Overview of the cost increases Voorbeeldclausules

Overview of the cost increases. Date, event Estimated budget in NOK million Initial budget as described in Decision No 39/11/COL of 9 February 2011 511,66 The Norwegian authorities have also made reference to a cost estimate of NOK 696 million. In the following, the Authority refers only to the NOK 700 million figure. 696 7 February 2011, Finnfjord board meeting [680-720] 5 July 2012, Finnfjord applies to Enova for more aid [730-760] 31 July 2012, Finnfjord budget review [740-790] 25 September 2012, Finnfjord board meeting [740-790] The Norwegian authorities indicate that the cost estimates increased further to [approxi­ mately NOK 800] million. It is not clear when these estimates were made, therefore the NOK [740-790] million from the 25 September 2012 board meeting is referred to in the following. [approximately 800]