Accommodation Terms & Conditions / Rules of Use
第1条 適用範囲
1. 当ホテルが宿泊客との間で締結する宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約は、この約款の定めるところによるものとし、この約款に定めのない事項については、法令等(法令又は法令に基づくものをいう。以下同じ。)又は一般に確立された慣習によるものとします。
2. 当ホテルが、法令等及び慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先するものとします。
第2条 宿泊契約の申込み
1. ホテルに宿泊契約の申込みをしようとする者は、次の事項を当ホテルに申し出ていただきます。
⑴ 宿泊者名
⑵ 宿泊日及び到着予定時刻
⑶ 宿泊料金(原則として別表第1の基本宿泊料による。)
⑷ その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項
2. 宿泊客が、宿泊中に前項第2号の宿泊日を超えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当ホテルは、その申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申込みがあったものとして処理します。
第3条 宿泊契約の成立等
1. 宿泊契約は、当ホテルが前条の申込みを承諾したときに成立するものとします。ただし、当ホテルが承諾をしなかったことを証明したときは、この限りではありません。
2. 前項の規定により宿泊契約が成立したときは、宿泊期間(3日を超えるときは3日間)の基本宿泊料を限度として当ホテルが定める申込金を、当ホテルが指定する日までに、お支払いいただきます。
3. 申込金は、まず、宿泊客が最終的に支払うべき宿泊料金に充当し、第6条及び第18条の規定を適用する事態が生じたときは、違約金に次いで賠償金の順序で充当し、残額があれば、第12条の規定による料金の支払いの際に返還します。
4. 第2項の申込金を同項の規定により当ホテルが指定した日までにお支払いいただけない場合は、宿泊契約はその効力を失うものとします。ただし申込金の支払期日を指定するに当たり、当ホテルがその旨を宿泊客に告知した場合に限ります。
第4条 申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約
1. 前条第2項の規定にかかわらず、当ホテルは、契約の成立後同項の申込金の支払いを要しないこととする特約に応じることがあります。
2. 宿泊契約の申込みを承諾するに当たり、当ホテルが前条第2項の申込金の支払いを求めなかった場合及び当該申込金の支払期日を指定しなかった場合は前項の特約に応じたものとして取り扱います。
第4条の2 施設における感染防止対策への協力の求め
第5条 宿泊契約締結の拒否
1. 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。ただし、本項は、当ホテ
(1) 宿泊の申込みが、この約款によらないとき。
(2) 満室により客室の余裕がないとき。
(3) 宿泊しようとする者が、宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序若しくは善良の風俗に反する行為をするおそれがあると認められるとき。
(4) 宿泊しようとする者が、次のイからハに該当すると認められるとき。
イ. 暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団(以下「暴力団」という。)、同法第2条第6号に規定する暴力団員(以下「暴力団員」という)、暴力団準構成員又は暴力団関係者その他の反社会的勢力
ロ. 暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるとき。ハ. 法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当する者があるもの。
(5) 宿泊しようとする者が、旅館業法第4条の2第1項第1号に規定する特定感染症の患者等(以下「特定感染症の患者等」という。)であるとき。
(6) 宿泊に関し、暴力的要求行為が行われ、又は合理的な範囲を超える負担を求められたとき。(宿泊しようとする者が障害を理由とする差別の解消の推進に関する法律(平成25年法律第65号。以下「障害者差別解消法」という。)第7条第2項又は第2条第2項の規定による社会的障壁の除去を求める場合は除く。)。
(7) 天災、施設の故障、その他やむを得ない事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
(8) 地方自治体が定める条例に基づき、宿泊しようとする者が、泥酔等により、他の宿泊者に著しく迷惑を及ぼすおそれがあると認められるとき。あるいは宿泊者が他の宿泊者に著しく迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
(9) 宿泊しようとする者が、当ホテルに対し、その実施に伴う負担が過重であって他の宿泊者に対する宿泊に関するサービスの提供を著しく阻害するおそれのある要求として旅館業法施行規則第5条の6で定めるものを繰り返したとき。
(10) その他当ホテルの判断により宿泊不適当とみなしたとき。第5条の2 宿泊契約締結の拒否の説明
第6条 宿泊客の契約解除権
1. 宿泊客は、当ホテルに申し出て、宿泊契約を解除することができます。
2. 当ホテルは、宿泊客がその責めに帰すべき事由により宿泊契約の全部又は一部を解除した場合(第3条第2項の規定により当ホテルが申込金の支払期日を指定してその支払を求めた場合であって、その支払いより前に宿泊客が宿泊契約を解除したときを除きます。)は、別表第2に掲げるところにより、違約金を申し受けま
3. 当ホテルは、宿泊客が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の午後6時(あらかじめ、到着予定時刻が明示されている場合は、その時刻を2時間経過した時刻)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊客により解除されたものとみなし処理することがあります。
