General information piemēru punkti

General information. The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “SOCIAL WELFARE” in Baltic International Academy.
General information. The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “Geography and earth sciences” in Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of University of Latvia.
General information. The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “EDUCATION, PEDAGOGY AND SPORT” in University of Liepāja.
General information. Full name of legal entity Country of establishment (registration) (incl. city, postal code, country) E-mail address Company website Commercial register number Incorporation date Management board members (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Name, surname: Position: Supervisory board members (if existing) (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Name, surname: Position: Name of legal entity / Individual’s name, surname (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Registration No of legal entity / Date of birth of individual Country of establishment of legal entity/nationality of individual % of owned shares Please include the following information: 1. Show all legal entities which directly or indirectly own, control or have voting power with a 10% or greater shareholding within the ownership chain. Provide the percentage of their shareholding. Does the organisation have one or more Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)1 with an interest of 10% or more? ( ) Yes, please enter below the details of the beneficial owners. ( ) No 1 An UBO is a natural person or persons who hold an interest of at least 10% in the legal entity’s capital, or can exercise at least 10% of the voting rights at the general meeting of shareholders, or are the beneficiaries of at least 10% of the legal entity’s capital.
General information. The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, COMPUTER ENGINEERING, ELECTRONICS, TELECOMMUNICATION, COMPUTER CONTROL AND COMPUTER SCIENCES” in Ventspils University College.
General information. Full name of legal entity Country of establishment (registration) (incl. city, postal code, country) E-mail address Company website Commercial register number Incorporation date Management board members (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Name, surname: Position: Supervisory board members (if existing) (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Name, surname: Position: Name of legal entity / Individual’s name, surname (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Registration No of legal entity / Date of birth of individual Country of establishment of legal entity/nationality of individual % of owned shares ULTIMATE BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE Please include the following information: 1. Show all legal entities which directly or indirectly own, control or have voting power with a 10% or greater shareholding within the ownership chain. Provide the percentage of their shareholding. 2. Does the organisation have one or more Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) with an interest of 10% or more? 3. Provide the names of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) of the legal entity. 4. Provide organisational chart (if available) (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Does the organisation have one or more Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)3 with an interest of 10% or more? ( ) Yes, please enter below the details of the beneficial owners. ( ) No Name of the beneficial owner: % of interest: Stock Exchange Listing (please indicate if this counterparty or any shareholding entities are listed on a regulated stock exchange incl. name of listed company and name of stock exchange)
General information. Full name of legal entity Country of establishment (registration) (incl. city, postal code, country) E-mail address Company website Commercial register number Incorporation date Management board members (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) 1.1. Name, surname: Position: Supervisory board members (if existing) (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) 1.2. Name, surname: Position: INFORMATION ABOUT COUNTERPARTY'S OWNERS (if the owner is a legal entity please 1) fulfil this KYC form on each legal entity in the chain of ownership; 2) submit schematic information about the chain of ownership) Individual’s name, surname (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Date of birth of individual Nationality of individual % of owned shares ULTIMATE BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE Please include the following information: 1. Show all legal entities which directly or indirectly own, control or have voting power with a 10% or greater shareholding within the ownership chain. Provide the percentage of their shareholding. 2. Does the organisation have one or more Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) with an interest of 10% or more? 3. Provide the names of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) of the legal entity. 4. Provide organisational chart (if available) (include on a separate sheet if required or insert more lines) Does the organisation have one or more Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s)2 with an interest of 10% or more? ( ) Yes, please enter below the details of the beneficial owners. ( ) No Name of the beneficial owner: % of interest: 2 An UBO is a natural person or persons who hold an interest of at least 10% in the legal entity’s capital, or can exercise at least 10% of the voting rights at the general meeting of shareholders, or are the beneficiaries of at least 10% of the legal entity’s capital. Stock Exchange Listing (please indicate if this counterparty or any shareholding entities are listed on a regulated stock exchange incl. name of listed company and name of stock exchange) Third countries in which has other substantial economic relationship □ Russia □ Belarus □ other (please indicate country:) □ has not any economic relationship in third countries Thank you for your time and effort in completing this form! name, surname of the counterparty’s representative signature date Rīgā, personās, kuri rīkojas pamatojoties uz , no vienas puses, un , (turpmāk tekstā – "Apdrošinātājs"), personā, kura rīkojas pamatojoties u...

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