In vederea asigurarii functionalitatilor disponibile in cadrul Aplicatiei Raiffeisen Smart Market („Raiffeisen Smart Market”, „Smart Market” sau „Aplicatia”), Raiffeisen Bank S.A. („Banca” sau
„Raiffeisen Bank”) prelucreaza datele cu caracter personal apartinand utilizatorilor Aplicatiei („Utilizatorii”), in conformitate cu prevederile legale aplicabile in domeniul protectiei datelor cu caracter personal (respectiv, prevederile Regulamentului General privind Protectia Datelor nr. 679/2016 si ale legislatiei subsecvente).
Prezenta Politica privind confidentialitatea se completeaza in mod corespunzator cu urmatoarele:
• Termenii & Conditiile de utilizare pentru Aplicatia Smart Market („Termeni si Conditii”), disponibili aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-XX.xxx
• Regulamentul Programului Raiffeisen Smart Market („Regulamentul”), disponibil aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
• Conditiile Generale de Derulare a Operatiunilor Bancare pentru Persoane Fizice („CGB-PF”), disponibile aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/XXX-XX.xxx
• Politica privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal si confidentialitatea („Politica generala”), disponibila aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx-xxx/xxxxxxxx-xx- confidentialitate/.
Termenii utilizati in acest document (de ex., campanie, recompense, parteneri) si care sunt definiti in cadrul Termenilor si Conditiilor Smart Market (sectiunea 1) isi pastreaza semnificatia detaliata corespunzator in Termeni si Conditii. In mod particular, Partenerii sunt definiti in Termeni si conditii ca fiind entitatile legale/companiile/IMM- urile ale caror campanii/oferte pentru produsele si serviciile furnizate de acestia sunt prezentate direct Utilizatorilor in Smart Market. Lista Partenerilor este actualizata periodic de Banca si poate fi accesata aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Banca prelucreaza date cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorilor pentru urmatoarele scopuri si avand la baza urmatoarele temeiuri de prelucrare:
i. In vederea indeplinirii obligatiilor legale, pentru urmatoarele scopuri: cunoasterea clientelei in vederea prevenirii spalarii banilor si combaterii finantarii terorismului, inclusiv in ce priveste efectuarea operatiunilor de identificare a Utilizatorilor in contextul desfasurarii relatiei contractuale, asigurarea conformarii cu cerintele legale care incumba in sarcina Bancii in contextul relatiei contractuale cu Utilizatorul si oferirii functionalitatilor Aplicatiei, cum sunt cele aferente calcularii, retinerii, declararii si virarii impozitului aferent premiilor acordate in valoarea prevazuta de lege in contextul diferitelor campanii, precum si cele detaliate in Politica generala si in CGB-PF.
ii. In baza contractului incheiat intre Banca si Utilizatori, reprezentat de Termeni si Conditii si de Regulament, pentru incheierea,
derularea si gestionarea relatiei contractuale cu Utilizatorii prin asigurarea furnizarii tuturor serviciilor si functionalitatilor specifice prevazute in Termenii si Conditiile Smart Market, respectiv in Regulament, in mod particular pentru:
a. asigurarea si gestionarea procesului de creare a contului in Aplicatie; verificarea indeplinirii de catre Utilizatori a conditiilor de eligibilitate necesare pentru a putea beneficia de Smart Market; verificarea identitatii Utilizatorilor prin trimiterea, prin SMS, a unei parole temporare cu valabilitate limitata (OTP); asigurarea conditiilor tehnice necesare pentru a permite inregistrarea si autentificarea in Aplicatie; Parcurgerea procesul de inregistrare si autentificare in cadrul Smart Market se realizeaza prin mijloace automate, fara interventie din partea unui reprezentant al Bancii, prin setari tehnice, fiind necesara pentru incheierea si executarea, in conditii de siguranta, a contractului cu Banca. In cazul in care Utilizatorii nu respecta conditiile de eligibilitate sau nu urmeaza toate etapele necesare autentificarii sau inregistrarii in Aplicatie, se va refuza crearea contului de Utilizator, respectiv autentificarea in Smart Market. Utilizatorii au posibilitatea de a repeta acest proces, potrivit celor descrise in Termeni si Conditii, inclusiv sub aspectul canalelor disponibile pentru a obtine suport din partea Bancii;