第7条 当ホテルの契約解除権
1. 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合においては、宿泊契約を解除することがあります。ただし、本項は、当ホテルが、旅館業法第5条に掲げる場合以外の場合に宿泊を拒むことがあることを意味するものではありません。
(1) 宿泊客が宿泊に関し、法令の規定、公の秩序若しくは善良の風俗に反するおそれがあると認められるとき。又は同行為をしたと認められるとき。
(2) 宿泊客が、次のイからハに該当すると認められるとき。
(3) 宿泊客が特定感染症の患者等であるとき。
(4) 宿泊に関し、暴力的要求行為が行われ、又は合理的な範囲を超える負担を求められたとき。
(5) 宿泊客が、当ホテルに対し、その実施に伴う負担が過重であって他の宿泊者に対する宿泊に関するサービスの提供を著しく阻害するおそれのある要求として旅館業法施行規則第5条の6で定める
(6) 天災等不可抗力に起因する事由により宿泊させることができないとき。
(7) 宿泊客が、泥酔等により他の宿泊者に迷惑を及ぼすおそれがあると認められるとき。あるいは宿泊者が他の宿泊者に著しく迷惑を及ぼす言動をしたとき。
(8) 消防用設備等に対するいたずら、その他当ホテルが定める利用規則の禁止事項(火災予防上必要なものに限る。)に従わないとき。
(9) 宿泊客が当ホテルの支払規定に応じられないとき。
(10) その他当ホテルの判断により宿泊不適当とみなしたとき。
2. 当ホテルが前項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、宿泊客がいまだ提供を受けていない宿泊サービス等の料金はいただきません。
第7条の2 宿泊契約解除の説明
第8条 宿泊の登録
1. 宿泊客は、宿泊日当日、当ホテルのフロントにおいて、次の事項を登録していただきます。
(1) 宿泊客の氏名、住所及び連絡先
(2) 日本国内に住所を有しない外国人にあっては、国籍及び旅券番号
(3) その他当ホテルが必要と認める事項
2. 日本国内に住所を有しない外国人にあっては、パスポートの呈示、並びにコピー等をさせていただきます。
3. 宿泊客が第12条の料金の支払いを、宿泊券、クレジットカード等通貨に代わり得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、前項の登録時にそれらを呈示していただきます。
第9条 客室の使用時間
1. 宿泊客が当ホテルの客室を使用できる時間は、午後3時から出発日の午前11時までとします(但し、予約内
2. 当ホテルは、前項の規定にかかわらず、同項に定める時間外の客室の使用に応じることがあります。応じる場合には次に掲げる公式サイトに掲載する追加料金を基本として申し受けます。 ご利用のプランによって異なる場合がございますので公式サイトでご確認いただくか、又はフロントにお問い合わせください。
第10条 利用規則の遵守
宿泊客は当ホテル内においては、当ホテルが定めてホテル内に掲示した利用規則に従っていただきます。第11条 営業時間
1. 当ホテルの主な施設等の営業時間は備え付けパンフレット、各所の掲示、客室内のインフォメーション等でご案内いたします。
2. 営業時間は、必要やむを得ない場合には、臨時に変更する場合があります。その場合には適当な方法をもってお知らせいたします。
第12条 料金の支払い
1. 宿泊客が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳は別表第1に掲げるところによります。
2. 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは、通貨又は当ホテルが認めた宿泊券、クレジットカード等これに代わり得る方法により、当ホテルが請求した時、フロントにおいて行っていただきます。
3. 当ホテルが宿泊客に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊客が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても宿泊料金は申し受けます。
第13条 ホテルの責任
1. 当ホテルは、宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約の履行に当たり、又はそれらの不履行により宿泊客に損害を与えたときは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、それが当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由によるものでないときは、この限りではありません。
2. 当ホテルは、万一の火災等に対処するため、賠償責任保険に加入しております。第14条 契約した客室の提供が出来ないときの取扱い
1. 当ホテルで、宿泊客に契約した客室を提供できないときは、宿泊客の了解を得て、できる限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設を斡旋するものとします。
2. 当ホテルは、前項の規定にかかわらず他の宿泊施設の斡旋ができないときは、違約金相当額の補償料を宿泊客に支払い、その補償料は損害賠償額に充当します。ただし、客室が提供できないことについて、当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由がないときは補償料を支払いません。
第15条 寄託物の取扱い
1. 宿泊客がフロントにお預けになった物について、滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、それが、不可抗力である場合を除き、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、お預けになった物品が現金または貴重品である場合において、宿泊客がその種類及び価額の明告を行わなかったときは、当ホテルは一切その損害を賠償いたしません。
