Waggaa 17ffaaLak 145/2004
17ኛዓመት ቁጥር 145/2004
17th Year No 145/2012
Finfinnee Amajjii 11, 2004
ፊንፊኔ ጥር 11/2004
Finfine January 18/2012
መገለተ ኦሮሚያ
Gatii Tokkoo ያንዱ ዋጋ Unit Price | To’xxxxx Xxxxxx Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaatiin xxx Xxxx በኦሮሚያ ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግሥት በጨፌ ኦሮሚያ ጠባቂነት የወጣ | Lakk S. Poostaa ፖ.ሣ. ቁጥር X.X.Xxx |
Qabiyyee Dambii Lak.145/2004 Dambii Kolleejii Barnoota Barsiisotaa Fedhii Addaa Sabbataa irradeebiidhaan Hundeessuuf Xxxx | ማውጫ ደንብ ቁጥር 145/2004 የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን ማሰልጠኛ ኮለጅ | Content Regulation No. 145/2012 Regulation to Provide for the Re-Establishment Sebeta Special Need Education Teachers |
እንደገና ለማቋቋም የወጣ ደንብ | Tra ning College. | |
Dambii Lak.145/2004 | ደንብ ቁጥር 145/2004 | Regulation No. 145/2012 |
Dambii Kolleejii Barnoota | የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት | Regulation to Provide for the |
Barsiisotaa Fedhii Addaa Sabbataa irradeebiidhaan Hundeessuuf Xxxx Barsiisota Barnoota Fedhii Addaa | መምህራን ማሰልጠኛ ኮለጅ እንደገና ለማቋቋም የወጣ ደንብ | Re-Establishment Sebeta Special Need Education Teachers Training College |
qulqullinaa fi baay’inaan | የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን | Whereas, to produce special |
horachuu, mirgoota qaama | በጥራትና በብዛት ለማፍራት፣ | need Education of teachers in |
miidhamtootaa fi kanneen biro | በተሰጠው ህግ ለአካል ጉዳተኞችና | quality and quantity, to |
xxxxxx xxxxx qaban seeraan | ልዩ ፍላጎት ላላቸው ሰዎች | implement legally given rights |
kennaman hojii xxxx xxxxxxx, barnoota xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx’xxxx, | የተሰጠውን መብት ሥራ ላይ | of handicapped and those in special need, expanding special |
akkasumas, hirmaannaa fi itti fayyadama isaanii mirkaneessuu xxxxx dandeesisuu fi akkaataa gurmaa’ina hojii rifoormii irratti hundaa’een wal-simsiisuun kolleejjii Barnoota Barsiisootaa Fedhii Addaa Sabbataa irra deebiidhaan hundeessuun barbaachisaa ta’ee waan argameef: Akkaataa labsii Lakk. 163/2003 keewwata 65 (2) tiin danbiin kanatti aanee jiru bahee jira. Kutaa-Tokko Tumaalee Waliigalaa 1. Xxxx-xxxxx Gabaabaa Dambiin kun “Dambii Koolleejii barnoota Barsiisota Fedhii Addaa Sabbataa irra deebiidhaan hundeessuuf xxxx lakk. 145/2004” xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ni danda’a. 2. Hiika Akkaataan jechichaa hiika biraa kan kennisiisuuf xxx xx’e xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx: 1) “Mana Maree Bulchiinsaa” jechuun Mana Maree Bulchiinsa Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaati. 2) “Biiroo” xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx. 3) “Boordii” jechuun Dambii kanaan kan hundeeffame qaama ol’aanaa koolleejjii | ለማዋል፣ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት ማስፋፋት፣ እንዲሁም ተሳትፎና አጠቃቀማቸውን በሚያስችል ሁኔታና በርፎርም ሥራ አደራጃጀት ላይ በተመሰረተ ሁኔታ በማገናኘት የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን ማሰልጣኛ ኮሌጅ እንደገና ማቋቋም አስፈላጊ ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፤ በአዋጅ ቁጥር 163/2003 አንቀፅ 65(2) መሰረት ቀጥሎያለው ደንብ ወጥቷል፡ ክፍል አንድ ጠቅላላ ድንጋጌዎች 1. አጭር ርዕስ ይህ ደንብ “የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን ማሰልጠኛ ኮለጅ እንደገና ለማቋቋም የወጣ ደንብ ቁጥር 145/2004” ተብሎ ሊጠቀስ ይችላል፡፡ 2. ትርጓሜ የቃሉ አገባብ ሌላ ትርጉም የሚሰጠው ካለልሆነ በስተቀር በዚህ ደንብ ውስጥ፡- 1) “አስተዳደር ምክር ቤት” ማለት የኦሮሚያ ክልላዊ መንግስት አስተዳደር ምክር | need education, as well as in a manner it may ensure their participation and matches depending on reform works organization, it found necessary to re- establish Sebeta Special Need Education Teachers Training College; Now, Therefore, in accordance with Article 65(2) of proclamation No.163,2011 the following regulation is hereby issued. Part One General Provisions 1. Short Title This regulation may be cited as “Regulation No. 145/2012 to Provide for the Re-Establishment of Sebeta Special Need Education Teachers Training College.” 2. Definitions Unless the context requires otherwise, in this regulation, 1) “Administrative council” means the Oromia regional government administrative council. 2) “Bureau” means Oromia Education Bureau. 3) “Board” means the higher body established by this regulation to |
Barnoota Barsiisota fedhii addaa Sabbataa gaggeessu jechuudha. 4) “Koree Maanajimantii” jechuun koree hojii koolleejicha keessatti xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx gaggeessu jechuu dha. 5) “Komishinii Akkaadaamii” jechuun qaama adeemsa baruu fi barsiisuu koolleejichaa hoogganu jechuu dha 6) “Barnoota Fedhii Addaa” jechuun barnoota barattoota fedhii addaa qaban garaagarummaa dhuunfaa fi fedhii isaanii guutuuf qophaa’ee kennamu jechuu dha. 7) “Qaama miidhamaa” jechuun nama uumamaan ykn balaa adda-addaatiin arguu, ykn dhagahuu, ykn dubbachuu hin dandeenye jechuu dha. 8) “Wirtuu Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx” jechuun: xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx kennuu fi babal’isuu irratti, wirtuu deeggarsaa fi tajaajila barbaachisu horatee kan kennu | ቤት ማለት ነው፡፡ 2) “ቢሮ” ማለት የኦረሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ነው፡፡ 3) “ቦርድ” ማለት በዚህ ደንብ የተመሰረትና የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን ማሰልጠኛ ኮለጅ የሚመራ ከፍተኛ አካል ማለት ነው፡፡ 4) “ማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ” በኮለጁ ወስጥበየቀኑ የሚከናወኑ ሥራዎች የሚመራ ኮሚቴ ማለት ነው፡፡ 5) “የአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን” ማለት የኮለጁን የማመር ማስተማር ሂደት የሚመራ አካል ማለት ነው፡፡ 6) “የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት” ማለት ልዩ ፍላጎት ያላቸው ተማሪዎች የእያንድንዳቸውን ልዩነትና ፍላጎት ላማሟላት የተዘጋጀ ትምህርት ማለት ነው፡፡ 7) “አካል ጉዳተኛ” ማለት በተፈጥሮ ወይም በተለያዩ አደጋዎች ማየት ወይምመስማት ወይም | direct Sebeta Special Need Education Teachers Training College. 4) “Management Committee” means a committee which directs day to day activities carried out in the college. 5) “Academic Commission” a body which directs the learning-teaching process undertaken in the college. 6) “Special Need Education” means education prepared and given to students in special need to fulfill their individual gap and need. 7) “Physically Impaired” means a person with visual or hearing or speech impairment to natural and different accidents. 8) “Logistic center of Special Need Education” means a center which produces and render necessary support and service on giving and expanding special need |
jechuudha. 9) “Nama” jechuun namauumamaa ykn qaama seeraan qaamni seerummaa kennameef jechuu dha. 3. Bibsa Saalaa Dambii kana keessatti jechi saala dhiiraatiin ibsame dubartiis ni dabalata. 4. Hundeeffamaa fi Itti waamama 1) Koolleejiin Barnoota Barsiisota Fedhii Addaa Sabbataa, kanaan booda “Koolleejjii” jedhamee kan waamamu irra deebiidhaan dambii kanaan hundeeffamee jira. 2) Itti waamamni koolleejjichaa Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaaf ta’a. 5. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx kaayyoo armaan gadii ni qabaata; 1) Hirmaannaa lammiileen fedhii addaa qaban leenjii keessatti guddisuu; 2) Barsiisota sadarkaa 1ffaa barnoota xxxx xxxx addaa barsiisanii fi ogeessota guddina diinagdee fi hawaasummaa irratti hojjatan, dandeettii fi beekumsa barnoota fedhii | መናገር የጠተሳነው ማለት ነው፡፡ 8) “የልዩ ፍላጎት ሎጂስትክ ማዕከል” ማለት የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት በመስጠትና በማስፋፋት ላይ አስፋላጊውን ድጋፍና አገልግሎት አሟልቶ የሚሰጥ ማለት ነው፡፡ 9) “ሰው” ማለት በተፈጥሮ ወይም በህግ ህጋዊ ሰውነት ያገኘ አካል ማለት ነው፡፡ 3. የፅታ አገላለፅ በዚህ ደንብ ውስጥ በወንድ ፆታ የተገለፁ የሴት ፆታንም ይጨምራል፡፡ 4. መቋቋምና ተጠሪነት 1) የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን ማሰልጠኛ ኮለጅ ከዚህ በኋላ“ኮለጅ” ተብሎ የሚጠራ አንደገና በዚህ ደንብ ተቋቁሟል፡፡ 2) የኮለጁ ተጠሪነት ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቦሮ ይሆናል፡፡ 5. ዓላማ ኮሌጁ የሚከተሉት ዓላማ ይኖረዋል፡- | education. 9) “Person” means physical or juridical person. 3. Gender References A masculine expression used in this regulation shall also be used for feminine. 4. Establishment and Accountability 1) The Sebeta Special Need Education Teacher Training College hereinafter called “College” is re- established by this regulation. 2) The college shall be accountable to Oromia Education Bureau. 5. Objective 1) To promote the participation of citizens in special need in training; 2) To produce large number of teachers who teaches different subjects at primary level, workers perform in economic and social development and produce skills and knowledge of special need education; 3) To make complete and |
