この契約書の日付の時点で、甲乙は、コロナウイルス(COVID- 19)に起因する潜在的な展開、範囲、影響は予想不可で、今後の本契約上の義務の履行に影響を及ぼす可能性があることを認識する。この結果、もし甲の仕事、義務、納品、 供給等の実行がコロナウイルス(COVID- 19)によって(不可抗力と看做されるかどうか、予見可能であったと看做されるかどうか、に関わらず)妨げられ、遅延し、または過度な負担となった場合、契約履行が再び...
第 1 条 目 的
売買取引約款 2020.3.31
8.2 本約款または個別取引のこれに反するいかなる定めにもかかわらず、債務不履行、不法行為、瑕疵担保責任その他のいかなる法律構成による場合であっても、本件商品に関して甲が乙に対して負担する損害賠償の総額は、かか
第 2 条 売買の目的物
第 3 条 取引条件
第 4 条 注文のキャンセル
4.1 甲および乙は、本件商品の引渡前であって予め設定された期限までに乙が甲に書面で通知したときは、本取引を解除することができることに合意し、乙が甲に支払うべき当該解除に係るキャンセル料の金額について予め合意す る。
4.2 甲は、前項に規定するキャンセル料を、前受金(もしあれば)の全部または一部と相殺するものとする。
4.3 前項に規定する前受金の額が、本条第 1 項に規定するキャンセル料に不足する場合には、乙は甲に対し不足分の金額を直ちに支払うものとする。
第 5 条 引渡、所有権移転および危険負担
5.1 本取引の引渡条件は車上渡しとする。甲が運送業者に引渡した時点で本件商品は乙に引渡されたものとする。
5.2 本件商品の引渡前に生じた本件商品の滅失、毀損その他一切の損害は、乙の責めに帰すべきものを除き甲の負担とし、本件商品の引渡後に生じたそれらの損害は、甲の責めに帰すべきものを除き乙の負担とする。
5.3 本件商品の所有権は、販売価格等の支払が完済したときに甲から乙に移転する。
5.4 本件商品は、甲の慣行に従い梱包され、乙に納入される。本件商品の引渡、荷下ろし、検量、試用に関するその他の条件は、必要に応じ個別に定める。
第 6 条 検 査
乙は、本件商品を受領後直ちに、本件商品の数量を検査し、かつ可能な範囲で本件商品が別途取り決めた仕様(以下「本件仕様」という。)の内容に合致しているかどうかを検査しなければならず、受領から 5 営業日以内に、本件商品の数量不足または本件仕様との不一致を、十分な証明書類とともに書面にて甲に通知しなければならない。
第 7 条 保 証
7.1 甲は乙に対し、本件商品が本件仕様に合致していることを保証する。甲の保証は、各本件商品の引渡しの日付より 1 年間継続する。甲は本件商品に関 し、これ以上のいかなる保証(本件商品の商品価値、特定の目的に対する適合性の保証を含む。)も行わず、また、甲に代わり第三者が本件商品の保証をすることを認めない。
7.2 前項の保証の対象となる本件商品は、甲の指定した方法により扱われ、保管され、据え付けられ、テストされ、検査され、修繕され、かつ使用されるものに限定される。当初のマークやシリアルナンバーが撤去または変更された本件商品、甲の書面承諾なしに変更された商品、悪用または誤使用された本件商品、報怠または事故にあった本件商品、甲または甲の認めたサービス業者以外の手により修繕された本件商品、甲以外の者の作為または不作為の結果、保証条件を満たさなくなった本件商品、および、通常の使用により合理的に予想される範囲内において磨耗した本件商品については、当該保証は適用されない。
7.3 本条における甲の責任は、本件仕様と不一致のある本件商品、部品またはその構成品のうち、当該不一致につき、本条第 1 項に規定する保証期間内に乙から書面による通知が甲に到達したもので、かつ甲が不一致であることを認めたものの修理、交換または本件販売価格の一部もしくは全額の返金に限定され、甲は一切の損害賠償責任を負わないものとする。欠陥部分は甲の所有に帰属し、甲の裁量において処理される。
7.4 前項の規定により、甲が本件商品を修繕または交換する場合、かかる修繕後または交換後の本件商品にも本条が適用される。但し、その保証期間は修繕または交換された本件商品の当初の保証期間の残存日数とする。
第 8 条 損害賠償
8.1 甲および乙は、取引条件等の違反により、相手方に損害を生じさせた場合にはその損害を賠償するものとする。但し、次の各号に定める場合は、以下に定める通りとする。
(1)甲は、第 5 条にかかわらず、甲が乙に引き渡した本件商品に生じた損害以外の損害については、乙が甲の故意または重過失を証明した場合にのみ賠償するものとする。
8.3 甲が乙に対し、本件商品の引渡の履行遅滞に基づく損害賠償責任を負う場合には、1 週間遅滞するごとに履行遅滞にかかる本件商品の本件販売価格の 0.5%に相当する額を支払うものとする。但し、かかる損害賠償額の合計は履行遅滞にかかる本件商品の本件販売価格の 5%に相当する額を上限とす る。本項に基づく損害賠償額は、他の全ての損害賠償と合わせて前項に規定する損害賠償額の総額に含まれるものとする。
第 9 条 知的財産権
9.1 乙は、本件商品に添付された所定の商標、商号およびラベルを除去したり、隠したり、移動させたり、改造してはならない。
9.2 乙は、知的財産権および派生する権利が甲、本件商品のサプライヤーまたは製造業者にのみ帰属することを了解する。乙はいかなる国においても知的財産権に対する権利、権原、権益を獲得しまたは獲得を企図してはならず、自らまたは第三者を通じて直接または間接的に権利主張してはならない。本約款のいかなる条項も、特に明示されたものを除き、乙に対して知的財産権に関する権利、ライセンスを明示または黙示に付与するものではない。
9.3 甲は、乙に対し、本件商品(その製造方法も含む。)が、特許権、実用新案権、商標権、著作権、ノウハウ、営業秘密その他の知的財産権またはその他の第三者の権利を侵害しないことを保証するものではない。
第 10 条 不可抗力
