Waggaa 17ffaaLak 143 /2004
17ኛዓመት ቁጥር 143 /2004
17th Year No 143 /2012
Finfinnee Amajjii 4 bara 2004
ፊንፊኔ ጥር 04/ 2004
Finfine January 12/2012
æe5† *aሚ9
Gatii Tokkoo 9S0 ª◻----------------------- Unit Price | To’xxxxx Xxxxxx Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaatiin xxx Xxxx በኦሮሚያ ብሔራዊ ክሌሊዊ መንግሥት በጨፋ ኦሮሚያ ጠባቂነት የወጣ | Lakk S. Poostaa ◻.1.lØ C------------ X.X.Xxx |
Qabiyyee Dambii Lak. 143 /2004 Dambii Geejjibaa Naannoo Oromiyaa Irra Deebiidhaan Murteessuuf Xxxx | ማውጫ ዯንብ ቁጥር 143/2004 የኦሮሚያ ክሌሌ ትራንስፖርት ዯንብን እንዯገና ሇመወሰን የወጣ ዯንብ | Content Regulation No. 143/2012 Regulation to Re determine Oromia Regional State Transport Regulation |
Dambii Lak… 143 /2004 Dambii Geejjibaa Naannoo Oromiyaa Irra Deebiidhaan Murteessuuf Xxxx Guddina Hawaasa dinagdee biyya keenyaa fi Naannoo xxxxxx xxxxx galeessa sirna geejjiba si‟ataa, iftoomaa, haqummaa fi dhaqabamaa ta‟e naannichatti akka cimu gochuun barbaachisaa ta‟ee waan argameef; Naannoo xxxxxx keessatti guddina diinagdee, hawaasummaa fi fedhii misoomaa dabalaa deemuun walqabetee tajaajila geejjibaa saffisaa, qulqulluu, nageenyi isaa amansiisaa fi dhaqabamaa taasisuun barbaachisaa ta‟ee waan argameef; Tajaajiloota geejjibaa sadarkaa | ዯንብቁጥር 143/2004 የኦሮሚያ ክሌሌ ትራንስፖርት ዯንብን እንዯገና ሇመወሰን የወጣ ዯንብ ሇአገራችንና ክሌሊችን ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ዕዴገት ቀሌጣፊ፤ ግሌጽነት ያሇው፣ ፌትሀዊና ተዯራሽ የትራንስፖርት ሥርዓት በክሌለ እንዱጠናከር ማዴረግ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፤ ከክሌሊችን ኢኮኖሚያዊና ማህበራዊ እዴገትና የንግዴ ሌማት ፌሊጎት እየጨመረ መሔዴ ጋር በተያያዘ | Regulation No…..143/2012 Regulation to Re determine Oromia Regional State Transport Regulation Whereas; it is found necessary to ensure effective, transparent, fair, accessible and strong transport system in the region in order to accelerate the socio economic development of our country and our region; Whereas; it is found necessary to make the transport service in our region speedy, quality, reliably safe and accessible with respect to the increasing economic and social |
sadarkaan kennaman iftoomina fi qulqullina akka qabaatan taasisuu, baay‟ina konkolaatoota dabalaa dhufef babal‟ina daandii hojetamaa jiru duukaa balaa tiraafikaa lubuu fi qabeenya irratti qaqqabsiisaa jiru xiqqeessuuf hubannoo uumuun, hojiimataa sirreessuun, qindoomina uumuu fi to‟annoo cimisuun barbaachisaa ta‟ee waan argameef; Akkaataa Labsii Lakk 163/2003 keewwata 65(2) tiin dambii kanatti aanu bahee jira. Kutaa Tokko Tumaalee Waliigalaa 1. Xxxx Xxxxx Gabaabaa Dambiin kun “Dambii Geejjiba Naannoo Oromiyaa Irra Deebiidhaan Murteessuuf Xxxx lakk 143/2004” jedhamee waammuu ni danda‟a. 2. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx jechichaa hiika biiroo kan kennisiisuuf xxx xx‟e xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx: 1) “Ejensii “ jechuun Ejansii Geejjibaa Oromiyaati. 2) “Komishinii” jechuun komishinii Poolisii Oromiyaati. 3) “Opreetara” jechuuntajaajilaa geejibaa deddeebisaa uumataa kennuuf gahumsa ogummaa kan qabu abbaa qabeenyaa konkolaataa, konkolaachisaa,garagaraafis assabaa maallaqaa jechuu dha. 4) “Boordii” jechuun Boordii dhimma nageenya traafikaa gaggeessuuf akkaataa | የትራንስፖርት አገሌግልቱን ቀሌጣፊ፣ ጥራት ያሇው፣ ዯህንነቱ አስተማማኝ የሆነና ተዯራሽ ማዴረግ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፤ በየዯረጃው የሚሰጠውን የትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ግሌጽነትና ጥራት እንዱኖው በማዴረግ እየጨመረ ከመጣው የተሸከርካሪ ብዛትና እየተስፊፊ ካሇው የመንገዴ ሥራ ጋር ተያይዞ በሰው ህይወትና በንብረት ሊይ እየዯረሰ ያሇውን የትራፉክ አዯጋ ሇመቀነስ ግንዛቤን ማዲበር፣ አሰራርን በማስተካከሌ፣ ቅንጅት መፌጠርና ቁጥጥርን ማጠናከር አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፤ በአዋጅ ቁጥር 163/2003 አንቀጽ 65(2) መሠረት የሚከተሇው ዯንብ ወጥቷሌ፡፡ ክፌሌ አንዴ ጠቅሊሊ ዴንጋጌዎች 1. አጭርርዕስ ይህ ዯንብ “የኦሮሚያ ክሌሌ ትራንስፖርት ዯንብ እንዯገና ሇመወሰን የወጣ ዯንብ ቁጥር 143/2004” ተብል ሉጠቀስ ይችሊሌ፡፡ 2. ትርጓሜ | developments as well as interests for development underway in our region; Whereas; it is found necessary to create awareness, adjustworking systems, create coordination and strengthen the control mechanisms in order to minimize the increasing traffic accidents which is causing loses on lives and property due to the increasing number of vehicles and roads expansion activities by making the transport services delivered at each levels transparent and quality; Now, therefore; in accordance with Proclamation No.163/20011 Article 65(2), the following Regulation is hereby issued: Part One General Provisions 1. Short Title This regulation may be cited as “Regulation to Re- determine Oromia Regional State Transport Regulation No.143/20012.” 2. Definitions Unless the context requires otherwise, in this regulation: 1) “Agency” means Oromia Transport Agency. |
dambii kanaatiin hundeeffamee dha. 5) “Konkolaataa” jechuun konkolaataa abbaa motoraas ta‟e motara dhabeeyyii,kan abba motaraan fi beeyladaan harkifaman kan dabalatu ta‟ee konkolaataa humna ittisa biyyaa fi maashinoota aritiin isaanii saa‟atii dhaan kiloomeetira digdamaa ol hin deemne hin dabalatu. 6) “Konkolaachisaa” jechuun nama xxxxxxx ga‟umsa konkolaachisummaa miraknaa‟e qabu jechuudha. 7) “Traafikii” jechuun daandii kamiyyuu irratti kophaa yookiin gamtaadhaan kan socho‟an, lafo deemtoota, beeyladoota fi konkolaattota jechuu dha. 8) “Hayyama ga‟umsaa” jechuun hayyama konkolaachisummaa sadarkaa beekkamaa ta‟e tokko argachuudhaaf leenjjii irratti kennuuf kan dandeessisu hayyama kennamu jechuudhaa. 9) “Hayyama ga‟umsaa konkolaachiisaa” jechuun konkolataa abbaa motaraas ta‟e mootara dhabeeyyii sochoosuuf qaama angoo qabuun gahumsa konkolaachisummaa mirkaneessuuf hayyama kennamu jechuu dha. 10) “Too‟ataa sochii Geejjibaa” jechuun hojjataa Ejansichaa fi miseensa poolisii seera geejjibaa kabachiisuuf daandii irratti bobba‟ee | የቃለ አገባብ ላሊ ትርጉም የሚያሰጠው ካሌሆነ በስተቀር በዚህ ዯንብ ውስጥ፡- 1) “ኤጀንሲ” ማሇት የኦሮሚያ ትራንስፖርት ኤጀንሲ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 2) “ኮሚሽን” ማሇት የኦሮሚያ ፖሉስ ኮሚሽን ማሇት ነው፡፡ 3) “ኦፕሬተር” ማሇት የህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ ትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት ሙያዊ ብቃት ያሇው የተሽከርካሪ ባሇቤት፣ የአሽከርካሪ ረዲትና ገንዘብ ሰብሳቢ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 4) “ቦርዴ” ማሇት የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ጉዲይ ሇማካሄዴ በዚህ ዯንብ መሠረት የተቋቋመ ቦርዴ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 5) “ተሽከርካሪ” ማሇት ባሇሞተርም ሆነ ሞተር አሌባ ተሽከርካሪና በእንስሳት የሚጎተት ተሸከርካሪን የሚጨምር ሆኖ የአገር መከሊከያ ተሽከርካሪንና ፌጥነታቸው በሰዓት ከ20 | 2) “Commission” Means Oromia Police Commission. 3) “Operator” Means owner of a vehicle, driver, assistant and cashier having professional competency to provide public transport service. 4) “Board” Means the board established to conduct traffic safety matters as per this regulation. 5) “Vehicle” Means motor or non-motor vehicles pulled by the motor vehicles or animals excluding vehicles of defense forces and those machines whose speed of travel is less than twenty kilometers per hour. 6) “Driver” Means a person having the accredited driving profession competency license. 7) “Traffic” Means those pedestrians, animals and vehicles moving on any road lonely or in groups. 8) “Competency License” Means a driving license provided to |
to‟annoo xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx. 11) “Mallattoo ga‟umsa konkolaataa” jechuun Konkoolaataan mija‟aa fi tekiinikii isaa ga‟umsa qabu daandii irra akka socho‟uuf waggaa tokkoof mallattoo maxxanfamee tajaajilu jechuu dha. 12)“Taarifa Geejjibaa” jechuun tajaajila geejjibaa kenamuuf kafaltii madaalaawaa yeroo xxxxxxx xxxxx‟ee ka‟amuu jechuu dha. 13)“Bobbii” jechuun tajaajila deddebisaa geejjiba daldalaa ta‟ee dorgommii irratti bu‟ureefachuun iddoo xxxxx‟e tokkoo iddoo biraa geessisuun uwwisa geejjibaa kennamu jechuudha. 14)“Geejjiba giddu-galeessaa” jechuun tajaajila geejjibaa fageenya gabaabaa irraa fe‟umsa salphaa fe‟uun geeejibaa idilee tumsu ta‟ee abbaa motraa fi motara dhabeeyyii kan dabalatu jechuudha. 15) “Firanchisingii” jechuun sararawwan tajaajila geejjibaa ga‟aa hin qabne adda baasuun yeroo murtaa‟eef qaamolee tajaajila geejjibaa kennuu danda‟aniif waligaltee raawwachuu jechuudha. 16)“Bobbii bilisaa” jechuun tajaajila geejjibaa dorgomii irratti hundaa‟e dabaree malee uwwisa geejjibaa kennamu jechuudha. 17)“Konkolaataa Abbaa | ኪል ሜትር በሊይ ያሌሆነ ማሽኖችን አይጨምርም፡፡ 6) “አሽከርካሪ” ማሇት የተረጋገጠ የአሽከርካሪ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ ያሇው ሰው ነው፡፡ 7) “ትራፉክ” ማሇት በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ ብቻውን ወይም በጋራ የሚንቀሳቀሱ፣ እግረኞች፣ እንሰሶችና ተሽከርካሪዎች ማሇት ነው፡፡ 8) “የብቃት ፇቃዴ” ማሇት አንዴ የታወቀ የማሽከርከር ዯረጃ ሇማግኘት ሥሌጠና ሇመስጠት የሚያስችሌ የሚሰጥ ፇቃዴ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 9) “የአሽከርካሪነት ብቃት ፇቃዴ” ማሇት ባሇሞተርም ሆነ ሞተር አሌባ ተሽከርካሪዎችን ሇማሽከርከር ሥሌጣን ባሇው አካሌ የሚሰጥ የማሽከርከር ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 10)“የትራንስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ተቆጣጣሪ” ማሇት የመንገዴ ትራንስፖርት ሕግን | acquire one particular level that helps to give training. 9) “Driving Competency License” Means a license given by the authority to approve ones competency to drive a motor or non motor vehicle. 10)“Traffic Controller” Means worker of the agency and member of police who are engaged on roads to enforce transport law and is conducting control activity. 11)“Sign of Vehicles' Efficiency” Means a sign that serve stick on a vehicle for one year on a vehicle which is suitable and it‟s technically efficient to move on a road. 12)“Transport Tariff” Means a reasonable payment to be determined periodically so as to certificate transport service. 13)“Transport Schedule” Means a business public transport service which certificate transport coverage by transporting from one |
Motoraa” jechuun humna makaanikaalaa yookiin elektriikaatiin daandii irrra gollolleen kan socho‟u jechuu dha. 18). “Konkoolataa yerooo balaa tajajjilan”jechuun ambulaansii dhukbsattoota fe‟an konkkolataa balaa abiddaa dhamusuuf hojetan konkkolataa poolisii nageenyaa eeguuf boob‟e, konkookoolatootaa balaa tirafiikaa qaqaabe irratii deegersa kennuuf booban fi kokooltaa nageenya tirafikaa eeguuf hojii xxxx xxxx jechuu dha. 19). “Sakatta‟insa Addaa” jechuun qorannaa ga‟umsa tekinikaa fi mijaa‟inaa meeshalee konkoolataa irratii yeroo add addaa sagantaa dhabataan al gaggeffamu kan akka yeroo balaan qaqabee yookiin koomii dhiyatee yookiin sabaaba biirootiin saktta‟insa konkoolaataa ogeessoota Ejansiichaan rawatamu dha. 20)“Dhaabbilee sakata‟insa konkooltaa” jechuun qaama ga‟umsa konkooltaa sakata‟uf bakka bu‟insa yeroo kennameefi hojii sakatta‟iinsa ga‟uumsa konkolaataa irratti xxxx‟an jechuu dha. 21)Golollee/Gomaa/ jechuun qaama konkoolata ta‟e konkoolataa akka daandii irra konkoolatu kan tasiisuu dha. | ሇማስከበር በመንገዴ ሊይ ተሰማርቶ የትራንስፖርትቁጥጥር የሚያካሄዴ የኤጀንሲው ሠራተኛና ትራፉክ ፖሉስ አባሌ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 11)“የተሽከርካሪ ብቃት ምሌክት” ማሇት ምቾት ያሇውና ቴክኒኩ ብቃት ያሇው ተሽከርካሪ መንገዴ ሊይ እንዱንቀሳቀስ ሇአንዴ ዓመት ተሇጥፍ የሚያገሇግሌ ምሌክት ማሇት ነው፡፡ 12)“የትራንስፖርት ታሪፌ” ማሇት የትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት በየጊዜው እየተወሰነ የሚቀመጥ ተመጣጣኝ የአገሌግልት ክፌያ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 13)“ስምሪት” ማሇት የንግዴ የመንገዴ ማመሊሇሻ አገሌግልት ሆኖ ከአንዴ ከተወሰነ ቦታወዯ ላሊ ቦታ ሇማዴረስ ውዴዴር ሊይ በመመስረት የሚሰጥ የትራንስፖርት ሽፊን ማሇት ነው፡፡ | place to the other based on competition. 14)“Medium Transport” Means a transport service carrying light load from shorter distance that support the regular transport which includes motor and non motor vehicles. 15)“Franchising” Means concluding contracts with transport service certificate bodies by certificate transport routs without sufficient transport service. 16)“Free Schedule” Means a transport service based on competition which certificate transport service without the need to keep order. 17)“Motor Vehicle” Means a vehicle which moves on roads using mechanical or electrical power with tires. 18)“Emergency Service Vehicle” Means ambulances carrying patients, vehicles working to control fire disaster, police vehicle deployed to protect peace and security, |
22)“Galmee oofiiseela” jechuun ibisaaf sakataiinsa wagga konkolaataa fi raga abba qabinyumma kankoolaataa galmee irratti galmaa‟uudha. 3. Ibsa saalaa Dambii kana keessatti jechi saala dhiiratiin ibsame dubartiis ni dabalata. 4. Daangaa Raawwatiinsaa Dambiin kun caasaalee Ejansichaa sadarkaa sadarkaan jran, caasalee mootumaa adda addaa dhaabbilee leenjii konkolaachistootaa, Abbootii qabeenyaa konkolaattootaa dhaabbilee sakatta‟a konkolaataa, lafoo-demtoota, waldaalee abbaa qabeenyaa naannicha keessatti gurmaa‟anii akkasumas naannicha keessati qaamoota sochii daandiiwwan waliin walqabatan hundaa irratti raawwatinsa ni qabaata. Kutaa Lama Waa‟ee Galmee Fi Waraqaa Ragaa Abbaa Qabeenyaa Konkolaataa 5. Barbaachisumma Galmeessa fi Waraqaa Ragaa Abbaa Qabeenymmaa Konkolaataa Abbaan qabeenyaa konkolaataa kamiiyyuu daandii konkolaataa kamiyyuu irra konkolaataa isaa konkolaachisuuf qaama dhimmi ilaalu birratti galmeessuun waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa fudhachuu qaba. 6. Konkolaatawwan Galmee fi Wa raqaa Ragaa Abbaa | 14)“መካከሇኛ ትራንስፖርት” ማሇት ከአጭር ርቀት ቀሊሌ ጭነት በመጫን መዯበኛ ትራንስፖርቱን የሚያግዝ የትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሆኖ ባሇሞተርና ሞተር አሌባ ተሸከርካሪን የሚጨምር ማሇት ነው፡፡ 15)“ፌራንቻይሲንግ” ማሇት የትራንፖርት አገሌግልት የላሊቸውን መስመሮች በመሇየት ሇተወሰነ ጊዜ የትራንፖርት አገሌግልት ሉሰጡ ከሚችለ አካሊት ጋር ውሌ መፇጸም ማሇት ነው፡፡ 16)“ነጻ ስምሪት” ማሇት ከወረፊ ውጪ የሚሰጥና በውዴዴር ሊይ የተመሰረተ የትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሽፊን ማሇት ነው፡፡ 17)“ባሇሞተር ተሽከርካሪ” ማሇት በሜካኒካሌ ወይም በኤላክትሪክ ኃይሌ በመንገዴ ሊይ በጎማ የሚሽከረከር ተሽከርካሪ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 18)“የአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪ” ማሇት | vehicles engaged to rescue the traffic certificate occurred and vehicle on duty to protect traffic safety. 19)“Extraordinary Inspection” Means an inspection conducted by professionals of the agency on technical competency and vehicles suitability at different times out of the regular program during the certificate, inspection made to give support for vehicle that suffered traffic certificate or inspection made for other reasons. 20)“Vehicles Inspection Institutions” Means a body engaged in inspection of vehicles efficiency by acquiring temporary delegation for inspecting vehicles. 21)“Tire” Means a body of the vehicle that enables the vehicle to roll on the road. 22)“Official Registry” Means description of the annual inspection of a vehicle and the vehicle ownership certificate registered on the registry. 3. Gender Reference |
Qabeenyummaa Isaan Hin Barbaachisne Konkolaataawwan armaan gadii waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa fi galma‟un isaan hin barbaachisu. 1) konkolaataa galmeedhan qabame, 2) Konkolaataa hojii tiraafikaa addunyaa irratti bobba‟e, 3) Meeshaalee ariitiin isaanii ol‟aanaan saa‟atiidhan k/m 20 hincaalle , 4) Gaariiwwan (Golteessii) qaama miidhatootaa. 7. Galmee fi Waraqaa Ragaa Abba Qabeenyummaa Argachuuf Iyaannoo Dhiyaatu 1) Konkolaataan biyyaa alaa irraa gara biyya keessa seenu ilaalchisee galmee fi waraqaa ragaa eenyummaa abba qabeenyummaa argachuuf iyyaannoo qaama dhimma ilaaluuf dhiyaatu dikilaaraasiyoona gumurukii fi sanadoota barbaachisaa kan biroo waliin dhiyaachuu qaba, 2) Konkolaataa haaraa biyyaa keessatti hojjetame ilaalchisee iyyannoon galma‟uuf akkasumas waraqaan ragaa eenyummaa abbaa qabeenyummaaf qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf dhiyaatu invoyisii konkolaatichi ittiin bitamee fi sanadoota barbaachisaa kan biroo waliin dhiyaachuu qaba, 3) Konkolaataan bittaadhan, kennaadhan, dhaalaan yookiin xxxxx kamiiniyuu | በሽተኞችን የሚጭን አንቡሊንስ፣የእሳት አዯጋ ማጥፉያ ተሽከርካሪ፣ ዯህንነት ሇመጠበቅ የተሰማራ የፖሉስ ተሽከርካሪ፤ ሇተከሰተ የትራፉክ አዯጋዴጋፌ ሇመስጠት የተሰማራ ተሽከርካሪና የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ሇማስጠበቅ ሥራ ሊይ ያሇ ተሽከርካሪ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 19)“ሌዩ ምርመራ” ማሇት ከመዯበኛ ፕሮገራም ውጭ የተሽከርካሪ ቴክኒክ ብቃትና መሣሪያዎችን ምቾት ሇመመርመር በተሇያየ ጊዜ ማሇትምአዯጋ በሚዯርስበት ጊዜ ወይም ቅሬታ ሲቀርብ ወይም በላሊ ምክንያት በኤጀንሲው ባሇሙያዎች የሚካሄዴ የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 20)“የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ ተቋማት” ማሇት የተሽከርካሪ ብቃት ሇመመርመር ጊዜያዊ ውክሌና የተሰጣቸውና የተሽከርካሪ ብቃት ምርመራ | In this regulation, any term expressed in feminine gender shall include the masculine gender. 4. Scope of Application This regulation shall be applicable to structures of the Agency at each hierarchy, various government structures, drivers training institutions, vehicles owners, vehicles efficiency inspection institutions, pedestrians, investors cooperatives organized in the region and all bodies in the region related to road traffic. Part Two About Registration and Ownership Certificateof Vehicles 5. Necessity of Registration and Ownership Certificate of Vehicles Any owner of a vehicle shall register his vehicle to the concerned body and acquire ownership certificate in order to move his certificate on any road. 6. Vehicles not Requiring Registration and Ownership Certificate The following vehicles shall not require |
namni argate waraqaan ragaa eenyummaa abbaa qabeenyummaa maqaa isaatti akka naannessamuuf ji‟a jaha keessatti qaama dhimmi ilaalutti iyyachuu qaba. 4) Akkaataa keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 3 jalatti tumameen iyyannoon dhiyaatu konkolaaticha ilaalchisee waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa kennamee fi seera qabeessummaa dabarsa taasifamee ragaa ibsu waliin yookiin sanada kana mirkaneessu waliin dhiyaachuu qaba. 8. Kenniinsa Waraqaan Ragaa Abbaa Qabeenyummaa fi Galmee Konkolaataa Akkaataa dambii kan keewwata 6 tiin qaamnii iyyannoon dhiyaateef ga‟umsa teekniikaa konkolaatichaa fi konkolaatichi taajaajila galmaaa‟eef mijjataa ta‟uu issaa mirkaneessuun kaffaltiin tajaajilaa erga raawwatamee booda konkolaaticha ilaalchisee galmee irratti tarreeffama armaan gadii galmeessuu qaba Maqaa fi teessoo abbaa qabeenyaa (a) Lakkoofsa shaansii fi bara oomishaa, (b) Lakkoofsa motoraa fi bara oomishaa, (c) Baayi‟ina teessoo yookiin dandeetti fe‟umsaa, hojjaa fi dheerina , (d) Halluu isaa, (e) Ashuura kaffaluu fi | ሥራ ሊይ የተሰማሩ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 21)“ጏማ” ማሇት ተሽከርካሪ በመንገዴ ሊይ እንዱሽከረከር የሚያዯርግ የተሽከርካሪ አንዴ አካሌ ማሇት ነው፡፡ 22)“የኦፉሴሌ መዝገብ” ማሇት የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረትነትና ዓመታዊ ምርመራን የሚመሇከቱ መግሇጫዎች የሚመዘገብበት መዝገብ ነው፡፡ 3. የፆታ አገሊሇጽ በዚህ ዯንብ ውስጥ በወንዴ ፆታ የተገሇፀው ሴትንም ይጨምራሌ፡፡ 4. የተፇፃሚነት ወሰን ይህ ዯንብ በየዯረጃው ያለ የኤጀንሲው መዋቅሮች፣ የተሇያዩ የመንግሥት መዋቅሮች የአሽከርካሪ ማሰሌጠኛ ተቋማት፤የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረቶች የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ ተቋማት፤እግረኞች፤ በክሌለ ውስጥ የተዯራጁ የባሇንብረት ማህበራት እንዱሁም በክሌለ ውስጥ ከመንገዴ እንቅስቃሴ ጋር | registration and to have ownership certificate: 1) Recorded Vehicles; 2) Vehicles engaged in international traffic activities; 3) Materials whose highest speed is not greater than 20 kilometers per hour; 4) Carriages of persons with disabilities. 7. Application for registration and acquiring ownership certificate 1) The application for registration and ownership certificate of imported vehicle shall be accompanied by the customs clearing agent and other relevant documents; 2) The application for registration and for acquiring ownership certificate of new vehicle manufactured in the country shall be accompanied by the invoice of its purchase and other relevant documents; 3) Any person who has acquired a vehicle through purchase, gift inheritance or in any other way shall apply to the concerned body |
dhisuu isaa (f) Ragaawwan barbaachisoo kan biroo, 2) Qaamni dhimmi ilaalu akkaataa keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 tiin konkolaaticha akka galmeesseen waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaaa iyyataaf ni kenna. 9. Waa‟ee Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Waraqaa Ragaa Abbaa Qabeenyummaa Sirreessisuu fi Bakka Buusuu 1) Galmee oofiseelaa ykn waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabiynummaa irratti ibsa barreeffame irratti wantii dogoggorame kan jiru xxx xx‟ee abbaa qabeenyaa sanadichi kennamee fi guyyoota 30 keessatti dogoggorichi akka sirra‟u qaama dhimmi ilaa. Kun yommu ta‟u dogoggorri uumame qaama dhimmi ilaaluun xxx xx‟uu baate kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa abban qabeeynaa ni raawwata. 2) Galmee ofiseelaa keessaa fi waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa iraa ibsawwan kaa‟aman irratti jijjiramni yoo mul‟ate galmichi akka sirra‟uu fi waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeeynummaa bu‟uuruma kanaan akka sirratu abbaan xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx 00 keessatti waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeeynummaa dhiyeessu qaba. kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa ta‟es ni raawwata. | የተያያዙ ማንኛውም አካሊት ሊይ ተፇፃሚነት ይኖረዋሌ፡፡ ክፌሌ ሁሇት ስሇምዝገባ እና የተሽከርካሪ ባሇቤትነት የምስክር ወረቀት 5. የተሽከርካሪ ምዝገባና የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት አስፇሊጊነት የማንኛውም የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረት ተሽከርካሪውን በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ ሇማንቀሳቀስ ተሸከርካሪውን ስሌጣን ካሇው አካሌ ዘንዴ በማስመዝገብ የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት መውሰዴ አሇበት፡፡ 6. ምዝገባና የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት የማያስፇሌጋቸው ተሽከርካሪዎች የሚከተለት ተሽከርካሪዎች የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀትና ምዝገባ አያስፇሌጋቸውም፡- 1) በመዝገብ የተያዘ ተሽከርካሪ፤ 2) በኢንተርናሽናሌ የትራፉክ ስራ ሊይ የተሰማሩ | within six months to transfer ownership certificatein his name; 4) The application submitted pursuant to sub-article (3) of this article shall be submitted with the relevant title deed certificate and document proving the legality of the transfer of such certificate. 8. Provision of Ownership Certificate and Registeration of Vehicles 1) The concerned body to which the application is submitted as per article 6 of this regulation shall ascertain the vehicle's technical qualification and its being appropriate to the service it is registered and after collecting the necessary service payment shall register the following list of records regarding the vehicle: (a) The name and address of the owner; (b) The shanzi number and its period of production; (c) The engine number and its period of |
3) Waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeeynummaa xxx xxxx, xxx xxxxx‟e yookiin kan hin dubbifamne xxx xx‟ee abbaan qabeenyaa akka bakka bu‟uuf battalumatti qaama dhimmi ilaalutti iyyachuu qaba. 4) Qaamni dhimmi ilaalaltu bu‟uura keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 3 tiin iyyannoon yoo dhiyaatee fi kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa ta‟e akka raawwatu taasisuudhaan waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeeynummaa bakka ni buufata. 5) Waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeeynummaa badee ture namni deebisee argate waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeeyyummaa dabalataa ta‟e kun akka haqamu fi maqsamu battalumatti qaama dhimmi ilaaluutti keennamuu qaba. 10. Waraqaa Ragaa Abbaa QabeenyummaaDeebisuu Abba qabeenyaa yookiin abba qabiiyee konkoolataa biyyaa keessa akka ba‟u yookiin hiikamu yookiin gonkumaa daandii irra akka hin soochoone tasifame kamiyyuu akka haqamuf waraqaa ragaa abba qabeenyumaa guyyaa 30 keessatii ejansichaaf deebisuu qaba. Kutaa Sadii Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekamtii Konkolaataa 11. Barbaachisummaa Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii | ተሽከርካሪዎች፤ 3) ከፌተኛ ፌጥነታቸው በሰዓት ከ20 ኪል ሜትር የማይበሌጥ ሌዩ ተንቀሳቃሽ መሣሪያዎች፤ 4) የአካሌ ጉዲተኛ ጋሪዎች፡፡ 7. ሇምዝገባና የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ሇማግኘት ስሇሚቀርብ ማመሌከቻ 1) ከውጭ ወዯ አገር ውስጥ የሚገባ ተሽከርካሪን በሚመሇከት ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ የሚቀርብ የምዝገባና የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ማመሌከቻ ከተሽከርካሪው የጉምሩክ ዱክሊራሲዮንና ከላልች አስፇሊጊ ሰነድች ጋር ተያይዞ መቅረብ አሇበት፤ 2) በአገር ውስጥ የተሰራ አዱስተሽከርካሪን በሚመሇከት ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ የሚቀርብ የምዝገባና የባሇንብረት መታወቂያ ዯብተር ማመሌከቻ ተሽከርካሪው ከተገዛበት ኢንቮይስና ላልች አስፇሊጊ ሰነድች ጋር ተያይዞ | production; (d) The number of its seats or its loading capacity and its height and length; (e) Its color; (f) Whether or not tax has been paid; (g) Other necessary evidences. 2) The concerned body shall give the applicant ownership certificate as soon as his registration in accordance with sub- article 1 of this article. 9. About Change of Registration and Correction and Replacement of Ownership Certificate 1) The owner shall present the certificate to the concerned body for correction where there found any mistake or error in the expressions about the ownership certificate; the owner shall pay the necessary service charge unless the the error is made by the concerned body; 2) Where there observed changes between the statements on the official registry and ownership certificate, |
Konkolaataan kamiyyyuu qaama dhimmi ilaaluun lakkoofsa gabatee beekkametii kenname yoo maxanfameef malee daandii kamiyyuu irra sochoo‟uu hin danda‟u. 12. Konkolaataa Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii Hin Barbaachisneef Dambii kana keewwata 18 jalatti kan tumame konkolaataawwan armaa gadii irratti raawwatiinsa hin qabaatu. 1) Konkolaataawwan hojii tiraafiika addunyaa irratti boba‟an, 2) Meeshaa sochii addaa ariitii isaanii saa‟atiitti k/m 20 kan hin caalle,fi 3) Gaariiwwan (Golteessii)qaama miidhamtootaa. 13. Lakkoofsi Gabatee Beekkamtii Akka Mul‟atu Taasisuu 1) Lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii akka argamuu danda‟utti akka armaan gadiitti maxanfamuu qaba. (a) Doqdooqee (Biskileeta abbaa motoraa) xxx xx‟e sibiila dalgee doqdooqichaa duubaa irratti kallatii digirii sagaltamaa tiin, (b) Konkolaataa abbaa motoraa xxx xx‟e sibiila dalgee kokolaataa fuula duraa fi duubaa irrattii iddoo kanumaaf jedhamee qophaa‟e kallattii digirii sagaltamaan,fi (c) Harkifamaa xxx xx‟e | መቅረብ አሇበት፤ 3) በግዥ፤በስጦታ፤በውርስ ወይም በማንኛውም ሁኔታ ተሽከርካሪ የተሊሇፇሇት ማንኛውም ሰው የባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተሩ በስሙ እንዱዛወርሇት በስዴስት ወር ጊዜ ውስጥ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማመሌከት አሇበት፡፡ 4) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 3 መሰረት የሚቀርበው ማመሌከቻ ተሽከርካሪውን በሚመሇከት ቀዯም ሲሌ ተሰጥቶት ከነበረው የባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተርና የዝውውሩን ሕጋዊነት ሇማስረዲት በሚመሇከተው አካሌ ከተሰጠ ወይም ከተረጋገጠ ሰነዴ ጋር ተያይዞ መቅረብ አሇበት፡፡ 8. ተሽከርካሪን ስሇመመዝገብና የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ስሇመስጠት 1) በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 6 መሰረት ማመሌከቻ | the owner shall present the official registry and ownership certificate to the concerned body within thirty days to be corrected accordingly; he also shall pay the necessary service payment; 3) Where the ownership certificate is lost, damaged or unreadable, the owner shall apply to the concerned body for its replacement; 4) The concerned body is submitted an application in accordance with sub- article 3 of this article, it shall replace the ownership certificate by collecting the necessary service fee; 5) Anybody who has found the lost certificate which its replacement certificate is already given shall forthwith return such certificate to the concerned body for its cancellation and removal. 10.Returning the Ownership Certificate The owner or possessor of any vehicle which is made |
sibiila dalgee harkifamaa karaa duubaa iddoo kanumaaf jedhamee qophaa‟e irratti kallatti diigirii sagaltamaatiin . 2) Konkolaataan kamiyyuu lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii ifatti akka mul‟atuuf xxxxx akka hin argamne taasisu irraa bilisa ta‟uu qaba. 14. Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii Jijjiruu fi Bakka Buusuu 1) Halluu yookiin qubee yookiin mallattoo kan biroo kamiyyuu lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii ilaalchisee dogoggora yoo qabaate abban qabeenya yookiin abbaan qabiyyee konkolaataa lakkoofsi gabateen guyyaa kennamee jalqabee guyyoorta 10 keessatti lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii sirrii ta‟eetti akka jijjiiramuf qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf dhiyeessuu qaba. Dogoggori uumamee sababii qaama dhimmi ilaaluun xxx xx‟e xxxxx kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa ta‟e abbaan qabeenyaa yookiin abbaa qabiyyeetu raawwachuu qaba. 2) Lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii xxx xxxx, xxx xxxxx‟e yookiin kan hin dubbifamne xxx xx‟e abbaan qabeenyaa yookiin abban qabiyyee konkolaataa lakkoofsi | የቀረበሇት የሚመሇከተው አካሌ የቀረበሇትን ማመሌከቻ ትክክሇኛነትና የተሽከርካሪው የቴክኒክ ብቃትና ሇተመዘገበበት አገሌግልት ምቹ መሆኑን ካረጋገጠና የአገሌግልት ክፌያ ከተፇጸመ በኋሊ የሚከተለትን ተሽከርካሪውን በሚመሇከተው መዝገብ ሊይ የሚከተለትን ዝርዝሮች መመዝገብ አሇበት፡- (ሀ) የባሇንብረቱን ስምና አዴራሻ፤ (ሇ) የሻንሲ ቁጥሩንና የተመረተበትን ዘመን (ሐ) የሞተሩን ቁጥርና የተመረተበትን ዘመን፤ (መ) የወንበሩን ብዛት ወይም የመጫን አቅሙን፤ ቁመቱንና ርዝመቱን፤ (ሠ) ቀሇሙን፤ (ረ) ቀረጥ መክፇሌ መክፇለን፤እና (ሰ) ላልች አስፇሊጊ መረጃዎችን፤ 2) የሚመሇከተው አካሌ በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 መሠረት ተሽከርካሪን እንዯመዘገበ ሇአመሌካቹ የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡ 9. ስሇምዝገባ ሇውጥና የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ማስተካከሌና መተካት | to be exported or disassembled or made not to move on the road shall return such ownership certificate to the concerned body to be cancelled. Part Three Plate Number of Vehicle 11.The Importance of Plate Number No vehicle shall move on any road unless it affixs the plate number provided by the concerned body. 12.Vehicles that do not need plate numbers The provisions stipulated under atrticle 18 of this regulation shall not apply to the following vehicles: 1) Vehicles engaged in international traffic activities; 2) Special mobile machines whose speed is not more than 20 kilometers per hour; 3) Carriages of persons with disabilities. 13.Making plate number visible 1) The plate number of a vehicle shall be affixed in the following manner: (a) For a motorcyclist, on the rear axle of the motorcycle at |
