JAARGANG 2010 Nr. 114
Verdrag tot het brengen van eenheid in enige bepalingen inzake het internationale luchtvervoer;
Montreal, 28 mei 1999
De Engelse en de Franse tekst van het Verdrag zijn geplaatst in
Trb. 2000, 32.
Op 4 november 2009 heeft de Internationale Burgerluchtvaartorgani- satie als depositaris van het Verdrag kennis gegegeven van een op 30 juni 2009 tot stand gekomen wijziging van de aansprakelijkheidsgren- zen in respectievelijk artikel 22, derde, tweede en eerste lid en artikel 21, eerste lid, van het onderhavige Verdrag. De Engelse tekst van de kennisgeving, voor zover relevant, luidt als volgt:
2. As set out in paragraphs 8 and 9 of the above-mentioned State let- ter, States were advised that the limits of liability established under the Montreal Convention would need to be revised as follows:
Old Limits (SDR) | Revised Limits (SDR) | Rounded Revised Limits (SDR) | |
17 | x 13.1% | 19.227 | 19 |
1000 | x 13.1 % | 1 131 | 1 131 |
Old Limits (SDR) | Revised Limits (SDR) | Rounded Revised Limits (SDR) | |
4150 | x 13.1% | 4 693.65 | 4694 |
100 000 | x 13.1% | 000 000 | 000 100 |
4. As of 30 September 2009, the Montreal Convention had 92 Par- ties. By 30 September 2009, fourteen (14) notices of disapproval regard- ing the revision of the limits of liability were received by ICAO from States Parties, one of which qualifying its scope of disapproval. It is therefore established that the condition of majority set out at paragraph 3 above is not met. Therefore, the revised limits of liability become effective as of 30 December 2009 for all States Parties to the Montreal Convention, including those which have notified ICAO of their disap- proval, in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 2.
Zie Trb. 2001, 91.
Zie voor een correctie Trb. 2001, 107.
De vertaling van de kennisgeving van de op 30 juni 2009 tot stand gekomen wijziging van de aansprakelijkheidsgrenzen in respectievelijk artikel 22, derde, tweede en eerste lid en artikel 21, eerste lid, van het Verdrag luidt als volgt:
2. Zoals vermeld in de paragrafen 8 en 9 van de bovenbedoelde brief, werden de Staten ervan in kennis gesteld dat de aansprakelijkheidsgren-
zen zoals vastgesteld uit hoofde van het Verdrag van Montreal als volgt dienden te worden herzien:
Oude grenzen (SDR) | Herziene grenzen (SDR) | Afgeronde herziene grenzen (SDR) | |
17 | x 13.1% | 19.227 | 19 |
1000 | x 13.1 % | 1 131 | 1 131 |
4150 | x 13.1% | 4 693.65 | 4694 |
100 000 | x 13.1% | 000 000 | 000 100 |
3. De Staten werden ervan in kennis gesteld dat, overeenkomstig het mechanisme van stilzwijgende goedkeuring vervat in het tweede lid van artikel 24 van het Verdrag van Montreal, de bedoelde herzieningen zes maanden na de kennisgeving voor alle Staten die Partij zijn van kracht zouden worden, tenzij binnen drie maanden na de kennisgeving een meerderheid van de Staten die Partij zijn de ICAO van haar afkeuring kennis zou geven.
4. Op 30 september 2009 telde het Verdrag van Montreal 92 partijen. Op 30 september 2009 had de ICAO veertien (14) kennisgevingen van afkeuring met betrekking tot de herziening van de aansprakelijkheids- grenzen ontvangen van Staten die Partij waren. In een ervan was de strekking van de afkeuring nader aangeduid. Derhalve wordt vastgesteld dat de in de bovenstaande derde paragraaf bedoelde vereiste meerder- heid niet is bereikt. De herziene aansprakelijkheidsgrenzen worden, in overeenstemming met artikel 24, tweede lid, derhalve per 30 december 2009 van kracht voor alle Staten die Partij zijn bij het Verdrag van Mon- treal, met inbegrip van de Staten die de ICAO kennis hebben gegeven van hun afkeuring.
Zie Trb. 2004, 167.
