The evaluation process. 6.1. Prior to the on-site visit and during the on-site visit the expert group duties are: 6.1.1. to review the documents that regulate the accreditation of the study direction, and shall participate in training organized by the AIC before the on-site visit; 6.1.2. to review the self-assessment report of the institution of higher education and other relevant information; 6.1.3. to prepare the opinion on various aspects, including also topics/issues that should be paid special attention to during the on-site visit, and shall forward it electronically to the head of the group of experts and the assessment coordinator not later than one week before the start of the on-site visit; 6.1.4. to perform other tasks related to the assessment process, in accordance with the tasks allocated among the members of the group of experts 6.2. The head of the expert group is responsible for the group of experts on the whole and has following duties: 6.2.1. prior to the on-site visit, he or she shall organize (videoconference, phone conference, e-mail etc.) communication of the group members, after they have reviewed the documents; 6.2.2. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall discuss the schedule of work of the group of experts with the AIC; 6.2.3. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall allocate the responsibilities among the members of the group of experts; 6.2.4. to chair the meetings of the group of experts. 6.3. The secretary of the group of experts is responsible for the joint report by the group of experts and before on-site visit collect the opinions and observations by all members of the expert group after they have reviewed the documents. 6.4. During the on-site visit the group of experts: 1) the member of the group of experts is employed or has other type of contract with the institution of higher education which study direction is evaluated or he/she has been employed in this institution of the higher education within 2 years before the on-site visit; 2) the member of the expert group is in the composition of decision-making or advisor bodies of the institution where the study direction assessment is carried out; 3) the member of the group of experts is studying in the institution of higher education or within 2 years before the on-site visit has graduated the institution of higher education where the study direction assessment is carried out; 4) in the assessed study direction is involved person who is father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, child, xxxxxxxxxx, adoptee, adoptive parent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister or spouse of the member of the group of experts. 6.4.1. within 3 to 4 working days shall meet the administration of the institution of higher education and/or of the respective structural unit, the working group that has developed the self-assessment, the teaching staff, students, graduates, and the representatives of employers and/or professional organizations. 6.4.2. at the end of the workday, the group of experts shall mutually discuss and summarize the obtained information and the observations that have been made; 6.4.3. on the final day of the on-site visit, the group of experts shall mutually discuss the results of the on-site visit, shall draft a joint opinion on meeting the criteria; and the group of experts shall discuss the main findings and conclusions made during the on-site visit with the management of the institution of higher education as well as the representatives of the academic staff and students. 6.5. The head of the group of experts during the on-site visit, shall chair the meetings with the target groups or shall appoint another expert for chairing definite meetings 6.6. The secretary of the group of experts shall collect the opinions and observations by all members of the group of experts. 6.7. After the on-site visit the group of experts: 6.7.1. shall participate in the development of the joint report within the terms set by AIC and submit it not later than one month after the on-site visit; 6.7.2. shall come to an agreement on the evaluation of the assessment criteria (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”), at the same time taking into consideration the European Standards and Guidelines on quality assurance in higher education (ESG), Part I “Standards and Guidelines on Internal Quality Assurance”; 6.7.3. shall come to an agreement upon wording that is acceptable to all experts (consensus). However, if the opinion of the members of the group of experts on one of the aspects differs, the dissenting opinion shall be indicated in the respective section of the joint report; 6.7.4. shall review the comments by the institution of higher education on the joint report; 6.7.5. perform other tasks related to the assessment procedure in accordance with duties allocated among the members of the group of experts. 6.8. The secretary of the group of experts: 6.8.1. shall prepare the joint report, taking into consideration the fact that the joint report reflects the opinion of the group of experts as a whole, and using sources of information: a self-assessment report of the study direction, outcomes of students’ and employers’ surveys, as well as the outcomes of graduates’ survey, information provided by the State Education Quality Service and the certification institution, information provided by Observers on the implementation of this study direction, results of the on-site visit to the institution of higher education or the college by the experts of the committee for the assessment of a study direction, additional information provided by the institution of higher education or the college, if the committee for the assessment of a study direction has requested this (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Paragraph 54) 6.8.2. shall ensure the compliance of the joint report with Annex 10 to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Annex 10); 6.8.3. shall submit draft of the joint report to AIC not later than three weeks after the on-site visit; 6.8.4. shall submit final version of the joint report to AIC after assessment. 