Postanowienia Umowne wymagane przez Rząd Stanów Zjednoczonych mające zastosowanie do Zamówień
Postanowienia Umowne wymagane przez Rząd Stanów Zjednoczonych mające zastosowanie do Zamówień
realizowanych na potrzeby kontraktu rządowego FA8615- 20-D-6052
F16 Program
1. Ogólne Informacje
1.1. Jeśli zamówienie zostało złożone w wykonaniu kontraktu udzielonego przez Rząd Stanów Zjednoczonych, dodatkowe postanowienia umowne wynikające z regulacji Rządu Stanów Zjednoczonych (dalej jako
„Wymagania Rządowe”) mają zastosowanie. W przypadku sprzeczności pomiędzy postanowieniami zawartymi w niniejszym dokumencie a warunkami zakupowymi PZL Mielec bądź zawartej umowy pomiędzy PZL Mielec a Dostawcą, postanowienia niniejszego dokumentu mają zastosowanie w zakresie dopuszczalnym przez prawo. Jeśli inaczej nie określono w niniejszym dokumencie, wszelkie wyrażenia rozpoczynające się z dużych liter mają znaczenie nadane im w warunkach zakupowych PZL Mielec bądź umowie zawartej pomiędzy PZL Mielec a Dostawcą. Niniejszy dokument został sporządzony w dwóch wersjach językowych tj. polskiej i angielskiej, za wyjątkiem części dotyczącej specyficznych Wymagań Rządowych, przy czym wersja angielska pozostaje wersją obowiązującą.
1.2. PZL Mielec dołożył należytej staranności aby umieścić wszystkie wymagane przez prawo Wymagania Rządowe wskazać w niniejszym dokumencie. Jeśli jednak którekolwiek z wymagań zostały pominięte to przyjmuje się, że w tych sytuacjach w których zastosowanie odpowiednich wymagań wynika z prawa bądź jest wymagane na podstawie Wymagań Rządowych, wymagania te obowiązują z mocy prawa.
1.3. Dostawca zobowiązany jest do inkorporowania Wymagań Rządowych do wszelkich zamówień złożonych do swoich poddostawców w zakresie w jakim zamówienia te wspierają Zamówienie.
1.4. W najszerszym zakresie dopuszczalnym przez prawo, w przypadku gdy powstaną okoliczności uzasadniające odpowiedzialność PZL Mielec z tytułu realizacji Zamówienia, a wynikają one z niedotrzymania warunków określonych niniejszym dokumentem przez Dostawcę czy jego poddostawców, Xxxxxxxx zobowiązuje się zwolnić z odpowiedzialności PZL Mielec, która to odpowiedzialność obejmuje wszelkie koszty, obniżki cen, potrącenia, kary, odsetki i inne roszczenia, oraz decyzje o uznaniu kosztów za niekwalifikowane czy niedozwolone, a także jakąkolwiek cywilną, administracyjną czy karną odpowiedzialność niezależnie czy powstałą na podstawie prawa czy umowy. W tym zakresie Dostawca zobowiązuje się zwolnić PZL Mielec z obowiązku świadczenia oraz zobowiązuje się zwrócić
U.S. Government Provisions and Clauses for Orders under U.S. Government Contract FA8615-20-D-6052
F16 Program
1. General
1.1. If an Order is placed at any tier under a Prime Contract awarded by the U.S. Government, additional U.S. Government provisions (“U.S. Government Contract Clauses”) shall apply. In the event of a conflict between a provision in this document and Buyer’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase or relevant Agreement between PZL Mielec and Supplier, this document shall control to the extent permitted by law. Terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in Buyer’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase or Agreement. This document is prepared in two languages Polish and English, except the part related to specific
U.S. Government Contract Clauses, provided that English version is prevailing.
1.2. While PZL Mielec has made every effort to include every potentially applicable U.S. Government Contract Clause in this document, U.S. Government Contract Clauses, the inclusion of which in a subcontract is mandatory under a statute or regulation, shall be considered to be included by operation of law, even if it has been omitted from the Order.
1.3. Supplier shall incorporate the applicable U.S. Government Contract Clauses in each lower-tier subcontract placed in support of the Order.
1.4. Supplier shall indemnify and hold PZL Mielec harmless from and against any cost, price reduction, withholding, offset, penalty, interest, claim, demand, determination of unallowability or unallocability, or any other civil, criminal, or administrative liability, whether arising under statute, regulation, contract or common law, and shall reimburse Buyer for all of its damages and associated costs, including reasonable attorney fees and other expenses, if said liability is attributable to the Supplier or Supplier’s subcontractors’ failure to comply with the applicable U.S. Government Contract Clauses.
2. Inspection of Books and Records
2.1. Supplier agrees that its books, records and facilities, or such parts of its facilities as may be engaged in the performance of the Order, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by Buyer or any authorized representatives of the U.S. Government
2.2. Supplier hereby grants to Buyer the right to conduct audits of Supplier’s premises, records, data and documentation pertaining to: quality, inspection and testing of Goods; security and data protection
PZL Mielec wszelkie koszty powstałe w związku poniesioną odpowiedzialnością czy obroną przed nią.
2. Audyt Ksiąg i Dokumentacji
2.1. Dostawca wyraża zgodę na to aby jego księgi, dokumentacja oraz pomieszczenia, bądź ich części, które są przeznaczone bądź które odnoszą się do realizacji Zamówienia, mogły być w każdym czasie przeglądane i audytowane przez PZL Mielec bądź autoryzowanego przedstawiciela Rządu Stanów Zjednoczonych.
2.2. Dostawca niniejszym przyznaje PZL Mielec prawo do przeprowadzenia audytów pomieszczeń, dokumentacji, danych i dokumentacji Dostawcy dotyczącej: jakości, inspekcji i testowania Towarów; środków ochrony danych i ich procedur; procesów zgodności z wymaganiami etycznymi; innych zobowiązań wynikających z Zamówienia.