b. identificarea și furnizarea de campanii generice și campanii personalizate ca urmare a crearii de profiluri, conform celor detaliate la sectiunea II de mai jos, aceste activitati fiind de esenta serviciului Smart Market; asigurarea oferirii recompenselor relevante in urma indeplinirii cu succes de catre Utilizatori a conditiilor unei campanii, potrivit celor descrise in Termeni si Conditii si in Regulament; facilitarea accesarii si valorificarii recompenselor, in functie de tipul acestora; oferirea functionalitatii constand in virtualizarea
cardurilor de loialitate ale Utilizatorilor; oferirea functionalitatii „Invita un prieten”; gestionarea profilului de Utilizator; oferirea celorlalte functionalitati descrise in Termeni si Conditii si in Regulament si asigurarea suportului tehnic necesar prin raportare la specificul acestora; Oferirea tuturor sau unora dintre functionalitatile Smart Market se realizeaza prin mijloace automate, fara interventie din partea unui reprezentant al Bancii, prin setari tehnice realizate la nivelul aplicatiilor/sistemelor tehnice care sustin Aplicatia, aceasta fiind necesara pentru executarea contractului cu Banca. Utilizatorii au posibilitatea de a solicita suport Bancii cu privire la oricare dintre aceste functionalitati, potrivit celor descrise in Termeni si Conditii;
c. gestionarea reclamatiilor si sesizarilor primite;
d. calculul si afisarea consumului de carbon al utilizatorilor, pentru a-i ajuta sa constientizeze impactul lor asupra mediului
e. pentru celelalte scopuri de prelucrare intemeiate pe un contract intre Banca si Utilizatori, cum sunt identificate prin CGB-PF si prin Politica generala;
iii. In baza interesului legitim al Bancii, pentru urmatoarele scopuri:
a. identificarea segmentului de clienti ai Bancii care ar fi eligibili si interesati de utilizarea aplicatiei Raiffeisen Smart Market pentru obtinerea mai multor oferte si beneficii financiare si non-financiare relevante;
b. constatarea, exercitarea sau apararea unor drepturi ale Bancii, inclusiv in instanta, daca este cazul;
c. realizarea de analize statistice cu privire la utilizarea Aplicatiei de catre Utilizatori pentru imbunatatirea produselor si serviciilor Bancii, inclusiv a Aplicatiei Smart Market;
d. imbunatatirea proceselor de lucru si experientei Utilizatorilor;
e. pentru celelalte scopuri de prelucrare intemeiate pe interesul legitim al Bancii in contextul relatiei contractuale dintre Banca si Utilizatori, cum sunt identificate prin CGB-PF si prin Politica generala;
Interesul legitim al Bancii consta in desfasurarea obiectului de activitate, respectiv in luarea masurilor necesare pentru asigurarea drepturilor Bancii in raport cu Utilizatorii si imbunatatirea serviciilor si produselor oferite de Banca.
iv. In baza consimtamantului exprimat de catre Utilizatori, pentru urmatoarele scopuri:
a. geo-localizare, prin captarea locatiei Utilizatorilor, pentru a le oferi campanii relevante in functie de locatia lor si pentru a le afisa campaniile oferite de Banca sau/si de Parteneri aflate in proximitatea locatiei Utilizatorilor.
Pentru geo-localizare, Utilizatorii trebuie, in mod cumulativ, sa-si exprime consimtamantul in Aplicatie, prin modalitatile puse la dispozitia lor in acest sens, si sa realizeze setarile corespunzatoare la nivelul sistemului de operare al dispozitivelor lor pentru a permite colectarea datelor de localizare. In lipsa celor doua actiuni cumulative, Banca nu va colecta datele de localizare ale Utilizatorilor si nu va putea oferi functionalitatile aferente. Utilizatorii vor continua sa beneficieze de celelalte functionalitati ale Aplicatiei, inclusiv de campaniile generice si personalizate in functie de alte criterii, iar nu in functie de locatia Utilizatorilor;
b. transmiterea notificarilor de tip push cu privire la recompensele si campaniile Utilizatorilor oferite de Banca sau/si de Parteneri si cu privire la actualizari ale Aplicatiei.