甲は、天災、洪水、津波、稲妻、台風、嵐、地震、疫病その他の伝染病、戦争、戦争の脅威、戦争状態、テロ、反乱、革命、火災、爆発、海難、封鎖、暴動、ストライキ、工場閉鎖その他の労働争議、騒擾、本件商品のボイコット、本件商品のサプライヤーまたは製造業者の破産または倒産、エネルギー供給または原材料の不足または統制、交通手段または荷揚げ荷下ろし設備の利用不可、港湾の渋 滞、その他の法令または政府機関の行政指導による規制、検疫、通商禁止、動 員、接収、輸出禁止、輸出許可証の発行拒絶、その他の法定のまたは政府による規制、または他の類似したもしくは類似しない甲の合理的支配の及ばない状況 で、かつ甲、その代理人、運送代理人、運送人、本件商品のサプライヤー、製造業者、または本件商品の製造業者への原材料供給業者に影響を及ぼす状況から直接または間接的に生じた本件商品の未納入、納期の遅れ、毀損、品質低下、その他本取引上の義務の不履行や履行遅滞につき乙に対して一切責任を負わない。
第 11 条 コロナウイルス
この契約書の日付の時点で、甲乙は、コロナウイルス(COVID-19)に起因する潜在的な展開、範囲、影響は予想不可で、今後の本契約上の義務の履行に影響を及ぼす可能性があることを認識する。この結果、もし甲の仕事、義務、納品、供給等の実行がコロナウイルス(COVID-19)によって(不可抗力と看做されるかどうか、予見可能であったと看做されるかどうか、に関わらず)妨げられ、遅延し、または過度な負担となった場合、契約履行が再び合理的に可能となり、甲が契約履行を再開できるまで、甲は、如何なる債務も負わず、契約の履行や義務から免責となる。上記の一般原則を損なうことなく、このような状況は、甲が、法律や条例、当局の要請、検疫、旅行規制の変更またはその他の類似の状況等により、 COVID-19 の 影響を受けた場合や、甲が、COVID-19 の影響により、必要な原材料を入手または納品することを合理的にできなくなったり、原材料コストが上昇した場合に、起こりうる。
第 12 条 秘密保持
12.1 甲および乙は、本取引の内容および本取引に関連して甲および乙が技術上または営業上において知り得た相手方の情報内容を本取引有効期間中のみならず本取引終了後においても第三者に漏洩または開示してはならず、本取引の目的以外の目的で使用してはならない。
12.2 甲および乙は、本取引終了後、直ちに当該情報の使用を中止し、当該情報に関する資料を相手方に返却する。
第 13 条 譲渡禁止
甲および乙は、相手方の事前の書面による同意なしに、本取引に基づくいかなる権利または義務の全部または一部を第三者に譲渡その他の処分をしてはならな い。
第 14 条 取引解除
(4)差押、仮差押、仮処分等を受けたとき (5)解散が決議されたとき
(6)甲グループのビジネス規範(Alfa Laval's Business Principles)に違反したとき(http//xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx 参照)
第 15 条 有効期間
本約款の条件は、取引開始日より 2 年間効力を有するものとする。但し、期間満
了の 3 カ月前までに甲または乙のいずれからも取引を終了する旨の申し出がない
場合には、本取引は同一内容にて 2 年間更新されるものとし、その後も同様とする。
第 16 条 誠実協議
第 17 条 準拠法および仲裁/管轄
Standard Terms and Conditions 2020.3.31
Article 1: Purpose
These Standard Terms and Conditions shall apply to all sales transactions to be executed by Alfa Laval K.K. as seller (hereinafter, the “ALKK”) and Customer as purchaser (hereinafter, the “Customer”), provided however, that in the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of such Individual Agreement and those of these Standard Terms and Conditions, the provision of the Individual Agreement shall prevail.
Article 2: Products
The Products covered under these Standard Terms and Conditions (the "Products") shall be as set forth in the document shown by ALKK, provided however, that either ALKK or Customer may, subject to mutual consultation and the written consent of the other party, amend the content.
Article 3 Conditions of Transaction
The descriptions, quantities and prices of the Products (hereinafter, the "Sales Prices") as well as the method of payment and delivery of the Products shall be as set forth in the document shown by ALKK, provided however, that either ALKK or Customer may, subject to mutual consultation and the written consent of the other party, amend the content.