addaa baay’inaan horachuuf; 3) Ogummaa barsiisummaa gabbisuun guutuu gochuuf, beekumsa saayinsaawaa babal’isuu fi tamsaasuuf; 4) Naamoonni miidhama qaamaa qaban carraa barnootaa, leenjii fi hojii argachuudhaan ofii fi biyya isaanii akka gargaaran tajaajilaa fi deeggarsa barbaachisu akka argatan taasisuuf; 5) Barnoota loogii sanyii, saalaa, amantaa fi qaama miidhamummaa irraa bilisa ta’ee, wal-qixxummaa kabaja xxxxx xxxxx namaa cimsu kennuuf; 6) Ogeeyyii barnoota adeemsa baruu fi barsiisuu keessatti aadaa Uummataa wajjin walsimsiisuun sirna barnoota sadarkichaa gabbisuuf dandeettii qo’annoo fi qorannoo gaggeessuu danda’an qopheessuu; 7) Qo’annoo fi qorannoo saayinsaawaa barnootaa keessattuu barnoota fedhii addaa irratti geggeessuun bu’aalee faayida-qabeessa | 1) በሥልጠና ውስጥ የልዩ ፍላጎት ዜጎች ተሳትፎ ማሳደግ፤ 2) የተለያዩ የትምህርት አይነት የሚያስተምሩ የአነንደኛ ደረጃ መምህራንና በኢኮኖሚ ዕድገትና ማህበራዊ ጉዳይ ላይ የሚሰሩ ባለሙያዎች፣የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት ችሎታና እውቀት በብዛት ለማፍራት፤ 3) የማስተማር ሙያ የተሟላ ለማድረግ ማዳበር እንዲሁም ሣይንሳዊ በማድረግ ማስፋፋትና ማሰራጨት፤ 4) የአካል ጉዳት ያለባቸው ሰዎች ይትምህርት ሥልጠናና የሥራ ዕድል በማግኘት እራሳቸውንና አገራቸውን እንደግፉ አስፈላጊውን አገልግሎትና ድጋፍ እንዲያገኙ ለማድረግ፤ 5) ከዘር፣ ከፆታ፣ ከሐይማኖትና፣ ከአካል ጉዳተኛ አድልኦ ነፃ የሆነና | develop teaching profession, to expand and disseminate scientific education; 4) To support physically impaired people help themselves and their country by providing the education, training and job opportunity; 5) To provide education free from partial, sex, religion and physical impairment, to give that strength the respect of the equality of human right; 6) To train professionals who matches the teaching-learning process with culture of the society and undertake study and research to develop education system of the xxxxx; 7) To conduct scientific study and research on education especially on special need education and disseminate the valuable outcome; 8) To produce education professionals who are |
ta’anii argaman tamsaasuu 8) Ogeeyyii barnootaa guddinaa fi misooma biyyaatiif kutannaadhaan dhaabbatan mul’ataa fi yaada gaarii qaban horachuu; 6. Sagantaalee Barumsaa 1) Koolleejichi sagantaalee barumsa idilee, gannaa fi galgalaa ni qabaata. Kunis eeyyama Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaatiin ta’a. 2) Barsiisotaa fi ogeessota birootiif, koolleejichi leenjiiwwan yeroo dheeraa fi yeroo gabaabaa, akkuma barbaachisummaa isaatti kennuu ni danda’a. 7. Afaan Barumsaa 1) Xxxx barnoota Afaan Amaaraa fi Afaan Ingliziitiin ala, Afaan barumsaa kolleejichaa Afaan Oromoo ta’a. 2) Leenjii gaggabaaboo akkuma barbaachisummaa isaatti afaan mijaawaa ta’een kennuun ni danda’ama. Kutaa-Lama Angoo fi Hojii Qaamota Bulchiinsa Kolleejjichaa | የሰው ልጅ መብት እኩልነት የሚያጠናክር ትምህርትና መስጠት፤ 6) የትምህርት ባለሙያዎች በመመር ማስተማር ሂደት ውስጥ ከህበረተሰቡ ባህል ጋር በማጣጣም የትምህርት ደረጃቸውን ለማሳደግ ጥናትና ምርምር እንዲያከሄዱ ለማዘጋጀት፤ 7) ሣይንሳዊ የትምህርት ጥናትና ምርምርበተለይ በልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት ላይ በማካሄድ ጠቃሚ ሆኖ የተገኙት ማሰራጭት፤ 8) ለሀገር ዕድገትና ልማት በቆራትነት በመቆም የሚሰሩና መልካም ሀሳብና ረዕህ ያላቸው የትምህርት ባለሙያዎችለማፍራት፡፡ 6. የትምህርት ፕሮግራም 1) ኮሌጁ መደበኛ፣ የክረምትና የማታ የትምህርት ፕሮግራም ይኖሩታል፡፡ ይህም በኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ፍቃድ ይሆናል፡፡ 2) ኮሌጁ ለሌሎች መምህራንና ባለሙያዎች የረጅም ጊዜና | committed, visionary and have positive attitude to country growth and development; 6. Educational Program 1) The college shall have regular, night and distance programs. This shall be by Oromia Education Bureau. 2) For Teachers and other professionals the college may give long and short term training when deemed necessary. 7. Medium of Instruction 1) Afan Oromo shall be the medium of instruction of the college except Amharic and English subjects. 2) The college may use other suitable language in providing short term training when deemed necessary. Part Two Powers and Duties of the Administrative Body of the college 8. Powers and Duties of the college |
8. Angoo fi Hojii Kolleejjichaa 1) Ulaagaa filannoo kaadhimamtootaa miidhama qaamaa/fedhii addaa hirmaachisuu danda’u ni qopheessa; hojiirra ni oolcha, 2) Wiirtuu leecalloo barnoota fedhii addaa ni ijaara, ni gurmeessa, hojii isaas ni gaggeessa; 3) Kaadhimamtoota miidhama qaamaa/fedhii addaa qaban ni filata, ni deeggara, ni leenjisa; 4) Barnoota fedhii addaa irratti hubannoon akka uumamuuf ni hojjata; 5) Waraqaa raga barnootaa, madaaliyaa fi badhaasaa qopheessee ni kenna; 6) Barumsa/leenjii hirmaachisaa rakkoo hiikuu danda’u xxxxx qabatamaa naannoo irratti xiyyeeffatee ni kenna, 7) Waltajjiiwwan marii fi qorannoo idileen akka gaggeeffamu taasisuudhaan rakkoo kolleejjicha keessatti uumamu ni fura; akkasumas naamusa barattootaa ijaaruu fi fooyyeessuun aadaa | የአጭር ጊዜ ሥልጠና እንዳስፈላጊነቱ ሊሰጥ ይችላል፡፡ 7. የጥህምርት ቋንቋ 1) ከአማርኛና ከእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ የትምህርት ዓይነት ውጭ የኮሌጁ የትምህርት ቋንቋ አፋን ኦሮሞ ይሆናል፡፡ 2) አንዳስፈላጊነቱ አጫችር ሥልጠናዎች በሚመች ቋንቋ መስጠት ይችላል፡፤ ክፍል ሁለት የኮሌጁ አስተዳደር አካለት ሥልጣንና ተግባር 8. የኮሌጁ ሥልጣንና ተግባር 1) አካል ጉዳተኞች ወይም ልዩ ፍላጎት ያላቸው ዕጩዎች ማሳተፍ የሚችል መስፈርቶች ያዘጋጃል፣ ተግባራዊ ያደርጋል፤ 2) የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት የሎጅስተክ ማዕከል ይገንባል፣ ያደራጃል፣ ተገባሩንም ይመራል፤ 3) አካል ጉዳተኞች ወይም ልዩ ፍላጎት ያላችው ዕጩዎች ይመለምላል፣ ይደግፋል፤ | 1) Prepares and implements criteria selection that cause participate physically impaired/special need candidates; 2) Constructs and organizes logistic center of special need education, direct works of same; 3) Selects, supports and trains candidates those have physical impairment/special need; 4) Works for the creation of awareness rising on special need education; 5) Prepares and give educational certificate, medal and award; 6) Gives participatory education/training that may solve problem focusing on the condition of the environment; 7) Solves problem occurred in the college causing panel discussion and regular research to be conducted, as well as expands democratic culture to construct and |
dimookiraasii ni babal’isa. 8) Babal’ina barnoota fedhii addaa fi bu’aa qorannoo irratti hundaa’ee, workishooppii (hujaarsa) seminaaraa (walargii) fi simpooziyamii (kora) adda addaa qopheessuun qaamolee mootummaa fi mit-mootummaa akkasumas waldaalee qaama miidhamtootaa ni hirmaachisa; 9) Qorannoowwan rakkoolee hawaasaa hiikan ni adeemsisa, bu’aa isaas ni tamsaasa. 10)Misooma hawaasa naannoo deeggaruuf qo’annoo fi qorannoo ni gaggeessa. 11)Barsiisota kolleejjichaaf guddina sadarkaa akkaadaamii ni kenna 12)Barnoota bilisaa (Secular) ta’e ni kenna, 13)Kaayyoo walfakkaatu kan qaban, dhaabbilee barnoota biyya keessaa wajjin quunnamtii hojii ni taasisa,. 14)Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordii mirkaneessisiisuun kolleejjicha ni xxxxx’xxx, sadarkaa isaa ni guddisa. | ይመራል፤ 4) በልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት ላይ ግንዛቤ እንዲኖር ይሰራል፤ 5) የትምህርት የምስክር ወረቀት፣ ሜዳሊያና ሽልማት አዘጋጅቶ ይሰጣል፤ 6) ችግር ፈቺና አሳታፊ የሆነ በአከባቢው ተጨባጭ ሁኔታ ላይ ያተኮረ ትምህርት ወይም ሥልጠና ይሰጣል፤ 7) የውይይት መድረኮችና መደበኛ ምርምር እንዲካሄድ በማድረግ የተማሪዎች ሥነ-ምግባር በመገንባትና በማሻሻል የዲሞክራሲ ባህል ያስፋፋል፤ 8) የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መስፋፊያና የምርምር ውጤት ላይ ተመሰርቶ ልዩ ልዩ ወርከሾፖች፣ ሴሚናሮችና ሲምፖዚየም በማዘጋጀት መንግስታዊና መንግስታዊ ያልሆኑ ድርጅቶችን እንዲሁም | improve students' activity and ethics; 8) Depending on special need education and research outcome, prepares different workshop, seminar and symposium and cause government and non- government organs as well as association of physically impaired to participate; 9) Conducts researches the may solve social problem, disseminate its result; 10)Conducts study and research to support development of the society; 11)Renders academic level growth for the teachers for the college; 12)Gives secular education; 13)Undertakes work relation with domestic educational institution those have similar objective; 14)Expands and upgrades the college causing the Oromia Education Bureau and Board to |
