Authorized Vehicle Drivers Voorbeeldclausules

Authorized Vehicle Drivers. Vehicles may only be driven by drivers who possess a valid full and unrestricted driver license and must fulfill the minimum age of 21 years. The vehicle must only be driven by driver(s) designated in the Rental Agreement. If an unauthorized driver drives the vehicle, that constitutes a breach of these Terms and the Rental Agreement. You shall be liable for all damage or loss caused by an unauthorized driver. Unauthorized drivers are not covered by insurance. All authorized drivers must be named in writing in the Rental Agreement and must show their original driver licenses to the Rental Firm at the time of vehicle pick-up. Copies of licenses are not accepted. Roadsurfer has the right to verify that any driver’s license has been validly issued and is in good standing (not suspended, revoked or otherwise restricted in any way) as a condition of each rental. Roadsurfer must be told about all accompanying persons prior to the commencement of the rental period. Should there be any doubt as to the truthfulness of the purpose or the number of passengers, Roadsurfer reserves the right not to hand over the vehicle. Corporate customers renting a vehicle may make the vehicle available to employees as provided for in the Rental Agreement, and are responsible to ensure that the vehicle is made available only to employees who are authorized drivers. The vehicle may not be driven by anyone whose fitness to drive may be impaired for any reason, in particular if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or are ill. The Hirer shall not be entitled to carry out any removal and/or modification of vehicle parts, in particular drive, brake, steering and/or body components, or to deactivate the telematics systems without Roadsurfer’s prior written consent. In case of culpable violation, Roadsurfer is entitled to extraordinary termination.
Authorized Vehicle Drivers. Vehicles may only be driven by drivers who possess a valid full and unrestricted driver license. The vehicle must only be driven by driver(s) designated in the Rental Agreement. If an unauthorized driver drives the vehicle, that constitutes a breach of these Terms and the Rental Agreement. You shall be liable for all damage or loss caused by an unauthorized driver. Unauthorized drivers are not covered by insurance. All authorized drivers must be named in writing in the Rental Agreement and must show their original driver licenses to the Rental Firm at the time of vehicle pick-up. Copies of licenses are not accepted. Roadsurfer has the right to verify that any driver’s license has been validly issued and is in good standing (not suspended, revoked or otherwise restricted in any way) as a condition of each rental. Roadsurfer must be told about all accompanying persons prior to the commencement of the rental period. Should there be any doubt as to the truthfulness of the purpose or the number of passengers, Roadsurfer reserves the right not to hand over the vehicle. Corporate customers renting a vehicle may make the vehicle available to employees as provided for in the Rental Agreement, and are responsible to ensure that the vehicle is made available only to employees who are authorized drivers. The vehicle may not be driven by anyone whose fitness to drive may be impaired for any reason, in particular if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or are ill. The Hirer shall not be entitled to carry out any removal and/or modification of vehicle parts, in particular drive, brake, steering and/or body components, or to deactivate the telematics systems without Roadsurfer’s prior written consent. In case of culpable violation, Roadsurfer is entitled to extraordinary termination.
Authorized Vehicle Drivers. Vehicles may only be driven by drivers who possess a valid full and unrestricted driver license and must fulfill the minimum age of 21 years ("Authorized Drivers”). Only Authorized Drivers are permitted to drive the Equipment. All Authorized Drivers are jointly and severally liable and bound by this Agreement in regard to use of the Equipment. Each Authorized Driver expressly warrants and guarantees that by operating any of the Equipment, the Authorized Driver is competent, capable, licensed, and qualified to operate such Equipment. The vehicle must only be driven by driver(s) designated in the Rental Agreement. If an unauthorized driver drives the vehicle, that constitutes a breach of these Terms and the Rental Agreement. You shall be liable for all damage or loss caused by an unauthorized driver. Unauthorized drivers are not covered by insurance. All Authorized Drivers must be named in writing in the Rental Agreement and must show their original driver licenses to the Rental Firm at the time of vehicle pick-up. Copies of licenses are not accepted. Roadsurfer has the right to verify that any driver’s license has been validly issued and is in good standing (not suspended, revoked or otherwise restricted in any way) as a condition of each rental. Roadsurfer must be told about all accompanying persons prior to the commencement of the rental period. Should there be any doubt as to the truthfulness of the purpose or the number of passengers, Roadsurfer reserves the right not to hand over the vehicle. Corporate customers renting a vehicle may make the vehicle available to employees as provided for in the Rental Agreement, and are responsible to ensure that the vehicle is made available only to employees who are authorized drivers. The vehicle may not be driven by anyone whose fitness to drive may be impaired for any reason, in particular if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or are ill. The Renter shall not be entitled to carry out any removal and/or modification of vehicle parts, in particular drive, brake, steering and/or body components, or to deactivate the telematics systems without Roadsurfer’s prior written consent. In case of culpable violation, Roadsurfer is entitled to extraordinary termination.

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