Annex VI bij de subsidie-overeenkomst voor één begunstigde in KA107
Annex VI bij de subsidie-overeenkomst voor één begunstigde in KA107
De aanvullende maatregelen voor het organiseren van virtuele en blended activiteiten zijn van toepassing vanaf 6/07/2020. Ze zijn geldig tot ze teruggeroepen worden door DG EAC.
Indien er bewijs geleverd kan worden dat een virtuele of blended activiteit al vóór 6/07/2020 werd georganiseerd, blijft de initiële force majeure regelgeving geldig. Het is van belang om dit voldoende te kunnen bewijzen en onmiddellijk contact op te nemen met je dossierbeheerder voor de goedkeuring om de initieel gecommuniceerde force majeure maatregelen te hanteren.
The following rules are additional to those in Articles I.2 and II.2 of Xxxxx XXX and only apply to cases where virtual activities need to be organised due to COVID-19.
Reporting on virtual mobilities is required in line with the rules provided in the grant agreement.
Article I.2. Calculation and supporting documents for unit contributions
Travel, Individual Support and Course fees costs are not eligible for virtual activities. Online linguistic support (OLS) should be provided in all cases.
C. Organisational support
a) Calculation of the grant amount
The grant amount is calculated by multiplying the total number of participations in virtual mobility activities by the unit contribution applicable as specified in Annex IV of the Agreement.
b) Triggering event
the event that conditions the entitlement to the grant is that the participant has undertaken the activity.
c) Supporting documents
Proof of attendance of the activity in the form of a declaration signed by the receiving organisation specifying the name of the participant, the purpose of the activity, as well as the start and end date of the virtual activity.
Article II.2. Calculation of actual cost
A. Special needs support
The beneficiary is allowed to transfer funds allocated for any budget category to special needs support, even if initially no funds were allocated for this category.
Funds for special needs support, once the participants have been selected, may be made available in two ways. The beneficiary may either submit a funding request to the NA or do a budget transfer.
Calculation of the grant amount
the grant is a reimbursement of up to 100% of the eligible costs actually incurred.
Eligible costs
costs directly related to participants with special needs and required to implement virtual activities.
Supporting documents
Invoices of the related costs specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount and currency, and the date of the invoice.
B. Exceptional costs
Beneficiaries are allowed to transfer up to 10% of the funds from any budget category based on unit contributions to exceptional costs in order to cover costs related to buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services necessary for the implementation of virtual mobility activities due to COVID-19, even if no funds were initially allocated to the Exceptional costs budget category.
These transfers shall always be made from budget categories allocated for activities with the same Partner Country.
Calculation of the grant amount
The grant is a reimbursement of 75% of the eligible costs actually incurred for buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services.
Eligible costs
Cover costs related to buying and/or renting of equipment and/or services necessary for the implementation of virtual mobility activities.
Supporting documents
Proof of payment of the cost incurred on the basis of invoices specifying the name and address of the body issuing the invoice, the amount and currency, and the date of the invoice.