Pentru transmiterea notificarilor de tip push, Utilizatorii trebuie, in mod cumulativ, sa-si exprime consimtamantul in Aplicatie, prin modalitatile puse la dispozitia lor in acest sens, si sa realizeze setarile corespunzatoare la nivelul sistemului de operare al dispozitivelor lor pentru a permite primirea acestor tipuri de notificari. In lipsa celor doua actiuni cumulative, Banca nu va transmite notificari de tip push. Utilizatorii vor continua sa fie informati cu privire la recompensele si campaniile Utilizatorilor oferite de Banca sau/si de Parteneri si cu privire la actualizari ale Aplicatiei, prin intermediul Aplicatiei sau/si prin alte canale decise de Banca in acest sens.
Exprimarea consimtamintelor pentru geo-localizare, respectiv pentru trimiterea de notificari de tip push nu este obligatorie pentru utilizarea Aplicatiei. Utilizatorii pot sa-si actualizeze optiunile (sa-si exprime consimtamantul sau sa si-l retraga) oricand ulterior inregistrarii in Aplicatie, din setarile Aplicatiei si din setarile sistemului de operare al dispozitivului. Dupa retragerea consimtamantului, Banca nu va mai colecta datele de localizare ale Utilizatorilor, respectiv nu va mai transmite notificari de tip push. Legalitatea activitatilor de prelucrare efectuate inaintea retragerii consimtamantului nu va fi afectata;
c. transmiterea de comunicari comerciale prin mijloace de comunicare la distanta pentru promovarea Smart Market, in baza consimtamantului exprimat de Utilizatori, in contextul relatiei contractuale preexistente cu Banca, deci independent de Aplicatia Smart Market.
Consimtamantul exprimat pentru acest scop poate fi retras in orice moment, potrivit celor descrise in CGB-PF, respectiv in Politica generala, fara a afecta legalitatea activitatilor de prelucrare efectuate inaintea retragerii.
Refuzul de a furniza datele cu caracter personal, atunci cand acestea sunt necesare pentru incheierea sau executarea contractului in contextul Smart Market, respectiv pentru indeplinirea obligatiiilor legale ale Bancii determina imposibilitatea furnizarii produsului Raiffeisen Smart Market.
Daca Utilizatorii relationeaza telefonic cu Banca, se vor avea in vedere informatiile privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal in acest context, descrise in sectiunea 4 din Politica generala.
In contextul utilizarii serviciile Raiffeisen Online/Smart Mobile, datele cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorilor vor fi prelucrate conform celor descrise in sectiunea 5 din Politica generala, respectiv in documentele specifice de informare aferente acelor servicii.
In vederea identificarii si furnizarii de campanii cat mai apropiate de interesele Utilizatorilor, Banca realizeaza activitati de prelucrare care implica crearea de profiluri.
Pentru crearea de profiluri sunt analizate date privind istoricul tranzactional al Utilizatorilor si date de localizare ale Utilizatorilor (in masura in care Utilizatorii si-au exprimat consimtamantul pentru geo- localizare).
Astfel, Raiffeisen Bank evalueaza aceste aspecte cu privire la Utilizatori pentru a deduce un profil al Utilizatorilor care sa reflecte comportamentul tranzactional/interesele/preferintele Utilizatorilor cu privire la anumite servicii sau produse (de ex., frecventa si suma medie alocata cumparaturilor, locatia calatoriilor realizate intr-un anumit interval de timp (daca si-au dat consimtamantul pentru geo-
pozitionare), numarul tranzactiilor realizate prin terminale POS, respectiv in mediul on-line).
In baza profilului creat, se vor identifica Utilizatorii care sunt eligibili pentru campaniile Raiffeisen Bank si/sau ale Partenerilor, pentru care Raiffeisen Bank, respectiv Partenerii (fiecare pentru campaniile sale) au stabilit un segment tinta de Utilizatori eligibili, prin intermediul unor criterii de segmentare stabilite pentru fiecare campanie/tip de campanie.
Criteriile de segmentare ce pot fi stabilite vizeaza sau pot viza date demografice, date cu privire la produsele si serviciile contractate de Utilizatori in relatia cu Banca, profilele detaliate mai sus, precum si categoriile preferate selectate de Utilizatori in cadrul profilului lor dintre cele predefinite de Banca.
