ന ച1mമ1ş േചcദ5o നo. 184
15 -co േകരള ന1യമസx
11 -co സേ ളനo
ന ച1mമ1ş േചcദ5o നo. 184
24-06-2024 - ൽ മ പs1 ˘
ക1a˘ബ1 െs mδ നo
േചcദ5o | ഉ രo | ||
ീ. s1. െജ. m1േനcദ˘, ീ. പ1. സ1. m1 നc4˘, ീമത1 െക. െക. രമ | ീ െക pd ബcലേഗcപcൽ (ധനകcര5 m и˘ മ 1) | ||
(p) | സo cനെ അs1 cന സsകര5 | (p) | 50000 േകcs1 പ െs പяc ല സsകര5 m1കസന പ ത1കൾ ക1a˘ബ1 mഴ1 നsи1ലc ക pmതcയ1 a സδ cര1െ ഖ5cപ1ത ല 5o. |
m1കസന 1നcയ1 പീകര1 ക1a˘ബ1 െs mδ നo മmഗത1യ1ലcെamത˘ യ1ൽെиş1gേac; | സo cന ˘ mdക1s അs1 cന സsകര5 m1കസന 1 േma1 േ٨c കൾ, പcല ൾ, ഐ.s1, m1ദ5cx5cസo, øേരcഗ5o, s1െmø m1തരao, ഇ٨1േഗæd, ഗതcഗതo, g٨1സo, കcയ1കo, m1ദ5cx5cസo, ഊδ o s 1യ m1m1ധ േമഖലകള1ലcയ1 നcള1 mെര 86,143.49 േകcs1 പ െs 1110 പ ത1കൾ ˘ ക1a˘ബ1 അ മത1 നൽക1യ1ga˘. ഇmയ1ൽ 34,367.75 േകcs1 പ െs 672 പ ത1കൾ െsaδ നsപs1കൾ gδ ീകര1 1gø o, 32,317.03 േകcs1 പ െs 625 പ ത1കൾ കരcδ നsപs1കൾ gδ ീകര1 1gø മca˘. 80 േ٨c കൾ/പcല ൾ, 4 ø പ 1 െകş1s ൾ, 496 ൾ െകş1s ൾ, 30 േകcേളജ˘ െകş1s ൾ, ത1 mന രെ െsേ cസ1٨1 പ ത1, 4 ഐ.s1.ഐ െകş1s ൾ, 20 േuu1യ ൾ, 27 s1െmø പ ത1കൾ, 3 െ٨ േല٨δ കo a1u˘ജ˘ പ ത1കൾ, െച cനo കsൽx1 1 ന1δ cao, 43 െ٨ജ1േ æd ഓaീസ˘ െകş1s ൾ, അ ˘ േമഖലകള1ൽ scdസ˘ 1u˘ 2.0 പ ത1, 47 ø പ 1കള1ൽ ഐെസcേലæd mcδ കൾ, 43 uയcല1സ1സ˘ െസ കൾ, നcലcയ1രേ cളo gകള1ലcയ1 44705 ൈഹ-െsക˘ c ˘g കgo 11257 ൈഹ-െsക˘ ലcgകgo, NHAI, IRIA, െപേscെകമ1 ൽ പcδ ˘, ബെയc-ൈലa˘ സയdസ˘ പcδ ˘, ഹ1 cd നgസ˘ 1 ˘ ല1മ1٨u˘ pm1m c ø ലേമേ٨gи˘ s 1 നcള1 mെര 16,472.93 േകcs1 പ െs പ ത1/പ ത1ഘsക ൾ | ||
gδ ീകര1 mcd ക1a˘ബ1 ˘ സcധ1 1ga˘. സc 1കmδæcs1 cന 1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 പ ത1കൾ cയ1 െചലmഴ1 കകgെs m1ъദcoъo അ ബvo-1 ൽ കcacymതca˘. | |||
2018 െല ളയo സo cനെമcşcെക നsamm1 m m1കസന mδ ന ൾ ˘ തsസo aæ1 ത1 ല സcഹചര5 1go, േകcm1u˘ | |||
മഹcമcര1 േലcകമcെക aæ1 കg സc 1ക അന1я1തcm യ1go െതcഴ1ലcള1കgെs അxcmo, അസo ത m gെs െദsδലx5o pmീ | |||
കcരa ളcൽ െപc െm അs1 cന സsകര5 m1കസന പ ത1കgെs | |||
ന1δ ca 1ൽ അന1я1തcm ന1ലന1m1 െm 1go ക1a˘ബ1 േഖന ø പ ത1കgെs ന1δ ഹao തsസമ1 cെത നsømcd കഴ1 . |
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ത ലo സo cന 1െ സ ദ˘ഘsനെയ ഉേ ജ1и1 mത1 o സc ഹ1ക പяc ല 1െ ഖacയ മc mത1 o ക1a˘ബ1 പ ത1കൾ ˘ സcധ1 1ga˘. ന1യമc aതമcയ1 mδæcmδæo േമcേşcδ mcഹന ന1 ത1/ െപേscള1യo െസ ˘ pm1m േഖന ക1a˘ബ1 ˘ ലx5മcയ1െ ca1 m m മcന േ cത 1ൽ ഇs1m˘ mm സcഹചര5 1ൽ േപcgo ക1a˘ബ1 െs mδ ന ൾ തs െപscത1ര1 cd സδ cδ അധ1ക c ˘ അ mദ1 ക acയ1. ഇ mഴ1 ന1േ പകδ 1sയ1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 െs m1ъ cസ5ത ന1ലന1 ømc o, ധനസമcഹരa 1ന˘ പര5c മcയ u1٨˘ േ٨٨1oഗ˘ ന1ലന1δømത1 o ഇത˘ സഹcയകമcയ1. േക സδ cδ നs 1 m m െau٨ൽ ഘsന m1 ന1ലപcgകൾ കcരao ന1ലm1ൽ സo cനo കg സc 1ക ത1സv1 അ xm1 aa˘. ഇത˘ gδaമc o േക o 1മമcയ1 aæ1 ഒ സc 1ക gരm യca˘. ക1a˘ബ1 െs കsെമgи˘ സδ cര1െ കsെമgи˘ പര1ധ1യ1ൽ െകcg mmത˘ സδ cര1െ ധനസമcഹരa mδ ന െള കcര5മcയ1 ബcധ1 1ga˘. pm1 mcgo ന1ലm1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 അoഗീകര1 പ ത1കൾ ˘ പao അ mദ1 mത1ന˘ ന1യ a ൾ ഒao തെm рδെиg 1യ1ş1 . േമൽ m1mര1 ത1 ല സcഹചര5 ൾ 1sയ1go m1m1ധ പ ത1കൾ cയ1 29,100 േകcs1 പ ഇത1നകo െചലmഴ1 cd ക1a˘ബ1 ˘ കഴ1 pmത˘ േ യമca˘. ഈ സcഹചര5 1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 െs mδ ന ൾ മmഗത1യ1ലcെaao പ ത1കgെs നs 1и˘ gδaമc o ന1ല 1ര1 കയcെaa ø øേരcപa ൾ m തc m1 മca˘. | |||
(ബ1) | pൺപ 1രacയ1രo േകcs1 പ െs പ ത1കൾ ˘ ക1a˘ബ1 േഖന അoഗീകcരo നൽക1െയ 1go പ ത1കgെs നs 1и˘ gδaമc o ന1ല c acയ കcരa ൾ m1ъദമc cേമc; | (ബ1) | 50000 േകcs1 പ െs പяc ല സsകര5 m1കസന പ ത1കൾ ക1a˘ബ1 mഴ1 നsи1ലc ക pmതcയ1 a സδ cര1െ ഖ5cപ1ത ല 5o. സo cന ˘ mdക1s അs1 cന സsകര5 m1കസന 1 േma1 േ٨c കൾ, പcല ൾ, ഐ.s1, m1ദ5cx5cസo, øേരcഗ5o, s1െmø m1തരao, ഇ٨1േഗæd, ഗതcഗതo, g٨1സo, കcയ1കo, m1ദ5cx5cസo, ഊδ o s 1യ m1m1ധ േമഖലകള1ലcയ1 നcള1 mെര 86,143.49 േകcs1 പ െs 1110 പ ത1കൾ ˘ ക1a˘ബ1 അ മത1 നൽക1യ1ga˘. ഇmയ1ൽ 34,367.75 േകcs1 പ െs 672 പ ത1കൾ െsaδ നsപs1കൾ gδ ീകര1 1gø o, 32,317.03 േകcs1 പ െs 625 പ ത1കൾ കരcδ നsപs1കൾ gδ ീകര1 1gø മca˘. 80 േ٨c കൾ/പcല ൾ, 4 ø പ 1 െകş1s ൾ, 496 ൾ െകş1s ൾ, 30 േകcേളജ˘ െകş1s ൾ, ത1 mന രെ െsേ cസ1٨1 പ ത1, 4 ഐ.s1.ഐ െകş1s ൾ, 20 േuu1യ ൾ, 27 s1െmø പ ത1കൾ, 3 െ٨ േല٨δ കo a1u˘ജ˘ പ ത1കൾ, െച cനo കsൽx1 1 ന1δ cao, 43 െ٨ജ1േ æd ഓaീസ˘ െകş1s ൾ, അ ˘ േമഖലകള1ൽ scdസ˘ 1u˘ 2.0 പ ത1, 47 ø പ 1കള1ൽ ഐെസcേലæd mcδ കൾ, 43 uയcല1സ1സ˘ െസ കൾ, നcലcയ1രേ cളo gകള1ലcയ1 44705 ൈഹ-െsക˘ c ˘g കgo 11257 ൈഹ-െsക˘ ലcgകgo, NHAI, IRIA, െപേscെകമ1 ൽ പcδ ˘, ബെയc-ൈലa˘ സയdസ˘ |
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പcδ ˘, ഹ1 cd നgസ˘ 1 ˘ ല1മ1٨u˘ pm1m c ø ലേമേ٨gи˘ s 1 നcള1 mെര 16,472.93 േകcs1 പ െs പ ത1/പ ത1ഘsക ൾ gδ ീകര1 mcd ക1a˘ബ1 ˘ സcധ1 1ga˘. സc 1കmδæcs1 cന 1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 പ ത1കൾ cയ1 െചലmഴ1 കകgെs m1ъദcoъo അ ബvo-1 ൽ കcacymതca˘. 2018 െല ളയo സo cനെമcşcെക നsamm1 m m1കസന mδ ന ൾ ˘ തsസo aæ1 ത1 ല സcഹചര5 1go, േകcm1u˘ മഹcമcര1 േലcകമcെക aæ1 കg സc 1ക അന1я1തcm യ1go െതcഴ1ലcള1കgെs അxcmo, അസo ത m gെs െദsδലx5o pmീ കcരa ളcൽ െപc െm അs1 cന സsകര5 m1കസന പ ത1കgെs ന1δ ca 1ൽ അന1я1തcm ന1ലന1m1 െm 1go ക1a˘ബ1 േഖന ø പ ത1കgെs ന1δ ഹao തsസമ1 cെത നsømcd കഴ1 . ത ലo സo cന 1െ സ ദ˘ഘsനെയ ഉേ ജ1и1 mത1 o സc ഹ1ക പяc ല 1െ ഖacയ മc mത1 o ക1a˘ബ1 പ ത1കൾ ˘ സcധ1 1ga˘. ന1യമc aതമcയ1 mδæcmδæo േമcേşcδ mcഹന ന1 ത1/ െപേscള1യo െസ ˘ pm1m േഖന ക1a˘ബ1 ˘ ലx5മcയ1െ ca1 m m മcന േ cത 1ൽ ഇs1m˘ mm സcഹചര5 1ൽ േപcgo ക1a˘ബ1 െs mδ ന ൾ തs െപscത1ര1 cd സδ cδ അധ1ക c ˘ അ mദ1 ക acയ1. ഇ mഴ1 ന1േ പകδ 1sയ1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 െs m1ъ cസ5ത ന1ലന1 ømc o, ധനസമcഹരa 1ന˘ പര5c മcയ u1٨˘ േ٨٨1oഗ˘ ന1ലന1δømത1 o ഇത˘ സഹcയകമcയ1. േക സδ cδ നs 1 m m െau٨ൽ ഘsന m1 ന1ലപcgകൾ കcരao ന1ലm1ൽ സo cനo കg സc 1ക ത1സv1 അ xm1 aa˘. ഇത˘ gδaമc o േക o 1മമcയ1 aæ1 ഒ സc 1ക gരm യca˘. ക1a˘ബ1 െs കsെമgи˘ സδ cര1െ കsെമgи˘ പര1ധ1യ1ൽ െകcg mmത˘ സδ cര1െ ധനസമcഹരa mδ ന െള കcര5മcയ1 ബcധ1 1ga˘. pm1 mcgo ന1ലm1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 അoഗീകര1 പ ത1കൾ ˘ പao അ mദ1 mത1ന˘ ന1യ a ൾ ഒao തെm рδെиg 1യ1ş1 . േമൽ m1mര1 ത1 ല സcഹചര5 ൾ 1sയ1go m1m1ധ പ ത1കൾ cയ1 29,100 േകcs1 പ ഇത1നകo െചലmഴ1 cd ക1a˘ബ1 ˘ കഴ1 pmത˘ േ യമca˘. ഈ സcഹചര5 1ൽ ക1a˘ബ1 െs mδ ന ൾ മmഗത1യ1ലcെaao പ ത1കgെs നs 1и˘ gδaമc o ന1ല 1ര1 കയcെaa ø øേരcപa ൾ m തc m1 മca˘. | |||
(സ1) | pş˘ mδæo െകca˘ പത1നycയ1രo േകcs1യ1ൽ തcെഴ പ ø പ ത1കൾ മc മca˘ gδ 1യcയത˘ pmത˘ | (സ1) | 16,472.93 േകcs1 പ െs പ ത1/പ ത1ഘsക ൾ gδ ീകര1 mcd നcള1 mെര ക1a˘ബ1 ˘ സcധ1 1ga˘. ഇത1ൽ 80 േ٨c കൾ/പcല ൾ, 4 ø പ 1 െകş1s ൾ, 496 ൾ െകş1s ൾ, 30 േകcേളജ˘ െകş1s ൾ, ത1 mന രെ െsേ cസ1٨1 പ ത1, 4 ഐ.s1.ഐ െകş1s ൾ, 20 േuu1യ ൾ, 27 s1െmø പ ത1കൾ, 3 െ٨ േല٨δ കo a1u˘ജ˘ |
3 of 4