2. 宿泊客が、当ホテル内にお持込みになった物であってフロントにお預けにならなかったものについて滅失、毀損等の損害が生じたときは、それが当ホテルの故意又は過失によらない場合を除き、当ホテルは賠償します。ただし、当ホテルに故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、当ホテルが賠償する場合であっても、宿泊客からあらかじめ種類及び価額の明告のなかったものについては、20万円を限度として当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
第16条 宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管
1. 宿泊客の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当ホテルに到着した場合は、その到着前に当ホテルが了解したときに限って責任をもって保管し、宿泊客がフロントにおいてチェックインする際お渡しします。
2. 宿泊客がチェックアウトしたのち、宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品が当ホテルに置き忘れられていた場合において、その所有者が判明し、当ホテルが必要と判断した場合に、当該所有者に連絡をするとともにその指示を求めるものとします。ただし、所有者が判明しないとき又は連絡の有無にかかわらず所有者の指示がないときは、遺失物法に基づき処理します。
3. 前2項の場合における宿泊客の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当ホテルの責任は、第1項の場合にあっては前項第1 項の規定に、前項の場合にあっては同条第2項の規定に準じるものとします。
第17条 駐車の責任
第18条 宿泊客の責任
第19条 支配する国語
第20条 管轄および準拠法
別表第1 宿泊料金等の内訳(第2条第1項及び第12条第1項関係)
宿泊客が | 基本料金 | ①室料 | ②サービス料(①×15%) | |
支払うべき総額 | 追加料金 | ③飲食料及びその他利用料金 | ④サービス料 | |
税 | 金 | ⑤消費税 | ⑥宿泊税 |
別表第2 違約金(第6条第2項関係)
不泊 | 当日 | 前日 | 7日前 | 21日前 | ||
一 般 | 9名まで | 100% | 100% | 80% | 40% | ― |
団 体 | 10名以上 | 100% | 100% | 80% | 40% | 20% |
(注) 1. %は基本宿泊料に対する違約金の比率です。
2. 契約日数が短縮した場合は、その短縮日数にかかわりなく、1日分(初日)の違約金を収受します。
3. 団体客の契約解除があった場合、宿泊の8日前(その日より後に申込みをお引き受けした場合には
1. 客室内では暖房用、炊事用等の火器等の持ち込みはご遠慮ください。またご使用にならないでください。
2. その他火災の原因となる行為をなさらないでください。
3. 客室からの“避難経路図”は各客室ドア内側に表示しておりますのでご確認ください。
4. ご滞在中、お部屋から出られる時は施錠をご確認ください。(当ホテルは自動施錠になっております)
5. ご滞在中、特にご就寝の時は内鍵、ドアフックをお掛けください。ご来客があった場合には不用意に開扉なさらずドアフックを掛けたまま開扉するかドアスコープでご確認ください。万一、不審者と思われる場合にはフロントまでご連絡ください。
6. ご訪問客との客室でのご面会はご遠慮願います。
7. 宿泊登録者以外のご宿泊は固くお断りいたします。
8. ごみは、所定のごみ箱へ分別廃棄してください。館内の定められた場所以外への廃棄、館外への投棄、近隣への放置及び廃棄する行為をなさらないでください。
1. 現金、その他貴重品の保管につきましては必ず客室備え付けの金庫をご利用ください。金庫をご利用いただかずに現金、または貴重品の紛失や、破損・盗難にあわれましても、その損害の賠償はいたしかねますのでご了承ください。
2. 原則としてお預かり品やお忘れ物は特にご指定のない限り、法令の定める手続きを取らせていただきます。
1. 料金の支払いは通貨、クレジットカード、または当ホテルが認めたクーポン券等によってお支払いいただきます。
2. ホテル内にレストラン、バーなどを併設している施設について、ご署名にてご利用になる場合、ご到着時にフロントでお渡しする宿泊カードを必ずご呈示ください。但し、ご利用代金について、 ご滞在中でもフロントからの請求書の提示がございましたら、その都度お支払いください。
3. ご到着時に宿泊料をお支払いただいきますのでご了承ください。
4. 小切手でのお支払い及び両替には応じかねますのでご了承ください。
5. ホテルオリジナル商品等のお買い物代、航空券、列車、バス等の切符代、タクシー代、郵便切手代、お荷物
6. 勝手ながら所定の税金の他、宿泊約款別表第1に記載のサービス料を加算させていただきます。その他の従業員へのお心付けはご辞退申し上げます。
7. 客室内よりお電話をご利用の際は、施設利用料が加算されておりますのでご了承ください。
1. ホテル内に他のお客様の迷惑になるような物をお持込みにならないでください。
2. ホテル内で賭博や風紀、治安を乱すような行為、他のお客様の迷惑となったり、嫌悪感を与えたりするような行為はおやめください。
3. 当ホテルに許可なく客室やロビーでの営業行為や事務所等のご宿泊以外の目的でのご利用はおやめください。
4. ホテルの外観を損なうような物を窓に掛けたり、窓側に陳列したりしないでください。
5. ホテル内で許可なく広告・宣伝物を配布したり、物品の販売をしたりしないでください。
6. ホテル内の施設・備品を所定の場所・用途以外での使用や、現状を著しく損なうようなご利用はしないでください。
7. ホテル内で撮影された写真等を許可なく営業上の目的で公になさることは法的措置の対象となることがございます。
8. 廊下やロビーに所持品を放置することはおやめください。
9. ナイトウェア、バスローブ、スリッパで廊下、ロビー、レストラン等、客室以外の施設にお出掛けにならないでください。なお、大浴場等の施設を併設するホテルにおいて別途定めを設けている場合には、その定めに従っていただきます。