gabatee beekamtii bakka bu‟uu akka kennamuufii battalumatti qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf iyyannoo dhiyeessuu qaba. 3) Qaamni dhimmi ilaalu bu‟uura keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 2 tiin iyyannoo yoo dhiyaateefi iyyataan kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa akka raawwatu gochuudhaan lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii xxxxx xxx‟u ni kennamaaf. 4) Lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii kan badee turee fi kan xxx xxxxx bu‟u kennaameef namni deebisee argate gabateen dabalataa akka makfamuf qaama dhimmi ilaaluutti deebisuu qaba. 15. Jiraachuu Dhabuu Lakkofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii 1) Jiraachuu dhabuun Lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii abbaan qabeenyummaa konkolaataa sirritti kan hin mirkanoofne ta‟uu isaaf yaada ka‟umsa ta‟e fudhatama. Abbaa qabeenyummaa konkolaataaichas sirriitti mirkaneessuun gahee abbaa qabiyyee konkolaatichaa ni ta‟a. 2) Konkolaataan kamiyyuu lakoofsa gabatee beekkamtii sirrii ta‟e osoo hin qabaatiin daandii irra kan sochoo‟xx xxxxxx haalli abba qabeenyummaa isaa hanga | 1) በኦፉሴሌ መዝገብ ውስጥ ወይም በባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተር ሊይ ከሰፇሩት መግሇጫዎች መካከሌ የተሳሳተ ነገር መኖሩን ባሇቤቱ ባወቀ በሠሊሳ ቀናት ውስጥ ስህተቱን ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማሳወቅና ዯብተሩን ሇእርምት ማቅረብ አሇበት፤ ይህም ስህተቱ ያጋጠመው በሚመሇከተው አካሌ ጥፊት ብቻ ካሌሆነ በስተቀር ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ ባሇንብረቱ ይፇጽማሌ፤ 2) በኦፉሴሌ መዝገቡ ውስጥና በባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተሩ ሊይ በሰፇሩት መግሇጫዎች ሊይ ሇውጥ ሲያጋጥም ምዝገባው እንዱስተካከሌና ዯብተሩ በዚሁ መሠረት እንዱሻሻሌ ባሇቤቱ በሠሊሳ ቀናት ውስጥ ዯብተሩን ማቅረብ አሇበት፤ ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያም ይፇጽማሌ፤ 3) የባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተሩ የጠፊ ፤የተበሊሸ ወይም የማይነበብ ከሆነ ባሇቤቱ ምትክ ዯብተር እንዱሰጠው ወዱያውኑ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማመሌከት አሇበት፤ 4) የሚመሇከተው አካሌ በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 3 መሠረት ማመሌከቻ ሲቀርብሇት አመሌካቹ ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ አንዱፇጽም በማዴረግ በጠፊው ምትክ ዯብተር | 90 degrees angle; (b) For a motor vehicle at the front and rear axle of the vehicle prepared for such purpose at the 90 degree gradient; (c) For a carriage, at the rear axle of the vehicle where prepared for such purpose at the 90 degree angle. 2) Any vehicle shall be free from any thing that obscures its plate number. 14.Changing and Replacing Plate Number 1) Where there is an error on the color or letter or any other sign of the plate number of vehicle, the owner or possessor of such shall return this plate number to the concerned body within 10 days of its being provided to get it changed with the correct plate number; 2) If the plate number is lost, damaged or unreadable, the owner or possessor shall immediately apply to the concerned body for the replacement of |
qulqullaa‟utti qaamni angoon keennameef konkolaatichaa qabee tursiisuu ni danda‟a. 16. Gosaa fi Mallattoo Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii 1) Gosaa fi mallattoon lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii qaama dhimmi ilaaluun kan kennamu ta‟a, 2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalati kan tumamme akkuma eeggametti ta‟ee qabiyyee, boca fi mallattoon iciitiin lakkoofsi gabatee beekkametii geejjiba giddu galeessaa Ejansichaan ni murtaa‟a. 17. Lakkofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii Dhaabbii Kennuu Ejansichi lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii argachuuf bu‟uura dambii kan keewwata 7 keewwata xiqqaa 1, 2 fi 3 tiin iyyannoo dhiyaatu bu‟uureffachuun yeroo kenninsa waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa kaffalchiisuudhaan lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii dhaabbii konkolaataaf kennuu qaba. 18. Yeroo Lakkoofsi Gabatee Beekkamtii Dhaabbii Ragga‟ee Itti Turu Lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii dhaabbii kamiyyuu bu‟uura dambii kana keewwata 14 tiin akka bakka bu‟u yookiin akka jijjiramu hanga hin taasifamneetti konkolaatichi kan bittinaa‟e xxx xx‟ee | ይሰጠዋሌ፤ 5) ጠፌቶ የነበረና ምትክ የተሰጠበትን የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት መሌሶ ያገኘ ሰው ተጨማሪ የሆነው የባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተር እንዱሰረዝና እንዱወገዴ ወዱያውኑ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማስረከብ አሇበት፡፡ 10.የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ስሇመመሇስ ማንኛወም ተሽከርካሪ ከሀገር ሲወጣ ወይም እንዱፇታታ ወይምበመንገዴ ሊይ እንዲይንቀሳቅስ በተዯረገ በ30 ቀናት ውስጥ ወይም ባሇይዞታው የባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተሩ እንዱሰረዝ ሇኤጀንሲው መሌሶ ማስረከብ አሇበት፡፡ ክፌሌ ሦስት የተሽከርካሪ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር 11.የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር አስፉሊጊነት ማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ በሚመሇከተው አካሌ የተሰጠ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ካሌተሇጠፇሇት በስተቀር በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ እንዱንቀሳቀስ ሉዯረግ አይችሌም፡፡ 12. የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር የማያስፇሌጋቸው ተሽከርካሪዎች የዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 18 ዴንጋጌ በሚከተለት ተሽከርካሪዎች ሊይተፇጻሚ አይሆንም፡- 1) በኢንተርናሽናሌ ትራፉክ ሥራ ሊይ የተሠማሩ ተሽከርካሪዎች፤ 2) ከፌተኛ ፌጥነታቸው በሰዓት ከ20 ኪል ሜትር የማይበሌጥ ሌዩ ተንቀሳቃሽ መሣሪያዎች፤ | such number; 3) Where the concerned body is submitted an application in accordance with sub- article (2) of this article, it shall give replacement plate number to the applicant after payment of the service charge; 4) The person who has lost and given its replacement plate number found such lost plate number shall submit such additional plate number to the concerned body for its removal. 15.Inexistence of Plate Number 1) The absence of plate number of a vehicle leads to the assumption that the ownership of the carrier shall be the ownership of the vehicle is not properly ascertained; The burden of proof of ownership of the vehicle shall be the duty of the possessor of such vehicle; 2) The authorized body shall have power to control the vehicle |
yookiin gonkumaa daandii irra akka hin sochoone yoo taasifame malee lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii dhaabbii ragga‟xx xxx turu ta‟a. 19. Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii Dhaabbii Deebisuu Lakkoofsi gabatee beekamtiidhaabbii kamiyyuu akkaataa dambii kana Keewwata 18 tiin yeroon ragga‟ee itti xxxx xxx xumurame yookiin galmeessi konkolaataa yoo haqame abbaan qabeenyummaa yookiin abbaan qabiyyee konkolaataa akkaataa dambii kana keewwata 10 tiin waraqaa ragaa abba qabeenyummaa deebi‟u waliin Ejansichatti deebisuu qaba. 20. Lakkofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii Guyyaa Lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii guyyaa akkaataa dambii kana keewwata 17 tiin waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa waliin kennuuf haalli hin dandeessisine yoo uumame yookiin waraqaa ragaa abba qabeenyummaa osoo hin kennamin dura konkolaaticha daandii kamiyyuu irra sochoosuuf sababiin dirqisiisu yoo jiraate Ejansichi kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa kaffalchiisuun konkolaatichaaf lakkoofsa gabatee beekamtii yeroo hanga barbaachisu heyyama sochii yeroo xxxxx‟e waliin kennuu ni danda‟a. 21. Yeroo Lakkoofsi Gabatee yeroo Beekkamtii Ragga‟ee Itti Turu | 3) የአካሌ ጉዲተኛ ጋሪዎች፡፡ 13. የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር እንዱታይ ስሇማዴረግ 1) የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር በሚታይ ቦታ እንዯሚከተሇው መሇጠፌ አሇበት፤ (ሀ) ሇሞተር ብስክላት ሲሆን፤ በሞተር ብስክላቱ የኋሊ አግዲሚ ዘንግ ሊይ በዘጠና ዱግሪ ማዕዘን፤ (ሇ) ሇባሇሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ሲሆን በተሽከርካሪው የፉትና የኋሊ አግዲሚ ዘንግ ሊይ ሇዚሁ ተብል በተዘጋጀው ቦታ በዘጠና ዱግሪ ማዕዘን፤ (ሐ) ሇተሣቢ ሲሆን በተሳቢው የኋሊ አግዲሚ ዘንግ ሊይ ሇዚሁ ተብል በተዘጋጀው ቦታ በዘጠና ዱግሪ ማዕዘን፡፡ 2) የማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ጎሌቶ እንዱታይና ከዕይታ እንዲይከሇሌ መዯረግ አሇበት፡፡ 14.የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥርን ስሇመሇወጥና መተካት 1) የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥርን ቀሇም፤ የፉዯሌ ጥምረት ወይም ማንኛውም ላሊ ምሌክት በተመሇከተ ግዴፇት መኖሩን የተሽከርካሪው ባሇቤት ወይም ባሇይዞታ ባወቀ በ10 ቀናት ውስጥ የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥሩ በትክክሇኛው ሰላዲ እንዱሇወጥ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማቅረብ አሇበት፡፡ ይህም ሲሆን ግዴፇቱ ያጋጠመው የሚመሇከተው አካሌ ጥፊት ምክንያትነት ብቻ ካሌሆነ በስተቀር ተገቢውን | which is found on the road without having the correct plate number until its correct ownership is proved. 16.Types and Signs of Plate Number 1) The type and Sign of plate number shall be provided by the concerned body; 2) Without prejudice to the provision of sub article 1 of this article, the shape and sign of plate number of Medium transport may be determined by the Agency. 17.Providing Permanent Plate Number The Agency shall provide the permanent plate number by causing payment of the appropriate service charge based on the application submitted pursuant to article 7 sub articles1, 2 and 3 of this regulation. 18.Duration of the Permanent Plate Number Unless the permanent plate number is not replaced or changed in accordance with article 14 of this regulation, it shall remain in force until |
1) Lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii yeroo guyyaa keenname irraa eegalee guyoota 15f raga‟xx xxx turu ta‟a, 2) Kan keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti tumame jiraatuyyuu kaffaltiin tajaajilaa murtaa‟e kafalamee guyyaa 15f qaamni dhimmi ilaalu yeroo lamaaf dheeressuu ni danda‟a, 3) Lakkoofsi gabatee beekamtii yeroon itti ragga‟ee xxxx xxx xummurame yookiin yeroon isaa osoo hin dhumiin dura lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii yoo kenname abbaan qabeenya yookiin abban qabiyyee konkolaataa gabaticha qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf batalumatti deebisuu qaba. 22. Itti Fayyadama Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii Tranziitii 1) Lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii tranziitii kan tajaajilu galmee abbaa warshaa konkolaataa, daldalaa, yookiin deebisanii hojjataniin konkolaaatota galmeetti qabaman qofti wal jijjiirran kan itti fayyadaman dha. 2) Konkolaataan lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii tranziitii maxxanfatee daandii irra sochoosuu kan danda‟u dhimmoota itti aanan qofaaf ta‟a:- (a) Buufata doonii seenee irraa yookiin iddoo bitamee gara iddoo | የአገሌግልት ክፌያ ባሇንብረቱ ወይም ባሇይዞታው ይፇጽማሌ፤ 2) የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥር የጠፊ፤ የተበሊሸ ወይም የማይነበብ የሆነ እንዯሆነ የተሽከርካሪው ባሇቤት ወይም ባሇይዞታው ምትክ የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥር እንዱሰጠው ወዱያውኑ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማመሌከት አሇበት፤ 3) የሚመሇከተው አካሌ በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 2 መሠረት ማመሌከቻ ሲቀርብሇት አመሌካቹ ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ እንዱፇጽም በማዴረግ ምትክ የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥርይሰጠዋሌ፤ 4) ጠፌቶ የነበረና ምትክ የተሰጠበትን የመሇያ ቁጥር መሌሶ ያገኘ ሰው ተጨማሪ የሆነው ሰላዲ እንዱወገዴ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማስረከብ አሇበት፡፡ 15.የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር አሇመኖር 1) የተሽከርካሪው መሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥርአሇመኖር የተሽከርካሪው ባሇንብረትነት በሚገባ ያሌተረጋገጠ ሇመሆኑ መነሻ ግምት ሆኖ ይወሰዲሌ፡፡ የተሽከርካሪውን ባሇንብረትነት በሚገባ የማረጋገጥ ተግባርም የተሽከርካሪው ባሇይዞታ ይሆናሌ፤ 2) ማንኛውምተሽከርካሪ ትክክሇኛ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ሳይዯረግበት በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ | the vehicle is disassembled or made not to move on any road 19.Returning Permanent Plate Number Whereanypermanent plate number‟s duration is completed in accordance with article 18 of this regulation, 20.Daily Plate Number Where there occurs a situation which prevents to provide plate number together with ownership certificate in accordance with article 17 of this regulation or there is a reason which necessitates to move the vehicle on any road before the provision of ownership certificate, the Agency may provide plate number with temporary transport license to such vehicle by collecting the necessary service payment. 21.Duration of Daily Plate Number 1) The daily plate number shall remain in force for 15 days from the date of its being provided; 2) Notwithstanding to the provision of sub- article 1 of this article, the concerned body may extend the period |
daldalaatti geessuuf, (b) Xxxxxx xxxxxx mankuusa keessa gara kutaa agarsiisaatti yookiin iddoo gurgurtaaf dhiyaatutti geessuu fi gara mankuusatti deebisuuf, (c) Sakatta‟iinsaf yookiin agarsiisuuf ofiinsa dhaqaa-galaa fageenya kilomeetra digdamii shan hin caalle gochuuf, (d) Bakka daldalaatii kan bitaateef yookiin nama biroo darbuutiif xxxx xxxxx wal harkaa fudhinsaa geessuuf yookiin, (e) Xxxx xxxxx sakatta‟iinsa fi galmeessaa geessuuf. 3) Konkolaataa abbaa warshaa, daldalaa yookiin foyyeessee hojetuuf tajaajiilu irratti yeroo kamiyyuu lakkoofsi gabatee tranziitii taasiifamuu hin qabu. 23. Kenninsa Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekkamtii Tranziitii 1) Abbaan warshaa konkolaataa,daldalaan yookiin kan foyyeeesee hojjetu kamiyyuu lakkoofsa gabatee beekamtii tranziitii akka kennamuuf xxx xxxxxxx iyyannoo isaa waraabbii heeyyama hojii jedhame kan irratti akka bobba‟uuf kennameefiin walqabsiisee qaama dhimmi ilaaluf | የተንቀሳቀሰ አንዯሆነ የባሇንብረትነቱ ሁኔታ በሚገባ እስከሚጣራ ዴረስ አግባብ ያሇው ሕግ የማስከበር ሥሌጣን የተሰጠው አካሌ ተሽከርካረውን ይዞ ማቆየት ይችሊሌ፡፡ 16.የመሇያሠላዲ ቁጥር ዓይነቶችና ምሌክቶች 1) የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ዓይነቶች በሚመሇከተው አካሌ የሚሰጥ ይሆናሌ፤ 2) የዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ1 ዴንጋጌ እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ የመካከሇኛ ትራንስፖርት መሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ይዘት፤ ቅርጽ እና ሚስጥራዊ ምሌክቶችን ኤጀንሲው ይወሰናሌ፡፡ 17.ቋሚ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥሮችን ስሇመስጠት ኤጀንሲው በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ7 ንዐሰ አንቀጽ1፤2 ና 3 መሠረት በቀረበ ማመሌከቻ ሊይ ተመስርቶ የባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተር በሚሰጥበት ወቅት ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ በማስከፇሌ ሇተሽከርካሪው የሚያስፇሌገውን ያህሌ ቋሚ የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥሮች መስጠት አሇበት፡፡ 18.ቋሚ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ጸንቶ የመቆይበት ጊዜ ማንኛውም ቋሚ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ14 መሠረት እንዱሇውጥ ወይም እንዱተካ ካሌተዯረገ በስተቀር ተሽከርካሪው እንዱፇታታ ወይም ጨርሶ በመንገዴ ሊይ እንዲይንቀሳቀስ እስከሚዯረግበት | of 15 days for the second time by collecting the determined service payment; 3) Where the duration of plate number is expired or where plate number is provided before expiry of its duration, the owner or possessor of the vehicle shall forthwith return the plate number to the concerned body. 22.Utilization of Transit Plate Number 1) Transit plate number is used only by the vehicles registered on the registery of vehicles factory owner, trader or re manufacturer through interchanging it. 2) A vehicle may move on the road by affixing transit plate number only for the following matters: (a) To take the vehicle to the trading place from its entry to the port or from place of its procurement; (b) Some times from warehouse to displaying room or to the place of sale |
dhiyeefachuu qaba . 2) Qaamni dhimmi ilaalu iyyannoo dhiyaatee fi waraabbii heyyama miilittoo ta‟e dhugaa qabeessaa fi sirrii ta‟uu isaa erga mirkaneessee booda kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa kaffalchiisuun lakkoofsa gabatee beekkamtii tranziitii iyyataaf ni kenna. 24. Yerooo Lakkoofsi Gabatee Beekkamtii TranziitiiRagga‟ee Itti Turu 1) Lakkoofsa gabatee beekamtii tranziitii guyyaa kennameef irraa eegalee waggaa tokkof kan tajaajilu ta‟a, 2) Yerooo lakkoofsi gabatee beekamtii tranziitii ragga‟ee turu akka dheeratu oggaa gaafatamu qaamni dhimmi ilaalu tokko tokkoo bara haaromsaatti kaffaltii barbaachisaa kaffalchiisuudhaan waggaa tokkoof dheeressuuf ni danda‟a. 25. Itti Fayyadama fi Galmeessa Lakkoofsa Gabatee Beekamtii Tranziitii 1) Lakkoofsi gabatee beekkamtii tranziitii kan kennamuuf abbaan warshaa konkolaataa, daldalaa yookiin kan foyyeessee hojjetu kamiyyuu, konkolaataa gabateewwan fayyadaman ilaalchisee xxxxx qaama dhimmi ilaaluun murtaa‟een galmaa‟ee | ጊዜ ዴረስ ጸንቶ ይቆያሌ፡፡ 19.ቋሚ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥሮችን ስሇመመሇስ ማንኛውም ቋሚ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 18 የተመሇከተው ጸንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ ሲያበቃ ወይም የተሽከርካሪው ምዝገባ ሲሠረዝ የተሽከርካሪው ባሇቤት ወይም ባሇይዞታ በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 10 መሠረት ከሚመሇሰው የባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ጋር ሇኤጀንሲው ማስረከብ አሇበት፡፡ 20.ዕሇታዊ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ቋሚ የመሇያ ሰላዲ ቁጥር በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 17 መሠረት ከባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት ጋር መስጠት የማይቻሌበት ሁኔታ ሲያጋጥም ወይም የባሇንብረትነት መታወቂያ ዯብተር ከመሰጠቱ በፉት ተሽከርካሪው በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ ሇማንቀሳቀስ የሚያስገዴዴ ምክንያት ሲኖር ኤጀንሲው ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ በማስከፇሌ ሇተሽከርካሪው የሚያስፇሌገውን ያህሌ ዕሇታዊ የመሇያ ሰላዲቁጥር ከጊዜያዊ ማንቀሳቀሻ ፌቃዴ ጋር መስጠት ይችሊሌ፡፡ 21.ዕሇታዊ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ጸንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ 1) ዕሇታዊ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ጸንቶ የሚቆየው ከተሰጠበት ቀን ጀምሮ ሇ5 ቀናት ይሆናሌ፤ 2) የዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 ዴንጋጌ ቢኖርም፤ የተወሰነውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ ተከፌል ሇ15 ቀናት | and to return same to the warehouse; (c) To make a trip of not more than 25 kilometers for inspection or displaying; (d) To take it from business premises for the buyer or other person transferred up to the take over place; (e) To take it to the place of inspection and registration. 3) There shall not be plate number on vehicles of 23.Providing Transit Plate Number 1) Where any factory owner, trader or re assembler applies to get transit plate number, he shall submit his application together with a copy of his work license which is given to him to engage in to the concerned body; 2) The concerned body shall after proving the truth and correctness of the application and the copy of the license annexed provide the requested transit plate number to the applicant by collecting |
qabachuu fi ji‟a ji‟aan qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf gabaasuu qaba. 2) Galmee keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti ibsame ilaalchisee kan heyyemameef hojjetaan qaama seera qabeessa kamiyyuu yookiin to‟ataan geejjibaa qorannoof ilaaluu ni danda‟a. Kutaa Afur Sakatta‟iinsa Konkolaataa Waggaa 26. Barbaachisummaa Sakatta‟iinsa Konkolaataa Waggaa Konkolaataan sakatta‟iinsa waggaa taasise kamiyyuu mallattoo ga‟uumsa konkolaataa yoo maxxanfate malee daandii kam iyyuu irra sochoo‟uu hin danda‟u. 27. Konkolaataa Sakata‟iinsi Waggaa Hin Baarbaachisne Konkolaataawwan armaan gadiitiif sakata‟iinsi waggaa hin barbaachisu. 1) konkolaataa tiraafika addunyaa irratti bobba‟an, 2) konkolaataa galmeedhan qabamee, 3) Sochiiwwan addaa ariitiin isaanii inni ol‟aanan saa‟atii dhaan km 20 hin caalle fi 4) Gaariiwwan (Golteessii) qaama midhamtootaa. 28. Konkolaataa Sakatta‟iinsaaf Dhiyeessuu 1) Abbaan qabeenyaa konkolaataa yookiin abban qabiyyee konkolaataa isaa akkaataa dambii kanan raggaasismeen sakatta‟iinsa waggaaf konkolaataa isaa | ሁሇት ጊዜ እንዱራዘም አግባብነት ያሇው አካሌ ሉፇቅዴ ይችሊሌ፤ 3) የዕሇት መሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥርጸንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ እንዲበቃ ወይም ጊዜው ከማብቃቱ በፉት ሇተሽከርካሪው ቋሚ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ከተሰጠ የተሽከርካሪው ባሇንብረት ወይም ባሇይዞታ ሰላዲው ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ወዱያውኑ ማስረከብ አሇበት፡፡ 22.የተሊሊፉ መሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር አጠቃቀም 1) ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር የሚያገሇግሇው የተሽከርካሪ ባሇፊብሪካ፣ ነጋዳ ወይም መሌሶ ሠሪ መዝገብ ሇተያዙ ተሽከርካሪዎች ብቻ በማሇዋወጥ የሚጠቀሙበት ነው፤ 2) ተሊሊፉ ሠላዲ የተዯረገበት ተሽከርካሪ በየትኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ ሉንቀሳቀስ የሚችሇው ሇሚከተለት ጉዲዩች ብቻ ነው፤ (ሀ) ከገባበት ወዯብ ወይም ከተገዛበት ሥፌራ ወዯ ንግዴ ሥፌራ ሇማዛወር፤ (ሇ) አሌፍ አሌፍ ከመጋዘን ወዯ ማሳያ ክፌሌ ወይም ሇሽያጭ ወዯሚቀርብበት ሥፌራ ሇመውሰዴና ወዯ መጋዘን ሇመመሇስ፤ (ሐ) ሇፌተሻ ወይም ሇማሳያ ከ25 ኪል ሜትር ሇማይበሌጥ የዯርሶ መሌስ ርቀት ሇሚዯረግ | the necessary service payment. 24.Duration of Transit Plate Number 1) The plate number shall serve for one year from the date of it has been provided; 2) Where an application is submitted for the extension of duration of transit plate number, the concerned body may extend the duration for one additional year by collecting the necessary service payment for each renewal year. 25.Utilization and Registration of Transit plate Number 1) Any factory owner, trader or re assemblergiven with transit plate number shall regarding the vehicles for which such plate numbers are used register and keep in a manner determined by the concerned body and deliver reports to the concerned body monthly; 2) Any authorized worker from a lawful institution or traffic |
dhiyeessuu qaba. 2) Iyyataan kamiyyuu bu‟uura keewwata kanaan keewwata xiqqaa 1 tiin konkolaaticha akkataa yeroo qajeelfamaan murtaa'eetti sakatta‟iinsaaf dhiyeessu kan hin dandeessisine sababiin gahaan yeroo mudatu qaamni dhimmi ilaalu yeroo sakatta‟iinsaaf itti dhiyaatu ji‟a lama yeroo hin caallef dheeressuufii ni danda‟a. 29. Dhaabbata Sakatta‟insaa 1) Dhabbanni sakatta‟iinsaa Ejansichaan yookiin qaama dhimmi ilaaluun hundeeffame yookiin dhaabbanni Ejansichaan yookiin qaama dhimmi ilaaluun sakatta‟iinsa akka gaggeessuu bakkabu‟iinsi kennameef bu‟uura dambii kana keewwata 30 jalatti tumameen sakatta‟iinsa waggaa konkolaataa gaggeessuu qaba. 2) Bu‟uura keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 tiin dhaabanni bakkabu‟insi kennameef ulaagaa sakatta‟iinsaa sirriitti hordofee sakatta‟iinsa waggaa konkolaataa kan hin gaggeessine xxx xx‟e akkaataa waliigaltee bakkabu‟ummaa kennameefiitiin kan itti gaafatamu ta‟a. 30. Ulaagaalee Sakatta‟iinsaa 1) Dhaabbillee | መንዲት፤ (መ) ከንግዴ ስፌራ ሇገዥ ወይም ሇተሊሇፇሇት ላሊ ሰው ወዯማስረከቢያ ስፌራ ሇማዴረስ፤ ወይም (ሠ) ወዯ ምርመራና ምዝገባ ቦታ ሇማዴረስ፡፡ 3) የተሽከርካሪባሇፊብሪካ ነጋዳ ወይም መሌሶ ሠሪ መገሌገያ በሆኑ ተሽከርካሪዎች ሊይ ምንጊዜም ቢሆን ተሊሇፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር አይዯረግም፡፡ 23.ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥሮች ስሇመስጠት 1) ማንኛውም የተሽከርካሪ ባሇፊብሪካ ነጋዳ ወይም መሌሶ ሠሪ ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥሮች እንዱሰጡት ሲፇሌግ ማመሌከቻውን በተባሇው ሥራ ሊይ ንዱሠማራ ከተሰጠው ፇቃዴ ቅጂ ጋር አያይዞ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ማቅረብ አሇበት፤ 2) አግባብነት ያሇው አካሌ የቀረበሇት ማመሌከቻና የተያያዘው የፇቃዴ ቅጂ እውነተኛና ትክክሇኛ መሆኑን ሲያረጋግጥ ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ አስከፌል የተጠየቁትን ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥሮች ሇአመሌካቹ ይሰጠዋሌ፡፡ 24.ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ጸንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ 1) ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ጸንቶ የሚቆየው ከተሰጠበት ቀን አንስቶ ሇአንዴ ዓመት ብቻ ይሆናሌ፤ | controller may examine or investigates register provided under sub- article 1 of this article. Part Four Annual Vehicles Inspection 26.The need for Annual Vehicles Inspection No vehicle that has undergone annual vehicles inspection shall move on any road without affixing the vehicles efficiency signs. 27.Vehicles that Do not Need Annual Vehicles Inspection The following vehicles do not need to make annual vehicles inspection: 1) Vehicles engaged in international traffic activities;; 2) Vehicles booked on registery; 3) Special movables whose highest speeds is not greater than 20 kilometers per hour; and 4) Wheelchairs of persons with disabilities. 28.Presenting Vehicles for Inspection 1) The owner or possessor of a vehicle shall present his vehicle for annual |
sakatta‟iinsaatti qorataan sakatta‟iinsa adeemsisuuf aangoon kennameef ulaagaaleen armaan gadii guutamuu isaanii mirkaneeffachuuf tokkon tokkoon konkolaataa sakatta‟amuu qaba. (a) Konkolaaticha adda baasuuf qaama isaa, shaansii yookaan motora irratti warshaatiin kan barreeffamee fi ibsa waraqaa ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa irratti ykn galmee irratti lakkoofsaafi qubeewwan caqasaman sirrii ta‟uu isaanii; (b) Konkolaatichi kaayyoo galmaa‟eetii fi xxxxx balaa hin geessisneen daandii irra sochoosuu danda‟uu isaa; (c) Konkolaatichi bu‟ura seeraan kan murtaa‟an sirna konkolaataa, meeshaawwan hangaa fi ulfinaa kan guuttatee fi tajaajila galmaa‟eef mijaa‟aa ta‟uu isaa; (d) Bu‟ura seera ilaaluun ulaagaawwan faalama naannoo ittisuuf bahan kan guuttate ta‟uu isaa. 2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti kan tumame akkuma eegametti ta‟ee Ejensichi sakatta‟iinsa konkolaataa ilaalchisee | 2) ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥር ጸንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ እንዱራዘም ሲጠየቅ አግባብነት ያሇው አካሌ በያንዲንደ የዕዴሳት ዘመን ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ አስከፌል ሇአንዴ ዓመት ሉያራዝመው ይችሊሌ፡፡ 25.ስሇተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥሮች አጠቃቀምና መዝገብ 1) ተሊሊፉ የመሇያ ሠላዲ ቁጥሮች የተሰጡት ማንኛውም የተሽከርካሪ ባሇፊብሪካ ነጋዳ ወይም መሌሶ ሠሪ ሠላዲዎቹ በጥቅም ሊይ የዋለባቸውን ተሽከርካሪዎች በሚመሇከት በሚመሇከተው አካሌ በተወሰነው አኳኋን መዝግቦ መያዝና በየወሩ ሇሚመሇከተው አካሌ ሪፖርት ማዴረግ አሇበት፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 የተመሇከተውን መዝገብ ማንኛውም የተፇቀዯሇት ሚመሇከተው ሠራተኛ ወይም የትራፉክ ፖሉስ ሇምርመራ ሉያየው ይችሊሌ፡፡ ክፌሌ አራት ዓመታዊ የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ 26.ዓመታዊ የተሽከርካሪ ምርመር ስሇማስፇሇጉ ማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ የቴክኒክ ምርመራ አዴርጎ ዓመታዊ የምርመራ ተሇጣፉ ምሌክት ካሌተዯረገሇት በስተቀር በመንገዴ ሊይ ሉንቀሳቀስ አይችሌም፡፡ 27.ዓመታዊ ምርመራ ስሇማያስፇሌጋቸው ተሽከርካራች | inspection as approved by this regulation; 2) Where any applicant fails to present his vehicle as provided under sub-article (1) of this article due to sufficient reasons, the concerned body may extend the period of presenting the vehicle for inspection for not more than two months. 29.Inspection Institution 1) The inspection institution established by the Agency or other concerned body or an institution delegated or represented by the Agency or by other concerned body to conduct inspection shall conduct such inspection as provided under article 30 of this regulation; 2) Where the body delegated as per sub- article 1 of this regulation fails to conduct inspection shall be liable as per the contract in which it has been delegated. 30.Criteria of Inspection 1) The inspector empowered to inspect vehicles in the |
qajeelfama baasuu ni danda‟a. 31. Waraqaa Ragaa Sakatta‟iinsaa Qorataan aangoon kennameef ulaagaan sakatta‟iinsaa hundi guutamuu isaa erga mirkaneessee booda waraqaan ragaa sakatta‟iinsaa battalumatti ni kenna. 32. Yeroo Waraqaan Ragaa Sakatta‟iinsaa Ragga‟ee Itti Turu 1) Wraqaan ragaa sakatta‟iinsaa guyyaa kenname irraa eegalee waggaa tokkoof ragga‟xx xxx turu ta‟a. 2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti kan tumame jiraatuyyuu konkolaataa yeroo galmeee dabarsee dhiyaate ilaalchisee waraqaan ragaa sakatta‟iinsaa yeroon ragga‟ee itti turu lakkaawamuu kan jalqabu guyyaa dhumaa kan yeroo sakatta‟iinsaa idilee irraa eegalee ta‟a. 33. Kenniinsa Mallattoo Maxxantuu Ga‟umsa Konkolaataa 1) Qaamna dhimmi ilaalu iyyannoon mallattoo maxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataayammuu dhiyaatuuf : (a) Iyyannicha galmee ofiseelaa fi ragaalee waliin walitti qabuun ilaaluu qaba. (b) Lakkoofsa bekamtii iyyanicha irratti | የሚከተለት ተሽከርካሪዎች ዓመታዊ ምርመራ አያስፇሌጋቸውም፡- 1) በኢንተርናሽናሌ ትራፉክ የተሠማሩ ተሽከርካሪዎች፤ 2) በመዝገብ የተያዙ ተሽከርካሪዎች፤ 3) ከፌተኛ ፌጥነታቸው በሰዓት ከ20 ኪል ሜትር የማይበሌጥ ሌዩ ተንቀሳቃሽ መሣሪያዎችና 4) የአካሌ ጉዲተኛ ጋሪዎች፡፡ 28. ተሽከርካሪዎችን ሇምርመራ ስሇማቅረብ 1) የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረት ወይም ባሇይዞታ ተሽከርካሪውን በዚህ ዯንብ በተዯነገገው መሠረት ሇዓመታዊ የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ ማቅረብ አሇበት፤ 2) ማንኛውም አመሌካች በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 መሠረት ተሽከርካሪን ሇምርመራ ማቅረብ የማያስችሇው በቂ መክንያት ሲያጋጥመው አግባብነት ያሇው አካሌ ሇምርመራ የማቅረቢያ ጊዜውን ከሁሇት ወር ሊሌበሇጠ ጊዜ ሉያራዝምሇት ይችሊሌ፡፡ 29.የምርመራ ጣቢያዎች 1) የኤጀንሲው ምርመራ ተቋም ወይም በሚመሇከተው አካሌ የተቋቋመ ወይም በኤጀንሲው ተቋም ወይም አግባብነት ባሇው አካሌ ምርመራ እንዱያካሄዴ ውክሌና የተሰጠው በዚህ ዯንብ በአንቀጽ 30 የተዯነገገው የተሽከረካሪ ዓመታዊ ምርመራ ማካሄዴ አሇበት፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 | inspection institutions shall examine each of the vehicles to ascertain the fulfilment of the following criteria: (a) That the description of the manufacturer or the numbers listed in the listing is true in the case of manufacturer of the vehicle; that the spelling, number and other information in theownership certificate and register are correct; (b) That the vehicle is capable of operating on the road without danger, and the vehicle is limited to the type of vehicle required. Vehicle size and weight are suitable for the vehicle registration. (c) That the vehicle meets the specific requirements of the vehicle according to the law, the amount and weight of the |
ibsaman tarree konkolaataawwan hatamanii yookiin jijjiiiraman keessa jiraachuu isaanii ilaaluu qaba., (c) Iyyataan abbaa qabeenyaa yookiin abba qabiyyee konkolaatichaa isa dhugaa ta‟uu isaa yookiin bakka bu‟aa nama mirga akkasii qabuu ta‟uu isaa mirkaneessuu qaba. 2) Qaamni dhimmi ilaalu bu‟uura keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti tumameen bu‟aa qorannoo sakatta‟iinsaa fi bu‟uura dambii kana keewwata 31 tiin waraqaa ragaa sakattaa‟iinsaa kenname irratti hundaa‟uun kafaltii tajaajilaa kafalchisuun konkolaatichaa ilaalchisee mallattoo maxxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataani kenna. 34. Mallattoon Maxxantuu Ga‟umsa Konkolaataa Akka Mul‟atu Taasisuu 1) Konkolaataa abbaa mootoraaf mallattoo maxxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataa daawwitii fuulduuraa gara jalaa xxxxx xxxx mirgaan konkoklaatichaa irratti maxxansuun akka mul‟atu taasisuu qaba. 2) Konkolaataa abbaa mootoraa daawwitii duraa hinqabneef mallatoo | መሠረት ውክሌና የተሰጠው ተቋም የምርመራ መስፇርት በትክክሌ ተከታትል የዓመቱ የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ የማያካሄዴ ከሆነ በተሰጠው የውክሌና ውሌ መሠረት ተጠያቂ ይሆናሌ፡፡ 30.ስሇምርመራ መሥፇርቶች 1) ባሇሥሌጣኑ በሚያወጣው መመሪያ ሊይ የተጠቀሱት ላልች መሥፇርቶች እንዯተጠበቁ ሆኖ በምርመራ ጣቢያዎች ምርመራ ሇማካሄዴ ሥሌጠን የተሰጠው መርማሪ የሚከተለትን ሇማረጋገጥ የሚቀርበውን እያንዲንደን ተሽከርካሪ መመርመር አሇበት፤ (ሀ) ተሽከርካሪውን ሇመሇየት በአካለ በሻንሲው ወይም በሞተሩ ሊይ በፊብሪካው የተጻፈትንና በባሇንብረትነት የምስክር ወረቀት መግሇጫዎች ወይም በመዝገቡ ሊይ የተጠቀሱት ቁጥሮችና ፉዯልች ትክክሇኛ መሆናቸውን፤ (ሇ) ተሽከርካሪው ሇተመዘገበሇት ዓሊማ አዯጋን በማያስከትሌ አኳኋን በመንገዴ ሊይ ሉንቀሳቀስ የሚችሌ መሆኑንና ተሽከርካሪው በሕግ መሠረት የተወሰኑት የተሽከርካሪ አሠራር መሣሪያዎች መጠንና ክብዯትን ተሽከርካሪው ሇተመዘገበበት አገሌግልት ምቹ መሆኑን፤ | vehicle, and serve the purpose for which the vehicle is registered; (d) That it complies with the requirements of environmental pollution in accordance with the law. 2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub article 1 of this article, the agency may issue directives concerning vehicle inspection. 31.Certificate of Inspection The authorized inspector shall after identifying the fulfilment of all inspection criteria provide inspection certificate. 32.Duration of Inspection Certificate 1) Inspection certificate shall remain valid for one year from the date of its provision; 2) Notwithstanding to the provisions of sub-article 1 of this article, the period of validity of the inspection certificate concerning the vehicle that come late for registration shall begin from the last date of |
