Yuzawa Kogen Panorama Park Resort Rules and Regulations
湯沢高原パノラマパーク 施設利用約款
当約款は、湯沢高原株式会社(以下、「当社」という)が管理する 湯沢高原パノラマパーク(以下、「当施設」という)管理区域内における施設利用者の安全確保と施設の維持向上を目的としています。当約款に定めのない事項および関係法令の定めに基づく他、関係法令に定めがない事項については社会通念上の判断に準じます。
⑦疲労・飲酒・薬物・体調不良などによる危険 その他、これらに類する危険
2 当施設内のロープ・ネット等は危険箇所の存在を示す物であり、安全を保証する物ではありません。
3 第3条および第4条に従っていただけない方は、当施設の利用をお断りいたします。また、すでにご利用の場合でも、第3条および第4条に違反する行為が行われ、または、行われるおそれがあると認められる場合は、利用中止、リフト券・施設利用券の返却、退場をしていただく場合があります。 この場合利用料金等の返金はいたしません。
4 管理区域外、立入禁止区域を示す表示は最小限の規制表示となっていますので、施設マップ等をよくご確認ください。
2 喫煙(電子タバコ、加熱式タバコを含む)は、当社が定める所定の場所に限り認めます。喫煙時には火気に注意し、吸殻やマッチは必ず火を完全に消して灰皿に入れてください。
当社は、第 2 条1項の告知、第3条で定める禁止事項または第4条で定める行動規則に違反したことにより発生した事故に対し責任を負いません。また、これらの違反行為により当社に損害または賠償費用が発生した場合、当社は、その事故を発生させた利用者に対してこの損害の賠償または発生した費用を請求し、当該利用者は、これを支払います。
2 本約款等に違反し、当施設管理区域の外に当施設利用者またはその知人等から当社に遭難救助の要請があった場合、当社は、単独または関係官公庁等と協力し救助活動を行います。この場合、救助活動終了後、捜索、救助に要した人件費、機器費用、索道運行費用、照明電気費用、その他発生した費用の一切を当該施設利用者に請求し、当該利用者は、これを支払います。
3 当社は、利用者が携帯した物を当社の設置する有料鍵付き収納に収納した場合を除き、当施設内ならびに
駐車場における盗難等に対し責任を負いません。また、有料鍵付き収納の鍵を紛失・破損した場合、当該利用者は鍵の交換費用として金 2,000 円を請求し、当該利用者はこれを支払います。
4 撮影画像の公開について、撮影を許可していない人 が映り込んでいる画像や動画の公開によるトラブルに関し、当社は一切の責任を負いません。
5 索道施設については、当社が定める「索道事業運送約款」に従いご利用ください。
6 有料遊戯施設については、当社が定める「利用規則」に従いご利用ください。
天災、感染症の拡大その他の不可抗力に基づく事由による場合、施設利用者の安全が確保できないおそれがある場合、または、権限を有する行政機関による協力要請、行政指導、指示または行政処分がなされた場合には、 施設およびリフトの一部または全部の営業を休止することがあります。
2 風、雨、雪、霧などにより安全確保のため施設営業および索道の運転を中止した場合は、利用料金等の返金は致しません。
2 当施設では、感染症の拡大の状況に応じ、入場前の検温及び手指の消毒、ならびに当施設への入場、出場の際および施設内においてマスクの着用及び利用者間に一定の距離をとる等、感染防止のために必要な対策についてご協力をお願いすることがあります。
3 前項に基づき当施設が実施する感染防止対策にご協力いただけない場合、利用をお断りいたします。
また、すでにご利用の場合でも 、利用中止、リフト券・施設利用券の返却、退場をしていただく場合があります。この場合、利用料金等の返金はいたしません。
2 当施設の利用者の中に前項に該当する者がいると判明した場合には、直ちに当施設の利用をお断りし、施設外へ退去していただきます。当施設の指示に従っていただけない場合は、警察等関係機関に通報いたします。
当社は以下の場合、当社の判断により、 利用約款を変更することができます。
2 当社は前項による利用約款の変更にあたり、変更後の利用約款の効力発生日の1か月前までに、 利用約款を変更する旨および変更後の利用約款の内容とその効力発生日を当社ウェブサイトに掲示し、通知します。
3 本条による変更後の利用約款の効力発生日以降に施設利用者が当施設を利用したときは、利用約款の変更に同意したものとみなします。
制定・施行 2021年12月1日
Yuzawa Kogen Panorama Park Resort Rules and Regulations
Article 1: Purpose
The purpose of the Yuzawa Kogen Panorama Park Resort Rules and Regulations (“Rules and Regulations”) is to ensure the safety of guests and to maintain and improve ski resort facilities of the Yuzawa Kogen Panorama Park Resort (“Resort”) operated by the Yuzawa Kogen Co., Ltd. (“Yuzawa Kogen” or “we”). Matters not specified in these Rules and Regulations and events that take place outside the areas managed by the Resort are handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Matters not specified in these relevant laws and regulations, and matters not specified in the relevant laws and regulations as well as those specified in these relevant laws and regulations are handled in accordance with judgments based on social norms.