m തയcേac; m1ъദമc cേമc? | പ ത1കൾ, െച cനo കsൽx1 1 ന1δ cao, 43 െ٨ജ1േ æd ഓaീസ˘ െകş1s ൾ, അ ˘ േമഖലകള1ൽ scdസ˘ 1u˘ 2.0 പ ത1, 47 ø പ 1കള1ൽ ഐെസcേലæd mcδ കൾ, 43 uയcല1സ1സ˘ െസ കൾ, നcലcയ1രേ cളo gകള1ലcയ1 44705 ൈഹ-െsക˘ c ˘g കgo 11257 ൈഹ-െsക˘ ലcgകgo, NHAI, XXXX, െപേscെകമ1 ൽ പcδ ˘, ബെയc-ൈലa˘ സയdസ˘ പcδ ˘, ഹ1 cd നgസ˘ 1 ˘٨˘ ല1മ1٨u˘ pm1m c ø ലേമേ٨gи˘ pm1m ഉൾെиgа. gδ ീകര1 പ ത1കgെs m1ъദcoъo അ ബvo-2 øയ1 േചδ а. ഇത1 ٨േമ 2024/2025 ൽ gδ ീകര1 cനcyo pm˘ തീ 1 m 16321 േകcs1 പ െs പ ത1കൾ ന1δ ca 1െ m1m1ധ ഘş ള1ലca˘. ത പ ത1കgെs m1ъദcoъo അ ബvo- 3 øയ1 േചδ а. |
െസ d ഓaീസδ
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Year-wise Disbursement details | |
FY | Amount (₹ Cr) |
2017-18 | 442.67 |
2018-19 | 1,069.00 |
2019-20 | 3,502.50 |
2020-21 | 5,484.81 |
2021-22 | 8,459.47 |
2022-23 | 4,673.28 |
2023-24 | 4,724.67 |
2024-25 (as on 18.06.2024) | 743.60 |
Total | 2G100.00 |
Accounts Officer
Statistics of Completed Projects under KIIFB Funding | |||
SL. No | Department | No of Sub Projects/Components Completed | Fund sanctioned by KIIFB (in Rs. Cr) |
1 | Xxxxx | Land Acquisition for IRIA Phase II | ₹ 114.00 |
2 | Cultural Affairs Department | 1. 3 Cultural complexes 2. Land Accusation for Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Cultural Complex at Kottayam | ₹ 175.96 |
3 | Fisheries Department | Shore protection work from Kollam beach to Thanni in Kollam district Fishing Harbour at 2 locations Adoor Fish Market 47 fisheries schools Construction of Groins on Southern side of Estuary of Chettuva Fishing Harbour | ₹ 110.76 |
4 | Forest & Wild Life Department | Man-Animal Conflict : Fencing completed in 35 locations. Thrissur zoological park: 2 components completed | ₹ 158.40 |
5 | General Education Department | 496 School buildings, 44705 Hitech class rooms, 11257 Hitech Labs (as clustered in 116 Sub projects ) | ₹ 2,170.35 |
6 | Health & Family Welfare Department | GMC Thiruvananthapuram, Taluk Hospital-Punalur, 2 General Hospital (Ernakulam & Alappuzha), 43 Dialysis Centres, Isolation wards in 47 locations, 7 CCU and 8 Cathlabs | ₹ 470.40 |
7 | Higher Education Department | 30 College buildings | ₹ 279.83 |
8 | Information Technology Department | 1. Construction of IT Building at Technocity (2 lakh sq.ft) 2. Xxxx Innovation Zone - TIZ Building 1 | ₹ 188.74 |
9 | Industries Department | 1. Land Acquisition for Petrochemical Park 2. Development of Industrial Park by takeover of land From M/S Hindustan Newsprint Ltd-Land Acquisition And Development Works 3. Bio 360 Life Science Park - Phase II Land Acquisition | ₹ 1,479.23 |
SL. No | Department | No of Sub Projects/Components Completed | Fund sanctioned by KIIFB (in Rs. Cr) |
10 | Public Works Department | 80 Roads/Bridges projects | ₹ 3,084.32 |
11 | Labour & Skills Department | Upgradation of Govt. ITIs in Kerala on 4 locations | ₹ 30.23 |
12 | PWD-NHAI | National highway land acquisition (NH66) | ₹ 5,580.74 |
13 | Power Department | Transgrid 2.0 in 5 locations | ₹ 855.12 |
14 | Registration Department | 43 Sub Registrar Offices clustered in 7 subprojects | ₹ 57.58 |
15 | Revenue Department | 1 Mini civil station (Construction of Mini Civil station, Vellarikundu) | ₹ 10.09 |
16 | SC/ST Development Department | Pre Metric Hostels, ITIs, Model Residential School Buildings (17 Nos) | ₹ 99.76 |
17 | Sports & Youth Affairs Department | 20 Stadiums include Sports facilities and synthetic tracks | ₹ 187.31 |
18 | Tourism Department | 5 components in Alappuzha heritage project | ₹ 15.15 |
19 | Transport Department | Modernizing water transport in Alappuzha Canals - Phase 1 | ₹ 96.51 |
20 | Water Resources Department | 1. 27 WSS Projects including transmission lines implementation at various locations 2. 3 Regulator Cum Bridge Projects at various locations 3. Reformation of damaged sunken sea wall and Construction of groyne field project at Chellanam Phase 1 | ₹ 1,308.47 |
Total | ₹ 16,472.93 |
Accounts Officer
List of projects expected to be completed by 2024/2025
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
1 | Sports & Youth Affairs | EMS Stadium Alappuzha | ₹ 15.24 |
2 | Sports & Youth Affairs | Mini Stadium Complex Patiyur | ₹ 4.93 |
3 | Sports & Youth Affairs | XX Xxxxxx Indoor Stadium | ₹ 33.77 |
4 | Sports & Youth Affairs | Olympian Xxxxxx Xxxx Indoor Stadium | ₹ 45.31 |
5 | Sports & Youth Affairs | IM Vijayan Indoor Stadium | ₹ 56.01 |
6 | Sports & Youth Affairs | MRC Xxxxxxxx Memorial Indoor Stadium | ₹ 33.80 |
7 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of regulator cum bridge across Oommenchira River at Pinarai Gram Panchayat check bridge in Kannur district | ₹ 36.81 |
8 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of Regulator-cum-Bridge across Thoothapuzha River in Mothikayam at Keezhamurikadav in Moorkanad Panchayat in Malappuram District | ₹ 67.64 |
9 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of Kannathod Regulator Cum Bridge across Kurumali River at Kundukadav in Pudukkad Panchayat of Thrissur District | ₹ 27.37 |
10 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of groin field at Ambalapuzha - | ₹ 70.15 |
11 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of Groyne Field No. 13 at Pathiankara. 60.100 to 61.600 km in Trikunnapuzha Gram Panchayat of Haripad Constituency of Alappuzha District. | ₹ 30.68 |
12 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of 16 grain fields in Vattachal. 53.400 to 55.200 km in Aratupuzha gram panchayat of Haripad mandal. | ₹ 43.38 |
13 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of 21 grain fields in Aratupuzha. 56.600 to 57.800 km in Aratupuzha gram panchayat of Haripad mandal. | ₹ 43.08 |
14 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Construction of groin field at Kattoor in Alappuzha district of Kerala | ₹ 73.31 |
15 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Rehabilitation of 10 km length of sea wall between CP 976 and CP 1052 in Chellanath district – Phase 1 – Rehabilitation of 7.35 km length of sea wall between CP 986 and CP 1026-phase 1 | ₹ 362.64 |
16 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Innovations against darkness | ₹ 11.05 |
17 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Drinking Water Supply Scheme in Chemmanad Panchayat - Phase 1 | ₹ 76.00 |
18 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Drinking Water Supply Project in Kalluwathukkal and Paripally Velinallur Panchayats - First Phase | ₹ 27.00 |
