GMP-z annex 6 Vervaardiging en behandeling van medische gassen
GMP-z annex 6 Vervaardiging en behandeling van medische gassen
Annex 6 van de GMP behandelt de vervaardiging en behandeling van medische gassen. Onder ‘Principle’ wordt vermeld dat deze Annex van de GMP geen betrekking heeft op vervaardiging en behandeling van medische gassen in ziekenhuizen tenzij dat als industriële vervaardiging kan worden beschouwd. Wel wordt aangegeven dat relevante onderdelen van de Annex als basis voor de activiteiten in ziekenhuizen kunnen dienen.
In deze GMP-z annex zijn essentiële onderdelen van het kwaliteitsbeheer van vervaardiging en behandeling van medische gassen in ziekenhuizen opgenomen, zoals ook verwoord in de Circulaire Medische Gassen van de IGZ (2008-04-IGZ). Een aantal onderdelen sluit niet precies aan op de GMP-tekst en is daarom onder ‘Principe’ opgenomen.
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
Principle | Principe | |
Gases which fulfill the definition of medicinal product of Directive 2001/83/EC or Directive 2001/82/EC (hereinafter, medicinal gases) are subject to the requirements laid down in these Directives, including the requirements on manufacturing. In this regard, this Annex deals with the manufacture of active substance gases and with the manufacture of medicinal gases. The delineation between the manufacture of the active substance and the manufacture of the medicinal product should be clearly defined in each Marketing Authorisation dossier. Normally, the production and purification steps of the gas belong to the field of manufacture of active substances. Gases enter the pharmaceutical field from the first storage of gas intended for such use. Manufacture of active substance gases should comply with the Basic Requirements of this guide (Part II), with the relevant part of this Annex, and with the other Annexes of the guide if relevant. Manufacture of medicinal gases should comply with the Basic Requirements of this guide (Part I), with the relevant part of this Annex, and with the other Annexes of the guide if relevant. In the exceptional cases of continuous processes where no intermediate storage of gas between the | Deze Annex behandelt de vervaardiging en behandeling van medische gassen in ziekenhuizen. Bij de vervaardiging en behandeling (=distributie) van medische gassen moet aan de basisvereisten van de goede manier van produceren (GMP-z), met inbegrip van de van toepassing zijnde bijlagen en van de Farmacopee-normen, worden voldaan. In hoofdlijnen worden onderscheiden: 1 Medische lucht Medische lucht wordt in een ziekenhuis in het algemeen via compressie van buitenlucht gemaakt, indien nodig gevolgd door zuiveringsstappen. Medische lucht wordt beschouwd als API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, active substance gas, zie paragraaf 1-3 in deze Annex). Zowel de produktie (compressie en zuivering) als distributie door het leidingennetwerk vallen onder de GMP-z richtsnoeren. De distributie door het leidingennetwerk wordt beschouwd als farmaceutische handeling. Als technische lucht wordt gebruikt voor de aandrijving van medische apparatuur, moet deze voldoen aan de eisen voor medische lucht. |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
manufacture of the active substance and the manufacture of the medicinal product is possible, the whole process (from starting materials of active substance to medicinal finished product) should be considered as belonging to the pharmaceutical field. This should be clearly stated in the Marketing Authorisation dossier. The Annex does not cover the manufacture and handling of medicinal gases in hospitals unless this is considered industrial preparation or manufacturing However, relevant parts of this Annex may be used as a basis for such activities. | 2 Medische gassen geleverd per tankauto en gedistribueerd via een leidingennetwerk Deze gassen zijn een Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API, active substance gas, zie paragraaf 1-3 in deze Annex), of zij worden geleverd als geregistreerd geneesmiddel. De distributie door het leidingennetwerk wordt beschouwd als farmaceutische handeling. 