Article 2: Notice
At the Resort, we do our best to protect the safety of our guests, but you must understand and be aware of the hazards inherent to resorts as illustrated in each of the following items and take your own caution to avoid them.
(1) Hazards associated with weather conditions, such as rain, thunder and dense fog
(2) Hazards associated with particular terrains, such as cliffs, steep slopes, ditches and streams
(3) Hazards associated with playground equipment, attractions, etc.
(4) Hazards associated with falling rock, fallen tree, etc.
(5) Dangerous creatures such as bears, boars, wild birds, snakes, bees, horseflies, ticks, ants, centipedes,
(6) Hazards associated with tumbling and falling
(7) Hazards caused by fatigue, drinking, taking drugs and poor physical condition
(8) Other hazards similar to those listed above
2. Ropes, nets and other similar items installed within the Resort just show where hazards are and do not guarantee your safety.
3. If you do not follow Articles 3 and 4 below, we retain the right to refuse you as a guest at the Resort. Even if you have already paid for lifts and other services, if you have conducted an act or are found to be likely to conduct an act in violation of Article 3 or Article 4, we may ask you to discontinue using the Resort, return your tickets including lift tickets and facility use tickets and leave the Resort without reimbursing you for these fees.
4. We do provide warnings and other signs to mark off-limits areas and areas not managed by us, but those are minimum warnings required by laws and regulation, and it is your responsibility to check courses and other facility maps to stay away from these areas.
Article 3: Prohibited Actions
Yuzawa Kogen prohibits the following actions at the Resort.
(1) Entering any closed course or off-limits area
(2) Picking and trampling plants or collecting earth and sand, or digging the land
(3) Bringing guns and swords, explosive or combustible substances, malodorous substances, items generating an extremely loud noise, or substances that pose a risk of danger to people, land, structures, equipment or the environment in and around the Resort, substances prohibited by law, and substances prohibited in our judgment
(4) Intentionally causing damage or destroying the Resort property, including its facilities, ropes, nets, notices and signs, or transferring or removing them without our approval
(5) Intentionally interrupting operation of the facilities, lifts and ropeways
(6) Selling anything without permission
(7) Camping out, including putting up tents
(8) Using fire in the Resort (smoking in the Resort is subject to the rules set forth in Paragraph 2)
(9) Using radio-controlled cars, radio-controlled helicopters, drones, etc. without our approval
(10) Taking photographs in prohibited areas or taking photographs that may cause annoyance to other guests
(11) Endangering the safety of other guests or yourself
(12) Dumping garbage
(13) Engaging in behavior that may disturb other guests
(14) Making violent demands or requests beyond a reasonable scope of us or our employees
(15) Engaging in any other act prohibited by laws and regulations
2. Smoking (including smoking of electronic cigarettes and smoking of heated tobacco) is permitted only in areas specified by Yuzawa Kogen. You must watch out for fire when smoking. You must completely extinguish cigarette butts and matches at all times and put them into ashtrays.
Article 4: Rules of Conduct for Guests
At the Resort we ask you to observe the following Rules of Conduct.
(1) Do not injure other people or endanger their safety.
(2) Use the facilities and play equipment according to the terrain, weather, your abilities and physical conditions and the degree of congestion so that you can stop immediately to avoid any hazard.
(3) Observe notices and signs posted and announcements broadcast within the Resort and follow instructions of the Resort’s patrols and staff.
(4) If you see an accident, disaster, etc., report it and cooperate in rescue activities. Provide your name, address and phone number regardless of whether you are involved in the accident or a witness. We will use this information or provide it to the relevant authorities and medical and other institutions to the extent necessary to respond to the accident.
(5) At the Resort, you are not permitted to bring and use any equipment not approved by us.
