JAARGANG 2014 Nr. 78
Verdrag van Rotterdam inzake de procedure met betrekking tot voorafgaande geïnformeerde toestemming ten aanzien van bepaalde gevaarlijke chemische stoffen en pesticiden in de internationale handel;
Rotterdam, 10 september 1998
De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het Verdrag, met Bijlagen, zijn geplaatst in Trb. 1999, 30.
Voor een correctie van de Engelse tekst van het Verdrag zie Trb. 2007, 197.
De Engelse tekst van de besluiten RC-1/3 en RC-1/11 van 24 septem- ber 2004 van de Conferentie van de Partijen tot wijziging van Bijlage III bij het Verdrag, respectievelijk tot vaststelling van een nieuwe Bij- lage VI bij het Verdrag zijn geplaatst in Trb. 2007, 197. In dat Tracta- tenblad dienen in de Engelse tekst van Bijlage VI de volgende correcties te worden aangebracht.
Op blz. 4, in artikel 1, tweede lid, vijfde regel, dient het woord „secre- tariaat” te worden vervangen door „secretariat”.
Op blz. 5, in artikel 2, eerste lid, eerste regel, dient het woord
„betweeen” te worden vervangen door „between”.
Op blz. 9, in artikel 9, eerste regel, dient het woord „done” te worden vervangen door „borne”.
De Engelse tekst van het besluit RC-4/5 van 31 oktober 2008 van de Conferentie van de Partijen tot wijziging van Bijlage III bij het Verdrag is geplaatst in Trb. 2009, 67.
Bij besluit van RC-5/3 van 24 juni 2011 heeft de Conferentie van de Partijen wijzigingen van Bijlage III aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:
RC-5/3: Listing of alachlor in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciating the work of the Chemical Review Commit- tee,
Having considered the recommendation of the Chemical Review Com- mittee to make alachlor subject to the prior informed consent procedure and accordingly to list it in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade,
Satisfied that all the requirements for listing in Annex III to the Rot- terdam Convention have been met,
1. Decides to amend Xxxxx XXX to the Rotterdam Convention to list the following chemical:
Chemical | Relevant CAS number(s) | Category |
Alachlor | 00000-00-0 | Pesticide |
2. Also decides that this amendment shall enter into force for all par- ties on 24 October 2011.
3. Approves the decision guidance document for Alachlor.2)
Bij besluit van RC-5/4 van 24 juni 2011 heeft de Conferentie van de Partijen wijzigingen van Bijlage III aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:
1) De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet opgenomen.
2) UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.5/14, Annex V.
1) De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet opgenomen.
RC-5/4:Listing of aldicarb in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciating the work of the Chemical Review Commit- tee,
Having considered the recommendation of the Chemical Review Com- mittee to make aldicarb subject to the prior informed consent procedure and accordingly to list it in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade,
Satisfied that all the requirements for listing in Annex III to the Rot- terdam Convention have been met,
1. Decides to amend Xxxxx XXX to the Rotterdam Convention to list the following chemical:
Chemical | Relevant CAS number(s) | Category |
Aldicarb | 000-00-00 | Pesticide |
2. Also decides that this amendment shall enter into force for all par- ties on 24 October 2011.
3. Approves the decision guidance document for aldicarb.2)
Bij besluit van RC-5/5 van 24 juni 2011 heeft de Conferentie van de Partijen wijzigingen van Bijlage III aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:
RC-5/5: Listing of endosulfan in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciating the work of the Chemical Review Commit- tee,
2) UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.5/15, Annex V.
1) De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet opgenomen.
Having considered the recommendation of the Chemical Review Com- mittee to make endosulfan subject to the prior informed consent proce- dure and accordingly to list it in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemi- cals and Pesticides in International Trade,
Satisfied that all the requirements for listing in Annex III to the Rot- terdam Convention have been met,
1. Decides to amend Xxxxx XXX to the Rotterdam Convention to list the following chemical:
Chemical | Relevant CAS number(s) | Category |
Endosulfan | 115-29-7 | Pesticide |
2. Also decides that is amendment shall enter into force for all par- ties on 24 October 2011.
3. Approves the decision guidance document for endosulfan.2)
Bij besluit van RC-6/4 van 10 mei 2013 heeft de Conferentie van de Partijen wijzigingen van Bijlage III aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:
RC-6/4: Listing of azinphos-methyl in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciation the work of the Chemical Review Commit- tee,
Having considered the recommendation of the Chemical Review Com- mittee to make azinphos-methyl subject to the prior informed consent procedure and accordingly to list it in Annex III to the Rotterdam Con- vention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade,
Satisfied that all the requirements for listing in Annex III to the Rot- terdam Convention have been met,
2) UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.5/13, annex V
1) De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet opgenomen.