3 Medische gassen gedistribueerd in cilinders Deze kunnen worden beschouwd als geregistreerd geneesmiddel en dienen te worden ingekocht bij een leverancier die bij de productie de GMP-richtsnoeren hanteert (inclusief vrijgifte en recall procedure). De paragrafen 9 en 45 kunnen als leidraad dienen voor de opslag en het transport van cilinders in het ziekenhuis. Het ziekenhuis draagt zorg voor het opzetten, invoeren en in stand houden van een kwaliteitssysteem voor medische gassen. Met de verantwoordelijkheid hiervoor is in de regel de ziekenhuisapotheker belast. Verantwoordelijkheden, taken en bevoegdheden van alle betrokken disciplines en diensten binnen het kwaliteitssysteem zijn duidelijk vastgelegd. Er vindt periodiek overleg plaats tussen alle bij de medische gassen betrokken disciplines en diensten over geplande wijzigingen, knelpunten, klachten en afwijkingen. De ziekenhuisapotheker is betrokken bij de selectie van fabrikanten / leveranciers van medische gassen en de beoordeling daarvan als betrouwbare leverancier. De vrijgifte van afzonderlijke charges van medisch gas geleverd per tankauto na levering door de fabrikant/leverancier valt onder de | Fabrikanten/leveranciers van medische gassen worden beoordeeld binnen het systeem voor de beoordeling van toeleveranciers van grondstoffen en verpakkingsmaterialen van de NVZA (zie GMP-z Annex 8). |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
verantwoordelijkheid van de ziekenhuisapotheker. Het kwaliteitssysteem beschrijft de frequentie en aard van de kwaliteitscontrole op de bron van de medische lucht, op afnamepunten voor medische gassen, en op het leidingnetwerk nadat werkzaamheden of onderhoud daarop hebben plaatsgevonden. | ||
Manufacture of active substance gases | ||
Active substance gases can be prepared by chemical synthesis or be obtained from natural sources followed by purification steps, if necessary (as for example in an air separation plant). | GMP toelichtende tekst | |
1. The processes corresponding to these two methods of manufacturing active substance gases should comply with Part II of the Basic Requirements. However: (a) the requirements regarding starting materials for active substances (Part II Chapter 7) do not apply to the production of active substance gases by air separation (however, the manufacturer should ensure that the quality of ambient air is suitable for the established process and any changes in the quality of ambient air do not affect the quality of the active substance gas); (b) the requirements regarding on-going stability studies (Part II chapter 11.5), which are used to confirm storage conditions and expiry/retest dates (Part II chapter 11.6), do not apply in case initial stability studies have been replaced by bibliographic data (see Note for Guidance CPMP/QWP/1719/00); and (c) the requirements regarding reserve/retention samples (Part II chapter 11.7) do not apply to active substance gases, unless otherwise specified. | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (1) medische lucht (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
2. The production of active substance gases through a continuous process (e.g. air separation) should be continuously monitored for quality. The results of this monitoring should be kept in a manner permitting trend evaluation. | 2Z De productie (compressie en zuivering) van medische lucht door een continu proces wordt continu gemonitored op druk en vochtgehalte (dauwpunt). De resultaten van de monitoring worden zodanig opgeslagen dat trendanalyse mogelijk is. | Vocht is een kritische parameter omdat filterstraten, absorptiefilters en katalysatoren alleen goed (blijven) werken bij een lage waterconcentratie. |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
3. In addition: (a) transfers and deliveries of active substance gases in bulk should comply with the same requirements as those mentioned below for the medicinal gases (sections 19 to 21 of this Annex); (b) filling of active substance gases into cylinders or into mobile cryogenic vessels should comply with the same requirements as those mentioned below for the medicinal gases (sections 22 to 37 of this Annex) as well as Part II Chapter 9. | GMP | |
Manufacture of medicinal gases | ||
Manufacture of medicinal gases is generally carried out in closed equipment. Consequently, environmental contamination of the product is minimal. However, risks of contamination (or cross contamination with other gases) may arise, in particular because of the reuse of containers | GMP toelichtde tekst | |
4. Requirements applying to cylinders should also apply to cylinders bundles (except storage and transportation under cover). | Niet van toepassing | In de ziekenhuisfarmacie worden geen cilinders gevuld: zie de onderverdeling onder Principe. |
Personnel | ||
5. All personnel involved in manufacture and distribution of medicinal gases should receive an appropriate GMP training specifically applying to this type of products. They should be aware of the critically important aspects and potential hazards for patients from these products. The training programs should include the tanker lorries drivers. | 5Z Alle medewerkers die zijn betrokken bij de productie van medische lucht en distributie van medische gassen in ziekenhuizen, alsmede de gebruikers van medische gassen (artsen en verpleegkundigen), ontvangen een geschikte en hierop toegesneden scholing. Hierdoor zijn zij zich bewust van kritische aspecten en mogelijke gevaren voor patiënten en voor zichzelf die samenhangen met deze activiteiten. | |
