Common use of Novērtējuma veikšanas vispārīgais apraksts Clause in Contracts

Novērtējuma veikšanas vispārīgais apraksts. 3.1. Studiju virzienu novērtē studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisija. Studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisijas (turpmāk - ekspertu grupas) izveide notiek saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 14.07.2015. noteikumiem Nr.407 “Augstskolu, koledžu un studiju virzienu akreditācijas noteikumi”. 3.2. AIC nodrošina ekspertu grupas sastāva komplektēšanu. Eksperts var tikt apstiprināts eksperta, ekspertu grupas vadītāja vai ekspertu grupas sekretāra statusā. 4. Ekspertu grupas veidošanas principi 4.1. Ekspertu grupa sastāv no pieciem ekspertiem, no kuriem AIC izvirza un Studiju akreditācijas komisija apstiprina ekspertu grupas vadītāju un sekretāru. 4.2. Ekspertu grupu veido tā, lai nodrošinātu, ka ekspertiem kopumā ir: 4.2.1. pieredze iekšējās kvalitātes nodrošināšanas sistēmu darbībā; TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1. General information The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. 2. The aim of the procurement To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “Economics” in BA School of Business and Finance. 3. General description of the assessment 3.1. The study direction is assessed by the Committee for the assessment of study direction. The Committee for the assessment of study direction (hereinafter - the group of the experts) is established according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”. 3.2. The AIC comprise the group of experts. The expert can be confirmed in the position of expert, the head of the group of experts or secretary of the group of experts. 4. Principles of establishment the group of experts 4.1. The group of experts shall be comprised of five experts, of which AIC nominates and Study Accreditation Committee approves the head and the secretary of the group of experts. 4.2. The group of experts shall be comprised in such a way as to ensure that the experts in general shall have: 4.2.1. experience in internal quality assurance system operation;

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Novērtējuma veikšanas vispārīgais apraksts. 3.1. Studiju virzienu novērtē studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisija. Studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisijas (turpmāk - ekspertu grupas) izveide notiek saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 14.07.2015. noteikumiem Nr.407 “Augstskolu, koledžu un studiju virzienu akreditācijas noteikumi”. 3.2. AIC nodrošina ekspertu grupas sastāva komplektēšanu. Eksperts var tikt apstiprināts eksperta, ekspertu grupas vadītāja vai ekspertu grupas sekretāra statusā. 4. Ekspertu grupas veidošanas principi 4.1. Ekspertu grupa sastāv no pieciem ekspertiem, no kuriem AIC izvirza un Studiju akreditācijas komisija apstiprina ekspertu grupas vadītāju un sekretāru. 4.2. Ekspertu grupu veido tā, lai nodrošinātu, ka ekspertiem kopumā ir: 4.2.1. pieredze iekšējās kvalitātes nodrošināšanas sistēmu darbībā; TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1. General information The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. 2. The aim of the procurement To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “EconomicsHotel and restaurants service, tourism and recreation organization” in BA School Vidzeme University of Business and Finance. Applied Sciences 3. General description of the assessment 3.1. The study direction is assessed by the Committee for the assessment of study direction. The Committee for the assessment of study direction (hereinafter - the group of the experts) is established according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”. 3.2. The AIC comprise the group of experts. The expert can be confirmed in the position of expert, the head of the group of experts or secretary of the group of experts. 4. Principles of establishment the group of experts 4.1. The group of experts shall be comprised of five experts, of which AIC nominates and Study Accreditation Committee approves the head and the secretary of the group of experts. 4.2. The group of experts shall be comprised in such a way as to ensure that the experts in general shall have: 4.2.1. experience in internal quality assurance system operation; 4.2.2. qualification in the field corresponding to the assessed study direction;

