Drafting Enforceable Arbitration Clauses

Imagine this nightmare: You draft a great contract for a small business. Your client doesn’t have endless resources, so they want the option to navigate a potential dispute outside of litigation. You thoughtfully include an arbitration clause and pat yourself on the back.

Down the road, your client faces an unfortunate conflict and needs resolution. When the time comes to begin arbitration, you find out that the clause you were so careful to include is not enforceable!

Now your client has to go through expensive and time-consuming litigation, when the problem could have easily been resolved in arbitration.

Including an arbitration clause is great for those in need of confidentiality, flexibility and the security of a legally binding judgment.  However, one must ensure that the provision actually creates an easy path to conflict resolution outside of court.

“Drafting Enforceable Arbitration Clauses” is an ebook that offers great tips for your next arbitration provision. Download now to find:

  • An explanation of arbitration law and procedures,
  • Guidelines for what to include in the clause,
  • Suggestions for arbitration institutions,
  • Sample clauses with expert analysis, and
  • A handy checklist of drafting tips for easy reference.

Ideally, your client won’t face challenging disputes. But if they do, don’t leave them reliant on expensive litigation. Instead, download this short and easy-to-follow guide and keep your client out of court!

Download Now

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