6. Personnel of subcontractors that could influence the quality of medicinal gases (such as personnel in charge of maintenance of cylinders or valves) should be appropriately trained. | GMP | |
Premises and equipment | ||
Premises | ||
7. Cylinders and mobile cryogenic vessels should be | 7Z Cilinders met medische gassen worden bij | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (3) medische |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
checked, prepared, filled and stored in separate areas from non-medicinal gases, and there should be no exchange of cylinders / mobile cryogenic vessels between these areas. However, it could be accepted to check, prepare, fill and store other gases in the same areas, provided they comply with the specifications of medicinal gases and that the manufacturing operations are performed according to GMP standards. | voorkeur gescheiden van niet-medische gassen opgeslagen. | gassen gedistribueerd in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
8. Premises should provide sufficient space for manufacturing, testing and storage operations in order to prevent any risk of mix-up. Premises should be designed to provide: (a) separate marked areas for different gases; (b) clear identification and segregation of cylinders/mobile cryogenic vessels at various stages of processing (e.g. “waiting checking” "awaiting filling", "quarantine", "certified", “rejected” “prepared deliveries”). The method used to achieve these various levels of segregation will depend on the nature, extent and complexity of the overall operation. Marked-out floor areas, partitions, barriers, signs, labels or other appropriate means could be used. | 8Z Op verschillende locaties in het ziekenhuis is voldoende ruimte beschikbaar voor opslag van medische gassen gedistribueerd in cilinders. Verschillende medische gassen kunnen in 1 ruimte worden opgeslagen, mits zij goed herkenbaar zijn gelabeld. | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (3) medische gassen gedistribueerd in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
9. Empty cylinders/home cryogenic vessels after sorting or maintenance, and filled cylinders/home cryogenic vessels should be stored under cover, protected from adverse weather conditions. Filled cylinders/mobile cryogenic vessels should be stored in a manner that ensures that they will be delivered in a clean state, compatible with the environment in which they will be used. | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (3) medische gassen gedistribueerd in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
10. Specific storage conditions should be provided as required by the Marketing Authorisation (e.g. for gas mixtures where phase separation occurs on freezing). | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (3) medische gassen gedistribueerd in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
Equipment | ||
11. Equipment should be designed to ensure the correct gas is filled into the correct container. There should normally be no cross connections between | Niet van toepassing | In de ziekenhuisfarmacie wordt geen gas uitgevuld in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
pipelines carrying different gases. If cross connections are needed (e.g. filling equipment of mixtures), qualification should ensure that there is no risk of cross contamination between the different gases. In addition, the manifolds should be equipped with specific connections. These connections may be subject to national or international standards. The use of connections meeting different standards at the same filling site should be carefully controlled, as well as the use of adaptors needed in some situations to bypass the specific fill connection systems. | ||
12. Tanks and tankers should be dedicated to a single and defined quality of gas. However medicinal gases may be stored or transported in the same tanks, other containers used for intermediate storage, or tankers, as the same non-medicinal gas, provided that the quality of the latter is at least equal to the quality of the medicinal gas and that GMP standards are maintained. In such cases, quality risk management should be performed and documented. | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (2) medische gassen geleverd per tankauto en gedistribueerd via een leidingennetwerk (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
13. A common system supplying gas to medicinal and non-medicinal gas manifolds is only acceptable if there is a validated method to prevent backflow from the non-medicinal gas line to the medicinal gas line. | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (1) medische lucht en (2) medische gassen geleverd per tankauto en gedistribueerd via een leidingennetwerk (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). Denk aan levering van medisch gas aan laboratoria, pneumatiek en droogkasten. Zie ook NEN-EN-ISO 7396-1:2007 (11.1.1) |