maxxanttu ga‟umsa konkolaataakenname konkolaatichi daandii kamiyyuu irra yammuu konkolaachifamu konkolaaticha keessa kaa‟muu fi too‟ataan sochii geejjibaa yammuu gaafatu agarsiifamuu qaba. 3) Mallattoo maxxantuun ga‟umsa konkolaataaharkifamaaf kennamu mallattoo maxxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataaabbaa motoraa harkifamicha harkisuuf kenname waliin walcinaatti maxxanfamee mul‟achuu qaba. 35. Mallattoo Maxxantuu Ga‟umsa Konkolaataa Sirreessisuu fi Bakka Buusuu 1) Mallattoo maxxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataairra ibsawwan kaa‟amanii jiran keessa kan dogoggorame jiraachuu isaa abbaan qabeenyaa yookiin abbaan qabiyyee konkolaatichaa guyyaa maxxantuun kennamee irraa eegalee guyyaa 10 keessatti mallattoo maxxantichaa sirreessuuf qaama dhimmi ilaalutti dhiyeessuu qaba. Dogoggorichi kan uumame qaama sakatta‟iinsa gaggeessuun xxx xx‟e xxxxx abbaan qabeenyaa yookiin abbaan qabiyyee konkolaatichaa kafaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa ta‟e raawwachuu qaba. 2) Ibsawwn mallattoo | (ሐ) ተሽከርካሪው በሕግ መሠረት የተወሰኑ የተሽከርካሪ ሥርዓት፣ የመጠንና የክብዯት ዕቃዎች ያሟሊ እና ሇተመዘገበሇት ዓሊማ ምቹ መሆኑን፤ (መ) በሚመሇከታቸው ሕግ መሠረት የአከባቢ ብክሇት ሇመከሊከሌ የወጡትን መስፇርቶች ያሟሊ መሆን አሇበት፡፡ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 ሥር የተዯነገገው እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ፤ ኤጄንሲው የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ በተመሇከተ መመሪያ ሉያወጣ ይችሊሌ፡፡ 31. የምርመራ የምስክር ወረቀት ሥሌጣን የተሰጠው መርማሪ ሁለም የፌተሻ መስፇርት መሟሊታቸውን ካረጋገጠ በኋሊ ወዱያሁኑ የፌተሻ ምስክር ወረቀት ይሰጣሌ፡፡ 32. የምርመራ የምስክር ወረቀት ጸንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ 1) የምርመራ የምስክር ወረቀት ከተሰጠበት ቀን ጀምሮ ሇአንዴ ዓመት ጸንቶ የሚቆይ ይሆናሌ፤ 2) የዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 ዴንጋጌ ቢኖርም የመመዝገቢያ ጊዜውን አሳሌፍ የቀረበ ተሽከርካሪን በሚመሇከት የሚሰጥ የምርመራ የምስክር ወረቀት ጸንቶ የሚቆይበት ጊዜ መቆጠር የሚጀምረው | inspection. 33.Providing Vehicles Efficiency Stick Sign 1) Where the concerned body is submitted with application to get the vehicles efficiency stick sign, it shall: (a) Examine the application with the official registrar and other evidences; (b) Whether the plate numbers displayed on the application are in the lists of stolen or changed vehicles; (c) Prove the applicant to be the real property owner or possessor of the vehicle orlegal representative of such person. 2) Provide the applicant with an annual efficiency certificate of the vehicle on the basis of examination conducted under sub- article 1 of this article and inspection certificates provided in article 31 of this regulation. 34.Making VehiclesEfficiency Stick Sign Visible 1) For motor vehicle, the |
maxxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataairra kaa‟aman ilaalchisee jijjiraan yoo mudate mallattoon maxxantichaa bu‟uuruma kanaan akka fooyya‟uuf abbaan qabeenya yookan abbaan qabiyyee konkolaatichaa guyyaa 10 keessatti mallattoo maxxantichaa qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf dhiyeessuu qaba. Abbaan qabeeenyaa yookiin abbaan qabiyyee kaffaltii barbaachisaa ni raawwta. 3) Mallattoon maxxantuu sakatta‟iinsa waggaa xxx xxxx, xxx xxxxx‟e yookiin kan hin dubbifamne xxx xx‟e abbaan qabeenyaa yookiin abbaan qabiyyee mallattoon maxxantuu bakka bu‟ee akka kennamuuf battalumatti qaama dhimmi ilaalutti iyyachuu qaba. 4) Bu‟uura keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 3 tiin qaamni dhimmi ilaalu iayyanoon dhiyaateef iyyataan kaffaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa akka raawwtu erga taasisee booda mallattoo maxxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataa kan biroo bakka buusuun ni kenna. 5) Mallattoon maxxantuu badee turee fi bakka bu‟insaan kennameef namni argate mallatoon maxxantuu ga‟umsa konkolaataadabalataan | ከመዯበኛው የመመሪያ የመጨረሻ ቀን ጀምሮ ይሆናሌ፡፡ 33. የተሽከርካሪ ብቃት ተሇጣፉ ምሌክት ስሇመስጠት 1) የሚመሇከተው አካሌ የተሽከርካሪ ብቃት ተሇጣፉ ምሌክት ማመሌከቻ ሲቀርብሇት፡- (ሀ) ማመሌከቻውን ከኦፉሴሌ መዝገቡና ከሠነድቹ ጋር ያመሳክራሌ፤ (ሇ) ማመሌከቻው ሊይ የተመሇከቱትን የመሇያ ቁጥሮች በተሰረቁ ወይም በተሇወጡ ተሽከርካሪዎች ዝርዝር ውስጥ ካለ ቁጥሮች ጋር ያስተያያሌ፤ (ሐ) አመሌካቹ የተሽከርካሪው ትክክሇኛ ባሇንብረት ወይም ባሇይዞታ መሆኑን ወይም የዚህ ዓይነቱ ሰው ሕጋዊ ወኪሌ መሆኑን ያረጋግጣሌ፡፡ 2) የሚመሇከተው አካሌ በዚህ አንቀፅ ንዐስ አንቀፅ 1 በተመሇከተው ምርመራ ውጤትና በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀፅ 31 መሠረት የተሰጠን የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ የምስክር ወረቀት መሠረት በማዴረግ እና ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ በማስከፇሌ ተሽከርካሪውን በሚመሇከት ዓመታዊ የምርመራ ተሇጣፉ ምሌክት ሇአመሌካቹ ይሰጣሌ፡፡ 34. ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ እS◻=ታR 45Th£◻ 1) 5v5V†C †GhCSS ◻†fi◻ | efficiency stick sign of the vehicle shall be put and made visible at the below right side of the front mirror of the vehicle; 2) For a motor vehicle with no front mirror, the efficiency stick sign shall be put in the vehicle while such vehicle is moving on any road and shall be shown where required by the traffic controller; 3) The efficiency stick sign provided for a towed vehicle shall be put beside the efficiency stick sign given to the vehicle towing such vehicle and shall be made visible; 35.Correcting and Replacing Vehicles Efficiency Stick Sign 1) Where the owner of the vehicle observes errors in the expressions put for the vehicles efficiency sign, he shall present such stick sign to the concerned body within 10 days from the date of its provision to be corrected; unless the error is made by the |
argame akka haqamuu yookiin akka dhorkamu qaama dhimmi ilaalutti battalumatti deebisuu qaba. 36. Yeroo Mallattoon Maxxanfama Ga‟umsa Konkolaataa Ragga‟ee Itti Turu Yeroo mallattoon maxxanfama ga‟umsa konkolaataaraga‟ee itti turu yeroo warqaan ragaa sakatta‟iinsa waggaa ragga‟ee itti turu waliin kan wal-qixa dha. 37. Mallattoon maxaanfama Ga‟umsa Konkolaataa Jiraachuu Dhabuu 1) Mallattoo maxxanfama ga‟umsa konkolaataajiraachuu dhabuun isaa konkolaatichi sakatta‟iinsa teekinkaa waggaa kan hin taasifne ta‟uu isaa tilmaama kan fudhachiisu dha. Dirqamni konkolaatichi sakatt‟amuu isaa ibsuu kan abbaa qabeenyaa yookiin abbaa qabiyyee konkolaatichaa ta‟a. 2) Konkolaataan kamiyyuu dambii kana keewwata 34 jalatti kan tumame darbuun daandii kamiyyuu irra akka sochoo‟u yoo taasifame hanga haalli sakata‟iinsa isaa qulqullaa‟utti qaamani seera kabachisuuf aangoo qabu konkolaaticha qabee tursiisuu ni danda‟a. 38. Sakatta‟iinsa Tasaa 1) Konkolaataan kamiyyuu tumaa dambii kanaa keewwata 31 kan guutu | ◻æታф ◻UCæ^ †5◻V U6¡ƒ u†GhCSSው ¾òƒ æ4ታ¨ƒ uታ‹ኛ◻~ ◻k‡ Th◻S SR †5Ø ◻ æታ¾ƒ ›5uƒ፤ 2) ¾òƒ መ4ታ¨ƒ 55?ለ◻~ v5V†C †GhCSS ◻†fi◻ ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ †GhCSS◻~ uTS†◻~U æSeh SR uT˛Tk£k4uƒ e˛◻? u†GhCSS◻~ ◻~4Ø ækæØ S uƒ^V F ◻5=4 fi=◻◻p እS◻=ታR æ◻£◻ ›5uƒ፤ 3) 5†£u= ◻†fi◻ ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ †£u=◻~T 5T˛Ôƒ†◻~ v5V†C †GhCSS h†fi◻◻~ ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ eAS 5eAS †5Ø ◻ æታ¾ƒ ›5uƒ:: 35. ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒS 45T££US 45æ†Sƒ 1) ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ SR hfi◻Gƒ æ◻5◻- ‹ æSh6 ◻†££† ’ÑC æ„GS ◻†GhCSS◻~ v5u?ƒ ◻RU v5RFታ v◻k u›4C kSƒ ◻~4Ø †5◻V U6FßS ሇእርምት ሇሚመሇከተው ›S6 Tp£w ›5uƒ:: RUU fi=JS 4U†ß 9◻◻æ◻~ UCæ^◻~T ◻T˛9St@◻◻~ ›S6Øóƒ UFSÁƒ’ƒ w‰ T6J’ u4†kC v5Sw£ß ◻RU v5RFታ◻~ ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት Fõ 9 R◻◻T6፤ | inspection body, the owner of the vehicle shall cover the necessary service expense; 2) Where changes are encountered regarding the expressions put in the vehicles efficiency sign, the owner or possessor of such property shall present such stick sign to the concerned body within 10 days from the date of its provision to be amended accordingly ; the owner or possessor of the vehicle shall cover the necessary service expense; 3) Where the annual inspection stick sign is lost or damaged or illegible, the owner or holder shall forthwith apply to the concerned body to be given its replacement; 4) The concerned body to which application is made as per sub article 3 of this article shall make the applicant to pay the necessary service fee and another efficiency sign for the vehicle as its replacement; 5) Where the lost or |
xxx xx‟xxxxx qaamni dhimmi ilaalu ni barbaachisaa jedhee yoo itti xxxxx xxxxxxx‟xxxxx addaa taasisuu ni danda‟a. 2) Konkolaataan kamiyyuu:- (a) Daandii irra tajaajiluuf ga‟umsa kan hin qabne, (b) Akkataan itti hojjetame, meeshaleen isaa, hangi yookiin ulfaatinni isaa ulaagaa seerota dhimmi ilaaluun bahan kan hinguunne xxx xx‟e (c) Sababa balaatiin miidhaa cimaan kan irra gahe ta‟uu isaa ifatti kan mul‟atu xxx xx‟e qaamni seera kabachiisuuf aangoon kennameef konkolaaticha bu‟uura keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti tumameen sakatta‟iinsa addaatiif akka dhiyaatu dirqisiisuu ni danada‟a. 3) Bu‟uura keewwata kanaantiin sakatta‟iinsa addaa gaggeeffamuuf kaffaltiin tajaajilaa hin gaafatamu. Kutaa Shan Galmee Ofiseelaa Fi Ragaa Konkolaataa 39. Qabiinsa Galmee Ofiseelaa fi Ragaalee Addaa Addaa Qaamni dhimmi ilaalu abbaan qabeenyummaan isaanii kan beekamee fi konkolaatawwan galmaa‟an ilaalchisee galmeewwan ofiselaa fi ragaalee akkasumas | 2) ◻æታф ◻UCæ^ †5◻V U6¡ƒ ◻◻2፤◻†uSfl ◻RU ◻TÃ’uw እS◻J’ ◻†GhCSS◻~ v5u?ƒ ◻RU ባ5RFታ Uƒ¡ †5◻V U6¡ƒ ◻እS◻=fi◻◻~ ◻◻=9ው’~ ለሚመለከተው ›S6 Tæ6hƒ ›5uƒ፤ 3) ¾T>SKh}¨< ›S6 u◻=U ›Sk◻ Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 3 æt£ƒ Tæ6h‰ fi=kCw5ƒ ›æ6S‡ ተገቢውንየአገሌግልት Fõ 9 እS◻=◻◻U T◻£e uLES ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ Rfi◻ª6o 4) Öõ„ ¾’u£T Uƒ¡ ◻ሰ◻uƒS †5◻V U6¡ƒ æ6f 9e‟ሰ◻~ †d TS ◻J’¨~ ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ◻◻እS◻=fi£◻ ◻RU ◻እS◻=◻eh ◻◻=9◻~’~ KT>SKh}◻~ ›S6 T4£hw ›5uƒo 36. ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ ◻S„ ◻T˛%Ruƒ e˛◻? ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ ◻S„ ◻T˛%Ruƒ e˛◻? ◻UCæ^ U4FC ◻£kƒ ◻S„ hT˛%Ruƒ e˛◻? ◻C †æ££R RJS6:: 37. ◻†GhCካS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ ›5æ„C 1) ◻†GhCSS w؃ †5◻V U6¡ƒ ›5æ„C †GhCSS◻~ ◻æታዊ የቴክኒክ ምርመራ 95ææCæGS ◻ምƒ 94◻4◻6:: †GhCSS◻~ ææCæGS ◻T4£◻ß ◻9 ታ ◻†GhCSS◻~ | replaced stick sign is found by any person the owner or possessor shall forthwith return such vehicle efficiency sign to the concerned body to be cancelled; 36.Duration of Vehicles Efficiency Stick Sign The duration of vehicles efficiency stick sign remain approved shall be equal with the period that the annual inspection certificate remains approved. 37.Absence of Vehicles Efficiency Stick Sign 1) Absence of the vehicles Efficiency Stick Sign shall lead to the assumption that such vehicle has not made the annual technical inspection; the obligation to explain as the vehicle is inspected lies on the owner or possessor; 2) Where any vehicle is made to move on any road in violation of article 34 of this regulation, the law enforcing body may put such vehicle under control until its inspection is certificate; 38.Sudden Inspection |
tarreeffama ragaalee waliigaalaa konkolaataa sirriitti gurmeessuun ni qaba. 40. Tarrreeffama Konkolaataattota Hataman yookiin Jijjiiramanii yookiin Balaan Irra Ga‟ee 1) Qaamni dhimmi ilaalu tarreeffama konkolaattoota hatamanii, jijjiramanii, balaan irra ga‟e, badanii argamanii fi abbaan qabeenyaa hin argamin ilaalchisee ragaa waligalaa gurmeessuun ni qaba. Yammuu gafatamus qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf ni kenna. 2) Qaamni dhimmi ilaalu ni barbaachisaa jedhee kan itti amanu xxx xx‟e tarreeffamni isaa gaazexaa irratti akka maxxansamu taasisuu ni danda‟a. 41. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx fi Ragaaleen Irratti Qabaman Argachuu 1) Namni dhimmi ilaalu kamiyyuu odeeffannoo galmee ofiseelaa fi ragaaleedhaan qabamee jiru ilaaluu yookiin waraabbiin mirkanaa‟e akka kennamuuf kan gaafatu xxx xx‟e kafaltii tajaajilaa barbaachisaa ta‟e kafaluun odeeffanicha ilaaluu yookiin warraabbii isaa argachhuf miraga ni qaba. 2) Qaamni seera raawwachiisu kamiyyuu raawwii hojichaa isaatiif odeeffannoo barbaachisu | v5Sw£ƒ ◻RU ◻v5RFታው RJS6o 2) TS†◻~U †GhCSS ◻◻=US ◻Sw ›Sk◻ 34 uæ†Skõ uTS†◻~U æSeh SR እS◻=Tk£k4 h†◻£e የመመርመሩ J~’@ታ እስከሚጣራ h£4 h◻ ◻T4huC W6◻S ◻†fi◻◻~ ›S6 †GhCSS◻~T RF T%¾ƒ ËS6:: 38. hSe†† UCæ^ 1) TS†◻~U †GhCSS ◻◻=US ◻Sw ›Sk◻ 31 hS◻e@ ◻T˛9TES u=JSU ¾T>SKh}¨< ›S6 ›4◻Se˛ J„ fi=9e‟◻~ 6◻ UCæ^ 5=9◻C◻uƒ ËS6o 2) TS†◻~U †GhCSS:- (J) uæSeh SR 5Te6e6 wl ›5æJ’~፤ (5) ›t^G፤ æ1S9- ‡፤ æÖ’~ ◻RU Fw◻ß በሚመለከተው h◻ ◻◻◻~ æW◻C„‹S ◻T9TES hJ’፤ (h) u›ÅÒ UFSÁƒ hvh e~ǃ ◻◻£fiuƒ æJ’~፤u◻6◻ ◻T˛ታR fi=JS h◻ ◻T4huC W6◻S ◻†fi◻◻~ ›S6 †GhCSS◻~ u◻=U ›Sk◻ Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 1 æt£ƒ 5T˛◻£◻ 6◻ UCæ^ ◻እS◻=kCw 5=94ehh ËS6:: 3) u◻=U ›Sk◻ æt£ƒ 5T˛◻£◻ ◻†GhCSS 6◻ UCæ^ ¾›Ñ6◻5Aƒ Fõ 9 ›ÃÖ¾pU:: Fõ 6 አም4ƒ *V fi?6 æ◻ewS ◻†GhCካS | 1) Notwithstanding to the fact that any vehicle fulfils the provision under article 31 of this regulation, the concerned body may conduct extraordinary inspection where it believes necessary; 2) Where any Vehicle: (a) is not efficient to serve on the road; (b) its manner of assembly, its materials, its size or weight does not fulfill the requirements of the laws enacted by the concerned body; (c) It is clearly observed as it has suffered serious damage due to certificate; the body given power to protect the law may oblige the vehicle to make extraordinary inspection in accordance with certificate under sub article 1 of this article. 3) Service charge shall not be required for the extraordinary inspection made in accordance with this |
ilaaluuf yookiin waraabbiin isaa akka kennamuuf kan gaafatu xxx xx‟ee kafaltii tajaajilaa hin gaafatamu. 42. Xxxxx Xxxxx Qabachuu Qabu 1) Iyyannoowwan, xalayoota fi gucaalee galmee ofiseelaa waliin walqabatan, akkasumas ibsaawwan galmee ofiseelaa irratti galmaa‟an dhimmoota galmaa‟aniif akka ragaa ka‟umsaatti kan tajaajilan ta‟a. 2) Namoota mirgi abbaa qabeenyummaa darbeef jidduutti falmiin kan ka‟u xxx xx‟e ragaan dursa qabachuu qabu kan murtaa‟u duraa fi duuba guyyaa warqaan ragaa abbaa qabeenyummaa kenname irratti hundaa‟uudhaan ta‟a. Kutaa Jaha Waa‟ee Mirkaneessa Ga‟umsa Konkolaachisaa 43. Qajeeltoo Bu‟uuraa Hayyamni mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa kammiyyuu kan kennamu ulaagaa dambii kana keessatti tumame qofa kan guute xxx xx‟e dha. 44. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Mirkaneessa Ga‟umsa Konkolaachisaa 1) Akkaatan ramaddii hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa bu‟uura gabatee “D” dambii kanaan wal- qabsiifameen kan | t’◻k 39. *V ሴ6 æ◻ewS ◻†59◻ fi’◻kS 45æ9◻ ◻T˛æ5h†ø~ ›ካ 6 v5Sw£h’ታ1ø~ ◻ታ◻kS ◻†æ◻eu~ †GhChS- kS uT˛æ5hh *V fi?6 æ◻ewS fi’◻k ◻እS◻=J~U ◻†◻Ø55 ◻†GhCSS fi’◻k ◻C◻C ›9^9e uT˛ev RR◻6:: 40. ◻†t£l ◻RU ◻†5◻◻~ ◻RU አ◻◻ ◻◻£fiv1ø~ †GhCSS- k ◻C◻C 1) የT˛æ5h†ø~ ›S6 ◻†t£l ፣◻†5◻◻~፣አ◻◻ ◻◻£fiv1ø~ ◻õ †◻~ ◻†eኙS v5Sw£ß 96†eZ~ †GhCSS- kS ◻†◻Ø55 ◻C◻C ›9^9e uT˛ev RR◻6፤ fi=◻◻pU 5T˛æ5h†◻~ ›S6 Rfi◻6o 2) የT˛æ5h†ø~ ›S6 ›4◻Se˛’◻~ w5A ◻T˛9USuh hJ’EC◻G ◻◻?◻ SR እS◻=ታ†U Th£◻ ÃkS6:: 41. u*V ሴ6 æ◻ewS fi’◻k ◻†9◻S æ£9 45T◻Zh æwh 1) TS2◻~U e~◻◻ ◻T˛æ5h†◻~ fi◻~ u*V ሴ6 æ◻ewS fi’◻k ◻~4Ø 95S æ£9 5Tየh ◻RU ◻†£◻e◻ pጂው◻ እS◻=fi◻◻~ fi=◻Rp ተገቢውን የአገሌግልት Fõ 9 ›4hõ5A æ£9◻~T | article. Part Five Official Registry and Certificate of a Vehicle 00.Xxxxxxxxxx of Official Registry and Various Evidences The concerned body shall properly compile and keep the official registry and certificate as well as general list of certificate of the vehicles whose ownership is known and registered. 40.List of Stolen or Converted or Damaged Vehicles 1) The concerned shall compile and keep the general certificate of list of stolen, converted, damaged and found vehicles as well as whose owners are unknown; certificate to concerned body where requested; 2) Where the concerned body believes that it is necessary, it may cause that its details shall be published on the Gazette. 41.Right to get Information on which Official Registry and Evidences are Registered Where any concerned person requests to see |
raawwatamu ta‟a. 2) Konkolaachiisan ramaddii tokko keessatti heyyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsaa konkolaachisaa ola‟aanaa qabu ramaddiidhuma sana keessatti ramaddii heyyama mirkaneessa gahumsa konkolaachisaa isa xiqqaa qabuus konkolaachisuu ni danda‟a. 3) Konkolaachisaan hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa ramaddii tokko keessatti isaa xiqqaa irraa gara ol‟aanaatti jijjiiruuf leenjii fi qormaata fudhachuu qaba. 4) Konolaachisaan heyyama mirakneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa qabu kammiyyuu ramaddii hayyama mirkaneessa gaumsa konkolaaachisaa kan biroo argachuu yoo barbaade leenjii tora yaadaa fi gochaa akkasuumas qormata ramaddichaaf kennamu fudhachuu qaba. 45. Leenjii fi Qormaata Dandeettii Konkolaaachisaa Namni kamiyyuu hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaacahisaa argachuuf: 1) Sirna barnootaa qaama dhimmi ilaaluun bahu irratti hundaa‟uun leenjii tora yaadaa fi gochaa waltuumse fudhachuu; fi | እንዱያይ ◻RU pጂው ◻እS◻=fi◻◻~ ◻Th£◻ æwh አለው:: 2) TS2◻~U ◻h◻ ›4◻◻T˛ ›S6 5W^◻ ~›◻◻◻U ◻T˛94◻6e◻~T æ£9 5Tየh ◻RU pጂው◻እS◻=fi◻◻~ fi=◻Rp የ›Ñ6◻5Ah Fõ 9 ›ÃÖየpU:: 42. phT˛9 45T˛„£◻~ T4£9 1) u*V fi?6 æ◻ew ◻C ◻†99◻~ Tæ6h‰- k ◻w◻u?- kS p9k እንዱሁም u*V fi?6 æ◻xx XX ◻fi◻G æ◻5◻- k 5†æ◻eu~h e~ÇPk æ’fl T4£9 RJS5~o 2) ◻v5Sw£h’h æwh u†S5◻S1ø~ fi- k æSh6 FCFC uT˛’£uh e˛◻? phT˛9 95◻~ T4£9 ◻T˛◻fi’ø~ ◻v5Sw£h’h የምስክር ወረቀት u†fi◻uh kS p◻U †h†6 SR †æWCe RJS6:: Fõ 6 fih4h 45†GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ 43. æt£ታф æCህ ማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ የብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ የሚሰጠው በዚህ ዯንብ ውስጥ የተዯነገጉት መስፇርቶች የተሟለ ከሆነ ብቻ ነው፡፡ 44. የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh Uhhk | information recorded in official registry and certificate or requested to get the approved copy, he shall have the right to see such information or get its copy by paying the necessary service payment. 42.Evidences to be Prioritized Where any law enforcing body requests to see the necessary certificate or to get its copy for the purpose of performing its duties, it shall not be required to pay service charge. 1) Applications, letters and formats attached with official registry as well as descriptions registered on official registry shall be served as primary sources for the purposes to which they are registered; 2) Where a dispute arise between persons to whom the property rights has been passed, the certificate to come first shall be certificate depending on the sequence of the date on which the certificate of ownership is certificate. Part Six |
2) Leenjii keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti ibsame akka xumureen qormaata danddeetii isaa mirkaneessu fudhachuun kandabre ta‟uu qaba. 46. Dirqama Dhaabbata LeenjiiKonkolaachisummaa Dhaabbbatni leenjii konkolaachisummaa kamiyyuu:- 1) Ulaaga qaaamani dhimmi ilaalu baasuu guutuu fi akkaataa barbaachisummaa isaatti waraqaa xxxxx xxxx heyyama kennuu fi heyyama hojii daldalaa qaama dhimmi ilaaluun kennme qabaachuu; 2) Yammuu leenjiin kennamu seerri nageenyaa tiraafikaa sirriitti kabajamuu isaa mirkaneessuu; 3) Leenjii bu‟uura ulaagaa kaa‟ameen kennuu fi ; 4) Ragaalee leenjii qabachuu fi yeroo yeroodhaan Ejansiichaa fi qaama heyyama xxxxxxxx gabaasa gochuu qaba. 47. Xxxxx Konkolaataan Leenjii iiti Konkolaachifamu 1) Konkolaataan leenjii konkolaachfamuu kan danda‟uu oggaa qaama dhimmi ilaallatuun heyyamamee iddoo kanaaf jedhamee qophaa‟eetti yookiin daandii sochiin | 1) የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh ›æ◻◻w hk=U ◻Sw ◻C u†99◻◻~ tS◻£8 æ u†◻£◻£◻~ æt£h RJS6፤ 2) ›Sh Uhw ◻~4Ø ከፌተኛውን የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh◻9◻ ›GhCSS u◻=9◻~ Uhw u›’4†2 የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh ◻T˛’Ç TS2◻~TU †GhCSS TGhChC ÃkS6፤ 3) u›Sh Uhw ◻~4Ø hEp†2 ◻◻ hõ†2 የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh ◻T˛ለውጥ ›GhCSS W6◻ST ◻†S æ◻~fih ›5uh፤ 4) TS2◻~TU የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh ◻9◻ ›GhCSS ◻5?S Uhw የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻◻Øh T◻Z hh◻5e 5Uhu~ ◻T˛fi◻◻~T ◻Sh◻ J1wS ◻†◻vC W6◻S◻ /T◻=◻~U ◻†S æ◻~fih ›5uh:: 45. 45›GhCSS W6◻ST ¡I5Ah ◻†S TS2◻~U fi◻~ የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øhሇማገኘት፡- 1) ◻T˛æ5h†◻~ ›S6 uT˛9◻◻◻~ WC◻† hUUCh æt£h Th◻ ሀሳwST †◻vCS 9ªt◻ | About Accreditation Of The Drivers Competency 43.Basic Principles Any drivers‟ competency accreditation license shall be given only where he fulfills the criteria certificate in this regulation. 44.Category of the Drivers Competency Accreditation License 1) The categorization of the drivers competency accreditation license shall be made implemented as per table “D” annexed with this regulation; 2) A driver having the highest driver‟s competency accreditation license in one category may drive the one having lowest drivers competency accreditation license within that category; 3) A driver who wants to change from the lowest drivers competency accreditation license in one category to the highest one shall take training and exam; 4) Where any driver having the driver‟s competency accreditation license |
tiraafikaa itti hin bayya‟xxxx irratti ta‟e :- (a) Mallattoon “Leenji‟aa” jedhu fuulduraa fi duuba konkolaatichaa irratti maxxanfamee konkolaataa fulduraa yookiin duuba isaa deemuuf fageenya meetira 50 irratti ifatti kan mula‟atu fi (b) Yeroo konkolaatichi socho‟u hunda leenjisaan cinaa lenji‟aa taa‟u qaba; 2) Konkolaataan leenjii doqdooqqee abbaa goloollee lamaa yookiin sadii xxx xx‟e : (a) Mallattoon “Leenji‟aa” jedhu dudduuba doqdooqqichaatti maxxanfamee konkolaachisaa duuba isaa jiruuf fageenya meetra 50 irraatti ifatti kan mul‟atu ta‟uu ; (b) Duuba leenji‟aa kooraa doqdooqqee irra kan taa‟u leenjisaan jiraachuu isaa; (c) Leenji‟aa fi leenjisaan baadhee (helmet) ittisa balaa fayyadamuu qabu. 48. Waa‟ee Qormaata Konkolaachisuu Dambii kana keewwata 47 jalatti kan tumame jiraatuyyuu qormaata konlaachisuutiif xxx xx‟e leenji‟aan qophaa isaa of danda‟ee konkolaachisuu qaba. 49. Umrii fi Sadarkaa | W6◻S æ◻~fiho◻/T 2) u◻=U ›Sk◻ Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 1 ◻†æ5h†◻~T W6◻S◻ በማ◻Skቅ ◻†fi◻◻~T የk5Ak T£◻e◻ ◻†S 95◻ æJS ›5uh:: 46. ◻Tfi6◻2 †ØU ◻9 k- k TS2◻~U ◻TGhChC wnh Tfi6◻2 †ØU:- 1) ◻T˛æ5h†◻~ ›S6 ◻T˛9◻◻◻~T æ4◻Ch TTEShS◻/T9›4◻Se˛’ ß u◻Øh fi1 ◻~ ›S6 ◻†fi◻ ◻U4FC ◻£khS uT˛æ5h†◻~ ›S6 ◻†fi◻ ◻S◻h W^ ◻Øh æ9◻፤ 2) W6◻S uT˛fiØ uh e˛◻? የh^V F ◻US’h ◻Shk uT˛ev æhu^1ø~T T£◻eØ o 3) u†◻◻◻◻~ æ4◻Ch æt£h 46◻S æ4Öho/T 4) ◻46◻S æ£9- kS æ9◻S u◻e˛◻?◻~ 5ኤ◻Sfi=◻~T 5◻Øh fi1 ◻~ ›S6 S◻Ch Th£◻ ›5uh:: 47. ◻T4†TS9 †GhCSS የT˛ih£h`uh J~’@k 1) ◻T4†TS9 †GhCSS 5=Áih£¡` ◻T˛k5◻~ uT˛æ5h†◻~ ›S6 fi=◻kh 5◻=J~ †w5A u†◻◻◻ hk◻◻RU ›’4†2 የh^V F ◻/Tp4Øfi? uT˛„Cuh æSeh SRJ„፤ (J) “ሇማጅ” ◻T˛6 U6¡h h†GhCSS◻~ òhS | wants to acquire another driverscompetency accreditation license category shall take the theoretical and practical training as well as examination given for the category. 45.The Drivers Skill Training and Examination Any person to acquire the drivers competency accreditation license shall: 1) Take the theoretical and practical training depending on the educational curriculum issued by the concerned body; 2) Take and pass an exam proving his ability after completing the training certificate under sub article 1 of this article. 46.Duty of the Drivers Training Institute Any Drivers Training Institute shall: 1) Fulfill the criteria set by the concerned body and as necessary having certificate to be certificate by the license certificate body and trade activity license certificate by the concerned body; 2) Ensure that the law of |
BarumsaaBarbaachisu Namni hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa argachuuf iyyaatu kamiyyuu; 1) Doqdooqqeef yookiin autoomoobilaaf xxx xx‟e xxx xiqqaate barumsa kutaa 4 ffaa kan xumuree fi umriin isaa waggaa 18 gadi kan hin taane; 2) Taaksiidhaaf yookiin konkolaataa dhagalaa‟aa fe‟u yookiin uummata deddeebisuuuf xxx xx‟e xxx xxxxxxxx barumsa kutaa 8ffaa kan xumuree fi umriin isaa waggaa 24 gadi kan hin taane; 3) Konkolaataaa mi‟a goggogaaf yookiin meeshaa socho‟aa addaatiif xxx xx‟e xxx xiqqaate barumsa kutaa 8ffaakan xumuree fi umriin isaa waggaa 20 gadi kan hin taane ta‟uu qaba. 50. Xxxxx Fayyummaa 1) Namni heyyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsaa konkolaachisaa argachuuf iyyatu kamiyyuu konkolaataa abbaa mootoraa xxxxx barbaadameen konkolaachisuuf hanqina miidhaa qaama konkolaachisuuf gufuu itti ta‟u irraa bilisa ta‟uu fi fayyumaan isaa konkolaachisuuf kan rakkoo hin qabinee ta‟úu isaa raga mana yaalaa irra dhiyaatuun mirkanaa‟uu qaba. Haalii raawwii isaa | u4†LES †5Ø ◻ u50 T@hC Ckh hdh 5V ß S5 ◻RU 5†hk◻ ›GhCSS u◻6◻ ◻T˛kR æJS፤/T (5) †GhCSS◻~ uT˛Tk£k4uh e˛◻? J~5~ h5T& eAS ›fi6×V ækæØ ›5uh:: 2) ◻T4†TS9 †GhCSS◻~ v5J~5h ◻RU v5Z4h◻/◻C V†C £RF6 fi=JS:- (J) “ሇማጅ” ◻T˛6 U6hh hV†C £RF5~ u4†LES †5Ø ◻ u50 T@hC Ckh 5†hk◻ ›GhCSS u◻6◻ ◻T˛kR æJS፤ (5) h5T& u4†LES uV†C £RF5~ ¢C} u◻T˛kæØ ›fi6×V æPC፤◻/T (h) 5T& S ›fi6ኙ የ›9Ò æhShF t@6T@h ◻T˛◻kæ~ æJS ›5uh:: 48. 45TGhChC ◻†S u◻=U ◻Sw ›Sk◻ 47 ◻†9’ÑÑø~ u=PCU 5◻†S fi=JS 5T& w}ø~T ^fi~Tk5A TGhChC ›5uh:: 49. †◻Se˛ hhT@S ◻hUUCh 9£Í የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh 5T◻Zh ◻T˛9æ5hh TS2◻~U fi◻~፤ 1) 5V†C £RF6 ◻RU 5›ø~eVu=6 የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻◻Øh fi=JS፤u=9S4 የ›^†2 Fõ 6 hUUCh 9◻SkkS | traffic safety be respected properly while the training is certificate; 3) certificate training in accordance with the criteria set; 4) Having certificate of training and deliver reports to the agency and to the body certificate license periodically. 47.Manner of Driving the Training Vehicle 1) The training vehicle shall be driven where allowed by the concerned body at the place prepared for such purpose or on the roads where the traffic movement is lesser and: (a) The sign saying “trainee” shall be stick at the front and back certificate of the vehicle to be clearly seen by other vehicle from the front and back certificate at 50 meters distance; and (b) The trainer shall always sit certificate the trainee while the vehicle is moving. |
qajeelfama Ejansiin baasuun xxx xxxxx‟uu ta‟a. 2) Iyyataan kamiyyuu akkaataa keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 1 tiin konkolaataa abbaa motoraa konkolaachisuuf ga‟umsa kan qabu ta‟uu isaa Ejensichi Biiroo Fayya waliin mari‟achuun ulaagaa bahuun dhaabbata yaalaa filatameetti qorannoo fayyaa gaggeeffamuun mirkanaa‟aa. 3) Ejensichi bu‟aa qoraanoo fayyaa dhaabbatni yaalaa kennu irratti shakkii kan qabu xxx xx‟e dhaabbata yaalaa kan birootiin irra deebi‟xxxx akka qoratamu gaafachuu ni dnada‟a. Bu‟aan qorannoo fayyaa duraa fi boodaa kan wal simu xxx xx‟e isaa dhumaa ta‟a. 4) Bu‟aan qorannoo fayyaa dhaabbilee yaalaa lamaan kenname garaagarummaa kan qabu xxx xx‟e Ejensichi dhaabbata yaalaa 3fffaa filachuun qorannoon fayyaa akka gaggeeeffamu taasisuu ni danda‟a. Bu‟aan qorannoo fayyaa aragamus isa dhumaa ta‟a. 51. Iyyannoo Heyyama Mirakneessa Ga‟umsa Konkolaachisaa 1) Hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaaachisaa argachuuf iyyanni Ejensichaaf dhiyaatu qaamaan yookiin | /hT@◻~ h18 ◻æh 9S’fi፤ 2) 5kFfi= ◻RU ◻£G ß’h ◻T˛◻S ◻RU 5U◻w TæS5fl †GhCSS የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh hJ’ u=9S4 ◻4US†2 Fõ 6 hUUCh 9◻SkkS /hT@◻~ h24 ◻æh 9S’fi፤ 3) 5◻£p ß’h †GhCSS ◻RU 56◻ †Sk1ØG æ1S9 የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh fi=JS፤ u=9S4 ◻4US†2 Fõ 6 hUUCh 9◻SkkS◻hT@◻~ h20 ◻æh 9S’fi æJS ›5uh:: 50. ◻◻?S’h J~’@k◻ 1) የTGhChC wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh 5T◻h ◻T˛9æ5hh TS2◻~U fi◻~ v5V†C †GhCSS uT˛◻5e◻~ J~’@k 5TGhChC æfiSF6 hT˛JS ›S6 e~Çh ’í æJST 5TGhChC◻◻◻S kÓC ◻ሌ5uøh uæJ’~T ◻T˛e6◻ h◻?S †ቋU uT˛kCw T4£9 æ£◻eØ ›5uho 2) TS2◻~U ›æ6Sk u◻=U ›Sk◻ Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 1 hS◻e@ æt£h v5V†C †GhCSS 5TGhChC wl æJ’~፤ ›?◻Sfi=◻~ hÖ?S u=a ◻C uææShC uT˛9◻◻◻~ æ4◻Ch æt£h uT˛æ£Ø ◻hFUS †ØU uT˛◻£◻ UCæ^ R£◻e◻6o 3) ›?◻Sfi=◻~ uhFUS †ØU ◻UCæ^ ◻~◻?h †kvÃ’h SR Ø C◻d T5◻~ u5?S ◻hFUS †ØU | 2) Where the vehicle is a motorcycle with two tires: (a) The sign saying “trainee” shall be fastened at the back certificate of the motorcycle and be clearly seen for another motor behind it at 50 meters distance; (b) The trainer shall sit certificate the trainee at his back certificate; (c) Both the trainee and the trainer shall use certificate prevention helmet. 48.Driving Examination Notwithstanding to article 47 of this regulation, for the purpose of driving examination, the trainer shall sit lonely being independent and drive by himself. 49.Age and the Required Education Status Any person applying to acquire the driver‟s competency accreditation license:- 1) Where it is for motor cycle or automobiles, at least who has completed grade 4 and his age shall not be less than 18 years old; |
poostaadhaan yookiin meeshaalee elektirooniksiitiin ta‟uu ni danada‟a. 2) Iyyannoon hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkaaalchisaa kamiyyuu ragaalee armaan gadii waliin dhihaachuu qaba. (a) Ragaa barumsaa; (b) Waraqaa ragaa dhalootaa yookiin paaspoortii yookiin waraqaa eennyummaa bulchiinsa gandaatiin kenname; (c) Bu‟aa qorannoo fayyaa; (d) Waraqaa ragaaa dhaabbata leenjii konkolaachisaatti leenji‟uu isaa mirkaneessu; 52. Kenniinsa Hayyama Mirkaneessa Ga‟umsa Konkolaachisaa 1) Ejensichi bu‟uura dambii kana keewwata 51 keewwata xiqqaa 1 tiin iyyannoo dhiyaateef qorachuun ulaagaaleen dambii kana keewwata 45, 49 fi 50 jalatti tumaman guutamuu isaanii erga mirkaneessee booda iyyaataan kafaltii tajaajilaa dambii kana gabatee “B” jalatti tarreeffame erga kafallchisee booda yookiin daangaa yookin dirqama barbaachisaa dha jedhee itti amane hayyamicha irratti ibsuun hayyama mirakneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa xxxx | h◻T˛ UCæ^ /T◻=9◻C◻ 5=◻Rp ÃkS6o◻LE52◻~ ◻hFUS ◻~◻?h hk9æ◻~ ◻C ◻T˛◻◻U hJ’U ◻æd £fl RJS6o 4) uJ~5h hFUS †sTh ◻T˛fi◻~ ◻◻?S UCæ^ ◻~h ◻†59◻ hJ’~◻ ›?◻Sfi=◻~ 5æ£◻◻~ Z4†2 ◻hFUS †ØU ◻◻?S’h UCæ^◻ /T◻=9St@h 5=9◻C◻ Ã}S6:: ◻†eZ◻~ ◻hFUS ◻~◻?hU ◻æd £fl RJS6:: 51. 45›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh Tæ6h} 1) የ›GhCSS’h wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh 5T◻Zh 5›?◻ሲ◻~ ◻T˛kCw Tæ6h} u◻SvC ◻RU u◻4k◻ ◻RU u›?5?hha’˛F æ6bhh 5=JS ÃkS6o 2) TS2◻~U የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh Tæ6h} hT˛h†5~h ◻C †9RF æp£w ›5uh:- (J) የhUUCh T4£9፤ (5) ◻69h ◻U4FC ◻£kh ◻RU ◻4◻Ch ◻RU uku5? ›4†◻◻C ◻†fi◻ የ’DS’h◻መk◻m9 ◻w†C፤ (h) ◻◻?S’h UCæ^ ◻~◻?h፤ (æ) u›GhCSS- k Tt6◻2 †ØU æfi6Ö’~T ◻T˛9£◻◻Ø ◻U4FC ◻£kh:: 52. የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh 45æ4Öh 1) ›?◻Sfi=◻~ u◻=U ◻Sw | 2) Where it is for taxi or certificate carrying trucks or for public transport vehicles, at least who has completed grade 8 and whose age is not less than 24 years old; 3) Where it is for dry materials vehicle and for a special moving entity, who at least completed grade 8 and whose age is not less than 20 years old; 00.Xxxxxx Condition 1) Any person applying to acquire the driver‟s competency accreditation license in order to drive a motor vehicle as necessary, to be free from body injury that becomes a hindrance on his driving and that his health is not a problem on his driving shall be proved by the v to be produced from health institutions. Particulars of its implementation shall be determined by the directive to be issued by the Agency; 2) The efficiency of any applicant to drive motor vehicle as per sub article 1 of this article shall be proved |