6.9. The electronic version of the joint report shall be submitted to AIC not later than one month after the on-site visit to the institution of higher education. The job is considered as complete only when the secretary of the group of experts has submitted in AIC joint report signed by all experts (the joint report may be signed with digital signatures and submitted in AIC electronically if the experts mutually have agreed so) in two copies in English. Text of electronically submitted joint report shall not differ from the signed and submitted text of the joint report.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Expert Services Agreement, Expert Services Agreement, Expert Services Agreement
The evaluation process. 6.1. Prior to the on-site visit and during the on-on- site visit the expert group duties are:
6.1.1. to review the documents that regulate the accreditation of the study direction, and shall participate in training organized by the AIC before the on-site visit;
6.1.2. to review the self-assessment report of the institution of higher education and other relevant information;
6.1.3. to prepare the opinion on various aspects, including also topics/issues that should be paid special attention to during the on-site visit, and shall forward it electronically to the head of the group of experts and the assessment coordinator not later than one week before the start of the on-site visit;
6.1.4. to perform other tasks related to the assessment process, in accordance with the tasks allocated among the members of the group of experts
6.2. The head of the expert group is responsible for the group of experts on the whole and has following duties:
6.2.1. prior to the on-site visit, he or she shall organize (videoconference, phone conference, e-mail etc.) communication of the group members, after they have reviewed the documents; telefonkonferences, e-pasta u.c. veidā);
6.2.2. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall discuss the schedule of work of the group of experts with the pirms ekspertu grupas vizītes apspriež ekspertu darba plānu ar AIC;
6.2.3. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall allocate the responsibilities among the members of the group of expertspirms ekspertu grupas vizītes sadala pienākumus ekspertu grupas dalībniekiem;
6.2.4. to chair the meetings of the group of expertsvada ekspertu grupas sanāksmes.
6.3. The secretary of the group of experts is responsible for the joint report by the group of experts and before on-site visit collect the opinions and observations by all members of the expert group after they have reviewed the documentsEkspertu grupas sekretārs ir atbildīgs par ekspertu grupas kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanu un pirms vizītes apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus, kas radušies, iepazīstoties ar dokumentiem.
6.4. During the on-site visit the group of expertsVizītes norises laikā ekspertu grupa:
1) the member of the group of experts is employed or has other type of contract with the institution of higher education which study direction is evaluated or he/she has been employed in this institution of the higher education within 2 years before the on-site visit;
2) the member of the expert group is in the composition of decision-making or advisor bodies of the institution where the study direction assessment is carried out;
3) the member of the group of experts is studying in the institution of higher education or within 2 years before the on-site visit has graduated the institution of higher education where the study direction assessment is carried out;
4) in the assessed study direction is involved person who is father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, child, xxxxxxxxxx, adoptee, adoptive parent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister or spouse of the member of the group of experts.
6.4.1. within 3 to 3-4 working days shall meet the administration of the institution of higher education and/or of the respective structural unitdarba dienu vizītē tiekas ar augstākās izglītības iestādes un/vai atbilstošās struktūrvienības vadību, the working group that has developed the self-assessmentpašnovērtējuma ziņojuma izstrādes grupu, the teaching staffmācībspēkiem, studentsstudējošajiem, graduates, and the representatives of employers and/or professional organizations.absolventiem un darba devēju un/vai profesionālo organizāciju pārstāvjiem;
6.4.2. at the end of the workday, the group of experts shall mutually discuss and summarize the obtained information and the observations that have been madekatras darbdienas noslēgumā savstarpēji apspriež un apkopo iegūto informāciju un novērojumus;
6.4.3. on the final day of the on-site visitvizītes noslēgumā savstarpēji pārrunā vizītes rezultātus, the group of experts shall mutually discuss the results of the on-site visitizveido kopīgu viedokli par kritēriju izpildi un vizītes laikā gūtās atziņas un galvenos secinājumus apspriež ar augstākās izglītības iestādes vadību, shall draft a joint opinion on meeting the criteria; and the group of experts shall discuss the main findings and conclusions made during the on-site visit with the management of the institution of higher education as well as the representatives of the academic staff and studentskā arī akadēmiskā personāla un studējošo pārstāvjiem.