Utilizatorilor li se va aduce in atentie si acele campanii pentru care sunt eligibili si care pot fi de interes pentru acestia, in baza criteriilor de segmentare si profilului creat, pe langa campaniile generice destinate tuturor Utilizatorilor.
Avand in vedere cele descrise mai sus, nu toti Utilizatorii Aplicatiei vor beneficia de aceleasi campanii sau de un numar egal de campanii. Aceste aspecte sunt intrinseci serviciului oferit prin Aplicatie si sunt rezultatul mai multor factori, printre care si numarul Partenerilor, campaniilor oferite de acestia si/sau de Raiffeisen Bank, eligibilitatea Utilizatorilor pentru o anumita campanie in functie de profilul creat fiecarui Utilizator si de criteriile de segmentare stabilite de Raiffeisen Bank, respectiv de catre Parteneri.
Crearea profilului, identificarea campaniilor relevante pentru fiecare Utilizator prin raportare la profilul creat si la criteriile de segmentare, precum si afisarea campaniilor Utilizatorilor se realizeaza prin mijloace exclusiv automate, ceea ce inseamna ca aceste operatiuni nu sunt realizate sau verificate manual de un reprezentant al Raiffeisen Bank,
ci sunt rezultatul unor tehnici sau algoritmi informatici sau a unor setari tehnice. Aceste activitati de prelucrare sunt necesare in vederea prestarii serviciului furnizat prin Aplicatie, astfel cum este solicitat de Utilizatorii care aleg inregistrarea in Aplicatie.
Utilizatorii pot obtine mai multe informatii cu privire la modalitatea in care sunt create profilurile si sunt identificate campaniile, inclusiv pot solicita informatii cu privire la motivul pentru care le este afisata o anumita campanie, prin modalitatile de contact descrise in Termeni si Conditii sau in aceasta Politica de confidentialitate.
In vederea indeplinirii scopurilor de prelucrare mentionate anterior, Banca prelucreaza categoriile de date cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorilor furnizate de Utilizatori in mod direct Bancii (inclusiv prin observarea lor de catre Banca) si generate/derivate de Banca, direct sau prin imputernicitii sai, inclusiv in contextul relatiei preexistente cu Utilizatorii:
• Date de Identificare, respectiv CIF (codul de identificare client), cod intern generat de Banca, nume si prenume si alte asemenea date ce pot fi furnizate direct de Utilizatori
• Date de Contact, respectiv adresa de e-mail, numar de telefon, adresa/domiciliu si alte asemenea date ce pot fi furnizate direct de Utilizatori
• Date Demografice, respectiv gen, varsta, orasul de resedinta, educatie, stare civila, nationalitate, numar de copii, limba si alte asemenea date ce pot fi furnizate direct de Utilizatori
• Date privind relatia cu Raiffeisen si produsele/serviciile detinute, respectiv tip si segment client, status client/cont, agentie si reprezentant alocat, data deschidere relatie cu Raiffeisen Bank, angajator, informatii privind produsele/serviciile
detinute (tip, denumire, data deschidere, moneda, balanta /sold cont), IBAN si alte asemenea date ce pot fi furnizate direct de Utilizatori si care rezulta din relatiile contractuale preexistente dintre Banca si Utilizatori
• Date privind tranzactiile si comportamentul tranzactional, respectiv date aferente istoricului tranzactional aferent conturilor curente sau cardului de credit detinut la Raiffeisen Bank, date privind tranzactiile realizate folosind acel cont/card (cum ar fi comerciant, data, valoarea, moneda, descriere, status, tipologie, tara, canal, card, categoriile tranzactiilor efectuate cu cardul/prin contul Raiffeisen Bank detinut si alte asemenea date observate din utilizarea conturilor/cardurilor), comportament tranzactional/preferinte/interese;
• Date Tehnice privind dispozitivul utilizat si Aplicatiei, respectiv tipul si versiunea dispozitivului, producatorul dispozitivului, setari privind fusul orar si locatia (tara si oras), sistem de operare, dimensiune ecran, limba, versiunea Aplicatiei si alte asemenea date la care Utilizatorul permite accesul Bancii prin utilizarea Aplicatiei
• Date de Localizare, doar in urma consimtamantului Utilizatorilor pentru geo-localizare
• Date care rezulta din utilizarea Aplicatiei, respectiv sesiuni, numar Utilizatori, timp petrecut in Aplicatie, frecventa accesarii Aplicatiei, durata sesiunilor, click-uri pe butoane, instalari/dezinstalari, date privind consimtamantele acordate/retrase, accesari/logari, date despre inrolarea in Aplicatie (descarcarea Aplicatiei, inrolarea, configurarea setarilor si preferintelor), date despre interactiunea cu campaniile Smart Market si recompense, date privind cardurile de fidelitate salvate in Aplicatie (numar/cod, nume card, comerciant, nume si prenume), date privind interesele/categoriile preferate selectate de Utilizatoti in Aplicatie
• Alte categorii de date furnizate in mod direct de catre Utilizatori sau colectate de Raiffeisen Bank prin obervare.
