Emiterea autorizației de construire. După semnarea contractului de lucrări, în termen de cel mult 10 zile lucrătoare, la solicitarea Beneficiarilor, Autoritatea Publică Locală, în teritoriul administrativ al căreia se preconizează realizarea lucrărilor, va emite autorizația de construire (în conformitate cu prevederile Legii Nr. 163 din 09.07.2010 privind autorizarea Consulting Services, November 2020 version, based on the Terms of Reference developed by the Financing Authority and coordinated in advance with the Contracting Authority and its partner and the Beneficiaries, and approved by the World Bank. - The approval of progress reports and payment claims for technical supervision services will only be ensured subject to their coordination and signature by the Contracting Authority and the hired Technical Consultant.
Emiterea autorizației de construire. The technical supervision services will be contracted by the Financing Authority in accordance with the provisions of the World Bank Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Finance (IPF) Borrowers - Procurement in IPF of Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, November 2020 version, based on the Terms of Reference developed by the Financing Authority and coordinated in advance with the Contracting Authority and its partner and the Beneficiaries, and approved by the World Bank. - The approval of progress reports and payment claims for technical supervision services will only be ensured subject to their coordination and signature by the Contracting Authority and the hired Technical Consultant.