1. Decides to amend Xxxxx XXX to the Rotterdam Convention to list the following chemical:
Chemical | Relevant CAS number(s) | Category |
Azinphos-methyl | 86-50-0 | Pesticide |
2. Also decides that this amendment shall enter into force for all par- ties on 10 August 2013;
3. Approves the draft decision guidance document on azinphos- methyl.2)
Bij besluit van RC-6/5 van 10 mei 2013 heeft de Conferentie van de Partijen wijzigingen van Bijlage III aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:
RC-6/5: Listing of commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciation the work of the Chemical Review Commit- tee,
Having considered the recommendation of the Chemical Review Com- mittee to make pentabromodiphenyl ether (CAS No. 32534-81-9) and pentabromodiphenyl ether commercial mixtures subject to the prior informed consent procedure and accordingly to list those chemicals in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in Interna- tional Trade,
Satisfied that all the requirements for listing in Annex III to the Rot- terdam Convention have been met,
2) UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.6/7/Add.1, annex.
1) De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet opgenomen.
1. Decides to amend Xxxxx XXX to the Rotterdam Convention to list the following chemicals:
Chemical | Relevant CAS number(s) | Category |
Commercial pentabromodiphenyl | Industrial | |
ether including: | ||
– Tetrabromodiphenyl ether | 00000-00-0 | |
– Pentabromodiphenyl ether | 00000-00-0 |
2. Also decides that this amendment shall enter into force for all par- ties on 10 August 2013;
3. Approves the draft decision guidance document on pentabromodi- phenyl ether (CAS No. 32534-81-9) and pentabromodiphenyl ether com- mercial mixtures.2)
Bij besluit van RC-6/6 van 10 mei 2013 heeft de Conferentie van de Partijen wijzigingen van Bijlage III aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:
RC-6/6: Listing of commercial octabromodiphenyl ether in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciation the work of the Chemical Review Commit- tee,
Having considered the recommendation of the Chemical Review Com- mittee to make octabromodiphenyl ether commercial mixtures subject to the prior informed consent procedure and accordingly to list those chemicals in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pes- ticides in International Trade,
Satisfied that all the requirements for listing in Annex III to the Rot- terdam Convention have been met,
2) UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.6/8/Add.1, annex.
1) De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet opgenomen.
1. Decides to amend Xxxxx XXX to the Rotterdam Convention to list the following chemicals:
Chemical | Relevant CAS number(s) | Category |
Commercial octabromodiphenyl ether | Industrial | |
including: | ||
– Hexabromodiphenyl ether | 00000-00-0 | |
– Heptabromodiphenyl ether | 00000-00-0 |
2. Also decides that this amendment shall enter into force for all par- ties on 10 August 2013;
3. Approves the draft decision guidance document on octabromodi- phenyl ether commercial mixtures.2)
Bij besluit van RC-6/7 van 10 mei 2013 heeft de Conferentie van de Partijen wijzigingen van Bijlage III aangenomen. De Engelse tekst1) van deze wijzigingen luidt als volgt:
RC-6/7: Listing of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonates, perfluorooctane sulfonamides and perfluorooctane sulfonyls in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting with appreciation the work of the Chemical Review Commit- tee,
Having considered the recommendation of the Chemical Review Com- mittee to make perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonates, perfluorooctane sulfonamides and perfluorooctane sulfonyls subject to the prior informed consent procedure and accordingly to list those chemicals in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pes- ticides in International Trade,
Satisfied that all the requirements for listing in Annex III to the Rot- terdam Convention have been met,
2) UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.6/9/Add.1, annex.
1) De Arabische, de Chinese, de Franse, de Russische en de Spaanse tekst zijn niet opgenomen.