6.5. The head of the group of experts during the on-site visit, shall chair the meetings with the target groups or shall appoint another expert for chairing definite meetingsEkspertu grupas vadītājs vada tikšanās ar mērķa grupām vai arī nozīmē kādu citu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku noteiktu tikšanos vadīšanai.
6.6. The secretary of the group of experts shall collect the opinions and observations by all members of the group of expertsEkspertu grupas sekretārs apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus.
6.7. After the on-site visit the group of expertsPēc vizītes norises ekspertu grupa:
6.7.1. shall participate in the development of the joint report within the terms set by piedalās kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanā AIC and submit it not later than one month after the on-site visitnoteiktajos termiņos, to iesniedzot ne vēlāk kā mēnesi pēc vizītes;
6.7.2. shall come to an agreement on the evaluation of the assessment criteria savstarpēji vienojas par vērtējamo kritēriju novērtējumu (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation Noskat. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”), at the same time taking into consideration the European Standards and Guidelines on quality assurance in higher education (ESG), Part I “Standards and Guidelines on Internal Quality Assurance”;
6.7.3. shall come to an agreement upon wording that is acceptable to all experts (consensus). However, if the opinion of the members of the group of experts on one of the aspects differs, the dissenting opinion shall be indicated in the respective section of the joint report;
6.7.4. shall review the comments by the institution of higher education on the joint report;
6.7.5. perform other tasks related to the assessment procedure in accordance with duties allocated among the members of the group of experts.
6.8. The secretary of the group of experts:
6.8.1. shall prepare the joint report, taking into consideration the fact that the joint report reflects the opinion of the group of experts as a whole, and using sources of information: a self-assessment report of the study direction, outcomes of students’ and employers’ surveys, as well as the outcomes of graduates’ survey, information provided by the State Education Quality Service and the certification institution, information provided by Observers on the implementation of this study direction, results of the on-site visit to the institution of higher education or the college by the experts of the committee for the assessment of a study direction, additional information provided by the institution of higher education or the college, if the committee for the assessment of a study direction has requested this (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Paragraph 54)
6.8.2. shall ensure the compliance of the joint report with Annex 10 to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Annex 10);
6.8.3. shall submit draft of the joint report to AIC not later than three weeks after the on-site visit;
6.8.4. shall submit final version of the joint report to AIC after assessment.
6.9. The electronic version of the joint report shall be submitted to AIC not later than one month after the on-site visit to the institution of higher education. The job is considered as complete only when the secretary of the group of experts has submitted in AIC joint report signed by all experts (the joint report may be signed with digital signatures and submitted in AIC electronically if the experts mutually have agreed so) in two copies in English. Text of electronically submitted joint report shall not differ from the signed and submitted text of the joint report.Ministru
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Expert Services Agreement, Expert Services Agreement
The evaluation process. 6.1. Prior to the on-site visit and during the on-site visit the expert group duties are:
6.1.1. to review the documents that regulate the accreditation of the study direction, and shall participate in training organized organised by the AIC before the on-site visit;
6.1.2. to review the self-assessment report of the institution of higher education and other relevant information;
6.1.3. to prepare the opinion on various aspects, including also topics/issues that should be paid special attention to during the on-site visit, and shall forward it electronically to the head of the group of experts and the assessment coordinator not later than one week before the start of the on-site visit;
6.1.4. to perform other tasks related to the assessment process, in accordance with the tasks allocated among the members of the group of experts
6.2. The head of the expert group is responsible for the group of experts on the whole and has following duties:
6.2.1. prior to the on-site visit, he or she shall organize organise (videoconference, phone conference, e-mail etc.) communication of the group members, after they have reviewed the documents;
6.2.2. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall discuss the schedule of work of the group of experts with the AIC;
6.2.3. pirms ekspertu grupas vizītes sadala pienākumus ekspertu grupas dalībniekiem;
6.2.4. vada ekspertu grupas sanāksmes.
