JAARGANG 2016 Nr. 159
Overeenkomst tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en Japan betreffende luchtdiensten (met bijlage en nota’s);
’s-Gravenhage, 17 februari 1953
Voor een overzicht van de verdragsgegevens, zie verdragsnummers 007997 en 011143 in de Verdragenbank.
Op 26 september 2016 zijn te ’s-Gravenhage brieven gewisseld tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en Japan inzake een wijziging van de bijlage bij de Overeenkomst. De Engelse tekst van de brieven luidt als volgt:
Your Excellency,
Nr. I
The Hague, 26 September 2016
With reference to the consultations held in The Hague on 21 and 22 August 2012 between the aeronautical authorities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Japan in accordance with Articles 13 and 15 of the Agree- ment between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Japan for Air Services, signed at The Hague on 17 Feb- ruary 1953 (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”), I have the honour to state that, as a result of the said consultations, the aeronautical authorities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Japan agreed to revise the Schedule to the Agreement as set out in the Attachment.
Accordingly, I have the honour to propose, on behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, that the new Schedule as set out in the Attachment shall replace the existing Schedule to the Agreement.
If the above proposal is acceptable to the Government of Japan, it is suggested that this Note and Your Excel- lency’s reply to that effect shall be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Governments on this matter, which shall enter into force on the date of Your Excellency’s reply.
Yours sincerely, XXXX XXXXXXXX
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
His Excellency Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of Japan
to the Kingdom of the Netherlands THE HAGUE
Attachment Schedule
I. Routes to be served by the designated airline or airlines of Japan.
(a) Points in Japan – Points on the Mainland of China and/or on the island of Formosa – Hong Kong or Manila – Points in Cambodia, Laos and/or Myanmar – Bangkok – Yangon – Points in Bangladesh – Points in India – Colombo – Points in Pakistan – Points in the Middle and Near East – Cairo – Athens – Rome – Geneva, Zurich or Madrid – Frankfurt am Main – Paris or Brussels – Two other intermediate points – Amsterdam – Points beyond, in both directions.
(b) Points in Japan – Points in the Aleutians – Points in Alaska – Points in Canada – Points in Greenland – Points in Iceland – Points in Scandinavia – Points in England – Points in Germany – A point to be specified later – Milan – Amsterdam – Points beyond, in both directions.
(c) Points in Japan – Five points other than points specified in this route to be specified later – Moscow – Points in Europe – Amsterdam – Points beyond, in both directions.
(d) Tokyo – Four points in the United States of America – Amsterdam – Points in Europe – Moscow – Tokyo, in one direction only and in the order specified.
(e) Osaka – Delhi – Dubai – Amsterdam – Anchorage – Osaka, in one direction only and in the order spe- cified.
(f) Points in Japan – Almaty and/or One point in Central Asia – Amsterdam – Points beyond, in both directions.
(g) Points in Japan – Intermediate points – Points in the Netherlands – Points beyond, in both directions.
(h) Points in Japan other than Tokyo – Points in the Netherlands, in both directions. Notes:
1. On Route (a), the designated airline or airlines of Japan may use “Two other intermediate points” only for all-cargo services without exercising fifth freedom traffic rights.
2. On Route (d),
(1) the designated airline or airlines of Japan may only operate all-cargo services without exercising fifth freedom traffic rights between “Four points in the United States of America” and Amster- dam; and
(2) the designated airline or airlines of Japan may use Moscow only to make stops for non-traffic pur- poses.
3. On Route (e),
(1) the designated airline or airlines of Japan may only operate all-cargo services; and
(2) the designated airline or airlines of Japan may use Anchorage only to make stops for non-traffic purposes.
4. On Route (g), the designated airline or airlines of Japan may serve “Intermediate points” and/or “Points beyond” only for code sharing services as a marketing airline or marketing airlines.
The agreed services provided by the designated airline or airlines of Japan shall begin at a point in the terri- tory of Japan, but other points on the route may at the option of the designated airline be omitted on any or all flights.