1. Decides to amend Xxxxx XXX to the Rotterdam Convention to list the following chemicals:
Chemical | Relevant CAS number(s) | Category |
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonates, perfluorooctane sulfonamides and perfluorooctane sulfonyls including: – Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid – Potassium perfluorooctane sulfonate – Lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate – Ammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate – Diethanolammonium perfluorooc- tane sulfonate – Tetraethylammonium perfluorooc- tane sulfonate – Didecyldimethylammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate – N-Ethylperfluorooctane sulfonamide – N-Methylperfluorooctane sulfonamide – N-Ethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl) perfluorooctane sulfonamide – N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methyl- perfluorooctane sulfonamide – Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride | 1763-23-1 2795-39-3 00000-00-0 00000-00-0 00000-00-0 00000-00-0 251099-16-8 4151-50-2 00000-00-0 1691-99-2 00000-00-0 307-35-7 | Industrial |
2. Also decides that this amendment shall enter into force for all par- ties on 10 August 2013;
3. Approves the draft decision guidance document on perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonates, perfluorooctane sulfonamides and perfluorooctane sulfonyls.2)
Zie Trb. 1999, 202, Trb. 2007, 197, Trb. 2008, 43 en Trb. 2009, 67.
Zie Trb. 2004, 9, Trb. 2007, 197 en Trb. 2009, 67.
2) UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.6/10/Add.1, annex.
Zie rubriek E van Trb. 1999, 30 en rubriek F van Trb. 2004, 9.
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Afghanistan | 06-03-13 | T | 04-06-13 | |||
Albanië | 09-08-10 | T | 07-11-10 | |||
Xxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx | 23-08-10 | T | 21-11-10 | |||
Argentinië | 11-09-98 | 11-06-04 | R | 09-09-04 | ||
Armenië | 11-09-98 | 26-11-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Australië | 06-07-99 | 20-05-04 | R | 18-08-04 | ||
Bahrein | 16-04-12 | T | 17-07-12 | |||
Xxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 23-10-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Belize | 20-04-05 | T | 19-07-05 | |||
Benin | 11-09-98 | 05-01-04 | R | 04-04-04 | ||
Xxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxxxx | 19-03-07 | T | 17-06-07 | |||
Botswana | 05-02-08 | T | 05-05-08 | |||
Brazilië | 11-09-98 | 16-06-04 | R | 14-09-04 | ||
Bulgarije | 25-07-00 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Burkina Faso | 11-09-98 | 11-11-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Xxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | T | 22-12-04 | |||
Cambodja | 01-03-13 | T | 30-05-13 | |||
Canada | 26-08-02 | T | 24-02-04 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Chili | 11-09-98 | 20-01-05 | R | 20-04-05 | ||
China | 24-08-99 | 22-03-05 | R | 20-06-05 | ||
Colombia | 11-09-98 | 03-12-08 | R | 03-03-09 | ||
Congo, Democratische Republiek | 11-09-98 | 23-03-05 | R | 21-06-05 | ||
Congo, Republiek | 11-09-98 | 13-07-06 | R | 11-10-06 | ||
Cookeilanden | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxx Xxxx | 17-08-99 | 13-08-09 | R | 11-11-09 | ||
Cuba | 11-09-98 | 22-02-08 | R | 22-05-08 | ||
Cyprus | 11-09-98 | 17-12-04 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 15-01-04 | R | 14-04-04 | ||
Djibouti | 10-11-04 | T | 08-02-05 | |||
Dominica | 30-12-05 | T | 30-03-06 | |||
Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 11-01-01 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Ecuador | 11-09-98 | 04-05-04 | R | 00-00-00 | ||
Xx Xxxxxxxx | 16-02-99 | 08-09-99 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Equatoriaal- Guinea | 07-02-03 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Eritrea | 10-03-05 | T | 08-06-05 | |||
Estland | 13-06-06 | T | 11-09-06 | |||
Ethiopië | 09-01-03 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
EU (Europese Unie) | 11-09-98 | 20-12-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Filipijnen | 11-09-98 | 31-07-06 | R | 29-10-06 | ||
Finland | 11-09-98 | 04-06-04 | R | 02-09-04 | ||
Frankrijk | 11-09-98 | 17-02-04 | R | 17-05-04 | ||
Gabon | 18-12-03 | T | 17-03-04 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Gambia | 26-02-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Georgië | 27-02-07 | T | 28-05-07 | |||
Ghana | 11-09-98 | 30-05-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Griekenland | 11-09-98 | 23-12-03 | R | 22-03-04 | ||