Accommodation Terms & Conditions / Rules of Use
Accommodation Terms & Conditions Article 1. Scope of Application
1. The Accommodation Contract and related contracts to be concluded between our Hotel and the Guest shall be based on the provisions of these Terms & Conditions, and all matters not stipulated in these Terms & Conditions shall be governed by law/ordinances, etc. (i.e. laws and ordinances or matters based on laws and ordinances. The same shall apply hereinafter.) or generally established practice.
2. Notwithstanding the preceding clause, if our Hotel has agreed to conclude Special Provisions that do not conflict with valid laws/ordinances, etc. or established practice, the said Special Provisions shall prevail.
Article 2. Application for Accommodation Contract
1. A person wishing to apply to our Hotel for an Accommodation Contract shall be required to provide our Hotel with the following particulars:
(1) Name(s) of Xxxxx(s)
(2) Accommodation date(s) and estimated time of arrival
(3) Accommodation charge (based as a general rule on the basic accommodation charges listed in the attached Table 1).
(4) Other information deemed necessary by our Hotel
2. If the Guest during his/her stay requests an extension of accommodation beyond the date(s) given for
(2) in the preceding clause, our Hotel shall handle this request as a new application for an Accommodation Contract submitted at the time said request was made.
Article 3. Conclusion of Accommodation Contract, etc.
1. The Accommodation Contract shall be deemed concluded at the time our Hotel accepts the application described in Article 2, unless our Hotel has certified that it has not accepted said application.
2. Once the Accommodation Contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding clause, the Application Money payable for the accommodation period as determined by our Hotel shall be paid by the date stipulated by our Hotel, up to a maximum amount of three days’ basic accommodation charges (if the accommodation period exceeds three days).
3. The Application Money shall first be applied to final payment of the Accommodation Charges payable and, when circumstances arise requiring application of the provisions of Article 6 and Article 18, to the penalty and then to compensation in that order. Any balance remaining shall be repaid at the time when the accommodation charges are paid as provided in Article 12.
4. If the Application Money described in 2. above has not been paid by the date set by our Hotel as stipulated in that same clause, the Accommodation Contract shall become invalid, but only if our Hotel has notified the Guest to that effect when providing notice of the day on which payment of the Application Money is due.