15)Barruulee Barnootaa irratti bu’aa qo’annoo fi qorannoo adda addaa ni maxxansa, ni raabsa; 16)Akkaataa seeraatiin, barsiisota akkaasaamii Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa irraa ramadamaniif ni qacara, ni bulcha; hojjattoota qaama miidhamtootaaf xiyyeeffannaa addaa ni kenna; 17)Tajaajila ogummaa kolleejjichi kennuuf, kaffaltii ogummaa hojiin wal-gitu ni murteessa, ni kaffalchiisa, 18)Tooftaalee adda addaatti fayyadamee galii keessaa ni gabbisa, ni sassaaba, seera itti fayyadama galii eegee itti fayyadama, 19)Sagantaa barnootaa, leenjii fi qorannaa kan barsiisummaa fi ogummaa barnootaa sadarkichaatiif gahumsa goonfachiisu qopheessuudhaan hojiirra ni oolcha, 20)Kutaalee qo’annaa fi | የአካል ጉዳተኞች መህበራትን ያሳትፋል፤ 9) ምህበራዊ ችግር መፍታት የሚችሉ ምርምሮች ያካሄዳል፣ ውጤቱንም ያሰራጫል፤ 10) የአከባቢ ነዋሪዎች ችግር መፍታት የተለያዩ ጥናትና ምርምር ያካሄዳል፤ 11) ለኮሌጁ መምህራን የትምህርት ዳረጃ ዕድገት ይሰጣል፤ 12) ነፃ ትምህርት ይሰጣል፤ 13) ተመሳሳይ ዓላማ ያላቸው የሀገር ውስጥ ትምህርት ተቋም ጋር ግኑኝነት ያደርጋል፤ 14) የኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቦሮና ቦርዱን በማፀድቅ ኮሌጁን ያስፋፋል፣ ደረጃውንም ያሳድጋል፤ 15) የትምህርት መፅሔት ላይ የጥናትና ምርምር ውጤት ያሳትማል፤ ያሰራጫል 16) ከኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ የተመደቡልትን የአካዳሚ መምህራን በህጉ መሰረት ይቀጥራል፣ የአስተዳደር | approve; 15)Prints and distributes educational magazines of different study and research; 16)Recruits academic teachers assigned from Oromia Education Bureau, Recruits administrative workers, administers, gives priority for physically impaired workers; 17)Decides reasonable fee for the service rendered by the college; 18)Enriches internal income by using different method, collects, utilize in accordance with legal usage of income; 19)Prepares and implements educational program, training and research that enable capacitate teachers and educational profession at the level; 20)Organizes and appreciates study and research rooms; 21)Give knowledge and capacity building trainings; 22)Give short term training |
qorannaa barnootaa ni gurmeessa, ni jajjabeessa, 21)Leenjiiwwan dandeettii fi beekumsa cimsan ni kenna 22)Gahumsa barsiisota sadarkaa 1ffaa fi 2ffaa sakatta’uun dhimmoota fooyya’uu qaban irratti leenjiiwwan gaggabaabaa ni xxxxx. 9. Gurmaa’ina Kolleejjichaa Kolleejjichi gurma’ina armaan gadii ni qabaata 1) Boordii 2) Koree Manaajimentii 3) Diinii fi Abbaa Adeemsa Hojii Leenjii 4) Komishiinii Akkaadaamii 5) Hojjettoota akkaadaamii fi hojjettoota bulchiinsaa ni qabaata 10. Miseensota Boordii Koolleejichaa 1) Boordichi miseensota armaan gadii ni qabaata. (a) Bulchaa godinaa ykn kantiibaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Sad. 1ffaa walitti qabaa (b) Bakka bu’aa Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa…………… ………miseensa (c) Hogganaa Waajjira | ሠራተኞችን ይቀጥራል፣ ያስተዳድራል፣ ለአካል ጉዳተኛ ሠራተኞች ልዩ ትኩረት ይሰጣል፤ 17) ኮሌጁ ለሚሰጠው ሙያዊ አገልግሎት ከሥራው ጋር የሚመጣጠን ክፍያ ይወስናል፣ያስከፍላል፤ 18) የተለያዩ ዘዴዎች በመጠቀም የውስጥገቢን ያሳድጋል፤ 19) የደረጃውን የማስተማር እና የትምህርት ሙያ ብቃት የሚያጎናፅፍ የትምህርት፣ ሥልጠናና ምርምር ፕሮግራም በማዘጋጀት ሥራ ላይ ያውላል፤ 20) የጥናትና ምርምር ክፍሎች ያዘጋጃ፣ ያበረታታል፤ 21) ብቃትና እውቀትን የሚያጠናከሩ ሥልጠናዎች ይሰጣል፤ 22) የአንደኛ ደረጃ መምህራን ብቃት በመፈተሽ ማሻሻል የሚገባቸው ጉዳዮች ላይ አጫጭር ሥልጣነዎች ይሰጣል፡፡ 9. የኮሌጁ አደረጃጀት | on the cases to be improved by examining efficiency of first and second level teachers. 9. Organization of the college 1) Board, 2) Management committee, 3) Xxxx and process owner of work training, 4) Academic Commission 5) Academic and administrative staff 10. Board Members of the College 1) The Board shall have the following members:- (a) Zonal Administrator or Mayor of level-1 towns chair person (b) Representative of Oromia Education Bureau ---------- member (c) Zone or level-1 town administration Education office head member (d) Zone or level-1 towns administration finance and economic development head --- --------member (e) Xxxx of the college -- |
Barnoota Xxxxxx ykn Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Sad. 1ffaa Miseensa (d) Hogganaa Waajjira Maallaqaa fi Misooma Dinagdee Godinaa ykn Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Sad. 1ffaa…… Miseensa (e) Diinii kolleejjichaa …………….Miseensaa fi barreessaa (f) Namni tokko waldaalee qaama miidhamtootaa irraa miseensa ni ta’a. 2) Akkaataa keewwata kana kewwata xiqqaa lakk. “1”tiin miseensoonni moggaafaman hojii akka eegalan Biiroon Barnoota Oromiyaa xalayaadhaan ni beeksisa. 11. Aangoo fi Hojii Boordichaa Boordiin kolleejjii itti waamamni isaa Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaaf ta’ee aangoo fi hojii armaan gadii ni qabaata. 1) Qajeelfama akkaadaamii fi bulchiinsa koolleejichaa ni baasa, hojiirra ooluusaas ni hordofa; 2) Chaartarii koolleejichi ittiin bulu ni qopheessa, ni | ኮሌጁ የሚከተሉትን አደረጃጃት ይኖረዋል፡- 1) ቦርድ 2) ማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ 3) ዲንና የሥልጠና ሥራ ይደት ባለቤት 4) የአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን 5) የአካዳሚና የአስተዳደር ሠራተኞች ይኖረታል፡፡ 10.የኮሌጁ ቦርድ አባላት 1) ቦርዱ የሚከተሉት አባላት ይኖረዋል፡- (ሀ) የዞን አስተዳደር ወይም የአንደኛ ደረጃ ከተማ አስተዳደር ከንቲባ------ -------ሰብሳቢ (ለ) የኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ተወካይ------------ ------------------አባል (ሐ) የዞን ወይም የአንደኛ ዳረጃ ከተማ አስተዳደር ትምህርት ፅህፈት ቤት ኃላፊ አባል (መ) የዞን ወይም የአንደኛ ዳረጃ ከተማ አስተዳደር ገንዘብና ኢኮኖሚ ልማት ፅህፈት ቤት ኃላፊ አባል | ------------------- member and secretary (f) One person shall be member from associations of physically impaired persons. 2) In accordance with sub- article 1 of this article Oromia Education Bureau shall inform the nominated bodies by letter to start works. 11. Power and Duties of the Board The Board shall be accountable to Oromia Education Bureau and have the following power and duties. 1) Issues academic and administrative directives of the college , follows up its implementation; 2) prepare administrative charter of the college; approve, follows up its implementation; 3) Determines the organizational system of the college; 4) Nominates xxxx and process owner of work training and submit to |
mirkaneessisa, hojiirra ooluusaa ni hordofa; 3) Sirna Gurmaa’ina kolleejjichaa ni murteessa; 4) Diinii fi abbaa adeemsa hojii leenjii koolleejichaa Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaaf dhiyeessuun muudama isaanii ni raggaasisa; 5) Waliigaltee akkaadaamii kolleejjichi dhaabbilee barnoota adda addaa wajjin taasisu akka barbaachisummaa isaatti ilaalee ni mirkaneessa. 6) Karooraa fi baajata kolleejjichaa ilaalee Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaaf ni dabarsa, yammuu hayyamamus raawwiisaa ni hordofa; 7) Hojjattootni akkaadamii fi hojjettootni bulchiinsa kolleejjichaa bu’uura seera hojjettoota mootummaa naannichaatiin qaxaramuu isaanii ni mirkaneessa, ni hordofa. 8) Muudamaa fi guddina akkaadaamii fi badhaasa barsiisotaa fi hojjattoota akkaadaamii, komishinii akkaadaamiin dhiyaateef ilaalee ni mirkaneessa, | (ሠ) የኮሌጁ ዲን------------- አባልና ፀሐፊ (ረ) አንድ ሰው ከአካል ጉዳተኞች ማህበር አባል ይሆናል፡፡ 2) በዚህ አንቀፅ ንዑስ አንቀፅ (1) መሰረት የተሰየሙ አባላት ሥራ እንዲጀምሩ የኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ በደብዳቤ ያሳውቃል፡፡ 11.የቦርዱ ሥላጣንና ተግባር የኮሌጁ ቦርድ ተጠሪነት ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ሆኖ የሚከተሉት ሥልጣንና ተግባር ይኖሩታል፡- 1) የኮሌጁን አካዳሚና አስተዳደር መመሪያ ያወጣል፤ ሥራ ላይ መዋሉንም ይከታተላል፤ 2) ኮሌጁ የሚተዳደርበትን ቻርተር ያዘጋጃ፣ ያፀድቃል፣ ሥራ ላይ መዋሉንም ይከታተላል፤ 3) የኮሌጁን መዋቅራዊ አደረጃጀት ይወስናል፤ 4) የኮሌጁን ዲንና የሥልጠና ሥራ ይደት ባለቤት ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ | the Head of Oromia Education Bureau for appointment. 5) Investigates and approve when deemed necessary the academic agreement of the college with different educational institute; 6) Examines the work and Budget plan of the college, submit to the concerned body for approval; follows up its implementation; 7) Approves and follows up the procedure of employment of academic and administrative workers based on the higher education and civil servant laws of the region; 8) Examines and approves academic appointment and promotion and awards of teachers and academic staff submitted by academic commission; 9) Without prejudices to the civil servant law, examines and determines the |
