Contract Price definīcija

Contract Price the maximum possible price for the Supply of the Goods under the procedure and in the amount laid down in the Contract, including VAT.
Contract Price the maximum possible price for the Supply of the Goods under the procedure and in the amount laid down in the Contract, including VAT. 1.6. Regulations – regulations of the Procurement Procedure with all the annexes, additions, adjustments, and amendments thereto. 1.7. Representative – the person authorized by the Contracting Authority or the Supplier who shall monitor the fulfillment of obligations under the Contract, and accept and deliver the Goods within the framework of the Contract. 1.8. Goods – High-performance computing LASC cluster upgrade that meets the requirements of the technical specification stipulated in the Procurement Procedure and corresponds to the Supplier's proposal. Should the Contracting Authority considering the available funding has determined its own right to choose between the options offered for the Goods (additional equipment) in the Procurement Procedure, the term Goods shall also apply to the added options the Contracting Authority has chosen and the distribution of the Contract Price stipulated in Paragraph 3.1 of the Contract shall be adjusted. The term Goods may be adjusted. 1.9. Supply – delivery and installation of the Goods according to the terms and conditions of the Contract. 1.10. Waybill – a waybill consistent with the laws and regulations issued by the Supplier to the Contracting Authority for the Supply of the Goods under the procedure laid down in the Contract. 1.11. VAT – value-added tax. 1.12. Project – project No. Development of Research Infrastructure of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia implemented within the framework of the Activity Development of the R&D Infrastructure in the Fields of Smart Specialization and Strengthening of Institutional Capacity of Scientific Institutions of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 To increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructure of the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund Growth and Employment. 1.13. Singular (where needed) shall also imply plural and vice versa; in Latvian the feminine form of the noun (where needed) shall also imply the masculine form and vice versa. 2. Līguma priekšmets 2. Subject Matter of the Contract 2.1. The Contracting Authority orders and the Supplier supplies the Goods for the amount stipulated in the Contract and the Contracting Authorit...
Contract Price the maximum possible price for the Supply of the Goods under the procedure and in the amount laid down in the Contract, excluding VAT. 1.6. Regulations – regulations of the Procurement Procedure with all the annexes, additions, adjustments, and amendments thereto. 1.7. Representative – the person authorized by the Contracting Authority or the Supplier who shall monitor the fulfillment of obligations under the Contract, and accept and deliver the Goods within the framework of the Contract. 1.8. Goods – Vacuum leak detector. 1.9. Supply – delivery and commissioning of the Goods according to the terms and conditions of the Contract. 1.10. Waybill – a waybill consistent with the laws and regulations issued by the Supplier to the Contracting Authority for the Supply of the Goods under the procedure laid down in the Contract. 1.11. VAT – value-added tax. 1.12. Project – project No. Development of Research Infrastructure of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia implemented within the framework of the Activity Development of the R&D Infrastructure in the Fields of Smart Specialization and Strengthening of Institutional Capacity of Scientific Institutions of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 To increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructure of the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund Growth and Employment. 1.13. Singular (where needed) shall also imply plural and vice versa; in Latvian the feminine form of the noun (where needed) shall also imply the masculine form and vice versa.

Examples of Contract Price in a sentence

  • Liability of the Parties 10.1. The Supplier shall be subject to a fine of 0.01% (one hundredth of a percent) of the Contract Price, however, not more than 10% (ten percent) from the Contract Price for each day of delay in the Supply of the Goods or elimination of Defects in accordance with the Clause 5.2. of the Contract.

  • If the Works are not completed within the aforementioned time for completion, the Owner's Engineer shall pay the Employer a Contractual Penalty of 0,15% of the Contract Price for each day of delay, but not exceeding the maximum amount of 10% of the Contract Price.

  • The Contract Price shall not be exceeded throughout the term of the Contract.

  • Contract Price and Settlement of Accounts 3.1. The Contract Price for the Goods and the Supply thereof shall be EUR 106 674 (one hundred six thousands six hundred seventy four euros) excl.

  • The Contracting Authority shall pay the remaining 10% of the Contract Price within 30 (thirty) days after the Installation of the Goods and the Contracting Authority’s confirmation acceptance documents by wire transfer to the Supplier's bank account.

  • The Contracting Authority shall pay the Supplier only for the Goods actually supplied, however, not more than the amount stipulated in Clauses 3.1 and 3.2. 3.4. The Contracting Authority shall pay 90 % of the Contract Price within 30 (thirty) days of singing the Waybill certifying the delivery of the Goods by a wire transfer to the Supplier's bank account.

More Definitions of Contract Price

Contract Price the maximum possible price for the Supply of the Goods under the procedure and in the amount laid down in the Contract, including VAT. 1.6. Regulations – regulations of the Procurement Procedure with all the annexes, additions, adjustments, and amendments thereto. 1.7. Representative – the person authorized by the Contracting Authority or the Supplier who shall monitor the fulfillment of obligations under the Contract, and accept and deliver the Goods within the framework of the Contract. 1.8. Goods – Grinding and polishing equipment that meets the requirements of the technical specification stipulated in the Procurement Procedure and corresponds to the Supplier's proposal. 1.9. Supply – delivery and installation of the Goods according to the terms and conditions of the Contract. 1.10. Waybill – a waybill consistent with the laws and regulations issued by the Supplier to the Contracting Authority for the Supply of the Goods under the procedure laid down in the Contract. 1.11. VAT – value-added tax. 1.12. Project – project No. Development of Research Infrastructure of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia implemented within the framework of the Activity Development of the R&D Infrastructure in the Fields of Smart Specialization and Strengthening of Institutional Capacity of Scientific Institutions of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 To increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructure of the Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund Growth and Employment. 1.13. Singular (where needed) shall also imply plural and vice versa; in Latvian the feminine form of the noun (where needed) shall also imply the masculine form and vice versa.
Contract Price the total price excluding VAT for the performance of all the Works which the Employer shall pay the Owner's Engineer in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Contract for due performance of the Contract obligations.