6.3. Ekspertu grupas sekretārs ir atbildīgs par ekspertu grupas kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanu un pirms vizītes apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus, kas radušies, iepazīstoties ar dokumentiem.
6.4. Vizītes norises laikā ekspertu grupa:
6.4.1. 3-4 darba dienu vizītē tiekas ar augstākās izglītības iestādes un/vai atbilstošās struktūrvienības vadību, pašnovērtējuma ziņojuma izstrādes grupu, mācībspēkiem, studējošajiem, absolventiem un darba devēju un/vai profesionālo organizāciju pārstāvjiem;
6.4.2. katras darbdienas noslēgumā savstarpēji apspriež un apkopo iegūto informāciju un novērojumus;
6.4.3. vizītes noslēgumā savstarpēji pārrunā vizītes rezultātus, izveido kopīgu viedokli par kritēriju izpildi un vizītes laikā gūtās atziņas un galvenos secinājumus apspriež ar augstākās izglītības iestādes vadību, kā arī akadēmiskā personāla un studējošo pārstāvjiem.
6.5. Ekspertu grupas vadītājs vada tikšanās ar mērķa grupām vai arī nozīmē kādu citu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku noteiktu tikšanos vadīšanai.
6.6. Ekspertu grupas sekretārs apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus.
6.7. Pēc vizītes norises ekspertu grupa:
6.7.1. piedalās kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanā AIC noteiktajos termiņos, to iesniedzot ne vēlāk kā mēnesi pēc vizītes;
6.7.2. savstarpēji vienojas par vērtējamo kritēriju novērtējumu (skat. Ministru kabineta 14.07.2015. noteikumu Nr.407 “Augstskolu, koledžu un studiju virzienu akreditācijas noteikumi” 9. pielikumu) vienlaikus ņemot vērā Eiropas Standartu un vadlīniju augstākās izglītības kvalitātes nodrošināšanai (ESG-2015) I
6.2.3. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall allocate the responsibilities among the members of the group of experts;
6.2.4. to chair the meetings of the group of experts.
6.3. The secretary of the group of experts is responsible for the joint report by the group of experts and before on-site visit collect the opinions and observations by all members of the expert group after they have reviewed the documents.
6.4. During the on-site visit the group of experts:
1) the member of the group of experts is employed or has other type of contract with the institution of higher education which study direction is evaluated or he/she has been employed in this institution of the higher education within 2 years before the on-site visit;
2) the member of the expert group is in the composition of decision-making or advisor bodies of the institution where the study direction assessment is carried out;
3) the member of the group of experts is studying in the institution of higher education or within 2 years before the on-site visit has graduated the institution of higher education where the study direction assessment is carried out;
4) in the assessed study direction is involved person who is father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, child, xxxxxxxxxx, adoptee, adoptive parent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister or spouse of the member of the group of experts.
6.4.1. within 3 to 4 working days shall meet the administration of the institution of higher education and/or of the respective structural unit, the working group that has developed the self-assessment, the teaching staff, students, graduates, and the representatives of employers and/or professional organizations.
6.4.2. at the end of the workday, the group of experts shall mutually discuss and summarize the obtained information and the observations that have been made;
6.4.3. on the final day of the on-site visit, the group of experts shall mutually discuss the results of the on-site visit, shall draft a joint opinion on meeting the criteria; and the group of experts shall discuss the main findings and conclusions made during the on-site visit with the management of the institution of higher education as well as the representatives of the academic staff and students.