hojiirra oolu 9) Seerri hojjettoota mootummaa akkuma eegametti ta’ee, murtii koree manajimantiitiin darberratti komii dhiyaate ilaalee ni murteessa. 10)Kaffaltii kolleejjichi tajaajila adda addaatiif kaffalchiisu ni murteessa, ni to’ata; 11)Sagantaan barnootaa leenjii fi qorannoo faayidaa uummataa, keessattuu barnoota fedhii addaa biyyattii irratti hundaa’ee qophaa’uusaa fi kaayyoosaa eeggatee hojiirra ooluusaa ni too’ata; 12)Raawwii hojii kolleejjichaa qoratee tarkaanfii sirreeffama fudhatee Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaaf gabaasa ni dhiyeessa. 13)Qajeelfama sirna hojimaata isaa ni baafata 14)Axxaan kolleejjichaa akka qophaa’u ni taasisa. 12. Miseensota Koree Manajimentii Xxxxxx Manajimentii Kollejichaa miseensota armaan gadii ni qabaata; 1) Diinii Kolleejjiichaa….. Xxxxxxxx qaba 2) Abbaa Adeemsa hojii leenjii | በማቅረብ መሾማቸውን ያፀድቃል፤ 5) ኮሌጁ ከተለያዩ የትምህርት ተቋማት ጋር የሚያደርገውን ስምመነት እንዳስፈላጊነቱ አይቶ ያፀድቃል፤ 6) የኮሌጁን እቅድና በጀት አይቶ ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ያስተላልፋል፣ ሲፈቀድም አፈፃፀሙን ይከታተላል፤ 7) የኮሌጁ የአካዳሚና አስተዳደር ሠራተኞች በከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋም ህግና የክልሉ መንግስት ሠራተኞች ህግ መሰረት መቀጠራቸውን ያፀድቃል፣ ይከታተላል፤ 8) በአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን የቀረበለትን የአካዳሚ ሹመትና እድገትና የአካዳሚ መምህራንና ሠራተኞች ሽልማት አይቶ ያፀድቃል፤ ሥራ ላይ መዋሉንም ያከታተላል፤ 9) የመንግስት ሠራተኞች ህግ አንደተጠበቀ ሆኖ፣ | grievance submitted on management decision; 10)Determines and follows up fee to be paid for various service rendered by the college; 11)Ensures the preparation of education, training and research programs whether they are in line with the need of the community , particularly depending special need education of the country, supervise its implementation; 12)Investigates performance activity of the college, measures and report to Oromia Education Bureau; 13)Prepare directive guideline for its system; 14)Cause to be prepared symbol of the college. 12. Member of Management Committee The management committee of the college shall have the following members:- 1) Xxxx of the college----- chairperson 2) Process owner of work training member |
…………Miseensa 3) Abbaa Adeemsa bittaa fi bulchiinsa Faayinaansii Miseensa 4) Abbaa Adeemsa bulchiinsa Qabeenya Humna Namaa………miseensaa fi barreessaa 5) Dhimma korniyaa misee nsa 6) Kolleejjiichii akka barbaachisummaa isaatti miseensota dabaluu ni danda’a. 13. Aangoo fi Hojii Koree Maanajimentii Itti waamamni Koree Maanajimentii Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordiidhaaf ta’ee aangoo fi hojii armaan gadii ni qabaata; 1) Karooraa fi baajata koolleejichaa ni qopheessa, yoo mirkanaa’e hojii irra ni oolcha. 2) Seerri fi sirni naamusa koolleejjichaa kabajamee haalli baruu fi barsiisuu tasgabbiidhaan naamusa qabatee akka gaggeeffamu ni taasisa. 3) Xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx, hojjettootaa fi barsiisotaa | በማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ በተላለፈው ውሰኔ ላይ የቀረበውን ቅሬታ አይቶ ይወስናል፤ 10)ኮሌጂ ስለተለያየ አገልግሎት የሚያስከፍለውን ክፍያ ይወስናል፣ ይከታተላል፤ 11)የትምህርት፣ የስልጠናና የምርምር ፕሮግራም በህብረትቡ በተለይም በሀገሪቱ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት ላይ ተሞርክዞ መዘጋጀቱንና ዓላማውን ጠብቆ ሥራ ላይ መዋሉን ይከታተላል፣ 12)የኮሌጁን ሥራ አፈፃፀም መርምሮ የእርምት እርምጃ በመውሰድ ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ርፖርት ያቀርባል፤ 13)ለራሱ አሰራር መመሪያ ያወጣል፤ 14)የኮሌጁን ዓርማ አንዲዘጋጂ ያደርጋል፡፡ 12.የማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ አባላት የኮሌጁ ማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ የሚከተሉትን አባላት | 3) Process owner of procurement and finance administration-- -- member 4) Process owner of human resource administration -------member and secretary 5) Gender Issue ---member Note: The College may add members when deemed necessary. 13. Power and Duties of Management Committee The management committee shall be accountable to Oromia Education Bureau and the Board and shall have the following power and duties to:- 1) Prepare work and budget plan of the college, implement on approval; 2) Cause learning-teaching process to be undertaken in stable and ethical manner through observance of law and disciplinary rules; 3) Examine and approve proposed disciplinary measures submitted to it |
ilaalchisee, yaada murtii koree naamusaan dhihaatu ilaalee ni mirkaneessa. 4) Gabaasa raawwii hojii Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordiidhaaf ni dhiyeessa. 5) Quunnamtii kolleejjichi dhaabbilee barnoota biro waliin taasisu akka cimu, xxxxx xxxxx’aa qoratee Boordichaaf ni dhiyeessa, xxx xxxxxxxx’es hojiirra ni oolcha. 6) Badhaasaa fi guddina sadarkaa barsiisotaa qoratee Boordiidhaaf ni dhiyeessa, yammuu eeyyamamu hojiirra akka oolu ni taasisa 7) Filannoo Abbootii Adeemsa Hojii gaggeessuun Boordiidhaaf ni dhiyeessa, 8) Rakkoolee barnootaa fi leenjii qoratee Boordiidhaaf ni dhiyeessa 9) Dhimmoota sadarkaa isaatti murtaa’uu qaban irratti murtee ni kenna. 10)Hojii biro Boordiidhaan kennamuuf ni raawwata. 14. Miseensota Komishinii Akkaadaamii Koollejichaa Koomishiniin akkaadaamii | ይኖረዋል፡- 1) የኮሌጁ ዲን------------------- -------------------------ሰብሳቢ 2) የሥልጠና ሥራ ይደት ባለቤት አባል 3) የግዥና የፋይናንስ አስተዳደር ሥራ ይደት ባለቤት አባል 4) የሰው ሀብት አስተዳደር የሥራ ይደት ባለቤት-------- -------------አባልና ፀሐፊ 5) የሥራዓተ ፆታ ጉዳይ-------- ------አባል፡፡ ማሳሰቢያ፡-ኮሌጁእንዳስፈላጊነቱ አባላት መጨመር ይችለል፡፡ 13.የማንጅመንት ኮሚቴ ሥላጣንና ተግባር የማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ ተጠሪነት ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮና ለቦርዱ ሆኖ፣ የሚከተሉት ሥልጣንና ተግባር ይኖሩታል፡- 1) የኮሌጁን የሥራ እቅድና በጀት ያዘጋጃል፣ ሲፀድቅም ሥራ ላይ ያውላል፤ 2) የኮሌጁ ህግና ሥነ-ምግባር ተከብሮ የመማር ማስተማር ይደት በተረጋጋ ሁኔታ | by the disciplinary committee regarding teachers and students; 4) Submit implementation report to Oromia Education Bureau and to the board; 5) Undertake studies on suitable conditions through which the relationship that the college makes with educational institutions to be strengthened, submit to the board, implement same when approved; 6) Propose ideas regarding teachers' award and promotion, submit to the board, implement based on approval; 7) Propose process owners and submit to the board; 8) Undertake studies on problem related with education and submit to the board; 9) Give decision on the issues the fall under its power; 10)Perform other duties given him by the board. 14. Members of the Academic |