Related to Contract Price

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  • Tehniskā specifikācija Tehniskais piedāvājums, saskaņā ar tehnisko specifikāciju (1.pielikums); Finanšu piedāvājums (3.pielikums), tai skaitā Nolikuma 6.2. punktā minētais dokuments (izdruka no Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta elektroniskās deklarēšanās sistēmas) un paskaidrojums (ja attiecas). Visi piedāvājumu veidojošie dokumenti jāiesniedz divos eksemplāros aizlīmētā iepakojumā – viens – ar norādi „Oriģināls” un otrs – „Kopija”. Tehniskas un finanšu piedāvājums papildus jāiesniedz 1 (vienā) eksemplārā elektroniskā veidā ar MS Word vai MS Excel vai ar to savietojamā faila formātā CD vai zibatmiņā. Piedāvājums iesniedzams aizlīmētā, aizzīmogotā (ja tāds ir) aploksnē, uz kuras jānorāda: Valsts akciju sabiedrība „Valsts nekustamie īpašumi”, Xxxxx xxxx 00, Xxxx, LV-1980 Rīgas reģiona klientu apkalpošanas centrā 2.stāvā pretendenta nosaukums, juridiskā adrese, reģistrācijas Nr. un tālruni, fakss piedāvājums atklātā konkursā „Ēku logu, logu rāmju, iekšējo un ārējo palodžu mazgāšana un gaismas ķermeņu tīrīšana Rīgas reģionā” iepirkuma identifikācijas Nr. VNĪ/2016/4/1-1/AK-35 Neatvērt pirms piedāvājuma iesniegšanas termiņa beigām 2016.gada 14.novembrim, plkst.13:00 Dokumentiem jābūt cauršūtiem tā, lai nebūtu iespējams nomainīt lapas, nesabojājot cauršuvuma nostiprinājumu. Uz pēdējās lapas aizmugures cauršūšanai izmantojamo auklu jānostiprina ar pārlīmētu lapu, uz kuras norādīts cauršūto lapu skaits, ko ar savu parakstu apliecina pretendenta persona ar paraksta tiesībām vai pilnvarota persona, pievienojot pilnvaru un dokumentu, kas apliecina pilnvaras izdevēja paraksta (pārstāvības) tiesības. Piedāvājuma sākumā jāpievieno satura rādītājs. Piedāvājuma lapām ir jābūt secīgi sanumurētām un to numuriem jāatbilst pievienotajam satura rādītājam. Piedāvājumā iekļautajiem dokumentiem jābūt skaidri salasāmiem, bez labojumiem vai dzēsumiem, lai izvairītos no jebkādiem pārpratumiem. Ja ir izdarīti labojumi, tiem jābūt apstiprinātiem ar pretendenta pilnvarotās personas parakstu. Ja pastāvēs jebkāda veida pretrunas starp oriģinālu un kopiju, noteicošais būs oriģināls. Ja pastāvēs jebkāda veida pretrunas starp skaitlisko vērtību apzīmējumiem ar vārdiem un skaitļiem, noteicošais būs apzīmējums ar vārdiem. Piedāvājumā iekļautajiem dokumentiem un to noformējumam jāatbilst Dokumentu juridiskā spēka likumam un Ministru kabineta 2010.gada 28.septembra noteikumiem Nr.916 „Dokumentu izstrādāšanas un noformēšanas kārtība”. Atbilstoši PIL 33.panta septītās daļas otrajam teikumam, iesniedzot piedāvājumu, piegādātājs ir tiesīgs visu iesniegto dokumentu atvasinājumu un tulkojumu pareizību apliecināt ar vienu apliecinājumu, ja viss piedāvājums ir cauršūts vai caurauklots. Šādā gadījumā Pretendents norāda pieteikuma vēstulē (2.pielikums) prasīto informāciju un uz attiecīgā dokumenta atvasinājuma vai tulkojuma norāda tā veidu (kopija, izraksts, noraksts vai tulkojums). Piedāvājums jāsagatavo latviešu valodā. Svešvalodā sagatavotiem piedāvājuma dokumentiem jāpievieno pretendenta apliecināts tulkojums latviešu valodā. Pretendents iesniedz parakstītu piedāvājumu. Piedāvājumu paraksta pretendenta paraksttiesīgā persona vai pilnvarotā persona (pievienojot pilnvaru un dokumentu, kas apliecina pilnvaras izdevēja paraksta tiesības). Ja piedāvājumu iesniedz piegādātāju apvienība vai personālsabiedrība, piedāvājumā papildus norāda personu, kas Konkursā pārstāv attiecīgo piegādātāju apvienību vai personālsabiedrību, kā arī katras personas atbildības sadalījumu. Ja piedāvājumu iesniedz piegādātāju apvienība, tai līguma slēgšanas tiesību iegūšanas gadījumā, ir pienākums pirms līguma noslēgšanas reģistrēt personālsabiedrību 10 (desmit) dienu laikā pēc PIL 67.panta ceturtajā daļā minētā nogaidīšanas termiņa beigām.

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