gaafatamee ni kennaf. 2) Bu‟uura keewwata kanaatiin hayyamani mirakaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa kennamu kamiyyuu qulqullinni, qabiyyee fi bocni isaa Ejensichaan kan murtaa‟u ta‟ee hojimaata malamalituuf kan hin saxilamine akka ta”u kan dandeesisuu hojimata akka qabatu gochuf suuraan abbaa hayyamichaa kan irratti maxxanfamee fi ashaaraan quba abbuudduu fi malltoon barreeffama kan irrratti taasifame ta‟uu qaba. 53. Dirqama Hayyama Mirkaneessa Ga‟umsa Konkoolachisaa Qabachuu fi Agarsiisuu 1) Abbaan hayyamaa kamiyyuu konkoolaataa abbaa mootaraa daandii kamiyuu iraa yammuu konkolaachisuu hunda hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa qabachuu fi yammuu gaafatamu agarsiisuu qaba. 2) Namni to‟ataa sochii geejjibaa ta‟e kamiyyuu konkolaataa abbaa motoraa daandii irra yammuu konkolaaaachisu hayyama mirakaneessa ga‟umsa konkaaalaachisaa akka agarsiisu gaafachuu ni danada‟a. 54. Hayyama Mirkaneessa Ga‟umsa Konkoolachisaa Sirreessisuu fi Bakka Buusuu | ›Sk◻ 51 Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 1 æt£h ◻k£u5hS Tæ6h} æCUa ◻◻=U ◻Sw ›Sk◻ 45o49◻እS 50 hS◻e@- k æTESk1ø~T T£◻e◻ uኋS ›æ6S‡ hk=U ◻Sw ◻C u†99◻◻~ tS◻£8 †^ lØ C 1 ◻†æ5h†◻~T Fõ 9 h◻◻æ uLES ›4◻Se˛ æ45A ◻k◻◻~T◻9 k◻ ◻RU e◻w u◻Ø0 SR ›æ6he ◻†◻◻k◻~T Uhw የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh Rfi◻ª6:: 2) u◻=U ›Sk◻ æt£h ◻T˛fiØ TS2◻~U የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh፤Ø ^h፤ÃkhS pC◻ u›?◻Sfi=◻~ ◻T˛◻fiS JP፤5T◻uCuC hCe˛h 96†◻5◻◻/T◻=JS ◻T˛94k5◻~ ›t^C ◻/T◻=P£◻~ Th£◻፤◻/T ◻v5◻Ø0 öeÓ^õ ◻†5◻◻uhS ◻◻hõ S የ›ø~^ ×h V CT◻~ 9£◻uh æJS›5uh:: 53. የ›GhCSS’h wØh T£◻e◻ ◻ØhRF 45æeZh TT£የh 1) TS2◻~U ◻Øh 95◻~ v5V†C †GhCSS uTS2 ◻~U æSeh SR uT˛9Sk£p4uh e˛◻? J~5~ የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Ø0 S RF æeZh›5uho 2) የh^V F◻5=4 TS2◻~U fi◻~ uæSeh SR v5V†C †GhCSS fi=9Sk£p4 የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Ø0 S◻/T◻=9£◻◻~ æ◻◻p ÃkS6 :: 54. የ›GhCSS’h wØh T£◻e◻ ◻ØhS 45T4†ካከልS æ†Sh 1) u›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ | by the medical examination to be made by the selected health institution by the criteria to be set through discussion of the Agency with Health Bureau; 3) Where the Agency suspects the results given by the health institution, it may require it to be re- examined by another health institution; where the first and the second medical examination result becomes consistent, it shall be the last; 4) Where the medical examination result of the first one and the second has differences, the Agency may select a 3rd health institution and cause medical examination to be conducted. This medical examination result shall be the last. 51.Application for Driving Competency Accreditation License 1) The application for acquiring driving competency accreditation license to be submitted to Agency may be in person or |
1) Hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa irratti ibsawwan kaa‟aman keessaa wanti dogoggorame jiraachuu xxxx xxxxxx beekeen konkolaachisaan hayyamichi akka sirraa‟u dhiyeessuu qaba. Dogoggorichi kan uumame sababa balleessaa qaama heyyama kennuutiin qofaan xxx xx‟e xxxxx abbaan hayyamichaa kafaltii tajaaajilaa barabaachisaa ta‟e ni raawwata. 2) Hayyamni mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkoolachisaa xxx xxxx, xxx xxxxx‟e, kan hin dubbifamne yookiin dhimmmootni ibsa irrati kaa‟aman kan jijjiiraman xxx xx‟e xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx hayyamni biroo bakka bu‟ee akka kennamuuf Ejensichaaf battalumatti iyyachuu qaba. 3) Akkaataa keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaaa 2 tiin iyyanni kan dhiyaate xxx xx‟e iyyataan kafaltii tajaaajilaa akka raawwatu erga taasifamee booda hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa kan biroo bakka bu‟u ni kennamaaf. 55. Yeroo Hayyamni Mirakneessa Ga‟umsa Konkolaachisaa Ragga‟ee Itti Turuu fi Haaromfamu 1) Hayyamni mirkaneessa ga‟umsaa konkoolachisaa kamiyyuu guyyaa | ◻Øh SÃhfi◻Gh æ◻5◻- k æSh6 ◻†££† ’ÑC æPGS◻/T◻◻ ›GhCSS◻~ ◻wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Ø0 S 5/CUh Tp£w ›5uh:: 4U†ß 9◻◻æ◻~ ufi◻◻~ ›S6Øóh UFSFh w} T6J’ u4†kC v5◻Ø0 ›4◻Sጊውን የ›Ñ6◻5Ah Fõ 9 R◻◻T6፤ 2) የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh ◻◻2 ◻†uSfl ◻TÃ’uw ◻RU uæ◻5◻- ‡ SR ◻†æ5hßh e~ÇPk ◻†5◻◻~◻/T◻J’ v5◻Ø0 Uhh ◻Øh /T◻=fi◻◻~ ◻◻=9◻~’~ 5›?◻Sfi=◻~ Tæ6hh ›5uh፤ 3) u◻=U ›Sk◻ Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 2 æt£h Tæ6h} fi=kCw5h ›æ6S‡ የ›Ñ6◻5Ah Fõ 9 /T◻=◻◻U T4◻£e uLES Uhh የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh Rfi◻ª6:: 55. የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh◻Se 45T˛%Ruh e˛◻?S 45T◻4 1) ◻TS2◻~U የ›GhCSS’h wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh ◻Se ◻T˛%◻◻~ h†fi◻uh kS ◻Ua 5›^h ◻æh RJS6o 2) u◻=U ›Sk◻ Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 2 æt£h ◻Ø0 S 5T£◻4 u◻=U ◻Sw ›Sk◻ 50 WC u†9’ÑÑ◻~ æt£h ◻†◻£e ◻◻?S’h UCæ^ ◻~◻?hS የ›Ñ6◻55Ah Fõ 9 æ◻◻æ~T ◻T˛9£R | through post or other electronics materials; 2) Any application for driving competency accreditation license shall be submitted together with the following certificate: (a) Educational certificate, (b) Birth certificate or passport or certificate card to be given by the kebele administration; (c) Medical examination result; (d) Certificate proving that he has trained in drivers training institutes. 52.Provision of Driving Competency Accreditation License 1) The Agency shall after examining the application submitted to it in accordance with article 51(1) of this regulation after ensuring the criteria certificate under articles 45, 49 and 50 are fulfilled and after making the applicant to pay the service payment listed under table “B” of this regulation or by |
hayyamichi kenname irraa eegalee waggaa afur qofaaf ragga‟xx xxx turu ta‟a. 2) Akkaataa keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 2 tiin hayyama haarmosuuf bu‟uura dambii kana keewwata 50 jalatti tumameen ragaan bu‟aan qorannoo fayyaa fi kafatlitiin tajaajilaa raawwatamuu isaa agarsiisu oggaa dhiyaatu hayyamni mirkaneessa ga‟umsaa konkoolachisaa kamiyyuu waggaa afur afuriin kan haarofamu ta‟a. 3) Abbaan heyyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsaa konkolachisaa qaamaan yookiin bakka bu‟aa isaatiin hayyamni isaa akka haaromsamuuf dhiyeefachuu ni danada‟a. Haata‟u xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx bu‟aa isaatiin yeroo lama walitti aansee haaromfamuun hin heyyamamuuf. 4) Keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti kan tumame jiraatuyyuu abbaan hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaaachisaa umriin isaa waggaa 55 xx xxx ta‟e xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx haaromsamuu qaba. 5) Adabbiin dambii kana gabatee “A” keessatti kan ibsame akkuma eegametti ta‟ee bu‟uura keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 | T4£9 ካቀረበo◻TS2 ◻~U የ›GhCSS’h wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh uየ›^h ◻æß Rk◻£6o 3) የ›GhCSS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Ø0 v5u?h ◻Ø0 S u^fi~ ◻RU uøh=5~ ›TSV’h uTp£w 5=9£h4 ÃkS6o JPU †hkkR 5J’ J~5hÑ˛◻? ◻Ø0 S uøh=6 ›TSÃ’h T£◻4 ›Ã◻khUo 4) u◻=U ›Sk◻Sø~4 ›Sk◻ 1 WC ◻†9’ÑÑ◻~◻/T◻†◻uk JP የ›GhCSS’h wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Øh v5u?h hhT@ ከ55 አመት uSR hJ’ ◻Øh u◻J~5h ◻æß æk◻4 ›5uh፤ 5) በ◻=U ◻Sw tS◻£8 «ሀ »ሥር ◻†æ5h†◻~ p×h◻ /T◻†◻uk JP u◻=U ›Sk◻ Tø~4 ›Sk◻ 1 æt£h የ›GhCካSነት wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Ø0 S u60 kS ◻~4Ø £9£h4 ◻k£ የ›GhCካS wØh T£◻e◻ ◻Ø0 ◻ሚk◻45h ◻†◻vC ◻†S †◻hP fi=96õ w} RJS6:: 56. የአሽከርካሪ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ ስሇመስጠትና ማገዴ 1) የአሽከርካሪ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ የተሰጠው ሰውዯንብን የመተሊሇፌ ጥፊት ሪኮርዴ ወይም ላሊ አጥጋቢ ምክንያት ሊይ ተመሰርቶ የጤና ሁኔታወይም | describing the limit or obligation that it believes necessary on the license, certificate the requested type of driving competency accreditation license; 2) Any driving competency accreditation license to be certificate in accordance with this regulation shall its quality, content and form be determined by the agency; and it shall be made to have a working system that enables it not to be vulnerable to corruption, on which the license owner is fastened and which bears finger print and on which the written signature is sealed on it. 53.Obligation to Hold and Show Driving Competency Accreditation License 1) Any owner of a license shall always hold and show in case required his driving competency accreditation license while he is driving a motor vehicle on any road; |
tiin konkolaalchisaan hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa xxxx xxxxxxxx 60 keessatti osoo hin haaromsiisin hafe heyyamni isaa kan haaromsamuuf qormaata gochaa fudhachuun xxx xxxxx qofa dha. 56. Heyyama Mirkaneessa Ga‟ums a konkolachisaa Dhorkuu fi Haquu 1) Namni hayyamni mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolachisaa kennameef rikooordii baleessaa seera tiraafikaa darbuun raawwate yookiin sababa gaha kan biroo irratti hundaa‟uudhaan haalli fayyummaa xxxx xxxxxxx dandeettiin konkolaachisuu isaa hanqina kan qabu ta‟uun isaa yammuu mirkanaa‟u qaamni hayyama xxxxx xxxxxxx mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa dhrokuu yookiin abbaan heyyamichaa qorannoo fayyaa akka taasisu yookiin qormaata dandeettii xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx akka fudhatu yookiin lamaanuu akka raawwatu dirqiisiisuu ni danada‟a. 2) Akkaataa kewwata kana kewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti tumameen qorannoon fayyaa gagggeeffame yookiin bu‟aan qormaataa dandeettii mirakaneessuuf kenname haalli fayyummaa abbaa hayyamichaa yookiin | የማሽከርከር ሁኔታው አጥጋቢ አይዯሇም ብል ሲገምት ፇቃዴ ሰጪው አካሌ የአሽከርካሪነት ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃደንማገዴ ወይም ባሇመፌቀደ የጤና ምርመራ እንዱያዯርግ ወይም የችልታ ማረጋገጫ ፇተና እንዱወስዴ ወይም ሁሇቱንም እንዱፇጽም ሉያስገዴዯው ይችሊሌ፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 መሠረት በተካሄዯው የጤና ምርመራ ወይም የችልታ ማረጋገጫ ፇተና ባሇመፌቀደ የጤና ሁኔታ ወይም የመንዲት ችልታው አጥጋቢ አሇመሆኑን የሚያመሇክት ሲሆን ባሇፇቃደ ያሇ በቂ ምክንያት የምርመራ ወይም የፇተና ውጤት በ90 ቀናት ውስጥ ሉያቀርብ ካሌቻሇ ፇቃዴ ሰጪው አካሌ ፇቃደን ሉሰርዝ ይችሊሌ፤ 3) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 እና 2 የተዯነገገው እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ ኤጀንሲው በአሽከርካሪው የጥፊት ሪከርዴ መሠረት የአሽከርካሪ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃደን ሇማገዴ ወይም ሇመሰረዝ የሚያስችሌ ዝርዝር መመሪያ ያወጣሌ፤ 4) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 እና 2 መሠረት በተሰጠው ውሳኔ ቅር የተሰኘ ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ውሳኔው በዯረሰው በ30 ቀናት ውስጥ ሇኦሮሚያ ትራንስፖርት ኤጀንሲ ቅሬታውን ሉያቀርብ ይችሊሌ፤የሚሰጠው ውሳኔም | 2) Any traffic controller may require any driver to show his driving competency accreditation license while he is driving a motor vehicle on any road; 54.Correcting and Replacement of Driving Competency Accreditation License 1) Where the driver finds any error on the descriptions scripted on the his driving competency accreditation license, he shall forthwith return it to be corrected; unless the error is made by the body certificate the license, the owner of the license shall pay the necessary service payment; 2) Where the driving competency accreditation license is lost, damaged, is illegible or the issues put on the description are changed, owner of the license shall immediately apply to the Agency for another substitute license; 3) Where the application is submitted as per sub |
dandeettiin konkolaachisuu abbaa hayyamichaa hanqina kan qabu ta‟uu kan agarsiisu xxx xx‟e yookiin abbaan hayyamichaa sababa ga‟aa osoo hin qabaatin bu‟aa qorannoo fayyaa yookiin qormaataa guyyoota 90 keessatti dhiyeessuu kan hin dandeenye xxx xx‟e xxxxxx heyyama xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx haquu ni danada‟a. 3) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 fi 2 jalatti kan tumame akkuma eegametti ta‟ee, Ejensichi akkaataa rikordii balleessaa konkolaachisaatiin hayyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa dhorkuuf yookiin haquuf hojimaata dandeessisu ilaalchisee qajeelfama baasuu ni danda‟a. 4) Akkaataa keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 fi 2 tiin murtii kenname irratti konkolaachisaan komii qabu kamiyyuu murtichi guyyaa isa dhaqqabe irraa eegalee guyyoota 30 keessatti Hoogganaa Ejansii Geejjiba Oromiyaa komii isaa dhiyeeffachuu ni danada‟a. Murtiin kennamus isa dhumaa ta‟a. Kutaa Torba Dhiyeessa Tajaajila Geejjibaa 57. Dhiyeessi Tajaajila Geejjibaa Mirkaneessuuf Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 1) Sirni tajaajila geejjibaa | የመጨረሻ ይሆናሌ፡፡ ክፌሌ ሰባት የትራንፖርት አገሌግልት አቅርቦት 57. የትራንፖርት አገሌግልት አቅርቦት ሇማረጋገጥ የሚሠሩ ተግባራት 1) ዯኅንነቱ የተረጋገጠ የትራንፖርት አገሌግልት እንዱኖር ያዯርጋሌ፤ 2) በማህበር ተዯራጅቶ የትራንፖርት አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት የሚፇሌጉ እንዱዯራጁ ያዯርጋሌ፤ 3) የህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ ትራንስፖርት በተሽከርካሪዎች ዯረጃ መካከሌ በሚዯረግ ውዴዴር መሰረት እንዱካሄዴ ያዯርጋሌ፤ 4) በኦፕሬተሮች መካከሌ የሚዯረግ ውዴዴር የትራንስፖርት በህግ ሊይ የተመሠረተ እንዱሆን ያዯርጋሌ፤ 5) በክሌለ ውስጥ የሚገኙ የመናኸሪያ አስተዲዯር አገሌግልት ሁለ ዯህንነቱና ጽዲቱ የተጠበቀ እንዱሁም በህግ እንዱመራና እንዱተዲዴር ያዯርጋሌ፤ 6) የመካከሇኛው ትራንፖርት አገሌግልት በክሌለ ውስጥ እንዱስፊፊ ያዯርጋሌ፤ 7) የትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሽፊን ተዯራሽ በማዴረግ ህዝብ እንዱጠቀም ያዯርጋሌ፡፡ 58. የኦፕሬተርነት ፇቃዴ 1) ማንኛውም የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረት፣ አሽከርካሪ፣ ረዲትና ገንዘብ ሰብሳቢ | article 2 of this article, the driver shall be made to pay the necessary service payment and given with another substitute license. 55.Duration of Driving Competency Accreditation License and its Renewal 1) Any driving competency accreditation license shall remain valid for only four years from the date of its provision; 2) To renew a license as per sub article 2 of this article, the driving competency accreditation license shall be renewed at each four years interval where the certificate indicating that medical examination result is presented in accordance with article 50 of this proclamation and the service charge to be certificate; 3) Owner of the driving competency accreditation license may apply for renewal of his license in person or through his |
nageenyi xxxx xxxxxxx‟ee, akka jiraatu ni taasifama, 2) Namoota waldaadhaan gurma‟anii tajaajila geejjibaa kennu barbaadan akka gurmaa‟an ni taasifama. 3) Geejjibi deddeebisa uummataa dorgommii sadarkaa konkolaataa gidduutti taasifamuun akka gaggeeffamu ni taasifama. 4) Dorgommin opreetaroota gidduutti taasifamu seera geejjiba irratti kan hunda‟e akka ta‟u ni taasifama. 5) Tajaajila bulchinsa buufata konkolaataa naannichaa keessatti argamu hundi nageenyi fi qulqullinni isaa eegame akkasumas seeraan akka gaggeeffamuufii akka bulu ni taasifama. 6) Tajaajilli geejjibaa giddu galeessaa naannichaa keessatti akka baballatu ni taasifama . 7) Uwwisa tajaajila geejjibaa dhaqqabamaa taasisuudhan uummanni akka irraa fayyadamaa ni taasifama. 58. Hayyama Opireetarummaa 1) Abbaan qabeenyaa konkolaataa, konkolaachisaa, gargaaraan konkolaachisaa fi mallaqa sassabduun kamiyuu tajaajila geejjibaa | የትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሇመስጠት የኦፕሬተርነት ፇቃዴ መኖር አሇባቸው፤ 2) የሚሰጠው የኦፕሬተርነት ፇቃዴ የተሽከርካሪ ተክኒክ ብቃትና ፇቃዴ ጠያቂ አካሌ ባሊቸው ችልታ ሊይ የተመሠረተ ነው፤ 3) የኦፕረተርነት ፇቃዴ መስፇርትና ክፌያው ኤጀንሲው በሚያወጣው መመሪያ መሠረት የሚፀፇም ይሆናሌ፤ 4) የኦፕረተርነት ፇቃዴ የወሰዯ ሰው በየአመቱ ማሳዯስ አሇበት፤ 5) በተክኒክ ብቃት መሠረት ዯረጃ ያገኘ ተሽከርካሪ ሁለ በሚወጣው መመሪያ መሠረት በዯረጃው የሚወሰን ቀሇም መቀባት አሇበት፡፡ 59. የትራንስፖርት ስምሪት 1) በክሌለ ውስጥ የሚፇፀሙ የህዝብ ትራንስፖርት ስምሪት በነፃና በውሌ የሚሰጥ ስምሪት ይሆናሌ፤ 2) ኤጀንሲውየትራንስፖርት እጥረት ያሊቸው መስመሮችና ሌዩ እጥረት በሚፇጠርበት ጊዜ ሌዩ ፕሮግራም በመዘርጋትየትራንስፖርት ሽፊን እንዱገናኝ ማዴረግ ይችሊሌ፤ 3) ማንኛውም በትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሊይ የተሰማራ ኦፕሬተር በሇማም ሆነ ባሌሇማ መስመር ሊይ ውዴዴር ሊይ የተመሰረተ የህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ ትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት የሚሰጥ ይሆናሌ፤ | representative; however, he shall not be allowed to renew for two consecutive times through his representative. 4) Notwithstanding to the provision under sub article 1 of this article, where the age of owner of the driving competency accreditation license is above 55 years old, the license shall be renewed in two years interval; 5) Without prejudice to the penalty specified under table “A” the driver who fail to renew his driving competency accreditation license as per sub article 1 of this article within 60 days, his license shall be renewed only where he has taken practical examination and passed. 56.Suspension and Cancellation of Driver's Qualification Certification License 1) Where the driver of a driver's qualification accreditation license has been considered to be inadequate due to |
xxxxxxx xxxxxxx opreetarummaa qabaachuu qabu. 2) Hayyamni opreetarummaa kennamu ga‟ummsa teekinika konkolaataa fi dandeetti qaamoleen hayyama gaafatan qaban irratti kan hunda‟e ta‟a. 3) Ulagaa fi kafaltiin hayyama opreetarummaa akkaataa qajeelfama Ejensiin baasuun kan raawwatamu ta‟a. 4) Xxxxx xxxxxxx opreetarummaa fudhate waggaa waggaan haaromsuu qaba. 5) Konkolaataan bu‟uura ga‟umsa teekinikaan sadarkaa argate hundinuu akkataa qajeelfama bahuun halluu sadarkaa xxxxx xxxxx‟u dibachuu qaba. 59. Bobbii Geejjibaa 1) Bobbiin geejjibaa uummataa nannichaa keessaa raawwatamu bobii bilisaa fi bobbii kontraataa kennamu (firanchizing) ta‟a. 2) Ejensiichi sararwwan hanqinna geejjibaa qaban fi hanqiinni addaa yeroo uumamu sagantaa addaa dirirsuun uwwisi geejjibaa akka walga‟u gochuu ni danda‟a. | 4) ኤጀንሲው የሇማም ሆነ ያሌሇማ መስመር ሊይ ዴርጅቶች በጨረታ ሇማወዲዯር ሇተወሰነ ጊዜ በተገባው ታሪፌ በውሌ በመስጠት መስመሩ እንዱሸፇን ሉያዯርግ ይችሊሌ፤ 5) ኤጀንሲው ሇህዝብ ጥቅም ሲባሌ አዱስ የስምሪት መስመር አንዱከፇት ሉያዯርግ ይችሊሌ፤ 6) ኤጀንሲው የሚያቀርብሇትን የስምሪት ፕሮግራም ያረጋግጣሌ፤አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ሲገኝ ያዘጋጃሌ፤ ሥራ ሊይ እንዱውሌ ያዯረጋሌ የእርምት እርምጃ ይወስዲሌ፤ 7) ሇህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ አገሌግልት ተሰማርቶ ሇህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ አገሌግልት መስጠት የሚፇሌግ ተሽከርካሪ አስቀዴሞ የስምሪት ፕሮግራም ውስጥ ማካተት አሇበት፤ 8) በጀንሲው ፇቃዴ በመንገዴ ሊይ የሚሰራ ማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ በጀንሲው የተረጋገጠ የስምሪት ወረቀት ሉኖረው ይገባሌ፤ 9) ማንኛውም የህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ ተሽከርካሪ በህግ ዕውቅና ካገኘ የተሽከርካሪ መናኸሪያ ውስጥ ተነስቶ መሰማራት አሇበት፡፡ 60. መካከሇኛ ትራስንፖርት 1) ማንኛውም መካከሇኛ ትራስንፖርት በኤጀንሲው ተመዝግቦ የዕውቅና ሠላዲ ሉኖረው ይገባሌ፤ 2) መካከሇኛ ትራስንፖርት የማሽከርከሪያ ፇቃዴ ሉኖረው ይገባሌ፤ | the fact that the condition of the driver is not satisfactory, it may suspend or deny a driver's qualification certification license;make a health examination or take competency test or both ; 2) Where the medical condition or driving competency of the license holder is not satisfactory in accordance with sub- article (1) of this article and the licensee may be canceled if the licensee fails to provide a diagnostic or graduate test within 90 days without sufficient cause; 3) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub- Articles 1 and 2 of this Article, the Agency shall issue a detailed directive to suspend or delete a driver's qualification certification license in accordance with the vehicle's lethal record. 4) Any vehicle that is offended by the decision made pursuant to sub- articles 1 and 2 of this |
3) Opreetaroonni tajaajila geejibaa irratti boobba‟an hundi sararawwan misoomees ta‟e kan hin misoomiin irratti bobbii bilisaa dorgommii irratti hunda‟een tajaajila geejjibaa deddeebisaa uummataa kan xxxxxx xx'a, 4) Ejensiin daandii misoomerrattis ta‟e kan hin misoomnerratti calbaasiidhaan dhabbilee dorgomsiisee yeroo xxxxx‟eef taarifa waliigalameen kontraata kennuudhaan sararich akka uwwifamu taasisuu ni danda‟a. 5) Ejensiin faayedaa uummataaf xxxxx sarara bobbii haaraa qorachuudhaan akka banamu taasisuu ni danda‟a. 6) Ejensiin sagantaa bobbii dhiyaatuuf ni mirkaneessa, barbaachisaa taaee yoo argame ni qopheessa, hojiira akka oolu ni taasisa, tarkaanfii sirrefaamaas ni xxxxxxx. 7) Konkolaataan tajaajila deddeebisaa uummataa bobba‟ee tajaajila geejjibaa deddeebisaa uummataa kennuu barbaadu duraan durse sagantaa bobbii keessatti hammatamu qaba. 8) Konkolaataan hayyama | 3) በእንስሳ የሚጎተት የመካከሇኛ ትራስንፖርት ተሽከርካሪ በመንገዴ ሊይ መንቀሳቀስ የሚችሇው ከጠዋቱ 12፡00 እስከ ቀኑ 12፡00 ብቻ ይሆናሌ፤ 4) በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 52 ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 የተዯነገገው እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ መካከሇኛ ትራንስፖርት የሚያሽከረክር ሰው ሉኖረው የሚገባው ማስረጃ በትራስፖርት ኤጀንሲው በሚወሰነው መሰረት ይሆናሌ፡፡ 61. የመናኸሪያ አስተዲዯርና አጠቃቀም 1) የክሌለ መናኸሪያ ኤጀንሲ መንግስት በሚወስነው ባጀት መሠረት ይሰራሌ ወይም የተሇያዩ አካልች በመቀናጀት ያሰራሌ፤ያሳዴሳሌ ያስተዲዴራሌ፤አጠቃቀሙን ይወስናሌ፤ 2) ኤጀንሲው የህዝብ እርካታ ሇማረጋገጥ የመናኸሪያ አስተዲዯር አጠቃቀምና ቁጥጥር ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ 3) ኤጀንሲው የመናኸሪያ አስተዲዯር አጠቃቀምና ቁጥጥር በተመሇከተ መመሪያ ያወጣሌ፤ 4) ኤጀንሲው መናኸሪያ ውስጥ የህዝብ እርካታ ሇመረጋገጥ የሚያስችለ ጉዲዮች መርምሮ እንዱሟለ ሁኔታዎችን ያመቻቻሌ፡፡ 62. የትራንስፖርት ታሪፌ 1) ኤጀንሲው የትራንስፖረት ታሪፌ በየጊዜው መርምሮ በመወሰን ሥራ ሊይ እንዱውሌ | Article may complain to the Oromia Transport Agency within 30 days of receiving the decision and the decision shall be final. Part seven Transportation Service Delivery 57.Things to be Done to Ensure the Transport Service 1) Made to ensure a safe transportation service; 2) Organize persons interested to provide transportation service in the form of associations; 3) Make the public transport to be undertaken with competition; 4) Make the competition between operators to be based on the transport law; 5) Ensure all the services in the bus stations administration of the regional state to be safe and quality as well as be maintained in law; 6) Ensure the expansion of central transport service in the region; 7) Transport coverage shall be made accessible and benefit |
ejansiichaan daandiira hojjetu kam iyyuu waraqaa bobbii ejensichaan mirkanaa‟e qabaachu qaba. 9) Konkolaataan deeddeebisa uummataa kamiyyuu buufata konkolaataa seeraan bekkamtii argate keessaa bobba‟uu qaba. 60. Geejjiba Giddugaleessaa 1) Geejjibni giddugaleessaa kamiyyuu Ejansiin galmaa‟ee gabatee beekkamtii qabaachuu qaba. 2) Geejjiba giddugaleessaa hayyama ga‟umsa konkolaachisa qabaachuun qaba. 3) Geejjiba giddugaleessaa belyadaan harkiifaman kan daandii konkolaataarra sochosuun danda‟amu ganama saa‟a 12:00 hanga galgala saa‟atii 12:00 tti qofa ta‟a. 4) Dambii kan kewwata 52 keewwanni xiqqaan 1 akkuma jirutti ta‟ee namni geejjiba giddugaleessaa oofu ragaan qabaachuu qabu akkataa Ejensiin geejjibaa murteessuun ta‟a. 61. Itti Fayyadama fi Bulchiinsa Buufata Konkolaataa 1) Ejensiin buufata konkolaataa naannichaa akkata baajata mootummaan murteessuun | ያዯርጋሌ፤ሥራ ሊይ መዋለን ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ 2) ከክሌለ መናኸሪያ አገሌግልት የሚሰበስበውን ክፌያ በፊይናንስ ህግ መሠረት ይሰበስባሌ፤እንዱሁም መናኸሪያውን ሇማሳዯስና ሇማስተዲዯር ያውሊሌ፤ 3) ማንኛውም የትራንስፖርት ዴርጅት በህግ የተወሰነ የትራንስፖርት ታሪፌ ተከብሮ ሥራ ሊይ እንዱውሌ አባሊቱን መቆጣጠር አሇበት፤ 4) ማህበራትና የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረት በህገወጥ በሚያስከፇለት ታሪፌ የጋራ ኃሊፉነት ይኖራቸዋሌ፤ 5) ማንኛውም የታክሲ አገሌግልት የሚሰጥ አካሌ ሇተሳፊሪ አገሌግልት በሚሰጥበት ጊዜ ማስከፇሌ ያሇበት ታሪፌ ተሽከርካሪ ውስጥ መሇጠፌ አሇበት፤ 63. መናኸሪያ 1) በመናኸሪያ ውስጥ አገሌግልት የሚሰጡ አካሊት፣ አሽከርካሪ፤የአሽከርካሪ ረዲት ገንዘብ ሰብሳቢና የመጫንና ማወረዴ ስራ የሚሰሩ ሰራተኞች በሚወጣ መመሪያ በሚወሰነው መሠረት የዯንብ ሌብስ በመሌበስ አገሌግልት መስጠት አሇባቸው፤ 2) ማንኛውም የመናኸሪያ ተጠቃሚ አካሌ የመናኸሪያ ሥነ-ምግባር መጠበቅ አሇበት፤ 3) ማንኛውም ከመናኸሪያ ጭኖ የሚወጣ ተሽከርካሪ የመናኸሪያ ኪራይ ክፌያ መፇጸም አሇበት፤ | the public. 58. Operatorship License 1) Any vehicle owner, driver, assistant and money collectorshall have operatorship license to provide transport services; 2) The operatorship license shall be based on the technical efficiency of the vehicle and the ability of the bodies requiring the license; 3) The criteria and payment of operator shall be implemented in accordance with the directive to be issued by the Agency; 4) Any operator who has taken the license shall renew it yearly; 5) All the vehicles that acquire levels based on their technical efficiency shall polish the color to be decided for the level by the directive to be issued. 59. Transport Schedule 1) The transport schedule provided in the region shall be the free schedule and the contract schedule; 2) The Agency may set a transport schedule to increase transport |
ni ijaara, ykn qamoolee adda addaa qindeessun ni ijaarsisa , ni supha, ni bulcha, itti fayyadama isaa ni murteessa. 2) Ejensiichi bulchiinsa,itti fayyadamaa fi to‟annoo buufata konkolaataa irratti quufinsa uummataa mirkaneessuf ni to‟ata. 3) Ejensiichi bulchiinsa, itti fayyadamaa fi to‟annoo buufata konkolaataa ilaalchisee qajeelfama ni baasa. 4) Ejensichi buufata keessatti dhimmoota itti quufinsa uummataa mirkaneessuu danda‟an qoratee akka guutaman xxxxx ni mijeessa. 62 Taarifa Geejjibaa 1) Ejensiin taarifa geejjibaa yeroo yeroon qoratee murteessuudhaan akka hojiira oolu ni taasisa, hojiirra olmaa isaas ni to‟ata. 2) Akkata seera faayinasiitiin kaffalti tajaajila buufata konkolaataa naannicha irraa sasaabamu walitii ni qaba akkasumas buufata konkolaatichaa suphuu fi bulchuuf ni oolcha. 3) Dhabbileen geejjibaa kamiyyuu taarifi geejjibaa seeran murtaa‟e kabajamee hojiira akka ooluu miseensa | 4) በማህበሮች፤በግሌ፤ የተሽከርካሪ መናኸሪያ የሚጠቀሙ በአክስዮን የጉዞ ዕቃ ግምት የዕቃው ታግ፤የዕቃው መጋዘን የአገሌግልት ክፌያ ትኬት፤የተሽከርካሪ የጎን ታፔሊ፣አቅጣጫ የሚያሳይ ታፔሊ፣ሀሳብ መስጫ ሳጥንና የመጀመሪያ እርዲታ ሳጥን ማዘጋጀት አሇበት፤ 64. የከተማ ታክሲ 1) ማንኛውም የከተማ ታክሲ ሇመስጠት የተሰማራ ተሽከርካሪ አቅጣጫ የሚያሳይ ሠሇዲ፣የትራንስፖርት ታሪፌና የአሽከርካሪ ስም ተዘጋጅቶ ግሌጽ በሆነ ቦታ ተሇጥፍ መሥራት አሇበት፤ 2) የከተማ ታክሲ ስምሪት የአገሌግልት አሰጣጥ ሁኔታ ኤጀንሲው በሚያወጣው መመሪያ የሚወሰን ይሆናሌ፡፡ 65. የማህበር መዯራጀት 1) ተሽከርካሪ ትራንፖርት ሥራ ከመሰማራቱ በፉት የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረት ማህበር ወይም አክስዮን ወይም ኃሊፌነቱ የተወሰነ የግሌ ማህበር ተዯራጅቶ ህጋዊ ፇቃዴ ከኤጀንሲው ማግኘት አሇበት፤ 2) የባሇንብረቶች ማህበር መዯራጀት የህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ አገሌግልት ሊይ የተሰማሩ በተመሳሳይ ዯረጃ ሊይ ባለ መካከሌ ብቻ ይሆናሌ፤ 3) በአክስዮን የሚፇጸም | coverage by focusing on routes having transport shortage and by expanding special program; 3) All operators engaged in a transport service shall provide public transport service based on a free schedule in competition on a developed or undeveloped routes; 4) The Agency may make the route to be covered by giving it to the organizations in contracts by agreed tariff; 5) The agency may study and open a new transport route schedulefor the sake of public interest; 6) The Agency shall approve transport schedule submitted to it; prepare same where found necessary; cause it to be implementedand take corrective measure; 7) The vehicle interested to provide publictransportation service shall in advance be incorporated in the transport schedule; 8) Any vehicle srving on |
isaanii to‟achuu qabu. 4) Waldaalee fi abbaan qabeenya konkolaataa taarifa seeran ala kaffalchisamuuf itti gaafatummaa waliinii ni qabaatu. 5) Qaamni tajaajila taaksii kennu kamiyyuu yeroo tajaajila imaalaaf kennu taarifa kaffalchisuu qabu konkolaataa keessatti maxxansuu qaba. 63 Buufata konkolaataa 1) Qaamni buufata konkolaataa keessatti tajaajila kennani konkolaachisaan,Gargaara an konkolaachisaa, mallaqa sassabduu fi hojjetoonni fe‟uu fi buusuu hojjetan uffata dambii akkataa qajeelfama bahuun murtaa‟un uffatanii tajaajilaa kennuu qabu. 2) Qaamni buufata konkolaataatti fayyadamu kamiyyuu naamusa itti fayyadama buufata konkolaataa eeguu qaba. 3) Konkolaataan buufata konkolaataa keessaa fe‟atee bahu kamiyyuu kaffalttii kiraa buufataa raawwachuu qaba. 4) Waldaaleen, dhuunfaan,aksiyoonnii buufata konkolaataatti fayyadaman madaala meeshaa imalaa, taagii meeshaa, mankuusa meeshaa, Nagahee kaffaltii tajaajilaa, tapellaa | ማዯራጀት የተሇያዩ ዯረጀዎች ሊይ ያለትን አንዴ ሊይ ሇማምጣትም ሆነ በተመሳሳይ ዯረጃ ሊይ ባለት መካከሌ ሉሆን ይችሊሌ፡፡ 66. የጭነት ትራንስፖርት አገሌግልት ሥርዓት መዘርጋት 1) ክሌለ ውስጥ የጭነት ትራንስፖርት አገሌግልትን ውጤታማ ሇማዴረግ የስምሪታቸው ሁኔታ ውዴዴር እንዱኖረው የመውጣትና መግባት ጭነት እንዱያገኙ በቂ የሆነ ሥርዓት ይዘረጋሌ፤ 2) ኤጀንሲው በሚያወጣው የብቃት ማረጋገጫ መስፇርት መሰረት ሇጫኝ የሥራ ፇቃዴ በመስጠት የጭነት ተሽከርካሪ የአፇፃፀም ውጤታማነትን ያረጋገጣሌ፤ 3) የጭነት ተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረቶች በማህበር ያዯራጃሌ፤ ሇማህበር ፇቃዴ ይሰጣሌ፤ያሳዴሳሌ፤ይሰረዛ ሌ፤ 4) የጭነት ተሽከርካሪ ማስተዲዯሪያ ሞዯሌ ዯንብ ያዘጋጃሌ፤ሥራ ሊይ መዋለን ይከታተሊሌ፤ 5) ኤጀንሲው በክሌለ ውስጥ ያለ ከተሞች ውስጥ ተሽከርካሪ ማቆሚያ | the road by the license of the Agency shall have schedule certificate approved by the Agency; 9) Any public transport vehicle shall leave from the legally recognized bus station. 60.Medium Transport 1) Any Medium Transport shall be registered by the Agency and have plate number; 2) The medium transport shall have drivers competency license; 3) The medium transport towed by animals shall operate on vehicles road only from 12:00 in the morning up to 12:00 ok‟lock of the day; 4) Without prejudice to article 52 (1) of this regulation, the person driving medium transport shall have the evidences to be determined by the Agency. 61.Utilization and Administration of Vehicles Station 1) The shall construct bus stations of the region in accordance with the budget determined by |
cinaacha konkolaataa,Tapeellaa kallatti agarsiistuu, saduuqa yaadaa fi sanduuqa gargaarsa duraa qopheefachuu qabu. 64 Taksii Magaalaa 1) Konkolaataan taksii magaalaa kennuuf boba‟u kamiyyuu tappeellaa kallatti agarsiisu,taarifa tajaajilichaa fi maqaa konkolaachisaa qopheessee iddoo ifa ta‟ettimaxxansee hojjechuu qaba. 2) Bobbiin taksii magaalaa akkaataa adeemsa kenninsa tajaajilichaa qajeelfama ejensiinbaasuun xxx xxxxx‟u ta‟a. 65 Gurmaa‟ina Waldaa 1) Konkolaataan hojii geejjibaatti deddeebisa uummata, fe‟umsaa fi taaksii magaalaa tti bobba‟uun dura abootiin qabeenyaa konkolaatootaa waldaan, yookiin Aksiyoonnaan yookiin X.X.X xxxxx xxxxxxxx heyyama qama seerummaa Ejensii irraa argachuu qabu. 2) Gurmaa‟inni waldaa abbootii qabeenyaa geejjiba deddeebisa uummataa irratti xxx‟an sadarkaa walfakkaatu giddutti qofa ta‟a. 3) Aksiyoonaan gurmaa‟insi raawwatamu sadarkaa | እንዱኖር ሥርዓት ያዘጋጃሌ፤ሥራ ሊይ መዋለን ይከታተሊሌ፤ 6) ኤጀንሲው የክሌለ ከተሞች ውስጥ የአውቶቡስ ፋርማታ እንዱሰራ ያዯርጋሌ፤ ይከታተሊሌ፤ ክፌሌስምንት የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ቁጥጥር 67. መሠረታዊ መርህ 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ የጊዜውንና የአየሩን ሁኔታ እንዱሁም የመንገደን ዓይነትና የመንገደን ተጠቃሚ ሁኔታና ብዛት ሳይገምት በትምህርት ቤት፣ በጤና ተቋም አከባቢና በመሳሰለት አስፇሊጊ ጥንቃቄ ሳያዯርግ በፌጥነት ማሽከርከር የሇበትም፤ 2) በመንገዴ የሚጠቀም ማንኛውም ሰው በሕይወትም ሆነ በንብረት ሊይ ጉዲት እንዲያዯርስ ጥንቃቄ ማዴረግ አሇበት፤ 3) በኤጀንሲው ካሌተፇቀዯ በስተቀር በተሽከርካሪ ወይም በእግረኞች መንገዴ ሊይ የመንገዴ ውበትና ሌማት ሥራ ውጭ መፇጸም የሇበትም፤ 4) ማንኛውም ሰው የተረጋገጠ የአሽከርካሪ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ ሳይኖረው ባሇሞተር ተሽከርካሪ እንዱያሽከረክር | the government or by coordinating various bodies; repair, administer and decide their utilization; 2) The Agency shall supervise the use and control of theiradministrations to ensure the public satisfaction; 3) The Agency shall issue directive concerning the use and control of the bus stations; 4) The Agency shall study the matters ensuring the public satisfaction and facilitate conditions for their fulfilment. 62.Transport Tariff 1) The agency shall study and determine transport tariff periodically; cause it to be implemented; control its implementation; 2) Collect service payments from the vehicle stations of the region according to finance law and use it for maintenance and management of bus stations; 3) Any transport organization shall control their members |