Banca poate sa prelucreze si urmatoarele categorii de date cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorilor si care sunt furnizate de Parteneri, in contextul gestionarii de catre Parteneri a reclamantiilor si/sau solicitarilor Utilizatorilor cu privire la campaniile acestora: nume, prenume, adresa de e-mail, numar de telefon, reclamatie/solicitare si datele ce pot fi reflectate in aceasta, raspunsul la reclamatie/solicitare si datele ce pot fi reflectate in aceasta.
Banca nu prelucreaza datele biometrice din sistemul biometric al dispozitivului Utilizatorilor, cum sunt amprenta digitala – in cazul in care se utilizeaza functia Touch ID a dispozitivului sau imaginea faciala a Clientului – in cazul in care se utilizeaza functia Face ID a dispozitivului. Aceste date si modelele biometrice asociate acestora sunt si raman stocate pe dispozitivul Utilizatorului si se supun regulilor de prelucrare stabilite si comunicate prin intermediul dispozitivului respectiv.
Banca nu solicita si nu incurajeaza Utilizatorii sa furnizeze date cu caracter personal ale altor persoane fizice in contextul utilizarii Aplicatiei. In masura in care Utilizatorii, contrar mentiunii anterioare, vor furniza in procesul de inrolare in Raiffeisen Smart Market date cu caracter personal apartinand altor persoane fizice, avand in vedere imposibilitatea practica a Bancii de a asigura in mod direct informarea acestor categorii de persoane, este responsabilitatea Utilizatorilor sa informeze persoanele in cauza cu privire la prelucrarea datelor lor cu caracter personal de catre Banca si sa obtina consimtamantul acestora, in masura in care este necesar.
Pentru indeplinirea scopurilor de prelucrare, Banca dezvaluie sau poate dezvalui datele cu caracter personal catre urmatoarele categorii de destinatari: Utilizatori, in calitate de persoane vizate (in masura exercitarii dreptului de acces sau portabilitate conform legislatiei aplicabile in materie), alte persoane fizice sau juridice care prelucreaza datele cu caracter personal in numele sau impreuna cu Banca, entitatile din Grupul Raiffeisen, parteneri contractuali ai Bancii si ai entitatilor din Grupul Raiffeisen, autoritatea judecatoreasca, autoritati publice centrale, autoritati publice locale, instante de judecata, notari publici. Mai multe despre Grupul Raiffeisen aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx-xxx/xxxx-xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx-xxxx- international/
In ce priveste Partenerii, Banca va transmite acestora date cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorilor exclusiv in situatia in care Utilizatorii adreseaza Bancii reclamantii sau orice alte solicitari cu privire la campaniile Partenerilor si/sau produselor sau serviciile acestora. In aceasta situatie, Banca va transmite Partenerilor, dupa caz, datele de identificare si de contact generale ale Utilizatorilor si posibil si date despre campania cu privire la catre Utilizatorii au reclamantii sau solicitari si/sau orice date relevante incluse in acestea. Banca va transmite datele Partenerilor exclusiv cu scopul de a solutiona reclamantiile sau solicitarile Utilizatorilor. Cu exceptia cazului limitativ mentionat mai sus, Banca nu va transmite sau altfel oferi/permite accesul Partenerilor la datele cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorilor prelucrate in contextul Smart Market, Partenerii avand acces doar la rapoarte statistice/agregate cu privire la interactiunile Utilizatorilor cu campaniilor lor (de ex., X numarul de Utilizatori au activat campania).