6.5. The head of the group of experts during the on-site visit, shall chair the meetings with the target groups or shall appoint another expert for chairing definite meetings
6.6. The secretary of the group of experts shall collect the opinions and observations by all members of the group of experts.
6.7. After the on-site visit the group of experts:
6.7.1. shall participate in the development of the joint report within the terms set by AIC and submit it not later than one month after the on-site visit;
6.7.2. shall come to an agreement on the evaluation of the assessment criteria (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”), at the same time taking into consideration the European Standards and Guidelines on quality assurance in higher education (ESG), Part I “Standards and Guidelines on Internal Quality Assurance”;
6.7.3. shall come to an agreement upon wording that is acceptable to all experts (consensus). However, if the opinion of the members of the group of experts on one of the aspects differs, the dissenting opinion shall be indicated in the respective section of the joint report;
6.7.4. shall review the comments by the institution of higher education on the joint report;
6.7.5. perform other tasks related to the assessment procedure in accordance with duties allocated among the members of the group of experts.
6.8. The secretary of the group of experts:
6.8.1. shall prepare the joint report, taking into consideration the fact that the joint report reflects the opinion of the group of experts as a whole, and using sources of information: a self-assessment report of the study direction, outcomes of students’ and employers’ surveys, as well as the outcomes of graduates’ survey, information provided by the State Education Quality Service and the certification institution, information provided by Observers on the implementation of this study direction, results of the on-site visit to the institution of higher education or the college by the experts of the committee for the assessment of a study direction, additional information provided by the institution of higher education or the college, if the committee for the assessment of a study direction has requested this (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Paragraph 54)
6.8.2. shall ensure the compliance of the joint report with Annex 10 to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Annex 10);
6.8.3. shall submit draft of the joint report to AIC not later than three weeks after the on-site visit;
6.8.4. shall submit final version of the joint report to AIC after assessment.
6.9. The electronic version of the joint report shall be submitted to AIC not later than one month after the on-site visit to the institution of higher education. The job is considered as complete only when the secretary of the group of experts has submitted in AIC joint report signed by all experts (the joint report may be signed with digital signatures and submitted in AIC electronically if the experts mutually have agreed so) in two copies in English. Text of electronically submitted joint report shall not differ from the signed and submitted text of the joint report.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Expert Services Agreement
The evaluation process. 6.1. Prior to the on-site visit and during the on-on- site visit the expert group duties are:
6.1.1. to review the documents that regulate the accreditation of the study direction, and shall participate in training organized by the AIC before the on-site visit;
6.1.2. to review the self-assessment report of the institution of higher education and other relevant information;
6.1.3. to prepare the opinion on various aspects, including also topics/issues that should be paid special attention to during the on-site visit, and shall forward it electronically to the head of the group of experts and the assessment coordinator not later than one week before the start of the on-site visit;
6.1.4. to perform other tasks related to the assessment process, in accordance with the tasks allocated among the members of the group of experts
6.2. The head of the expert group is responsible for the group of experts on the whole and has following duties:
6.2.1. prior to the on-site visit, he or she shall organize (videoconference, phone telefonkonferences, e-pasta u.c. veidā);
6.2.2. pirms ekspertu grupas vizītes apspriež ekspertu darba plānu ar AIC;
6.2.3. pirms ekspertu grupas vizītes sadala pienākumus ekspertu grupas dalībniekiem;
6.2.4. vada ekspertu grupas sanāksmes.
6.3. Ekspertu grupas sekretārs ir atbildīgs par ekspertu grupas kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanu un pirms vizītes apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus, kas radušies, iepazīstoties ar dokumentiem.