koolleejichaa miseensota armaan gadii ni qabaata: 1) Diinii Kolleejjii …………….Walitti qabaa 2) Abbaa Adeemsa Hojii Leenjii Kolleejjii- Barreessaa 3) Ittigaafatamaa Muummee Barnootaa- Miseensa 4) Kaawunsilii barattoota idilee irraa nama 2 – Miseensa (tokko dubartii ta’uu qabdi) 5) Hojjettoota akkaadaamii dhaabbataa ta’an keessaa koree manajimantiin kan filatame nama 1 miseensa. 15. Ulaagaalee Filannoo Miseensota Koomishinii Akkaadaamii 1) Miseensonni komishinii akaadaamii ulaagaalee armaan gadiitiin ni filatamu; (a) Naamusa hojii gaarii kan qaban, (b) Jijjiiramaaf kaka’umsaa fi kutannoo kan qabanii fi fakkeenya gaarii ta’uu kan danda’an. (c) Raawwanaan hojii isaanii olaanaa kan ta’e 2) Filannoon miseensoota komishinii Akkaadaamii | እንዲከሄድ ያደርጋል፤ 3) የተማሪዎች፣ የሠራተኞችና የመምራን ስነ-ምግባር አስመልክቶ በስነ-ምግባር ኮሚቴ የቀረበውን ሀሳብ አይቶ ያፀድቃል፤ 4) የሥራ አፈፃፀም ርፖርት ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮና ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፤ 5) ኮሌጁ ከሌሎች ትምህርት ተቋም ጋር የሚያደርገውን ግኑኝነት እንዲጠናከር ምቹ ሁኔታ አጥንቶ ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፣ ሲፀድቅም ተግባራዊ ያደርጋል፤ 6) የመምህራን ሽልማትና ዕድገት አጥንቶ ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፣ ሲፀድቅም ሥራ ላይ እንዲውል ያደርጋል፤ 7) የሥራ ይደት ባለቤት ምርጫ በማከሄድ ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፤ 8) የትምህርትና ሥልጠና ችግር አጥንቶ ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፤ 9) በእሱ ደረጃ መወሰን ያለባቸው ጉዳይ ላይ ውሳኔ ይሰጣል፤ | commission of the College The Academic Commission of the college shall have the following members:- 1) Xxxx of the college------ --------------- chairperson 2) Process owner of training work of the college secretary 3) Head of Education Department member 4) Two person from regular students council -------- ----member (one shall be women) 5) One person from workers of academic who selected as member of management committee member. 15. Criteria selection to be Member of Academic commission 1) Members of academic commission shall be selected by the following criteria:- (a) Who has good work discipline, (b) Those who have motive and commitment for change and shall be |
muummee muummeedhaan dhiyaatee koree maanajimantiin erga mirkanaa’ee boodaa xalayaan ramaddii Diinii Kolleejjichaan kan kennamu ta’a. 16. Aangoo fi Hojii Komishinii Akkaadaamii Kolleejjichaa Itti waamamni Komishinii akkaadaamii kolleejjichaa koree maanajimentiif ta’ee aangoo fi hojii armaan gadii ni qabaata 1) Dhimmoota akkaadaamii ta’an hunda irratti imaammataa fi tarsiimoo barnootaa fi leenjiirratti hundaa’ee ol’aantummaan ni murteessa. 2) Kalaandarii barnoota kolleejjichaa ilaalee ni mirkaneessa 3) Fooyya’inaa fi qulqullina barnootaa eegisisuuf ni hojjeta. 4) Qajeelfamni koree manaajimentii irraa darbu hojiirra ooluusaa ni hordofa, ni to’ata, 5) Xxxxx ramaddii leenjifamtootaa fi sagantaa barnootaa ni murteessa 6) Fooyya’inaa fi gabbina | 10)በቢሮው የሚሰጠው ሌሎች ስራዎች ያከናውናል፡፡ 14.የኮሌጁ አካዳሚ ኮሚሽን አባላት የኮሌጁአካዳሚኮሚሽን የሚከተሉት አባላት ይኖሩታ፡- 1) የኮሌጁ ዲን ሰብሳቢ 2) የኮሌጁ የስልጠና ሥራ ይደት ባለቤት ፀሐፊ 3) የዲፓርተመንት ኃላፊ------ አባል 4) ከመደበኛ ተማሪዎች ካውንስል 2 ሰው------------- -አባል (አንዷ ሴት መሆን አለባት) 5) ከቋሚ አካዳሚ ሠራተኛ የመኔጅመንት አባል ሆነ የተመረጠ አንድ ሰው-------- -------------------------አባል 15.የአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን አባላት ምርጫ መስፈርት 1) የኮሚሽን አካዳሚ አባላት ቀጥሎ ባለው መስፈርቶች ይመረጣሉ፡- (ሀ) መልካም የሥራ ስነ- ምግባር ያለው፣ (ለ) ለለውጥ ተነሳሽነትና ቁርጠኝናት ያላቸውና ጥሩ ተምሳለት መሆን | good model for others, (c) Whose work performance is high; 2) The selection of academic commission members shall be nominated by every department and approved by management committee and the assignment letter shall be give by xxxx of the college. 16. Power and Duties of the Academic Commission of the College The Academic Commission of the college shall be accountable to the management committee and shall have powers and duties to:- 1) Decides independently on all academic affairs depending on education and training policy and strategy; 2) Evaluate and approve the academic calendar of the college; 3) Work for the quality and improvement of education; |
adeemsa baruu- barsiisuutiif mala adda addaa ni barbaada. 7) Qajeelfama koree manaajimantiirraa darbu irratti hundaa’xx xxxxx irra deebi’uu yookaan sadarkaarraa sadarkaatti darbuu leejifamtootaa ni murteessa. 8) Xxxxx leenjifamtoonni leenjii isaanii xumuran, waraqaa raga argatanii fi qabxii ittiin eebbifaman ni murteessa. 9) Galii tajaajila barnootaa fi dhimma adda addaatiif kaffalamuu qabu qo’atee yaada koree maanaajimantiif ni dhiyeessa. 10)Yaada ka’umsaa adeemsa baruu-barsiisuu fi leenjii leenjifamtootaa gabbisuuf qophaa’an ilaaluun ni mirkaneessa, bu’aa isaa qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf akka raabsamu ni taasisa. 11)Qajeelfama sirna hojimaata isaa ni baafata. 12)Bu’aa qo’annoo fi qorannoo ni sakatta’aa, ni mirkaneessa. 13)Gulantaa (sadarkaa) | የሚችሉ፤ (ሐ) የሥራ አፈፃፀማቸው ከፈተኛ የሆነ፡፡ 2) የአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን አባላት ምርጫ በየድፓርትመንቱ ቀርቦ በማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ ከፀደቀ በኋላ የምደባ ደብዳቤ በኮሌጁ ዲን የሚሰጥ ይሆናል፡፡ 16.የአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን ሥላጣንና ተግባር የአከዳሚ ኮሚሽን ተጠሪናት ለማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ ሆኖ ቀጥሎ ያሉትን ስልጣንና ተግባር ይኖሩታል፡- 1) አካዳሚ በሆኑ ሁሉንም ጉዳዮች ላይ የትምህርትና ሥልጠና ፖሊሲና ስትራቴጂ ላይ ተሞርክዞ በበላይነት ይወስናል፤ 2) የኮሌጁን የትምህርት ሠሌዳ አይቶ ያፀድቃል፤ 3) የትምህርት ማሻሻያና ጥራት ላይ ይሰራል፤ 4) ከማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ የሚተላለፍ ሥራ ላይ መዋሉን ይከታተላል፣ ይቆጣጠራል፤ | 4) Follow up and control the observance of instruction given by the management committee; 5) 5) Decides the assignment of trainee and academic schedule; 6) Look for different method to improve and enhance learning- teaching process; 7) Decide the condition of withdrawal and pass on the observance of directives given by management committee; 8) Decide the condition in which the trainee complete training, get certificate and graduation point; 9) Studies educational and other service fee to be paid and submit to management committee for approval; 10)Evaluate and approve proposal prepared in relation of learning- teaching process and training of trainee, disseminate its result to concerned body; 11)prepare its own directive |
barsiisotaa, hojjettoota akkaadaamii ni mirkaneessa, ni kenna. 14)Fedhii jiru irratti hundaa’uun sirna barnootaa qoratee akka fooyya’uuf qaama dhimmi ilaaluuf ni dhiheessa 15)Hojiilee xxxx xxxxx manaajimantiin kennameef ni raawwata. 17. Aangoo fi Hojii Diinii Itti waamamni Diinii Kolleejjichaa Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordiidhaaf ta’ee, aangoo fi hojii armaan gadii ni qabaata. 1) Kolleejjicha ni qajeelcha, ni bulcha, ni to’ata. 2) Qajeelfamni Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordiirraa darbu hojiirra ooluusaa ni hordofa, ni to’ata, raawwii isaatiif xxxxx ni mijeessa. 3) Hojjettoonni akkaadaamii akka ramadaman ni taasisa, barsiisotaa fi hojjettoota akkaadaamii Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa irraa ramadamaniif ni qacara, ni bulcha. Akkasumas hojjettoota bulchiinsa kolleejjichaa bu’uura seera | 5) የሰልጣኞች ምዳባ ሁኔታና የትምህርት ፕሮግራም ይወስናል፤ 6) ለመማር ማስተማር ይደት ማሻሻያና ማጠናከሪያ የተላያዩ ዘዴዎች ይፈላልጋል፤ 7) ከማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ የሚተላለፍ መመሪያ ላይ ተሞርክዞ የሰልጣኞች መድገም ወይም ከክፍል ወደ ክፍል የሚተላለፉበት ሁኔታ ይወስናል፤ 8) ሠልጣኞች ትምህርታቸውን የሚያጠናቅቁበት፣ የምስክር ወረቀት የሚያገኙበት ሁኔታና የሚመረቁበት ሁኔታ ይወስናል፤ 9) ከትምህርትና ከተለያዩ አገልግሎቶች የሚገኙ ገቢ መርምሮ ለማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ ሀሳብ ያቀርባል፤ 10)የመማር ማስተማር ሂደት መነሻና የሰላጣኞች ስልጠና ለማጠናከር የተዘጋጁ ሀሳብ አይቶ ያፀድቃል፤ ውጤቱን ለሚመለከተው አካል | guideline; 12)Investigate and approve studies and researches outcome; 13)Approve and give level for teachers and academic staff; 14)Evaluate education policy and submit to concerned body based on current interest; 15)Perform other activities given him by management committee. 17. Power and Duties of Xxxx The Xxxx of the college shall be accountable to Oromia Education Bureau and shall have powers and duties to:- 1) Direct, administer and supervise the college; 2) Follow up and supervise the implantation of directives given from Oromia Education Bureau and the board, facilitate condition for its performance; 3) Cause to be recruited academic staffs, recruit and administer teachers and academic staffs assigned by Oromia Education Bureau. As |
hojjettoota mootummaatiin ni qacara, ni bulcha, ni ramada,
4) Karoora hojii fi baajata waggaa qopheessee Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordiif ni dhiyeessa, Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaatiin ilaalamee yoo mirkanaa’u hojiirra ni oolcha.
