Conclusion of Contract Exemple de Clauze

Conclusion of Contract. 3.3.1.The presentation of Porsche Connect Services and PSM Products in the Porsche Connect Store does not constitute binding offers by Porsche Smart Mobility to enter into a sales contract, but merely invite the PSM Customer to make a binding declaration as to whether and which goods it wants to order from Porsche Smart Mobility (invitatio ad offerendum). The PSM Customer may choose Porsche Connect Services or PSM Products from the product range in the Porsche Connect Store and collect them in a so-called shopping cart via e.g. the button "Add to Cart". Before clicking the button "Order with Obligation to Pay" (or similar), all Porsche Connect Services or PSM Products selected by the PSM Customer, their total price including statutory VAT in the respective applicable amount as well as duties, charges and shipping costs are again displayed in an order overview to the PSM Customer for review. At that stage, the PSM Customer will have the opportunity to identify and correct any incorrect entries before finally placing the binding order. Before placing the binding order, the contractual provisions including these T&C can be accessed once again and saved in reproducible form by the PSM Customer. Via the button "Order with Obligation to Pay" (or similar), the PSM Customer submits a binding offer for the conclusion of a sales contract on the Porsche Connect Services or PSM Products collected in the cart. The offer can, however, only be submitted and transferred if the PSM Customer accepts, and thereby includes in its offer, these T&C by clicking a corresponding button. 3.3.2.Porsche Smart Mobility shall confirm receipt of the PSM Customer's order by e-mail. However, such confirmation of receipt is not yet a legally binding acceptance of the PSM Customer’s order. 3.3.3.The contract shall only become effective once Porsche Smart Mobility has accepted the PSM Customer's offer. Porsche Smart Mobility's order acceptance can be made expressly by way of a declaration in text form, e.g. by sending a written order confirmation by e-mail, by providing the Porsche Connect Services or by Porsche Smart Mobility handing over the PSM Products for dispatch and informing the PSM Customer accordingly. The sales contract shall be governed exclusively by the contents of the order acceptance and these T&C. Verbal agreements or promises shall only be valid if an authorized employee of Porsche Smart Mobility has confirmed them in writing. 3.3.4.If the Porsche Connect Services ordered b...

Related to Conclusion of Contract

  • Conditii referitoare la contract III.2.1) Informatii privind o anumita profesie

  • CONDIŢII REFERITOARE LA CONTRACT III.1.1) Depozite valorice și garanții solicitate (după caz)

  • Conditii de participare III.1.1) Capacitatea de exercitare a activitatii profesionale, inclusiv cerintele privind inscrierea in registrele profesionale sau comerciale Lista si descriere succinta a conditiilor:

  • Preţul şi condiţii de plată 3.1. Preţul Bunurilor/Serviciilor livrate/prestate conform prezentului Contract este stabilit în lei moldoveneşti, fiind indicat Specificaţia prezentului Contract.

  • RĂSPUNDEREA CONTRACTUALĂ 6.1. Neîndeplinirea sau îndeplinirea necorespunzătoare a obligaţiilor contractuale, ca şi orice prejudiciu adus Universităţii „DUNĂREA DE JOS” din Galați, angajează răspunderea studentului, în condiţiile legii.

  • Răspunderea părţilor 3.1 Părţile Contractului răspund, în conformitate cu prevederile dreptului comun, în situaţia în care prin nerespectarea sau prin executarea necorespunzătoare a obligaţiilor ce le revin au produs un prejudiciu celeilalte Părţi contractante.

  • RĂSPUNDEREA PĂRȚILOR 6.1. Prezentul înscris servește interesul comun al părților care se obligă să-1 execute întocmai și întru totul cu bună credință.

  • CRITERII DE ATRIBUIRE IV.2.1) Criterii de atribuire

  • LEGEA APLICABILĂ CONTRACTULUI 25.1. Contractul va fi interpretat conform legilor din România.

  • MODIFICAREA CONTRACTULUI Modificarea oricărei clauze a prezentului contract sau a anexelor sale se poate face prin înţelegere între părţi, convenită în scris, prin act adiţional.