Marcia Narine Weldon

Marcia Narine Weldon

Law Professor

Lawyer and professor teaching/researching re civil procedure, business associations, corporate governance, compliance, CSR, business and human rights, business ethics, nonprofits, and employment law. Former deputy general counsel and chief compliance and ethics officer advising and training on legal issues pertinent to a global, publicly-traded corporation. Certified NLP practitioner and executive coach in Hogan and DISC.

Expertise: Global Complliance, Corporate Governance, Business & Human Rights

Location: Miami, FL

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Posts by Marcia Narine Weldon

Intellectual Property in MSAs

Master Service Agreements support long-term relationships, but they also manage an exchange of ideas. Does your standard MSA address each side’s intellectual property rights smartly? Our webinar, “Intellectual Property in MSAs,” is a chance for you to weigh your IP protection language against examples from the Law Insider library.

The Harvey Weinstein Clause

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault and harassment cases, many  corporations are drafting Harvey Weinstein clauses. This is an attempt to manage their risk of large sexual-harassment settlements and public relations disasters. Miami Law Professor Marcia Narine Weldon reviews several examples of companies using Harvey Weinstein clauses to try and reduce their risk by making the other side represent that sexual-harassment claims will not be an issue.

The Harvey Weinstein Clause

Join this episode of the Contract Teardown Show as we discuss the Harvey Weinstein Clause.