Article 4 Cancellation of order
4.1 ALKK and Customer agree that in the event that Customer gives written notice to ALKK prior to agreed date before the delivery of the Products, the transaction can be canceled. ALKK and Customer shall agree in advance to the amount of cancelation fees payable by Customer to ALKK in respect of such cancelation.
4.2 ALKK shall set off a part or all of the advance payment (if any) against the cancellation fees set forth in 4.1 above.
4.3 If the amount of the advance payment set forth in 4.2 above should not cover all the amount of cancellation fees set forth in 4.1 above, Customer shall immediately pay the deficit to ALKK.
Article 5: Delivery, Transfer of Ownership and Assumption of Risks
5.1 The delivery terms of the Products shall be FCA (Free Carrier). The Products shall be deemed to have been delivered to Customer, upon their transfer from ALKK to the carrier.
5.2 Any and all loss, damage of the Products prior to their delivery shall be borne by ALKK unless attributable to Customer, and any and all such damages sustained after delivery of the Products shall be borne by Customer unless attributable to ALKK.
5.3 The legal title of the Products shall transfer from ALKK to Customer upon Customer's complete payment of the Sales Prices and all other related payments.
5.4 The Products shall be loaded, packed and delivered to Customer pursuant to internal practices of ALKK. Any other terms and conditions concerning delivery, unloading, metage or trail use of the Products shall be agreed individually when required.
Article 6: Inspection
Upon receipt of the Products, Customer shall immediately inspect the quantities of the Products and to a reasonable extent, whether the specifications of the Products are in accordance with the specifications, and shall notify ALKK of any deficiency in the quantities of the Products and/or any items not satisfying the specifications (if any) in writing, along with any necessary documents within five (5) business days of receipt.
Article 7: Warranty
7.1 ALKK warrants to Customer that the Products comply and conform to the specifications. ALKK's warranty shall continue for one (1) year after the date of delivery of each Product. ALKK shall not provide any further warranty for the Products (including warranties in relation to the Sales Prices of the Products and the suitability of the Products for any particular purposes) and shall not allow any third party to provide any such warranty for the Products on behalf of ALKK.