2.3. Dostawca udostępni w swoich pomieszczeniach w rozsądnym czasie dokumentację, materiały i inne dowody na potrzeby badań, audytów bądź odtwarzania w terminie 3 lat licząc od dnia ostatniej płatności. Jeśli Zamówienie zostało częściowo bądź w całości anulowane, rozwiązane, dokumentacja dotycząca części rozwiązanego Zamówienia będzie dostępna przez okres 3 lat od dnia osiągnięcia porozumienia w przedmiocie rozwiązania. Dokumentacja dotycząca procedur odwoławczych bądź sporów sądowych bądź negocjowanych umów ugody co do roszczeń wynikających z Zamówienia będą dostępne do czasu gdy procedura odwoławcza, spór sądowy bądź negocjacje w celu zawarcia umowy ugody zostaną zakończone.
2.4. Jak zostało użyte w niniejszej Sekcji 2, dokumentacja obejmuje księgi, dokumenty, procedury i praktyki stosowane w rachunkowości i inne dane niezależnie od typu bądź formy ich utrwalenia. Niniejsze postanowienie jednakże nie zakłada na Dostawcę tworzenia bądź utrzymywania jakiejkolwiek dokumentacji, której Dostawca nie utrzymuje podczas standardowego prowadzenia działalności bądź wynikającej z przepisów prawa.
3. Postanowienia Umowne dotyczące Wymagań Rządowych
Niezależnie od powyższego, poniżej wskazane klauzule implementujące wymagania zawarte w Federal Acquisition Regulations (i/lub suplementach do nich) mają zastosowanie do realizacji Zamówienia złożonego na potrzeby kontraktu rządowego F16 Program (Aft, Longhorn)
Uwaga: Jeśli nie zostało wyraźnie określone inaczej, w każdym przypadku gdy Wymagania Rządowe mają zastosowanie do tego postępowania i w celu ochrony interesu Polskich Zakładów Lotniczych Sp. z o.o. (PZL Mielec).
procedures; ethical practices; and, any other requirement or obligation, under the Order.
2.3. The Supplier shall make available at its offices at all reasonable times the records, materials, and other evidence for examination, audit, or reproduction, until 3 years after final payment under the Order. If the Order is completely or partially terminated, the records relating to the work terminated shall be made available for 3 years after any resulting final termination settlement. Records relating to appeals under the disputes clause or to litigation or the settlement of claims arising under or relating to the Order shall be made available until such appeals, litigation, or claims are finally resolved.
2.4. As used in this Section 2, records include books, documents, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of form. This does not require the Supplier to create or maintain any record that the Supplier does not maintain in the ordinary course of business or pursuant to a provision of law.
3. U.S. Government Contract Clauses
Without limiting the generality of foregoing, the following Federal Acquisition Regulations (and/or its supplements) clauses apply to all Orders in support of contract F16 Program (Aft, Longhorn)
Note: Unless otherwise expressly noted herein, where necessary to make the U.S Government Contract Clauses applicable to the solicitation/award and to protect Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. (PZL Mielec) interest.
The words “Government”, “DoD”, “Contracting Officer” and
„LOCKHEED MARTIN” each shall mean “PZL Mielec” or (when appropriate) “PZL Mielec and the Contracting Officer”,
The words “Contractor” or “Offeror” shall mean “Supplier”,
and the words “Contract”; “Schedule” and “Work” shall refer to this solicitation/award.
All clause(s), provision(s) and notices are incorporated herein by reference with the same force and effect as if set forth in full text, and made a part of the solicitation/order as applicable.
Full text available at xxxxx://
[space intentionally left blank]
Wyrażenia “Government”, “DoD”, “Contracting Officer” i „LOCKHEED MARTIN” oznaczają PZL Mielec bądź (tam gdy wynika to z klauzuli) „PZL Mielec oraz Contracting Officer”, Wyrażenia “Contractor” lub “Offeror oznaczają Dostawcę, a wyrażenia „Contract”; “Schedule” oraz „Work” dotyczą realizacji Zamówienia. Wszystkie niżej wskazane klauzule i postanowienia są inkorporowane do Zamówienia poprzez wskazanie ich tytułów przy czym mają one taką samą moc obowiązującą jak gdyby ich cały tekst był przedstawiony w tym dokumencie, klauzule stanowią część obowiązującą Zamówienia. Pełny tekst klauzul | [space intentionally left blank] |
Provision/ Clause | Date of Provision/ Clause | Title | Supplier Conditional Threshold Amount (if applicable) | Notes |
FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) | ||||
52.203-6 | Sep - 2006 | RESTRICTIONS ON SUBCONTRACTOR SALES TO THE GOVERNMENT | $250,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold $250,000 |
52.203-11 | Sep - 2007 | CERTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE REGARDING PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS | $150,000 | Applicable to Contract exceeding $150,000 |
52.203-12 | Oct – 2010 | LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS | $150,000 | Applicable to Contract exceeding $150,000 |
52.203-13 | Oct-2015 | CONTRACTOR CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND CONDUCT | $5,500,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $5,000,000 and has a period of performance of more than 120 days. Disclosures made under this clause shall be made directly to the government entities identified in the clause. |
52.203-14 | Oct-2015 | DISPLAY OF HOTLINE POSTER(S) | $5,500,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $5,500,000. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract Check: DFARS 252.203-7004 |
52.203-15 | Jun -2010 | WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTIONS UNDER THE AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 | Applies to all Contracts funded in whole or in part with Recovery Act funds | |
52.203-16 | Aug -2018 | PREVENTING PERSONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST” (DoD CLASS DEVIATION 2018-O0018) | $250,000 | Applies to Contract that exceed; $250,000 and in which Contractor employees will perform acquisition functions closely associated with inherently governmental functions (i.e., instead of performance only by a self-employed individual). |
52.203-17 | Apr-2014 | CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE WHISTLEBLOWER RIGHTS AND REQUIREMENT TO INFORM EMPLOYEES OF WHISTLEBLOWER RIGHTS | $250,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold $250,000 |
52.204-2 | Aug – 1996 | SECURITY REQUIREMENTS | Applies if the Work requires access to classified information | |
