Common use of Impact Clause in Contracts

Impact. 2.1. Scientific results of the project (description) 2.2. Research development opportunities (description) 2.3. Socio-economic impact of results (description) 2.4. Publicity and communication (description) Table x No Communication channel (for example, television, radio, social media, etc.) Activity (for example, interview, popular science article, seminar, etc.) Planned/reached target audience (a description of the target audience for the activity, and the amount of the audience reached) Available at (provide a link to where the activity or information about the activity is available) Date of publication/event 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.5. Contribution to the capacity building and career development of the project applicant

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Grant Competition Regulations, Akadēmiskās Karjeras Pēcdoktorantūras Grantu Konkursa Nolikums

Impact. 2.1. Scientific results of the project (description) 2.2. Research development opportunities (description) 2.3. Socio-economic impact of results (description) 2.4. Publicity and communication (description) Table x No Communication N o Communicatio n channel (for example, television, radio, social media, etc.) Activity (for example, interview, popular science article, seminar, etc.) Planned/reached target audience (a description of the target audience for the activity, and the amount of the audience reached) Available at (provide a link to where the activity or information about the activity is available) Date of publication/event 1. 2. 3. 4.publication/ event 2.5. Contribution to the capacity building and career development of the project applicant

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Pēcdoktorantūras Grantu Konkursa Nolikums, Grant Competition Regulations

Impact. 2.1. Scientific results of the project (description) 2.2. Research development opportunities (description) 2.3. Socio-economic impact of results (description) 2.4. Publicity and communication (description) Table x No Communication channel (for example, television, radio, social media, ,etc.) Activity (for example, interview, popular science popularscience article, seminar, etc.) Planned/reached target audience (a description of the target audience for the activity, and the amount of the audience reachedaudiencereached) Available at (provide a link to where the activity or information about the activity is available) Date of publicationofpublication/event 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.5. Contribution to the capacity building and career development of the project applicantapplicant No Results (in line with the call text Art. #14) Planned Achieved Means of verification Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Iekšējo Pētniecības Un Attīstības Grantu Konkursa Nolikums