14. Filling manifolds should be dedicated to a single medicinal gas or to a given mixture of medicinal gases. In exceptional cases, filling gases used for other medical purposes on manifolds dedicated to medicinal gases may be acceptable if justified and performed under control. In these cases, the quality of the non-medicinal gas should be at least equal to the required quality of the medicinal gas and GMP standards should be maintained. Filling should then be carried out by campaigns. | Niet van toepassing | In de ziekenhuisfarmacie wordt geen gas uitgevuld in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
15. Repair and maintenance operations (including cleaning and purging) of equipment, should not | 15Z Het distributienetwerk dient geschikt te zijn voor de distributie van de betreffende gassen. Aanleg |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
adversely affect the quality of medicinal gases. In particular, procedures should describe the measures to be taken after repair and maintenance operations involving breaches of the system’s integrity. Specifically it should be demonstrated that the equipment is free from any contamination that may adversely affect the quality of the finished product before releasing it for use. Records should be maintained. | dient te geschieden volgens de geldende NEN normen. Bij ver- of nieuwbouw is de ziekenhuisapotheker betrokken bij het opstellen van het programma van eisen voor het leidingennetwerk en bij de kwalificatie ervan. Er is een schoonmaak- en onderhoudsprogramma van de opslag en distributiesystemen. De ziekenhuisapotheker is betrokken bij het opstellen en uitvoeren hiervan. Na het verrichten van werkzaamheden aan het leidingennet dient conform geldende NEN-richtlijnen te worden getest om zekerheid te verkrijgen dat het juiste gas door de juiste leiding wordt getransporteerd en dat het leidingennet vrij is van verontreinigingen die de kwaliteit van het eindproduct negatief kunnen beïnvloeden. De vrijgifte van het leidingennetwerk na werkzaamheden vindt plaats onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de ziekenhuisapotheker. | |
16. A procedure should describe the measures to be taken when a tanker is back into medicinal gas service (after transporting non-medicinal gas in the conditions mentioned in section 12, or after a maintenance operation). This should include analytical testing. | Niet van toepassing | Deze procedure is relevant voor leveranciers die tankwagens beheren, maar dat is niet het geval binnen de ziekenhuisfarmacie. |
Documentation | ||
17. Data included in the records for each batch of cylinders/mobile cryogenic vessels must ensure that each filled container is traceable to significant aspects of the relevant filling operations. As appropriate, the following should be entered: (a) name of the product; (b) batch number; (c) date and time of the filling operation; (d) identification of the person(s) carrying out each significant step (e.g. line clearance, receipt, preparation before filling, filling etc.); (e) batch(es) | Niet van toepassing | In de ziekenhuisfarmacie wordt geen gas uitgevuld in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
reference(s) for the gas(es) used for the filling operation as referred to in section 22, including status; (f) equipment used (e.g. filling manifold); (g) quantity of cylinders/mobile cryogenic vessels before filling, including individual identification references and water capacity(ies); (h) pre-filling operations performed (see section 30); (i) key parameters that are needed to ensure correct filling at standard conditions; (j) results of appropriate checks to ensure the cylinders/mobile cryogenic vessels have been filled; (k) a sample of the batch label; (l) specification of the finished product and results of quality control tests (including reference to the calibration status of the test equipment); (m) quantity of rejected cylinders/mobile cryogenic vessels, with individual identification references and reasons for rejections; (n) details of any problems or unusual events, and signed authorisation for any deviation from filling instructions; and (o) certification statement by the Qualified Person, date and signature. | ||
