လက္ေအvက္ခံ ကုမၸဏ၏ vမ v်ား ဝယ္ယူွမႈ
လက္ေအvက္ခံ ကုမၸဏ၏
vမ v်ား ဝယ္ယူွမႈ
ပတ္သက္၍ အသိေပ်ားေ(ကၾvညခွ်ား
ဖတ္(စ္) ညမႈ္မvအွ္က္(စ္)မ`့္(ႈ္) အမ v်ားပိုုွ္ ကုမၸဏီလီမိတက္ (“ကုမၸဏီ” ႏွွွ့္္ ၏ လက္ေအvက္ခံ ကုမၸဏီခ`ြမ v်ားး၊
စုုေပ1ွ္်ား၍ “ကုမၸဏီအုပ္စု”) ဒ1ရိုက္တvအဖ`ြ သၾ္ အက ိµ်ားတူပူ်ားေပ1ွ္်ားေဆvွ္ရြက္ေသv ကုမၸဏီ တစ္ခုု ညဖစ္သၾ့္
Memories Group Limited (“Memories Group”) ႈွ
့္္ Oakfame Investment Limited (“Oakfame”) ႈွ
့္္ ၏
ဦ်ားပိုုွ္ကုမၸဏီ ညဖစ္ေသv Xxx Xxxx Xxx & Co. Limited (“SHK”) တိုု႔ထံမွ Strand Hotel International Limited အv်ား
ပိုုွ္ဆိုုွ္သၾ့္္ အစုုရွယ္ယv စုုစုုေပ1ွ္်ား၏ ၁၅.၂၈% ႈွွ့္ အစုရွယ္ယvဝယ္ယူသၾ့္္ သေဘvတူစvခ µပ္ကို ခ µပ္ဆိုခေ`့္
ၾီမွ ေသv အစုုရွယ္ယv ၁,၆၉၆,၆၃၆ အv်ား ဝယ္ယူရႈ (ကvွ္်ား အသိေပ်ားအပ္ပ1သၾ္္။
သေဘvတူစvခ µပမ
v်ား ႏွွွပ
တ္သက္သၾ့္္ အေသ်ားစိတ္ အခ က္အလက္မ v်ားကို ေအvက္ေဖv္ညပပ1 လွ့္(္ ခ္) (Link)
မွတဆွ့္္ ဝွ္ေရvက္(ကၾရ ႏွိုွ္ပ1သၾ္္။
Memories Group ၏ အစုရွယ္ယvဝယ္ယူမ မ v်ား္။
xxxxx://xxxxx.xxx.xxx/0.0.0/xxxxxxxxx- announcements/A1HP2900XRB1FROP/2944a027791b12a0ef380c5b711d8588792821275a6b850 1a466d91c0cac8828
ဒ1ရိုက္တvအဖြ` ၏အမိႈ္ ႔အရ
အမ ေဆvွ္ဒ1ရိုက္တv
၂၀၁၉ ခုႏွွစ္း၊ ဧညပီလ (၂၉) ရက္
First Myanmar Investment Public Co., Ltd.
YSX Code 00001
The Campus 0 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxx
Pun Hlaing Estate, Hlaing Thayar Township,
Yangon 11401, Myanmar
Tel: (00) 0000000
The Board of Directors of First Myanmar Investment Public Co., Ltd. (the “Company” and with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) wishes to announce that Memories Group Limited (“Memories Group”), an affiliated company of the Company, has entered into shares purchase agreement (“Shares Purchase Agreement”) with Oakfame Investment Limited (“Oakfame”) and its holding company, Sun Hung Kai & Co. Limited (“SHK”), for the proposed acquisitions of 1,696,636 shares in the capital of Strand Hotel International Limited (“Target”) which represents 15.28% of the total issued and paid up shares of the Target (“Proposed Acquisition”) in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated in the Shares Purchase Agreement
Further details are set out in Memories Group’s announcement which may be accessed via the following link:
Memories Group’s Proposed Acquisitions:
xxxxx://xxxxx.xxx.xxx/0.0.0/xxxxxxxxx- announcements/A1HP2900XRB1FROP/2944a027791b12a0ef380c5b711d8588792821275a6b850 1a466d91c0cac8828
By Order of the Board
Xxx Xxx Executive Director 29th April 2019
First Myanmar Investment Public Co., Ltd.
YSX Code 00001
The Campus 0 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxx
Pun Hlaing Estate, Hlaing Thayar Township,
Yangon 11401, Myanmar
Tel: (00) 0000000