesting a suspension of payment in accordance with the previous section.
4. When requesting suspension of payment in accordance with Article 7.2, Member will make efforts to promptly provide AEII with the reason for the request in writing (if there are any supporting documents, attach such documents). If AEII is required to investigate the above given reason, Member shall cooperate with AEII in doing so.
5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Article 7.1, suspension of payment is not permitted if any of the items below apply. In such a case, any disputes regarding the Card transaction shall be resolved between the Member and the Service Establishment.
i. If the Installment Sales Act is not applicable to the use of the Card;
ii. In the event not falling under the preceding item and if the contract for sale represents commercial transaction for Member (excludes individual business opportunity related sales contracts (業務提供誘引販売個人契約) or individual multilevel marketing contracts (連鎖販売個人契約) or if Article 35-3-60(1) of the Installment Sales Act applies to the Card transaction, including the case where the Card is used at a Service Establishment outside of Japan;
iii. The total payment amount of the individual Bonus/ Installment Charge does not reach 40,000 Japanese Yen;
iv. Suspension of payment by the Member is not made in good faith; or
v. Any of the reasons listed in Article 7.1 is attributable to the Member.
6. If AEII assesses any outstanding balance amount with a deduction of an amount equivalent to the payment amount being suspended under Article 7.1, Member shall continue paying the assessed amount after the deduction is made
(1) Number of Payments, Payment Period and Interest for Installment Plan
# of Payments | 3 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 20 | 24 |
Payment Period (month) | 3 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 20 | 24 |
Interest Rate(%) | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 | 14.9 |
Interest Paid for every JPY 100 of Charge Amount (JPY)* | 2.49 | 3.76 | 4.39 | 6.31 | 6.96 | 8.25 | 10.22 | 12.21 | 13.55 | 16.25 |
*Calculations are rounded to the nearest .01 of a JPY and the actual amount being paid may slightly differ from this calculation.
(2) Sample Payment Calculation on Installment Payment Plan For a Charge of JPY 100,000 on 10 payments
1. Interest: JPY 100,000 × (6.96÷JPY100) = JPY6,960
2. Total Paid: JPY 100,000 + JPY 6,960 = JPY 106,960
3. Each Installment Payment: JPY 106,960÷10 payments = JPY 10,696
*Documents relating to suspension of payment (Article 7 of the Bonus/Installment Plan Supplement) shall be addressed to the Membership Service Center, the details of which are specified below.
< American Express Customer Consulting Office >
Telephone: 0000-000000
(Amendment as of April 1, 2020)
This Agreement and Important Items Relating to Personal Information (this “Agreement”) shall constitute a part of the Terms and Conditions for Cardmembers of American Express (the “Cardmember T&Cs”).
Article 1. (Collection, Retainment, Use, Supply of Personal Information)
1. Members and applicants for membership (“Persons”) agree that AEII may, in accordance with its established measures of protection, collect, retain, and use their personal information set forth below, for the purposes of judging the credit risk of transactions with Persons, including transactions under the Cardmember T&Cs (including applications therefor, this “Contract”), managing credit which AEII has extended (including demanding a payment when it is overdue, transferring of receivables, etc.), and offering benefits and services accompanied with the Cards:
(a) Persons’ name, age, birthday, gender, address, telephone number, E-mail address and any other contact information, place of employment, family, residence status, and other information which Persons filled in on relevant application forms, etc. (including the reported changes);
(b) Dates of application and contract, product name, contract amount, the number of installments, and information on use of Cards at Service Establishments under this Contract;
(c) Outstanding amount of obligations and monthly status of repayment after the payment under this Contract has commenced;
(d) Persons’ property, debts, income, expenditure which Persons declared, and information on credit history and status of repayment which AEII collected, for the purpose of AEII’s investigating Persons’ current or future credit risk under this Contract;
(e) Information set forth in documents which are required to verify identification under the Law Concerning Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, and information set forth in an income certificate, etc. which Persons submitted to AEII;
(f) Contact information, including a forwarding address after move, place of employment, or telephone number, which is collected by AEII or a party who is contracted by AEII, and information available on Persons’ residence certificate or a copy/extract of Persons’ family register which is legally issued;
(g) Information available in official gazettes or telephone directories, or disclosed to the general public; or
(h) Other information directly disclosed by Persons or known to AEII in the course of inquiries from Persons (including phonetic information by means of recording conversation with Persons).
