Michael Curylo

Michael Curylo

General Counsel

Michael comes from a technology background before going into entertainment. He is currently practicing on his own and a contractor to several companies, including Beachbody, which merges tech with SVOD and entertainment with film production.

Expertise: Business Development, Negotiation, Corporate Law, Entertainment, Film Production

Location: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

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Posts by Michael Curylo

Mastering Service Contracts with the Service Level Agreement

A Master Service Agreement (MSA) is a standard contract in the subscription software industry. It lays a strong foundation for the relationship between provider and user and establishes a solid framework for other agreements. While the MSA typically ensures protections like confidentiality, clarity on each party’s responsibilities, and guidelines for dispute resolution, sometimes companies need more specific guarantees of service. This is where the Service Level Agreement comes into play.