19 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Drinking Water Supply Project in Edayur Panchayat in Malappuram District | ₹ 72.16 |
20 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Drinking water supply project in Tanur panchayat and 4 panchayats in nearby area | ₹ 100.00 |
21 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Comprehensive drinking water scheme for Perumati, Patancherry, Nellipilly and Elapulli panchayats | ₹ 77.21 |
22 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Drinking Water Supply Project to Perunad and Atthikayam Panchayats | ₹ 41.40 |
23 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Purified Drinking Water Supply Project to Kotukal Atiannur Panchayats | ₹ 25.49 |
24 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Drinking Water Supply Project to Kotassery Pariyaram Panchayats in Thrissur District | ₹ 58.60 |
25 | WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT | Drinking Water Supply Project to Chazhur, Thanniyam and Anthikayam Panchayats of Thrissur District | ₹ 34.75 |
26 | General Education | VK Kani HSS Panaacode | ₹ 1.00 |
27 | General Education | TTI Manacaud | ₹ 1.00 |
28 | General Education | GHSS Kavalayoor | ₹ 1.00 |
29 | General Education | GUPS Vilapilshala | ₹ 1.00 |
30 | General Education | GUPS Nemom | ₹ 1.00 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
31 | General Education | GVHSS Karakulam | ₹ 1.00 |
32 | General Education | GGHSS Peroorkada | ₹ 1.00 |
33 | General Education | NKM HSS Dhanuvachhapuram | ₹ 1.00 |
34 | General Education | MGHSS Chadayamangalam | ₹ 1.00 |
35 | General Education | GHSS Thalachira | ₹ 1.00 |
36 | General Education | GHSS Sadanandapuram | ₹ 1.00 |
37 | General Education | GHSS Kulathupuzha | ₹ 1.00 |
38 | General Education | GHSS Mankode | ₹ 1.00 |
39 | General Education | GHSS Thazhathuvadakara | ₹ 1.00 |
40 | General Education | GHSS Kanakkary | ₹ 1.00 |
41 | General Education | GHSS Kurichy | ₹ 1.00 |
42 | General Education | GHSS Erattupetta | ₹ 1.00 |
43 | General Education | MCVHS Arpookkara | ₹ 1.00 |
44 | General Education | GVHSS Chottanikkara | ₹ 1.00 |
45 | General Education | GVHSS Tripunithura | ₹ 1.00 |
46 | General Education | GHSS Poothrika | ₹ 1.00 |
47 | General Education | GHSS Perumbavoor | ₹ 1.00 |
48 | General Education | GHSS Kunnam | ₹ 1.00 |
49 | General Education | KKPMHSS Ambalapuzha | ₹ 1.00 |
50 | General Education | GHSS Ayaparamvu | ₹ 1.00 |
51 | General Education | GHSS Uppala | ₹ 1.00 |
52 | General Education | GWUPS Kodakkad | ₹ 1.00 |
53 | General Education | GUPS Alampady | ₹ 1.00 |
54 | General Education | GVHSS Mulleria | ₹ 1.00 |
55 | General Education | GHSS Kalliyot | ₹ 1.00 |
56 | General Education | GHS Panathur | ₹ 1.00 |
57 | General Education | GHSS Madikkai | ₹ 1.00 |
58 | General Education | GHS Koolaid | ₹ 1.00 |
59 | General Education | GVHSS Kayyur | ₹ 1.00 |
60 | General Education | GHS Kalichanadukkam | ₹ 1.00 |
61 | General Education | GHS Madikai | ₹ 1.00 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
62 | General Education | GHSS Kottodi | ₹ 1.00 |
63 | General Education | GHSS Thariode | ₹ 1.00 |
64 | General Education | GHS Achoor | ₹ 1.00 |
65 | General Education | GHSS Kunjome | ₹ 1.00 |
66 | General Education | GHSS Panamkandy | ₹ 1.00 |
67 | General Education | GHSS Neervaram | ₹ 1.00 |
68 | General Education | GHSS Chelora | ₹ 1.00 |
69 | General Education | GBHSS Parayancheri | ₹ 1.00 |
70 | General Education | GHSS Easthill | ₹ 1.00 |
71 | General Education | GHSS Sivapuram | ₹ 1.00 |
72 | General Education | GUPS Unnikulam | ₹ 1.00 |
73 | General Education | GVHSS Balussery | ₹ 1.00 |
74 | General Education | GHS Nagalassery | ₹ 1.00 |
75 | General Education | GBUPS Thathamangalam | ₹ 1.00 |
76 | General Education | GUPS Elapully | ₹ 1.00 |
77 | General Education | GHS Kodumunda | ₹ 1.00 |
78 | General Education | GHS Vallapuzha | ₹ 1.00 |
79 | General Education | GUPS Mannarkad | ₹ 1.00 |
80 | General Education | GHS Anakkara | ₹ 1.00 |
81 | General Education | GTHSS Kattapana | ₹ 1.00 |
82 | General Education | GTUPS Kumily | ₹ 1.00 |
83 | General Education | GVHSS Rajakumari | ₹ 1.00 |
84 | General Education | GHSS Vatanappilly | ₹ 1.00 |
85 | General Education | GMHSS Chamakkala | ₹ 1.00 |
86 | General Education | GLPS Cheruthuruthy | ₹ 1.00 |
87 | General Education | GHS Marutha | ₹ 1.00 |
88 | General Education | GUPS Pulleyil | ₹ 1.00 |
89 | General Education | GUPS Karingappara | ₹ 1.00 |
90 | General Education | GLPS Parambilpedika | ₹ 1.00 |
91 | General Education | GUPS Chamravattam | ₹ 1.00 |
92 | General Education | GMUPS Veliyancode South | ₹ 1.00 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
93 | General Education | GHSS Chemmanad | ₹ 1.00 |
94 | General Education | AGHSS Xxxxxx | ₹ 1.00 |
95 | General Education | CHMKSGHSS Matool | ₹ 1.00 |
96 | General Education | Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx | ₹ 1.00 |
97 | General Education | GHSS Vettathur | ₹ 1.00 |
98 | General Education | GGVHSS Perinthalmanna | ₹ 1.00 |
99 | General Education | GUPS Paramba | ₹ 1.00 |
100 | General Education | GMVHSS Mampad | ₹ 1.00 |
101 | General Education | VMCGHSS Wandoor | ₹ 1.00 |
102 | General Education | GHSS Cheriyamund | ₹ 1.00 |
103 | General Education | GHSS Irimbiliyam | ₹ 1.00 |
104 | General Education | GHSS Anakkara | ₹ 1.00 |
105 | General Education | GHSS Mupliyam | ₹ 1.00 |
106 | General Education | GHSS Pattikkad | ₹ 1.00 |
107 | LSGD | Office Building - Ramanattukara Municipality | ₹ 12.82 |
108 | LSGD | Office Building - Kannur Corporation | ₹ 25.74 |
109 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-06-Construction of Taluk Hospital at Kundara Kollam (Rs.35.56 Cr) | ₹ 35.56 |
110 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-20-THQH Parasala (Rs.32.27 Cr) | ₹ 32.27 |
111 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-23-TH Malayinkeezh (Rs.15.25 Cr) | ₹ 15.25 |
112 | Health&Family Welfare | AYS001-01-IRIA, Kannur (Rs.69.05 Cr) | ₹ 69.05 |
113 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-02-Construction of New OP Block at GH Alappuzha (Rs.57.05 Cr) | ₹ 57.05 |