5) Walii-galteewwan adda addaa kolleejjicha bakka
hirmaachisaa ta’een akka gaggeeffamu ni taasisa. 11)Gabaasa raawwii hojii Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordiidhaaf ni dhiyeessa. 12)Filannoo Ittigaafatamtoota xxxxx barnootaa fi ofiisarootaa ni mirkaneessa 13)Hojiilee biro Boordii fi Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa irraa kennamuuf ni raawwata. 18. Aangoo fi Hojii Abbaa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Leenjii Kolleejjichaa. Itti waamamni Abbaa Adeemsa Hojii Leenjii Kolleejjichaa Diiniidhaaf ta’ee aangoo fi hojii armaan gadii ni qabaata. 1) Dhimmoota baruu fi barsiisuu kolleejjichaa keessatti gaggeeffaman hunda irratti gorsaa fi deggarsa Diinii kolleejjichaaf ni kenna. 2) Dhimmoota barnoota kolleejjichaa hunda ni qajeelcha, ni qindeessa. 3) Sagantaawwan barnootaa fi leenjiiwwan gaggeeffamanii, kaalaandarii akkadaamii kolleejjichaa fi sagantaa | ይቆጣጠራል፣ ለአፈፃፀሙምሁኔታ ያመቻቻል፤ 3) የአካዳሚ ሠራተኞች እንዲመደቡ ያደርጋል፣ ከኦሮሚያ ትምህረት ቢሮ የሚመደቡትን መምህራንና የአካዳሚሠራተኞችን ይቀጥራል፣ያስተዳድራል፡፡እ ንዲሁም የኮሌጁን አስተዳደር ሠራተኞችን በመንግስት ሠራተኞች ህግ ይቀጥራል፣ ያስተዳድራል፣ ይመድባል፤ 4) ዓመታዊ የሥራ ዕቅድና በጀት በማዘገጀት ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮና ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፣ በኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ተይቶ ሲፀድቅ ሥራ ላይ ያውላል፤ 5) የተለያዩ ስምመነቶች ኮጁን በመወከል ይፈርማል፤ 6) በፋይናንስ ህግ መሰረት የኮሌጁ ባንክ ሒሳብ እንዲከፈት ያደርጋል፣ ያንቀፃቅፃል፣ ያስተዳድራል፤ 7) ኮሌጁን ይወክላል፤ | process of the college in transparent and participatory manner; 11)Submit work performance report to Oromia Education Bureau and to the Board; 12)Approve the nomination of department heads and officers; 13)Perform other activities given by Oromia Education Bureau and the Board; 18. Power and Duties of College's Training work Process Owner The Process owner of the Training work shall be accountable to the Xxxx of the college and shall have powers and duties to:- 1) Give advice and support to the Xxxx of the college on issues undertake in the learning-teaching process; 2) Direct and coordinate all issues of education of the college; 3) Follow up and supervise correlation of the education and training |
komishiiniin akkaadaamii mirkaneesseen xxxxxxxx deemuu isaa ni hordofa, ni to’ata. 4) Filannoo fi ramaddii miseensota komishiinii Akkaadaamiitiif xxxxx ni mijeessa. 5) Karoora hojii fi baajata waggaa adeemsa hojii isaa ni qopheessa, yammuu mirkanaa’us hojii irra akka oolu ni taasisa, 6) Ogeessonni akkaadaamii hojii qo’annoo fi qorannoo adda addaa fi hojii qophii meeshaalee leenjii keessatti qooda fudhachuu isaanii ni mirkaneessa. 7) Konfaransii, seeminaara, siimpooziyeemii fi workshooppi adda addaa ni qindeessa 8) Gabaasa raawwii hojii Diinii Kolleejjichaaf ni dhiheessa 9) Bakka Diiniin kolleejjichaa hin jiretti bakka bu’ee ni hojjeta 10)Raawwii hojii raawwattoota hojii adeemsa isaa ni madaala 11)Sirni ijaarsa human hojjettoota akkaadaamii | 8) የሥራ ይደት ባለቤቶች ከማኔጅመንት ኮሚቴ ጋር መርጦ በማዘጋጀትለቦርድ በማቅረብ ያፀድቃል፤ 9) ሥራ ለማፋጠን ሲባል ሥልጣኑንና ሥራውን ከፍሎ በውክልና ለኃላፊዎችና ሠራተኞች ስጠት ይችላል፤ 10)የኮሌጁ ሥራ ይደት ግልፅና ተሳታፊ በሆነ ሁኔታ እንዲከሄድ ያደርጋል፤ 11)የሥራ አፈፃፀም ርፖርት ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮና ለቦርድ ያቀርባል፤ 12)የትምህርት ኃላፊዎችና የኦፊሰሮች ምርጫ ያፀድቃል፤ 13)ከቦርድና ከኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ረሚሰጡ ሥራዎች ይፈፅማል፡፡ 18.የኮጁ ሥራ ሂደት ባለቤት ሥላጣንና ተግባር የሥራ ሂደት ባለቤቱ ተጠሪነት ለዲን ሆኖ የሚከተሉት ሥላጣንና ተግባር ይኖሩታል፡- 1) በኮሌጁ መማር ማስተመር ውስጥ የሚካሄዱ ሁሉንም | program, academic calendar of the college, with the approved program of academic commission; 4) Facilitate condition for selection and assignment of the members of academic commission; 5) Prepare annual work and budget of its process, cause to be implemented up on approval; 6) Approve the participation of professionals in different academic study and research and in preparation training materials; 7) Coordinate different conference, seminar, symposium and workshop; 8) Submit performance report to Xxxx of the college; 9) Represent and work in the absence of the Xxxx; 10)Evaluate the performance of the experts of its process; 11)Approve the |
dhaabbataa fi walitti fufiinsa qabu diriiree hojjechaa jiraachuu isaa ni mirkaneessa. 12)Hojii biro Diinii irraa kennamuuf ni raawwata. Kutaa Sadii Hojjattoota Koollejjichaa 19. Hojjattoota Kolleejjichaa Kolleejjichi hojjattoota akkaadaamii, hojjettoota gargaaraa teekinikaa fi hojjettoota bulchiinsaa ni qabaata. 20. Hojjattoota Akkaadaamii Kolleejjichi hojjattoota akkaadaamii armaan gadii qabaachuu ni danda’a. 1) Hojii Barsiisummaa fi qo’annaaf tajaajiluuf kanneen mindeeffaman piroofeesara, gargaaraa piroofeesaraa, lekcharara, gargaaraa lechararaa fi eebbifamtoota gargaartootaa fi 2) Hojjettoota biro qajeelfama irratti hundaa’uun murtii komishiinii akkaadaamiitiin akka hojjettoota akkaadaamiitti mindeeffaman. 21. Hojjattoota Gargaaraa | ጉዳዮች ላይ ለኮሌጁ ዲን ምክርና ድጋፍ ይሰጣል፤ 2) የኮሌጁን ሁሉንም የትምህርት ጉዳይ ይመራል፣ ያቀናጃል፤ 3) የትምህርትና ሥልጠና ፕሮግራሞች ፣ የኮሌጁን አካዳሚክ ከላንደርና የአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን ባፀደቀው ፕሮግም ጋር ማጣጣሙን ይከታተላል፣ ይቅጣጠራል፤ 4) ለአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን አባላት ምርጫ ሀኔታዎችን ያመቻቻል፤ 5) የሥራ ሂደቱን ዓመታዊ ዕቅድና በጀት ያዘጋጃል፣ ሲፈቀድም ሥራ ላይ እንዲውል ያደርጋል፤ 6) የአካዳሚ ባለሙያዎች የተለያዩ የጥናትና ምርምር ሥራና የሥልጣና መሳሪያ አዘገጃጀት ስራ ውስጥ መሳተፋቸውን ያፀድቃል፤ 7) የተለያዩ ኮንፍራንስ፣ ሰምናር፣ ሲምፖዚየምና ዎርክሾፕ ያቀናጃል፤ 8) የሥራ አፈፃፀም ርፖርት ለኮሌጁ ዲን ያቀርባል፤ | effectiveness of constant and consistent building capacity of the academic staffs; 12)Perform other additional duties given him by the Xxxx. Part Three Workers of the college 19. Type of the work of college Workers The college shall have academic, technical support and administrative workers. 20. Academic Staffs The college shall have the following academic staffs:- 1) Professor, assistant professor, lecturer, assistant lecturer and assistant graduate class employed for teaching and research work; and 2) Others staffs employed as academic staffs based on the directive and decision of academic commission. 21. Assistants of academic staffs The college may have the following technical assistant staffs:- 1) Technicians of |