2. Persons agree that AEII may use Personal Information for the purposes set forth below, in addition to those purposes set forth in Article 19.1, above. Details of AEII’s business shall be disclosed on its website.
(a) Provision of basic functions and ancillary services of a credit card;
(b) Communication with Service Establishments and its management, in connection with a credit card;
(c) Introduction of the businesses of AEII, its subsidiaries, or Service Establishments that is conducted by mail, telephone, E-mails, etc.;
(d) Sale and solicitation with regard to financial products or services of AEII, its subsidiaries, or its affiliates;
(e) Provision of accident insurance, life insurance, mutual aid insurance, and services related or accessory thereto, that is conducted by AEII, as an agent, under a contract with each insurance/mutual aid provider;
(f) Market research, compiling of statistics, or development of new products, to the extent that is related to AEII’s business;
(g) In connection with requested travel arrangement, arrangement of, and procedures to receive, services to be provided by a transportation or lodging service company, etc.;
(h) Response to inquiries or requests, improvement of the level of service, and communication to Persons (including communication related to Charges);
(i) Execution of rights and obligations of AEII under the laws; or
(j) Other purposes with regard to which AEII separately obtains Persons’ consent.
3. Persons agree that, for the purposes set forth in Articles
1.1 and 1.2 above, AEII may use personal information set forth in Article 1.1(a) through (h), above, jointly with the following parties. Such information may be provided by AEII to the following parties and by the following parties to AEII, as the case may be. AEII shall be responsible for the management of such information.
(a) Companies whose decisions relating to its financial or business matters are under a direct or indirect control of AEII, or companies who has a direct or indirect control over AEII’s decisions relating to the financial or businesses matters, and companies who are under a similar control of any of such companies;
(b) Affiliated companies whose name or logo mark is indicated on the Cards; or
4. Persons agree that, in the following cases, AEII may disclose to the recipient set forth below, and such recipient may use, personal information set forth in Article 1.1(a) and 1.1(h), to the least extent required for the achievement of purpose:
(a) In the case of disclosure which is made by forwarding personal information by electronic means, etc. to a transportation or lodging service company or, only when necessary, a travel agent, for the purpose of travel arrangement, etc. upon Persons’ request; or
(b) In the case of disclosure which is made to a service providing company for the purpose of provision of accessory services of a credit card (including reservations at restaurants or use of mileage program) upon Persons’ request.
5. Even in the case where XXXX uses or discloses personal information to the extent agreed by Persons in Articles 1.2(c) and 1.2(d), when Persons request the cessation of such use or disclosure, AEII will take necessary steps to cease the use or disclosure thereafter; provided, however, that introduction of business which is inserted in, or forwarded together with, the Card or Monthly Statements.
6. With regard to E-mail addresses of Persons who newly become a Member, Persons agree that for the purpose of protection against unauthorized use, AEII may provide the E-mail addresses to a person or company in a foreign country for their countercheck against a system which such person or company owns to detect unauthorized uses, and that the E-mail addresses may be retained within such system and used by such person or company for the purpose of protection against unauthorized use.
Article 2. (Use of, or Registration with, Credit Information Organizations)
1. With regard to credit information organizations which
AEII uses and registers certain information with, Persons (other than Additional Cardmembers) consent to the following:
(a) In order to make judgment with regard to credit transactions with Persons , AEII may refer to credit information organizations to which AEII belongs (namely, persons who conduct as their business collecting of information related to individuals’ payment/repayment ability and providing such information to their members) (“Member Credit Organizations”) or other credit information organizations affiliated with such Member Credit Organizations (“Affiliate Credit Organizations”), and if personal information on Persons is registered, AEII may use such information. Provided, however, that any information relating to an individual’s payment/ repayment ability which is registered with Member Credit Organizations or Affiliate Credit Organizations shall not be used for any purpose other than check of payment/repayment ability, pursuant to applicable laws and regulations; and
(b) The Information to be Registered as set forth in Exhibit (Persons’ personal information to verify his or her identity and the objective facts of transactions under this Contract) shall be registered with Member Credit Organizations for periods specified in Exhibit, and may be used by members of Member Credit Organizations or Affiliate Credit Organizations for the purpose of check of Persons’ payment/repayment ability.
(c) Personal information registered at Member Credit Organizations pursuant to the previous paragraph (b) may be mutually provided or used among Member Credit Organizations, Affiliate Credit Organizations, and members of those organizations, for the purposes of and within the scope required for the protection and fair use of such information such as maintaining the accuracy, updating, resolving complaints, monitoring the compliance of members of those organizations, etc.