114 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-12-Development of Taluk Hospital Payyanur (Rs.56.31 Cr) | ₹ 56.31 |
115 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW005-01-Modernisation of GMC Kottayam- Construction of Surgical Block (Rs.151.79 Cr) | ₹ 151.79 |
116 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW005-04-Construction of Konni Medical College- Phase II (Rs.218.39 Cr) | ₹ 218.39 |
117 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-44-Development of out patient department, casualty & diagnostic facilities in Taluk Hospital Alathur, Palakkad (Rs.15.07 Cr) | ₹ 15.07 |
118 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-45-Development of out patient department, casualty & diagnostic facilities in Taluk Head Quarters Hospital Ottapalam, Palakkad (Rs.13.52 Cr) | ₹ 13.52 |
119 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-53-Development of OP Unit, Casualty Block & Diagnostic Facilities in TH Adimali (Rs.12.54 Cr) | ₹ 12.54 |
120 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW001-06-District Hospital, Kannur (Rs.63.49 Cr) | ₹ 63.49 |
121 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW001-08-08-Development of MCC - Phase-I (Rs.81.69 Cr) | ₹ 81.69 |
122 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW001-03- Cochin Cancer Research Center (Rs.384.34 Cr) | ₹ 384.34 |
123 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW003-02-03 - Govt Medical College TVM -Phase 2 MLT Block (Rs.16.10 Cr) | ₹ 16.10 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
124 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW001-05- Govt Medical College EKM - Super Specialty Block (Rs.286.66 Cr) | ₹ 286.66 |
125 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW001-14- Development of District Hospital, Mavelikkara (Rs.102.80 Cr) | ₹ 102.80 |
126 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-04-TH Xxxxxxxxxx, Kollam (Rs.31.76 Cr) | ₹ 31.76 |
127 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-08-TH Thuravur (Rs.34.83 Cr) | ₹ 34.83 |
128 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-22-Taluk Hospital, Kayamkulam (Rs.45.67 Cr) | ₹ 45.67 |
129 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-14-Taluk Hospital, Vaikom (Rs.55.82 Cr) | ₹ 55.82 |
130 | Health&Family Welfare | HFW002-24-Taluk Hospital, Feroke (Rs.17.09 Cr) | ₹ 17.09 |
131 | Health&Family Welfare | Development of Taluk Hospital, Pathanapuram (Rs.91.88 Cr) | ₹ 91.88 |
132 | Health&Family Welfare | Development of Taluk Hospital Kunnamkulam, Thrissur | ₹ 76.51 |
133 | Health&Family Welfare | Construction of Taluk Hospital Chettikad, Alappuzha | ₹ 101.10 |
134 | Health&Family Welfare | Development of Taluk Hospital Chittur | ₹ 50.47 |
135 | Health&Family Welfare | Development of Taluk hospital Cherthala | ₹ 71.19 |
136 | Health&Family Welfare | Upgradation of Taluk Hospital Nedumkandam to District Hospital Phase I | ₹ 70.03 |
137 | Higher Education | HED001-02-02 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Govt. Polytechnic Vandiperiyar (Rs.9.95 Cr) | ₹ 9.95 |
138 | Higher Education | HED006-01- Civil electrical work for developing CUSAT as center of Excellence Package III- Construction of 110kV GIS and Up gradation of Electrical System (Rs.17.86 Cr) | ₹ 17.86 |
139 | Higher Education | HED001-03-02 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Govt. Polytechnic Mananthavady (Rs.8.22 Cr) | ₹ 8.22 |
140 | Higher Education | HED002-01-01 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Govt. Victoria College Palakkad (Rs.15.79 Cr) | ₹ 15.79 |
141 | Higher Education | HED002-02-01 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Maharaja's College Ernakulam (Rs.15.94 Cr) | ₹ 15.94 |
142 | Higher Education | HED002-03-01 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Kerala Varma College Thrissur (Rs.14.323 Cr) | ₹ 14.32 |
143 | Higher Education | HED007-02-02 - Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Dr.BRAmbedkar Memorial Govt. Arts & Science College, Balussery (Rs.11.11 Cr) | ₹ 11.11 |
144 | Higher Education | HED007-02-03 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Govt. Arts & Science College, Nadapuram (Rs.10.52 Cr) | ₹ 10.52 |
145 | Higher Education | HED007-02-01 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Kunnamangalam Government Arts & Science College, Chathamangalam (Rs.10.13 Cr) | ₹ 10.13 |
146 | Higher Education | HED007-02-04 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Govt. College, Thalassery, Chokli (Rs.10.38 Cr) | ₹ 10.38 |
147 | Higher Education | HED007-04-01 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at XX Xxxxx Govt. College Manimalakunnu (Rs.6.008 Cr) | ₹ 6.01 |
148 | Higher Education | HED007-14-01 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at BJM College Kollam (Rs.6.37 Cr) | ₹ 6.37 |
149 | Higher Education | HED007-19-02 -Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Govt. College Xxxxx (Rs.8.374 Cr) | ₹ 8.37 |
150 | Higher Education | HED007-29-01 - Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Govt. Arts & Science College Chelakkara (Rs.8.29 Cr) | ₹ 8.29 |
151 | Higher Education | HED007-03-02- Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities at Govt. Sanskrit College Thiruvananthapuram (Rs.7.571 Cr) | ₹ 7.57 |
152 | Higher Education | HED006-02-Procurement of Laboratory equipment (Rs.142.24 Cr) | ₹ 142.24 |
153 | Higher Education | HED003-04-Upgrading Kerala University into Center of Excellence in Academics & Research (Rs.57.17 Cr) | ₹ 57.17 |
154 | Planning & Economic Affairs | PEA001-01-Work Near Home (10 pilot Work Near Home centers across Kerala) (Rs.37.50 Cr) | ₹ 37.50 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
155 | Revenue Department | Revenue Tower Mattanur | ₹ 22.53 |
156 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Pindali Kalari Temple | ₹ 0.61 |
157 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Andallurkav Temple | ₹ 1.69 |
158 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-The church is missing | ₹ 0.94 |
159 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Kotiyur Temple - Streetscape | ₹ 1.42 |
160 | TOURISM | Kottiyur Temple- Tourist Amenities | ₹ 2.06 |