Akkaadaamii Koolleejichii hojjattoota gargaraa tekniikaa armaan gadii qabaachuu ni danda’a: 1) Teeknishaanota laabratorii barnootaa 2) Gargaaraa teknikaa (hojii ICT fi kkf) 3) Hojjettoota workishooppii barnootaa 22. Hojjettoota Bulchiinsaa Kolleejjichii hojjettoota bulchiinsa ni qabaata. 23. Mirga Hojjattoota Akkaadaamii Hojjatoonni akkaadaami mirgoota armaan gadii niqabaatu 1) Hojii quubsaa fi ulaagaalee kennaman guutuu xxx xxxxxxx, guddinaa fi bu’aa adda addaa argachuu. 2) Barnoota isaa fooyyeffachuu 3) Qorannoolee gaggeessuuf boqonnaa hojiif barbaachisu argachuu. 24. Dirqama Hojjattoota Akkaadaamii 1) Leenjifamtoota ga’umsaa fi dandeettii gonfatanii fi aadaa dimookiraasii dagaagsuu danda’an horachuu 2) Beekumsa leenjifamtootaan | 9) የኮሌጁ ዲን ባለለበት ቦታ ተክቶ ይሰራል፤ 10)የስራ ሂደቱ ሰራተኞችን የሥራ አፈፃፀማቸውን ይገመግማል፤ 11)ቋምና ቀጥይነት የሆኔ የአካዳሚ ሠራተኘች አቅም ግንባታ ሥረዓት ተዘርግቶ ሥራ ላይ መሆኑን ያረጋግጣል፤ 12)ከኮሌጁ ዲን የሚሰጡትን ሌሎች ስራዎች ይፈፅማል፡፡ ክፍል ሶስት የኮሌጁ ሠራተኞች 19.የኮሌጁ ሠራተኞች ሥራ አይነት ኮሌጁ የአካዳሚ፣ ረዳት የቴክኒክና የአስተዳደር ሠራተኞች ይኖሩታል፡፡ 20.የአካዳሚ ሠራተኞች ኮሌጂ የሚከተሉት የአካዳሚ ሠራተኞ ሊኖሩት ይችላል፡- 1) ለማስተማርና የጥናት ላማገልገል የተቀጠሩፕሮፌሰር፣ ረዳት ፕሮፌሰር፣ ለክቸረር፣ ረዳት ለክቸረርና ረዳት ምሩቃን፣ እና | educational laboratory, 2) Technical assistant (ICT work), 3) Educational workshop staffs. 22. Administrative Staffs The college shall have administrative staffs 23. Right of academic staffs Academic staffs shall have the following rights;- 1) Get promotion and incentive for good performance, 2) Up grading education, 3) Getting necessary rest for work to undertake research. 24.Duty of Academic staffs 1) Producing staffs those achieved competency and skills and those can develop democratic culture, 2) Redness to share his knowledge to the trainee, 3) Refrain from running political team, preaching religious and personal view to load on the trainee in |
gahuuf qophaa’aa ta’uu 3) Kutaalee, dareewwan fi mooraa kolleejjichaa keessatti gartummaa siyaasaa adeemsisuu, amantii lallabuu fi ilaalcha dhuunfaa ofii leenjifamtootarratti fe’uurraa of qusachuu 4) Kaayyoo kolleejjichaarratti hundaa’uun leenjiifamtoota gorsuu, qajeelchuu fi gargaaruu 5) Leenjifamtoota deggersa addaa fedhanii fi shamaraniif deggarsa kennu. 6) Tajaajila kenneef bulchiinsa, hojjattootaa fi lenjifamoota kolleejjichaan madaalamuu. 7) Tajaajila gorsa, barsiisuu fi hojiiwwan galii kolleejjichaa maddisiisuu xxxxx irratti hirmaachuu 8) Hojii qorannoo fi qo’annoo kolleejjichaa fi hawaasaaf bu’aa buusuu danda’u keessatti hirmaachuu. 9) Hojii xxxxx keessatti hirmaachuu, xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx fi miiltoowwanii kabajuu. 10) Akka barbaachisummaa | 2) ሌሎች ሰራተኞ በመመሪያ መሰረት በአካዳሚ ኮሚሽን ውሳኔ እንደ አካዳሚ ሰራተኞች የተቀጠሩ 21.የአካዳሚ ረዳት ሰራተኞች ኮሌጁ የሚከተሉት ረዳት የቴክኒክ ሰራተኞች ሊኖሩት ይችላሉ፡- 1) የትምህርት ለቦራቶሪ ሰራተኞች፣ 2) ረዳት የቴክንክ ሥራ (ICT ሥራና ወዘተ) 3) የትምህርት ዎርክሾፕ ሠራተኞ፡፡ 22.የአስተዳደር ሰራተኞች ኮሌጂ የአስተዳደር ሰራተኞች ይኖሩታል፡፡ 23.የአካዳሚ ሰራተኞች መብት የአካዳሚ ሰራተኞች የሚከተሉት መብት የኖራቾዋል፡- 1) አጥጋቢና ሥራና የተሰጡት መመዘኛዎችን አሟልቶ ከሰራ ዕድገትና ልዩ ልዩ ጥቅማ ጥቅሞችን የማግኘት፤ 2) ትምህርቱን ማሻሻል፤ 3) ጥናት ለማካሄድ ለሥራ | the class and school compound, 4) Advice, lead and support trainees based on the objective of the college, 5) Give support for trainees those demand special support and female students 6) Evaluated by administration, workers and trainees for his service, 7) Participate on advice, teaching and activities that generate income of the college, 8) Participating in valuable study and research for the college and society, 9) Participating in group activities, respecting the view of the trainees and colleagues, 10) Playing roles given him by organs of the college when deemed necessary, 11) Having good |
isaatti dirqama qaamota | የሚያስፈልጉ እረፍት የማግኘት፤ 24.የአካዳሚ ሰራተኞች ግዴታ 1) ብቃትና ችሎታ ያጎናፀፉትንና የዲሞክራሲ ባህል ማሳደግ የሚችሉ ሰራተኞች ማፍራት፤ 2) እውቀቱን ለሰልጣኞች ላመድረስ ዝግጁ መሆን፤ 3) በክፍልና በኮሌጁ ካምፓስ ውስጥ የፖሎትካ ወገንተኝነት ከማካሄድ፣ ሐይማኖት ከመስበክና የግልን አመላካክት በሰልጣኞች በቤተሰቦቻቸው ላይ ከማንፀባረቅ መቆጠብ፤ 4) በኮሌጁ ዓላማ ላይ በመሞርከዝ ሰልጣኞችን መምከር፣መምራትና መርዳት፤ 5) ልዩ ድጋፍ ለሚሹ ሰልጣኖችና ሴቶች ድጋፍ መስጠት፤ 6) ለሰጠው አገልግሎት በኮሌጁ አስተዳደር፣ሠራተኞችና ሠልጣኞች መገምገም፤ 7) የምክር፣ ማስተማርና የኮሌጁን ገቢ ምንጭ ማመንጨት በሚችሉ አገልግሎት ላይ መሳተፍ፤ 8) ለኮሌጁና ለህብረተሰቡ ውጤታማ ሊሆኑ በሚችሉ የጥናትና ምርምር ውስጥ መሳተፍ፤ 9) በቡድን ሥራ ውስጥ መሳተፍ፣ የሰልጣኞችና የሥራ ባልደረቦች | ethics, training the |
kolleejjichaan itti kennamu | trainees to be good | |
bahuu. | citizen, | |
11) Naamusa gaarii | 12) Transparently | |
qabaachuu, leenjifamtoota | sharing view for the | |
lammii gaarii akka ta’an leenjisanii baasuu 12)Aadaan dimokraasii | development of democratic culture, | |
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx akka | 13) Looking for | |
dagaagu iftoominaan yaada | solution by briefly | |
dhiyeessuu. | discussing on problem | |
13)Rakkoo kolleejjiichaarratti | of the college, | |
ifaan mari’achuun | 14) Play role in | |
furmaata waliinii | keeping property of | |
barbaaduu, | the college from | |
14)Qabeenyi kolleejjichaa akka | misuse and robbed | |
hin mancaanee fi akka hin | report problem | |
saamamne ga’ee | occurred on the | |
xxxxxxxxx keessatti qooda fudhachuu, rakkoo qabeenya irratti ga’uuf | property to concerned body. | |
qaama ilaalutti gabaasuu. | Part Four | |
Kutaa Afur | Trainees of the College | |
Leenjifamtoota Kolleejjichaa | 25.Right of the Trainees | |
25. Mirga Leenjifamtootaa | 1) Learning, ask and | |
1) Barachuu, gaaffii dhimma | know question related | |
akkaadaamiin walqabate | to academic issues, | |
gaafatanii beekuu fi | 2) Get service rendered | |
hubachuu. | by the college | |
2) Tajaajila kolleejjichaan | properly, | |
kennamu argachuu | 3) Use property of the | |
3) Qabeenya kolleejjichaatti seeraan tajaajilamuu | college properly, |