adda addaa walitti fiduunis ta‟e sadarkaa wal fakkaatan gidduutti ta‟uu ni danda‟a. 66 Sirna Tajaajila Geejjiba Fe‟umsaa Diriirsuu 1) Tajaajila geejjiba fe‟umsaa naannicha keessaa bu‟aa qabeessa taasisuuf xxxxx xxxxxx isaanii dorgommii akka qabaatuuf fe‟uumsa dhaqaa galaa akka argatan sirna ga‟aa ta‟e ni diriirsa. 2) Ejansiin akkaataa ulaagaa ga‟umsa baasuun feesistootaf hayyama hojii kennuudhaan bu‟aa qabeessumma raawwii konkolaata fe‟umsaa ni mirkaneessa. 3) Abbootii qabeenyaa konkolaataa fe‟umsaa waldaadhaan ni gurmeessa, hayyama waldaa ni kenna, ni haaromsa, ni haqa. 4) Dambii moodeela ittin bulmaata konkolaataa fe‟umsaa ni qopheessa, hojiira ni oolcha. 5) Ejensiin magaaloota naannicha keessa jiran keessa iddowwan dhabbannaa konkolaata (parking) akka jiraatu sirna ni diriisa, hojii irra oolmaa isaa ni hordofa. 6) Ejensiin magaaloota naannichaa keessatti fermaataan konkolaata atoobusii akka ijaaramu ni taasisa, ni hordofa. | አይፇቀዴም፤ 5) ማንኛውም የተሽከርካሪ አሽከርካሪ በመንገዴ ሊይ ባሇበት ሥፌራ መንገደ ሊይ ብቻ ማሽከርከር አሇበት፤ 6) በትራንስፖርት ተቆጣጣሪ የሚሰጠውን ምሌክትና ትዕዛዝ ሰው ሰራሽ ምሌክትና ማመሊከቻ በሊይ የማስፇጸም ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፤ 7) የሚመሇከተው አካሌ በዚህ ዯንብ የተመሇከቱት የመንገዴ ምሌክቶች በከፉሌ ወይም በሙለ ሁሌ ጊዜ ወይም ሇአጭር ጊዜ በአንዴ ሰው ሊይ እንዲይፇፀሙበት ነጻ ሇማዴረግና እንዱሁም እንዯዚህ ያሇውን ነጻነት በጽሁፌ ሇማስቀረት ወይም ሇመሰረዝ ይችሊሌ፤ 8) የተሽከርካሪ ባሇንብረት በማንኛውም ጊዜ የተሽከርካሪያቸውን ውልና ቴክኒክ ብቃት ሇመከታተሌና ሇመቆጣጠር ግዳታ አሇበት፤ 9) በዚህ ዯንብ ውስጥ የተዯነገገውን ሇማስፇጸም የአሽከርካሪና ተሽከርካሪ ባሇቤት ግንኙነት ህጋዊ ውሌ ሊይየተመሠረተ እንዱሆን በዚህ ዯንብ ተዯንግጓሌ፤ 10)ፖሉስ ጣቢያ | for the determined tariff to be respected and implemented; 4) Associations and vehicle owner shall be jointly liable for collecting illegal tariff; 5) Anybody providing taxi service shall post the taxi tariff in such taxi while providing service to the passengers; 63. Vehicles Station 1) Vehicle service personnel, drivers, assistants, money collectors, loaders and unloaders shall wear uniform determined by the regulation to be issued. 2) Any body using the vehicle station shall respect the utilization procedures of the vehicle station; 3) Any vehicle thatleaves from vehicle station shall pay rent of the stastion; 4) The Associations, private persons, share holders using the vehicle stations shall prepare weighing balances, materials tags, and first aid kit; 00.Xxxx Taxi 1) Any vehicle providing |
Kutaa Saddeet To‟annoo Nageenya Tiraafikaa 67 Qajeeltoowwan Bu‟uuraa 1) Konkolaachiisaan kamiyuu xxxxx yeroo fi qilleensaa akkasuumas, xxxx daandii fi haal fayyadamtoota daandichaa tilmaama keessa osoo hin galchiin naannawwa mana baruunnmsaati dhaabbilee fayyaa fi kanneen kana fakkaataniitti off eeggannoo barbaachisaa osoo hin taasisin ariitiidhaan konkolaachisuu hin qabu. 2) Namnii daanddiitti faayyadamu kamiyuu lubbuu irraatttiis ta‟ee qabeenyaa iirraatti miidhaan akkaa hin dhaaqqabnee of eeggannoo barbaachiisaa taasisuu qaba. 3) Ejansichaan kan heyyamamee xxx xx‟xx xxxxx daandii konkoolaataa yookiin lafoo irratti hojiiwwan bareediina fi misoomaa daandii, ala raawwatamu hin qabu. 4) Namnii kamiyuuu heyyama ga‟umsa konkolaachisummaa mirkanaa„ee osoo hin qabaatii konkolaataa abbaa mootaraa konkolaachiisuu hin | በትራንስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ተቆጣጣሪ እንዯአሌኮሌ ጠጥቶ ማሽከርከር እንዱሁም አዯንዛዥ ዕጽ ወስድ በማሽከርከር ሊይ ተገኝተው የተያዘ ተሽከርካሪ የፖሉስጣቢያው ግቢ ውስጥ ሉያቆይ ይችሊሌ፤ 11)የመንገዴ ትራፉክ አዯጋ ያዯረሰ ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ፤በአዯጋው ሰው የተጎዲ ወይም ወዱያውኑ የሞተ ወይም አዯጋው የዯረሰው በንብረት ሊይ ከሆነ ከሃያ አራት ሰዓት ባሌበሇጠ ጊዜ ውስጥ በሥፌራው ሇሚገኘው የትራፉክ ፖሉስ ወይም ትራፉክ የላሇ እንዯሆነ ያሇው የአስተዲዯር ጽህፇት ቤት መረጃ የመስጠት ግዳታ አሇበት፤ 12) በዚህ ዯንብ በአንቀጽ 67 ንዐስ አንቀጽ 11 የተዯነገገው አንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ በመንገዴ ሊይ ብቻውን በቆመ ተሽከርካሪ ሊይ አዯጋ ያዯረሰ ማንኛውም የተሽከርካሪ አሽከርካሪ ተሽከርካሪውን ወዱያውኑ አቁሞ፡- (ሀ) የላሊውን ተሽከርካሪ አሽከርካሪ መፇሇግና የራሱን ስምና አዴራሻ መስጠት ፤ወይም (ሇ) የተጎጂውን ተሽከርካሪ | city taxi shall prepare and stick drivers, transport service tariffs and name of the driver in a visible place; 2) Deployment of city taxi shall be determined by the directive to be issued by the Agency. 65.Organization of Associations 1) To obtain a license from the Agency before the operation of the vehicle, a vehicle owner or a certificate of a private limited company shall be organized and licensed by the Agency; 2) The organization of transporters association shall only be between the same level; 3) Organization in ax- ions may be made between the different levels or between the same levels. 66.Establishment of Freight Transportation Services System 1) To make the freight transport of the region effective, it shall establish a system that enables them work in competition and get |
danda‟u. 5) Konkolaachisaan kamiyuu dandii konkoolaataaf heyyamameen al konkolaachisuu hin qabu. 6) Xxxxxxxxx fi ajajiin too‟ataa geejiibatiin kennamu mallattoo fi ibsaa tolfamaa oliitii aangoo rawwatamu ni qaba. 7) Qaamni dhimmi ilaallatu mallattowwan daandii dambiii kana keessatti tumaman gutuumaan guutuutti yookiin gar tokkeen nama tokko irratti akka hin raawwatamne yeroo hundaaf yookiin yeroo gabaabaaf bilisa taasisuu, akkasumas dirqama kana irraa bilisa akka ta‟u heyyama keenname xxxxxxxxxxxxx haquu yookiin hambisuu ni danda‟a. 8) Abbaan qabeenya konkolaataa yeroo hunda oolmaa fi ga'umsa teeknika konkolaataa isaa hordofuu fi too'achuu dirqama qaba 9) Danbii kana keessatti kan tumame raawwachiisuuf walitti-dhufeenyi konkolaachisaa fi abbaa- qabeenya konkolaataa waliigaltee seera- qabeessarratti kan hundaa'e akka ta'u danbii kanaan tumameera 10) Waajjirri pooliisii | አሽከርካሪው ወይም የተሽከርካሪውን ባሇቤት ሇማግኘት የማይችሌ ከሆነ ሇፖሉስ ወይም ሇአስተዲዯሩ ማሳወቅ አሇበት፡፡ 68. የመንገዴ ተጠቃሚዎችን እንቅስቃሴ ስሇማሰናከሌ 1) ማንኛውም ሰው ሥሌጣን ወይም ፇቃዴ ሳይኖረው ሆነ ብል ወይም በቸሌተኝነት መንገዴ እንዲያስተሊሌፌ የሚያዯርግ ወይም ፌጥነትን የሚያስቀንስ ወይም በመንገደ የሚጠቀሙትን የሚያዯናቅፌ ወይም ጉዲት ሉያዯርስባቸው የሚችሌ ወይም ተሊሊፉዎችን የሚያውክ ወይም ሰዎችና ተሽከርካሪዎችን በማንኛውም ሁኔታ ሉጏዲ የሚችሌ ነገር በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ ማስቀመጥ ወይም መፇፀም ወይም ማንቀሳቀስ አይችሌም፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 ሥር የተዯነገገው እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ የሚመሇከተው አካሌ በማስታወቂያ ወይም የመንገዴ ምሌክት በማዴረግ ሁለም ተሽከርካሪዎች ወይም የተወሰኑ ተሽከርካሪዎች ወይም እግረኞች ወይም እንስሶች የተወሰነ የመንገዴ ክፌሌ እዲይገቡ ወይም እንዲይወጡ ሉከሇክሌ ይችሊሌ፡፡ | enough freight schedule; 2) The Agency ensures the performance of the freight transport through providing work license as per the criteria it issues; 3) Organizes owners of the freight transport vehicles; gives licenses to the associations; renew; cancel same; 4) Prepares model bylaws of the freight vehicles; implement same; 5) The agency shall prepare a system for the parking in the region and follow up the implementation thereof; 6) The agency shall ensure the construction of bus stops in the cities/towns of the region; follow up same. Part Eight Control of Traffic Safety 67.Basic principles 1) Anydriver shall not drive faster without making necessary precautions, such as at the schools, health institutions and the likes, without considering the |
konkolaataa too'ataa sochii geejjibaatiin qabameekan kan akka dhugatii dhugee konkolachisuu akkasumas kan samu nama adoochuu fudhate konkolachisuu yoo argame moora wajjirra pooliisii keessatti tuursuuf ni danda‟a.. 11) Konkolaachisaan Konkoolaataa Daandii irratti balaa Tiraafikaa qaqqabsisee kamuu: balaa sanaan yoo namni miidhame ykn du‟e baattalatti, yknbalichi qabeenyarratti xxx xx‟e, sa‟aa 24 yeroo hin caalle keessatti poolisa tiraafikaa naannoo jiruuf ykn yoo proolisiin hin jiranne ta‟e, wajjira bulchiinsa jirutti odeeffannoo balaa kennuu dirqama qaba. 12) Dambiin kun, kan keewwata 67 lakkofsa xiqqaa 11 akka eegametti ta‟ee, daandii irra konkolaataa qobaa dhaabbate yoo balaa irraan gahee, konkolaachisaan kamuu konkolaataa dhaabee:- (a) Konkolaachisaa konkolaata biraa barbadee maqaasaa f teesoosaa keenuu ykn, (b) Konkolaachisaa konkolaataa miidhame ykn abbaan qabeenya konkolaatichaa kan argamu hindanda‟xxxxx xxx ta‟e poolisiif ykn bulchiisaatti beekisiuu qaba. Akkasuumas, Maqaa saafi teessosaa, lakkoofsa gabatee konkolaataa | 69. መንገድችን ስሇማበሊሸት ማንኛውም ሰው፡- 1) ከአሠራሩ ወይም ከአያያዙ ወይም ከአቀማመጡ ጉዴሇት የተነሣ በጏማዎቹ ወይም ጏማዎቹን በሚያሽከረክሩ ክብ ነገሮች ወይም ኩሽኔታ ወይም በላሊ የተሽከርካሪው የአካሊቱ ክፌሌ መንገዴን ሇማበሊሸት የሚችሌ ተሽከርካሪ መንዲት ወይም መጏተት አይችሌም፤ 2) ዘይት ወይም ማንኛውም መንገዴን ሉያበሊሹ የሚችለ ነገሮች በመንገዴ ሊይ ማፌሰስ የሇበትም፡፡ 70. ሇተሇያዩ ሥራዎች ሲባሌ መንገዴን የሚቆፌር ማንኛውም አካሌ መንገደን ከመቆፇሩ በፉት የሚመሇከተውን አካሌ አስቀዴሞ ማስፇቀዴና ሥራው እንዲሇቀም ወዱያውኑ በነበረበት ሁኔታ እንዱስተካከሌ ማዴረግ አሇበት፡፡ 71. ተሽከርካሪዎችን በመንገዴ ሊይ ስሇመጠገን 1) ማንኛውም ሰው በመንገዴ ሊይ ተሽከርካሪ መጠገን የተከሇከሇ ነው፤ 2) በዚህአንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 የተዯነገገው ቢኖርም የተሽከርካሪውን ጉዞ ያቋረጠው አነስተኛ ብሌሽት ከሆነና የጥገና | existing situation, climate, the road type and types of the roadusers; 2) Anyone who uses the road shall make the necessary care to prevent damage on lives and property; 3) Except permission of the agency; no activity shall be conducted on the road without road beautification and development; 4) No person shall drive a motor vehicle without having authorized driver's qualification license; 5) No driver shall drive on the road other than the road permitted for vehicles; 6) There shall be the authority to oversee transversal signs and command over manmade signs and expressions; 7) The concerned body may remove any part of the road signs or expressions in the name of the person from any of them, 8) The vehicle owner has always obligation to follow up and control the technical efficiency |
konkolaachisuu fi ibasa gabaabaa balaa xxxxx xxxxx argmuu danda‟u konkolaataa irra kaa‟uun deemuu qaba. 68 Sochii Itti Fayyadamtoota Daandii Gufachiisuu 1) Namni kamiiyyuu aangoo yookiin heyyama osoo hin qabaatin ta‟e jedhee yookiin dagannoodhaan wantoota daandii irra socho‟uu dhorkan yookiin ariitii daangessan yookiin itti fayyadamtoota daandichaa gufachiisan yookiin miidhuu danada‟an yookiin jeequu danda‟an yookiin namootaa fi konkolaattota irratti xxxxx kaminiyyu miidhaa dhaqqbsiisu danada‟an daandii kamiyyuu irra kaa‟uu, raawwachuu yookiin sochoosuu hin danda‟u. 2) Keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti kan tumame akkuma eegametti ta‟ee,qaamni dhimmi ilaalu beeksisaan yookiin mallattoo daandii kaa‟uun konklaattotni hundi yookiin muraasni, lafa deemtotni yookiin beeyiladootni kutaa daandii murtaa‟e akka hin seenne yookiin akka hin baane dhorkuu ni danda‟a. 69 Daandii Mancaasuu Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx: 1) Hanqina xxxxx konkolaatichi itti hojjatame yookiin qabiinsaa yookiin taa‟umsaa irraan kan ka‟e gollollee yookiin wantota geengoo gollollee naannessan yookiin kushineettaa yookiin wantota | ሥራው በመንገደ ሇሚጠቀሙት ላልች ተሊሊፉዎች እንቅፊት ካሌሆነ ተሽከርካሪውን ሇማንቀሳቀስ ወይም ካሇበት ቦታ ሇማንሣት ያህሌ የሚያስፇሌገውን የመጠገን ሥራ ከመንገደ በማስወጣት መፇጸም ይችሊሌ፤ 3) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 2 የተዯነገገው ቢኖርም ከከተማ ክሌሌ ውጭ ሲሆን ከ24 ሰዓት በሊይ እና ከከተማ ክሌሌ ውስጥ ሲሆን ሇከባዴ ተሽከርካሪ ከ3 ሰዓት በሊይ፣ሇአነስተኛና መካከሇኛ ተሽከርካሪከ2 ሰዓትበሊይ መንገዴ ሊይ መቆየት አይቻሌም፤ አንዴ ተሽከርካሪ ባሇማቋረጥ በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 3 በተዯነገገው ከተወሰነው ጊዜ በሊይ በአንዴ ቦታ ሊይ ቢቀመጥ በዚህ ዯንብአንቀጽ 93 መሠረት አስፇሊጊ እርምት የሚወሰዴበት ይሆናሌ፤ 4) ማንኛውም ሰው የመንገዴ ወይም የተበሊሸ ተሽከርካሪ ከመንገዴ ሊይ በሚያነሳበት ጊዜ መንገደ ሊይ የወዲዯቁትን የመስተዋት ስብርባሪዎችና ላልች በተሊሊፉዎች ሊይ ጉዲት ሉያዯርሱ የሚችለትን | of his vehicle; 9) This regulation establishes that there shall be a legalcontractual relationship between vehicle owner and driver for the purposes set out in this regulation; 10)The police station may stop in its premises a vehicle controlled by traffic controller for driving being intoxicated by alcohol and using drugs; 11)Any traffic certificate victim who has been injured or is certificate killed or injured in the certificate, is not required to certificate the information of the administration officer who has not been available for a traffic police or transit agency within twenty- four hours; 12)Without prejudice to the provision under article 67 (11) of this regulation, where any motor vehicle driver who causes damage on other vehicle stopping on the road, he shall immediately stop the his vehicle: |
qaama konkolaatichaa xxxx xxxxx kan daandii mancaaasuu danda‟u konkolaachisuu yookiin harkisuu hin danda‟au . 2) Dibataa yookiin wanttota biroo daandii fi nannoo mancaasuu danda‟u daandii fi nannoo irratti dhangalaasuu hin qabu. 70 Sababa hojiiwwan adda addaatiif qaamni daandii kutuu,cufuu yookiin qotu xxxxx xxx rawwatun dura Ejansiicha irra hayyama argachuu fi battala hojichi xumurametti xxxxx duraan turetti deebisee akka sirraa‟u taasisuu qaba. 71 Daandii Irratti Konkolaataa Suphuu 1) Namni kamiyyuu daandii irratti konkolaataa suphuun dhorgamaadha. 2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti kan tumame jiraatuyyuu, adeemsa konkolaataa akka addaan citu kan taasise manaca‟ina salphaa xxx xx‟ee fi hojii suphaa raawwatamu itti fayyadamtoota daandii kan hin gufachiifne xxx xx‟e konkolaaticha sochoosuuf yookiin bakka jiruu kaasuuf suphaa barbaachisu daandii ala baasuun raawwachuun ni danada‟ama. 3) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 2 jalatti kan tumame jiraatuyyu, daangaa magaalaatiin ala xxx xx‟e sa‟aa 24 ol fi daangaa magaalaa keessa xxx xx‟e | ነገሮች ሁለ ከመንገደ ሊይ ማስወገዴ አሇበት፤ 5) ማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ በመንገዴ ሊይ ቢበሊሽ አሽከርካሪው ከተሽከርካሪው ፉትና ኋሊ ባሇው መንገዴ በ30 ሜትር ርቀት ሊይ ሊሇው ትራፉክ በግሌጽ በሚታይ መሌኩ ባሇሦስት ማዕዘን አንፀባራቂ ሠላዲ ማስቀመጥ አሇበት፤ ዴንጋይ ወይም እንጨትና የመሳሰለትን ማስቀመጥ ክሌክሌ ነው፡፡ 72. የጢስ፣ ነዲጅ ዘይትና ዴምጽ ቁጥጥር 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ፡- (ሀ) ከሚገባው መጠን በሊይ ጢስ፣ እንፊልት፣ ዘይት ወይም ነዲጅ የሚተፊና በላልች ተሊሊፉዎች ሊይና በአካባቢው ሊይ ጉዲት የሚያመጣ ወይም የሚያውክና በአግባቡ ያሌተጠገነ ተሽከርካሪ፤ (ሇ) ማንኛውም ሰው በሚገባ ባሇመታዯሱ ወይም የቴክኒኩ ሁኔታ በሚገባ ባሇመጠበቁ ከአጫጫኑ ጉዴሇት የተነሣ አሊስፇሊጊ ዴምጽ የሚያሰማ ተሸከርካሪ፤ (ሐ) በተሽከርካሪው ውስጥ ከመጠን በሊይ ዴምጽ ማሰማት የተከሇከሇ | (a) Find a motor vehicle driver and give his name and address; or (b) To find the vehicle where the victim or the vehicle is located, shall notify to the police or to the administration if it is impossible to get the driver and vehicle owner. 68.Obstructing Road Users 1) No person shall put, perform or move by any means that would harm any person or vehicle in any manner that would impede or obstruct the road users; 2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub- article 1 of this article, all vehicles or certain vehicles, pedestrians or animals, may prohibit entering or leaving part of the road. 69.Damaging Roads Any person: 1) Shall not drive or tow on the roads any thing that damage such road; 2) Shall not spill any oil or other liquids on any roads that may damage the road. |
konkoolaataa gurguddaadhaaf sa‟aa 3 ol, konkolaataa jidduu galeessaa fi salaphaadhaaf sa‟aa 2 ol yeroo ta‟ef daandii irra tursuun hin danda‟amu. Yeroo keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 3 jalatti tumameen ala konkolaataan tokko osoo addaan hin kutin iddoo tokko kan ture xxx xx‟e bu‟uura dambii kana keewwata 93 tiin tarkaanfiin barbaachisaan kan irratti fudhatamu ta‟a. 4) Namni kamiyyuu konkolaataa miidhame yookiin manca‟e yemmuu daandii irraa kaasu wantota caccaboo daandii irratti hafan maqsuu qaba. 5) Konkolaataan kamiyyuu daandii irratti xxx xxxxx‟e kankolaachisaan daandii fuulduraa fi dudduuba konkoalaatichaa irratti xxxxx xxxx‟achuu danda‟uun gabataee calaqqisaa rog-sadee kaa‟uu qaba. Dhagaa yookiin muka fi kana kan fakkaatan kaa‟uun dhorkaa dha. 72 To‟annoo Xxxx, Boba‟aa, Zayitii fi Sagalee 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu: (a) Aara, xxxxx, zayitii yookiin boba‟aa hanga barbaadamuu ol kan baasu itti fayyadamtootaa fi naannoo irratti miidhaa kan dhaqqabsiisu yookiin kan jeequ sirnaan kan hin | ነው፡፡ 73. ስሇፌጥነት ወሰን 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ በህግ የተዯነገገውን የፌጥነት ወሰን በማክበር ማሽከርከር አሇበት፤ 2) በህግ የተዯነገገው የፌጥነት ወሰን እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ አሽከርካሪው በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ ሲያሽከረክር የመንገደ ሁኔታ፣ የትራፉክ ብዛት፣ተሊሊፉውን ሇማየትና ተሽከርካሪውን በሙለ ሇመቆጣጠር ያሇው ችልታ ከሚፇቅዴሇት ፌጥነት በሊይ ማሽከርከር አይችሌም፡፡ 74. ሌዩ ሁኔታዎች 1) በሚመሇከተው አካሌ የመንገዴ ምሌክት በመከተሌና ማንኛውም መንገዴ ክፌሌ ሊይ የመንገዴ ምሌክት በማዴረግ ፌጥነት ወሰን ሇጊዜው ወይም በቋሚነት ሇማስቀየር ይችሊሌ፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 ስር የተዯነገገው እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ፤ኤጀንሲው በተሽከርካሪ ሊይ የፌጥነት ወሰን የሚወሰን መሣሪያዎች የሚታሰርበትን ሁኔታ የሚወሰን ይሆናሌ፡፡ 75. በዝግታ ስሇመንዲት | 70.Anybody who cut block or dig the road for various activities shall first acquire the permission of the agency and correct it immediately after such activity is completed. 71.Repairing Vehicles on Roads 1) It is prohibited to repair the vehicle on the road; 2) Notwithstanding to the provisions of sub- article 1 of this article, where the damage that cuts the transportation process is not big and repairing it cannot obstruct other users of the road, it is possible to repair such vehicle by moving it out of the road; 3) Notwithstanding to sub-article (2) of this article, where it is out of the town or city boundry, it is impossible to stop the vehicle for not more than 24 hours and where it is within the town/city boundry, it is impossible to stop for more than 3 hours for big vehicles and for more than 2 hours for medium and small vehicles. Where a |
suphxxxx, (x) Sirnaan haaromsamuu dhabuu isaatiin yookiin haalli teekinika isaa eegamuu dhabuutiin hanqina fe‟isaatii irraa kan ka‟e sagalee hin barbaachisne kan dhageessisuu fi (c) Konkolaaticha keessa sagalee hanga hin barbaachisne ol dhageessisuun dhorka dha. 2) Keewwata kan keewwata 1(a-c) jalatti tumame qajeelfama Ejansichi baasuun kan murtaa‟u ta‟a. 73 Daangaa Ariitii 1) Konkoolaachiisaan kamiyyuu daangaa ariitii seeraan murtaa‟e kabajuun konkolaachisuu qaba. 2) Daangaan ariiti seeraan murtaa‟ee akkuma eegametti ta‟ee konkolaachisaan daandii kamiyyuu irra yammuu konkolaaaachisu xxxxx danddichaa, baayina traafiikii,itti fayyadamtoota arguu fi konkolaaticha too‟achuuf ariitii dandeetiin isaa heyyamuufiin oliin konkolaachisuu hin qabu. 74 Xxxxx Addaa 1) Qaamni dhimmi ilaallatu mallattoowwan daandii dhaabuun kutaa daandii kamiyyuu irratti mallattoo daandii taasisuun daangaa ariitii yeroodhaaf yookiin | ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከመስቀሇኛ መንገዴ፣ከዲገታማ መንገዴ ከእግረኛ ማቋረጫ፣ከጠመዝማዛ መንገዴ፣ከጠባብ ዴሌዴይ፣ ከከፌታ ቦታ ጫፌ ወይም ቁሌቁሇት መንገዴ ሲቀርብ ወይም በጠባብ መንገዴ ወይም በጠመዝማዛ መንገዴ ሊይ በሚነዲበት ጊዜ ወይም የማየት ችልታ በሚቀንስበት ወቅትና አዯጋ ያስከትሊሌ ተብል በሚያሰጋበት ሁኔታ ሊይ ከሆነ የተሽከርካሪውን ፌጥነት በመቀነስ በዝግታ ማሽከርከር አሇበት፡፡ 76. በቅዯም ተከተሌ ስሇማሽከርከር 1) ማንኛውም ሰው ላሊ ተሽከርካሪ ተከትል ሲያሽከረክር፣ በማንኛውምጊዜ ያሇአንዲች አዯጋ ማቆም እንዱችሌ የራሱንና ከፉቱ የሚሄዯውን ተሽከርካሪ ፌጥነት፣የጏዲናውን ሁኔታ ተሊሊፉ ግሌጽ ሆኖ መታየቱን ብዛቱንና ሁኔታውን በማመዛዘን በሚነዲው ተሽከርካሪና ከፉቱ ባሇው ተሽከርካሪ መካከሌ በቂ ርቀት ጠብቆ መሄዴ አሇበት፤ 2) ቁጥራቸው 4 ወይምከ4 በሊይ ከሆነ ከከተማ ክሌሌ ውጭ ተከታትሇው በሚሄደ ተሽከርካሪዎች መካከሌ ተሽከርካሪ የሚነዲ | vehicle stays for more than the time specified under sub-article 3 of this article, necessary measure may be taken on it in accordance with article 93 of this regulation; 4) Any person who takes away the damaged vehicle from the road shall remove every broken particles from such road; 5) Where any vehicle is crashed on the road, the driver shall put the triangular shining board at the front and rear of such vehicle; Putting tones or wood and the likes is prohibited. 72. Control of Smokes, Fuel, Oils and Noises Any Driver is prohibited to:- 1) Drive without repairing a vehicle which emits smoke, steam, oil or fuel beyond its necessary limits and cause damage or annoy the users and environment; 2) Drive a vehicle which release unnecessary noise due to failure to be renewed properly |
dhaabbataan jiijiru ni danda‟a. 2) Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti kan tumamee akkuma eegametti ta‟ee Ejansichi xxxxx konkolaataa irratti meeshaan ariitii daangessu itti hidhamu kan murteessu ta‟a. Raawwiin isaa qajeelfama bahuun kanmurtaa‟u ta‟a. 75 Suuta Konkolaachisuu Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii qaxxaamuraa, daaga, bakka qaxxaamuura lafoo deemtootaa, naannawwa rratti, riqicha dhiphoo,fiixee daanddii lafa ol ka‟aa, yookiin daanddii irraan gadeetti yammuu dhiyaatu yookiin daandii dhiphoo yookiin daadabaa irratti yammuu konkolaachisu yookiin yeroo dandeettiin arguu xiqqaatuu fi balaa ni dhaqabsiisa jedhamee kan soodaachisu xxx xx‟e ariitii konkolaatichaa xiqqeessuudhaan suuta konkolaachisuu qaba. 76 Wal Duraa Duuba Konkolaachisuu 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu konkolaataa biroo hordofuun kankonkolaachisu xxx xx‟e yeroo kamiyyuu balaa xxxxx xxxxx konkolaataa isaa dhaabuu akka danda‟u ariitii isaati fi konkolaataa isa fuuldura jiru, xxxxx daanddichaa, dandeettii arguu fi baayina tiraafiikii tilmaama keessa galchuun fageenya ga‟aa eeguun konkolaachisuu qaba. | ማንኛውም ሰው ላሊ ተሽከርካሪ ያሇአንዲች አዯጋ መካከሊቸው ሇመግባት እንዱችሌ በተሽከርካሪዎች መካከሌ ሰፊ ያሇ ርቀት ጠብቆ ማሽከርከር አሇበት፤ 3) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጸ 1 ሥር የተዯነገገው በላሊ ሁኔታ ተሸከርካሪን ተከትሇው የሚሽከረከሩ ተሽከርካሪዎች ሊይ ተፇጻሚነት የሇውም፡፡ 77. ከፉት ሇፉት መገናኘትና ቀዴሞ ስሇማሇፌ 1) በተቃራኒ አቅጣጫ የሚተሊሇፈ ሁሇት ተሽከርካሪዎች ከሚጓጓዙበት መስመር ሳይዛነፊ ሁሇቱም ተሽከርካዎች ያሇአንዲች አዯጋ ሇማሇፌ በሚያስችሌ ጠባብ መንገዴ ሊይ የተገናኙ እንዯሆነ ፌጥነታቸውን ቀንሰው በተቻሇ መጠን የመንገደን ቀኝ ጠርዝ ይዘው መሄዴ አሇባቸው፤ 2) በማንኛውም ጊዜ ሇአውቶቡስ ተሽከርካሪ የማሇፌ ቅዴሚያ መስጠት እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ ተሽከርካሪዎች በዲገት ወይም በቁሌቁሇት ሊይ ሲገናኙ ቁሌቁሇት የሚሄዯው ተሽከርካሪ ነጂ ወዯ ዲገት ሇሚወጣው የተሽከርካሪ ነጂ የማሇፌ | or its technicalit failure or due to improper loading; 3) Release excessive noise in the vehicle. 73. Speed Limits 1) Any driver shall drive in accordance with the prescribed speed limit; 2) Without prejudice to the speed limit prescribed by law, while driving on any road, the driver shall consider condition of the road, number of traffic, the possibility to see the road users; and he shall not drive beyond the speed limit of his ability so as to control the vehicle. 74. Special Circumstances 1) The concerned body may temporarily or permanently change the speed limit by putting signs or marking the whole or any part of the road; 2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub- article 1 of this article, the Agency may decide on the condition that speed controlling device to be fixed on the vehicle. 75. Slow Driving Where any driver is |
2) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu konkolaatoota lakkofsi isaanii afuri fi isaa ol ta‟an daangaa magaalaatiin ala wal hordofanii kan konkolaatan xxx xx‟e konkolaataa biroo balaa xxxxx xxxxx jidduu isaanii seenuu akka danda‟u jidduu konkolaatootaa balinni gahaan akka jiraatu taasisuun konkolaachisuu qaba. 3) Keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti kan tumame xxxxx biraatiin konkolaata horodofanii konkolaatan irratti raawwatiinsa hin qabaatu. 77 Fuulduraan Walitti Dhufuu fi Dursuun Darbuu 1) Kalattii faallaa ta‟een konkolaatoonni wal bira darban sarara irra konkolaatan osoo hin jallatin balaa xxxxx xxxxx wal birra darbuuf xxxxx hin dandeesifneen daandii dhiphoo irratti fuul duraan walitti dhufan xxx xx‟e ariitii xiqqeesuun hanga danda‟ameetti daangaa mirga daandichaa qabachuun wal bira darbuu qabu. 2) Konkolaataa atoobisiidhaaf yeroo kmiyyuu dursi darbuu kennamuuf akkuma eeggametti ta‟ee konkolaatonni tabba yookiin irraan gadee irratti kan walitti dhufan xxx xx‟e konkolaachisaan irran gadee konkolaachisu kan xxxxx xx‟uuf xxxxx kennuu qaba. | ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፤ 3) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ላሊውን ተሽከርካሪ ቀዴሞ ሇማሇፌ ሲፇሌግ በግራበኩሌ ብቻ ማሇፌ አሇበት፤ 4) ከፉት ሇፉት ሇሚመጣ ተሽከርካሪ ወይም ሇሚቀዴመው ተሽከርካሪ አዯጋ ወይም እንቅፊት ሳያስከትሌ የመቅዯሙን ተግባር ሇመፇጸም በሚያስችሌ ርቀት ከፉት ሇፉት የሚመጣ ተሊሊፉ አሇመኖሩን ካሊረጋገጠ በስተቀር፣ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ላሊውን ተሽከርካሪ ቀዴሞ ማሇፌ የሇበትም፤ 5) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ አርቆ ወይም አሻግሮ ሇማየት ባሌቻሇበት ጊዜ፣ከኯረብታ ጫፌ ወይም ከቁሇቁሇት፣ከዴሌዴይ፣ተነ ዴል ከተሰራ መሿሇኪያ ወይም ከጏባጣ መንገዴ ሲዯርስ፣ከመስቀሇኛ፣ወይም ከሐዱዴ መንግዴ ማቋረጫ በ30 ሜትር ርቀት ውስጥ ወይም የማያቋርጥ የቀሇም መስመር በተዯረገበት መንገዴ ሊይ፣ ወዯ ግራ መጠምዘዝ አይፇቀዴሇትም፤ 6) በላሊ ተሽከርካሪ በመቀዯም ማሽከርከር ሊይ ያሇ አንዴ አሽከርካሪ ከመንገደ ወዯ | approaching at a crossroads, sloppy road, pedestrian crossing roads, zigzag road, narrow bridges, at uphills or downhills or is driving on a a narrow or zigzag road or while his seeing ability is reduced and there is a risk of danger, he shall minimize the speed of the vehicle and drive slowly. 76. Driving One After Another 1) Any driver while he is driving following another vehicle, he shall maintain enough distance between his vehicle and the vehicle in front of him considering the condition of the road, seeing ability and number of traffic so that he can stop his vehicle safely; 2) While 4 or more vehicles are moving out of the city boundry following one another, the driver of any of these vehicles shall drive by giving enough distance between them so that the other vehicle can enter |
3) Konkolaachisaan kam iyyuu konkolaataa birraa dursee darbuuf yoo xxxxxxxx xxxaa bitaa isaatiin qofa darbuu qaba. 4) Konkolaachisaan kam iyyuu konkolaataa fuldura isaatii dhufu yookiin konkolaataa isa dursuuf balaa osoo hin dhaqabsiisin yookiin gufuu osoo itti hin ta‟in dursuu akka dandau konkoolaataa fageenya irraa isatti dhufu kan hin jirre ta‟uu isaa osoo hin mirkaneesin darbuu hin qabu. 5) Konkolaachisaan kam iyyuu fageenyaan arguu kan hin dandeenye xxx xx‟e yookiinfiixee tabbaa ,irraxx xxxxx, xxqicha, daandii hulluuqa bocamee hojjatame yookiin daandii dadabaatti kan dhiyaate xxx xx‟e yookiin daandii qaxxaamuraa yookiin daandii hadiida baaburaa meetirra shantama keessatti konkoolaataa biraa dursuun hin heyamamuuf. 6) Konkolaachisaan konkolaataa birratiin durfamu daandicha irraa gara mirgaatti siquun konkolaataan isa xxxxx xxxxxx deemuu isaa fi fageenya balaa hin geesifnen daangaa mirga daandichaati osoo hin deebi‟in dura ariitii konkolataa isaa dabaluu hin qabu. 78 Kallattii Jijjiiruu 1) Konkolaachisaan kam iyyuu fageenyaan arguu kan hin dandeenye xxx xx‟e yookiin fiixee tabbaa ,irraxx xxxxx ,xxqicha , daandii hulluuqa | ቀኝ መጠጋት አሇበት፤እንዱሁም ቀዲሚው ተሽከርካሪ ጨርሶ አሌፍት ከመሄደና አዯጋ በማያስከትሌ ርቀት ከመንገደ ወዯ ቀኝ ጥግ ከመመሇሱ በፉት የጉዞውን ፌጥነት መጨመር የሇበትም፡፡ 78. አቅጣጫን ስሇመሇወጥ 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ አርቆ ወይም አሻግሮ ሇማየት ባሌቻሇበት ጊዜ ከኮረብታ ጫፌ ወይም ከቁሌቁሇት ከዴሌዴይ ወይም ተነዴል ከተሰራ መሿሇኪያ ወይም ከጏባጣ መንገዴ ሲዯርስ ከመስቀሇኛ ወይም ከሐዱዴ መንገዴ ማቋረጫ በ30 ሜትር ርቀት ውስጥ ወይም የማያቋርጥ የቀሇም መስመር በተዯረገበት መንገዴ ሊይ፣ ወዯ ግራ መጠምዘዝ አይፇቀዴሇትም፤ 2) በትራፉክ ዯሴት ዙሪያ የሚነዲ ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ የትራፉክን ዯሴት ቀኝ አቅጣጫ ብቻ ተከትል መንዲት አሇበት፤ 3) ማንኛውም የተከፊፇሇ ሇነጠሊ መንገድች ሊይ የሚያሽከረክር አሽከርካሪ፡- (ሀ) አጠቃቀሙ ወይም በሚከተሇው ተሽከርካሪ ሊይ አዯጋ የማያስከትሌ መሆኑን ካሊረጋገጠ | between them without any danger; 3) The provisions of sub- article 1 of this article shall not be applicable to other vehicles that move following another in the way other than provided in this article. 77. Meeting at front and Overtaking 1) Where the vehicles moving from the opposite directions meet at a narrow road in front in a situation that overtaking each other is difficult they shall slow down their speed and overtake one another by taking their right edge as much as possible; 2) Without prejudice to giving priority to bus vehicle, where the vehicles climbing uphills and driving downhills meet the driver driving |
bocamee hojjatame yookiin daandii daadabaatti kan dhiyaate xxx xx‟e yookiin daandii qaxxaamuraa yookiin daandii hadiida baaburaa meetirra shantama keessatti yookiin daandii sararrii haluu hin qaxxaamuramnee taasifame irratii gara bitaatti naanna‟uun hin heyyamamuu. 2) Konkolaachisaan geengoo marfataa bira konkolaachisu kam iyyuu kallattii mirga geengiichaaa qofa qabachuun konkolaachuisuu qaba. 3) Daandiiwwan baaqqeen qoqodaman irratti konkolaachisaan konkolaachisu kamiyyuu: (a) Itti fayyadamaa yookiin konkolaataa isa hordofu irratti balaa kan hin dhaqabsiisne ta‟uu isaa osoo hin mirkaneesin daandii baaqqee tokko irraa gara biraatti ce‟uu hin qabu, (b) Dandiin tokko daandiiwwan baaqqee sadii yookiin shanii fi isaa ol ta‟aniin kan qoqqodame xxx xx‟e gara bitaatti kan hin naannofne yookiin konkolaataa biraa dursuuf kan hin taane xxx xx‟e yookiin daandiin baaqqeen kallattii konkolaatichi itti deemu qofaaf kan hin ramadamne xxx xx‟e xxxxx daandii baaqqee jidu jiru keessa seenee akka konkolaachisu hin | በስተቀር ከአንደ ነጠሊ መንገዴ ወዯ ላሊው ሇመሻገር አይፇቀዴሇትም፤ (ሇ) አንዴ መንገዴ በ3 ወይም በ5 እና ከዚህ በሊይ ነጠሊ መንገድች ተከፊፌል ከሆነ ወዯ ግራ የማዞር ወይም ላሊተሽከርካሪ ሇመቅዯም የማይሆን ከሆነ ወይም ነጠሊ መንገዴ ተሽከርካሪው በሚሄዴበት አቅጣጫ ብቻ ያሌተመዯበ ከሆነ በስተቀር ከመካከሇኛው ነጠሊ መንገዴ ውስጥ ገብቶ እንዱነዲ አይፇቀዴሇትም፡፡ 79. መዞርና ወዯኋሊ ስሇ ማሽከርከር 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ በላሊ በሚከተለት ተሽከርካሪዎች ሊይ አዯጋ የማያስከትሌ መሆኑን ካሊረጋገጠ አቅጣጫ ወዯ ላሊ መንገዴ ሇመሇወጥ ወይም የቆመ ተሽከርካሪን ሲያስነሳ የነበረበትን አቅጣጫ መቀየርየሇበትም፤ 2) ወዯ ቀኝ መዞርየሚፇሌግ አሽከርካሪ በቀኝ በኩሌ የሚጓዝ ላሊ ተሽከርካሪ የላሇ መሆኑን በማረጋገጥ በተቻሇ መጠን የመንገደን ቀኝ ጠርዝ ተጠግቶ መዞር አሇበት፤ | downhills shall give priority to the one driving up hills; 3) Any driver shall overtake another vehicle only on his left side; 4) No driver shall overtake the other vehicle before ascertaining that there is no other vehicle in front of his vehicle so that he can overtake the vehicle at his front and the one overtaking him safely; 5) Where any driver is unable to see from far distances or is approaching at the peak of hill, downhills, beidge or at tunnel road or bending road, or at the edge of the road or at the crossing road or railway road, it is prohibited to overtake another vehicle within a distance of 50 meters; |
heyyamamuufi. 79 Naanna‟uu fi Duubatti Konkolaachisuu 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii irratii konkolaataa biroo duuba isaatii dhufan irratti balaa kan hin dhaqabsiifne ta‟uu isaa osoo hin mirakaneesin kalllattii isaa gara daandii biraatti jijiruu yookiin konkolaataa dhaabbate yamuu kaasu kalattii irra ture jijiiruu hin qabu. 2) Konkolaachisaan gara mirgaatti naanna‟uu barbaadu konkolaataan gara mirgaatiin deemu kan biroo kan hin jirre ta‟uu issaa mirkaneessuun haga danda‟ameetti dangaa dandiichaa gara mirgaatti siquun naanna‟uu qaba. 3) Konkolaachisaan gara bitaatti naanna‟u kamiyyuuu fageenya meetira 15 yamuu isaa hafu of qopheesuun : (a) Daandii kallattii lama irraa kara dandii kallattii lamaattii kan naanna‟uu xxx xx‟xx xxxxxx daandii qaxxaamuraa giddugaleessaa gara bitaatti dhisuun daandii qaxxaamuraa seenuu fi kara bitaattii kan naanna„u yooo ta‟e daandii kallattii gara bitaa jiruu irra sarara giddugaleesa gara bitaatti jiru dhiisuun daandii qaxxaamuuraa keessaa bahuu qaba . | 3) ወዯ ግራ የሚዞር ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከ15 ሜትር ርቀት በፉት ራሱን በማዘጋጀት፡- (ሀ) ከባሇሁሇት አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ባሇሁሇት አቅጣጫ መንገዴከመዞር የመስቀሇኛ መሀሌ አካፊይን መስመር ወዯ ግራ በመተው መስቀሇኛ መንገዴ መግባትና ወዯ ግራ በሚዞርበትአቅጣጫ ባሇው መንገዴ ያሇውን የመሃሌ አካፊይመስመር ወዯ ግራ በመተው መስቀሇኛው መንገዴ ውስጥ መውጣት አሇበት፤ (ሇ) ከባሇሁሇት አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴሇመዞር የመሃሌ አካፊዩን መስመር ወዯ ግራ በመተው መስቀሇኛ መንገዴ መግባትና ወዯ ግራ በሚዞርበት አቅጣጫ ያሇውን ባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ጠርዝ ይዞ መስቀሇኛ መንገዴውስጥ መውጣት አሇበት፤ (ሐ) ከባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ባሇሁሇት አቅጣጫ መንገዴሇመዞር ባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ግራ ጠርዝ በመያዝ ባሇሁሇት | 6) A vehicle preceded by another vehicle shall not add his speed before moving to the right edge and checking the vehicle infront of it to travel a distance that it does not cause any danger. 78. Changing Direction 1) Where any driver is unable to see from far distances or is approaching at the peak of hill, downhills, beidge or at tunnel road or bending road, or at the edge of the road or at the crossing road or railway road, it is prohibited to turn to left within 50 meters; 2) Any driver driving at the traffic circle shall drive by taking the right direction of the circle; 3) Any driver driving on a separate lanes; (a) Shall not cross from one single |