Article 4. Special Provisions on Non-payment of Application Money
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3.2, our Hotel may in some instances agree to Special Provisions that do not require payment of the Application Money specified in said clause after the conclusion of the Contract.
2. If our Hotel fails to request payment of the Application Money specified in Article 3.2 and/or to stipulate the due date for payment of said Application Money when accepting an application for an Accommodation Contract, the Special Provisions described in the preceding clause shall be deemed to have been accepted.
Article 4-2. Request for cooperation in infection control measures at facilities
The Hotel may request cooperation from the person who intends to stay at the hotel in accordance with the provisions of Article 4-2, Paragraph 1 of the Hotel Business Act (Act No. 138 of 1948).
Article 5. Refusal to Conclude Accommodation Contract
1. Our Hotel may choose not to conclude an Accommodation Contract in the following instances. However, this paragraph does not mean that our Hotel may refuse to accommodate guests in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act:
(1) When the application for accommodation is not based on these Terms & Conditions
(2) When there are no rooms available due to full occupancy
(3) When the person seeking accommodation is considered likely to behave in ways contrary to laws/ordinances, public order or accepted principles of morality
(4) When the person seeking accommodation is deemed to be one of the following:
a. Organized Crime Groups as defined in Article 2, Item 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Groups (Act No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as "Organized Crime Groups"), members of organized crime groups as defined in Article 2, Item 6 of the same article (hereinafter referred to as " Members of Organized Crime Groups "), associate members of organized crime groups or persons related to organized crime groups, or other antisocial groups.
b. A corporation or other group whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or an organized crime group member
c. A corporation whose executives include one or more organized crime group members
(5) When a person seeking accommodations is a patient, etc. with a specific infectious disease, etc. (hereinafter patient with a specific infectious disease, etc.) as stipulated in Article 4-2, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Hotel Business Act.
(6) When the person seeking accommodation has made abusive demands or demands exceeding rational limits regarding accommodation. (However, this excludes cases where a person seeking accommodations requests the removal of barriers pursuant to the stipulations in Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Act No. 65 of 2013; hereinafter the “Disability Discrimination Elimination Act”).
(7) When a natural disaster, facility breakdown, or other unavoidable cause prevents the person from
staying at our Hotel
(8) When the person seeking accommodation is considered likely to cause significant annoyance to other guests due to inebriation, etc., or has caused significant annoyance to other guests through his/her language or behavior as defined in local government ordinances
(9) When a person seeking accommodations repeatedly makes requests to our Hotel to the point that it becomes a burden that it may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests, as stipulated in Article 5-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Hotel Business Act.
(10) When accommodation is deemed inappropriate for other reasons at the discretion of the Hotel Article 5-2. Explanation of refusal to conclude a contract of accommodation
The person who intends to stay may request the Hotel to explain the reasons for its refusal to enter into a contract of accommodation in accordance with the preceding article.
Article 6. Right of Guest to Cancel Contract
1. The Guest may request that our Hotel cancel the Accommodation Contract.
2. If the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part for reasons attributable to the Guest himself/herself (except when our Hotel has requested payment of the Application Money by stipulating the due date for such payment under the provisions of Article 3.2 and the Guest cancels the Accommodation Contract prior to such payment), payment of a penalty shall be required as specified in the attached Table 2. However, if our Hotel has accepted the Special Provisions described in Article 4.1, this clause shall be applied only if our Hotel notified the Guest of his/her obligation to pay a penalty for cancellation of the Contract when accepting the Special Provisions.
3. If the Guest does not arrive by 6 pm on the accommodation date without informing our Hotel of a delay (or after the lapse of two hours beyond the scheduled time of arrival if indicated by the Guest beforehand), the Accommodation Contract with the Guest may be considered to have been cancelled by the Guest and handled accordingly.
Article 7. Right of Hotel to Cancel Contract
1. Our Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract in the following instances. However, this clause does not mean that our Hotel may refuse accommodation in cases other than those listed in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.
(1) When the Guest is considered likely to behave, or deemed to have behaved, in ways contrary to laws/ordinances, public order or accepted principles of morality
(2) When the Guest is deemed to be one of the following:
(a) An organized crime group, an organized crime group member, an associate member or affiliate of an organized crime group, or some other antisocial force
(b) A corporation or other group whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or an organized crime group member
(c) A corporation whose executives include one or more organized crime group members
(3) When a Guest is a patient, etc. with a specific infectious disease, etc.