Zie rubriek E van Trb. 2000, 32 en rubriek F van Trb. 2001, 91.
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Albanië | 20-10-04 | T | 19-12-04 | |||
Argentinië | 16-12-09 | T | 14-02-10 | |||
Australië | 25-11-08 | T | 24-01-09 | |||
Bahama’s | 28-05-99 | |||||
Bahrein | 02-02-01 | T | 04-11-03 | |||
Xxxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxxx | 02-01-02 | T | 04-11-03 | |||
België | 28-05-99 | 29-04-04 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxx | 28-05-99 | 24-08-99 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Benin | 28-05-99 | 30-03-04 | R | 29-05-04 | ||
Xxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxx en Herzegovina | 09-03-07 | T | 08-05-07 | |||
Botswana | 28-03-01 | T | 04-11-03 | |||
Brazilië | 03-08-99 | 19-05-06 | R | 18-07-06 | ||
Bulgarije | 10-11-03 | T | 09-01-04 | |||
Burkina Faso | 28-05-99 | |||||
Xxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxx | 01-10-01 | 19-11-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek | 25-09-01 | |||||
Chili | 28-05-99 | 19-03-09 | R | 18-05-09 | ||
China | 28-05-99 | 01-06-05 | R | 31-07-05 | ||
Colombia | 15-12-99 | 28-03-03 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Cookeilanden | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxx Xxxx | 20-12-99 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Cuba | 28-05-99 | 14-10-05 | R | 13-12-05 | ||
Xxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxxxxx | 28-05-99 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Dominicaanse Republiek, de | 28-05-99 | 21-09-07 | R | 20-11-07 | ||
Duitsland | 28-05-99 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Ecuador | 27-06-06 | T | 26-08-06 | |||
EU (Europese Unie) | 09-12-99 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Egypte | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xx Xxxxxxxx | 07-11-07 | T | 06-01-08 | |||
Estland | 04-02-02 | 10-04-03 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
EU (Europese Unie) | 01-12-09 | VG | 01-12-09 | |||
Finland | 09-12-99 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Frankrijk | 28-05-99 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Gabon | 28-05-99 | |||||
Gambia | 10-03-04 | T | 09-05-04 | |||
Xxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxxxxxx | 28-05-99 | 22-07-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxx | 16-08-00 | 29-04-04 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
XXxxxxx | 28-05-99 | 17-06-04 | R | 16-08-04 | ||
India | 01-05-09 | T | 30-06-09 | |||
Italië | 28-05-99 | 29-04-04 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx | 28-05-99 | |||||
Jamaica | 28-05-99 | 07-07-09 | R | 05-09-09 | ||
Japan | 20-06-00 | R | 04-11-03 | |||
Jordanië | 05-10-00 | 12-04-02 | R | 04-11-03 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Kaapverdië | 23-08-04 | T | 22-10-04 | |||
Kameroen | 27-09-01 | 05-09-03 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Kenia | 28-05-99 | 07-01-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Koeweit | 28-05-99 | 11-06-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Kroatië | 23-01-08 | T | 23-03-08 | |||
Letland | 17-12-04 | R | 15-02-05 | |||
Libanon | 15-03-05 | T | 14-05-05 | |||
Litouwen | 28-05-99 | 30-11-04 | X | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx | 29-02-00 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Macedonië, Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek | 15-05-00 | T | 04-11-03 | |||
Madagaskar | 28-05-99 | 28-12-06 | R | 26-02-07 | ||
Maldiven, de | 31-10-05 | T | 30-12-05 | |||
Maleisië | 31-12-07 | T | 29-02-08 | |||
Mali | 16-01-08 | T | 16-03-08 | |||
Malta | 28-05-99 | 05-05-04 | R | 04-07-04 | ||
Mauritius | 28-05-99 | |||||
Mexico | 28-05-99 | 20-11-00 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Moldavië | 17-03-09 | T | 16-05-09 | |||
Monaco | 28-05-99 | 18-08-04 | R | 17-10-04 | ||
Mongolië | 05-10-04 | T | 04-12-04 | |||
Xxxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxx | 28-05-99 | 27-09-01 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der – Nederland – Ned. Antillen – Aruba | 30-12-99 | 29-04-04 – – | R | 28-06-04 – – |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Nieuw-Zeeland | 13-07-01 | 18-11-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Niger | 28-05-99 | |||||