6.4. Vizītes norises laikā ekspertu grupa:
6.4.1. 3-4 darba dienu vizītē tiekas ar augstākās izglītības iestādes un/vai atbilstošās struktūrvienības vadību, pašnovērtējuma ziņojuma izstrādes grupu, mācībspēkiem, studējošajiem, absolventiem un darba devēju un/vai profesionālo organizāciju pārstāvjiem;
6.4.2. katras darbdienas noslēgumā savstarpēji apspriež un apkopo iegūto informāciju un novērojumus;
6.4.3. vizītes noslēgumā savstarpēji pārrunā vizītes rezultātus, izveido kopīgu viedokli par kritēriju izpildi un vizītes laikā gūtās atziņas un galvenos secinājumus apspriež ar augstākās izglītības iestādes vadību, kā arī akadēmiskā personāla un studējošo pārstāvjiem.
6.5. Ekspertu grupas vadītājs vada tikšanās ar mērķa grupām vai arī nozīmē kādu citu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku noteiktu tikšanos vadīšanai.
6.6. Ekspertu grupas sekretārs apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus.
6.7. Pēc vizītes norises ekspertu grupa:
6.7.1. piedalās kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanā AIC noteiktajos termiņos, to iesniedzot ne vēlāk kā mēnesi pēc vizītes;
6.7.2. savstarpēji vienojas par vērtējamo kritēriju novērtējumu (skat. Ministru conference, e-mail etc.) communication of the group members, after they have reviewed the documents;
6.2.2. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall discuss the schedule of work of the group of experts with the AIC;
6.2.3. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall allocate the responsibilities among the members of the group of experts;
6.2.4. to chair the meetings of the group of experts.
6.3. The secretary of the group of experts is responsible for the joint report by the group of experts and before on-site visit collect the opinions and observations by all members of the expert group after they have reviewed the documents.
6.4. During the on-site visit the group of experts:
1) the member of the group of experts is employed or has other type of contract with the institution of higher education which study direction is evaluated or he/she has been employed in this institution of the higher education within 2 years before the on-site visit;
2) the member of the expert group is in the composition of decision-making or advisor bodies of the institution where the study direction assessment is carried out;
3) the member of the group of experts is studying in the institution of higher education or within 2 years before the on-site visit has graduated the institution of higher education where the study direction assessment is carried out;
4) in the assessed study direction is involved person who is father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, child, xxxxxxxxxx, adoptee, adoptive parent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister or spouse of the member of the group of experts.
6.4.1. within 3 to 4 working days shall meet the administration of the institution of higher education and/or of the respective structural unit, the working group that has developed the self-assessment, the teaching staff, students, graduates, and the representatives of employers and/or professional organizations.
6.4.2. at the end of the workday, the group of experts shall mutually discuss and summarize the obtained information and the observations that have been made;
6.4.3. on the final day of the on-site visit, the group of experts shall mutually discuss the results of the on-site visit, shall draft a joint opinion on meeting the criteria; and the group of experts shall discuss the main findings and conclusions made during the on-site visit with the management of the institution of higher education as well as the representatives of the academic staff and students.
6.5. The head of the group of experts during the on-site visit, shall chair the meetings with the target groups or shall appoint another expert for chairing definite meetings
6.6. The secretary of the group of experts shall collect the opinions and observations by all members of the group of experts.
6.7. After the on-site visit the group of experts:
6.7.1. shall participate in the development of the joint report within the terms set by AIC and submit it not later than one month after the on-site visit;
6.7.2. shall come to an agreement on the evaluation of the assessment criteria (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”), at the same time taking into consideration the European Standards and Guidelines on quality assurance in higher education (ESG), Part I “Standards and Guidelines on Internal Quality Assurance”;
6.7.3. shall come to an agreement upon wording that is acceptable to all experts (consensus). However, if the opinion of the members of the group of experts on one of the aspects differs, the dissenting opinion shall be indicated in the respective section of the joint report;
6.7.4. shall review the comments by the institution of higher education on the joint report;
6.7.5. perform other tasks related to the assessment procedure in accordance with duties allocated among the members of the group of experts.