7.2 The Products covered by the warranties in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to such products, which are treated, stored, set up, tested, inspected, repaired and used pursuant to the methods designated by ALKK. Such warranties shall not be applicable to Products, whose initial marks or serial numbers are removed or modified, which have been modified without the written approval of ALKK, abused or improperly used, for which notices have failed to been made or which have been involved in accidents, which have been repaired by parties other than ALKK or such service providers as approved by ALKK, which no longer satisfy warranty conditions due to any acts or omissions by parties other than ALKK and the Products, or which are damaged as a result of wear and tear sustained through their regular use within reasonably expected limits.
7.3 The responsibilities of ALKK in these Article shall be limited to repair,
replacement or full or partial refund of the Sales Prices of the Products, parts or their components, which do not comply and conform with the Specifications, provided that written notice concerning such non-compliance/non-conformity is received from Customer by ALKK within the warranty period set forth under Paragraph 1 of this Article and that ALKK acknowledges such non- compliance/non-conformity. ALKK shall not be liable to pay compensation for any and all damage incurred by Customer as a result of such non- compliance/non-conformity. Ownership of any defective parts shall return to ALKK and shall be disposed of at its discretion.
7.4 In the event that ALKK repairs or replaces any of the Products pursuant to the preceding paragraph, this Article shall continue to apply to the Products after such repair or replacement; provided, however, their warranty period shall be the remaining period of the initial warranty period of the repaired or replaced Products.
Article 8: Compensation for Damage
8.1 ALKK and Customer shall be liable to pay compensation for any damage incurred by the other party due to any violation of conditions. Provided however;
(1) ALKK shall, subject to 5 above, not be liable for any damages incurred during delivery of the Products to Customer, unless Customer proves that such damage is attributable to the willful misconduct or gross negligence of ALKK; and
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Standard Terms and Conditions or in the Individual Agreement to the contrary, ALKK shall not be liable to pay compensation for any financial losses of any kind such as, but not limited to, loss of earnings, loss of goodwill, loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of use, loss of production or costs of financing, connected with or arising out of ALKK’s performance of its obligations under these Standard Terms and Conditions or the Individual Agreement or its failure to perform such obligations, whether or not foreseen or foreseeable at the date of such terms or agreement.
8.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in these Standard Terms and Conditions or in the Individual Agreement to the contrary, the aggregate amount of compensation for damages concerning the Products to be borne by ALKK against Customer shall be limited to the Sales Prices of such Products , which were received by ALKK from Customer regardless of any default of these Standard Terms and Conditions, torts, liabilities for defect, warranty or any other applicable laws in relation to either party.
8.3 In the event that the Products are not delivered by the stipulated delivery date, ALKK shall be liable to pay compensation for liquidated damages from the date on which delivery should have taken place. Liquidated damages shall be payable at a rate of 0.5% of the Sales Prices of the Products corresponding to the delayed delivery for each complete one (1) week of delay; provided, however, that the aggregate amount of compensation for liquidated damages shall in no case exceed five (5) % of the Sales Prices of such Products. The liquidated damages under this 8.3 shall be included (in addition to any other compensation) within the aggregate amount of compensation under 8.2 above.
Article 9: Intellectual Property Rights
9.1 Customer shall not remove, hide, transfer or modify any prescribed trademarks, trade names or labels attached to the Products.
9.2 Customer understands that all intellectual property rights or related derivative rights belong solely to ALKK and suppliers or manufactures of the Products. Customer shall not acquire or contemplate the acquisition of any rights, titles or interests in relation to such intellectual property rights in any country, directly or indirectly, on its own or through a third party. Unless otherwise specifically stipulated, no provision in these Standard Terms and Conditions explicitly or implicitly grants Customer any rights or licenses concerning intellectual property rights.
9.3 ALKK shall not warrant to Customer that the Products (including their manufacturing process) do not infringe any patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, copyrights, know-how, trade secrets or any other intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties.