Nigeria | 28-05-99 | 10-05-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | X | 28-06-04 | |||
Oekraïne | 06-03-09 | T | 05-05-09 | |||
Oman | 28-05-07 | T | 27-07-07 | |||
Oostenrijk | 29-04-04 | T | 28-06-04 | |||
Pakistan | 28-05-99 | 19-12-06 | R | 17-02-07 | ||
Panama | 28-05-99 | 13-09-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Paraguay | 17-03-00 | 29-03-01 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Peru | 07-09-99 | 11-04-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Polen | 28-05-99 | 17-01-06 | R | 18-03-06 | ||
Portugal | 28-05-99 | 28-02-03 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Qatar | 15-11-04 | T | 14-01-05 | |||
Roemenië | 18-11-99 | 20-03-01 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Saint Vincent en de Grenadines | 29-03-04 | T | 28-05-04 | |||
Saudi-Xxxxxx | 28-05-99 | 15-10-03 | R | 14-12-03 | ||
Xxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxxxx | 17-09-07 | T | 16-11-07 | |||
Slovenië | 28-05-99 | 27-03-02 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Slowakije | 28-05-99 | 11-10-00 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Xxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxx | 14-01-00 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Swaziland | 28-05-99 | |||||
Syrië | 18-07-02 | T | 04-11-03 | |||
Tanzania | 11-02-03 | T | 04-11-03 | |||
Togo | 28-05-99 |
Partij | Onder- tekening | Ratificatie | Type* | In werking | Opzeg- ging | Buiten werking |
Tonga | 20-11-03 | T | 19-01-04 | |||
Tsjechië | 28-05-99 | 16-11-00 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Xxxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxxxxx | 09-06-99 | 04-02-08 | R | 04-04-08 | ||
Vanuatu | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, het | 28-05-99 | 29-04-04 | R | 00-00-00 | ||
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, de | 00-00-00 | X | 00-00-00 | |||
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx van Amerika, de | 28-05-99 | 05-09-03 | R | 04-11-03 | ||
Xxxxxx | 00-00-00 | |||||
Xxxx-Xxxxxx | 28-05-99 | 22-11-06 | R | 21-01-07 | ||
Zuid-Korea | 30-10-07 | T | 29-12-07 | |||
Zweden | 27-08-99 | 29-04-04 | R | 28-06-04 | ||
Zwitserland | 28-05-99 | 07-07-05 | R | 05-09-05 | ||
* O=Ondertekening zonder voorbehoud of vereiste van ratificatie, R= Bekrachtiging, aanvaarding, goedkeuring of kennisgeving, T=Toetreding, VG=Voortgezette gebonden- heid, NB=Niet bekend |
Uitgebreid tot | In werking | Buiten werking |
Xxxxxxxx XXX | 00-00-0000 | |
Xxxxx XXX | 31-07-2005 |
Uitbreidingen China
Uitgebreid tot | In werking | Buiten werking |
Tokelau-eilanden | 04-11-2003 |
Verklaringen, voorbehouden en bezwaren
Argentinië, 16 december 2009
The instrument of accession by Argentina contains the following “inter- pretative declaration”: “For the Argentine Republic, the term ‘bodily injury’ in Article 17 of this treaty includes mental injury related to bod- ily injury, or any other mental injury which affects the passenger’s health in such a serious and harmful way that his or her ability to perform eve- ryday tasks is significantly impaired.”
België, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
België, 15 juli 2004
By a Note dated 15 July 2004 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bel- gium transmitted to ICAO the following declaration in accordance with Article 57:
“the Convention does not apply to:
a) international carriage by air performed and operated directly by Bel- gium for non-commercial purposes in respect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State;
b) the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by Belgium, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.”
Canada, 19 november 2002
Canada declares, in accordance with Article 57 of the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May 1999 and signed by Canada on 1 October 2001, that the Convention does not apply to the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by Canada, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities [Article 57(b)].
Chili, 19 maart 2009
The instrument of ratification by Chile contains the following reserva- tion in accordance with Article 57 (b): “The Republic of Chile declares that the Convention shall not apply to the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by that State Party, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.”