52.204-9 | Xxx - 2011 | PERSONAL IDENTITY VERIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL | Applies where Contractor will have physical access to a federally- controlled facility or access to a Federal information system | |
52.204-21 | Jun -2016 | BASIC SAFEGUARDING OF COVERED CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS | Applies if Contractor may have Federal contract information residing in or transiting through its information system unless Contractor is furnishing commercially available off-the-shelf items | |
52.204-23 | Jul- 2018 | PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING FOR HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND SERVICES DEVELOPED OR PROVIDED BY KASPERSKY LAB AND OTHER COVERED ENTITIE | Contractor shall provide LOCKHEED MARTIN copies of any reports provided under this clause which relate to the performance of the Contract |
52.204-25 | Aug -2019 | PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING FOR CERTAIN TELECOMMUNICATION AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT | Insert "or LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" in paragraph (b) Reports required by this clause will be made to LOCKHEED MARTIN | |
52.209-6 | Oct-2015 | PROTECTING THE GOVERNMENT'S INTEREST WHEN SUBCONTRACTING WITH CONTRACTORS DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, OR PROPOSED FOR DEBARMENT | $35,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $35,000. Copies of notices provided by Contractor to the Contracting Office shall be provided to LOCKHEED MARTIN |
52.211-5 | Aug - 2000 | MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS | Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause. | |
52.215-2 | Oct-2010 | AUDIT AND RECORDS-NEGOTIATION | $250,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold $250,000 and if: (1) Contractor is required to furnish cost or pricing data, or (2) the Contract requires Contractor to furnish cost, funding, or performance reports, or (3) this is an incentive or redeterminable type contract. Insert "and LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" throughout this clause. Insert "and LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" throughout this clause Alternate II applies if Contractor is an educational or non-profit institution. |
52.215-10 | Aug -2011 | PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA | Applies if submission of certified cost or pricing data is required. Insert "or LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" throughout this clause except the first time "Contracting Officer" appears in paragraph (c)(1). "Government" means "LOCKHEED MARTIN" in paragraph (d)(1). Rights and obligations under this clause shall survive completion of the Work and final payment under the Contract. | |
52.215-11 | Aug -2011 | PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA - MODIFICATIONS | Applies if submission of certified cost or pricing data is required for modifications. Insert "or LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" throughout this clause except the first time "Contracting Officer" appears in paragraph (d)(1). "Government" means "LOCKHEED MARTIN" in paragraph (e)(1). Rights and obligations under this clause shall |
survive completion of the Work and final payment under the Contract | ||||
52.215-12 | Jun - 2020 | SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA | Applies if Contract exceeds the threshold for submission of certified cost or pricing data at FAR 15.403-4 and is not otherwise exempt from the requirement to provide cost or pricing data. | |
52.215-13 | May-2018 | SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA - MODIFICATION” (DEVIATION 2018-O0015) | Applies if Contract exceeds the threshold for submission of cost or pricing data at FAR 15.403-4 and modifications are not otherwise exempt from the requirement to provided certified cost or pricing data. | |
52.215-14 | Oct -2010 | INTEGRITY OF UNIT PRICES | The substance of this clause, less paragraph (b) of this clause is applicable to all Contracts for other than: acquisitions at or below the simplified acquisition threshold, as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 2.101 on the date of subcontract award; construction or architect-engineer services under FAR part 36; utility services under FAR part 41; services where supplies are not required; commercial items; and petroleum products. | |
52.215-15 | Oct -2010 | PENSION ADJUSTMENTS AND ASSET REVERSIONS | Applies if Contract meets the applicability requirements of FAR 15.408(g). Communication/notification required under this clause from/to Contractor to/from the Contracting Officer shall be through LOCKHEED MARTIN. | |
52.215-16 | Jun -2003 | FACILITIES CAPITAL COST OF MONEY | ||
52.215-18 | Jul -2005 | REVERSION OR ADJUSTMENT OF PLANS FOR POST-RETIREMENT BENEFITS (PRB) OTHER THAN PENSIONS | Applicable if Contract meets the applicability requirements of FAR 15.408(j). Communication/notification required under this clause from/to Contractor to/from the Contracting Officer shall be through LOCKHEED MARTIN. | |
52.215-19 | Oct -1997 | NOTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP CHANGES | Applies if Contract meets the applicability requirements of FAR 15.408(k). Communication/notification required under this clause from/to Contractor to/from the Contracting Officer shall be through LOCKHEED MARTIN | |
52.215-20 | Oct -2010 | REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA OR | Check DFARS 252.215-7010 |
52.215-23 | Oct- 2009 | LIMITATION ON PASS-THROUGH CHARGES | Applies if Contract is a cost- reimbursement Contract in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold, except if the prime contract to which this contract relates is with DoD, then the clause applies to both cost- reimbursement subcontracts and fixed-price subcontracts, except those identified in 15.408(n)(2)(i)(B)(2), that exceed the threshold for obtaining cost or pricing data in accordance with FAR 15.403-4. Insert "or LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" throughout this clause. Insert "and LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Contracting Officer", throughout the clause. | |
52.216-16 | Oct -2016 | INCENTIVE PRICE REVISION -- FIRM TARGET | “Contracting Officer," "contract administrative office" and "Government" mean "Lockheed Martin." Paragraph (i) is deleted. The blanks in the clause are completed with the amounts specified in the contract | |