(4) When the Guest has made abusive demands or demands exceeding rational limits regarding accommodation.(This excludes cases where a Guest requests the removal of barriers pursuant to the stipulations in Article 7, Paragraph 2 or Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Disability Discrimination Elimination Act).
(5) When a Guest of our Hotel repeatedly makes requests to our Hotel to the point that it becomes a burden that it may seriously impede the provision of accommodation-related services to other guests, as stipulated in Article 5-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Hotel Business Act.
(6) When a natural disaster or other unavoidable cause prevents the Guest from staying at our Hotel
(7) When the Guest is considered likely to cause significant annoyance to other guests due to inebriation, etc., or has caused significant annoyance to other guests through his/her language or behavior as defined in local government ordinances
(8) When the Guest abuses firefighting equipment, etc., or does not comply with other prohibitions stipulated by our Hotel (but only those pertaining to fire prevention) in the Rules of Use established by our Hotel
(9) When the Guest has not satisfied the Hotel’s payment provisions
(10) When accommodation is deemed inappropriate for other reasons at the discretion of the Hotel.
2. If our Hotel has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provisions of the preceding clause, charges for accommodation service, etc., that have not yet been provided to the Guest shall not be receivable.
Article 7-2. Explanation of Cancellation of Accommodation Contract
In the event that the Hotel cancels the accommodation contract in accordance with the preceding article, the Guest may request an explanation of the reasons for such cancellation.
Article 8. Registration for Accommodation
1. The Guest shall be required to register the following particulars at the front desk of our Hotel on the accommodation date:
(1) Name, address and contact information of the Guest
(2) Guests who are foreign nationals and do not possess a local address in Japan should provide their nationality and passport number
(3) Other particulars considered necessary by our Hotel
2. If the Guest is a foreign national with no address in Japan, the Hotel shall require the Guest to present his/her passport and shall copy or otherwise record the details thereof.
3. If the Guest intends to pay the charges described in Article 12 by using such means as accommodation coupons, credit cards, etc., instead of cash, he/she shall be required to present these when registering as described in 1. above.
Article 9. Time Allowed for Use of Guest Rooms
1. The Guest shall be allowed to use a guest room at our Hotel from 3 pm until 11 am of the day of departure (these hours may differ depending on the reservation details).
2. Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding clause, our Hotel may in some instances agree to the
use of a guest room for hours other than those specified in the preceding clause, in which case the additional charge posted on the official website listed below shall be assessed. This charge may differ by usage plan, so please check the official website or inquire at the front desk.
Article 10. Compliance with Rules of Use
While staying at our Hotel, the Guest shall be required to comply with our Hotel’s Rules of Use posted inside our Hotel.
Article 11. Business Hours
1. Details of the service hours of key facilities in the hotel are explained in the pamphlets made available by our Hotel, signs throughout our Hotel, and the service directory provided in each guest room.
2. Service hours may be changed temporarily when necessary for unavoidable reasons, in which case the Guest shall be notified by suitable means
Article 12. Payment of Charges
1. A breakdown of the accommodation charges, etc., payable by the Guest is given in the attached Table 1.
2. Payment of the accommodation charges, etc., described in the preceding clause shall be made at the front desk in cash or by other alternative means acceptable by our Hotel, such as accommodation coupons, credit cards, etc., when the Guest is charged by our Hotel.
3. The Guest shall still be billed for the accommodation charges if the Guest at his/her own discretion chooses not to stay at our Hotel after a guest room has been provided to the Guest and made available for his/her use.
Article 13. Liability of Hotel
1. If our Hotel has caused harm to the Guest in the course of fulfilling the Accommodation Contract and related contracts or in breach of these contracts, our Hotel shall compensate for said harm, unless said harm is due to a cause not attributable to our Hotel.
2. Our Hotel is covered by liability insurance to cope with fires and other emergencies.
Article 14. Non-availability of Contracted Guest Room
1. If the guest room contracted by the Guest in the Accommodation Contract becomes unavailable, our Hotel shall try as far as possible to arrange for other accommodation facilities under the same conditions as the original Accommodation Contract, subject to the consent of the Guest concerned.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding clause, if our Hotel is unable to arrange other accommodation facilities for the Guest, our Hotel shall pay the Guest an amount equivalent to the penalty as compensation to be applied to the amount of compensable harm. However, our Hotel shall not pay said compensation if the guest room has become unavailable through no fault of our Hotel.
