Registered office Exemple de Clauze

Registered office. If the Customer chooses the registered office service supply, the Customer expressly represents and warrants the following: • It understands and accepts that this service is provided under the form of a - virtual space - the use of the space remaining in the possession of the Provider, the Customer having access to the facilities of the space under the form of Services. • The unit number mentioned in the Special Terms and Conditions - Section I is used only for identification and can be changed by the Customer at the discretion thereof • La incetarea prezentului Contract, indiferent de motiv, Clientul are obligatia de a incepe toate procedurile necesare si de a radia de la Registrul Comertului, in termen de maximum 15 (cincisprezece) zile calendaristice de la incetare, sediul social inregistrat la adresa Aspace Business Center -ului. Clientul ii va furniza Furnizorului in termenul mentionat documente oficiale justificative emise de autoritatile competente, atestand ca radierea a fost efectiv realizata. In cazul in care Clientul nu respecta termenul sus- mentionat de 15 (cincisprezece) zile si nu ii furnizeaza Furnizorului documentele relevante ce atesta radierea in termenul de mai sus, Clientul ii va plati Furnizorului penalitati in suma de 100 (unasuta) Euro pe zi de intarziere pana cand Clientul in furnizeaza Furnizorului documentele ce atesta radierea. B. Adresa de corespondenta In cazul in care Clientul a optat pentru un Pachet de Servicii care include si serviciul de adresa de corespondenta comerciala, termenii si conditiile de mai jos vor deveni aplicabile. Furnizorul va prelua corespondenta Clientului si o va preda acestuia la Spatiu, la receptie. In serviciul standard de corespondenta (serviciu inclus in abonamentul lunar pentru sediu) sunt incluse un numar de maxim 15 (cincisprezece) articole (plicuri, notiifcari, citatii, adrese, faxuri etc) pe luna. In cazul in care se depaseste numarul maxim de 15 (cincisprezece) articole se va percepe un tarif suplimentar conform Listei de preturi. and according to the needs thereof. • Upon the termination of this Agreement, for any reason, the Customer is bound to initiate all the necessary procedures and to deregister from the Trade Register, within 15 (fifteen) calendar days of termination, the registered office registered at the address of Aspace Business Center. The Customer shall make available to the Provider, within the indicated time frame, the official supporting documents issued by the relevant auth...