52.216-7 | Aug-2018 | ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT | . Paragraphs (a)(2), (b)(4), and (d)(4) are deleted. In paragraph (h) "six years" is changed to "5 years." The references to government entities in paragraph (d) are unchanged. Does not apply to labor hour contracts. For time and materials contracts, applies on to the material portion of the Contract | |
52.216-8 | Jun-2011 | FIXED FEE | Applies only if this Contract includes a fixed fee. Delete the last two sentences of the clause. Does not apply if this is a labor hour or time and materials Contract. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause. | |
52.216-10 | Jun-2011 | INCENTIVE FEE | Applies only if Contract includes an incentive fee. Subparagraph (e)(4)(iv) and the last two sentences of paragraph (c)(2) are deleted. The |
amounts in paragraph (e) are set forth on the face of the Contract. Does not apply if this is a labor hour or time and materials contract. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause. | ||||
52.216-11 | Apr-1984 | NO FEE | Applies only if Contract is placed on a cost reimbursement - no fee basis. Does not apply if this is a labor hour or time and materials contract. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause. | |
52.219-8 | Oct -2018 | UTILIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS | $250,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold $250,000. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.219-9 | Apr - 2018 | SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRCTING PLAN” (DEVIATION 2018-O0018) | $700,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $700,000. Does not apply if Contractor is a small business concern. "Contracting Officer" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN " in paragraph (c). Contractor's subcontracting plan is incorporated herein by reference |
52.222-2 | Jul-1990 | PAYMENT FOR OVERTIME PREMIUMS | Insert Zero in the blank. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause. Insert "and LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" throughout this clause. | |
52.222-4 | May- 2018 | CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT - OVERTIME COMPENSATION | Applies if Contract may require or involve the employment of laborers and mechanics. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.222-21 | Apr- 2015 | PROHIBITION OF SEGREGATED FACILITIES | This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract | |
52.222-22 | Feb-1999 | Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports | Paragraph (a) applies only to the extent (1) SELLER performs work in the United States, or (2) recruits employees in the United States to Work on this Contract. | |
52.222-25 | Apr-1984 | Affirmative Action Compliance | Paragraph (a) applies only to the extent (1) SELLER performs work in the United States, or (2) recruits employees in the United States to Work on this Contract. | |
52.222-26 | Sep-2016 | EQUAL OPPORTUNITY | This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract | |
52.222-35 | Oct- 2015 | EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR VETERANS | $150,000 | Applies if Contract is for $150,000 or more. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.222-36 | Jul- 2014 | AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES | $15,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $15,000. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.222-37 | Feb- 2016 | EMPLOYMENT REPORTS ON VETERANS | $150,000 | Applies if Contract is for $150,000 or more. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.222-40 | Dec- 2010 | NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS UNDER THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT | $10,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $10,000. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.222-41 | Aug - 2018 | SERVICE CONTRACT ACT OF 1965 | Applies if Contract is subject to the Service Contract Act. The clause does not apply if this contract has been administratively exempted by the Secretary of Labor or exempted by 41 U.S.C. 356, as interpreted in Subpart C of 29 CFR Part 4. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract | |
52.222-50 | Xxx -2019 | COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS | ||
52.222-54 | Oct- 2015 | EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION | $3,500 | Applies if Contract exceeds $3,500. This clause applies to Contract only if work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.222-55 | Dec- 2015 | MINIMUM WAGES UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13658 | Applies if this Contract is subject to the Service Contract Labor Standards statute or the Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) statute, and is to be performed in whole or in part in the United States. | |
52.222-56 | Mar -2015 | CERTIFICATION REGARDING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS COMPLIANCE PLAN | Applies to all solicitations for subcontracts for supplies, other than commercially available off-the-shelf items, acquired outside the United States, or services to be performed outside the United States; and where the subcontract is estimated to exceed $500,000. In paragraph (d), "Contracting Officer" means "Contracting Officer and LOCKHEED MARTIN." In paragraph (e), "Government" means LOCKHEED MARTIN ". | |
52.222-62 | Xxx- 2017 | PAID SICK LEAVE UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 13706 | Applies if Contract is subject to the Service Contract Labor Standards statute or the Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) statute, and are to be performed in whole or in part in the United States. | |
52.223-3 | Xxx - 1997 | HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA | Applies if Contract involves hazardous material | |
52.223-7 | Xxx - 1997 | NOTICE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS | Applies to Work containing covered radioactive material |
52.223-11 | Jun - 2016 | OZONE-DEPLETING SUBSTANCES | Applies if the Work was manufactured with or contains ozone-depleting substances. | |
52.223-18 | Aug -2011 | ENCOURAGING CONTRACTOR POLICIES TO BAN TEXT MESSAGING WHILE DRIVING | $10,000 | Applies if Contract exceed the micro- purchase threshold $10,000. This clause applies to Contract only if Work under the Contract will be performed in the United States or Contractor is recruiting employees in the United States to Work on the Contract |
52.224-3 | Xxx- 2017 | PRIVACY TRAINING | Applies if Contractor will (1) have access to a system of records; (2) create, collect, use, process, store, maintain, disseminate, disclose, dispose, or otherwise handle personally identifiable information; or (3) design, develop, maintain, or operate a system of records. Insert "and LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Contracting Officer", throughout the clause. | |
