Marcel Hajd

Marcel Hajd

CEO, Founder

Marcel Hajd is fully qualified Slovenian lawyer (State Bar Exam passed in 2016), LegalTech expert and In-house Legal Counsel. His area of expertise is Commercial, Corporate and Labour Law. His professional journey includes work experience in different esteemed Law Firms across several EU jurisdictions. These placements enabled him to develop not only specific legal knowledge, but also valuable social skills.  And last but not least, he is founder of LexRatio, LegalTech research, consulting and products development institute. He can be found on LinkedIn or Twitter (@mhajd)

Expertise: Commercial, Corporate, Labour Law

Location: Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia

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Posts by Marcel Hajd

LexRatio's Software Development Agreement

Software Development Agreements are there to improve the relationship between a client and a software development team. If everything goes according to plan, this agreement will only be looked at once. But if the worse should happen, having a clear and solid agreement can save thousands in legal fees and lost time. Slovenian attorney and legal technology founder Marcel Hajd tears down his own contract for software development. Looking at it from both the attorney and client perspectives, Marcel walks us through liability and priorities. Especially considering that this needs to be an agile agreement.