6.8. The secretary of the group of experts:
6.8.1. shall prepare the joint report, taking into consideration the fact that the joint report reflects the opinion of the group of experts as a whole, and using sources of information: a self-assessment report of the study direction, outcomes of students’ and employers’ surveys, as well as the outcomes of graduates’ survey, information provided by the State Education Quality Service and the certification institution, information provided by Observers on the implementation of this study direction, results of the on-site visit to the institution of higher education or the college by the experts of the committee for the assessment of a study direction, additional information provided by the institution of higher education or the college, if the committee for the assessment of a study direction has requested this (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Paragraph 54)
6.8.2. shall ensure the compliance of the joint report with Annex 10 to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Annex 10);
6.8.3. shall submit draft of the joint report to AIC not later than three weeks after the on-site visit;
6.8.4. shall submit final version of the joint report to AIC after assessment.
6.9. The electronic version of the joint report shall be submitted to AIC not later than one month after the on-site visit to the institution of higher education. The job is considered as complete only when the secretary of the group of experts has submitted in AIC joint report signed by all experts (the joint report may be signed with digital signatures and submitted in AIC electronically if the experts mutually have agreed so) in two copies in English. Text of electronically submitted joint report shall not differ from the signed and submitted text of the joint report.
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Samples: Expert Services Agreement
The evaluation process. 6.1. Prior to the on-site visit and during the on-site visit the expert group duties are:
6.1.1. to review the documents that regulate the accreditation of the study direction, and shall participate in training organized organised by the AIC before the on-site visit;
6.1.2. to review the self-assessment report of the institution of higher education and other relevant information;
6.1.3. to prepare the opinion on various aspects, including also topics/issues that should be paid special attention to during the on-site visit, and shall forward it electronically to the head of the group of experts and the assessment coordinator not later than one week before the start of the on-site visit;
6.1.4. to perform other tasks related to the assessment process, in accordance with the tasks allocated among the members of the group of experts
6.2. The head of the expert group is responsible for the group of experts on the whole and has following duties:
6.2.1. prior to the on-site visit, he or she shall organize organise (videoconference, phone conference, e-mail etc.) communication of the group members, after they have reviewed the documents;
6.2.2. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall discuss the schedule of work of the group of experts with the pirms ekspertu grupas vizītes apspriež ekspertu darba plānu ar AIC;
6.2.3. prior to the on-site visit by the group of experts, shall allocate the responsibilities among the members of the group of expertspirms ekspertu grupas vizītes sadala pienākumus ekspertu grupas dalībniekiem;
6.2.4. to chair the meetings of the group of expertsvada ekspertu grupas sanāksmes.
6.3. The secretary of the group of experts is responsible for the joint report by the group of experts and before on-site visit collect the opinions and observations by all members of the expert group after they have reviewed the documentsEkspertu grupas sekretārs ir atbildīgs par ekspertu grupas kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanu un pirms vizītes apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus, kas radušies, iepazīstoties ar dokumentiem.
6.4. During the on-site visit the group of expertsVizītes norises laikā ekspertu grupa:
1) the member of the group of experts is employed or has other type of contract with the institution of higher education which study direction is evaluated or he/she has been employed in this institution of the higher education within 2 years before the on-site visit;
2) the member of the expert group is in the composition of decision-making or advisor bodies of the institution where the study direction assessment is carried out;
3) the member of the group of experts is studying in the institution of higher education or within 2 years before the on-site visit has graduated the institution of higher education where the study direction assessment is carried out;
4) in the assessed study direction is involved person who is father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, child, xxxxxxxxxx, adoptee, adoptive parent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister or spouse of the member of the group of experts.