Guatemala | 19-04-10 | T | 18-07-10 | |||
Guinee | 07-09-00 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Guinee-Bissau | 10-09-99 | 12-06-08 | R | 10-09-08 | ||
Guyana | 25-06-07 | T | 23-09-07 | |||
Honduras | 26-09-11 | T | 25-12-11 | |||
Hongarije | 10-09-99 | 31-10-00 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxxx | 10-06-05 | T | 08-09-05 | |||
India | 24-05-05 | T | 22-08-05 | |||
Indonesië | 11-09-98 | 24-09-13 | R | 23-12-13 | ||
Iran | 17-02-99 | 26-08-04 | R | 24-11-04 | ||
Israël | 20-05-99 | 03-10-11 | R | 01-01-12 | ||
Italië | 11-09-98 | 27-08-02 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 20-01-04 | R | 19-04-04 | ||
Jamaica | 20-08-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Japan | 31-08-99 | 15-06-04 | R | 13-09-04 | ||
Jemen | 04-02-06 | T | 05-05-06 | |||
Jordanië | 22-07-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Kaapverdië | 01-03-06 | T | 30-05-06 | |||
Kameroen | 11-09-98 | 20-05-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Xxxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | T | 30-01-08 | |||
Kenia | 11-09-98 | 03-02-05 | R | 04-05-05 | ||
Kirgistan | 11-08-99 | 25-05-00 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Koeweit | 11-09-98 | 12-05-06 | R | 10-08-06 | ||
Kroatië | 16-11-07 | T | 14-02-08 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Laos | 21-09-10 | T | 20-12-10 | |||
Lesotho | 30-05-08 | T | 28-08-08 | |||
Letland | 23-04-03 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Libanon | 13-11-06 | T | 11-02-07 | |||
Liberia | 22-09-04 | T | 21-12-04 | |||
Libië | 09-07-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Liechtenstein | 18-06-04 | T | 16-09-04 | |||
Litouwen | 17-03-04 | T | 15-06-04 | |||
Luxemburg | 11-09-98 | 28-08-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Macedonië, de voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek | 12-08-10 | T | 10-11-10 | |||
Madagaskar | 08-12-98 | 22-09-04 | R | 21-12-04 | ||
Malawi | 27-02-09 | T | 28-05-09 | |||
Malediven | 17-10-06 | T | 15-01-07 | |||
Maleisië | 04-09-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Mali | 11-09-98 | 05-06-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Marokko | 25-04-11 | T | 24-07-11 | |||
Marshalleilanden | 27-01-03 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Mauritanië | 01-09-99 | 22-07-05 | R | 20-10-05 | ||
Mauritius | 05-08-05 | T | 03-11-05 | |||
Mexico | 04-05-05 | T | 02-08-05 | |||
Moldavië | 27-01-05 | T | 27-04-05 | |||
Mongolië | 11-09-98 | 08-03-01 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Montenegro | 30-12-11 | T | 29-03-12 | |||
Mozambique | 15-04-10 | T | 14-07-10 | |||
Namibië | 11-09-98 | 24-06-05 | R | 22-09-05 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der – Nederland: – in Europa – Xxxxxxx – Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx – Xxxx – Xxxxx – Xxxxxxx – Sint Maarten | 11-09-98 | 20-04-00 – – – – – – | R | 24-02-04 – – – – – – | ||
Nepal | 09-02-07 | T | 10-05-07 | |||
Xxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 23-09-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Niger | 16-02-06 | T | 17-05-06 | |||
Nigeria | 28-06-01 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Noord-Korea | 06-02-04 | T | 06-05-04 | |||
Noorwegen | 11-09-98 | 25-10-01 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Oekraïne | 06-12-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Oman | 31-01-00 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Oostenrijk | 11-09-98 | 27-08-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Pakistan | 09-09-99 | 14-07-05 | R | 12-10-05 | ||
Panama | 11-09-98 | 18-08-00 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Paraguay | 11-09-98 | 18-08-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Peru | 11-09-98 | 14-09-05 | R | 13-12-05 | ||
Polen | 14-09-05 | T | 13-12-05 | |||
Portugal | 11-09-98 | 16-02-05 | R | 17-05-05 | ||
Qatar | 10-12-04 | T | 10-03-05 | |||
Roemenië | 02-09-03 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Russische Federatie | 28-04-11 | T | 27-07-11 | |||
Rwanda | 07-01-04 | T | 06-04-04 | |||
Saint Kitts en Nevis | 14-08-12 | T | 12-11-12 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Saint Lucia | 25-01-99 | |||||
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | 29-10-10 | T | 27-01-11 | |||
Samoa | 30-05-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Sao Tomé en Principe | 23-05-13 | T | 21-08-13 | |||