52.225-1 | May - 2014 | BUY AMERICAN ACT -- SUPPLIES | Applies if the Work contains other than domestic components. | |
52.225-3 | May -2014 | BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-ISRAELI TRADE ACT | Applies to all solicitations for supplies, including commercial items | |
52.225-5 | Oct -2019 | TRADE AGREEMENTS | Applies if the Work contains other than U.S. made or designated country end products as specified in the clause. Check DFARS 252.225-7021 | |
52.225-8 | Oct – 2010 | DUTY FREE ENTRY | Applies if Work will be imported into the Customs Territory of the United States. | |
52.227-1 | Dec -2017 | AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT | Applies only if the Prime Contract contains this clause | |
52.227-2 | Dec -2017 | NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT | $250,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold $250,000. Insert "or LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" throughout this clause. |
52.227-9 | Apr- 1984 | REFUND OF ROYALTIES | Applies when reported royalty exceeds $250 |
52.227-10 | Dec -2007 | FILING OF PATENT APPLICATIONS- CLASSIFIED SUBJECT MATTER | Applies if the Work or any patent application may cover classified subject matter. | |
52.227-11 | May -2014 | PATENT RIGHTS-OWNERSHIP BY THE CONTRACTOR | Applies if Contract includes, at any tier, experimental, developmental, or research Work and Contractor is a small business concern or domestic nonprofit organization. Reports required by this clause shall be filed with the agency identified in Contract. If no agency is identified, contact the LOCKHEED MARTIN identified on the face of this Contract. FAR 52.227-13 applies in lieu of this clause if Contractor is not located in the United States or does not have a place of business located in the United States or is subject to the control of a foreign government | |
52.227-14 | May - 2014 | RIGHTS IN DATA - GENERAL | Does not apply if DFARS 252.227- 7013 applies | |
52.228-5 | Xxx - 1997 | INSURANCE - WORK ON A GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION | Applies if Contract involves Work on a Government installation. Insert "or LOCKHEED MARTIN" after "Government" to paragraph (b). Unless otherwise specified by Contract, the minimum kinds and amount of insurance shall be as described in FAR 28.307-2. | |
52.230-2 | May - 2018 | COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS” (DEVIATION 2018-O0015) | Applies when the contract states that it is subject to full CAS coverage. Paragraph (b) is deleted. The following is added as a new paragraph (e): "Contractor shall communicate and otherwise deal directly with the cognizant Contracting Officer to the extent practicable and permissible as to all matters relating to Cost Accounting Standards. Contractor shall provide Lockheed Martin with copies of all communications concerning CAS between and the Contracting Officer if such are relevant to this contract; provided however, Contractor shall not be required to disclose to Lockheed Martin such |
communications containing information which is privileged and confidential to Contractor." | ||||
52.230-3 | Oct -2015 | DISCLOSURE AND CONSISTENCY OF COST ACCOUNTING PRACTICES | Applies only when referenced in this Contract that modified CAS coverage applies. Delete paragraph (b) of the clause | |
52.230-4 | Oct -2015 | DISCLOSURE AND CONSISTENCY OF COST ACCOUNTING PRACTICES FOR CONTRACTS AWARDED TO FOREIGN CONCERNS | Applies only when referenced in this Contract, modified CAS coverage applies | |
52.230-6 | Jun -2010 | ADMINISTRATION OF COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS | Applies if FAR 52.230-2, FAR 52.230- 3, FAR 52.230-4 or FAR 52.230-5 applies. | |
52.232-7 | Aug-2012 | PAYMENTS UNDER TIME-AND- MATERIALS AND LABOR-HOUR CONTRACTS | Applies if Contract. is a labor hour or time and materials prime contract. The third sentence of paragraph (a)(8) is deleted. In paragraph (g)(2) "6 years" is changed to "five years." Paragraphs (c) and (i) are deleted. The reference to the Allowable Cost and Payment clause in paragraph (b)(4) means FAR 52.216-7 which is incorporated into this contract by reference. | |
52.232-16 | Mar - 2020 | PROGRESS PAYMENTS | Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | |
52.232-17 | May - 2014 | INTEREST | Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | |
52.232-20 | Apr-1984 | LIMITATION OF COST | Applies if Contract is a fully funded cost reimbursement Contract. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause | |
52.232-22 | Apr-1984 | LIMITATION OF FUNDS | Applies if Contract is an incrementally funded cost reimbursement Contract. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause | |
52.232-39 | Jun - 2013 | UNENFORCEABILITY OF UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATIONS | Applies to subcontracts where software or services will be retransferred to the Government |
52.232-40 | Dec- 2013 | PROVIDING ACCELERATED PAYMENTS TO SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTORS | Applies if Contractor is a small business concern. This clause does not apply if LOCKHEED MARTIN does not receive accelerated payments under the prime contract. Not all agencies provide accelerated payments. | |
52.233-3 | Aug-1996 | PROTEST AFTER AWARD | In the event LOCKHEED MARTIN's customer has directed LOCKHEED MARTIN to stop performance of the Work under the Prime Contract under which this Contract is issued pursuant to FAR 33.1, LOCKHEED MARTIN may, by written order to Contractor, direct Contractor to stop performance of the Work called for by this Contract. "30 days" means "20 days" in paragraph (b)(2). . In paragraph (f) add after "33.104(h) (1)" the following: "and recovers those costs from LOCKHEED MARTIN" | |
52.237-2 | Apr-1984 | PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND VEGETATION | Applies if Work is performed on a Government installation | |
52.242-13 | Jul -1995 | BANKRUPTCY | ||
52.242-15 | Aug -1989 | STOP-WORK ORDER | ||
52.243-2 | Aug-1987 | CHANGES - COST REIMBURSEMENT | Applies if Contract is a cost- reimbursement contract. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause | |
52.243-3 | Sep-2000 | CHANGES - TIME-AND-MATERIALS OR LABOR-HOURS | Applies Contract is a labor hour or time and materials contract. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative |
Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause | ||||