18. Records should be maintained for each batch of gas intended to be delivered into hospital tanks. These records should, as appropriate, include the following (items to be recorded may vary depending on local legislation): (a) name of the product; (b) batch number; (c) identification reference for the tank (tanker) in which the batch is certified; (d) date and time of the filling operation; (e) identification of the person(s) carrying out the filling of the tank (tanker); (f) reference to the supplying tanker (tank), reference to the source gas as applicable; (g) relevant details concerning the filling operation; (h) specification of the finished product and results of | Niet van toepassing | Deze paragraaf is van belang voor externe leveranciers aan ziekenhuizen, maar is niet van toepassing op de activiteiten in de ziekenhuisfarmacie (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
quality control tests (including reference to the calibration status of the test equipment); (i) details of any problems or unusual events, and signed authorisation for any deviation from filling instructions; and (j) certification statement by the Qualified Person, date and signature. | ||
Production | ||
Transfers and deliveries of cryogenic and liquefied gas | ||
19. The transfers of cryogenic or liquefied gases from primary storage, including controls before transfers, should be in accordance with validated procedures designed to avoid the possibility of contamination. Transfer lines should be equipped with non-return valves or other suitable alternatives. Flexible connections, coupling hoses and connectors should be flushed with the relevant gas before use | Niet van toepassing | Niet van toepassing; ‘primary storage’ is bij de leverancier. |
20. The transfer hoses used to fill tanks and tankers should be equipped with product-specific connections. The use of adaptors allowing the connection of tanks and tankers not dedicated to the same gases should be adequately controlled. | Niet van toepassing | Deze paragraaf is van belang voor externe leveranciers aan ziekenhuizen, maar is niet van toepassing op de activiteiten in de ziekenhuisfarmacie (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
21. Deliveries of gas may be added to tanks containing the same defined quality of gas provided that a sample is tested to ensure that the quality of the delivered gas is acceptable. This sample may be taken from the gas to be delivered or from the receiving tank after delivery. | Niet van toepassing | Deze paragraaf is van belang voor externe leveranciers aan ziekenhuizen, maar is niet van toepassing op de activiteiten in de ziekenhuisfarmacie (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
Filling and labelling of cylinders and mobile cryogenic vessels | ||
De paragrafen 22-38 zijn van belang voor externe leveranciers aan ziekenhuizen, maar zijn merendeels niet van toepassing op de activiteiten in de ziekenhuisfarmacie (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe): in de ziekenhuisfarmacie worden geen cilinders gevuld. |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
22. Before filling cylinders and mobile cryogenic vessels, a batch (batches) of gas(es) should be determined, controlled according to specifications and approved for filling. | Niet van toepassing | |
23. In the case of continuous processes as those mentioned in ‘Principle’, there should be adequate in-process controls to ensure that the gas complies with specifications. | Niet van toepassing | |
24. Cylinders, mobile cryogenic vessels and valves should conform to appropriate technical specifications and any relevant requirements of the Marketing Authorisation. They should be dedicated to a single medicinal gas or to a given mixture of medicinal gases. Cylinders should be colour-coded according to relevant standards. They should preferably be fitted with | Niet van toepassing | |
25. Cylinders, mobile cryogenic vessels and valves should be checked before production, and should be properly maintained. Where CE marked medical devices the maintenance should address the medical device manufacturer’s instructions. | Niet van toepassing | |
26. Checks and maintenance operations should not affect the quality and the safety of the medicinal product. The water used for the hydrostatic pressure testing carried out on cylinders should be at least of drinking quality. | Niet van toepassing | |
27. As part of the checks and maintenance operations, cylinders should be subject to an internal visual inspection before fitting the valve, to make sure they are not contaminated with water or other contaminants. This should be done: • when they are new and initially put into medicinal gas service; • following any hydrostatic statutory pressure test or equivalent test where the valve is removed; • whenever the valve is replaced. After fitting, the valve should be kept closed to prevent any contamination from entering the cylinder. If there is any doubt about the internal condition of the cylinder, the valve should be removed and the cylinder internally inspected to | Niet van toepassing |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
