Commercial Lease Terms to Protect Your Small Business Client

Lease negotiations are an important first step in starting a small business. However, if the entrepreneur isn’t careful, they could end up with lease terms that eat up profits and shrink their investment over time.

Therefore, it’s important that a reputable attorney carefully reviews the lease agreement to  ensure it fosters a healthy and equitable business partnership.

“Commercial Lease Terms to Protect Your Small Business Client” provides precise guidelines for the careful review and revision of any commercial lease. It also offers an easy-to-follow checklist for an efficient lease negotiation that satisfies all parties.

Download now to find:

  • Examples of foreseeable vs. unforeseeable issues to consider,
  • Tips for keeping a close eye on contingencies,
  • Careful reflection on responsibilities for property maintenance and repairs,
  • What questions to ask regarding common area maintenance, and
  • How to factor in your client’s needs for furniture, fixtures and equipment.

High real estate prices and the Covid’s impact on the small business economy are two obstacles many entrepreneurs face. Help your client avoid yet another roadblock by using this ebook to set a strong foundation for their success.

Download Now


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