Officiële benaming:
Officiële benaming:
TenneT TSO
Nationale identificatie:
Xxxxxxxxxxxx 000 Plaats:
Arnhem Postcode:
6812 AR
TenneT TSO Hoofdkantoor Ter attentie van:
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Telefoon:
x00 000000000
Adres van de aanbestedende dienst: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx
Adres van het kopersprofiel: xxxxx:// Elektronische toegang tot informatie:
Elektronische indiening van inschrijvingen en verzoeken tot deelneming:
II.1.1) Door de aanbestedende dienst aan de opdracht gegeven benaming
Qualifying System for software developments for European TSO's - Category A: Grid computation
II.1.2) Korte beschrijving van de opdracht of de aankoop/aankopen
CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category A: Grid computation
In this category we are looking for vendors that are able to develop modules that can deal with DC/AC loadflows, linear computation and other complex grid expertise.
- DC/AC loadflows knowledge, Electrical grid knowledge
- Experience with IBM CPLEX
- Linear Computation
- C & C++
- JBOSS, mySQL, Java, XML
II.1.3) CPV-classificatie (Gemeenschappelijke woordenlijst overheidsopdrachten)
72210000 - Programmering van softwarepakketten Subcategorieën:
Bijkomende opdrachten:
38221000 - Geografische informatiesystemen (GIS of dergelijke) Subcategorieën:
48000000 - Software en informatiesystemen Subcategorieën:
48100000 - Speciale software voor de industrie Subcategorieën:
48211000 - Software voor platforminterconnectiviteit Subcategorieën:
48222000 - Software voor webserver Subcategorieën:
48312000 - Software elektronisch publiceren Subcategorieën:
48610000 - Databasesystemen Subcategorieën:
48611000 - Databasesoftware Subcategorieën:
72000000 - IT-diensten: adviezen, softwareontwikkeling, internet en ondersteuning Subcategorieën:
72212610 - Diensten voor ontwikkeling van databasesoftware Subcategorieën:
72230000 - Ontwikkeling van gebruikersspecifieke software Subcategorieën:
72240000 - Systeemanalyse en programmering
72200000 - Softwareprogrammering en -advies Subcategorieën:
IV.1.1) Type procedure
IV.2.1) Referentienummer van het dossier bij de aanbestedende dienst
IV.2.2) Referentienummer van elektronisch ingediende aankondigingen
Oorspronkelijke aankondiging verzonden via:
TED eSender
Referentie van de aankondiging:
IV.2.3) Aankondiging waarop deze publicatie betrekking heeft
Nummer van de aankondiging in het PBEU: 2015/S 142-263068 van -
IV.2.4) Datum van verzending van de oorspronkelijke aankondiging
VI.3.1) Wijziging van oorspronkelijke informatie of afwijkende publicatie op TED- website
• Wijziging van de oorspronkelijke door de aanbestedende dienst opgegeven informatie
VI.3.2) Aankondiging of bijbehorende aanbestedingsstukken
• In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging
VI.3.3) Te corrigeren tekst in de oorspronkelijke aankondiging
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: II.(1) 3 Korte beschrijving van de opdracht of de aankoop/aankopen
In plaats van: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category A: Grid computation
In this category we are looking for vendors that are able to develop modules that can deal with DC/AC loadflows, linear computation and other complex grid expertise.
- DC/AC loadflows knowledge, Electrical grid knowledge
- Experience with IBM CPLEX
- Linear Computation
- C & C++
- JBOSS, mySQL, Java, XML
Te lezen: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category A: Grid computation
In this category we are looking for vendors that are able to develop modules that can deal with DC/AC loadflows, linear computation and other complex grid expertise.
- DC/AC loadflows knowledge, Electrical grid knowledge
- Experience with IBM CPLEX
- Linear Computation
- C & C++
- JBOSS, mySQL, Java, XML
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: II.(2) 3 Korte beschrijving van de opdracht of de aankoop/aankopen
In plaats van: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done
"Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category B: Business process management and GUI
In this category we are looking for vendors that would be able to develop modules that help our operators in executing the Business processes that he is responsible for. These modules typically handle a lot of flows in different formats such as XML or CSV. These modules should be able to deal with the temporality of the process and to have clear and user friendly GUI for our operators.