161 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-XxXxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx | ₹ 2.17 |
162 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Jagannath Temple | ₹ 1.75 |
163 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Loknarkav Temple | ₹ 4.47 |
164 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Thiruvananthapuram Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx | ₹ 1.75 |
165 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Puralimala Temple | ₹ 0.74 |
166 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Sri Urpazhassikav Temple | ₹ 1.69 |
167 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Chirakav Temple | ₹ 1.89 |
168 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Kathirur Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Temple | ₹ 2.79 |
169 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Sri Thacholi Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx | ₹ 2.03 |
170 | TOURISM | Thalassery Heritage Project-Valliyoorkau - Streetscape | ₹ 0.43 |
171 | TOURISM | KIFB Project – Muzhapilangad in Kannur District – Comprehensive Development of Dharmadam Beach – Character Area 1 | ₹ 72.72 |
172 | TOURISM | Chetty Beach Development | ₹ 14.16 |
173 | TOURISM | Muzapilangad 3 star beach resort is established | ₹ 39.42 |
174 | Fisheries | Puthur Fish Market | ₹ 2.55 |
175 | Fisheries | Puthenchanda Fish Market | ₹ 2.10 |
176 | Fisheries | Chathannoor Fish Market | ₹ 4.57 |
177 | Fisheries | Poonthura Fish Market | ₹ 2.15 |
178 | Fisheries | GFHSS Pit | ₹ 1.75 |
179 | Fisheries | GHSS Vijayapuram | ₹ 1.62 |
180 | Fisheries | GUPS Kartikapally | ₹ 2.01 |
181 | Fisheries | GHSS Veliyamkode | ₹ 1.30 |
182 | Labour | Upgradation of ITI Chengannur | ₹ 23.66 |
183 | Labour | Upgradation of ITI Malampuzha | ₹ 12.79 |
184 | Labour | Upgradation of ITI Kattappana | ₹ 5.88 |
185 | Labour | Upgradation of ITI Kannur | ₹ 4.19 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
186 | HOME | Construction of Court Complex at Thalassery | ₹ 50.14 |
187 | REGISTRATION | Construction of New Building for Sub Registrar Office at Andathodu in Thrissur District | ₹ 1.61 |
188 | REGISTRATION | Construction of New building for Sub Registrar office at Malayinkeezhu in Thiruvananthapuram District | ₹ 1.30 |
189 | REGISTRATION | Construction of Sub Registrar Office at Thiruvallam in Thiruvananthapuram District | ₹ 1.55 |
190 | REGISTRATION | Construction of Sub Registrar Office at Varkala in Thiruvananthapuram District | ₹ 1.73 |
191 | REGISTRATION | Construction of Registration Complex at Nemom in Thiruvananthapuram District | ₹ 20.88 |
192 | SCST | Construction of New Building for ITI at Ponnani in Malappuram District | ₹ 2.03 |
193 | SCST | Construction of Model Residential School at Thonnakkal in Thiruvananthapuram District | ₹ 16.58 |
194 | Cultural Affairs Department | Xxxxxxxxxxxx Thirumunpu Cultural Complex at Kasargod | ₹ 43.44 |
195 | Cultural Affairs Department | VT Bhattathirappad Cultural Complex at Palakkad | ₹ 68.39 |
196 | Cultural Affairs Department | Setting up of Cinema Theater Complex at Payyanur | ₹ 16.11 |
197 | Cultural Affairs Department | Setting up of Cinema Theater Complexes at Kayamkulam | ₹ 18.95 |
198 | Cultural Affairs Department | Setting up of Cinema Theater Complexes at Alagappanagar | ₹ 16.84 |
199 | Cultural Affairs Department | Setting up of Cinema Theater Complexes at Vaikkom | ₹ 12.92 |
200 | Information Technology | First Building at Technocity with 2 lakh sq feet | ₹ 100.00 |
201 | Information Technology | 3.4 Lakh sq.ft Buildings at Kochi Innovation Zone | ₹ 251.13 |
202 | Forest | 1. Thrissur Zoological Park, Phase I (F0R004-01) | ₹ 122.22 |
203 | Forest | 2. Puthur Zoological Park, Wildlife Conservation & Research Phase II (F0R004-02) | ₹ 209.27 |
204 | Forest | 3. State-of-the-Art Elephant Rehabilitation Centre, Kottoor (F0R003-01) | ₹ 82.38 |
205 | Forest | Construction of Crash Guard Steel Rope Fencing from Koodalkkadavu to Palvelicham | ₹ 3.90 |
206 | PWD (RBDCK) | Xxxxxxxxxx XXX ( 29.5 Cr) | ₹ 29.50 |
207 | PWD (RBDCK) | Chirangara ROB (15.6 Cr) | ₹ 15.60 |
208 | PWD (RBDCK) | Koduvally - Illikunnu ROB (19 Cr) | ₹ 19.00 |
209 | PWD (RBDCK) | Tanur Town-Theyyala ROB (23.87 Cr) | ₹ 23.87 |
210 | PWD (RBDCK) | Vadanamkurissi ROB (29.01 Cr) | ₹ 29.01 |
211 | PWD (RBDCK) | Akathethara-Nadakkavil ROB (35.98 Cr) | ₹ 35.98 |
212 | PWD (RBDCK) | Chirayinkeezhu ROB (26.16 Cr) | ₹ 26.16 |
213 | PWD (RBDCK) | Eravipuram ROB (24.51 Cr) | ₹ 24.51 |
214 | PWD | Pookottumpadam – Kalikavu – Kerala estate – Kizhakkethala- Karuvarakundu Phase I & Phase 2 | ₹ 131.61 |
215 | PWD | Pookottumpadam - Moolepadam 1st phase | ₹ 55.29 |
216 | PWD | Widening and Providing BM & BC to Pookkottumpadam - Thampurattikkallu Munderi Seed farm Gate Road | ₹ 115.38 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
217 | PWD | Kongad-Mannarkkad-Xxxxx Xxxxxx Road | ₹ 60.93 |
218 | PWD | Para-Mannukkad-Panampully Road and Bridge | ₹ 9.57 |
219 | PWD | Chullimada Bridge | ₹ 10.60 |
220 | PWD | Sreekrishnapuram-Muriyankanni- Cherallur Road Ch. 0/000 to 7/700 (Phase-I) | ₹ 51.02 |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx | ₹ 37.53 |
000 | XXX | Xxxx xxxxxxx - Xxxxxxxxx to Parassala - Phase 2 | ₹ 129.89 |
223 | PWD | Hill highway: Peringamala - Vithura (Koppam) Road | ₹ 50.80 |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx | ₹ 29.64 |
226 | PWD | Improvements to Muthalappozhi - Varkala, Nadayara - Parippally road with DBM and BC and allied works | ₹ 47.54 |
227 | PWD | Upgradation of Ayur-Xxxxxx-Punalur road in Kollam District | ₹ 123.37 |
228 | PWD | Construction of Arakkadavu bridge across Nedumonkav river in Kottarakkara constituency | ₹ 14.70 |
229 | PWD | Improvements to Kundara Chittumala Idachal Karoothrakadavu Railway station road | ₹ 32.16 |
230 | PWD | Improvements to Pangodu Kadakkal Chingeli Chadayamangalam Road Ch. 0/000 to 19/500 by laying BM, BC in Kollam District | ₹ 27.80 |
231 | PWD | Upgradation of Roads by FDR technology under KRFB-Kollam Division- Pathanapuram Enathu Road | ₹ 66.42 |
232 | PWD | Improvements to Hill Highway Road from Chevar to Edaparamba Km 23/000 to 72/635 | ₹ 86.63 |