(b) Daandii kallattii lamaa iarraa gara daandii kallattii tokkootti naanna‟uuf sarara gidugaleessaa gara bitaattii dhiisuun daandii qaxxaamuuraa seenuu fi kallattii gara bitaatti naanneessu daanddii kallttii tokkoo daangaa bittaa qabachuun daandii qaxxaamuraa keessaa bahuu qaba. (c) Daandii kallattii tokoo irraa gara daandii kallattii lamaattii naanna‟uuf daandii kallattii tokkoo daangaa bitaa qabachuun daandii kallattii lamaa gara bitaattii naannesu sarara giddugalaa gara bitaatti dhiisuun daandii qaxxaamuuraa keessaa bahuu qaba. (d) Daandii kallattii tokoo irraa gara daandii kallatii tokkoo birootti naanna‟uuf daandii kallttii tokkoo daangaa bitaa qabachuun daandii kallattii tokkoo gara bitaattii naaneessuu daangaa bitaa qabachuun daandii qaxxaamuraa keessaa bahuu qaba . (e) Daandii qaxxaamuraa keessaa bahuun konkolaachuisaa gara bitaattii naanna‟u akkaataa keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 3(a-d) jalattii tumameen naanna‟uu qaba. 4) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu gara duubaatti | አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ግራ ሇመዞር የመሃሌ መስመር ወዯ ግራ በመተው መስቀሇኛው መንገዴ ውስጥመውጣት አሇበት፤ (መ) ከባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ላሊ ባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ሇመዞር ባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ግራ ጠርዝ በመያዝ ባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ መንገዴ ወዯ ግራ ሇመዞር ግራ ጠርዝ በመያዝ መስቀሇኛው መንገዴ ውስጥ መውጣት አሇበት፤ (ሠ) የመስቀሇኛ መንገዴን አቋርጦ ወዯ ግራ የሚታጠፌ አሽከርካሪ በዚህ አንቀጽ 3 (ሀ-መ) በተዯነገገው መሰረት መዞር አሇበት፡፡ 4) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ወዯ ኋሊ ማሽከርከር የግዴ አስፇሊጊ ከሆነበት አዯጋ እንዲይዯርስ ተገቢውን ጥንቃቄ በማዯረግ በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ አስፇሊጊ በሆነ መጠን ወዯ ኋሊ ማሽከርከር ይችሊሌ፡፡ 80. የባቡር ሐዱዴ ማቋረጥ 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ በሃዱዴ ማቋረጫ ሲዯርስ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ሲገኝ | lane to the other unless he prove that he does not cause any danger on the vehicle following him; (b) Where the road is divided in to into 3 or 5 or more lane, unless it is not to turn left or to overtake another vehicle, or the single road is not routed only in the direction of one vehicle, it prohibited to drive by entering in to the middle single lane. 79. Turning Around and Reversing 1) Any driver is prohibited to change the present direction of his vehicle, without proving that his vehicle does not cause any danger on the vehicles following it while changing the direction of his vehicle or moving his stopped |
konkolaachisuuf kan dirqamu xxx xx‟xx xxxxxx akka hin qaqabne of eegganoo barbaachisaa taasisuun daandii kamiyyuu irra hanga barbaachiseen duubbattikonkolaachisuu ni danda‟a. 80 Hadiida Baaburaa Qaxxaamuruu 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu bakka qaxxaamuura hadiida baaburaa yammuu dhaqabu barbaachisaa ta‟xx xxx argame dhaabuu akka danda‟u konkolaaticha suuta suuta konkolaachisuu fi of eegganoo barbaachisaa taasisuu qaba. 2) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu: (a) Bakka qaxxaamura hadiida baaburaa yammuu dhaqabu baaburrii dhufaa jiraachuu isa akeekkachiisuuf kutaa eegumsaa yookiin makaanikaan yookin humna elektrikitiin mallattoon yamuu keennamu, (b) Balballi bakka qaxxaamuraa xxxx xxxx yammuu banamu yookiin cufamu, (c) Baaburrii dhufaa jiru yamuu mul‟atuu yookiin sagalee yamuu dhageesisu yookiin xxxxx kamiiniyyuu as dhiyaachuun isaa kan beekame xxx xx‟e haadiida baaburaa dhiyeenya isaatti argamu irraa | ሇማቆም እንዱችሌ ተሽከርካሪውን በዝግታ ማሽከርከርና አስፇሊጊውን ጥንቃቄ ማዴረግ አሇበት፤ 2) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ፡- (ሀ) ከባቡርሃዱዴማቋረጫ ሲዯርስባቡር የተቃረበ መሆኑን ሇማስጠንቀቅ በጥበቃ ክፌሌ ወይም በመካኒክ ወይም በአላትሪክ ኃይሌ ምሌክት በሚሰጥበት ጊዜ፤ (ሇ) በማቋረጫው ሊይ ያሇው በር በሚከፇትበትወይም በሚዘጋበት ጊዜ፣ (ሐ) መጪ ባቡር በሚታይበት ወይም ዴምጽ በሚሰማበት ወይም በማንኛውም አኳኋን መቃረቡ በሚታወቅበት ጊዜ ሇሚቀርበው ሃዱዴ ከ6 ሜትር በማያንስ ርቀት ተሽከርካሪውን አቁሞ የሐዱዴ በሮች እስከሚከፇቱ ወይም በር የላሇ እንዯሆነ ባቡሩ እስከሚያሌፌማሽከርከር የሇበትም፤ 3) ማንኛውም ሰው በሃዱዴ ማቋረጫ ሊይ ወይም ያሇው በር በመዘጋት ወይም በመከፇት ሊይ ሳሇ ወይም ከተዘጋ በኋሊ በበሩ ሊይ ወይም በሥሩ ወይም በሩን ዞሮ እንዱያሌፌ | vehicle; 2) The driver who wants to turn to the right- hand side shall first ensure that there is no other vehicle to the right and turn around by moving to the right of the road as much as possible; 3) Any driver turning to the left shall at 15 meters ahead: (a) Turn the intersection of the intersection to the left by turning the intersection of the intersection to the left and vice versa in the direction of the intersection. (b) Shall withdraw from the crossing road by takin g the left edge of the road leaving the middle line to the left entering the crossroads; (c) To turn from one direction lane to the two direction lane, it shall be driven to the two direction lane by taking the left edge of the road and withdraw from the cross |
fageenya meetira 6 gad hin taane irratti konkolaataa dhaabuun hanga balballii hadiidaa banamutti yookiin balballii yoo hin jiraanne hanga baaburichi darbuutti konkolaachisuu hin qabu. 3) Namnii kam iyyuu balbalii bakka qaxxaamuura hadiida baaburaa xxxx xxxx yammuu banamu yookin cufamu yookin erga cufanmee boodx xxxa yookiin irra balbalichaa naanna‟uun darbuun hin heyyamamuuf. 4) Konkolaataan dhuka‟aa yookiin wantoota boba‟an fe‟e yookiin autobiisiin namoota 8 ol fe‟e bakka qaxxaamuura hadiida baaburaatti yammuu dhiyaatu haadiida baaburichaa irraa fageenya meetira 6 gadi hin taane irratti konkolaatiicha dhaabuun baaburii dhufaa jiru kan hin dhiyaanee fi mallattoon akeekkachiisaa kan hin kennamne ta‟uu isaa mirkaneesuuf kallattii bitaa fi mirga hadiida baaburichaa ilaaluu fi dhaggeeffachuun balaa kan hin dhaqabsiifne ta‟uu isaa mirkaneeffachuun konkolaachisuu qaba. 5) Konkolaachisaan kam iyyuu bakka qaxaamura hadiida baaburaa yammuu dhqabu hadiida baaburaa dhiheenya xxxx xxxx bira ga‟uuf fageenya meetita 6 isa hafuu fi bakka qaxxaamuura hadiida baaburaa cehee fageenya jirumeetira 6 jidduutti | አይፇቀዴሇትም፤ 4) ፇንጂ ወይም ተቀጣጣይ ነገሮችን የጫነ ተሽከርካሪ ወይም የአውቶብስ ወይም ከ8 መንገዯኞች በሊይ የጫነ የተሽከርካሪ አሽከርካሪ ከባቡር ሃዱዴ ማቋረጫ ሲቃረብ ከሚቀርብ ሃዱዴ ከ6 ሜትር በማያንስ ርቀት ተሽከርካሪውን አቁሞ መጪው ባቡር አሇመቃረቡንና የሚያስጠነቅቅ ምሌክት አሇመስጠቱን ሇማረጋገጥ የሃዱደን ግራና ቀኝ አቅጣጫ ከተመሇከተና ካዲመጠ በኋሊ አዯጋ የማያስከትሌ መሆኑን አረጋግጦ ጉዞውን መቀጠሌ ይችሊሌ፤ 5) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ የባቡር ሃዱዴ ማቋረጫ ሊይ በዯረሰ ጊዜ በቅርቡ ሃዱዴ ሇመዴረስ በሚቀረው 6 ሜትር ርቀትና የሐዱደን ማቋረጫ ተሻግሮ ባሇው 6 ሜትር ርቀት መካከሌ ሲነዲ ማርሽ መሇወጥ የሇበትም፡፡ 81. ምሌክት ማሳየት 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከመዞር፣አቅጣጫ ከመሇወጥ ወይም ፌጥነትን ከመቀነስ ወይም ከማቆም አስቀዴሞ | road leaving the middle line to the left; (d) To turn from one direction way to the other one direction way, he shall withdraw from the crossroad by taking the left edge of the one direction road and turning to the left of the one direction road; (e) The driver turning to the left leaving from the intersection road shall turn in accordance with the provisions of article 3(a-d) of this article. 4) Where any driver is under duty to drive backwards may drive backwards to the required extent by making the necessary precaution at any road. 80. Railway Crossing 1) Where any driver approachs to the railway crossing, he shall drive the vehicle slowly by making the necessary precautions so that he can stop the vehicle easily |
maarshii jijiruu hin qabu. 81 Mallattoo Agarsiisuu 1) Konkolaachisaan kam iyyuu naanna‟uun, kallattii jijiruun yookiin aritii xiqqeesuun dura itti fayyadamtoota daandii kan biroof ifatti xxxxx beekamuu danda‟uu fi fageenya gahaa irratti mallattoo kennuu qaba. 2) Bu‟uura Keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 tiin mallattoon akeekkachiisaa meeshaaelektrikaan ta‟uu qaba. Meeshaa elektriikaatiin mallattoon yammu kennamu: (a) Gara mirgaa naanna‟uuf yookiin kallattii jijjiruuf konkolaachisaan agarsiistuu ibsaa konkolaata gara mirgaa jiru agarsiisuu kan duuba, duraa fi cinaa konkolaatichaa gara mirgaatti ibsaa kelloo ibsuu qaba. (b) Gara bitaatti naanna‟uuf yookiin kallattii jijjiruuf konkolaachisaan agarsiistuu ibsaa konkolaata gara bitaatti jiru agarsiisuu kan duuba, duraa fi cinaa konkolaatichaa gara bitaatti ibsaa kelloo ibsuu qaba. (c) Ariitii xiqqeesuuf yookiin konkolaaticha dhaabuuf ibsaa duuba | ሇላልች መንገዴ ተጠቃሚዎች ጉሌህ ሆኖ ሉታወቅ በሚችሌና ከበቂ ርቀት ሊይ የማስጠንቀቂያ ምሌክት መስጠት አሇበት፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 በተዯነገገው መሠረት የሚሰጡት የማስጠንቀቂያ ምሌክቶች በኤላክትሪክ መሣሪያዎች መሆን አሇበት፤ በኤላክትሪክ መሣሪያዎች የማስጠንቀቂያ ምሌክት ሲሰጥ፡- (ሀ) ወዯ ቀኝ ሇመጠምዘዝ ወይም አቅጣጫ ሇመሇወጥ አሽከርካሪው በተሽከርካሪው ቀኝብርሃን ያሇው ቀስት ማሳየት፤ በኋሊ፣ በፉትሇፉትና በቀኝ ጏን በኩሌ ቢጫ መብራት ማብራት አሇበት፤ (ሇ) ወዯ ግራ ሇመጠምዘዝ ወይም አቅጣጫ ሇመሇወጥ አሽከርካሪው በተሽከርካሪው ግራብርሃን ያሇው ቀስት ማሳየት፤ በኋሊ፣ በፉትሇፉትና በቀኝ በኩሌ ቢጫ መብራትማብራት አሇበት፤ | whenever necessary; 2) Any driver: (a) While approaching towards the railroad crossing, and where a sign showing the coming of a railway is given by the guarding or the mechanic or electrical power, (b) While the opening or closing of the door at the railway crossing, (c) Where the approaching rail is visible or its sound is being heard or its approaching is known in any way, he shall not drive the vehicle and stop it within a distance of not less than 6 meters until the door of the train is opened or it is passed. 3) No person is permitted to pass by turning the under or above the door while the door at the railway crossing is being opened or closed or after it is closed; 4) When a truck loading explosive or feul or a bus boarding more |
konkolaatichaa jiran keessaa yoo xiqqaate ibsaa diimaa tokko agarsiisuu qaba. 3) Meeshaaleen elektrikaa xxx xxxxx‟an yookiin kan hin hojjannee xxx xx‟ee konkolaachisaan mallattoo akeekkachiisaa harka isaatiin kennuu qaba. mallattoon akeekkachiisaa harkaan yammuu kennamu: (a) Gara mirgaatti naanna‟uuf yookiin kallattii jijiruuf konkolaachisaan iirree harka isaa bitaa bitaa irraa gara mirgaattii naanneessuun; (b) Gara bitaatti naanna‟uuf konkolaachisaan iirree harka isaa bitaa gara alaatti dirirsuun barruu harka isaa gara lafaattii qabuun; (c) Suuta konkolaachisuuf yookiin dhaaxxxx xxxxx xxxka isaa isa bitaa ol fi gadi sochoosuun barruu harka isaa gadi qabuun mallattoo agarsisuu qaba. 4) Meeshaaleen makanikaa yookiin elektrikaa siritti hojachuu isaanii too‟achuun itti gaafatamummaa konkolachisaa ta‟ee sababa hanqina meeshaalee kanan konkolaachisaan mallattoo akeekkachisaa kennuu dhiisuu isaatiin badii dhqabuuf itti gaafatamuummaa ni | (ሐ) የተሽከርካሪውን ፌጥነት ሇመቀነስ ወይም ሇማቆም የተሽከርካሪው ነጂ ከተሽከርካሪው ኋሊ ካለት መብራቶች ቢያንስ አንደን ቀይ መብራት ማሳየት አሇበት፤ 3) ኤላክትሪክ መሣሪያዎች የተበሊሸ ወይም የማይሰራ ከሆነ አሽከርካሪው የማስጠንቀቂያ ምሌክት በእጁ መስጠት አሇበት፡፡ የማስጠንቀቂያ ምሌክት በእጁ ሲሰጥ፡- (ሀ) ወዯ ቀኝ ሇመጠምዘዝ ወይም አቅጣጫ ሇመሇወጥ አሽከርካሪው ግራ ክንደን ከግራ ወዯቀኝ በማዞር፤ (ሇ) ወዯ ግራ ሇመጠምዘዝ አሽከርካሪው ግራ ክንደን ወዯ ውጭ በመዘርጋት መዲፈን ወዯ ታችአዴርጎ ምሌክት ማሳየት አሇበት፡፡ 4) የመካኒክ ወይም ኤላክትሪክ መሣሪያዎች በሚገባ መሥራታቸውን መቆጣጠር የተሽከርካሪ ኃሊፌነት ሲሆን በእነዚህ መሣሪያዎች የመካኒክ ጉዴሇት የተሽከርካሪው ተገቢውን፣የማስጠንቀቂያ | than 8 passengers is approaching to the railway crossing, the driver shall stop such vehicle at a distance of not less than the from the railway and make sure that the coming train is not approaching and the warning signal is not given by seeing and listening to the left and right direction of the railway and drive the vehicle by assuring that it does not cause any danger; 5) Whenever a driver arrives at the railroad crossing, he shall not change the engine at a distance of 6 meters away from the nearest railway and within a distance of 6 meters after passing the railway line. 81. Showing Signs 1) Any driver shall give a warning signal in a way that is easily understood for other users of the road and at sufficient distance before turning, changing direction or reducing its speed; 2) The warning signals to be given under sub- |
qabaata. 5) Akkaataa keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 3 fi 4 jalattii tumameen konkolaachisaan konkolaataa fuldura isaa deemuun mallattoon akeekkachiisaa kennameef kamiyyuu ariitii konkolaatichaa xiqqeesuun yookiin dhaabuun barbaachisaa ta‟xx xxx argame konkolaataan mallattoo akeekkachisaa kenne gufuu xxxxx xxxxx akka naanna‟u, kallattii akka jijiru, xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx yookin akkaatuma haalichaatiin konkolaatiicha dhaabuu akka danda‟u of eegaggannoo barbaachisaa taasiisuu qaba. 82 Meeshaalee Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1) Xxxxx addaatiin dambii kana keessatti yoo tumamee fi qaama angoo qabuun kan heyyamamu xxx xx‟e xxxxx konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu fooricuun, fishkaadhaan, bilbilaan (dawilin) yookiin meeshaalee aara baasaniin sagalee akeekkachiisaa kennuu hin qabu. 2) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu balaa dhaqabuu danda‟u ittisuuf barbaachisaa ta‟xx xxx xxxxxx xxxxx yookiin xxxxx balaa itti ittisuu danda‟uu kanbiroo yoo hin qabaanne malee yookiin hangi mallattoon akeekkachiisaa inni kennu xiqqaa xxx xx‟xx xxxxx magaalaa keessatti | ምሌክት ባሇመስጠቱ ሇሚያዯርሰው ጥፊት ተጠያቂ ይሆናሌ፤ 5) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 3 እና 4 ሥር እንዯተዯነገገው ከፉት ሇፉት በሚሄዴ አሽከርካሪ ምሌክት የተሰጠው ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ የተሽከርካሪውን ፌጥነት በመቀነስ ወይም አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ሲገኝ ማቆምና ምሌክት ሰጪው አሽከርካሪ ያሊንዲች እንቅፊት ሇመጠምዘዝ፤ አቅጣጫውን ሇመሇወጥ ፌጥነቱን ሇመቀነስ ወይም እንዯ ነገሩ ሁኔታ ተሽከርከሪውን ሇማቆም እንዱችሌ አስፇሊጊውን ጥንቃቄ ሁለ መፇጸም አሇበት፡፡ 82. የማስጠንቀቂያ ዴምጽ መሣሪያዎች 1) በዚህ ዯንብ ውስጥ በሌዩ ሁኔታ ተዯንግጏ ከሆነና በሚመሇከተው ባሇሥሌጣን የተፇቀዯ ካሌሆነ በስተቀር ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ በፈጨት፣በፉሽካ፣ በዯወሌ ወይም ጭስ በሚያወጡ አዲዱስ መሣሪያዎች የማስጠንቀቂያ መስጠት የሇበትም፤ 2) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ሉዯርስ የሚችሌ አዯጋ ሇመከሊከሌ አስፇሊጊ ሆኖ ካሌተገኘ ወይም አዯጋውን | Article 1 of this Article shall be given by electrical devices; and while the warning signal is provided in electronic devices: (a) To turn right or to change direction, the driver shall turn on the light at right side, at the rear and the yellow light found at the right side of the vehicle; (b) (b) To turn left or change direction, the driver shall turn on the light at the left side, at the rear, at the front and the yellow light found at the left side of the vehicle; (c) To reduce speed or stop the vehicle, he shall indicate at least one red light among the lights found at the back of the vehicle. 3) Where electronic materials of the vehicle are damaged or unable to operate, the driver shall provide warning signal with his hands; When the warning signal is given by the hand:- |
mallattoo akeekkaciisaa kennuu hin qabu. 83 Dursa Kennuu 1) Konkoolchisaan kamiyyuu lafoo demetootaf dursa kennu qaba. 2) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii qaxxaamuraa bira yammuu qaqabu daandii qaxxaamurichaa darbuuf konkolaataa daandii qaxxaamuraa keessa seeneef dursa kennuu qaba. 3) Konkolaatonni lama yookiin lamaa ol ta‟an kallattii adda adda irraa yaroo tokkotti daandii qaxaamuraa irra kan ga‟an xxx xx‟e konkolaachisaan kam iyyuu konkolaataa gara mirgaatiin dhiyaateef dursa kennuu qaba, 4) Daandii qaxaamuraa tokko irrattigeengoon traafiikaa kan hojjatame xxx xx‟e konkolaachisaan gengoo traafikichaatti dhiyaate konkolaatoota dursaanii geengoo traafiikaa naana‟xx xxxxx hundaaf dursa kennuu qaba. 84 Daandii Qaxxaamuraa Irratti Gara Bitaatti Naanna‟uu Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii qaxxaanuraa keessa erga seenee booda gara bitaatti naana‟uu yoo barbaade balaa akka hin dhaqabsisne fageenya gahaa ta‟xx xxxx dhaabee konkolaataa fuuldura isaatti dhiyaateef dursa kennuu qaba. | የሚከሊከሌበት ሁኔታ ላሊ መንገዴ ከላሇው በስተቀር ወይም የሚያሰማውም የማስጠንቀቂያ ዴምጽ መጠን አጭር ካሌሆነ በስተቀር በከተማ ውስጥ የማስጠንቀቂያ ዴምጽ ማሰማት አይፇቀዴሇትም፡፡ 83. ቅዴሚያ ስሇመስጠት 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ሇእግረኞች ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፤ 2) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ወዯ አንዴ መስቀሌኛ መንገዴ በሚዯርስ ጊዜ መስቀሇኛውን መንገዴ ሇማሇፌ አስቀዴሞ ከመስቀሇኛ መንገዴ ውስጥ ሇገባ ተሽከርካሪ ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፤ 3) ከተሇያዩ አቅጣጫዎች ሁሇት ወይም ከሁሇት የሚበዙ ተሽከርካሪዎች በአንዴ ጊዜ ከመስቀሇኛው መንገዴ የዯረሱ እንዯሆነ፤ ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከቀኝ በኩሌ ሇተቃረበው ተሽከርካሪ ሁለ ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፤ 4) በአንዴ መስቀሇኛ መንገዴ ሊይ የትራፉክ ክብ ተሰርቶ እንዯሆነ ወዯ ክቡ የተቃረበው አሽከርካሪ አስቀዴሞ ክቡን በመዞር ከሊይ ሊለት ተሽከርካሪዎች ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፡፡ 84. በመስቀሇኛ መንገዴ ሊይ ወዯ | (a) To turn to right or change direction, by turning his left arm to the right; (b) To turn to the left, the driver shall by stretching his left arm outside; (c) To drive slowly or to stop, by twisting his left arm up and down and indicate his fingers downwards. 4) He shall be responsible for the damage caused due to the failure of the driver by giving the necessary signal through controlling the proper operation of the mechanical as well as electronic materials of the vehicle; 5) Where as provided under sub-Articles 3 and 4 of this Article, any vehicle given warning signal by the vehicle in his front found necessary to slow xxxx his speed or stop the vehicle, he shall make the necessary caution so that the vehicle showing the warning |
85 Daandii Dursi Kennamuuf Keessa Seenuu 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii dursii kennamuuf waliin daandii qaxxaamuraa wal qabatetti yeroo dhiyaatu daandii mallatoon darbuu taasifame irratti konkolaataa kallattii kamiyuu irraa gara daandii qaxaamuraatti dhiyaateef dursa kennuu qaba 2) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii qaxaamuraa malatoon dhaabi jedhu qabutii kan dhiyaate xxx xx‟e konkolaataa sarara irra dhaabbatu yookiin dhi‟eenya daandii lafoo deemtooni irra darban yookin daandii irra darbamu fageenyatti ilaaluuf iddoo isa dandeesisu irra dhaabee konkolaatoota daandii qaxxaamuraatti dhiyaataniif dursa kennuu qaba. 86 Daandii Guddaatti Seenuu Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii dhunfaa, mooraa keessaa,xxxxx xxxxx irraa, daandii biraa irraa bahee gara daandii guddaatti seenuuf daandii lafoo deemtoonni xxxx xxxxxx yookiin daangaa daandii darbee deemuun dura lafa deemtootaa fi | ግራ ስሇመዞር ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከመስቀሇኛ መንገዴ ውስጥ ከገባ በኋሊ ወዯግራ መዞር የፇሇገ እንዯሆነ አዯጋ እንዲያስከትሌ በቂ በሆነ ርቀት ሊይ አቁሞ ከፉት ሇፉቱ ሇተቃረበው ተሽከርካሪ ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፡፡ 85. ቅዴሚያ ወዯሚሰጠው መንገዴ ውስጥ ስሇመግባት 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ቅዴሚያ ከሚሰጥበት መንገዴ ጋር ከተያያዘ መስቀሇኛ መንገዴ በተቃረበ ጊዜ የማሇፌ ቅዴሚያ ምሌክት ከተዯረገበት መንገዴ ከየትኛውም አቅጣጫ ወዯ መስቀሇኛው መንገዴ ሇተቃረበ ማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፤ 2) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ቁም የሚሌ ምሌክት ወዯ ተዯረገበት መስቀሇኛ መንገዴ በተቃረበ ጊዜ በመስመር ሊይ የቆመ ተሽከርካሪ ወይም በቅርበት በእግረኞች ማቋረጫ ሊይ የሚተሊሇፌ ወይም አቋራጩን መንገዴ በርቀት ሇመሇየት በማያስችሇው ርቀት ሊይ አቁሞ ከአቋራጩ መንገዴ ሇተቃረበው ማንኛውም ተሽከርካሪ ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፡፡ | signal can turn without any obstacle, change direction, reduce its speed, or stop his vehicle as necessary. 00.Xxxxxxx Warning Signals 1) Unless specially provided in this regulation and authorized by the relevant authority, any driver shall not give a warning signal by whistling, screaming or by gas/smoke emiting appliances; 2) It is not permissible for any driver to give warning signal in the cities/towns unless it is found necessary to prevent potential danger, or unless there is no other way to sustain such danger or his warning signal is very low. 83. Ceding Priority 1) Any driver shall cede priority to pedestrians; 2) Where any driver approahs enters to the crossroads, he shall cede priority to the vehicle entered to the crossroads before crossing such road; 3) Where two or more vehicles from different |
konkolaatoota daandii guddaa irra darbuuf dhiyaatan hundaaf dursa kennuu qaba. . 87 Daandii Lafa Deemtoonni Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Dhiyaachuu Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu daandii lafa deemtoonni irra darban iraa yookiin daandiin lafa deemtootaa bakka hin jirreetti kallattii konkolaataan itti deemu kutaa dandii traafikaaf ramadametti yoo dhiyaate ariittii konkolaataa xiqqeessuu fi lafa deemtoonni yoo jiraatan hanga hundumtuu darbanitti konkolaataa dhaabuu qaba. 88 Konkolaatoota Yeroo Balaa Tajaajilan 1) Konkolaataan yeroo balaa tajaajilu yoo dhiyaate traafikin daandii fuldura xxxx xxxx jiru hundi kan itti aanu raawwachuu qabu (a) Konkolaachistooni konkolaatoota isaanii ariitiidhaan gara miraga daangaa daandichaatti konkolaachisudhani fi fageenya balaa hin dhqabsifne irra hanga konkolaatan yeroo balaa tajaajilu darbuutti dhhabbachuu qabu. (b) Lafa deemtoonni daandii xxxx xxxxx yookiin beelada eegan yookiin oofaa jiran hundumtuu hatatamaan daandii gad | 86. ወዯ ዋና መንገዴ ስሇመግባት ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከግሌ መንገዴ ከአጥር ግቢ ከቤት መውጫና ከላሊ መንገዴ ወጥቶ ወዯዋና መንገዴ ሇመግባት የእግረኞችን መንገዴ ወይም የመንገደን ጠርዝ ከመሻገሩ በፉት ሇእግረኞችና በዋናው መንገዴ ሇማሇፌ ሇተቃረቡ ተሽከርካሪዎች ሁለ ቅዴሚያ መስጠት አሇበት፡፡ 87. ከእግረኞች ማቋረጫ መንገዴ ሊይ ስሇመቃረብ ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከእግረኞች ማቋረጫ መንገዴ ሊይ ወይም የእግረኞች መንገዴ በላሇበት ተሽከርካሪው በሚሄዴበት አቅጣጫ ሇትራፉክ የተመዯበ የመንገደ ክፌሌ ዘንዴ በተቃረበ ጊዜ የተሽከርካሪውን ፌጥነት መቀነስና እግረኞቹ ካለ መንገደን ጨርሰው ሁለም እስኪሻገሩ ተሽከርካሪውን ማቆም አሇበት፡፡ 88. የአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪዎች 1) የአዯጋጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪ በሚቃረብበት ጊዜ ከፉት ሇፉቱ መንገዴ ሊይ የሚገኙ ትራፉክ ሁለ ከዚህ የሚከተሇውን መፇፀም አሇባቸው፡- (ሀ) አሽከርካሪዎች ተሽከርካሪዎችን | sides of the road meet at the crossroad at one time, any driver shall cede priority to the vehicle that approachs at the right side of the road; 4) Where a traffic circle is formed on the intersection of a road, the driver approaching to such circle shall cede priority to all the vehicles firstly turning the circle. 84.Turning left at the Intersection Road Where any driver wants to turn left after entering in an intersection road, he shall stop his vehicle at a sufficient distance and give priority to the vehicle approaching to it at its front soas to avoide any danger. 85.Entering to the roads in need of priority 1) Where any driver is approaching to the cross road connected with the road in need of ceding priority, he shall cede priority to any vehicle approaching to the intersection from any direction; 2) Where any driver is approaching to the |
dhiisanii bahuu qabu. 2) Konkolaatichii konkolaataa kan yeroo balaa tajaajilu xxx xx‟e xxxxx namni kamiyyuu konkolaataarraa ifaa diimaa yookiin cuqulisaa balqeesuu yookiin foricudhan yookiin xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx of eegganoo kennuu hin qabu. 89 Xxxxx Addaa Konkolaatoota Yeroo Balaa Tajaajilanii 1) Konkolaachiisaan yeroo balaa tajaajilu kam iyyuu hojii isaa yemmuu hojjatu xxxxx hojichi barbaaduun (a) Dirqama dambii kanaan yookiin seera biroo osoo hin eegin konkolaataa dhaabuuf, (b) Xxxxx balaa hin dhaqabsisneen ariitii konkolaataa xiqqeessuun mallattooo dhaabi jedhu osoo hin dhaabbanne, (c) Ariitii murtaa‟ee ol konkolaachisuu fi (d) Hojii isaa hojjachuuf hanga barbaachisutti traafiika ilaalchisanii tumaalee bahani fi mallattoo dandii osoo hin ilaalin kallattii barbaadetti naanna;uuf heyyamameefi jira. 2) Konkolaachisaan konkolaataa yeroo balaa | በፌጥነት ከመንገደ ወዯ ቀኝ ጠርዝ መንዲትና አዯጋ በማያዯርስ ርቀትሊይ የአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪ እስከሚያሌፌ ዴረስ ማቆም አሇባቸው፤ (ሇ) በመንገደ ሊይ የሚገኙ እግረኞች ወይም እንስሳት ጠባቂ ወይም መንዲት ሊይ ያለ ሁለም ተሸከርካሪዎች ወዱያውኑ በፌጥነት መንገዴ መሌቀቅ አሇባቸው፡፡ 2) ተሽከርካሪው የአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ካሌሆነ በስተቀር ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ተሽከርካሪው ሊይ ቀይ ወይም ሰማያዊ መብራት በማጥፊት ወይም በፈጨትም ሆነ ወይም በዯውሌ የማስጠንቀቂያ ምሌክት እንዱሰጥ አይፇቀዴሇትም፡፡ 89. የአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪዎች ሌዩ ሁኔታዎች 1) ማንኛውም አዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት አሽከርካሪ ተግባሩን በሚያከናውንበት ጊዜ | intersection road having stop sign, he shall stop the vehicle at a distance where he can see the vehicles stopping on the line or near the pedestrian crossing road or at a distance that he can see the crossroads and cede priority to the vehicles approaching to the cross road. 86.Entring to Main Road Any driver shall cede priority to all pedestrians and vehicles approaching to pass through main road to enter into the main road by coming out of the private roads, from the compound, from the premises, out of other road. 87.Approaching to Pedestrians Crossing Road Any driver shall reduce the speed of his vehicle and passs all the pedestrians by stopping his vehicle while he is approaching to the pedestrian roads or where there is no pedestrian road, approaching to the side of the road assigned for traffic. 88.Emergency Service Vehicles 1) All the traffic on the |
tajaajilu konkolaachisu kamiyyuu dhimoota heyyamameefiin al konkolaatichaatti fayyadamuu hin qabu. 3) Kan keewwata kan keewwata xiqqaa 1 jalatti tumame akkuma eegametti ta‟ee konkolaachisaan konkolaataa yaroo balaa tajaajilu konkolaachisu qajeeltoowwan dambii kan keewwata 75 jalatti tumaman kabajuu qaba. 4) Konkolaataan yeroo balaa tajaajilu kan dura deemu xxxxx raawwatutti hirmaachuuf konkolaacisaa itti aanee deemu xxx xx‟e xxxxx konkolaataan kamiyyuu fageenya meetira 100 gad konkolaataa yeroo balaa tajaajilutti dhiyaatee konkolaachisuu hin qabu. 90 Konkolaataa Dhaabuun Xxxxx Itti Dhoorkamu Dambii kana keewwata 87 jalatti kan tumame akkuma eegametti ta‟ee haalawwan armaan gaditti ibsaman yoo jiraatan konkolaataa dhaabuun dhoorkaa dha. 1) Iddoon konkolaataan dhaabattu kan hin jirree xxx xx‟e xxxxx daandii magaalaan xxxx xxxx yookiin, 2) Balinni daanddichaa meetira 12 xx xxx ta‟xx xxxxx yookiin, | ሥራው በሚያስፇሌገው ሁኔታ፡- (ሀ) በዚህ ዯንብ ወይም በላሊ ህግ የተዯነገገውንግዳታ ሳይጠብቅ ተሽከርካሪውን ሇማቆም፤ (ሇ) አዯጋ እንዲይዯርስ በሚበቃ አኳኌን የተሽከርካሪውን ፌጥነት ቀንሶቁም በሚሌ ምሌክት ሊይ ሳይቆም፤ (ሐ) ከተወሰነው ፌጥነት በሊይ ሇመንዲት፤ (መ) ተግባሩን ሇመፇፀም በሚያስፇሌገው መጠን ስሇትራፉክ የወጡትን ዯንቦችና የመንገዴ ምሌክቶች ሳይመሇከት በፇሇገው አቅጣጫ መጠምዘዝ ተፇቅድሇታሌ 2) ማንኛውም የአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪ የሚያሽከረክር አሽከርካሪ ከተፇቀደሇት ጉዲዮች ውጭ ተሽከርካሪውን መጠቀም የሇበትም፤ 3) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 የተዯነገገው እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ የአዯጋ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪ | road ahead of the approaching emergency service vehicle shall perform the following: (a) The drivers shall immediately move to the right side of the road and stop their vehicles until the emergency service vehicle passes; (b) All the pedestrians on the road or animal keepers or the driver moving animals shall quickly leave the road. 2) No driver shall give precautionary signal by lighting red or blue light on the vehicle or by whistle-blowing or through voice unless the vehicle is an emergency service vehicle. 89.Exceptional Conditions of Emergency Service Vehicles 1) Any emergency service vehicle is permitted while performing his duty: (a) To stop the vehicle without observing the obligation stipulated by this |
3) Konkolaataan biroo daandii irra waliin jiru cinaa konkolaataan jiru kallatii lamaaniin fageenya meetira 50 irraa kan hin mulanee xxx xx‟ee konkolaataa dhaabuun dhorkaadha. 91 Gufachiisuu Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu haal konkolaataa biraa darbaa jiru gufachiisuu danda‟uun yookiin dhoorkuu danda‟uun yookiin namoonnii biroo daandiitti fayyadaman xxxxx mallattoo daandii ifaa fi bilisaan arguu isaan hin dandeesisneen konkolaataa yeroo gabaabaa fis ta‟ee yeroo dheeraadhaaf dhaabuun dhorkaadha. 92 Iddowwan Yeroo Gabaabaaf yookiin Dheeraaf Konkolaataa Ejachuuf/stop/ itti Dhoorkame Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu konkolaataa biro waliin akka walitti hinbuune ittisuuf yookiin seera kamiyyuu raawwwachiisuuf xxx xx‟e xxxxx: 1) Daanddichi abbaa kallattii tokkoo ta‟ee qaamni dhimmi ilaallatu yoo heyyame malee cinaa daangaa bitaa kamiyyuu irra 2) Daaandii lafa deemtootaa irra, 3) Daandii qaxxaamuraa irra yookiin daandii qaxxaamuraa irraa meetira | የሚያሽከርክር አሽከርካሪ በዚህ ዯንብ በአንቀጽ 75 የተዯነገገውን መርህ ማክበር አሇበት፤ 4) የአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪን ቀዴሞ የሚሄዴ በሚፇጽመው ተግባር ተካፊይ የሆነ አሽከርካሪ ካሌሆነ በስተቀር ማንኛውም ሰው ከአዯጋ ጊዜ አገሌግልት ተሽከርካሪ ከ100 ሜትር ባነሰ ርቀት ተጠግቶ ማሽከርከር ክሌክሌ ነው፡፡ 90. ተሸከርካሪ ማቆም የሚከሇከሌበት ሁኔታ የዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 87 ዴንጋጌ እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ የሚከተለት ሁኔታዎች ካለ ተሽከርካሪ ማቆም የተከሇከሇ ነው፡- 1) የተሽከርካሪ ማቆሚያ ቦታ ከላሇ በስተቀር ከከተማ ክሌሌ ውጭ መንገዴ ሊይ ፤ወይም 2) የመንገደ ስፊት ከ12 ሜትር በሊይ ካሌሆነ በስተቀር፤ 3) ተሽከርካሪ በዚያው መንገዴ የሚነዲ ላሊ ተሽከርከሪ ከሁሇቱም አቅጫጫ ከ50 ሜትር ርቀት ሊይ ሇማየት በማይቻሌበት ሥፌራ | regulation or by any other laws; (b) Not to reduce the speed of the vehicle and not to stop for the stop signal; (c) To drive beyond the determined speed; (d) To turn to the direction he wants without paying due regard to the traffic rules provided and to road signs. 2) Any driver driving emergency service vehicle shall not use the vehicle for the purpose it is permitted; 3) Without prejudice to the provisions under sub-article (1) of this article, the driver of emergency service vehicles shall respect the principles specified under article 75 of this regulation; 4) No driver of vehicle is allowed to drive other vehicle at a distance of less than 100 meters closer following an emergency vehicle unless he is a driver driving a vehicle which is going to |
12 xxxxxxxxx, 4) Daandii dhunfaa karra bahiinsaa yookiin karra galiinsaa konkolaatoonni irra deedeebi‟an yookiin balinni daandii meetira 12 xxxx xxx ta‟e, 5) Faagaa loolaan keessa darbu irraa meetira 5 keessatti, 6) Daandii lafa deemtoonni xxxx xxxxxx yookiin daandii lafoo deemtoonni irra qaxxaamuran irraa meetira 12 keessatti, 7) Mallattoon dhaabadhu jedhu yookiin mallattoon daandii bakka jiru irraa meetira 12 keessatti, 8) Iddoo daandiin hadida baaburaa itti qaxxaamuramu irra meetira 12 keessatti, 9) Bufata tajaajila ibidda dhaamsuu yookiin buufata tajaajilli yaalaa lubbuu baraarsuu itti keennamu yookiin karra hospitaalaa irraa meetira 12 keessatti yookiin walakkaa daandii irraa gara bitaatti fi mirgaatti meetira 25 keessatti haata‟uu malee dhukubsatoonni yookiin namni midhame yookiin meeshaalee ittisa balaa ba‟atanii namoota qabanii bufataalee kanaa bahani fi seenan yookiin konkolaatoota seenan iddoo | ከመንገዴ ሊይ ተሽከርካሪን ማቆም አይፇቀዴም፡፡ 91. ማሰናከሌ ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ላሊውን ተሊሊፉ በሚያሰናክሌ ወይም በሚከሇክሌ ወይም ላልች የመንገደ ተጠቃሚዎች የመንገደን ምሌክት በግሌጽና በነፃነት ሇመሇየት በማያስችሊቸው ሁኔታ ተሽከርካሪውን ሇአጭር ጊዜም ሆነ ሇረጅም ጊዜ ማቆም የተከሇከሇ፡፡ 92. ተሽከርካሪን ሇአጭር ወይም ሇረጅም ጊዜ ማቆም የተከሇከሇባቸው ስፌራዎች ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ከላሊው ተሽከርካሪ ጋር እንዲይጋጭ ሇመከሊከሌ ወይም ማንኛውም ላሊ ሕግ ሇመፇፀም ካሌሆነ በስተቀር፡- 1) መንገደ ባሇአንዴ አቅጣጫ ሆኖ በሚመሇከተው አካሌ ካሌተፇቀዯ በስተቀር፣በማንኛው ም መንገዴ በስተግራ ጠርዝ፤ 2) በእግረኛ መሄጃ መንገዴ ሊይ፤ 3) በመስቀሇኛ መንገዴ ሊይ ወይም ከመስቀሇኛ መንገዴ 12 ሜትር ርቀት ውስጥ፤ 4) በግሌ | participate in the operation of an emergency service vehicle. 90.Prohibitions of Parking Vehicle Without prejudice to the provisions of article 87 of this regulation, stoping vehicle is prohibited in the presence of the following conditions: 1) On the places outside the city/town boundry unless there is no parking place; or 2) Unless the size of the road is more than 12 meters; 3) Where the other vehicle on the road with the same vehicle is not visible from the two sides of the road at a distance of 50 meters from the vehicle. 91.Obstruction It is prohibited for any driver to stop a vehicle for a short or longer time in a way that obstructs or prevents any other passing vehicle or in a way that prevents or obscures other road users from seeing the road signs clearly. 92.Places Where Stopping Vehicles for Short or Long Period is Prihibited |