52.243-6 | Apr - 1984 | CHANGE ORDER ACCOUNTING | Applies if the Prime Contract requires Change Order Accounting | |
52.245-1 | Xxx -2017 | GOVERNMENT PROPERTY | "Contracting Officer" means "LOCKHEED MARTIN" except in the definition of Property Administrator and in paragraphs (h)(1)(iii) where it is unchanged, and in paragraphs (c) and (h)(4) where it includes LOCKHEED MARTIN. "Government" is unchanged in the phrases "Government property" and "Government furnished property" and where elsewhere used except in paragraph (d)(1) where it means "LOCKHEED MARTIN" and except in paragraphs (d)(2) and (g) where the term includes LOCKHEED MARTIN. The following is added as paragraph (n) "Contractor shall provide to LOCKHEED MARTIN immediate notice if the Government or other customers (i) revokes its assumption of loss under any direct contracts with Contractor, or (ii) makes a determination that Contractor's property management practices are inadequate, and/or present an undue risk, or that Contractor has failed to take corrective action when required." | |
52.245-9 | Apr -2012 | USE AND CHARGES | Applies to subcontract involving the use of government property. Communications with the Government under this Clause will be made through LOCKHEED MARTIN | |
52.246-3 | May-2001 | INSPECTION OF SUPPLIES - COST REIMBURSEMENT | Applies if this is a cost-reimbursement contract. In paragraph (e), change "60 days" to "120 days", and in paragraph (f) change "6 months" to "12 months" | |
52.246-5 | Apr-1984 | INSPECTION OF SERVICES - COST REIMBURSEMENT | Applies if Contract is a cost- reimbursement contract | |
52.246-6 | May-2001 | INSPECTION TIME-AND-MATERIAL AND LABOR-HOUR | Applies if Contract is a labor hour or time and material contract | |
52.246-26 | Dec-2019 | REPORTING OF NONCONFORMING ITEMS | Applies if Contract is for the items listed in paragraph (g) of the clause. Copies of reports provided under this clause shall be provided to LOCKHEED MARTIN as well |
as the Contracting Officer. Contractor shall notify LOCKHEED MARTIN when it issues a GIDEP report pursuant to this clause. | ||||
52.247-63 | Jun -2003 | PREFERENCE FOR U.S.-FLAG AIR CARRIERS | Applies if Contract involves international air transportation. | |
52.247-64 | Feb- 2006 | PREFERENCE FOR PRIVATELY OWNED U.S. FLAG COMMERCIAL VESSELS | Check DFARS 252.247-7023 | |
52.248-1 | Oct -2010 | VALUE ENGINEERING | $150,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $150,000. . In paragraph (m) "Government is unchanged." Also, "Government" does not mean "LOCKHEED MARTIN" in the phrase "Government costs." |
52.249-5 | Aug- 2016 | TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER NONPROFIT INSTITUTIONS) | Applies in lieu of FAR 52.249-2 if Contract is for research and development work with an educational or nonprofit institution on a no-profit or no-fee basis. In paragraph (c) "120 days" is changed to "60 days." In paragraph (d) "1 year" is changed to "6 months" In paragraph (e) "1 year" is changed to "6 months." Paragraph (h) is deleted. Settlements and payments under this clause may be subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer | |
52.249-6 | May-2004 | TERMINATION (COST- REIMBURSEMENT) | In paragraph (d) "120" days" is changed to "60 days." In paragraph (e) "15 days" is changed to "30 days," and "45 days" is changed to "60 days." In paragraph (f) "1 year" is changed to "six months." Paragraph (j) is deleted. In paragraph (j) "right of appeal", "timely appeal" and "on an appeal" shall mean the right to proceed under the "Disputes" clause of this Contract. Settlements and payments under this clause may be subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer. Alternate IV (SEP 1996) applies if Contract is a labor hour or time and materials contract. = Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause. = Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer", "Administrative Contracting Officer", and "ACO" throughout this clause. |
52.249-14 | Apr-1984 | EXCUSABLE DELAYS | In (a)(2) delete "either" and "or contractual". | |
DFARS (Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement) | ||||
252.203-7001 | Dec - 2008 | PROHIBITION ON PERSONS CONVICTED OF FRAUD OR OTHER DEFENSE CONTRACT-RELATED FELONIES | $250,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold $250,000 . The terms "contract," "contractor," and "subcontract" shall not change in meaning in paragraphs (a) and (d). Delete paragraph (g). In paragraph (e), the remedies described in subparagraphs (2) and (3) are available to LOCKHEED MARTIN not the Government. |
252.203-7003 | Aug- 2019 | AGENCY OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL | Applies when FAR 52.203-13 applies to Contract. | |
252.203-7004 | Aug- 2019 | DISPLAY OF FRAUD HOTLINE POSTER(S) | $6,000,000 | Applies in lieu of FAR 52.203-14. Applies if Contract exceeds the threshold at DFARS 203.1004(b)(2)(ii)) - $6,000,000 |
252.204-7009 | Oct -2016 | LIMITATIONS ON THE USE AND DISCLOSURE OF THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR REPORTED CYBER INCIDENT INFORMATION | Applies if Contract involves services that include support for the Government's activities related to safeguarding covered defense information and cyber incident reporting | |
252.204-7012 | Dec -2019 | SAFEGUARDING COVERED DEFENSE INFORMATION AND CYBER INCIDENT REPORTING | Applies if Contract is for operationally critical support or for which performance will involve covered defense information. Contractor shall furnish LOCKHEED MARTIN copies of notices provided to the Contracting Officer at the time such notices are sent. Contractor shall also furnish LOCKHEED MARTIN copies of any reports Contractor receives from its lower tier subcontractors | |
252.204-7018 | Dec-2016 | PROHIBITION ON THE ACQUISITION OF COVERED DEFENSE TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES | Copies of reports provided by Contractor under this clause will be provided to LOCKHEED MARTIN. |
252.204-7020 | Nov-2020 | NIST SP 800-171 DOD ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS | ||
252.208-7000 | Dec -1991 | INTENT TO FURNISH PRECIOUS METALS AS GOVERNMENT- FURNISHED MATERIAL | Applies if Contract involves precious metals. | |
252.211-7003 | Mar-2016 | ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION | Applies if Contract requires the Work to contain unique item identification." Items subject to unique item identification are identified elsewhere in Contract. All reports required to be submitted under this clause shall be submitted to LOCKHEED MARTIN. "Government" means "LOCKHEED MARTIN" except in the definition of "issuing agency" in paragraph (a). | |