China, 1 juni 2005
The Convention does not apply in the Hong Kong Special Administra- tive Region of the People’s Republic of China until notified otherwise by the Government of the People’s Republic of China.
The Convention applies in the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
China, 20 oktober 2006
Article 153 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC provides that the application to the Hong Kong Spe- cial Administrative Region of the PRC of international agreements to which the PRC is or becomes a party shall be decided by the Central People’s Government in accordance with the circumstances and needs of the Region and after seeking the views of the Government of the Region. In consultation with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Admin- istrative Region, the Government of the PRC has decided to apply the Convention in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC from the date of December 15, 2006.
Denemarken, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Denemarken, 29 april 2004
The instrument of ratification by Denmark contains a declaration that until later decision, the Convention will not be applied to the Faroe Islands.
Duitsland, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Duitsland, 29 april 2004
In accordance with Article 57 of the Convention of for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air of 28 May 1999, the Federal Republic of Germany declares that the Convention shall not apply to international carriage by air performed and operated directly by the Federal Republic of Germany for non-commercial purposes in re- spect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State or to the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for the military authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany on aircraft registered in or leased by the Federal Republic of Germany, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.
EU (Europese Unie), 29 april 2004
Declaration concerning the competence of the European Community with regard to matters governed by the Convention of 28 May 1999 for the unification of certain rules for international carriage by air (the Mon- treal Convention):
1. The Montreal Convention provides that Regional Economic Integra- tion Organisations constituted by sovereign States of a given region, which have competence in respect of certain matters governed by this Convention, may become parties to it.
2. The current Member States of the European Community are the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Xxxxx- xxxxx, xxx Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Por- tuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
3. This declaration is not applicable to the territories of the Member States in which the Treaty establishing the European Community does not apply and is without prejudice to such acts or positions as may be adopted under the Convention by the Member States concerned on behalf of and in the interests of those territories.
4. In respect of matters covered by the Convention, the Member States of the European Community have transferred competence to the Com- munity for liability for damage sustained in case of death or injury of passenger. The Member States have also transferred competence for liability for damage caused by delay and in the case of destruction, loss, damage or delay in the carriage of baggage. This includes requirements on passenger information and a minimum insurance requirement. Hence, in this field, it is for the Community to adopt the relevant rules and regu- lations (which the Member States enforce) and within its competence to enter into external undertakings with third States or competent organi- sations.
5. The exercise of competence which the Member States have trans- ferred to the Community pursuant to the EC Treaty is, by its nature, liable to continuous development. In the framework of the Treaty, the competent institutions may take decisions which determine the extent of the competence of the European Community. The European Commun- ity therefore reserves the right to amend the present declaration accord- ingly, without this constituting a prerequisite for the exercise of its com- petence with regard to matters governed by the Montreal Convention.
Finland, 13 juli 2000
By a note dated 13 July 2000, Finland transmitted a declaration dated 7 July 2000 signed by the Minister for Foreign Trade, setting forth the wording: in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Com- munity, the Community has competence to take actions in certain mat- ters governed by the Convention.
Frankrijk, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Griekenland, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Ierland, 16 augustus 2000
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Italië, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Japan, 24 oktober 2003
{ in accordance with Article 57(a) of the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, done at Montreal on 28 May 1999, the Government of Japan declares that this Convention shall not apply to international carriage by air performed and operated directly by the Government of Japan for non-commercial purposes in respect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State.
Litouwen, 30 november 2004
{ in accordance with Article 57 {, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithu- ania declares that this Convention shall not apply to international car- riage by air performed and operated directly by the Republic of Lithu- ania for non-commercial purposes in respect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State; and also shall not apply to the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by the Republic of Lithuania, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.
{ in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declares that the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.
Luxemburg, 3 oktober 2000
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Member State of the European Com- munity, declares that in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.
Maleisië, 31 december 2007
The instrument of accession by Malaysia is accompanied by the follow- ing reservation: “Malaysia, in accordance with Article 57 (b) of the Montreal Convention, declares that the Convention shall not apply to the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on air- craft registered in or leased by Malaysia, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.”