kan dhaabbachuu ni danda‟u, 10)Konkolaataa daandii cinaa ejetee cinaa dhaabbachuu, 11)Riqichaa fi iddoo daandiin irra keessaa darbu irra, 12)Iddoo otobisiin itti dhaabbatu fula duraa fi duuba meetira 15 keessati fi balinni daandichaa meetira 12 xx xxx ta‟e xxxxx xxxxx cinaa iddoo otobisiin itti dhaabbatu irra meetira 30 keessatti yookiin 13)Traafiikaaf kallattii tokkotiin daandii qeenxee qofti bakka jirutti, iddoo daandiin halluu adiin itti qoqodametti, yeroo gabaabaas ta‟e yeroo dheeraaf konkolaataa dhaabuun dhorkaa ta‟a. 93 Konkolaataa Dhaabuu /Parking/ 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu bakka inni hin jirreetti konkolaataan iddoo dhaabbatee akka hin sochoone of eegganoo barbaachisaa ta‟e yoo taasise malee konkolaaticha daandii kamiyyuu irra dhaabee deemuun dhoorkaadha. 2) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu mootara osoo hin dhaamsinee fi kan mootaricha kaasu osoo hin cufne furtuu ittiin banamu | መንገዴ፣ተሽከርካሪዎች በሚተሊሇፈበት የቤት መውጫ ወይም መግቢያ ወይም የመንገደ ስፊት ከ12 ሜትር ያነሰ ሆኖ ሲገኝ፤ 5) የጏርፌ ማስተሊሇፉያ ፊጋ ካሇበት በ5 ሜት ውስጥ፤ 6) በእግረኛ ማቋረጫ ወይም ከእግረኛ ማቋረጫ በ12 ቤትር ውስጥ፤ 7) ቁም የሚሌ ምሌክት ወይም የመንገዴ ምሌክት ካሇበት ሥፌራ በ12 ሜትር ውስጥ፤ 8) ከባቡር ሃዱዴ ማቋረጫ መንገዴ በ20 ሜትር ውስጥ፤ 9) ከእሳት አዯጋ መከሊከያ ጣቢያ ወይም የመጀመሪያ ሕክምና እርዲታ ከሚሰጥበት ጣቢያ ወይም ሆስፒታሌ መግቢያ በ12 ሜትር ርቀት ውስጥ ወይም ከመግቢያው መካከሌ ጀምሮ ከመንገደ ግራና ቀኝ በ25 ሜትር ርቀት ውስጥ፤ይሁን እንጂ በሽተኛ ወይም የተጏዲ ሰው ወይም የአዯጋ መከሊከያ መሣሪያ ይዘው ከዚሁ ከተጠቀሱት ጣቢያዎች የሚወጡ ወይም የሚገቡ ተሽከርካሪዎች በእነዚህ ሥፌራዎች ሉቆሙ ይችሊለ፤ 10) በመንገዴ ዲር ቆሞ ከሚገኝ ላሊ ተሽከርካሪ ጋር | Any driver, unless it is to prevent crashing with other vehicle or to enforce any law is prohibited to stop a vehicle:- 1) On any left side of the road except it is one direction road and is authorized by the concerned body; 2) On pedestrians road; 3) On crossing road or within 12 meters distance; 4) On the vehicles entrance or exit of private roads or on a road whose width is less than 12 meters; 5) Within 5 meters of floodplains; 6) Within 12 meters from a pedestrian road or pedestrian crossing roads; 7) Within 12 meters distanc from stop sign or the road sign; 8) Within 12 meters from the railroad crossing; 9) Within 12 meters from the site of fire station or from life rescue station or entrance of a hospital or within 25 meters to the left and right of the road; However, the patients or injured persons or persons carrying |
osoo irraa hin kaasin fi freenii harkaa yookiin meeshaa biroo konkolaatichi iddoo dhaabbatee akka hin sochoone ittisu osoo hin fayyadamiin fi balbala osoo hin cufne konkolaaticha dhiisee deemuun dhoorkaadha, 3) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu yeroo iddoo xxxxx xxxx konkolaataa dhaabu gollollee konkolaataa isa fuula duraa daandii irraa gara daangaa gaara isa itti dhiyaatutti deebisuu qaba, 4) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu konkolaataa yeroo dhaabu ibsaa konkolaataan akka dhaabbate mul‟isu ibsu qaba. 94 Angoo Too‟ataa sochii Geejibaa 1) Too‟ataan sochii geejibaa angoo fi hojii armaan gadii ni qabaata:- (a) Konkolaataa iddoo hin heyyamamne dhabbatee yammuu argamu batalumatti konkolaachisa yookiin namni itti gafatamummaadhaan konkolaaticha tooa‟taa jiru akka kaasu ajajuu; (b) Itti fayyadamtoota daandii kan gufachiisu yookiin kan rakkoo irratti uumu ta‟xx xxx argame konkolaaticha | ተዯርቦ፤ 11) በዴሌዴይ ወይም በመሿሇኪያ ሊይ፤ 12) ከአውቶቡስ ማቆሚያ ኋሊና ፉት በ15 ሜትር ውስጥና የመንገደ ስፊት ከ12 ሜትር በሊይ ካሌሆነ በቀር በመንገደ አንጻር ከአውቶቡስ ማቆሚያ በ30 ሜትር ውስጥ፤ 13) በእያዲንደ አቅጣጫ ሇትራፉክ አንዴ ነጠሊ መንገዴ ብቻ ባሇበትና መንገደ በነጭ ቀሇም በተከፊፇሇበት ሥፌራ ሇአጭርም ሆነ ሇረጅም ጊዜ ተሽከርካሪ ማቆም የተከሇከሇ ነው፡፡ 93. ተሽከርካሪ ስሇማቆም 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ እርሱ በላሇበት ጊዜ ተሽከርካሪው ከቆመበት ሥፌራ እንዲይንቀሳቀስ አስፇሊጊውን ጥንቃቄ ሳያዯርግ ተሽከርካሪውን በማንኛውም መንገዴ ሊይ አቁሞ መሄዴ ክሌክሌ ነው፤ 2) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ሞተሩን ሳያጠፊና ሞተር ማስነሻውን ሳይቁሌፌ፣የማስነሻውን ቁሌፌ ሳያነሣና የእጅ ፌሬን ወይም ተሽከርካሪው ከቆመበት ሥፌራ እንዲይንቀሳቀስ | disaster prevention materials and entering or leaving vehicles may stop at these places; 10)Closer to another vehicle which is stopping on the road side; 11)On a bridge and a place through which a vehicle passes; 12)Within 15 meters distance in front and back of the bus stop and unless the width of the road is more than 12 meters, at 30 meters distance from the side of the road where the bus stops; or 13)Where there is only single road for traffic, at the part of the road divided with white color marks. 93.XxxxxxxXxxxxxxx 1) It is prohibited for any driver to stop and leave a vehicle in any way unless he has made necessary precaution not to move his vehicle in his absence; 2) It is prohibited for any driver to leave the vehicle without stopping the engine and without locking |
iddoo dhaabbatee jiruu gara biraa geessee akka dhaabu konkolaachisaa yookiin nama konkolaaticha to‟ataa jiru ajajuu; (c) Konkolaataa tokkoo sababa balaatiin yookiin waliitti bu‟insaatii yookiin gara galuutiin daandii cufee xxx xxxxxx abbaan konkolaatichaa yookiin konkolaachisaa batalumatti akka achii kaasu ajajuu; (d) Akkaataa keewwatfa kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 (a), (b) fi (c) jalatti tumameen konkolaachisan yookiin abbaan konkolaataa ajaja to‟ataa irraa kennameef osoo hin xxxxxxxxx xxx hafe yookiin yemmuu sanitti iddoo sana hin jiru xxx xx‟e to‟ataan konkolaaticha kaassuu yookiin akka ka‟u taasisuu ni danda‟a. 2) Bu‟ura aangoo fi hojii keewwata kana keewwata xiqqaa 1 tiin kennameefitti to‟ataan konkolaataan tokko iddoo dhaabbatee akka socho‟u yemmuu barbaachisu konkolaaticha gara ejatuutii /parking/ yookiin iddoo balaa kamiifiyyuu hin saaxilamnetti geessuu ni | የሚያዯርገውን መሣሪያ ሳይጠቀምና በር ሳይዘጋ ተሽከርካሪውን ትቶ መሄዴ ክሌክሌ ነው፤ 3) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ተሽከርካሪውን ከቁሌቁሇት መንገዴ ሊይ በሚያቆምበት ጊዜ የተሽከርካሪውን የፉት ጏማ ከመንገደ ወዯሚቀርበው ጠርዝ መመሇስ አሇበት፤ 4) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ተሽከርካሪውን በሚያቆምበት ጊዜ ተሽከርካሪው እንዯቆመ የሚያሳይ መብራት ማብራት አሇበት፡፡ 94. የትራንስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ተቆጣጣሪ ሥሌጣን 1) የትራንስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ተቆጣጣሪ የሚከተለት ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት ይኖረዋሌ፡- (ሀ) ያሌተፇቀዯ ቦት የቆመ ተሽከርካሪ በሚያገኝበት ጊዜ አሽከርካሪው ወይም ተሽከርካሪውን በኃሊፉነት የሚቆጣጠረው ሰው ተሸከርካሪውን ወዱያውኑ እንዱያነሣ ማዘዝ፤ (ሇ) የመንገዴ ተጠቃሚዎችን የሚያሰናክለ ወይም ችግር ፇጥሮ ከተገኘ ተሽከርካሪውን ከቆመበት | the trunk, without lifting the boot key and using the other vehicle that does not turn off the vehicle‟s gear; 3) Where any driver stops a vehicle at the downhill, he shall turn the gear of the vehicle in front of it to the edge of the road. 4) Any driver shall put on the light which indicats that the vehicle is stopped while he stops a vehicle. 94.Power of Traffic Movement Controller 1) The traffic movement controller shall have the following power and duties:- (a) Ordering the driver or person responsible for it to move immediately when he found a vehicle stopping at unauthorized place; (b) Ordering the driver or person responsible for it to move the vehicle to ather place where it is found that it obstructs the road users it cause difficulty on them; |
danda‟a. Yemmuu kana raawwatutti nageenya konkolaatichaatiif of eeggannoo barbaachisu gochuu qaba. To‟ataan kana raawwachuuf baasii xxxxx xxxxx konkolaataatiin yookiin konkolaachisaatiin kaffalamuufii qaba. 3) Too'ataan sochii geejjibaa badiin danbii kana keessatti tumame yemmuu too'atu konkolaachisaa balleessaa raawwate irraa heyyama konkolaachisummaa isaa ykn gabatee ykn boolloo konkolaatichaa harkaafuudhee adabbiin naamusaa akka irratti raawwatamu gochuu ni danda'a; 4) To'ataan sochii geejjibaa nama machiidhaan, baala samuu namaa hadoochu ykn jimaa fudhatee konkolaachisu yoo isa qunname waraqaan himannaa erga itti kennameen booda konkolaataa isaa qabuudhaan moora pooliisii magaalaa dhiyeenyatti argamutti sa'atii 24f ni tursiisa. Haa ta'u malee, abbaan- qabeenyaa gaaffii barreeffamaatiin konkolaachisaa biraa gahumsa qabu yoo dhiyeeffachuu danda'e konkolaatichi battalumatti gad lakkifamuu ni danda'a. | ሥፌራ ወዯ ላሊ እንዱያዛውር አሽከርካሪውን ወይም ተሽከርካሪውን የሚቆጣጠር ሰውን ማዘዝ፤ (ሐ) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1(ሀ)፣ (ሇ) እና (ሐ) ሥር የተዯነገገው አሽከርካሪውን ወይም ባሇንብረቱ ከተቆጣጣሪው የተሰጠውን ትዕዛዝ ሳይፇጽም ቢቀር ወይም በዚያን ጊዜ ከሥፌራው ባይገኝ፣ ተቆጣጣሪው ተሽከርካሪውን ሇማንሳት ወይም እንዱነሳ ሇማዴረግ ይችሊሌ፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 መሰረት በተሰጠው ሥሌጣንና ተግባር መሠረት ተቆጣጣሪው አንዴ ተሽከርካሪ ከቆመበት ሥፌራ እንዱነሣ በፇሇገ ጊዜ ተሽከርካሪው ወዯ ማቆሚያ ወይም ሇአዯጋ ወዯማያሰጋበት ወዯ ላሊ ሥፌራ ሇማዛወር ይችሊሌ፤ ስሇሆነም ይህን በሚያዯርግበት ጊዜ ስሇተሽከርካሪው ዯህንነት አስፇሊጊውን ጥንቃቄ ማዴረግ አሇበት፤ | (c) Ordering the driver or owner of the vehicle to take away the vehicle found to block the road due to accident or crash or failing down. (d) The traffic controller may take away or cause the vehicle to be taken away where the driver or vehicle owner fail to perform the order of the traffic controller given as per sub articles 1(a), (b), (c) of this article. 2) As per the powers and duties of traffic controller under sub- article 1 of this article, he may move the vehicle to another place where it is to be parked or where it is safe for it; while performing this, he shall make necessary precautions for the safety of the vehicle; The expense made for this purpose shall be covered by the vehicle owner or driver for the traffic controller; 3) Traffic Controller |
5) Yaadaa fi eeruu ummata tajaajilamaarraa dhiyaatu ka'umsa gochuudhaan tarkaanfii fudhachuu ni danda‟a. 95 Iddoo Konkolaataan Dhaabbatu, Buufata fi Iddoo Leenjiin Itti Kennamu 1) Naannoo magaalaa keessatti daandiin konkolaataa kamiyyuu hamma danda‟ametti konkolaataa dhaabuuf (parking) osoo hin taane sochii tirafiikaatiif banaa ta‟uu qaba. 2) Bulchiinsi magaalaa naannoo magaalaa keessatti daandiin ala iddoo mija‟aa konkolaataan dhaabbatu qopheessuu qaba. 3) Magaalootaa leenjii fi qormataa fi ga‟umsa konkoolachisa itti raawatuu keesatii bulchiinsii magaaalaa iddoo ga‟aa ta‟e dhaabataan dhiima kanaaf tajajiiluu qopheesuu qaba. 96 Namoota Fe‟uu 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu dandeetii fe‟iinsaa konkolaatichaaf seeraan heyyamameen ol fe‟uu hin qabu. 2) Konkolaachiisaan akkataa dambii kanaa fi seroota dhimmi ilaalu kan biroo keessatti tumameen ala namoota fe‟xx xxxxxx kan | ተቆጣጣሪው ይህን በሚፇጽምበት ጊዜ የወጣው ወጪ በባሇንብረቱ ወይም በአሽከርካሪው የሚከፇሇው ይሆናሌ፤ 3) የትራንስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ተቆጣጣሪ በዚህ ዯንብ ውስጥ የተዯነገገው ጥፊት ከተፇጸመ ጥፊቱን የፇጸመ አሽከርካሪ ሊይ የአሽከርካሪነት ፇቃዴ ወይም ሠላዲ ወይም የተሽከርካሪ ቦል ተቀምቶ የዱሲፕሉን ቅጣት እንዱፇጸምበት ሉያዯርግ ይችሊሌ፤ 4) የትራንስፖርት እንቅስቃሴ ተቆጣጣሪ በመጠጥ ሰክሮ ወይም አዯንዛዥ ዕፅ ወይም ጫትቅሞ የሚያሽከርክር ሰው በሚያጋጥመው ጊዜ የክስ ወረቀት ከሰጠበት በኋሊ ተሽከርካሪውን በመያዝና በአቅራቢያው በሚገኘው የፖሉስ ጣቢያ ግቢ ውስጥ ሇ24 ሰዓት ያቆያሌ፤ ነገር ግን ባሇንብረቱ ላሊ ብቃት ያሇው አሽከርካሪ በጽሁፌ ጥያቄ ማቅረብ ከቻሇ ተሽከርካሪው ወዱያውኑ ሉሇቀቅሇት ይችሊሌ፤ 5) ከተገሌጋይ ህዝብ የሚቀርብ ሀሳብና ጥቆማን መነሻ በማዴረግ እርምጃ ሉወስዴ ይችሊሌ፡፡ 95. ስሇተሽከርካሪ ማቆሚያ ቦታ፣ | may while supervising the offenses provided in this regulation may seize the driving license or plate number or annual stick or bollo of the vehicle and make the disciplinary penalty to be decided; 4) Where the traffic controller comes across any person driving by being intoxicated or by taking pcychotrophic drugs or by chewing chat may control his vehicle for 24 hours in the nearby police station after giving him the charge against him; However, where the vehicle owner submits a competent driver with written application, the vehicle may be released immediately 95.Parking Places, Stations and Training Places 1) Any road in the urban areas shall as much as possible be open to traffic rather than serving as parking places; 2) The City |
itti gaafatamu ta‟a. 97 Meeshaa fi Beeyilada Fe‟uu Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu haalli konkolaatichi hojjatameef balaa xxxxx xxxxx meeshaalee fe‟uuf yookiin deddeebisuuf mijaa‟aa kan hin taane xxx xx‟e yookiin fe‟iinsichi daangaa konkolaatichaa irra alatti kan ba‟u xxx xx‟e yookiin sochii konkolaachsichaa irratti dhiibbaa kan qabu xxx xx‟e meeshicha fe‟uu hin qabu. Tarreefamni sirna fe‟iinsaa fi deddeebisa meeshaa fi beeyladaa qajeelfama ba‟uun kan murtaa‟u ta‟a. 98 Waa‟ee Lafoo Deemtootaa Namni kamiyyuu daandiin lafoo deemtootaa kan hin jirree xxx xx‟xx xxxxx yookiin daandii qaxxaamuruf xxx xx‟e xxxxx daandii konkolaataan irra socho‟u irra deemuu hin qabu. 99 Beeylada Daandii Irra Oofuu 1) Namnii kamiyyuu beeylada oofuuf daandiin kan biroo kan hijirrre xxx xx‟e xxxxx daandii konkolaataa irra beeyilda oofuu hin qabu. 2) Akkaataa keewwata kan kewwata xiqaa 1 jalatti tuumameen daandii kan biroo dhabamuu irraa kan ka‟e namnii daandii konkolaataa irra beeylada oofu itti fayyadamtoota daandii kan biroo iirratti | መናኸሪያና ስሌጠና የሚሰጥበት ስፌራ 1) ማንኛውም መንገዴ በከተማ ክሌሌ ውስጥ በተቻሇ መጠን ሇተሽከርካሪ መቆሚያነት ሳይሆን ሇትራፉክ እንቀቅስቃሴ ክፌት መሆን አሇበት፤ 2) የከተማ አስተዲዯር በከተማ ክሌሌ ውስጥ ከመንገዴ ውጭ አመቺ የሆነ የተሽከርካሪ ማቆሚያ ስፌራ እንዱዘጋጅ ማዴረግ አሇበት፤ 3) የአሽከርካሪነት ብቃት ስሌጠናና ፇተና የሚፇጸምበት ከተማ ውስጥ የከተማ አስተዲዯሩ በቂ የሆነ ስፌራ በቋሚነት ሇዚህ ጉዲይ የሚያገሇግሌ ቦታ ማዘጋጀት አሇበት፡፡ 96. ሰዎችን ማሳፇር 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ሇተሽከርካሪው በህግ ከተፇቀዯሇት የመጫን አቅም በሊይ መጫን የሇበትም፤ 2) አሽከርካሪው በዚህ ዯንብ መሠረትና ላሊ በሚመሇከተው ህግ ከተዯነገገው ውጭ ጭኖ ከተገኘ የሚጠየቅበት ይሆናሌ፡፡ 97. ዕቃና እንስሳትን መጫን | Administration shall prepare a suitable parking place for vehicles outside in the urban centers; 3) The City Administration shall also prepare adequate and permanent training, examination and competency testing place. 96.Boarding Passengers 1) No driver shall load the vehicle above the legal loading limit determined; 2) The driver who is found to board passengers in a way other than specified under this regulation and other concerned laws shall be made responsible. 97.Loading Items and Animals Any driver shall not carry the load where the model of the vehicle is not suitable for carrying or transporting loads or where the load becomes out of the boundry of the vehicle or where the load has an impact on the vehicle; The particulars of loading and transportation system of the loads and animals |
dhiibbaan akka hin uumamne of eeggannoo barbaachisaa taasisuu qaba. 100 Waa‟ee Qaama Miidhamtootaa Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu qaama midhamtoonni yammuu konkolaataa daandiitti fayyadaman balaan akka isaan irra hin dhaqaqabne of eeggannoo addaa taasisuu qaba. 101 Mallatoowwan Daandii Sochii tiraafikii too‟achuuf mallattoowwan daandii dambii kanaa wal qabatanii fi mallattoowwan daandii seera dhimmi ilaaluun bahaniin alatti mallattoowwan dandii kan birootti fayyadamuun dhoorkaadha. 102 Ibsaa Konkolaataa Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu konkolaatichi fuulduratti ta‟e yookaan duubatti kan deemu xxx xx‟e ibsaa siirii ta‟e bobeessuu qaba. Tarreeffamni sirna itti faayyadama ibsaa konkolaataa qajeelfama ba‟uun kan murtaa‟u ta‟a. 103 Boba‟a Waraabuu 1) Konkolaachisaan kamiyyuu mootaraa konkolaatichaa osoo hin dhaamsin yookiin konkolaatichi kan namoota deddeebisu xxx xx‟e osoo namoonni konkolaataa keessa jiranuu boba‟aa waraabuu yookiin waraabsiisuu hin qabu. | ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ የተሽከርካሪ አሠራር ሁኔታ ዕቃዎችን ያሇአዯጋ ሇመጫን ወይም ሇማመሊሇስ ተስማሚ የማይሆን ከሆነ ወይም የተሽከርካሪ እንቅስቃሴ ሊይ ተጽኖ ያሇው እንዯሆነ ዕቃ መጫን የሇበትም፤ የተሽከርካሪ ዕቃና እንስሳት ጭነትና ማመሊሇስ ሥርዓት ዝርዝር በሚወጣው መመሪያ የሚወሰን ይሆናሌ፡፡ 98.ስሇእግረኞች ማንኛውም ሰው የአግረኛ መሄጃ ከላሇ በስተቀር ወይም መንገዴ ሇማቋረጥ ካሌሆነ በስተቀር ተሽከርካሪ በሚንቀሳቀስበት መንገዴ ሊይ መሄዴ የሇበትም፡፡ 99.እንስሳትን በመንገዴ ሊይ ስሇመንዲት 1) ማንኛውም ሰው እንስሳትን ሇመንዲት ላሊ መንገዴ የማይኖር ካሌሆነ በስተቀር በተሽከርካሪ መንገዴ ሊይ እንስሳት መንዲት አይችሌም፤ 2) በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1 ሥር በተዯነገገው መሠረት ላሊ መንገዴ ካሇመኖሩ የተነሳ የተሽከርካሪ መንገዴ ሊይ እንስሳትን የሚነዲ በላልች የመንገዴ ተጠቃሚዎች ሊይ ተጽዕኖ እንዲይኖር አስፇሊጊውን ጥንቃቄ ማዴረግ አሇበት፡፡ | shall be determined by the directive to be issued. 98.About Pedestrians No pedestrian shall go on a vehicle road unless there is no pedestrian road or except to cross the road. 99.Herding Animals on Roads 1) No person shall herd animals on a vehicle road unless there is no other alternative road that help to herd animals; 2) Any person herding animals on the vehicle road as per sub article 1 of this article due to absence of other alternative road shall make necessary precautions so as to prevent any impact on the road users. 100. Persons with Disabilities Any driver shall make special precautions to persons with disabilities while they are using the vehicles road so as to save them from any danger. 101. Road signs It is prohibited to use another road signs except the signs prescribed by this regulation and other laws. 102. Lights of Vehicles Any driver shall put on the proper light of the |
2) Cinaa konkolaatichaa ibiddi yookiin namni sigaaraa xuuxu yoo jirraate konkolaataatti boba‟aa waraabuun yookiin waraabsiisuun dhoorkaadha. 3) Daangaa dhaabbata boba‟aa meetira 12 keessatti bilbila moobaayilaatiin dubbachuun yookiin meeshaalee eleektroniksii kan birootti fayyadamuun yookiin sigaaraa xuuxuun dhoorkaadha. 104 Gochaalee Dhorkaman Dambii kana keewwata 47 jalatti kan tumame akkuma eegametti ta‟ee: 1) Namni kamiyyuu heyyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa osoo hin qabaatin konkolaataa abbaa mootoraa kamiyyuu daandii kamiyyuu irraa konkoolachiisuu hin danda‟u. 2) Abbaan qabeenyaa yookiin abbaan qabiyyee konkolaataa abbaa mootoraa heyyama mirkaneessa ga‟umsa konkolaachisaa qabaachuu isaa osoo hin mirkaneessin namni kamiiyuu konkolaataa isaa akka konkaolaachisu heyyamuuf hinqabu. 3) Qaama Konkolaataa keessa fi ala isaa irratii barreeffama amantii, | 100. ስሇአካሌ ጉዲተኞች ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ አካሌ ጉዲተኞች በሚሳፇሩበትና መንገደን በሚጠቀሙበት ጊዜ ጉዲት እንዲይዯርስባቸው ሌዩ ጥንቃቄ ማዴረግ አሇበት፡፡ 101. የመንገዴ ምሌክቶች የትራፉክ እንቅስቃሴ ሇመቆጣጠር ከዚህ ዯንብ ጋር በተያያዘ የመንገዴ ምሌክቶችና አግባብ ባሇው ህግ በሚያወጣው የመንገዴ ምሌክቶች ውጭ በላሊ የመንገዴ ምሌክት መጠቀም የተከሇከሇ ነው፡፡ 102. ስሇተሽከርካሪዎች መብራት ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ ተሽከርካሪ ወዯ ፉትም ሆነ ወዯ ኋሊ በሚነዲበት ጊዜ ትክክሇኛውን መብራት ማብራት አሇበት፤የተሽከርካሪ መብራት አጠቃቀም ሥርዓት ዝርዝር በሚወጣው መመሪያ የሚወሰን ይሆናሌ፡፡ 103. ነዲጅ ስሇመሙሊት 1) ማንኛውም አሽከርካሪ የተሽከርካሪ ሞተር እየሰራ ሳሇ ተሽከርካሪው የህዝብ ማመሊሇሻ ከሆነ በተሽከርካሪ ውስጥ መንገዯኞች እያለ ማንኛውንም ዓይነት ነዲጅ መሙሊት ወይም ማስሞሊት የሇበትም፤ 2) በተሽከርካሪው አጠገብ እሳት ወይም ሲጋራ የሚያጨስ ሰው ካሇ | vehicle whenever the vehicle is moving forwards or backwards; Particulars of the lighting system of a vehicle shall be determined by the directive to be issued. 103. Refueling 1) Any driver shall not refuel his vehicle before stopping the engine or where the vehicle is public transport vehicle, while the passengers are in such vehicle; 2) Where there is anyone who smokes cigarette or there is a fire, it is prohibited to refuel the vehicle; 3) It is prohibited to use mobile phones or other electronic devices or to smoke cigarettes within 12 meters distance of the fuel reservoir. 104. Prohibited Acts Without the prejudice to the provisions of article 47 of this regulation: 1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on any road without having the proper driving qualification license; 2) The motor vehicle owner or possessor shall not permit to any |
siiyaasa, hamilee tuquu kan kana fakkatan. Maxansuun dhorka dha. 4) Bilbilaa Mobailii yookiin Meeshaa assaasiituu gurraatti fayyadamuun konkolaachisuu dhorka dha. 5) Saqii osso hin hidhatiin konkoolachisuun dhorka dha. 6) Nammni adabbiin akkataa dambii kanatiin irratti raawwwatame kammiyyuu sa‟aatii 48 keessatti qaama Ejansiicha biratti adabii isaa raawwachuu qaba. 7) Konkollachiisaa ykn abbaa qabeenyaa sa'atii 48 keessatti kaffaltii adabii hin raawwatiin hafe guyyaa shaniif guyyaa guyyatti % 10 dabaltaan kan raawwatu ta'ee, guyyaa ja'affaa eegalee dabaltaan dorkan heyyama hojiisaa gama Ejansiichaan irratti fudhatama. Kutaa Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Aangoo Fi Hojii Boordii Fi Koree Nageenya Tiraafikaa 105 Hundeeffama Boordiin nageenya tiraafikaa dambii kanaan hundeeffameera. 106 Miseensota Boordii 1) Hogganaa Biiroo bulchiinsa fi Nageenyaa……………. | በተሽከርካሪው ነዲጅ መሙሊት ወይም ማስሞሊት የሇበትም፤ 3) ማንኛውም ሰው ተሽከርካሪው ነዲጅ ሲሞሊ በነዲጅ ማዯያው በ12 ሜትር ክሌሌ ውስጥ በተንቀሳቃሽ ስሌክ መነጋገር፣ በላልች ኤላክትሮኒክስ ነክ መሣሪያዎች መጠቀም ወይም ሲጋራ ማጨስ ክሌክሌ ነው፡፡ 104. የተከሇከለ ዴርጊቶች በዚህ ዯንብ አንቀጽ 47 ሥር የተዯነገገው እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ፡- 1) ማንኛውም ሰው ተገቢው የአሽከርካሪ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ ሳይኖረው ማንኛውም ባሇሞተር ተሽከርካሪ በመንገዴ ሊይ ማሽከርከር አይችሌም፤ 2) ማንኛውም የባሇሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ባሇቤት ወይም ባሇይዞታ ተገቢውን የአሽከርካሪ ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇቃዴ ያሇው መሆኑን ሳያረጋግጥ ላሊ ሰው እንዱነዲ መፌቀዴ የሇበትም፤ 3) የተሽከርካሪው የውስጥና ውጭ አካሌ ሊይ የሀይማኖት፣ፖሇቲካ ሞራሌን የሚነኩ ጽሁፍችና የመሳሰለትን መሇጠፌ የተከሇከሇ ነው፤ | person to drive his motor vehicle without ascertaining that he has the proper drivers qualification license; 3) It is prohibited to stick any religious, politics, immorale writings and the likes on the internal or external parts of a vehicle; 4) It is prohibited to drive by using cellular phone or earphones; 5) It is prohibited to drive without buckling belt; 6) Any person who has been penalized in accordance with this regulation shall implement his penalty to the Agency within 48 hours; 7) The driver or vehicle owner who fails to implement penalty imposed on him within 48 hours shall pay additional 10% per each day for five days; and suspension of his work license shall additionally be made by the Agency as from the sixth day. Part Nine Establishment, Power and Duties of the Board and Traffic Safety Committee 105. Establishment |
Waliiti Qabaa 2) Hoogganaa Ejansii Geejjiba Oromiyaa…………… Barreessaa fi miseensa 3) Hoogganaa Biiroo Daldalaa fi Misooma Gabaa…… Miseensa 4) Komishinara komishinii Poolisii… miseensa 5) Hogganaa Biiroo Barnootaa… Miseensa 6) Hogganaa Biiroo Eegumsa Fayyaa Miseensa 7) Hogganaa Biiroo Hojii fi Misooma Magaalaa…..... Miseensa 8) Hojii Gaggeessaa Abbaa Taayitaa Daandiiwwanii. Miseensa 9) Hogganaa Biiroo komiinkeeshiinii mootummaaa….Miseensa 10)Hogganaa Biiroo Haqaa …miseensa 11)Waldaa Geejjiba irraa Eejanechaan kan filataman nama lama ………Miseensoota 12)Abba Adeessaa Hojjii Nageenyaa Tirafikaa Ejansiichaa… Miseensaa 107 Aangoo fi Hojii Boordichaa 1) Karoora nageenya tiraafika Naannichaa ni mirkaneessa, 2) Raawwii isaatiif qaamotiin raawwachiiftuun Naannichaa xiyyeeffannaa kennanii qindoominaan socho‟uu ni mirkaneeffata. 3) Gabaasa raawii hojii koree | 4) በተንቀሳቃሽ ስሌክ ወይም ማነጋገሪያ መሳሪያ በጆሮ ማዲመጫ በማዴረግ ማሽከርከር የተከሇከሇ ነው፤ 5) ቀበቶ ሳያስር ማሽከርከር የተከሇከሇ ነው፤ 6) በዚህ ዯንብ መሠረት ቅጣት የተፇጸመበት ማንኛውም ሰው በ48 ሰዓት ውስጥ በኤጀንሲው ዘንዴ ቅጣቱን መፇጸም አሇበት፤ 7) በ48 ሰዓት ውስጥ የቅጣት ክፌያውን ሳይከፌሌ የቀረ አሽከርካሪ ወይም ባሇንብረቱ ሇአምስት ቀን በየቀኑ 10% በተጨማሪ የሚፇጽም ሲሆን ከስዴስተኛ ቀን ጀምሮ በተጨማሪ የሥራ ፇቃዴ መከሌከሌ በኤጀንሲው በኩሌ ይወስዲሌ፡፡ ክፌሌ ዘጠኝ የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ቦርዴና ኮሚቴ መቋቋም ሥሌጣንና ተግባር 105. መቋቋም የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ቦርዴ በዚህ ዯንብ ተቋቁሟሌ፡፡ 106. የቦርዴ አባሊት 1) የአስተዲዯርና ጸጥታ ቢሮ ኃሊፉ ሰብሳቢ 2) የኦሮሚያ ትራንስፖርት ኤጀንሲ ቢሮኃሊፉ------------ -----ፀሐፉና አባሌ 3) የንግዴና ገበያ ሌማት ቢሮ ኃሊፉ አባሌ | Board of the traffic safety is hereby established. 106. Board Members 1) Head of Administration and Security Bureau ------ -----------chairperson 2) Head of Oromia Transport Agency---- member and secretary. 3) Head of Trade and Market Development Bureau member. 4) Police Commission Commissioner-------- member 5) Head of Education Bureau member 6) Head of Health Bureau member 7) Head of Labor and Urban Development Bureau member 8) Manager of Roads Authority member 9) Head of Government Communication Affairs Bureau-------- -member 10) Head of Justice Bureau member 11) Two persons from transport association by the Agency----- members 12) Process owner of Traffic Safety work process of the Agency - ---member. 107. Power and Duties of the |
Nageenya Tiraafikaa ni qorata tarkaanfi barbaachisaa ta‟ee ni fudhata. 4) Xxxxx xxxxxx tiraafikaa naannichaa ittiin hir‟atu ni qorata akka hojii irra oluu ni btaasiisa. 108 Xxxxx Xxxxx‟ii Boordichaa 1) Xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx ji‟a ji‟aan al-tokko walga‟ii idilee kan qabaatu ta‟ee akkaataa barbaachisumaa isaatti walga‟ii arifachiisaa waamuun ni danda‟ama; 2) Miseensoonni walakkaa xx xxx argaman walga‟iin boordichaa guutuu ta‟a; 3) Murtiin Boordichaa sagalee caalmaatiin kan darbu ta‟ee xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx xx‟e xxxxxx xxxxxxx-xxxxxx deeggerame murtii Boordichaa ta‟a. 109 Xxxxxxxxxxx koree Nageenya Tiraafikaa Xxxxxx nageenya traafikaa Sadarkaa Godinaa, Aanaa, Magaalaa fi Gandaatti dambii kanaan hundeeffamee jira. 110 Miseensoota Koree Nageenya Tiraafikaa Godinaa 1) Hogana wajjira Bulchinsaa fi NageenyaaGodinaa …………Walitti qaba 2) Itti Gaafatama Waajjira Ejansii Geejiba Gidinaa….. ………miseensa fi Barreessaa | 4) የፖሉስ ኮሚሽን ኮሚሽነር --አባሌ 5) የትምህርት ቢሮ ኃሊፉ----- -አባሌ 6) የጤና ጥበቃ ቢሮ ኃሊፉ---- --------አባሌ 7) የሥራና ከተማ ሌማት ቢሮ ኃሊፉ አባሌ 8) የትራንስፖርት ባሇሥሌጣን ኃሊፉ አባሌ 9) የመንግስት ኮሙኒኬሽን ጉዲዮች ቢሮ ኃሊፉ---------- --------አባሌ 10) የፌትህ ቢሮ ኃሊፉ------- አባሌ 11) ከትራንስፖርት ማኅበር በኤጀንሲው የሚመረጡ ሁሇት ሰዎች----------------- ----------አባሌ 12) የኤጀንሲው የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ሥራ የሥራ ሂዯት ባሇቤት--አባሌ 107. የቦርደ ሥሌጣንና ተግባር 1) የክሌለ የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ዕቅዴ ያረጋግጣሌ፤ 2) የክሌለ አስፇጻሚ አካሌ ሇአፇጻጸሙ ትኩረት ሰጥተው በቅንጅት መንቀሳቀሳቸውን ረጋገጣሌ፤ 3) የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ የሥራ አፇጻጸም ሪፖርት ይመረምራሌ፤አስፇሊጊ ርምጃ ይወስዲሌ፤ 4) የክሌለ ትራፉክ አዯጋ የሚቀንስበትን ሁኔታ | Board 1) Approve the work plan of the regional traffic safety; 2) Ensure that the regional executive organs are working in co-ordination by focusing on the implementation of the plan; 3) Review the work performance report of the traffic safety committee and take necessary measure; 4) Study as to how the traffic accidents in the region be minimized. 108. Meeting Procedures of the Board 1) The board shall have a regular meeting at least once in a month; and urgent meeting may be called as deemed necessary; 2) Where more than half of the members are present, the meeting shall be a quorum 3) Decision of the board shall be passed by majority vote; and the chairperson shall have casting vote in case of tie. 109. Establishment of Traffic Safety Committee The Traffic Safety |
3) Ajajaa Waajira poolsii Godinaa……………… Miseensa 4) Itti Gaafatama Waajjira Fayyaa Godinaa… Miseensa 5) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira Barnootaa Miseensa 6) Itti Gaafatama waajjira Haqa… Miseensa 7) Waldaa Geejjiiba Uummataa irraa nama lama… Miseensota 8) Abbaa Adeemsaa Hojiii Nageenyaa Tirfikaa…… Miseensaa 111 Koree Nageenya Tiraafika Aanaa 1) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira B ulchinsaa fi Nagenya Aanaa …………Walitti Qabaa 2) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira Ejansi Geejibaa Aanaa ……… Miseensa fi Bareessaa 3) Ajajaa Waajjira Poolisii Aanaa… Miseensa; 4) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira Fayya Aanaa… Miseensa; 5) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira Barnootaa Aanaa… Miseensa; 6) Ittigaafatama wajjira haqa ………………Miseensa 7) Xxxxx Geejiiba Uummataa | ይመረምራሌ፤ሥራ ሊይ እንዱውሌ ያዯርጋሌ፡፡ 108. የቦርደ የስብሰባ ሥነ-ሥርዓት 1) ቦርደ ቢያንስ በየወሩ አንዴ ጊዜ መዯበኛ ስብሰባ የሚኖረው ሲሆን እንዯ አስፇሊጊነቱ አስቸኳይ ስብሰባ ሉጠራ ይችሊሌ፤ 2) ከቦርደ አባሊት ግማሽ በሊይ ከተገኙ ምሌዓተ ጉባዔው የተሟሊ ይሆናሌ፤ 3) የቦርደ ውሳኔ በዴምፅ ብሌጫ የሚያሌፌ ሲሆን፤የሁሇቱ ወገን ዴምፅ እኩሌ ከሆነ በሰብሳቢው የተዯገፇው ሀሳብ የቦርደ ውሳኔ ይሆናሌ፡፡ 109. የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ መቋቋም የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ በዞን፣በወረዲ፣በከተማና ቀበላ ዯረጃ በዚህ ዯንብ ተቋቁሟሌ፡፡ 110. የዞን የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ አባሊት 1) የዞን የአስተዲዯርና ጸጥታ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ---- ስብሳቢ 2) የዞን ትራንስፖርት ኤጀንሲ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ-------አባሌና ፀሐፉ፤ 3) የዞን የፖሉስ ጽህፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ አባሌ 4) የዞን የጤና ጥበቃ ጽህፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ--------- ---------አባሌ | Committee is hereby established at the Zonal, District, City/Town and kebele level. 110. Members of the Zone Traffic Safety Committee 1) Head of Administration and Security Office of the Zone ---chairperson 2) Head of Transport Agency Office of the Zone member and secretary. 3) Commander in Chief of the Zone Police Department---- member 4) Head of Health Office of the Zone------ member 5) Head of Education Office of the Zone----- member 6) Head of Justice Office of the Zone------- member 7) Two persons from the public transport association----- members 8) Process owner of Traffic Safety work process of the Zone--- ----member. 111. The District Traffic Safety Committee 1) Head of Administration and Security Office of the |
irraa nama lama… Miseensa; 8) Hojjeetaa Nageenyaa Tirafikaa Aanaa………… .Miseensaa 112 Miseensoota Koree Nageenya Tiraafikaa Magaalaa 1) Kantiibaa… Walitti qaba; 2) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira Ejansi Geejiiba Magalaa….miseensaa fi Barreessaa 3) Hoji Gaggeessaa mana Qopheessaa…Miseensa; 4) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira Fayyaa Miseensa 5) Itti Gaafatamaa Waajjira Barnootaa Miseensa 6) Ajajaa Poolisii Tiraafikaa Magaalichaa…Miseensa 7) Itti gaafatama waajjira Haqaa Miseensa 8) Itti gaafatma Wajjira Bulchinsa fi Nageenya…… Miseensa 9) Waldaa Geejjiiba Uummataa irraa nama lama… Miseensota 10)Adeemsaa Hojii Nageenyaa Tirafikaa Waajjira Ejjensii Magalaa ……..Miseensaa. 113. Miseensa Koree Nageenya Tiraafika Gandaa 1) Bulcha Ganda | 5) የዞን ትምህርት ጽህፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ------------------- ----አባሌ 6) የዞንፌትህ ጽህፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ አባሌ 7) ከህዝብ ትራንስፖርት ማህበር ሁሇት ሰው-------- ----------አባሌ 8) የትራፉክ ዯህንነት የሥራ ሂዯት ባሇቤት--------------- አባሌ 111. የወረዲ ትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ አባሊት 1) የወረዲ አስተዲዯርና ጸጥታ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ----- ስብሳቢ 2) የወረዲ ትራንስፖርት ኤጀንሲ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ-------አባሌና ፀሐፉ 3) የወረዲ ፖሉስ አዛዥ------- ------አባሌ 4) የወረዲ ጤና ጥበቃ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ ------- -----------አባሌ 5) የወረዲ ትምህርት ጽህፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ አባሌ 6) የወረዲ ፌትህ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ አባሌ 7) ከህዝብ ትራንስፖርት ማህበር ሁሇት ሰዎች------ --------አባሌ፤ 8) የወረዲ ትራፉክ ዯህንነት ሠራተኛ--------------------- -አባሌ 112. የከተማ ትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ አባሊት 1) ከንቲባ ስብሳቢ | District -chairperson 2) Head of Transport Agency Office of the District--------- member and secretary. 3) Commander in Chief of the District Police Department----- member 4) Head of Health Office of the District---- member 5) Head of Education Office of the District-- -member 6) Head of Justice Office of the District----- member 7) Two persons from the public transport association----- members 8) Process owner of Traffic Safety work process of the District- ----member. 112. Members of the Urban Traffic Safety Committee 1) Mayor chairperson 2) Head of Transport Agency of the Urban center------------ Member and Secretary. 3) Manager of the Municipality-Member 4) Head of Health Office- --Member 5) Head of Education Office Member 6) Commander of Traffic |