Article 5: Guest Responsibility
Xxxxxx Xxxxx does not accept responsibility for any accident caused by your violation of the notices under Paragraph 1 of Article 2, the prohibited actions under Article 3, or the Rules of Conduct under Article 4. If the violation causes damage to us or if we are required to pay damage compensation because of the violation, we will demand that the guest who caused the accident compensate us for the damage or repay the damage compensation we have paid, and the guest must comply with that demand.
2. When a violation of these Rules and Regulations, etc. occurs and rescue in an area not managed by the Resort is requested by you (or your acquaintance), we will conduct rescue activities on our own or jointly with the relevant authorities and, upon completion, will charge you all expenses associated with your rescue. These include expenses for the people involved in your search and rescue, expenses for using snow equipment and lights and for operating lifts and ropeways, and other expenses. You or any acquaintance who has been rescued must pay these expenses.
3. Xxxxxx Xxxxx does not accept responsibility for any theft, etc. occurring in the facilities or parking lot in the Resort, except in cases where the guest stores his or her belongings in the pay storage locked with a key operated by Xxxxxx Xxxxx. If a guest loses or damages the key for such pay storage, the guest will be required to pay 2000 yen as a replacement fee.
4. Xxxxxx Xxxxx does not accept responsibility for any trouble caused by the publication of any image or video of a person who appears in a photograph or filming without giving their consent.
5. You must use lifts and ropeways in accordance with our Lift and Ropeway Rules and Regulations.
6. You must use equipment in accordance with our Play Facilities Use Regulations.
Article 6: Matters beyond Our Control
Yuzawa Kogen may suspend all or part of the operation of the Resort and its facilities including lifts when there is a matter beyond its control such as a natural disaster or the spread of an infectious disease, or a situation where ensuring of the safety of the guests of the Resort is impossible or there is a request for cooperation, administrative guidance or directive or an administrative disposition from any competent public agency.
2. Xxxxxx Xxxxx will not return use fees, etc. even when the operation of the facilities and ropeways is suspended for securing of the safety of the guests due to wind, rain, snow, or fog, etc.
Article 7: Actions for Prevention of Infectious Disease
A guest who is recognized as obviously having contracted any infectious disease is prohibited from using the Resort.
2. Xxxxxx Xxxxx may request the guests of the Resort to cooperate with Xxxxxx Xxxxx for the prevention of the infection by measuring their temperature and disinfecting their hands and fingers before entering the Resort, and wearing masks and keeping a certain distance among themselves in the Resort when entering and using the Resort, and taking other necessary actions for the prevention of the infection, depending on the circumstances of the spread of such infectious disease.
3. We may refuse the use of the Resort by any guest who does not cooperate for the actions implemented by Xxxxxx Xxxxx for the prevention of the infection in the Resort as set forth in the preceding paragraph. If the guest has already started using the Resort, Xxxxxx Xxxxx may request the guest to discontinue using the Resort, return the lift ticket and the resort use ticket, and were leave the Resort. In such a case, Xxxxxx Xxxxx will not return the resort use ticket fee, etc.
Article 8: Other
Pursuant to the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (effective as of March 1, 1992) of Japan, specific organized crime groups, anti-social forces, other organized crime groups and extremist groups as well as their members are not allowed at the Resort. The same applies when any of the Resort guests is a corporation or an organization whose business operation is controlled by an organized crime group or a member of an organized crime group, or a corporation which includes an officer who falls under a member of an organized crime group.
2. If it is found that a guest of the Resort falls under the person specified in the preceding paragraph, Xxxxxx Xxxxx will refuse the use of the facilities of the Resort by the said guest and request the guest to immediately leave the Resort. If the guest does not comply with our request and instructions, Xxxxxx Xxxxx will notify the police and related agencies accordingly.
Article 9: Revision of these Rules and Regulations
Xxxxxx Xxxxx may revise these Rules and Regulations at its own discretion when:
(1) the revision is in the general interest of the Resort guests, and
(2) the revision is not contrary to the intent of the contract consigning the resort operation to us and is rational in its necessity and adequacy as well as in light of conditions requiring or related to the revision.
2. In revising these Rules and Regulations as just described, we will notify the revision, its details and effective date on our website at least one month prior to that effective date.
3. Guests of the Resort using our facilities after the said effective date of the revision of these Rules and Regulations based on this Article are deemed to have agreed with the revised Rules and Regulations.
Supplementary Provision:
Formulated and enforced on December, 2021