4) Barsiisota akkaadaamii fi bulchiinsa kolleejjichaarratti yaada kennuu fi qorachuu. 5) Bulchiinsa kolleejjichaa fi koreewwan keessatti hirmaachuu. 26.Dirqama Leenjifamtootaa 1) Daree barumsaatti yeroo argamuun barumsa hordofuu, hojii barumsaa yeroon raawwachuu. 2) Seera kolleejjichaa kabajuu, ittiin buluu 3) Qabeenya kolleejjichaa seeraan itti fayyadamuu, kunuunsuu 4) Dhimmoota seeraan ala ta’anii fi adeemsa baruu fi barsiisuu gufachiisan irraa of eeguu fi gaaffii mirgaa kamiiyyuu karaa nagaa fi dimokratawaa ta’een qofa dhiyeessuu. 5) Mirga nama xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, keessumaayyuu leenjifamtoota shamarraanii fi qaama miidhamtootaa gocha hamilee isaanii tuqu raawwachuu irraa of | አስተያየት ማክበር፤ 10)እንዳስፈላጊነቱ በኮሌጁ አካላት የተሰጡትን ግዴታዎችን መወጣት፤ 11)ጥሩ ሥነ-ምግባር አሟልቶ መገኘት፣ ሰልጣኞች ጥሩ ዞጋ እንዲሆኑ ማሰልጠን፤ 12)የዲሞክራሲ ባህል በኮሌጁ ውስጥ እንዲስፋፋ በግልፀኝነት አሳብ ማቅረብ፤ 13)በኮሌጁ ችግር ላይ በግልፅ በመወያየት በጋራ መፍትሔ መፈላለግ፤ 14)የኮሌጁ ንብረት እንደይበክንና እንዳይዘረፍ የዜግነት ግዴታ መወጣት፣ በንብረት ላይ የደረውን ችግር ለሚመለከተው አካል ርፖርት ማድረግ፡፡ ክፍል አረት የኮሌጁ ሰልጣኞች 25.የሰልጣኞች መብት 1) መማር፣ ከአካዳሚ ጉዳይ ጋር የተያያዙ ጥያቄ ጠይቆ ማወቅና መረዳት፤ 2) በኮሌጁ የሚሰጥ አገልግሎት ማግኘት፤ 3) የኮሌጁን ንብረት በአግባቡ መጠቀም፤ 4) በኮሌጁ መምህራንና አስተዳደር ላይ አሳብ መሰጥትና መገምገም፤ 5) በኮሌጁ አስተዳደርና ኮሚቴ ውሰጥ መሳተፍ፡፡ 26.የሰልጣኞች ግዴታ 1) በመማሪያ ክፍል ውስጥ በጊዜ በመገኘት ትምህርትን | 4) Give comment and evaluate academic teachers and administrative staff of the college, 5) Participate in administration of the college and committees. 26.Duty of the Trainees 1) Present on time and attend the class and follow up, carry out educational activity on time, 2) Respect and ruled the rule of the college, 3) Use properly and look after property of the college, 4) Refrain from conditions which are illegal and shall be obstacle to learning- teaching process and present question of write in peaceful and democratic manner, 5) Respect the right of every person, especially refrain from |
qusachuu | መከታተል፣ የትምህርት ሥራ በጊዜ መፈፀም፤ 2) የኮሌጁን ህግ ማክበር፣ በህጉ መተዳደር፤ 3) የኮሌጁን ንብረት በአግባቡ መጠቀምና፣ መንከባከብ፤ 4) ሕገወጥ ከሆኑትና የመማር ማስተማር ሂደትን ከሚያደናቅፉት ሁኔታዎች መቆጠብና ማንኛውም መብታዊ ጥያቄ ሰላማዊና ዲሞክራሳዊ በሆነ መንገድ ብቻ ማቅረብ፤ 5) የማንኛውም ሰው መብት ማክበር በተለይም በሴት ሰልጣኞችና በአካል ጉዳተኛ ሰልጣኞች ላይ ሞራላቸውን የሚነካ ድርጊት አለመፈፀም፤ 6) ጥሩ ስነ-ምግባር በማዳበር በኮሌጁ ውስጥ የዲሞክራሲ ባህል እንዲዳብር ማድረግ፤ ክፍል አምስት ልዩ ልዩ ድንጋጌዎች 27.የበጀት ዓመት የኮሌጁ የበጀት ዓመት የመንግስት የበጀት ዓመት ይሆናል፡፡ 28.የኮሌጁ የገቢ ምንጭ 1) መንግስት የሚመድበው በጀት፣ 2) የአገልግሎት ክፍያና ሌሎች | actions that demoralize |
6) Naamusa gaarii | the morale of female | |
qabaachuun aadaa | trainees and physically | |
dimokraasii kolleejjicha | impaired persons, | |
xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx | 6) Cause to develop the | |
gochuu. | culture of democracy | |
Kutaa shan | by having good ethics. | |
Tumaalee Adda Adda | Part Five | |
27.Bara Bajataa | Miscellaneous Provisions | |
Barri baajata kolleejjichaa | 27.Budget Year | |
bara baajata mootumaati | The budget year of the | |
28.Madda galii kolleejjichaa | college shall be budget | |
1) Baajata Mootummaan | year of government | |
ramadu | 28. Source of Income | |
2) Kaffaltii tajaajilaa fi galii | 1) budget allocated by | |
keessaa xxx xxxx irraa | government, | |
3) Gargaarsaa fi xxxxx xxxx | 2) Service charge paid | |
addaa irraa ta’a. | and other internal | |
29.Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx | income, | |
Kolleejjichaa | 3) From different aid and | |
1) Kolleejjichi sanadootaa fi | donation. | |
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx | 29. Book of Account | |
guutuu ta’e ni qabaata. | 1) The college shall have | |
2) Sanadoonnii fi | full and proper | |
xxxxxxxxxx | documents and | |
kolleejjichaa mana hojii | receipts. | |
odiitara muummichaa | 2) The documents and | |
Oromiyaatiin yookiin | receipts of the college | |
qaama aangoon | shall be audited by | |
kennameefiin yeroo | Oromia General | |
Auditor Office or by |
yeroodhaan ni qoratama. 3) Gabaasni odiitii fi raawwii hojii kolleejjichaa barri baajataa xxxxxx xx’a 6 (jaha) keessatti Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa fi Boordiidhaaf dhihaachuu qaba. 30.Tumaalee C’eumsaa 1) Dambiin kun bahuun dura hojiiwwan eegalaman akkaataa dambii kanaatiin kan raawwataman ta’u 2) Mirgaa fi dirqamni kolleejjiin Barnoota Barsiisotaa Fedhii Addaa Sabbataa dambiin kun bahuun dura qabuu dambii xxxxxx xxxx kolleejjii Barnoota Barsiisoota Fedhii Addaa Sabbataa irra deebi’ee hundaa’xxxx xxxxxx jira. 31.Seerota Raawwatiinsa Hin qabaanne 1) Dambiin lakk 102/2000 dambii kanaan haqameera. 2) Dambii, qajeelfamaa fi | የውስጥ ገቢ፣ 3) ከተለያዩ እርዳታዎችና ስጦታዎች፡፡ 29.የኮሌጁ የሂሳብ መዝገብ 1) ኮሌጁ የተሟላ ሰነድና የሂሳብ መዝገብ ይኖረዋል፣ 2) የኮሌጁ ሰነዶችና የሂሳብ መዝገቦች በኦሮሚያ ዋና ኦዲተር ወይም ሥልጣን በተሰጠው አካል በየጊዜው ኦዲት ይድረጋል፣ 3) የኦዲትና የኮሌጁ ሥራ አፈፃፀም ሪፖርት የበጀት አመቱ አልቆ በ6 ወር ውስጥ ለኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮና ለቦርድ መቅረብ አለበት፡፡ 30.የመሸጋገሪያ ድንጋጌዎች 1) ይህ ደንብ ከመውጣቱ በፊት የተጀመሩ ሥራዎች በዚህ ደንብ መሰረት የሚቀጥሉ ይሆናሉ፡፡ 2) ይህ ደንብ ከመውጣቱ በፊት የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን ማሰልጠኛ ኮሌጅ ያለው መብትና ግዴታ በዚህ ደንብ እንደገና ወደ ተቋቋመው | the authorized body every year. 3) Audit report shall be submitted to Oromia Education Bureau and the Board 6 months after the budget year is passed. 30. Transitory Provisions 1) The work started before the issuance of this regulation shall be performed in accordance with this regulation. 2) The right and duties that Sebeta Special Need Education Teachers Training College has before issuance of this regulation is transferred by this regulation to the re- established Sebeta Special Need Education Teachers Training College. 31. Inapplicable Laws 1) Regulation No. 102/2007 is repealed |
barmaatileen hojii dambii | የሰበታ የልዩ ፍላጎት ትምህርት መምህራን ማሰልጠኛ ኮሌጅ ተላልፏል፡፡ 31. ተፈፃሚነት የማይኖራቸው ሕጎች 1) ደንብ ቁ. 102/ 2000 በዚህ ደንብ ተሰርዟል፡፡ 2) ከዚህደንብጋርየሚቃረኑደንቦ ች፣መመሪያናልማዳዊአሰራ ሮችበዚህደንብድንጋጌዎችላ ይተፈፃሚነትየላቸውም፡፡ 32.መመሪያ የማውጣት ስልጣን የኦሮሚያ ትምህርት ቢሮ ይህንን ደንብ ለማስፈጸም መመሪያ ማውጣት ይችላል፡፡ 33.ይህ ደንብ የሚፀናበት ጊዜ ይህ ደንብ ከጥር 11/2004 ጀምሮ የፀና ይሆናል፡፡ አለማየሁ አቶምሳ የኦሮሚያ ክልል ፕሬዝዳንት ጥር 11/2004 ፊንፊኔ | by this reguation. |
kanaan wal-faallessan | 2) Any regulation, | |
dhimmoota dambii kana | directives and | |
xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx | practices inconsistent | |
irratti raawwatiinsa hin | to this proclamation | |
qabaatan. | shall have no effects on | |
32.Aangoo Qajeelfama Baasuu | the provision of this | |
Biiroo Barnoota Oromiyaa | regulation. | |
dambii kana raawwachiisuuf | 32. Power to Issue Directives | |
qajeelfama baasuu ni | The Oromia Education | |
danda’a. | Bureau may issue directives | |
33. Yeroo Danbiin kun Hojii Irra | for the implementation of | |
Itti Oolu | this regulation. | |
Dambiin kun Amajjii 11 bara | 33. Effective Date | |
2004 irraa eegalee hojii irra | This regulation shall come | |
kan oolu ta’a. | into force as of January | |
18/2012 | ||
Alamaayyoo Atoomsaa | ||
Pirezidaantii Mootummaa | Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx | |
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx | President of Oromia National | |
Amajjii 11, 2004 | Regional State | |
Finfinnee | January 18/2012 | |
Finfine |