ensure it has not been contaminated. | ||
28. Maintenance and repair operations of cylinders, mobile cryogenic vessels and valves are the responsibility of the manufacturer of the medicinal product. If subcontracted, they should only be carried out by approved subcontractors, and contracts including technical agreements should be established. Subcontractors should be audited to ensure that appropriate standards are maintained. | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (2) medische gassen geleverd per tankauto en gedistribueerd via een leidingennetwerk en (3) medische gassen gedistribueerd in cilinders (zie onderverdeling onder Principe). |
29. There should be a system to ensure the traceability of cylinders, mobile cryogenic vessels and valves | GMP | In het ziekenhuis dient sprake te zijn van adequaat cilinderbeheer. |
30. Checks to be performed before filling should include: (a) in the case of cylinders, a check, carried out according to defined procedure, to ensure there is a positive residual pressure in each cylinder; • if the cylinder is fitted with a minimum pressure retention valve, when there is no signal indicating there is a positive residual pressure, the correct functioning of the valve should be checked, and if the valve is shown not to function properly the cylinder should be sent to maintenance, • if the cylinder is not fitted with a minimum pressure retention valve, when there is no positive residual pressure the cylinder should be put aside for additional measures, to make sure it is not contaminated with water or other contaminants; additional measures could consist of internal visual inspection followed by cleaning using a validated method; (b) a check to ensure that all previous batch labels have been removed; (c) a check that any damaged product labels have been removed and replaced; (d) a visual external inspection of each cylinder, mobile cryogenic vessel and valve for dents, arc burns, debris, other damage and contamination with oil or grease; cleaning should be done if necessary; (e) a check of each cylinder or mobile cryogenic | Niet van toepassing | In de ziekenhuisfarmacie wordt geen gas uitgevuld in cilinders (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
vessel outlet connection to determine that it is the proper type for the particular gas involved; (f) a check of the date of the next test to be performed on the valve (in the case of valves that need to be periodically tested); (g) a check of the cylinders or mobile cryogenic vessels to ensure that any tests required by national or international regulations (e.g. hydrostatic pressure test or equivalent for cylinders) have been conducted and are still valid; and (h) a check to determine that each cylinder is colour- coded as specified in the Marketing Authorisation (colour-coding of the relevant national / international standards). | ||
31. A batch should be defined for filling operations. | Niet van toepassing | |
32. Cylinders that have been returned for refilling should be prepared with care in order to minimise the risks of contamination, in line with the procedures defined in the Marketing Authorisation. These procedures, which should include evacuation and/or purging operations, should be validated. | Niet van toepassing | |
33. Mobile cryogenic vessels that have been returned for refilling should be prepared with care in order to minimise the risks of contamination, in line with the procedures defined in the Marketing Authorisation. In particular, mobile vessels with no residual pressure should be prepared using a validated method. | Niet van toepassing | |
34. There should be appropriate checks to ensure that each cylinder/mobile cryogenic vessel has been properly filled. | Niet van toepassing | |
35. Each filled cylinder should be tested for leaks using an appropriate method, prior to fitting the tamper evident seal (see section 36). The test method should not introduce any contaminant into the valve outlet and, if applicable, should be performed after any quality sample is taken. | Niet van toepassing | |
36. After filling, cylinders valves should be fitted with covers to protect the outlets from contamination. Cylinders and mobile cryogenic vessels should be | Niet van toepassing |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
fitted with tamper-evident seals. | ||
37. Each cylinder or mobile cryogenic vessel should be labelled. The batch number and the expiry date may be on a separate label. | Niet van toepassing | |
38. In the case of medicinal gases produced by mixing two or more different gases (in-line before filling or directly into the cylinders); the mixing process should be validated to ensure that the gases are properly mixed in every cylinder and that the mixture is homogeneous. | Niet van toepassing | |