In cazul in care Utilizatorii furnizeaza datelor lor cu caracter personal catre Parteneri in contextul achizitionarii de produse sau servicii ale Partenerilor in locatiile fizice sau prin paginile de internet ale
Partenerilor sau in orice alt context (de ex., trimiterea de reclamatii direct catre Parteneri, conform Termenilor si Conditiilor), informarea cu privire la prelucrarea datelor lor cu caracter personale este in sarcina Partenerilor, iar nu a Bancii.
Daca este necesar pentru indeplinirea scopurilor mai sus-mentionate, Banca va transfera anumite categorii de date cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorilor in afara Romaniei, in state din cadrul Uniunii Europene, care se supun acelorasi reglementari din perspectiva protectiei datelor ca si Romania (de ex: Germania).
Este posibil ca in contextul relatiei preexistente cu Utilizatorii, Banca sa transfere datele Utilizatorilor si catre statele indicate in informarea reflectata in CGB-PF, respectiv in Politica generala. Daca este cazul, Banca isi va intemeia transferul datelor cu caracter personal pe baza clauzelor contractuale standard adoptate la nivelul Comisiei Europene sau alte garantii recunoscute de lege.
Este posibil ca pe parcursul desfasurarii activitatii, statele de transfer mai sus mentionate sa se modifice. Utilizatorii pot obtine o lista actualizata cu statele unde se transfera datele cu caracter personal accesand Politica generala, disponibila la link-ul xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx-xxx/xxxxxxxx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/.
Ca regula, in vederea realizarii scopurilor de prelucrare mentionate, Banca va stoca datele cu caracter personal pe durata indeplinirii serviciilor bancare, precum si ulterior, pentru o durata de 5 ani de la incetarea relatiei de afaceri sau pe alta durata, atunci cand exista o
necesitate de afaceri legitima pentru a proceda astfel (de exemplu, pentru a furniza Utilizatorilor informatiile solicitate sau pentru a ne respecta obligatiile legale, fiscale sau contabile, in scopuri de audit).
In ce priveste datele de localizare, Banca le stocheaza pentru durata necesară, de până la 2 ani de la data colectarii.
In ce priveste datele colectate prin tehnologia similara cookie-urilor, vă rugăm să aveți în vedere cele descrise in cadrul Politicii de cookies.
Este posibil ca, in urma implinirii termenelor legale de arhivare, Banca sa dispuna anonimizarea datelor, lipsindu-le astfel de caracterul personal si sa continue prelucrarea datelor anonime pentru scopuri statistice.
Utilizatorii beneficiaza de urmatoarele drepturi aferente prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal in contextul Smart Market:
• Dreptul de acces la date = dreptul Utilizatorilor de a obtine,la cerere si in mod gratuit, confirmarea faptului ca datele cu caracter personal care ii vizeaza sunt sau nu prelucrate si, in caz afirmativ, acces la datele respective si la informatii relevante cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal;
• Dreptul la rectificare = dreptul Utilizatorilor de a obtine, la cerere si in mod gratuit, rectificarea datelor inexacte care ii privesc, precum si completarea datelor incomplete;
• Dreptul la stergerea datelor („dreptul de a fi uitat”) = dreptul Utilizatorilor de a obtine, la cerere si in mod gratuit, in masura in care sunt indeplinite conditiile prevazute de lege (de ex., de exemplu, daca acestea nu mai sunt necesare pentru scopul in care au fost colectate), stergerea datelor cu caracter personal care ii privesc. Este posibil ca, in urma solicitarii de stergere a datelor, Banca sa anonimizeze aceste date (lipsindu-le astfel de
caracterul personal) si sa continue in aceste conditii utilizarea informatiilor pentru scopuri statistice;
• Dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii = dreptul Utilizatorilor de a obtine, la cerere si in mod gratuit, in masura in care sunt indeplinite conditiile prevazute de lege, marcarea datelor cu caracter personal stocate, cu scopul de a limita prelucrarea ulterioara a acestora cu exceptia stocarii lor;
• Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor = dreptul Utilizatorilor de a primi, la cerere si in mod gratuit, datele cu caracter personal furnizate Bancii intr-un format structurat, utilizat in mod curent și care poate fi citit automat, precum si dreptul ca aceste date sa fie transmise de catre Raiffeisen Bank catre alt operator de date, in masura in care sunt indeplinite conditiile prevazute de lege;