252.211-7007 | Aug - 2012 | REPORTING OF GOVERNMENT- FURNISHED PROPERTY | Applies if Contractor will be in possession of Government property for the performance of the Contract. | |
252.215-7008 | Jul -2019 | ONLY ONE OFFER | $250,000 | Applies if subcontract exceeds the simplified acquisition Threshold $250,000 |
252.215-7010 | Jul -2019 | REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA AND OTHER DATA THAN CERTIFIED COST OR PRICING DATA | This clause applies in lieu of FAR 52.215-20 | |
252.217-7028 | Dec -1991 | OVER AND ABOVE WORK | Paragraph (f) is deleted. | |
252.219-7003 | Dec-2019 | SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (DoD CONTRACTS) - BASIC | Applies if FAR 52.219-9 applies to Contract. | |
252.219-7004 | May -2019 | SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (TEST PROGRAM) | Applies to all contracts for participants in the DoD Test Program for the Negotiation of Comprehensive Small Business Subcontracting Plans. Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | |
252.222-7006 | Dec -2010 | RESTRICTION ON THE USE OF MANDATORY ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS | The certification in paragraph (b)(2) applies to both Contractor in its own capacity and to Contractor's covered subcontractors |
252.223-7001 | Dec-1991 | HAZARD WARNING LABELS | Applies if Contract requires the delivery of hazardous materials | |
252.223-7002 | May -1994 | SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES | Applies only if the articles furnished under Contract contain ammunition or explosives, including liquid and solid propellants. . Delete "prime" in (g)(1)(ii) and add "and LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative." Delete in (g)(1)(ii) "substituting its name for references to the Government | |
252.223-7003 | Dec-1991 | CHANGE IN PLACE OF PERFORMANCE - AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES | Applies if DFARS 252.223-7002 applies to Contract | |
252.223-7006 | Sep - 2014 | PROHIBITION ON STORAGE, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS” | Applies to all subcontracts that require, may require, or permit a subcontractor access to a DoD installation | |
252.223-7007 | Sep - 1999 | SAFEGUARDING SENSITIVE CONVENTIONAL ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES | Applies if Contract is for the development, production, manufacture, or purchase of arms, ammunition, and explosives or when arms, ammunition, and explosives will be provided to Contractor as Government Furnished Property |
252.223-7008 | Jun-2013 | PROHIBITION OF HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM | ||
252.225-7001 | Sep -2017 | BUY AMERICAN AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM | Applies if the Work contains other than domestic components. Applies in lieu of FAR 52.225-1 | |
252.225-7007 | Dec- 2018 | PROHIBITION ON ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN ITEMS FROM COMMUNIST CHINESE MILITARY COMPANIES | Applies if Contract is for an item on the United States Munitions List or the 600 series of the Commerce Control List | |
252.225-7009 | Dec-2019 | RESTRICTION ON ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES CONTAINING SPECIALTY METALS | Applies if the Work to be furnished contains specialty metals. Paragraph (d) is deleted. | |
252.225-7013 | Apr-2020 | DUTY-FREE ENTRY | Applies in lieu of FAR 52- 225-8. The prime contract number and identity of the Contracting Officer are contained elsewhere in this contract. If this information is not available, contact LOCKHEED MARTIN | |
252.225-7016 | Jun-2011 | RESTRICTION ON ACQUISITION OF BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS | Applies if Work supplied under Contract contains ball or roller bearings | |
252.225-7021 | Sep-2019 | TRADE AGREEMENTS | Applies if the Work contains other than U.S.-made, qualifying country, or designated country end products. Applies in lieu of FAR 52.225-5. | |
252.225-7027 | Apr -2003 | RESTRICTION ON CONTINGENT FEES FOR FOREIGN MILITARY SALES | The reference to the clause in paragraph (a) means FAR 52.203-5. The blank in paragraph (b)(1) is completed with "any Government." Subparagraph (b)(2) is deleted. | |
252.225-7028 | Apr - 2003 | EXCLUSIONARY POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS | Does not apply for Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. |
252.225-7033 | Xxx-0000 | XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XXXXXXX LEVIES | $1,000,000 | Applies if Contract is with a United Kingdom firm exceeding $1,000,000 |
252.225-7043 | Jun-2015 | ANTI-TERRORISM/FORCE PROTECTION POLICY FOR DEFENSE CONTRACTORS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES | Applies where Contractor will be performing or traveling outside the U.S. under the Contract. For paragraph (c), see applicable information cited in DFARS 225.7401 | |
252.225-7048 | Jun-2013 | EXPORT-CONTROLLED ITEMS | ||
252.226-7001 | Sep-2004 | UTILIZATION OF INDIAN ORGANIZATIONS, INDIAN-OWNED ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES AND NATIVE HAWAIIAN SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS | $500,000 | Applies if Contract exceeds $500,000. In subparagraph (f)(1) "Contractor" shall mean "LOCKHEED MARTIN." LOCKHEED MARTIN shall have no liability to Contractor for any incentive payment under this clause unless and until the Government provides said incentive payment to LOCKHEED MARTIN |
252.227-7013 | Feb -2014 | RIGHTS IN TECHNICAL DATA -- NONCOMMERCIAL ITEMS | Applies in lieu of FAR 52.227- 14. |
252.227-7015 | Feb-2014 | TECHNICAL DATA -- COMMERCIAL ITEMS | Applies to commercial items delivered under the Contract | |
252.227-7016 | Xxx-2011 | RIGHTS IN BID OR PROPOSAL INFORMATION | ||
252.227-7019 | Sep-2016 | VALIDATION OF ASSERTED RESTRICTIONS - COMPUTER SOFTWARE | Applies to all Contracts furnishing computer software to the Government | |
252.227-7028 | Jun-1995 | TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE PREVIOUSLY DELIVERED TO THE GOVERNMENT | The definitions for "contract" and "subcontract" shall not apply herein, except for the first reference to contract. | |
252.227-7030 | Mar-2000 | TECHNICAL DATA - WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENT | ||
252.227-7038 | Jun-2012 | PATENT RIGHTS - OWNERSHIP BY THE CONTRACTOR (LARGE BUSINESS) | Applies if (1) Contractor is not small business or nonprofit organization subject to FAR 52.227-11, and (2) the Contract is for experimental, developmental, or research Work. | |