- mySQL
- Java
- Entreprise integrations
- Process management
Te lezen: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category B: Business process management and GUI
In this category we are looking for vendors that would be able to develop modules that help our operators in executing the Business processes that he is responsible for. These modules typically handle a lot of flows in different formats such as XML or CSV. These modules should be able to deal with the temporality of the process and to have clear and user friendly GUI for our operators.
- mySQL
- Java
- Entreprise integrations
- Process management
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: II.(3) 3 Korte beschrijving van de opdracht of de aankoop/aankopen
In plaats van: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category C: Data management and Business Intelligence
In this category we are looking for vendors that have experience with data mining and reporting on large amounts of data. This functionality will be used to analyse and improve our calculations and create reports that are in line with the needs of the regulators and electricity market.
- mySQL
- Java, XML
- non-relational DBs
- data analytics (big data)
- java scripts skills
Te lezen: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category C: Data management and Business Intelligence
In this category we are looking for vendors that have experience with data mining and reporting on large amounts of data. This functionality will be used to analyse and improve our calculations and create reports that are in line with the needs of the regulators and electricity market.
- mySQL
- Java, XML
- non-relational DBs
- data analytics (big data)
- java scripts skills
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: II.(4) 3 Korte beschrijving van de opdracht of de aankoop/aankopen
In plaats van: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category D: Geographical grid visualization
The aim of this category is to find vendors that are able to develop modules that can display interactive geographical maps showing the high voltage grid and related information such as intensity, tension or power based on the outputs of grid computation.
- mySQL
- Java
- Electrical grid knowledge
- Experience geographical network representations
- Java scripts skills
Te lezen: CASC (per first of September JAO)(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xx), in the name of the CWE TSOs and the individual TSO's wants to select possible external partners for the
development and implementation of software tools that it will need to create in the coming years.
For your information, on 24 June 2015 the General Assemblies of CAO and XXXX.XX, the two regional allocation offices for cross border electricity transmission capacities, approved the merger agreement to create the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as of the 1st of September 2015.
The CWE TSO's are: AMPRION GmbH (Germany); CREOS (Luxembourg); ELIA SYSTEM OPERATOR SA (Belgium); RTE Réseau de transport d'électricité SA (France); TENNET TSO B.V. (Netherlands); TENNET TSO GmbH (Germany); TRANSNET BW GmbH (Germany) (hereinafter together referred to as: the TSOs).
Today, the applications that CWE TSOs have, help them to determine the capacity available for the electricity market on the different CWE interconnectors. This determination is done through specific computation done at central level. The determination of the capacity is done "Flow-Based". It is the aim to make this the capacity determination method for the whole European market. The computation is currently done on day-ahead.
Category D: Geographical grid visualization
The aim of this category is to find vendors that are able to develop modules that can display interactive geographical maps showing the high voltage grid and related information such as intensity, tension or power based on the outputs of grid computation.
- mySQL
- Java
- Electrical grid knowledge
- Experience geographical network representations
- Java scripts skills
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: III.1 Voorwaarden waaraan de ondernemingen voor hun erkenning moeten voldoen
In plaats van: Please see the Negometrix platform. xxxxx:// Te lezen: Please see the Negometrix platform. xxxxx://
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: IV.2.3 Inlichtingen over verlengingen
In plaats van: neen
Te lezen: This Qualification System has been published for the first time on 25.7.2015 with TED number 2015/S 142-263068. TenneT extends this Qualification System by one year upto 21.7.2019
Plaats waar de te wijzigen tekst staat: IV.2.2 Duur van de erkenningsregeling
In plaats van: Geldigheidsduur van de erkenningsregeling: 21 jul 2015 Tot: 21 jul 2018
Te lezen: Geldigheidsduur van de erkenningsregeling: 17 aug 2018 Tot: 21 jul 2019
VI.3.4) Te corrigeren datums in de oorspronkelijke aankondiging
VI.3.5) Te corrigeren adressen en contactpunten
VI.3.6) Toe te voegen tekst in de oorspronkelijke aankondiging