II. Routes to be served by the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
(a) Amsterdam – Points in Europe – Points in the Middle and Near East – Points in Pakistan – Colombo – Points in India – Points in Bangladesh – Yangon – Bangkok – Manila – One point among Hong Kong, Nanjing or Tianjin – Tokyo – Nagoya – Points beyond, in both directions.
(b) Amsterdam – Points in Iceland – Points in Greenland – Points in Alaska and the Aleutians – Sapporo
– Tokyo – Nagoya – Osaka – Points beyond, in both directions.
(d) Amsterdam – Points in Europe – Moscow – Tokyo – Four points in the United States of America – Amsterdam, in one direction only and in the order specified.
(e) Amsterdam – Anchorage – Osaka – Delhi – Dubai – Amsterdam, in one direction only and in the order specified.
(f) Amsterdam – Almaty and/or One point in Central Asia – Tokyo or Osaka – Points beyond, in both directions.
(g) Points in the Netherlands – Intermediate points – Points in Japan – Points beyond, in both directions.
(h) Points in the Netherlands – Points in Japan other than Tokyo, in both directions. Notes:
1. On Route (a),
(1) the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may use “One point among Hong Kong, Nanjing or Tianjin” only for all-cargo services without exercising fifth freedom traffic rights; and
(2) intermediate points other than “One point among Hong Kong, Nanjing or Tianjin” may not be served on the route involving Nagoya.
2. On Routes (b) and (c), no two points in Japan shall be served on the same flight other than Sapporo and Nagoya.
3. On Route (d),
(1) the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may only operate all-cargo services without exercising fifth freedom traffic rights between Tokyo and “Four points in the United States of America”; and
(2) the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may use Moscow only to make stops for non-traffic purposes.
4. On Route (e),
(1) the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may only operate all-cargo services; and
(2) the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may use Anchorage only to make stops for non-traffic purposes.
5. On Route (g), the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands may serve “Inter- mediate points” and/or “Points beyond” only for code sharing services as a marketing airline or mar- keting airlines.
The agreed services provided by the designated airline or airlines of the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall begin at a point in the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, but other points on the route may at the option of the designated airline be omitted on any or all flights.
Nr. II
The Hague, September 26, 2016
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s Note of today’s date, which reads as fol- lows:
(Zoals in Nr. I)
I have the honour to inform Your Excellency, on behalf of the Government of Japan, that the Government of Japan accepts the above proposal of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and to confirm that Your Excellency’s Note and this reply shall be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Gov- ernments on this matter, which shall enter into force on the date of this reply.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
His Excellency Xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
De in de brieven vervatte wijziging van 26 september 2016 van de bijlage bij de Overeenkomst behoeft inge- volge artikel 7, onderdeel f, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen, niet de goedkeuring van de Staten-Generaal.
De in de brieven vervatte wijziging van 26 september 2016 van de bijlage bij de Overeenkomst is ingevolge het gestelde in de op één na laatste alinea van zowel brief Nr. I als brief Nr. II op 26 september 2016 in wer- king getreden.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, geldt de in de brieven vervatte wijziging, evenals de Overeen- komst, voor het gehele Koninkrijk.
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Land | Voorlopige toepassing | In werking | Terugwerkende kracht | Buiten werking |
Nederland (in Europa) | 24-07-1953 | |||
Nederland (Bonaire) | 10-10-2010 | |||
Nederland (Sint Eustatius) | 10-10-2010 | |||
Nederland (Saba) | 10-10-2010 | |||
Xxxxx | 00-00-0000 | |||
Xxxxxxx | 10-10-2010 | |||
Sint Maarten | 10-10-2010 | |||
Het Verdrag gold sinds 24-07-1953 voor de Nederlandse Antillen. |
In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de in de brieven vervatte wijziging van 26 september 2016 van de bijlage bij de Overeenkomst zal zijn bekendgemaakt in het gehele Koninkrijk op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.
Uitgegeven de vijfde oktober 2016.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
trb-2016-159 ISSN 0920 - 2218
’s-Gravenhage 2016