233 | PWD | Improvements to Cheruvathur-Cheemeni IT Park Palavayal-Beemanadi-Mukkada Road by providing DBM & BC in Kasaragod District | ₹ 121.43 |
234 | PWD | Improvements to Hill highway Kollichal Cherupuzha Road Km 0/000 to 30/377 BM & BC in Kasaragod District (Except forest portion) | ₹ 89.24 |
235 | PWD | Construction of Chotta Bridge across Xxxxxxxxx River at Km 4/000 of Kundamkuzhi - Chotta - Iriyanni road in Udma LAC in Kasaragod District | ₹ 18.30 |
236 | PWD | Construction of Kiliyalam Bridge across Kiliyalam Thodu in Kasaragod District | ₹ 30.17 |
237 | PWD | Improvements to Chalakudy-Anamala Road (SH21) BC overlay from CH-56/000 to CH-78/175 & providing BM & BC from CH-78/175 to CH-88/403 in Thrissur District. | ₹ 27.96 |
238 | PWD | Construction of Sreedhari bridge Across Manali river in Nadathara Grama panchayath in Thrissur district | ₹ 10.24 |
239 | PWD | Udumbanchola-Rajakkadu-Anachal- Randammayil Road- Chithirapuram | ₹ 176.25 |
240 | PWD | Ramakkalmedu - Kambam medu -Vannappuram Road | ₹ 76.50 |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxxxx - Xxxxxxxxx xxxx km 19/000 to 40/050 and Thodupuzha Puliyanmala road km 85/500 to 92/167 in Idukki District: | ₹ 144.09 |
242 | PWD | 2nd stretch from Nariyampara (36/625) to Kattappana(39/925) & | |
243 | PWD | 3rd stretch from Chappath (19/000) to Marykulam (23/925) | |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxx | ₹ 26.08 |
245 | PWD | Construction of 3 Bridge Works in Kannur District (Vattoli Bridge, Odenthodu Bridge, Reconstruction of Chekkupalam): Part Work 1 - Chekku Bridge | ₹ 15.14 |
246 | PWD | Part Work 2 - Vattoli Bridge | |
247 | PWD | Ammanappara - Chapparappadavu | ₹ 44.24 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
000 | XXX | Xxxx | |
249 | PWD | Manna-Kuttyeri-Vellavu-Kattambally kadavu-Thadi Kadavu Road | ₹ 67.99 |
250 | PWD | Perumbalam - Panavally Bridge | ₹ 106.08 |
251 | PWD | Nedumbrakkadu-Vilakkumaram Bridge | ₹ 21.22 |
252 | PWD | Thottappalli Naluchira Bridge | ₹ 55.00 |
253 | PWD | Padaharam Bridge | ₹ 55.78 |
254 | PWD | Construction of Hill Highway Kodenchery Kakkadampoyil 34.3km in Kozhikode District | ₹ 198.35 |
256 | PWD | Improvements to Manassery Pulparamba Kodiyathoor Chullikaparamba road | ₹ 36.79 |
257 | PWD | VAIKOM VECHUR Ch.0.000 km to 11.075 km | ₹ 4.80 |
258 | PWD | Part Work: Anjumana Bridge only | |
259 | PWD | Hill highway in Wayanad District-Phase 1-Kottiyoor - Boys town-Mananthavady- Valad-Kunhome -Kunkichira | ₹ 186.65 |
260 | PWD | Providing BM&BC to Mananthavady Kaithakkal road between km 0/000 to 10/415 in Wayanad District. | ₹ 45.55 |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxxx - Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxx | ₹ 55.25 |
262 | PWD | Thirunelly Njettara bridge | ₹ 15.27 |
263 | PWD | Improvements to Kottayam Kumarakom Road - Phase 1 - Reconstruction of Karikkathara bridge (Part TS) | ₹ 29.49 |
264 | PWD | Construction of Akkarappadam Bridge (Akkarappadam Koottunkal bridge) across Moovattupuzha River in Kottayam District | ₹ 11.10 |
265 | PWD | Improvements providing DGBM & BC to Ezhamkulam Kaippattur road in Pathanamthitta Dist | ₹ 61.18 |
266 | PWD | Improvements to Thamarasserry Varatiakkal road in Kozhikode District | ₹ 40.57 |
267 | PWD | Improvements to Thottilpalam Kunduthode road from km 1St Phase 0/00 to 2/783 in Kozhikode District | ₹ 14.98 |
268 | PWD | Improvements to Mannarkad-Chinnathadakam road Phase I chainage 0/000 to 8/000 | ₹ 67.80 |
269 | Devaswom | Sabarimala works, Nilakkal | ₹ 48.80 |
270 | Xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx works, Erumeli | ₹ 16.34 |
271 | Xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx works, Chirangara | ₹ 12.90 |
272 | Devaswom | Sabarimala works, Kazhakkootam | ₹ 11.12 |
273 | Xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx works, Chenganoor | ₹ 14.81 |
274 | Xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx works, Maniyankodu | ₹ 12.42 |
275 | POWER | Xxxxxx Lines Package | ₹ 172.07 |
276 | POWER | Xxxxxx - GIS Package | ₹ 97.88 |
277 | POWER | Kolathunadu Package | ₹ 262.54 |
278 | General Education | GVHSS Kanhagad (SPV WAPCOS) | ₹ 3.00 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
279 | General Education | GHSS Adoor (SPV WAPCOS) | ₹ 3.00 |
280 | General Education | GGHSS Cherthala | ₹ 5.00 |
281 | General Education | GHSS Chengalam | ₹ 5.00 |
282 | Coastal and Inland Navigation | Chilavannur Bund Road Bridge | ₹ 32.68 |
283 | Coastal and Inland Navigation | Construction of walkways, canal beautification, and landscaping of the canal banks between Arivalam and Thottilpalam in Varkala | ₹ 24.98 |
284 | Power-Transgrid Projects | Thrissivaperur Line Strengthening Package –II, | ₹ 129.43 |
285 | PWD | Construction of Thorayikadavu Bridge across Akalappuzha in Kozhikode District. | ₹ 23.82 |
286 | PWD | Improvement to Kallanthode Koolimadu road in Kozhikode District | ₹ 42.30 |
287 | PWD | Construction of Valiyapalam bridge at Puthiyapalam across Canoli Canal in Kozhikode district | ₹ 59.01 |
288 | PWD | Construction Of Hill Highway Thalayad - Malapuram -Kodenchery 18km in Kozhikode District-Phase1-Thalayad(Padikkal Vayal) to Malapuram(21/6 mile) (Rs.48.75Cr) | ₹ 106.09 |
000 | XXX | Xxxx Xxxxxxx- Improvements to 28th mile- Thalayad Road- 28th mile - Padikkal Vayal (Ch 57/150 to 63/970) | ₹ 50.31 |
000 | XXX | Xxxx Xxxxxxx- Improvements to Thottilpalam to Thalayad Road -Peruvannamuzhi to Chembra (Ch 41/500 to 47/000 ) | ₹ 71.94 |
000 | XXX | XXX – Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx | ₹ 61.00 |
292 | PWD | Vilangad-Valookk-Kumbalachola-Kulangarath Road | ₹ 48.41 |
000 | XXX | Xxxx Xxxxxxx first reach Pullavai to Thottilpalam 0/000 to 28/000 in Kozhikkode District (Ist phase11/900 to19/700 & 21/700 to 28/000 Total-14.1km) (Pulluvai) | ₹ 88.13 |
294 | PWD | Improvements and Upgradation of Sultan Bathery - Cherambadi road Bet. Km. 3/000 to 11/200 in Wayanad District - Balance Work | ₹ 38.50 |
295 | PWD | Beenachi- Panamaram Road between Km District -Balance work from 0/000-22/200 in Wayanad Ch-0/000 to 2/700 and 15/580 to 22/200 - Balance Work | ₹ 72.19 |