Article 15. Checked Articles, etc.
1. If articles checked by the Guest at the front desk have been lost or damaged, our Hotel shall compensate for the loss/damage, unless the loss/damage is due to force majeure. However, when the articles checked are cash and/or valuables, our Hotel shall pay no compensation whatsoever unless the Guest submits a declaration of the kind and value of said cash and/or valuables.
2. If the Guest has brought articles into our Hotel but has not checked them at the front desk, our Hotel shall compensate for any loss/damage to the articles caused intentionally or negligently on the part of our Hotel, except when the Guest has not declared beforehand the kind and value of the items lost/damaged, in which case our Hotel shall compensate for the loss or damage up to 200,000 yen unless our Hotel is intentionally or by gross negligence liable for such loss or damage.
Article 16. Custody of Baggage or Personal Belongings of Guest
1. If a Guest’s baggage arrives at our Hotel prior to his/her arrival, our Hotel shall hold the baggage if so agreed prior to its arrival, and shall turn it over to the Guest when he/she checks in at the front desk.
2. If the Guest leaves behind baggage or personal belongings after he/she has checked out, our Hotel shall as it deems necessary contact the owner of such items and request instructions. However, if the owner has not been identified or the owner, whether contacted by our Hotel or not, has not offered instructions, the items shall be handled in accordance with the Lost Property Act.
3. The liability of our Hotel regarding custody of the Guest's baggage or personal belongings in the preceding two clauses shall conform to the provisions of Article 15.1 in the case of 1. above and to the provisions of Article 15.2 in the case of 2. above.
Article 17. Liability for Parking
If the Guest uses our Hotel’s parking area or a parking area suggested by our Hotel (a public parking garage, etc.), our Hotel shall only have provided directions to the parking area and shall not assume responsibility for care and custody of the parked vehicle, regardless of whether or not our Hotel has been asked to keep the key to the vehicle. However, our Hotel shall be liable for compensation if the parked vehicle is damaged intentionally or negligently by our Hotel while managing the parking area.
Article 18. Liability of Guest
If our Hotel has suffered harm caused intentionally or negligently by the Guest, the Guest shall be required to compensate our Hotel for said harm.
Article 19. Ruling Language
These Terms & Conditions shall be prepared in Japanese and other languages but the Japanese text shall prevail on all points if any discrepancies or differences arise between the texts.
Article 20. Jurisdiction and Governing Law
All disputes arising in connection with these Terms & Conditions shall be resolved by a Japanese court having jurisdiction over the location of the Hotel and in accordance with the laws and ordinances of Japan.
Total amount to be paid by Guest | Basic charges | ① Room charge ② Service charge (① x 15%) |
Additional charges | ③ Food/beverage and other usage charges ④ Service charge | |
Taxes | ⑤ Consumption tax |
Table 1: Breakdown of Accommodation Charges [relevant to Article 2.1, 12.1, and Rules of Use (Payments)6]
⑥ Accommodation tax |
1. The room charge is based on the table of charges posted by our Hotel.
2. If tax laws are amended, taxes shall be assessed in accordance with the amended laws.
3. Service charges vary depending on the rates posted by each facility/restaurant.
Table 2: Penalties [relevant to Article 6.2]
No show | Accommodation date | 1 day prior | 7 days prior | 21 days prior | ||
General guests | Up to 9 persons | 100% | 100% | 80% | 40% | ― |
Group guests | 10 or more persons | 100% | 100% | 80% | 40% | 20% |
1. The percentage represents the percentage of the basic accommodation charge to be assessed as a penalty.
2. If the contracted number of accommodation days has been reduced, a penalty for one day (the first day) shall be assessed, regardless of the number of days reduced.
3. If the Accommodation Contract for a Group has been cancelled, a penalty shall not be assessed for 10% of the Group members booked for accommodation (rounded up) as of eight (8) days prior to the accommodation date (or the day when the Accommodation Contract was accepted if less than eight
(8) days prior to the accommodation date).
Rules of Use
To ensure you have a safe and comfortable stay at our hotel, we ask that you please follow the Rules of Use stipulated below in accordance with Article 10 of these Terms & Conditions. Please bear in mind that, as noted in Article 7 of these Terms & Conditions, we may be compelled to refuse accommodation or the use of hotel facilities to guests who fail to observe these rules, and may hold such guests liable for violations of these rules.