Saudi-Xxxxxx | 07-09-00 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Senegal | 11-09-98 | 20-07-01 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Servië | 31-07-09 | T | 29-10-09 | |||
Seychellen | 11-09-98 | |||||
Singapore | 24-05-05 | T | 22-08-05 | |||
Slovenië | 11-09-98 | 17-11-99 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Slowakije | 26-01-07 | T | 26-04-07 | |||
Somalië | 26-07-10 | T | 24-10-10 | |||
Spanje | 11-09-98 | 02-03-04 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxx Xxxxx | 19-01-06 | T | 19-04-06 | |||
Sudan | 17-02-05 | T | 18-05-05 | |||
Suriname | 30-05-00 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Swaziland | 24-09-12 | T | 23-12-12 | |||
Syrië | 11-09-98 | 24-09-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Xxxxxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 26-08-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Thailand | 19-02-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Togo | 09-09-99 | 23-06-04 | R | 21-09-04 | ||
Tonga | 31-03-10 | T | 29-06-10 | |||
Trinidad en Tobago | 16-12-09 | T | 16-03-10 | |||
Tsjaad | 11-09-98 | 10-03-04 | R | 08-06-04 | ||
Tsjechië | 22-06-99 | 12-06-00 | R | 24-02-04 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Xxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxx | 11-09-98 | |||||
Uganda | 18-08-08 | T | 16-11-08 | |||
Uruguay | 11-09-98 | 04-03-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 17-06-04 | R | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx van Amerika | 11-09-98 | |||||
Vietnam | 07-05-07 | T | 05-08-07 | |||
Zambia | 28-01-11 | T | 28-04-11 | |||
Zimbabwe | 01-03-12 | T | 30-05-12 | |||
Zuid-Afrika | 04-09-02 | T | 24-02-04 | |||
Zuid-Korea | 07-09-99 | 11-08-03 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxx | 11-09-98 | 10-10-03 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
Zwitserland | 11-09-98 | 10-01-02 | R | 24-02-04 | ||
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R=Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebonden- heid, NB=Niet bekend |
Uitgebreid tot | In werking | Buiten werking |
Xxxxxxxx XXX | 00-00-0000 | |
Xxxxx XXX | 20-06-2005 |
Uitbreidingen China
Verklaringen, voorbehouden en bezwaren
Botswana, 5 februari 2008
[Pursuant to] paragraph 2 of Article 20, the Government of the Republic of Botswana declares that, with respect to any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention, it recognises both means of dispute settlement set out in this provision, as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation under the Convention. This Declaration shall remain valid for the period that the Government of the Republic of Botswana is a party to the Convention.
China, 22 maart 2005
In accordance with the provision of article 138 of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and article 153 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administra- tive Region of the People’s Republic of China, the Government of the People’s Republic of China decides that the Convention shall apply to the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China; it shall not apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China until the Government of China notifies otherwise.
China, 26 augustus 2008
In accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Adminis- trative Region of the People’s Republic of China, the Government of the People’s Republic of China decides that the Convention shall apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Denemarken, 15 januari 2004
With a territorial exclusion in respect of the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Estland, 13 juni 2006
With respect to any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, the Republic of Estonia recognizes both of the means of dispute settlement stated in Article 20, paragraph 2 as compul- sory in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation.
EU (Europese Unie), 20 december 2002
The European Community declares that, in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 175(l) thereof, it is competent to enter into international agreements, and to implement the obligations resulting therefrom, which contribute to the pursuit of the following objectives:
Preserving, Protecting and improving the quality of the environment; protecting human health;
prudent and rational utilisation of natural resources;
promoting measures at international level to deal with regional or world- wide environmental problems.