2. The names, contact numbers, etc. of the credit information organizations to which AEII belong, as well as types of information to be registered and periods of registration, are set forth in Exhibit. If AEII intends to belong to a new credit information organization to refer to and use registered information, AEII will notify Persons by a written notice, etc. and follow the designated processes in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Article 3. (Disclosure, Correction, or Deletion of Information)
1. Persons may demand, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and by the method prescribed therein, that AEII or Member Credit Organizations disclose personal information on themselves.
(a) For demands to AEII, please inquire using the details set forth at the end of this Agreement; and
(b) For demands to credit information organizations, please inquire at each organization set forth in Exhibit.
2. In the event that any of the personal information is found to be untrue, AEII will immediately correct or delete such information upon request.
Article 4. (In Case of Disagreement)
In the event that Persons do not wish to fill in any item required for application for membership, or in the event that Persons do not approve all or a portion
of the treatment of personal information as set forth in this Agreement, AEII may decline membership or take procedures to cancel the membership; provided that this shall not apply to the cases where Persons do not approve Articles 1.2(c) or 1.2(d).
Article 5. (Events of Contract Not Concluded or Membership Withdrawn or Revoked)
1. If this Contract has not been concluded, the fact of application shall, in accordance with Articles 1 and 2.1(b), be used for a certain period but shall not otherwise be used, regardless of the reason for non- conclusion.
2. After a Member’s Card membership terminates due to the expiration of an effective term printed on the front or back of the Card, withdrawal or revocation of the membership, etc., AEII will retain and use the Member’s personal information for the purposes designated in Articles 1.1, 1.2(i), and 2.1 for a certain period of time as stipulated by laws or regulations or designated by AEII.
Article 6. (Amendment)
The provisions of this Agreement may be amended by following the procedures prescribed by AEII and to the extent permitted under the laws.
・ Names and contact numbers, etc. of Member Credit Organizations
Name: Credit Information Center Corp. (a Designated Credit Information Organization under the Moneylenders Law and the Installment Sales Act)
Address: Shinjuku First West, 0-00-0 Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx-xx, Xxxxx 000-0000
Telephone No.: 0000-000-000 URL: xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xx
Information to be registered | Credit Information Organization | |
to register with and period of registration | ||
Credit Information Center Corp. | Japan Credit Information Reference Center Corp. | |
(1) Personal information such as name, birth date, gender, address, telephone number, place of employment, driver’s license number, identity verification document number, etc. | During the period in which any of the information listed in (2) through (4) is registered | |
(2) Fact of having applied relating to this Contract | For 6 months from the date XXXX made an inquiry | Not more than 6 months from the date AEII made an inquiry |
(3) Objective facts of transactions relating to this Contract | During the contract term and not more than 5 years after termination of the contract | During the duration of the contract and not more than 5 years after termination of the contract (for information on assignment of claims, not more than 1 year from the date of assignment of claims) |
(4) Facts of delayed payment for obligation | During the contract term and for 5 years after termination of the contract | During the duration of the contract and not more than 5 years after termination of the contract |
Name: Japan Credit Information Reference Center Corp. (a Designated Credit Information Organization under the Moneylenders
・ The information to be registered and the period of registration
Sumitomofudosan Ueno Building 5gokan 1-10-14 Kita-Ueno, Taito-ku Tokyo 000-0000
Telephone No.: 0000-000-000 URL: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx
・ Names and contact numbers, etc. of Affiliate Credit Organizations
Name: Japanese Bankers Association Personal Credit Information Center
Telephone No.: 00-0000-0000
URL: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/
The information AEII registers include the name, birth date, gender, address, telephone number, place of employment, driver’s license number, identity verification document number or other identifiable information, date and type of contract, payment dates, contract amount, line of credit amount, installment number for payment, unpaid balance, expected date of full payment, payment status (including facts of termination, full payment, etc.), and other information designated by each Member Credit Organization.
・ Request to disclose, correct, delete, or cease use or forwarding of, Persons’ personal information or other related inquiries should be addressed to the applicable Membership Service Center specified below or American Express telephone number indicated on the back of a Card.
Membership Service Center The name and telephone number for each Membership Service Center:
American Express Gold Card/ American Express Sky Traveler Premier Card: Telephone 0000-000000 American Express Card/American Express Sky Traveler Card:
Telephone 0000-000000 American Express Blue: Telephone 00-0000-0000
Website of American Express: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx (Amendment as of April 1, 2020)