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Stichting ICTU
Human development specialist and temporary head of servicedesk and systeembeheer at Sint Maarten
Functie Human development specialist and temporary head of servicedesk and systeembeheer at Sint Maarten
Locatie Sint Maarten
Uren per week 40 uren per week
Looptijd 31.12.2022 - 30.12.2023
Opdrachtnummer 124445
Sluitingstijd 30.12.2023
Rolomschrijving en taakafspraken
ICTU werkt in opdracht van overheden aan vraagstukken met een overheidsbreed karakter die vaak een ICT component hebben. Het doel van ICTU is om overheden te ondersteunen hun doelstellingen optimaal te realiseren, door samenwerking tussen overheden te stimuleren en te faciliteren. Daarbij verbindt ICTU beleidsontwikkeling met uitvoering. ICTU realiseert concrete oplossingen die werken voor overheden en die bijdragen aan betere dienstverlening aan burgers en bedrijven.
In 2020, the Netherlands reached agreement with the Caribbean countries of the Kingdom on individual reform packages for each country. These measures will be implemented in theme-based projects. The country packages cover the following themes: A) Financial management, B) Costs and effectiveness of the public sector, C) Taxation, D) Financial sector, E) Economic reforms, F) Healthcare, G) Education and H) Strengthening the rule of
law. The projects’ outcomes – achieving administrative reforms, sustainable public finances and greater economic resilience, and creating the necessary institutional framework for all this – will, taken together, enhance the welfare of the Caribbean countries’ populations.
The government of Sint Maarten uses many IT solutions for internal and external processes. The central IT department, residing within the Ministry of General Affairs, is involved in trouble shooting, maintenance and development of these digital systems. In addition to these day-to-day activities, several reforms of the country package have a digital component that require input and support from the central ICT department, such as reforms in the tax office and digitalization of processes of licenses needed for operating their business. Also, a large Digital Government Transformation Project under the responsibility of the Wederopbouw has recently started. This project focusses on improving service delivery to citizens and businesses. A major part of the project is development of interoperability between different major basic registrations and it has therefore a major link with the work done in relation to the country package
The current IT department exists of 7 helpdesk officers, 1 system operator and 1 Acting Department Head. This set-up is not sufficient to support the day-to-day activities and at the same time contribute actively to different reform projects. In addition, the ICT department, like other governmental departments, has difficulties in attracting qualified personnel. Firstly, there are not many IT skilled people on Sint Maarten and secondly the government is, for different reasons, currently not a popular employer. At the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023 research will conducted among the staff of Governmental Offices and among those who have left to determine what the issues are and how they can be improved. These results and follow-up actions should also support the revamping of the ICT department of the government of Sint Maarten.
Because the current IT department faces challenges, Ministries have the tendency to try to support and develop their own IT systems, which leads to use of different software systems and a lack of coordination. Scarce means are therefore not being used in an efficient way; Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) has become a real burden. Further digitalization of government processes requires a central approach,
Therefore, a new set-up of the IT department has been proposed by the IT and P&O department to its management. The functions are grouped under ‘Helpdesk’, ‘Beheer’ and ‘Ontwikkeling’ as well as a support function to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). This project aims at supporting the government’s IT-department in transitioning from the current set-up to the new set-up.
An IT Demand-Supply chain within Sint Maarten is non-existent. So the various ministries have no means to collaborate in prioritizing the IT resources. As long as an IT Demand – Supply chain is not a function within the Sint Maarten government, efficient use of the central IT-department will not be achieved. The project therefore will also focus on developing and implementing an IT Demand-Supply chain.
This is document is written in both Dutch and English language. At Sint Maarten you will experience the same mixture of languages. In day-to-day activities the conversation will mostly be in English. But some (formal, governmental) documents are written in the Dutch language.
Gewenste profiel
Your main focus is hiring and continuous development of youngsters at IT department. As temporary head of section Service Desk and section Systeembeheer you support the head of IT in shaping the sections service Desk and Systeembeheer. You draft profiles to describe the various functions in your department. Including the functions of Heads of section Service Desk and of section Systeembeheer. Subsequently you aid the head of IT in hiring personnel in the sections. In describing profiles and hiring you also work together with the head of Ontwikkelen and Sint Maarten P&O department.
You are responsible for drafting, installing and executing the capacity of continuous development of IT personnel in the organization. This includes career development, and a curriculum for the various roles. For instance you describe career development in the department from section service desk
to section system beheer.
To improve the capacity in the IT department in a sustainable way you focus on hiring school leavers that start of on the service desk and a way of development towards IT professionals. Hopefully, you also succeed in hiring one or two seniors at Sint Maarten in the sections.
Together with head of IT and the other team members you guard the goal of the project, Leaving behind a better IT department at Sint Maarten at the end of the project.
Have a business command of the Dutch and of the English language in both speech and writing and combine that with excellent communication skills Have relevant practical experience with IT operations in organizations.
Willingness to travel to and live on Sint Maarten for one year.
Are willing and able to work together with the other project team members as one project team to develop the IT-department and fully endorse the project goal of leaving behind a well-functioning IT department at Sint Maarten when the project has stopped.
Ervaring in werken in verschillende landen
Kennis en ervaring met het stimuleren van de ontwikkeling van kennis en vaardigheden bij IT starters en IT professionals en van de verschillende aspecten die daarbij komen kijken.
Aantoonbare ervaring met het coachen van medewerkers in de uitvoering van hun taken.
Aantoonbaar ervaring met het aansturen van service desk processen, en systeembeheer processen en met de medewerkers die die processen uitvoeren.