296 | PWD | Improvements to Meppadi - Chooralmala Road in Wayanad District - Balance Work | ₹ 50.15 |
297 | PWD | KIIFB -2017-18- Improvements to Kakkavayal – Kolavayal – Karyambadi – Kenichira - Pulpally Road in Wayanad district- | ₹ 33.26 |
298 | PWD | Aban Junction Flyover | ₹ 59.78 |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx | ₹ 38.39 |
300 | PWD | Sreedhari Bridge | ₹ 10.24 |
301 | PWD | Kunnamkulam Municipality junction improvement | ₹ 89.83 |
302 | PWD | Kondazhy Kuthampully bridge | ₹ 33.14 |
303 | PWD | Kecheri Akkikavu bypass road | ₹ 48.59 |
304 | PWD | Renovation of Pazhayangadi Bridge | ₹ 22.52 |
305 | PWD | Improvements to Sreekandapuram-Chempanthatty-Naduvil road Km 0/000 to 9/760 in Kannur District | ₹ 47.72 |
306 | PWD | Balance work of Mattannur-Irikkur Road (km 0/000 to 8/350) | ₹ 41.32 |
307 | PWD | Hill highway-Improvements to Hill Highway from Vallithod to Ambayathod between Km 36/506 to 45/000,58/450 to 60/480 and 64/700 to 90/000 in Kannur District | ₹ 83.17 |
308 | PWD | ETC Poomangalam-Mazhoor-Padeppengadu-Madakkadu Road | ₹ 69.53 |
309 | PWD | Construction of Choolakkadavu Bridge Connecting Payyanur Municipality and Ramantali Panchayath at Choolakkadavu in Kannur District | ₹ 27.94 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx | ₹ 30.97 |
311 | PWD | Muvattupuzha Town Development | ₹ 34.11 |
000 | XXX | Xxxx Xxxxxxx Improvements to Peerumedu Devikulam road Km 19/000 to 40/050 and Thodupuzha Puliyanmala Road Km 85/500 to 92/167 - Part TS 1 (Marykulam to Nariampara.) (Rs.56.71 Cr) | ₹ 144.10 |
313 | PWD | KIIFB PWD006-33 Improvements to Xxxx hospital Shornur IPT Road in Palakkad district | ₹ 82.21 |
314 | PWD | PWD016-17 : Construction of Nayarthodu Bridge in Purathur Panchayath (Thavanur LAC), Malappuram District | ₹ 52.06 |
000 | XXX | Xxxx Xxxxxxx 2- Kalpetta bypass Meppadi Kappankolli Chooralmala Arunappuzha(Malappuram) - Balance Work | ₹ 63.78 |
000 | XXX | Xxxx Xxxxxxx Phase 1- Kottiyoor Boys town road km. 2/500 to 6/270 and Boys town (43rd Mile) Valad Kunkichira road km 8/300 to 19/100 and Thalasseri Bavali Road km. 68/200 to 69/780 , 70/390 to 77/790 and 78/010 to 81/00 and Manathavady | ₹ 186.65 |
317 | PWD | Thirunelly Njettara Bridge | ₹ 15.27 |
318 | PWD | Mannarkundu Bridge | ₹ 14.02 |
000 | XXX | Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx | ₹ 57.91 |
320 | PWD | Kiifb - Improvements to Mannarkad - Chinnathadakam road between km 0/000 to 8/000 (phase1) (Rs.33.009 Cr) | ₹ 67.80 |
321 | PWD | Construction of Malampuzha Ring Road Bridge | ₹ 34.32 |
322 | PWD | Construction of Bypass and Improvements to Cherpulasseri Town in Palakkad District | ₹ 39.02 |
323 | PWD | KIIFB-Improvements to Pettah Anayara Oruvathilkotta Road | ₹ 141.42 |
324 | PWD-RBDCK | Kanjirapally Bypass | ₹ 78.69 |
325 | PWD-RBDCK | Thirunavaya River Bridge | ₹ 53.38 |
326 | PWD-RBDCK | Perumbavur Bypass- Phase 1 (1.03 Kms) (Rs.79.8 Cr) | ₹ 301.71 |
327 | PWD-RBDCK | Chelari Chettipady ROB | ₹ 41.46 |
328 | PWD-RBDCK | Melechovva Flyover | ₹ 44.71 |
329 | PWD-RBDCK | Kuttiyady Bypass | ₹ 37.96 |
330 | PWD-RBDCK | Kottikulam ROB | ₹ 19.60 |
331 | PWD-RBDCK | Puthiyakavu Chakkuvally ROB | ₹ 28.50 |
332 | PWD-RBDCK | Mambrakunnel ROB | ₹ 36.24 |
333 | PWD-RBDCK | Purayar ROB | ₹ 45.66 |
334 | PWD-RBDCK | Vallappuzha ROB | ₹ 23.28 |
335 | PWD-RBDCK | Mayyanadu ROB | ₹ 25.94 |
336 | PWD-RBDCK | Kallumala ROB | ₹ 38.21 |
337 | PWD-RBDCK | Ottapalam Bypass | ₹ 78.05 |
338 | PWD-RBDCK | South Bazar Flyover | ₹ 130.87 |
339 | PWD-RBDCK | Xxxxx XXX | ₹ 25.22 |
340 | PWD-RBDCK | Vaduthala ROB | ₹ 91.89 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
341 | PWD-RBDCK | Atlantis ROB | ₹ 89.77 |
342 | PWD-RBDCK | Uttara River Bridge | ₹ 10.61 |
343 | PWD-RBDCK | Changanassery Flyover | ₹ 62.11 |
344 | PWD-RBDCK | Kuruppanthara ROB | ₹ 30.55 |
345 | PWD-RBDCK | Airport Seaport Road | ₹ 722.04 |
346 | PWD-RBDCK | Angamali Bypass | ₹ 275.52 |
347 | PWD-RBDCK | Koduvayur Bypass | ₹ 38.19 |
348 | PWD-RBDCK | Peroorkada Flyover | ₹ 93.96 |
349 | PWD-RBDCK | Nalukody ROB | ₹ 39.09 |
350 | PWD-RBDCK | Ponnani Cable stayed Bridge | ₹ 280.08 |
351 | PWD-RBDCK | Nangiarkulangara ROB | ₹ 37.27 |
352 | PWD-RBDCK | Mynagapilly ROB | ₹ 49.94 |
353 | PWD-RBDCK | Kaduthuruthy ROB | ₹ 19.32 |
354 | PWD-RBDCK | Kurikad ROB | ₹ 36.88 |
355 | PWD-RBDCK | Koottikkada ROB | ₹ 52.23 |
356 | PWD-RBDCK | Punnamudu ROB | ₹ 36.88 |
357 | PWD-RBDCK | Kodumunda ROB | ₹ 31.31 |
358 | PWD-RBDCK | Moruglass Gate ROB | ₹ 33.19 |
359 | PWD-RBDCK | Nedupuzha ROB | ₹ 31.04 |
360 | PWD-RBDCK | Pudhukkad ROB | ₹ 37.73 |
361 | DSYA | Mini stadium complex at Thiruvambady | ₹ 6.11 |
362 | DSYA | Payyannur Municipal and Football Stadium at Payyannur | ₹ 13.15 |
363 | Revenue Department | Revenue Tower Vadakara | ₹ 26.41 |
364 | Revenue Department | Revenue Tower Pattambi | ₹ 25.45 |
365 | Revenue Department | Mini Civil Station Chadayamangalam | ₹ 11.74 |
366 | Kerala Forest Department | Construction of Crash Guard Steel Rope Fencing at Dasanakkara - Pathiriyambam, Pathramoola and Kakkodan Block of Pulppalli Forest Station, South Wayanad Forest Division, Length - 11.23 kms | ₹ 8.13 |
367 | Department of Labor and Skills | LBR002-04-03 - Up gradation Of XX Xxxxxxx Memorial Government ITI Kayyur On Par With International Standards. | ₹ 5.28 |
368 | Department of Labor and Skills | LBR002-03-02 - Up gradation Of Govt. ITI Chalakkudy On Par With International Standards. | ₹ 11.26 |
369 | E&IT Department - for KSUM | Construction of Building 2 at Technology Innovation Zone | ₹ 26.30 |
370 | E&IT Department - for KSUM | Interior fitout for Building 2 | ₹ 8.50 |
371 | E&IT Department - for KSUM | Solar for Building 2 | ₹ 0.50 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
372 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram | ₹ 16.95 |
373 | Higher Education Department | Augmenting the infrastructure facilities at Government College Ambalapuzha. | ₹ 20.44 |
374 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx College, Kannur | ₹ 13.31 |
375 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx College, Kozhikode | ₹ 15.59 |