…………Waitti Qaba; 2) Manageerii Ganda………… miseensaa fi barreessaa; 3) Hojjataa Eksteenshiin Faayaa……Miseensa; 4) Hojjataa Misomaa ……..Miseensa; 5) Daariketera mana barumsa..Miseensa; 6) Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx nama lama----- -------- miseensa. 7) Itti Gaafatama Caasa Nageenya Ganda… Miseensa. 114. Itti Gaafatamummaa Koree Nageenya Tiraafikaa Godinaa Aanaa Magaalaa fi Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Nageenya Tiraafika Godinaa Aanaa Magaalaa fi Gandaa Itti gaafatamummaa armaan gadii ni qabatu:- 1) Karoora hojii Nageenya tiraafikaa godinichaa Aanichaa Magaalichaa fi Gandichaa qindoominaan akka qophaa‟u taasisuun ni mirkaneessa. 2) Meeshaa hojichaaf barbaachisu | 2) የከተማ ትራንስፖርት ኤጀንሲ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ----------አባሌና ፀሐፉ 3) የማዘጋጃ ቤት ስራ አስኪያጅ አባሌ 4) የጤና ጥበቃ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ አባሌ 5) የትምህርት ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ አባሌ 6) የከተማው ትራፉክ ፖሉስ አዛዥ አባሌ 7) የፌትህ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ ----------አባሌ 8) የአስተዲዯርና ጸጥታ ጽሕፇት ቤት ኃሊፉ---------- ---አባሌ 9) ከህዝብ ትራንስፖርት ማህበር ሁሇት ሰው--------- --------አባሌ 10)በከተማው ኤጀንሲ ጽሕፇት ቤት የትራፉክ ዯህንነት የሥራ ሂዯት------------- አባሌ 113. የቀበላ ትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ አባሊት 1) የቀበላው አስተዲዲሪ---- ሰብሳቢ 2) የቀበላው ማናጀር------------ ------------------------አባሌና ፀሀፉ 3) የጤና ኤክስቴንሽን ሰራተኛ አባሌ 4) የሌማት ሠራተኛ---------- አባሌ 5) የትምህርት ቤት ዲይሬክተር አባሌ 6) ከአገር ሽማግላዎች ሁሇት ሰው አባሌ 7) የቀበላው ጸጥታ መዋቅር ኃሊፉ አባሌ | Police of the Urban center Member 7) Head of Justice Office- ----------member 8) Head of Administration and Security Office------- Member 9) Two persons from the Public Transport Association------- members 10)Worker of the Traffic Safety Agency of the Urban center---------- --member. 113. Members of the Kebele Traffic Safety Committee 1) The Kebele Administrator--------- --------Chairperson 2) The Kebele Manager -- --------Member and Secretary 3) Health Extension Worker--------------- -- Member 4) Development staff----- ---------------------- Member 5) School Director-- Member 6) Two persons represented amongst Community Elders---- --------members 7) Head of the Kebele Security Structure----- ----member. 114. Duties of the Zone, |
xiinxaluudhaan akka heyyamamu karaa Ejansichaatiin Boordiif ni dhiyeessa. 3) Raawwii hojichaa yeroo-yeroodhaan ni gamaaggama, tarkaanfii sirreessaa ni fudhata. 4) Xxxxx ittiin rakkoolee madda balaa tiraafikaa ta‟an furmaata argachuu danda‟an qorachuudhaan yaada ni dhiyeessa. 5) Murtii Boordichaa fudhachuun hojiirra ni oolcha 115. Ittigafatamummaa fi hojii Ejensichaa Ejensichii fi caasaan isaa sadarkaa sadarkaan jiru aangoo fi hojii labsii kenname akkumaeegametii ta‟e dambii kanaan Ittigafatamummaa armaan gadii ni qabaatu. 1) Ulaagaalee ga‟umsi konkollachisummaa itti mirkana‟u ni baasa; 2) Namoota waraqaa raga leenjii dhiyeeffatniif qormaata dandeettii | 114. የዞን፣ የወረዲ፣ የከተማና የቀበላ ትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ ኃሊፉነት የዞን፣ የወረዲ፣ የከተማና ቀበላ የትራፉክ ዯህንነት ኮሚቴ የሚከተሇው ኃሊፉነት ይኖረዋሌ፡- 1) የዞን፣የወረዲ፣የከተማና የቀበላ የትራፉክ ዯህንነት የሥራ ዕቅዴ በቅንጅት እንዱዘጋጅ በማዴረግ ይረጋገጣሌ፤ 2) ሇሥራው የሚያስፇሌጉ ዕቃዎችን በመሇየት እንዱፇቀዴ በኤጀንሲው በኩሌ ሇቦርዴ ያቀርባሌ፤ 3) የሥራ ሪፖርት በየጊዜው ይገመግማሌ፤ የእርምት እርምጃ ይወስዲሌ፤ 4) ሇትራፉክ አዯጋ ምንጭ የሆኑ ችግሮች መፌተሄ የሚያገኙበትን ሁኔታ በማጥናት ሀሳብ ያቀርባሌ፤ 5) የቦርደን ውሳኔ በመቀበሌ ሥራ ሊይ ያውሊሌ፡፡ 115. የኤጀንሲው ኃሊፉነትና ተግባራት | District and Kebele Traffic Safety Committee The Zone, District, Urban center and Kebele traffic safety committees shall have the following Duties: 1) Cause the work plan of the zonal, district and kebele traffic safety to be prepared in coordination and approve same; 2) Identify the materials required for its activities and submit to the Board through the Agency for approval; 3) Review the work performance periodically and take corrective measure; 4) Study about the causes of traffic accidents and their solutions and suggest recommendations; 5) Implement the decision of the Board. 115. Responsibilities and Duties of the Agency Without prejudice to the powers and duties given to the Agency and its structures of each hierarchy by the proclamation, it shall have the following responsibilities by this regulation: 1) Set the driving |
konkolaachisumaa mirkaneessu qoruun ragaa ga‟umsa konkolaachisummaa ni kenna; 3) Dhaabbata leenjii konkolaachisummaa kennuuf sirni barnootaa leenjii konkolaachisummaa akka qophaa‟u Koomishinii Barnoota leenjii Teekinikaa fi Ogummaa naanichaa waliin ni hojjata; 4) Quliquliina‟ qabiyyee fi boca waraqaa ragaa ga‟umsa konkolaachisummaa ni murteessa; 5) Ejansiin Geejjibaa Oromiyaa bu‟ura dambii kanatiin sirna geejjibaa si‟ata dhaqabamaa fi nageenyaa isaa mirkana‟e hojii irra oolchuuf sakata‟insa konkoolataa waggaa, hojii to”annoo Sochii tiraafikaa daandii irra fi Ijaarsa buufata konkooltaatiif bakka bu‟insa kennuu ni | ሇኤጀንሲውና በየዯረጃው ያለት መዋቅሮቹ በአዋጅ የተሰጡት ሥሌጣንና ተግባር እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ፤በዚህ ዯንብ የሚከተለት ኃሊፉነት ይኖረዋሌ፡- 1) የማሽከርከር ብቃት ማረጋገጫ መስፇርት ያወጣሌ፤ 2) የሥሌጠና ማስረጃ ሇሚያቀርቡ ሰዎች የማሽከርከር ብቃት ማረጋገጫ ፇተና በመፇተን የማሽከርከር ብቃት ማስረጃ ይሰጣሌ፤ 3) የአሽከርካሪነት ማሰሌጠኛ ተቋም ሇመስጠት የማሽከርከር ሙያ የትህምርት ሥርዓት እንዱዘጋጅ ከክሌለ የቴክኒክ ሙያና ትህምርት ሥሌጠና ኮሚሽን ጋር ይሰራሌ፤ 4) የአሽከርካሪነት ብቃት የምስክር ወረቀት ይዘትና ቅርጽ ጥራት ይወስናሌ፤ 5) የኦሮሚያ ትራንስፖርት ኤጀንሲ በዚህ ዯንብ | qualification certification criteria; 2) Give exam ascertaining driving abilities for the persons who submit training certificates and provide them driving qualification license; 3) Work with the Regional Technical and Vocational Training Commission for the preparation of the driving assessment system to provide the driving competency training; 4) Determine the the quality of contents and shape of the driving competency certificate; 5) Oromia Transport Agency may, on the basis of this regulation, give delegation regarding annual vehicle inspection, road traffic control activities and construction of vehicles stations for the implementation of speedy and efficient transport system; 6) Chiefly cotrol the impelementation of construction and maintenance descriptions or |
danda‟a. 6) Hojii irra olmaa Ibsawaan yookiin Ispeesiifikeeshiinii ijarsaa fi fooyya‟insaa konkolaatoota gosaa adda addaa olantummaan ni to‟ata. 7) Itti fayyadama konkoolataa mootummaa illalachisee qajeelfamaa ni qopheesa xxx xxxxxxxxxx hojii irra ni oolcha. 8) Xxxxx Ijaaarsi, foyyansii fi suphaan konkoolataa itti raawwatamurratti xxxxxxxx oggummaa ni kenna, raawwii isaas ni to‟ata. 9) Konkolaachistoota raga ga‟umsaa konkolaachsummaa fudhatanii badii raawwatan galmeessuun ni qaba,tarkaanfi barbaachisaas ni fudhata,Xxxxx raawwii isaa qajeelfama Ejansiichii baasuun kan murtaauu ta‟a. 10)Ejensichii konkoolataa | መሠረት ፇጣን ተዯራሽነትና ዯህንነታቸው የተረጋገጠ የትራንስፖርት ሥርዏት ሥራ ሊይ ሇማዋሌ የዓመቱን የተሽከርካሪ ምርመራ፤የመንገዴ ሊይ ትራፉክ ሥራ እንቅስቃሴ ቁጥጥርና ሇመናኸሪያ ግንባታ ውክሌና ሉሰጥ ይችሊሌ፤ 6) የግንባታና የተሇያዩ አይነት ተሽከርካሪዎች ማሻሻያ መግሇጫዎችና ስፔስፉኬሽኖች ሥራ ሊይ መዋሊቸውን በበሊይነት ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ 7) የመንግስት ተሽከርካሪ አጠቃቀም በተመሇከተ መመሪያ ያዘጋጃሌ፤ ሲፇቀዴም ሥራ ሊይ ያውሊሌ፤ 8) የተሽከርካሪ ግንባታ ማሻሻያና እዴሳት የሚፇጸምበት የሙያ ፇቃዴ ይሰጣሌ፤ አፇጻጸማቸውን ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ 9) የአሽከርካሪነት ብቃት ፇቃዴ ወስዯው ጥፊት የፇጸሙ አሽከርካሪዎችን | specifications of various vehicles; 7) Prepare directives regarding the use of public vehicles and implement them upon approval; 8) Provide qualification license on the implementation of construction, amendment and maintenance of vehicles; follow up its implementation; 9) Register and keep the drivers who have taken driving qualification license and commit offences; take corrective measure; Its implementation particulars may be determined by the directive to be issued; 10)The Agency may prohibit the old vehicles not to move on the road based on the law to be issued; 11)Determine the ways of performing supervision activities |
dullooma xxxxx xxxxx xx‟u irrattii hunda‟dhaadhaan akka karaa irra hin sochonnee dhorku ni danda‟aa. 11) Ejansichii xxxxx hojii to‟annoo itti rawwatuu ni murteessa, rawwii isaa ni hordofa, ni qorata,ni sirreessa. 12)Tumaaleen dambii kanaa hojii ooluu isaanii ni hordofa, ni toa‟ata; 13)Adaabii to”annoo ilaalchise mirga ol iyyannoo ilaluu ni qabaata. Kutaa Kudhan Tumaalee Adda Addaa 116. Adabbii Namnii kam iyyuu tumaalee dambii kanaa xxxxxx xxx argame akaataa gabtee „A‟tiin kan adabamu ta‟a 117. Kafaltii Tajaajilaa Namnii yookiin dhaabbatnii yookiin waldaan kamiyyuu tajaajila Ejensii irraa argatuuf akkaataa miiltoo “B”tiin kafaltii raawwachuu qaba 118. Dirqama Deeggarsa kennuu Qamni kamiyyuu dambii | መዝግቦ ይይዛሌ፤ 10)ኤጀንሲው ያረጁ ተሽከርካሪዎች በሚወጣው ህግ መሠረት መንገዴ ሊይ እንዲይንቀሳቀሱ ሉከሇክሌ ይችሊሌ፤ 11)ኤጀንሲው የቁጥጥር ሥራ የሚፇጸምበትን ሁኔታ ይወስናሌ፤ አፇጻጸማቸውን ይከታተሊሌ፤ ያጠናሌ፤ ያስተካክሊሌ፤ 12)የዚህ ዯንብ ዴንጋጌዎች ሥራ ሊይ መዋሊቸውን ይከታተሊሌ፤ ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ 13)የቁጥጥር ቅጣትን በተመሇከተ ይግባኝ የመመሌከት መብት ይኖረዋሌ፡፡ ክፌሌ አሥር ሌዩ ሌዩ ዴንጋጌዎች 116. ቅጣት ማንኛውም ሰው የዚህን ዯንብ ዴንጋጌዎች ተሊሌፍ ከተገኘ በሠንጠረዥ “ሀ” መሠረት የሚቀጣ ይሆናሌ፡፡ 117. የአገሌግልት ክፌያ ማንኛውም ሰው ወይም ዴርጅት ወይም ማህበር ከኤጀንሲው ሇሚያገኘው አገሌግልት በአባሪ “ሇ” መሠረት ክፌያ መፇጸም አሇበት፡፡ 118. ዴጋፌ የመስጠት ግዳታ ማንኛውም አካሌ ይህን ዯንብ ሥራ ሊይ ሇማዋሌ ዴጋፌ | and monitor its implementation; 12)Follow up and supervise the implementation of provisions of this regulation; 13)Shall have the power to examine appeal from controlling penalty. Part Ten Miscellaneous Provisions 116. Penalty Any person found to violate the provisions of this regulation shall be penalized as per schedule “A”. 117. Service Fee Any Person or Organization or Association shall perform service fee as per Annexed schedule “B” for the service obtained from the Agency. 118. Duty to Cooperate Any body has a duty to give support to implement this regulation. 119. Inapplicable Laws |
kana hojii irra oolchuu fi deegeersa kennuuf dirqama qaba. 119. Seerota Raawwatiinsa Xxx Xxxxxxxx 1) Dambiin lakk.96/1999 dambii kanaan haqamee jira. 2) Dambiin, Qajeelfamn fi barmatileen dambii kanaan wal-faallessan kamiyyuu dhimmoota dambii kanaan hammataman irratti raawwatiinsa hin qabaatan. 120. Aangoo Qajeelfama Baasuu Ejansiichii dambii kana hojii irra oolchuuf qajeelfama baasuu ni danda‟a. 121. Yeroo Dambiin Kun Hojii Irra Itti Ooluu Dambiin kun Amajii 4 bara 2004 irra eegalee hojii irra kan oolu ta‟a. Alamaayyoo Atoomsaa Pirezidaantii Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa Amajii 4 bara 2004 Finfinnee | የመስጠት ግዳታ አሇበት፡፡ 119. ተፇፃሚነት የማይኖራቸው ህጎች 1) ዯንብ ቁጥር 96/99 በዚህ ዯንብ ተሽሯሌ፡፡ 2) ከዚህ ዯንብ ጋር የሚቃረን ማንኛውም ዯንብ፣ መመሪያና ሌማዲዊ አሰራር በዚህ ዯንብ ውስጥ በተሸፇኑ ጉዲዮች ሊይ ተፇፃሚነት አይኖረውም፡፡ 120. መመሪያ የማውጣት ሥሌጣን ኤጀንሲው ይህን ዯንብ ሇማስፇፀም የሚያስፇሌገው መመሪያ ሉያወጣ ይችሊሌ፡፡ 121. ዯንቡ ሥራ ሊይ የሚውሌበት ጊዜ ይህ ዯንብ ከጥር 4, 2004 ጀምሮ ሥራ ሊይ የሚውሌ ይሆናሌ፡፡ አሇማየሁ አቶምሳ የኦሮሚያ ክሌሊዊ መንግስት ፕሬዚዲንት ጥር 4/2004 ፉንፉኔ | 1) Regulation No.96/2007 is hereby repealed. 2) Any regulation, directive and customary practice inconsistent with this regulation shall not be applicable to matters covered by this regulation. 120. Power to Issue Directive The Agency may issue directives to implement this regulation. 121. Effective Date This regulation shall come in to force as of 12 January, 2012. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx President of Oromia Regional State 12 January, 2012 Finfine |
Miiltoo “A” Adabbii
Lakk | Balleessaa Konkolaachisaa Sadarkaa 1ffaa Adabiisuu (100-300) | Qar. |
1 | Konkolaataa yeroo sakatta‟iinsa waggaa raawwatee osoo jiru kan mallattoo ga‟umsa konkolaataa (Boolloo) osoo hin maxxanfatiin argame | 100 |
2 | Goolgaawwaan arguu dhoorkan, maxxantuu plastikaa kan maxaanfatee argame | 100 |
3 | Qulqullina konkoolaataa keessaa fi ala osso hin eegiin kan konkoolaachise | 100 |
4 | Akkataa sadarkaa bobbii qopha‟een kan hojii irra hin oolchine | 100 |
5 | Nama uddeelatee biskileeta kan oofe | 100 |
6 | Bifa naamusa gaarii falleessuun konkolaachisaan qulqullina dhuufa eeguu dhabuu,urgooftuu fi dibata imaltoota irratti dhiibbaa qaban faayadamuu, uffata sirrii hin taane uffachuu maaliin ifaa | 100 |
7 | Buufata konkoolataa keessatti jeequmsa kan uume | 150 |
8 | Aritii heeyameene gadi konkolachisudhan sochii tirafika kan danqee argame | 150 |
9 | sagalee guddistuu faayyadamanii xxxxx imaltootaa fi naannoo jeequu danda‟uun muuziqaa dhageessisuu | 150 |
10 | Konkolaataa keessatti barreeffama amantii, xxxxxxxx, hamilee tuquu kkf. maxansee kan argame? | 150 |
11 | Ergaa imaanadhan fudhate, postaa, Gazexaa fi kkf. Qaama ilaalluuf kan hin geessissine | 200 |
12 | Konkoolaataa furtuun hin xxxxxx xxxx‟iif kan dhiyeessee akkasumas haata‟u jedhee tajaajilicha miidhuuf sa‟atti lama(2) oli buufata keessa kan dhaabee | 200 |
13 | Konkoolaachisaa lama giddutti fageenya eeganii konkoolachisu xxxxx | 200 |
14 | Heeyyama konkolaachisaa harkatti osoo hin qabatiin konkolaachisee kan argame yakka taúun isaa hoo? | 200 |
15 | Iddoo ibsa tirafikatii fi naannoo isaatti seeroota kabajamuu qabani xxx xxxxx | 200 |
16 | Xxxxxxx xxxxx namaa jeequu fiingee (xurumbaa) ykn konkoolaataa aara qilleensa xxxxx xxxx (Istaandaardii ol) baasuu kan konkolchise | 200 |
17 | Konkoolaataa deeddebisa uummataa irratti beeldoota ykn fayummaa fi mija‟a kan hin taane meesha fe‟anii konkoolachisaa argamuu. | 200 |
18 | Waraqaa bobbii osoo hin qabaatiin sochoosee kan argame | 200 |
19 | Seera boobbii geejjiba magalaaf barbaachiisu osoo hin guutiin hojatee kan argamee | 200 |
20 | Yuniifoormii ykn uffata seeraa akkata qajelfaman adda ba‟en qopheessee osoo hin uuffatin hojii irratti boba‟e kan argame | 230 |
21 | Yeroo haromsa heeyyama konkolaachisaa dabarsee kan argame | 250 |
22 | Konkolaataa deeddebisa uummataa irratti gara dubaatti gara fulduratti meeshaa raara‟e fe‟ani konkolachisuu. | 250 |
23 | Konkolataan imaala fe‟ee deemsa erga eegaleen booda konkoolataa keessa imalaan osoo jiruu boba‟aa kan guutee argame | 250 |
24 | Naannoo heeyyama kennameef ala osoo hojetuu kan argame | 250 |
25 | Bobbiirra osoo jiruu suphaa konkolaataaf xxxxx imaala sa‟aa tokkoo (1) oli kan tursiise | 250 |
26 | Geengoo tirafikaa (‟trafic circle‟) toora bitaatiin marfachuu | 300 |
27 | Iddoowwan daandii qaxamura fi karaa maquu irratti meetira 12 keessatti dhaabbatee argamu | 300 |
28 | Karaa hin taaneen imaala kan harkise, kan dhamaase, kan ifate argame | 300 |
29 | Agarsiistuu kallatti mallattoo Nageenya Tirafika eegatani konkolachisuu dhabuu | 300 |
30 | Naannoo hedidaa baburaa oofeggannoo barbaachisaa gochuu dhabuu | 300 |
31 | Iddoo dhorkaa ta‟etti kadhimamtoota konkolachisa leenjiesuu akkasumas mallattoo shakalii osoo hin maxxansiin shaakalisiisuu | 300 |
32 | Sakatta‟iinsa to‟annoo tekiinika tasaa akka goosisu gaafatamee kan fuudhachuu dide | 300 |
33 | Daandii irratti lafoo deemtotaaf dursa kan hin kennine hafe | 300 |
34 | Konkoolaata dhabatee irratti dabalamee cinaa dhabachuun kandandii cufee fi sochii tirafika kan dangese | 300 |
35 | Konkoolataa cabee mallattoo caalaqisaa rog-xxxxx xxxx hin kaa‟in kan konkoolataa daandii irra dhaabe argame | 300 |
36 | Yeroo turmataa heyyamamee oli konkoolataa daandii irra dhabee kan argame | 300 |
37 | Konkolataa karaa darbaa jiruuf dursa kan dhoowwate | 300 |
38 | Xxxxx xxxxx deemtootafi iddo dhabbata autoobisii (fermaataa)magalaa iddoo dhorkame irratti konkolaataa kan dhaabe | 300 |
39 | Daandii qaxamuraa irratti konkoolaata dursa kan dhaawwate | 300 |
40 | Konkolaataa mallattoo calaqisaa osoo hin qabaatiin kan konkoolachise | 300 |
41 | Iddoo daandii dhiphaa iddo riqicha dhipha, agarttii fagoo iddoo dhorkutti konkolataa darbuf yaaluu | 300 |
42 | Saganta xxxx‟ii xxxxx deemisa heeyyamameen kan rawwachuu dide | 300 |
43 | Kafaltii imaala kafaluuf nagahee kennuu dhisu fi taagii meeshaa qopheessee hojii irra oolchuu dhabuu. | 300 |
44 | Baadhee (Heelmeeti) mataa xxxx xxxx osoo hin kawwatiin ykn nama fe‟ame dukaa isaa jiru kawawachuu isaa osoo hin mirkaneefatiin Doqdoqqee ofee kan argame | 300 |
45 | Konkolata deddebisa uummataa iddoo seeran heyyammeen ala dhabun imaala fe‟anii argamuu | 300 |
46 | Konkolaachistoonnii biroo gocha seeraan ala raawwataniif deeggeersa kennuu maali inni | 300 |
47 | Balbala konkoolaataa osso hin cufiin kan konkoolachisee | 300 |
48 | Yeroof iddo kamittuu daandii eddeeda mirgaa osoo hin qabatiin imaalaa fi meesha kan busee, kan fe‟xx xxxxxx | 300 |
49 | Xxxxxxxxx oso hin agarsiisiin iddo dhabatee xxx xxxxx ykn kan dhaabee ykn maqee | 300 |
50 | Ibsaa fireechaa xxxxx hin tanneen kan agarsiisee | 300 |
51 | Balbala ba‟insa fi seensa buufata konkoolata cufee dhabachuun yaa‟insa tirafikaa kan daanqe akkasumas balbala hospitala fi ittisa balaa ibidaa konkoolaataa dhabee kan argame | 300 |
52 | Kallatti daandii itti deemu qabu hin qabatiin kan deeme | 300 |
53 | Saqii (safety belt) osso hin hidhatiin kankolachisee argame | 300 |
54 | xxxxx sirrii hintaaneen kan nama fe‟ee ykn udeelee ykn faniifatee ykn dabalee argame | 300 |
55 | Sharaa ykn pilaastikii sadarkaa gaariiraa jiruf funyoo qabachuu dhisuu. | 300 |
56 | Kiriikii, hiiktuu gommaa fi gommaa jijjiiraaf ta‟u osoo hin qabatiin tajaajila kennuu. | 300 |
57 | Konkolaataa miidhamees ta‟e osoo hin miidhamiin bifa sochii tiraafika irratti dhiibbaa geesiissuun sa‟atii danbiin heyyamame ol dhabuu | 300 |
58 | Toora sirrii hin tannerra konkoolachisuu | 300 |
59 | Iddoo qaxamura lafoo demetoota cufee konkolaataa dhabee argamee | 300 |
60 | Mallattoo dhorkuu cabsee kani argamee ykn tajaajilaa mallatichaa falleese xxx xxxxxx | 300 |
61 | Seeraan xxxx xxxx bodaatti kan konkolachisee | 300 |
62 | Ijoolee uumuriin isaanii waggaa toorbaa(7) gadi ta‟an irra kafaltii taarifa geejiibaa kan | 300 |
kafalchise argame | ||
63 | Ijoolee uumuri isanii waggaa 7-12 ta‟an kafaltii taarifa tajajila geejibaa walka akka kafalanu kan heeyamamen ala caalmaan dabalee kan kafalchise | 300 |
64 | Imaalan iddoo gahumsa kiyaa jedhee yabatee dabarsani busani argamu. | 300 |
Lakk | Balleessaa Konkolaachisaa Sadarkaa 2ffaa / 350-500/ | Qar. |
65 | Lageewwaan, haroowwaan fi bishaan bollaa uummata fi belladoon itti faayadamaanitti akka konkoolaataan dhiqamu kan taasise ykn akka dhiqamu xxx xxxxx | 350 |
66 | Bobbiidhaaf kalattii hanqina geejiiba jiru akka uwisuu qaama dhimmi ilaluun gaafatame kan didee | 350 |
67 | Daandii konkoolaataa irratii osoo suphuu kan argame | 350 |
68 | Daandii irratti dhangalawwan dhagalessee ykn dhimmoota guufachisaa daandii xxxx xx‟ee osoo hin quliquleesiin kan deeme | 350 |
69 | Daandii irratti konkoolaataa dhiqee kan argame | 350 |
70 | Magaalaa keessa, moora gaaraajii ala daandii irratti suphaa konkolaataa ykn hojii gomista hojechisuu | 350 |
71 | Buufata keessatti goomaa jijiiruu irra kan hafe, suphaa konkolataa fi konkolataa qulqulleessuu rawwatee kan argame | 350 |
72 | To‟atoota daandiittiin maallattoo dhaabisu agarsiisame kan dhabuu didee deeme ykn kabajuu didee cabsee deeme | 400 |
73 | Mallattoo dirqiisaani ykn dhorkaan kabajuu dhabuu | 400 |
74 | Xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx ala meshaalee adda addaa akka teessootti fayaadamuu kan Konkolaataa keessatti dabale ykn kaa'ee argamee | 400 |
75 | Ifaa eeyamameen oli ifaa ulfaataa(paawuzaa)kan fayyadamee argame | 400 |
76 | To‟ataa sochii geejibatiin ragaa gaafatamu dhawwatee kan argame ykn ragaa dogoggoraa kan kenne argame | 400 |
77 | Yeroo dukanaa fi yeroo ibsan barbachisaa ta‟xxxx xxxx hin ibsiin kan konkolaachise | 400 |
78 | Heeyyama seeraa malee konkoolaataa harkisee kan argame | 400 |
79 | Spoondaa ykn hammattuu fe‟umsaa hojjetamef ol fe‟xx xxx argame | 400 |
80 | Fe‟iisa akka dhakaa cirracha fi kan biiroo daandii hurgufamu ykn dhukkee kaasuu danda‟an sharaa uffisuu dhabuu | 400 |
81 | Konkolataa Adeemsa daandii irra osoo jiruu sababaa teekinikaatiin yoo dhabatee imaltoonni haalatti deemu daanda‟an uumuuf kiiloo meetirri. adeemamee shallagamee qarshii kafalanii irra hir‟isuudhaan kan hafe deebisu xxxxx ykn sa‟a tokko (1) keessatti konkoolata biraa bakka busuuf xxxxx. | 450 |
82 | Haalawwan idilee hin tannen sababaa adda addaattiin uummata iddoo tokkootti kufameef dirqama mootummaan kennu fudhatnii yeroo barbadameetti konkoolata dhiyeessuu dhisuuf, iddoo barbadame deemu diiduu | 450 |
83 | Konkoolaataa deddeebisa uummata sagantaa sarara bobbii uwisuu qabu dhiisee heeyyama malee garaji keessa ykn iddo biraa kan dhaabee argame | 450 |
84 | Daandii irratti balaan tirafika yemuu qaqqabu namoota miidhamaniif gargarsa arifataa argatanii gara mana yaala geessuuf to‟atan tirafikaas ta‟e to‟atan geejiibaa atoma xxx xxxxxxx, kan deegersa gochuufii didee | 500 |
85 | Caatii, dhugatti Alkoolii, baalaa samu adoochu fi kkf. Itti faayadamaa konkolachisuu | 500 |
86 | Meeshaalee xxxxxx ykn irraanfatamaani seeran eegani qaama ilaalatu harkan ga‟u dhabu. | 500 |
87 | Gabatee konkolaataa haqame,cite,kan uwwisamen osoo konkolachisu kan argame | 500 |
88 | Konkolaataa tajaajila heeyamameefiin ala hojii irra oolchee argame (konkolata dedebisa uumata shakkalif,kan fe‟umsaa uummataaf kkf) | 500 |
89 | Gabatee konkolata iddo barbachisa ta‟een alatti hidhee ykn akka hin hikamane godhe(“baayaadee”) argame | 500 |
90 | Seeran ala xxxxx biliisa mormee kan diigee ykn kan biroo kan kakasee | 500 |
91 | konkoolataa fe‟umsa irratti nama fe‟xx xxx argame | 500 |
92 | Iddoo fi yeroo kamiyyuu konkolataa sochii irra osoo jiru bilbilaa xxxxx‟a (mobile)ttin fayyadamanii argamani | 500 |
93 | Konkolaataa sochii irra osoo jiru imalaa buusu ykn yaabsiisaa argame. | 500 |
94 | Iddoo ka‟umsafi gahumsa imalaa geesiisamu osso qabu gidutti kutudhaan konkolaata biratti imalaa dabarsani fe‟uudhaan bobbii dachasan argamu | 500 |
95 | Yeroo dukanaa ifa ibsu osoo qabuu osoo hin ibsiin kan konkoolaachise | 500 |
96 | Karaa dhiphoo irratti konkoolaataa dhabanii argamu. | 500 |
97 | Konkoolaataa fuunca‟aa (sansalataa) qabu kan daandii irra konkolaachisee | 500 |
98 | Televiiziinii ykn fakkiwwaan xxxxx‟a kan biiroo ta‟an fuula dura ka‟an osoo illaalaa konkolaachisuu | 500 |
99 | Konkolaataa fe‟aumsa irratti mallattoo calaqisaa kara booda osoo hin maxxansiin kan konkolaachisee argame | 500 |
100 | Ariitii seeran heeyyamameen oli kan konkolaachisee argamee | 500 |
101 | Hojjettoota to‟annoo, imaltootas ta‟ee qaamoota biroo arrabsuu. | 500 |
102 | Konkolaataa Ambulaansi, konkolata ittisa balaa ibidaa fi dursa kennuu dhisuu | 500 |
103 | Heeyyama gahumsa konkoalachisaa kan qabu ta‟ee konkolaataa itti kennamee nama biraaf dabarsee kenne argame | Dhorkaa ji'a ja'aa |
104 | Teessoo heeyyamame fi oli caalamatti imaala fe‟xx xxx argame(nama tokkoo tokkootti) | Tariff x2 per person |
Lakk | Balleessaa Konkolaachisaa Sadarkaa 3ffaa / 550-1000/ | Qar. |
105 | Ijolee umurii waggaa 12 gadi fuula dura (gabbiina)ka‟ee osoo konkolaachisu kan argame | 550 |
106 | Heeyyamaa konkolaachisaa qaama seera kaminu dhorkame jiru qabatani konkolachisee argamu | 550 |
107 | Xxxxxx xxxxx heeyyamameefiin ala konkoolachise kan argame | 550 |
108 | Magaloota buufata konkolataa qabu keessatti buufatan ala dhabatee fe‟xx xxx argame | 600 |
109 | Iddoo daddabu irratti konkolataa dhaabee kan argame | 600 |
110 | Sababaa kamiin iyyuu imaltoota karaa irratti buuse dhisee kan deeme | 600 |
111 | Taarifa seeran xxxxx‟ee oli caalmattiin kafalchisee kan argame | 700 |
112 | Konkolata dedebisa uumata daangeefame daanga km hayyamameefiin ala konkolachisani argamu (km 150) | 800 |
113 | Balaa tirafikaa geesiisee batalatti dhabachuu diidee kan deeme ykn baduuf yaale | 1000 |
Lakk | Balleessaa Abbaa Qabeenya Adabsiisuu Sadarkaa 1ffaa Adabsiisu (100-500) | Qar. |
114 | Yeroo sakatta‟iinsa a waggaa konkolaataa osoo hin sakkattasiisin kan dabarse /Guyyaa kudhashanshaniin / | 100 |
115 | Konkolaataa deddeebisa uummataa heeyyama seeraan ala tajaajila bobbiin ala gochuu/dhoksuu/ | 300 |
116 | Barcuma mija‟aa hin taanetti fayyadamee kan argame (xxx xxxxx'e, kan quuqu, xuuraawwaa,) | 300 |
117 | Gommaa dabalataa/scort/, hiiktuwwan gosaalee adda addaa osoo hin qabaatiin konkolaataa deddeebisa uummataa hojiif bobbaasee kan argamuu. | 300 |
118 | Yeroo tajaajila geejjibaa kennamu ragawwaan barbachisan(footo koopii heeyyama opareetarummaa) ,kallatti deemsa garsiistu,maqaa konkolaachisaa,fi sandoota biroo osoo hin qabatiin ykn osoo hin maxxansiin kan argame | 300 |
119 | Ulaagaalee yeroo kenna sadarkaa heeyyama opreetarummaa guutamanii yeroo to‟annoon hanqisanii argamuu. | 320 |
120 | Akkaataa uunkaalee qophaa‟aniin ragaalee barbaadaman qaama ilaallatuuf yeroo isaa eeggatanii geessisuu ykn dabarsu dhabuu. | 330 |
121 | Dirqama addaa ykn sararaa haaraa banuuf sagantaa kennameefii fudhachuu kan didee | 350 |
122 | Bu‟uura heeyyama opreetarummaa kennameefiin qaama konkolaataa cinaa lamaniin lakkoofsa sadarkaa addabaasu ykn asxaa ykn halluu sadarkichaaf xxxxx‟ee qabaachuu dhabuu. | 360 |
123 | Konkolaataa deddeebisa uummataa keessatti nagahee imalaas ta‟e meesha imalaaf kan qabeessu didee | 370 |
124 | Akkaataa sagantaa bobbii mirkanaa‟een ykn qaama bobbaasu irraa ajaja kennamuufiin tajaajila kennuu dhabuu | 380 |
125 | Uffata seeraa,baajii fi waraqaa ragaahojjetoota konkolaataa irra hojjetanii kan qopheessuu dhabe. | 380 |
126 | Ifaa osso hin guuttatiin halkan konkolaachisuu | 400 |
127 | Istaandaardii fe‟umsaa, bal‟inaa, dheerinaa fi fageenyaa ka‟ameen ala kan ta‟e | 400 |
128 | Golollee dhuumaa ykn liishoo, kan biilooniin Golollee hir'ate, daawiitii cabaa, kan biilooniin teessoo ala ba'e,kan bokkaa fi awwaraa galchu, kan foodaan hin banaaminne ykn hin cufamine | 400 |
129 | Xxxxxxxxxxx odeeffannoo kennani konkolaataa deddeebisa uummataa keessatti osoo hin maxxansiin kan argame ykn odeeffannoo kan dhowwate | 430 |
130 | Konkolataa Adeemsa daandii irra osoo jiruu sababaa teekinikaatiin yoo dhabatee imaltoonni haalatti deemu daanda‟an uumuuf kiiloo meetirri. adeemamee shallagamee qarshii kafalanii irra hir‟isuudhaan kan hafe deebisu xxxxx ykn sa‟a tokko (1) keessatti konkoolata biraa bakka busuuf xxxxx. | 450 |
131 | Gabatee konkolaataa hin mul‟xxxx ykn kan ciite ykn gabatee xxxxx qofaa osoo konkolaachiisuu kan argame | 500 |
132 | Konkolaataa meeshaan hin guutamnees ta‟e kan hin qabane (Siitraa, dhamsiituu ibidaa, saaxiinii walansaa) kan bobbasee argame | 500 |
133 | Konkolaataa tajaajila heeyamameefiin ala hojii irra oolchee argame (konkolata dedebisa uumata shakkalif,kan fe‟umsaa uummataaf kkf) | 500 |
Lakk | Balleessaawwan Abbaa Qabeenyaa Adabsiissan Sadarkaa 2ffaa /700-1500/ | Qar |
134 | Maqaa abbaa qabeenyumma ofitti osoo hin jijjiriin ji‟a jahaa dabarsee kan argame | 700 |
135 | Daawwitii konkolaataa seeraan hin eyyamamne (non-safty glasse) foddaa fi balbalaaf fayyadamu | 1000 |
136 | Konkolaataa hir‟ina qaamaa qabu akka sirreessu qaamni seerummaa qabuu barreeffamaan ibsameefii xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx hin sirreesiin kan konkolaachisee argame | 1000 |
137 | Xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx ala hanga (Size) teessoo gadbuusee kan argamee | 1000 |
138 | Istaandaardii fe‟umsaa, bal‟inaa, dheerinaa fi fageenyaa ka‟ameen ala kan ta‟e Heeyyama | 1000 |
139 | Heeyyama qaama illalun ala qaama konkolaataa irratti qaama bira (Teessoo, paraa'ultii, ispoondaa) dabalee kan argame | 1500 |
Lakk | Balleessaa Abbaa Qabeenya Adabsiisu Sadarkaa 3ffaa / 2000-3000/ | Qar. |
140 | Nama heeyyama konkolachisumma seera qabeesa hin qabneef ykn sadarkaan heeyyama konkolachisumaa isaa kan hin heeyyamnef konkoolaataa kenne kan argamefinaminni heeyyama leenjiisuu hin qabne akka itti leenjiisuf konkolaataa itti kennuu | 2000 |
141 | Xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx ala lakkoofsan kan teessoo dabalee argamee | 2000 |
142 | Mallattoo ga‟umsa konkolaataa (Boolloo) kan hinmaxxanfatiin argame ykn kan qaama biroo maxxanfatee argame | 2500 |
143 | Gabatee seera qabeessa osoo hin maxxansiin tajaajila kennuu ykn sochoosee | 2500 |
144 | Qaama dhimmi ilaalu irraa heeyyama seera osoo hin qabatiin halluu konkolaataa xxxxx‟nsaa sadarkaa ala dibee kan argame. | 2500 |
145 | Heeyyama qaama dhimmi ilaallatuun ala gabatee yeroontiin osoo daldaluu kan argame | 2500 |
146 | Gabatee traanziitii tajaajila heeyyamamee fi yeroo heeyyamameen ala faayidaaf oolchee kan argame | 2500 |
147 | Yeroo saka‟taninsa lakkoofsa motoraa, shaansii fi bara oomisha konkolaataa akkasumas dhimmoota dhorkaa ta‟an qaama dhimmi ilaalutti osoo hin beeksisiin kan jijiiree argame | 2500 |
148 | Sababa badanii ykn biirootiin libiree,gabatee,boollo bakka bu‟uun kennameef osoo jiruu kan dura kennameefiin osoo fayyadamuu argame | 2500 |
149 | Konkoolaataa hojii daldalaatiin hin galmoofnee ykn heeyyama daldalaa hin qabane kan kirese ykn daldalaaf bobasee argamee | 2500 |
150 | Nama leenjiisuf Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx fi heyyama leenjisummaa konkoalachisaa hin qabneetti konkolaataa kenne kan argame | 3000 |
Balleessaawwan sadarkaa 1ffaa kan gargaaraa konkolaachisaa itti adabaman /100-120/ | ||
151 | Konkolaataan osoo hin dhaabbatin balbala kan banee argame | 100 |
152 | Uffata seeraa akka barbaachisuun baajii fi waraqaa eenyummaa osoo hin godhatin hojiirratti kan argame | 100 |
153 | Kosii konkoolaataa keessa buufata keessatti kan gatee argame | 100 |
154 | Odeeffannoo tajaajila geejiibaa imaalaa ykn qaama ilaalatu kan dhawate | 100 |
155 | Fedhii imaltootaan ala konkolaataa isaa yaabsiisuuf kan harkisee ykn kan darbatee, argamee | 150 |
156 | Imaalaaf kunuunsa/yeroo nyataa araa galfii akkasumas dubartii uulfa ,dai‟amanii,dubartii uulfa qaama midhamitoota fi mangudoota/tessoo dura kennu dhabuu | 100 |
157 | Yeroo konkoolaataan adeemsaaf qopha‟u hanqina gahumsa teekinkaa hordofee qaama dhimma ilaalatuf beeksisuu kan dhisee | 150 |
158 | Ragaa dogoggoraa /haqa fi laqamaa, dulomaa/qabatee kan argame | 150 |
Balleessawwan sadarkaa 2ffaa kan gargaaraa konkolachisaa itti adabaman /giddu galeessa/(151-199) | Qr. | |
159 | Imaalaa ifachuu, arabsuu, harkisuu kkf gochuu | 150 |
160 | Konkoolaataa sababa adda addaan daandii irra dhabatee mallattoo dhaaf jedhamee dhagaa dandii xxxx xx‟uu dhaan osoo hin kasiin hafe | 150 |
161 | Qabeenya imaltoota ofegannoo qabuu dhabuu irra kan ka‟ee akka cabu ykn akka badu xxx xxxxx | 150 |
162 | Iddoo kamitu meesha imaalaa sababa fe‟uuf buusutiin mallaqa kan gaafate ykn kan fuudhatee | 150 |
163 | Meesha imaalaa fe‟e roobaan ykn dhukettiin ykn aduttiin akka tajajilaa ala ta‟u xxx xxxxx ykn gatee kan argame | 150 |
164 | Deebii qabatee osoo jiru kaafaltii imaalaan kaffaleef deebisuuf xxxxx | 150 |
165 | Meeshalee mija‟ina imaalaa dhawataan fe‟anii argamu | 150 |
Balleessawwan sadarkaa 3ffaa kan gargaaraa konkolachisaa itti adabaman /Ulfaataa/(200 ol) | Qr. | |
166 | Taarifa seeraan mirkanaa‟e ol kaffalchiisanii imalaa kaffalee deebii osoo qabuu shallaganii deebisuu dhabuu | 200 |
167 | Seeran dhorkamee osoo jiru hojii irratti kan boba‟xx xxxxxx | 200 |
168 | Meesha imaalaa kg 25 gadi kan ta‟e kafaltii kafalchisee kan argamee akkasumas tarifaa meeshatti oli kan kaffalchisee fe‟e argame | 200 |
169 | Adeemsa irratti imaltoota kan arabse,kan rebee kan harkise,kan ifatee argamee | 200 |