Appears in 2 contracts


Novērtējuma veikšanas vispārīgais apraksts. 3.1. Studiju virzienu novērtē studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisija. Studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisijas (turpmāk - ekspertu grupas) izveide notiek saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 14.07.2015. noteikumiem Nr.407 “Augstskolu, koledžu un studiju virzienu akreditācijas noteikumi”. 3.2. AIC nodrošina ekspertu grupas sastāva komplektēšanu. Eksperts var tikt apstiprināts eksperta, ekspertu grupas vadītāja vai ekspertu grupas sekretāra statusā. 4. Ekspertu grupas veidošanas principi 4.1. Ekspertu grupa sastāv no pieciem ekspertiem, no kuriem AIC izvirza un Studiju akreditācijas komisija apstiprina ekspertu grupas vadītāju un sekretāru. 4.2. Ekspertu grupu veido tā, lai nodrošinātu, ka ekspertiem kopumā ir: 4.2.1. pieredze iekšējās kvalitātes nodrošināšanas sistēmu darbībā; 4.2.2. kvalifikācija nozarē, kas atbilst vērtējamam studiju virzienam; TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1. General information The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. 2. The aim of the procurement To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “EconomicsHotel and restaurants service, tourism and recreation organization” in BA School Vidzeme University of Business and Finance. Applied Sciences 3. General description of the assessment 3.1. The study direction is assessed by the Committee for the assessment of study direction. The Committee for the assessment of study direction (hereinafter - the group of the experts) is established according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”. 3.2. The AIC comprise the group of experts. The expert can be confirmed in the position of expert, the head of the group of experts or secretary of the group of experts. 4. Principles of establishment the group of experts 4.1. The group of experts shall be comprised of five experts, of which AIC nominates and Study Accreditation Committee approves the head and the secretary of the group of experts. 4.2. The group of experts shall be comprised in such a way as to ensure that the experts in general shall have: 4.2.1. experience in internal quality assurance system operation; 4.2.2. qualification in the field corresponding to the assessed study direction;

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Samples: Expert Vita Stiģe

Novērtējuma veikšanas vispārīgais apraksts. 3.1. Studiju virzienu novērtē studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisija. Studiju virziena novērtēšanas komisijas (turpmāk - ekspertu grupas) izveide notiek saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 14.07.2015. noteikumiem Nr.407 “Augstskolu, koledžu un studiju virzienu akreditācijas noteikumi”. 3.2. AIC nodrošina ekspertu grupas sastāva komplektēšanu. Eksperts var tikt apstiprināts eksperta, ekspertu grupas vadītāja vai ekspertu grupas sekretāra statusā. 4. Ekspertu grupas veidošanas principi 4.1. Ekspertu grupa sastāv no pieciem ekspertiem, no kuriem AIC izvirza un Studiju akreditācijas komisija apstiprina ekspertu grupas vadītāju un sekretāru. 4.2. Ekspertu grupu veido tā, lai nodrošinātu, ka ekspertiem kopumā ir: 4.2.1. pieredze iekšējās kvalitātes nodrošināšanas sistēmu darbībā; 4.2.2. kvalifikācija nozarē, kas atbilst vērtējamam studiju virzienam; TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1. General information The Academic Information Centre (hereinafter - AIC) implements the project funded by the European Social Fund “Support for Meeting the Requirements Set for EQAR Agency” No. which provides up to mid-2019 introduce Latvian higher education quality assurance system which complies with the standards and guidelines accepted in the European higher education area. Within the project 12 study direction pilot accreditations are conducted. Selection of experts is carried out to ensure pilot accreditation process. 2. The aim of the procurement To carry on selection of the experts to assess study direction “Economics” in BA School of Business and Finance. 3. General description of the assessment 3.1. The study direction is assessed by the Committee for the assessment of study direction. The Committee for the assessment of study direction (hereinafter - the group of the experts) is established according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”. 3.2. The AIC comprise the group of experts. The expert can be confirmed in the position of expert, the head of the group of experts or secretary of the group of experts. 4. Principles of establishment the group of experts 4.1. The group of experts shall be comprised of five experts, of which AIC nominates and Study Accreditation Committee approves the head and the secretary of the group of experts. 4.2. The group of experts shall be comprised in such a way as to ensure that the experts in general shall have: 4.2.1. experience in internal quality assurance system operation;

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