Moreover, the European Community declares that it has already adopted legal instruments, including a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the export and import of dangerous chemi- cals, binding on its Member States, covering matters governed by this Convention, and will submit and update, as appropriate, a list of those legal instruments to the Secretariat of the Convention.
The European Community is responsible for the performance of those obligations resulting from the Convention which are covered by Com- munity law in force.
The exercise of Community competence is, by its nature, subject to con- tinuous development.
Israël, 3 oktober 2011
Pursuant to article 20, paragraph 2 of the Convention, the Government of the State of Israel declares that with respect to any dispute concern- ing the interpretation or application of the convention, it recognizes only
(a) Arbitration in accordance with procedures to be adopted by the Xxx- xxxxxxx of the Parties in an annex as soon as practicable.
Moldavië, 27 januari 2005
According to article 20 of the Convention, the Republic of Moldova declares that [it] accepts both means of dispute settlement, mentioned in paragraph 2 of the article, as compulsory in relation to any Party accept- ing the same obligation.
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der, 17 februari 2010
The Kingdom of the Netherlands declares, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Rotterdam Convention on the prior informed con- sent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in inter- national trade, that it accepts both means of dispute settlement referred to in that paragraph as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting one or both means of dispute settlement.
Nieuw-Zeeland, 23 september 2003
With the following territorial exclusion: “{consistent with the constitu- tional status of Tokelau and taking into account the commitment of the Government of New Zealand to the development of self-government for Tokelau through an act of self-determination under the Charter of the United Nations, this ratification shall not extend to Tokelau unless and until a Declaration to this effect is lodged by the Government of New Zealand with the Depositary on the basis of appropriate consultation with that territory.”
In accordance with article 20 (2), [Norway declares that], with respect to any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Con- vention, it recognizes (b) Submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice.
Oostenrijk, 27 augustus 2002
The Republic of Austria declares in accordance with Article 20 (2) of the Convention that it accepts both of the means of dispute settlement mentioned in Paragraph 2 as compulsory in relation to any party accept- ing an obligation concerning one or both of these means of dispute.
Syrië, 24 september 2003
The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic has reviewed the Rotter- dam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, which was signed in 1998. Having given it thorough consideration:
It declares that it has already ratified the above-mentioned Convention by virtue of legislative decree No. 35 of 13 July 2003, and that it will fully comply with and respect all its provisions, while confirming that the ratification of this Convention by the Syrian Arab Republic does not in any way constitute a recognition of Israel, and that the provisions of the Convention do not imply that the Syrian Arab Republic has to deal with that State.
Bezwaar door Israël, 13 januari 2004
The Government of the State of Israel has noted that the instru- ment of ratification of the Syrian Arab Republic to the above- mentioned Convention contains a declaration with respect to the State of Israel. The Government of the State of Israel considers that such a declaration, which is explicitly of a political nature, is incompatible with the purposes and objectives of the Convention.
The Government of the State of Israel therefore objects to the aforesaid declaration made by the Syrian Arab Republic.
Zie Trb. 2004, 9, Trb. 2007, 197, Trb. 2008, 43, Trb. 2009, 67.
De wijzigingen van Bijlage III van 24 juni 2011 en 10 mei 2013 zijn ingevolge artikel 22, vijfde lid, onderdeel c, van het Verdrag respectie- velijk op 24 oktober 2011 en 10 augustus 2013 voor alle partijen in wer- king getreden.
Zie voor verwijzingen en overige verdragsgegevens Trb. 1999, 30,
Trb. 2004, 9, Trb. 2007, 197, Trb. 2008, 43, Trb. 2009, 67 en Trb. 2010,
Titel : Handvest van de Verenigde Naties;
San Francisco, 26 juni 1945
Laatste Trb. : Trb. 2012, 200
Titel : Statuut van het Internationaal Gerechtshof; San Francisco, 26 juni 1945
Laatste Trb. : Trb. 2012, 128
In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goed- keuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de wijzigingen van 24 juni 2011 en 10 mei 2013 van Bijlage III zullen zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland (het Europese deel) op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.
Uitgegeven de zeventiende april 2014.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
ISSN 0920 - 2218
’s-Gravenhage 2014