23 (1978) Nr. 23
JAARGANG 1999 Nr. 152
’s-Gravenhage, 3 oktober 1978
De tekst van de Overeenkomst is geplaatst in Trb. 1978, 182.
Zie Trb. 1978, 182.
Zie Trb. 1981, 186 en laatstelijk Trb. 1998, 214.
De in rubriek J van Trb. 1998, 112 en 214 afgedrukte administratieve akkoorden van 28 december 1997, 18 april en 7 mei 1998 zijn bij brie- ven van 3 november 1998 ter kennis van de Eerste en de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal gebracht.
Het in rubriek J hieronder afgedrukte administratief akkoord behoeft ingevolge artikel 7, onderdeel b, van de Rijkswet goedkeuring en be- kendmaking verdragen niet de goedkeuring der Staten-Generaal.
Zie Trb. 1981, 186.
Zie Trb. 1981, 237, Trb. 1982, 56, Trb. 1983, 15, Trb. 1984, 20 en
103, Trb. 1986, 4, Trb. 1987, 12 en 184, Trb. 1988, 164, Trb. 1989, 149,
Trb. 1990, 108, Trb. 1991, 24 en 191, Trb. 1993, 174, Trb. 1994, 131,
Trb. 1995, 121, Trb. 1996, 181, Trb. 1997, 57 en Trb. 1998, 112 en 214.
Ter uitvoering van artikel I van de onderhavige Overeenkomst is te Sana’a op 2 februari 1999 tussen de bevoegde Nederlandse en Jemeni- tische autoriteiten een administratief akkoord tot stand gekomen inzake het ,,Hodeidah Primary Health Systems Support Project’’. De tekst van het akkoord luidt als volgt:
Administrative Arrangement
The Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation, being the competent Netherlands Authority for the purpose of this Administrative Arrangement, hereinafter referred to as ‘‘the Netherlands Party’’, repre- sented in this matter by His Excellency the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands in the Republic of Yemen, xx. Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx
the Yemen Minister of Public Health, being the competent Yemen Authority for the purpose of this Administrative Arrangement, hereinaf- ter referred to as ‘‘the Yemen Party’’, represented in this matter by the Minister of Health, Xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx
Having decided to co-operate in the ‘‘Hodeidah Primary Health Sys- tems Support Project’’,
Having regard to the provisions of Article I of the Agreement on tech- nical co-operation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Yemen Arab Republic, signed at the Hague on 3 October 1978, herein- after referred to as ‘‘the Agreement’’,
Have entered into the following Administrative Arrangement:
Article I
The Project
1. The two Parties shall jointly execute a project to be known as ‘‘Hodeidah Primary Health Systems Support Project’’ hereinafter re- ferred to as ‘‘the Project’’.
2. The development objective of the Project is to contribute to the social development and to the improvement of the health status of the population of Hodeidah Governorate.
3. The aforesaid co-operation between the two Parties is planned to last 60 months.
Article II
The Netherlands Contribution
1. The Netherlands Party shall make the following contribution to the Project:
– Provision of technical assistance (resident expatriate experts, long/ short term expatriate consultancies, local experts and support personnel;
– Financing of technical assistance support costs;
– Provision of equipment;
– Financing of contingencies.
2. The total expenses of the above mentioned Netherlands contribu- tion shall not exceed the amount of NLG 11.628.114,–. The Minister reserves the right to fulfil his obligations where and as aplicable in the currency legally prescribed in the Netherlands at the moment of pay- ment.
Article III
The Yemen Contribution
The Yemen Party shall make the following contributions to the Project:
– Provision of personnel;
– Provision of regular Health Office operations;
– Provision of local training;
Article IV
The Executive Authorities
1. The Netherlands Party shall appoint the Royal Netherlands Em- bassy in Sana’a as the Netherlands Executive Authority in charge of the Project.
2. The Yemen Party shall appoint the Hodeidah Health Office as the Yemen Executive Authority in charge of the implementation of the Project.
3. The above mentioned Netherlands Executive Authority shall be represented in Yemen as far as the day to day operations of the Project are concerned, by the Netherlands Teamleader.
Article V
Each of the Executive Authorities, mentioned in Article IV, shall be entitled to delegate under its own responsibility, partly or entirely its duties in connection with the Project to a third Party. In doing so the Executive Authorities shall inform each other in writing of the names of persons or institutions delegated and of the extent of such delegation.
Article VI
The Teamleader
1. The Netherlands Teamleader shall be responsible to the Nether- lands Executive Authority for the correct implementation of the Nether-
lands contribution. The Teamleader shall act in close consultation with the Yemen Executive Authority and respect the operational instructions given by the said Authority to the Yemen personnel. The Yemen Execu- tive Authority shall provide the Teamleader with any information that may be considered necessary for the execution of the Project.
2. The Yemen Project Manager shall be responsible to the Nether- lands Executive Authority for the correct implementation of the Nether- lands contribution.
Article VII
Project Document
1. The Executive Authorities shall establish by common consent a Project Document indicating in detail the contribution of either Party, the number of Netherlands staffmembers and their job-descriptions, the duration of their stay on the Project and a description of the equipment and materials to be made available.
The Project Document shall include a budget concerning each item of the contribution of either Party, a time-table and lists of equipment and materials to be supplied by either Party.
2. The Project Document shall form an integral part of this Adminis- trative Arrangement.
3. The Project Document may be amended by the Executive Authori- ties in common agreement.
Article VIII
Status of the Netherlands Staff
The Netherlands staff to this Project shall enjoy the privileges and immunities, mentioned in the Articles II and III of the Agreement.
Article IX
Status of the Netherlands equipment and materials
1. The provisions of Article V of the Agreement shall be applicable to the importation and exportation of the Netherlands equipment and materials for the Project.
2. The ownership of all equipment and materials (inclusive motor- vehicles) supplied by the Netherlands Party, will be transferred to the
Yemen Party at the time the co-operation between the two Parties in the Project will be completed unless both Parties decide to give another des- tination to the equipment and materials.
Article X
The Netherlands Teamleader shall submit half yearly reports in the English language on the progress made on the execution of the Project to both Executive Authorities. At the termination of the Project the Teamleader shall submit to all parties concerned a final report in the English language on all aspects of the work done in connection with the Project.
Article XI
The Executive authorities will evaluate the Project at the end of the third year of the Project.
Article XII
Settlement of disputes
Any dispute concerning the interpretation or implementation of this Administrative Arrangement which cannot be settled in consultation between both Parties shall be referred to the respective Governments in a way to be decided upon by the latter.
Article XIII
Entry into force and duration
This Administrative Arrangement shall enter into force on the date of signature by both Parties and shall expire at the end of the period men- tioned in Article I, paragraph 3, of this Arrangement or on the date on which the Project has been completed in conformity with the provisions of this Arrangement and of the Project Document, whichever date is the latter.
DONE at Sana’a on 2nd day of February 1999 in two orginals in the English language.
For the Netherlands Minister for Development Cooperation
(sd.) X. X. XXXXXXXX
Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx Ambassador
The Yemen Minister of Public Health
Xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx
Het akkoord is ingevolge zijn artikel XIII op 2 februari 1999 in wer- king getreden.
Uitgegeven de twintigste augustus 1999.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
ISSN 0920 - 2218
Sdu Uitgevers
’s-Gravenhage 1999