Montenegro, 15 januari 2010
The instrument of accession by Montenegro contains the following res- ervation in accordance with Article 57: “this Convention shall not apply to:
a) international carriage by air performed and operated directly by Mon- tenegro for non-commercial purposes in respect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State;
b) the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by Montenegro, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.”
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der, 29 april 2004
The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Member State of the European Com- munity, declares that in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.
Nieuw-Zeeland, 18 november 2002
Upon deposit of its instrument of accession (deemed to be an instrument of ratification), New Zealand declared that this accession shall extend to Tokelau.
Oostenrijk, 29 april 2004
The Republic of Austria declares according to Article 57 of the Conven- tion for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air of 28 May 1999 that this Convention shall not apply to:
a) international carriage by air performed and operated directly by the Republic of Austria for non-commercial purposes in respect to its func- tions and duties as a sovereign State;
b) the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for the military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by the Republic of Austria, the whole capacity of which has been reserved on behalf of such authorities.
Portugal, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Qatar, 15 november 2004
In its instrument of accession, Qatar confirmed the application of the fol- lowing declaration in accordance with Article 57:
“the Convention does not apply to:
a) international carriage by air performed and operated directly by that State Party for non-commercial purposes in respect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State, and/or
b) the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by that State Party, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.”
Singapore, 17 september 2007
The instrument of accession by Singapore contains the following decla- ration in accordance with Article 57: “the Convention shall not apply to:
a) international carriage by air performed and operated directly by the Republic of Singapore for non-commercial purposes in respect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State; and
b) the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by the Republic of Singapore, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such auth- orities.”
Spanje, 29 april 2004
The Kingdom of Spain, Member State of the European Community, declares that in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 57, the Convention shall not apply to:
a) international carriage by air performed and operated directly by Spain for non-commercial purposes in respect to its functions and duties as a sovereign State;
b) the carriage of persons, cargo and baggage for its military authorities on aircraft registered in or leased by Spain, the whole capacity of which has been reserved by or on behalf of such authorities.
Tsjechië, 16 november 2000
Upon deposit of its instrument of ratification, the Czech Republic noti- fied ICAO that “as a Member of the International Monetary Fund, [the Czech Republic] shall proceed in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 1 of the Convention.”
Verenigd Koninkrijk, het, 28 mei 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Verenigde Staten van Amerika, de, 5 september 2003
Pursuant to Article 57 of the Convention, the United States of America declares that the Convention shall not apply to international carriage by air performed and operated directly by the United States of America for non-commercial purposes in respect to the functions and duties of the United States of America as a sovereign State.
Zweden, 27 augustus 1999
Upon signature of the Convention, this State, Member State of the Euro- pean Community, declared that, “in accordance with the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community, the Community has competence to take actions in certain matters governed by the Convention.”
Zie Trb. 2004, 167 en Trb. 2005, 2.
De in rubriek B hierboven geplaatste wijziging van 30 juni 2009 is ingevolge de vierde alinea van de kennisgeving op 30 december 2009 in werking getreden.
Wat betreft het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, geldt de wijziging alleen voor Nederland.
Zie Trb. 2000, 32 en Trb. 2004, 167.
Titel : Verdrag inzake de internationale burgerluchtvaart; Chicago, 7 december 1944
Laatste Trb. : Trb. 2009, 48
Titel : Protocol tot wijziging van het Verdrag tot het brengen van eenheid in enige bepalingen inzake het internatio- nale luchtvervoer, ondertekend te Warschau op 12 okto- ber 1929, zoals gewijzigd bij het te ’s-Gravenhage op 28 september 1955 tot stand gekomen Protocol; Guatemala, 8 maart 1971
Laatste Trb. : Trb. 1996, 3471)
In overeenstemming met artikel 19, tweede lid, van de Rijkswet goed- keuring en bekendmaking verdragen heeft de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken bepaald dat de wijziging van 30 juni 2009 zal zijn bekendgemaakt in Nederland op de dag na de datum van uitgifte van dit Tractatenblad.
Uitgegeven de eerste april 2010.
De Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken,
1) Ten onrechte stond in Trb. 2000, 32 jaargang 1966 in plaats van 1996 vermeld.
ISSN 0920 - 2218
’s-Gravenhage 2010