PPPPrrrriiiinnnncccciiiippppaaaallll –––– CCCChhhhrrrriiiissssttttiiiinnnneeee HHHHiiiillllllllssss
PPPPrrrriiiinnnncccciiiippppaaaallll –––– CCCChhhhrrrriiiissssttttiiiinnnneeee HHHHiiiillllllllssss
WWWWeeeebbbbssssiiiitttteeee:::: hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....mmmmoooouuuurrrraaaassssssss....eeeeqqqq....eeeedddduuuu....aaaauuuu EEEEmmmmaaaaiiiillll tttthhhheeee....pppprrrriiiinnnncccciiiippppaaaallll@@@@mmmmoooouuuurrrraaaassssssss....eeeeqqqq....eeeedddduuuu aaaauuuu
I understand that …
• Computers and other information technology resources at Moura State School are intended for use in learning.
• Every student is given an account on the school’s computer network and this is private to me.
• No other student may interfere with my account and I may not interfere with theirs.
• The Internet can connect me to much useful information stored on computers around the world.
• The Technology Administrator in my school can track everything I do and will report what I do to the Principal, if necessary.
I agree that …
1. I will take care of information technology resources.
2. I will not eat or drink near any school-owned equipment.
3. I will not attempt to break copyright (eg. By illegally copying information from the Internet or a CD ROM and passing it off as mine).
4. I will not print or download without a teacher’s permission.
5. I will not change anything on a computer’s operating system (eg. Screen savers, shortcuts, etc) unless that skill is a part of the lesson I am being taught.
6. I will not do unnecessary printing.
7. I will not attempt to upload or create computer viruses or be involved with other forms of electronic vandalism.
8. I will report any security problems to the Technology Administrator.
9. While I have access to the Internet I will use it for educational purposes and will not look for anything that is illegal, dangerous or offensive. If I accidentally come across something that is illegal, dangerous or offensive, I will clear any offensive pictures or information from my screen; and immediately, quietly, inform my teacher.
10. I will not reveal home addresses or phone numbers – mine or anyone else’s while using the Internet.
11. I will not use the Internet to annoy or offend anyone else.
12. I will not use disks to transfer work to and from home.
13. I will not give anyone my username or password
Principal – Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Website: xxxx:// Email
I accept that …
If the school decides I have broken these rules, appropriate action will be taken. This may include loss of my Internet and email access for some time.
Student Name
Student Signature Date
• I understand that the Internet can provide students with valuable learning experiences.
• I also understand that it gives access to information on computers around the world; that the school cannot control what is on those computers; and that a very small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive.
• I accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection against exposure to harmful information should depend finally upon responsible use by students.
TWO OPTIONS (Please choose one Option)
□ I want my child to fully utilise the Internet once she/he has had the appropriate teaching and learning experiences. I believe (name of student) understands this responsibility, and hereby give my permission for him/her to access the Internet under the school rules. I understand that students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the school. This may include loss of Internet access for some time.
□ I do not want my child to have any access to the Internet
Parent or Guardian’s Name 1 Parent or Guardian’s Name 2
Parent or Guardian’s Signature 1 Parent or Guardian’s Signature 2
Date Date