252.228-7001 | Jun–2010 | GROUND AND FLIGHT RISK | In paragraph (a)(1)(i) "this contract" means "the prime contract." The following is added at the beginning of the clause: "Communications between Contractor and the Government shall be made through LOCKHEED MARTIN . Any equitable adjustment provided for this Clause shall be |
implemented in the Contract to the extent such adjustment is implemented in the prime contract." Subparagraphs (d)(2)(ii), (d)(3)(ii) and the last sentence of subparagraph (j)(2) are deleted. The provision of this clause relating to assumption of risk by the Government are not applicable to Contractor unless Contract includes language stating the Government has agreed to assume such risk of loss. Does not apply for Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | ||||
252.231-7000 | Dec-1991 | SUPPLEMENTAL COST PRINCIPLES | ||
252.232-7017 | Apr-2020 | ACCELERATING PAYMENTS TO SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTORS - PROHIBITION ON FEES AND CONSIDERATION | Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or "United States" throughout this clause | |
252.234- 7002A | Sep-2015 | EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” (DEVIATION 2015-O0017) | “Government" means LOCKHEED MARTIN " and Government." Paragraphs (i) and (j) are deleted. Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | |
252.234-7004 | Nov-2014 | COST AND SOFTWARE DATA REPORTING SYSTEM | $50,000,000 | Applies to Contracts excess of $50,000,000. In paragraph (b), "Government" means “LOCKHEED MARTIN”. Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. |
252.235-7003 | May-2014 | FREQUENCY AUTHORIZATION - BASIC | Applies if Contract requires developing, producing, constructing, testing, or operating a device requiring a frequency authorization | |
252.237-7010 | Jun-2013 | PROHIBITION ON INTERROGATION OF DETAINEES BY CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL” | Applies if Contract requires subcontractor personnel to interact with detainees in the course of their duties. | |
252.243-7001 | Dec-1991 | PRICING OF CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS | Applies if for a fixed price Contract | |
252.243-7002 | Dec-2012 | REQUESTS FOR EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT | $150,000 | Applies if Contract is over $150,000. "Government" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN ." Does not apply for Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. |
252.244-7000 | Jun-2013 | SUBCONTRACTS FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS | ||
252.245-7004 | Dec-2017 | REPORTING, REUTILIZATION, AND DISPOSAL | Applies if Government property will be located at supplier’s facilities. "Contracting Officer" means “LOCKHEED MARTIN”. | |
252.246-7003 | Jun-2013 | NOTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL SAFETY ISSUES | Applies if Contract is for (i) parts identified as critical safety items; (ii) systems and subsystems, assemblies, and subassemblies integral to a system; or (iii) repair, maintenance, logistics support, or overhaul services for systems and subsystems, assemblies, subassemblies, and parts integral to a system. Contractor shall provide notifications to LOCKHEED MARTIN and the contracting officer identified to Contractor. | |
252.246-7001 | Mar-2014 | WARRANTY OF DATA | Applies if Contractor is required to provide data. "Government" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN or the Government." "Contracting Officer" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN." The last sentence in paragraph (b) is changed to read as follows: “The warranty period shall extend for three years after completion of delivery of the data to LOCKHEED MARTIN, or if the data is delivered to the Government, either by LOCKHEED MARTIN or Contractor, the warranty period shall extend for three years after delivery to the Government." Does not apply for Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | |
252.246-7001 ALT 1 | Mar–2014 | ALTERNATE 1 - WARRANTY OF DATA | Applicable to fixed-price-incentive solicitations and contracts; not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. "Government" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN or the Government." "Contracting Officer" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN." The last sentence in paragraph (b) is changed to read as follows: “The warranty period shall extend for three years after completion of delivery of the data to LOCKHEED MARTIN, or if the data is delivered to the Government, either by LOCKHEED MARTIN or Contractor the warranty period shall extend for three years after delivery to the Government." |
252.246-7007 | Aug-2016 | CONTRACTOR COUNTERFEIT ELECTRONIC PART DETECTION AND AVOIDANCE SYSTEM | Applies to Contracts for commercial items, for electronic parts or assemblies containing electronic parts | |
252.246-7008 | May-2018 | SOURCES OF ELECTRONIC PARTS | Applies if Contract is for electronic parts or assemblies containing electronic parts, unless Contractor is the original manufacturer. | |
252.247-7023 | Feb-2019 | TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA - BASIC | Applies in lieu of FAR 52.247-64 in all Contracts for ocean transportation of supplies. In the first sentence of paragraph (g), insert a period after “Contractor” and delete the balance of the sentence. Paragraph (f) and (g) shall not apply if Contract is at or below the simplified acquisition threshold. | |
252.249-7002 | May-2019 | NOTIFICATION OF ANTICIPATED CONTRACT TERMINATION OR REDUCTION | Applies if Contract exceeds the threshold at DFARS 225.870- 4(c)(2)(i)(A)(1). Delete paragraph (d) (1) and the first five words of paragraph (d) (2). | |
AFFARS (Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement) | ||||
5352.223- 9000 | Oct-2019 | ELIMINATION OF USE OF CLASS I OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (ODS) | Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | |
5352.223- 9001 | Oct-2019 | HEALTH AND SAFETY ON GOVERNMENT INSTALLATIONS | Applies if Contractor will perform Work under the Contract on a government installation. "Contracting Officer" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN." Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. | |
5352.242- 9000 | Oct-2019 | CONTRACTOR ACCESS TO AIR FORCE INSTALLATIONS | Applies if Contractor will perform Work under the Contract on a government installation. "Contracting Officer" means " LOCKHEED MARTIN." In paragraph (e) "the prime contractor" means "Contractor." Not applicable to Commercial Items as defined in FAR 2.101. |