6.4.1. within 3 to 3-4 working days shall meet the administration of the institution of higher education and/or of the respective structural unitdarba dienu vizītē tiekas ar augstākās izglītības iestādes un/vai atbilstošās struktūrvienības vadību, the working group that has developed the self-assessmentpašnovērtējuma ziņojuma izstrādes grupu, the teaching staffmācībspēkiem, studentsstudējošajiem, graduates, and the representatives of employers and/or professional organizations.absolventiem un darba devēju un/vai profesionālo organizāciju pārstāvjiem;
6.4.2. at the end of the workday, the group of experts shall mutually discuss and summarize the obtained information and the observations that have been madekatras darbdienas noslēgumā savstarpēji apspriež un apkopo iegūto informāciju un novērojumus;
6.4.3. on the final day of the on-site visitvizītes noslēgumā savstarpēji pārrunā vizītes rezultātus, the group of experts shall mutually discuss the results of the on-site visitizveido kopīgu viedokli par kritēriju izpildi un vizītes laikā gūtās atziņas un galvenos secinājumus apspriež ar augstākās izglītības iestādes vadību, shall draft a joint opinion on meeting the criteria; and the group of experts shall discuss the main findings and conclusions made during the on-site visit with the management of the institution of higher education as well as the representatives of the academic staff and studentskā arī akadēmiskā personāla un studējošo pārstāvjiem.
6.5. The head of the group of experts during the on-site visit, shall chair the meetings with the target groups or shall appoint another expert for chairing definite meetingsEkspertu grupas vadītājs vada tikšanās ar mērķa grupām vai arī nozīmē kādu citu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku noteiktu tikšanos vadīšanai.
6.6. The secretary of the group of experts shall collect the opinions and observations by all members of the group of expertsEkspertu grupas sekretārs apkopo visu ekspertu grupas dalībnieku viedokļus un novērojumus.
6.7. After the on-site visit the group of expertsPēc vizītes norises ekspertu grupa:
6.7.1. shall participate in the development of the joint report within the terms set by piedalās kopīgā atzinuma sagatavošanā AIC and submit it not later than one month after the on-site visitnoteiktajos termiņos, to iesniedzot ne vēlāk kā mēnesi pēc vizītes;
6.7.2. shall come to an agreement on the evaluation of the assessment criteria savstarpēji vienojas par vērtējamo kritēriju novērtējumu (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation Noskat. 407 (Ministru kabineta 14.07.2015.. noteikumu Nr.407 “Augstskolu, koledžu un studiju virzienu akreditācijas noteikumi” 9. pielikumu) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions”), at the same time taking into consideration the European Standards and Guidelines on quality assurance in higher education (ESG), Part I “Standards and Guidelines on Internal Quality Assurance”;
6.7.3. shall come to an agreement upon wording that is acceptable to all experts (consensus). However, if the opinion of the members of the group of experts on one of the aspects differs, the dissenting opinion shall be indicated in the respective section of the joint report;
6.7.4. shall review the comments by the institution of higher education on the joint report;
6.7.5. perform other tasks related to the assessment procedure in accordance with duties allocated among the members of the group of experts.
6.8. The secretary of the group of experts:
6.8.1. shall prepare the joint report, taking into consideration the fact that the joint report reflects the opinion of the group of experts as a whole, and using sources of information: a self-assessment report of the study direction, outcomes of students’ and employers’ surveys, as well as the outcomes of graduates’ survey, information provided by the State Education Quality Service and the certification institution, information provided by Observers on the implementation of this study direction, results of the on-site visit to the institution of higher education or the college by the experts of the committee for the assessment of a study direction, additional information provided by the institution of higher education or the college, if the committee for the assessment of a study direction has requested this (see the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Paragraph 54)
6.8.2. shall ensure the compliance of the joint report with Annex 10 to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 407 (14.07.2015.) “Rules on Accreditation of Institutions of Higher Education, Colleges and Study Directions” Annex 10);
6.8.3. shall submit draft of the joint report to AIC not later than three weeks after the on-site visit;
6.8.4. shall submit final version of the joint report to AIC after assessment.
6.9. The electronic version of the joint report shall be submitted to AIC not later than one month after the on-site visit to the institution of higher education. The job is considered as complete only when the secretary of the group of experts has submitted in AIC joint report signed by all experts (the joint report may be signed with digital signatures and submitted in AIC electronically if the experts mutually have agreed so) in two copies in English. Text of electronically submitted joint report shall not differ from the signed and submitted text of the joint report.vienlaikus
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Samples: Expert Services Agreement