(Safety and Security Measures)
1. Please refrain from bringing heating, cooking and other such appliances into guest rooms and from using such appliances in guest rooms.
2. Please refrain from any other activities that could cause a fire.
3. Diagrams showing emergency evacuation routes from guest rooms have been posted on the inside of the doors to all guest rooms, so please familiarize yourself with the evacuation route from your room.
4. Please ensure that you lock your door each time you leave your room during your stay (the rooms in
this hotel have automatic locks).
5. Please use the internal lock and the chain lock during your stay, especially when you go to sleep. If a visitor comes to your room, please do not open the door unthinkingly but instead use the peephole or open the door with the chain lock still engaged. Please contact the front desk if a suspicious visitor comes to your door.
6. Please refrain from entertaining visitors in your guest room.
7. Persons other than registered guests are strictly forbidden from staying overnight in guest rooms.
8. Please sort and dispose of garbage in the designated waste bins; do not dispose of waste in non- designated locations within the hotel, throw waste outside the hotel, or leave or dispose of waste near the hotel.
(Valuables and Checked Articles)
1. Please use the safe installed in your guest room to store cash and other valuables, and note that our Hotel shall not be liable for compensation for the loss, damage or theft of cash or other valuables not kept inside the safe.
2. Unless specifically stipulated otherwise, checked articles and forgotten items shall in general be handled via the procedures set forth in laws and ordinances.
1. All charges shall be paid by cash, credit card or coupons accepted by the Hotel.
2. When charging bills for restaurants, bars and other hotel facilities to your room, please present the guest room card provided to you at the front desk when you arrived. If the front desk requests that you settle such charges during your stay, please pay the charges when requested.
3. Please note that you will be asked to pay accommodation charges when you arrive at the hotel.
4. Please understand that we cannot accept payments by check nor can we change money.
5. Guests may not have the hotel cover payments on their behalf for purchases of hotel goods, airline/train/bus/taxi fares, postage stamp costs, baggage shipping charges, etc.
6.In addition to the stipulated tax, a service charge will be added to the room rate as stated in the attached Table 1.
7. Other gratuities to employees will be gratefully declined.
8. Please note that telephone calls made from your guest room will incur a facility usage charge.
1. Please do not bring items likely to inconvenience or endanger other guests into the hotel:
(a) Dogs, cats, birds or other animals/pets
Notwithstanding the above clause, guide dogs for persons with visual or hearing disabilities and service dogs as stipulated in the Act on Assistance Dogs for Physically Disabled Persons are permitted to accompany guests in the hotel.
(b) Gunpowder, gasoline or other substances of a combustible or flammable nature, as well as other hazardous items
(c) Malodorous or strong-smelling substances
(d) Unlicensed firearms or swords
(e) Excessively large volumes of baggage or other goods
(f) Other items whose possession is prohibited by law or ordinance
2. Please do not gamble or engage in other activities within the hotel that are injurious to public morals or public peace or that other guests would find annoying or repugnant.
3. Please refrain from using guest rooms or the lobby for business/office activities or for any other purpose than accommodation without express authorization from the hotel.
4. Please do not hang objects on the window or display objects inside the windows that might detract from the hotel’s exterior appearance.
5. Please do not distribute advertising/publicity materials or engage in the sale of goods within the hotel without express authorization from the hotel.
6. Please do not use hotel facilities/fixtures outside their designated location/use or in a way that would significantly diminish their condition.
7. The publication for commercial purposes of photographs, etc., taken inside the hotel without express authorization from the hotel may be subject to legal action.
8. Please do not leave possessions in the hallway or in the lobby.
9. Please do not enter hallways, the lobby, restaurants or other facilities other than guest rooms wearing nightwear, bathrobes or slippers. If the hotel has a pool bath or other such facilities and has different rules that apply, please abide by those rules.
10. Please do not enter emergency staircases, the roof floor, equipment rooms or other facilities not designated for guest use except in emergencies or other unavoidable circumstances.
11. Accommodation of minors without the authorization of a guardian is strictly forbidden.
12. The hotel may demand suitable compensation if structures, furniture, fixtures or other items are damaged, soiled or lost for reasons other than force majeure.
13. Please do not smoke anywhere outside designated areas.