376 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx College, Wayanad | ₹ 11.11 |
377 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx College, Palakkad | ₹ 17.89 |
378 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx College, Thrissur | ₹ 11.27 |
379 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx College, Idukki | ₹ 24.61 |
380 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala -KMM Government Womens College, Kannur | ₹ 12.96 |
381 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala -EEK nayanar Govt College, Elarithattu | ₹ 9.75 |
382 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Government College, Kasargod | ₹ 10.11 |
383 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxxxxx Xxx Memorial College, Manjeswaram | ₹ 6.92 |
384 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Govt Sanskrit College, Pattambi | ₹ 9.46 |
385 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Govt Arts and Science College, Mankada | ₹ 8.66 |
386 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - NMSM Govt College, kalpetta, Wayanad | ₹ 13.90 |
387 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - TM Memorial College, Tirur | ₹ 10.41 |
388 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructure facilities for Government Colleges in Kerala - Covt College, Chittoor | ₹ 4.30 |
389 | Higher Education Department | Govt. College Elanthoor | ₹ 19.15 |
390 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at MG University, Kottayam | ₹ 50.28 |
391 | Higher Education Department | Augmentation of Infrastructural Facilities at Government Arts & Science College for Womens Downhill | ₹ 13.85 |
392 | Higher Education Department | Government Arts & Science College, Pathiripala | ₹ 8.74 |
393 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Kakkulangara Mosque | ₹ 1.03 |
394 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Mandapam | ₹ 2.65 |
395 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Sree Mridanga Saileswari Temple | ₹ 2.65 |
396 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Sree Peralassery Temple | ₹ 2.70 |
397 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Municipal Stadium | ₹ 1.01 |
398 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Odathil Mosque and Paris Hotel street | ₹ 0.92 |
399 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Thirunelli Temple | ₹ 2.87 |
400 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Thrissillery Temple | ₹ 1.41 |
401 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Thalakkal Xxxxxx Museum | ₹ 4.22 |
402 | Tourism | Thalassery Heritage Project- Vadakara Thazhe Angadi | ₹ 1.43 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
403 | Tourism | Phase IV- Construction of Sea Pier | ₹ 20.05 |
410 | WRD | RIVER AT CHEKKUPALAM IN XXXXXXXX XXXXX PANCHAYAT, KANNUR Construction of Groyne Fields in thDeIsSeTvReIrCelTy eroded Coastal belt of Alappuzha | ₹ 34.75 |
411 | WRD | District at Ottamassery, Kattoor-Pollethai, Kakkazham (Ambalappuzha) and Nellanickal (Vattachal) | ₹ 73.06 |
412 | LSGD | Office Building - Anthur Municipality | ₹ 13.96 |
413 | LSGD | Office Building - Pattambi Municipality | ₹ 9.65 |
414 | LSGD | Construction of 1.5 MLD STP in Ottappalam Municipality | ₹ 12.85 |
415 | Cultural Affairs Department | Modernization of Chitranjali Studio | ₹ 38.08 |
416 | Fisheries | Panachamoodu Fish Market | ₹ 5.36 |
417 | Fisheries | Pallichal (Nadukkadu) Fish Market | ₹ 2.51 |
418 | Fisheries | Neyyattinkara Fish Market | ₹ 4.78 |
419 | Fisheries | Pazhayakunnumel Fish Market | ₹ 3.58 |
420 | Fisheries | Thankassery Fish Market, Kollam | ₹ 3.21 |
421 | Fisheries | Kadappakada Fish Market | ₹ 2.11 |
422 | Fisheries | Moonamkutty Fish Market | ₹ 2.02 |
423 | Fisheries | Pallimukku Fish Market | ₹ 3.21 |
424 | Fisheries | South Paravoor Fish Market | ₹ 2.35 |
425 | Fisheries | Xxxxxx Xxxx Market | ₹ 4.72 |
426 | Fisheries | Kottarakara Fish Market | ₹ 5.07 |
427 | Fisheries | Punalur Fish Market | ₹ 6.43 |
428 | Fisheries | Pathanapuram Fish Market | ₹ 1.82 |
429 | Fisheries | Nilakkamukku Fish Market | ₹ 1.55 |
430 | Fisheries | Alummoodu Fish Market | ₹ 1.68 |
431 | Fisheries | Mannanchery Fish Market | ₹ 1.64 |
432 | Fisheries | Chetty Fish Market | ₹ 1.62 |
433 | Fisheries | Punnamoodu Fish Market | ₹ 4.52 |
Sl.N o | Department | Projects | Project Cost (Rs Cr) |
434 | Fisheries | Kadakkavoor Fish Market | ₹ 2.66 |
435 | Fisheries | Kumbazha Fish Market | ₹ 2.27 |
436 | Fisheries | Cherthala Fish Market | ₹ 3.08 |
437 | Fisheries | Kunnamkulam Fish Market | ₹ 4.66 |
438 | Fisheries | Vakkom Fish Market | ₹ 1.96 |
439 | Fisheries | Kadakkal Fish Market | ₹ 3.74 |
440 | Fisheries | Kottiyam Fish Market | ₹ 2.26 |
441 | Fisheries | Chalakkudy Fish Market | ₹ 3.50 |
442 | Fisheries | Paripally Fish Market | ₹ 3.03 |
443 | Fisheries | Kavanad Fish Market | ₹ 2.45 |
444 | Fisheries | East Kallada Fish Market | ₹ 2.14 |
445 | Fisheries | Thamarakulam Fish Market | ₹ 2.28 |
446 | Fisheries | Kulasekharapuram Fish Market | ₹ 3.41 |
447 | Fisheries | Mankamkuzhy Fish Market | ₹ 1.76 |
448 | Fisheries | Kareepuzha Fish Market | ₹ 1.73 |
449 | Fisheries | Edakochi Fish Market | ₹ 1.43 |
450 | Fisheries | Vamanapuram (Kallara) Fish Market | ₹ 4.39 |
451 | Fisheries | Xxxxxx Xxxx Market | ₹ 1.78 |
452 | Fisheries | Nayarambalam Fish Market | ₹ 2.76 |
453 | Health & Family Welfare | Development of Taluk Hospital, Chirayinkeezhu | ₹ 50.77 |
454 | Health & Family Welfare | Development of Women and Child Hospital Thalassery | ₹ 68.97 |
455 | Health & Family Welfare | Development of Taluk Hospital, Peravoor in Kannur District - Phase 1 | ₹ 40.86 |
456 | Health & Family Welfare | Development of Taluk Hospital, Balusseri in Kozhikode District | ₹ 23.20 |
457 | General Education Department | SGMGHSS Kolathur-New School Block (SPV-XXXXx) | ₹ 3.00 |
458 | General Education Department | GHSS Manathala, Thrissur. | ₹ 5.00 |
459 | General Education Department | GBHSS Wadakkanchery, Thrissur. | ₹ 5.00 |
460 | General Education Department | GHSS Mangalam, Alappuzha | ₹ 3.00 |
461 | General Education Department | GHSS Tirurangadi, Malappuram | ₹ 3.00 |
Total ₹ 16,320.96