Quality Control | ||
39. Each batch of medicinal gas (cylinders, mobile cryogenic vessels, hospital tanks) should be tested in accordance with the requirements of the Marketing Authorisation and certified. | 39Z Medische gassen geleverd per tankauto en gedistribueerd via een leidingennetwerk worden door de leverancier/fabrikant als charge gedefinieerd, worden in overeenstemming met de betreffende farmacopee monografieën gecontroleerd en voor vulling door de QP van de leverancier vrijgegeven. Zowel in geval van APIs als van geregistreerde geneesmiddelen wordt het analysecertificaat geverifieerd door de ziekenhuisapotheker. Daarnaast vindt een controle van de verpakking (tankauto) plaats. | In de praktijk controleert de ziekenhuisapotheker op de eisen conform Farmacopee en op de handtekening van de QP op het analysecertificaat en op het kenteken van de oplegger op de pakbon. |
40. Unless different provisions are required in the Marketing Authorisation, the sampling plan and the analysis to be performed should comply, in the case of cylinders with the following requirements. (a) In the case of a single medicinal gas filled into cylinders via a multi-cylinder manifold, the gas from at least one cylinder from each manifold filling cycle should be tested for identity and assay each time the cylinders are changed on the manifold. (b) In the case of a single medicinal gas filled into cylinders one at a time, the gas from at least one cylinder of each uninterrupted filling cycle should be tested for identity and assay. An example of an uninterrupted filling cycle is one shift's production | Niet van toepassing | Deze paragraaf is van belang voor externe leveranciers aan ziekenhuizen, maar is niet van toepassing op de activiteiten in de ziekenhuisfarmacie (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe): in de ziekenhuisfarmacie worden geen cilinders gevuld en bemonsterd voor analyse. |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
using the same personnel, equipment, and batch of gas to be filled. (c) In the case of a medicinal gas produced by mixing two or more gases in a cylinder from the same manifold, the gas from every cylinder should be tested for assay and identity of each component gas. For excipients, if any, testing on identity could be performed on one cylinder per manifold filling cycle (or per uninterrupted filling cycle in case of cylinders filled one at a time). Fewer cylinders may be tested in case of validated automated filling system. (d) Premixed gases should follow the same principles as single gases when continuous in-line testing of the mixture to be filled is performed. Premixed gases should follow the same principle as medicinal gases produced by mixing gases in the cylinders when there is no continuous in-line testing of the mixture to be filled. Testing for water content should be performed unless otherwise justified Other sampling and testing procedures that provide at least equivalent level of quality assurance may be justified. | ||
41. Unless different provisions are required in the Marketing Authorisation, final testing on mobile cryogenic vessels should include a test for assay and identity on each vessel. Testing by batches should only be carried out if it has been demonstrated that the critical attributes of the gas remaining in each vessel before refilling have been maintained. | Niet van toepassing | |
42. Cryogenic vessels retained by customers (hospital tanks or home cryogenic vessels), which are refilled in place from dedicated tankers do not need to be sampled after filling provided that a certificate of analysis on the contents of the tanker accompanies the delivery. However, it should be demonstrated that the specification of the gas in the vessels is maintained over the successive refillings. | GMP |
GMP item | Gewijzigd richtsnoer GMP-Z | Toelichting |
43. Reference and retention samples are not required, unless otherwise specified. | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (1) medische lucht en (2) medische gassen geleverd per tankauto en gedistribueerd via een leidingennetwerk (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
44. On-going stability studies are not required in case initial stability studies have been replaced by bibliographic data (see Note for Guidance CPMP/QWP/1719/00). | GMP | Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op (1) medische lucht en (2) medische gassen geleverd per tankauto en gedistribueerd via een leidingennetwerk (zie de onderverdeling onder Principe). |
Transportation of packaged gases | ||
45. Filled gas cylinders and home cryogenic vessels should be protected during transportation, so that, in particular, they are delivered to customers in a clean state compatible with the environment in which they will be used. | GMP |