Article 10: Force Majeure
ALKK shall not be liable to Customer for any and all responsibility in relation to non- delivery, delays in delivery, damage or quality loss of the Products or any other defaults or delays in performance of the obligations under these Standard Terms and Conditions, which directly or indirectly arise as a result of an act of nature, flood, tidal wave, lightning, typhoon, storm, earthquake, epidemics or other infections, wars, danger of wars, war situations, terrorism, uprising, revolution, fire, explosion, marine accidents, lockdown, outbreak, strike, factory lockout and other labor dispute, riot, boycott of the Products, bankruptcy of suppliers or manufactures of the Products, deficiency in or control of energy supply or raw materials, unavailability of means of transportation or equipment for loading or unloading, backup of harbor, any other regulations under any applicable laws or ordinances or administrative directions by government agencies, quarantine, embargo, recruitment, condemnation, prohibition of export, rejection of issuance of exports certificates, other statutory or governmental regulations, or any circumstance similar to or not similar to such circumstance beyond the reasonable control of ALKK, and from such circumstance having an impact on ALKK, its agents, agents of transporters, transporters, suppliers or manufacturers of the Products, or suppliers of raw materials to manufacturers of the Products (“Force Majeure”).
Article 11: COVID-19
As of the date of this Agreement, ALKK and Customer acknowledge that the potential development, scope and impact caused by or related to the novel corona virus (COVID-19) is unpredictable and may affect the performance of obligations hereunder. In xxxxxxxxxxx of this, ALKK and Customer agree that, should ALKK’s performance of works, obligations, delivery or supply hereunder be impeded, hindered or made unreasonably onerous due or related to COVID- 19 (and regardless of whether or not this would constitute Force Majeure or be considered as foreseeable), ALKK shall be released, without assuming any
liability, from its obligations to perform any such works or obligations until the time
when such performance is again reasonably possible and XXXX is able to
reassume performance. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing, such situation may, by example and without limitation, occur if ALKK’s workforce is affected by COVID-19, e.g. by way of: changes in law or regulations; authority recommendations; quarantines, travel restrictions or similar circumstances; or if ALKK is reasonably unable to source or deliver required materials; or in the event of material cost increases due or related to COVID-19.
Article 12: Confidentiality
12.1 Both ALKK and Customer shall during the effective transaction and the period immediately following it, not divulge or disclose to third parties the contents of this transaction and/or any technical or business information of the other party acquired in relation to this transaction, nor use such information for other purposes.
12.2 Upon completion of the transaction ALKK and Customer shall immediately cease to use the all such information and shall return any materials concerning such information to the other party.
Article 13: Prohibition of Transfer
ALKK and Customer shall not transfer to any third parties or otherwise dispose of all or a part of any of the rights or obligations, without the prior written consent of the other party.
Article 14: Cancellation of Transaction
If any of the events described in the following items occur to ALKK or Customer, the other party may immediately cancel the transaction:
(1) Either ALKK or Customer violates these Standard Terms and Conditions and despite being provided a reasonable period to remedy such violation, no such remedy is made within such period;
(2) Any bill or check, which ALKK or Customer draws on or underwrites, is dishonored;
(3) Either ALKK, Customer or a third party on behalf of either party, files a petition for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation or corporate reorganization or other similar procedures;
(4) Either ALKK or Customer is subject to attachment, provisional attachment, provisional disposition or other similar dispositions;
(5) In the event either resolves to be liquidated/dissolved;
(6) Either ALKK or Customer violates the business rules of ALKK's group (Alfa Laval's Business Principles, available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx)
(7) In the event of any change in the control or management rights or either party;
(8) In addition to the particular items above, in the event that it is acknowledged to be probable that ALKK or Customer may be unable to perform its obligations as set forth under these Standard Terms and Conditions.
Article 15: Effective Term
These Standard Terms and Conditions shall be effective for two (2) years from the date of transaction commencement, provided however, that unless either ALKK or Customer provides notice to terminate this not later than three (3) months prior to its expiration, these Standard Terms and Conditions shall automatically be renewed for a further two (2) years and thereafter, the same shall apply.
Article 16: Mutual Consultation in Good Faith
Any questions in the interpretation of these Standard Terms and Conditions or any matters that are not expressly stipulated, shall be resolved by ALKK and Customer upon mutual consultation pursuant to the principles of good faith.
Article 17: Governing Laws and Arbitration / Jurisdiction
These Standard Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any and all disputes.