• Dreptul la opozitie = dreptul Utilizatorilor de a se opune in orice moment, din motive intemeiate si legitime legate de situatia sa particulara, ca datele cu caracter personal care o vizeaza sa faca obiectul unei prelucrari, in masura in care sunt indeplinite conditiile prevazute de lege;
• In cazul unei decizii luate exclusiv pe baza unei prelucrari automate (adica care nu implica o interventie umana) si care produce efecte juridice care privesc Utilizatorii sau care ii afecteaza in mod similar intr-o masură semnificativa, dreptul Utilizatorilor de a obtine interventie umana, de a- siexprima punctul de vedere si de a contesta decizia;
Pentru detalii suplimentare cu privire la activitatile de prelucrare in contextul Smart Market, precum si pentru exercitarea drepturilor de care beneficiaza in acest context, Utilizatorii se pot adresa printr-o cerere scrisa, la adresele oricareia dintre unitatile Raiffeisen Bank SA (lista completa a unitatilor, poate fi accesata aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx/) sau printr-un e-mail catre Banca in acest sens, la urmatoarea adresa: xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.
De asemenea, Utilizatorii au posibilitatea de a contacta si Responsabilul privind Protectia Datelor desemnat la nivelul Bancii, la urmatoarea adresa de e-mail: xxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.
In masura in care considera necesar, Utilizatorii se pot adresa cu plangere Autoritatii Nationale de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal sau se pot adresa justitiei.
Smart Market nu utilizeaza cookie-uri. Insa, pentru ca Aplicatia sa functioneze corect si sa ofere Utilizatorilor toate functionalitatile, precum si pentru a permite Bancii sa colecteze date privind modul in care Utilizatorii folosesc Aplicatia, Aplicatiautilizeaza o tehnolgie similara cookie-urilor, conform celor descrise in Politica de cookies, disponibila aici: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx- utilizare-sdk.pdf.
Banca poate actualiza periodic aceasta Politica de confidentialitate. Atunci cand modificarile nu sunt exclusiv de forma (de ex., eventuale corecturi, formatari), Banca va aduce la cunostinta Utilizatorilor actualizarea Politicii de confidentialitate (de ex., printr-un pop-up in cadrul Aplicatiei). In orice caz, Politica de confidentialitate poate fi accesata oricand de Utilizator in cadrul Aplicatiei.
With a view to enabling the functions available in the Raiffeisen Smart Market Application ("Raiffeisen Smart Market", "Smart Market" or the "Application"), Raiffeisen Bank S.A. (the "Banca" or "Raiffeisen Bank") processes the personal data of the Application's users (the "Users") in accordance with the provisions of the applicable personal data protection law (meaning the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 and of the subsequent legislation).
This Privacy Policy is supplemented accordingly with the following:
• the User Terms & Conditions for the Smart Market Application ("Terms and Conditions"), available here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-XX.xxx
• the Regulation of the Smart Market Programme (the "Regulation"), available here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
• the General Conditions for Performance of Retail Banking Operations ("CGB-PF"), available here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/XXX-XX.xxx
• the Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy (the "General Policy"), available here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx- noi/politica-de-confidentialitate/.
The terms used in this document (for instance, Campaign, Rewards, Partners) and which are defined in the Smart Market Terms and Conditions (Section 1) keep their detailed meaning under the Terms and
Conditions. Particularly, the Partners are defined in the Terms and Conditions as the legal entities/companies/SMEs the campaigns/offers for the products and services provided by them of which are presented directly to Users in Smart Market. The List of Partners is regularly updated by the Bank and can be accessed here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xxx
The Bank processes the personal data of Users for the following purposes and based on the following processing grounds:
i. In order to fulfil legal obligations, for the following purposes: know-your-customer with a view to preventing money laundering and fighting against terrorist financing, including as regards identification of Users in the context of the contractual relationship, ensuring compliance with legal requirements resting with the Bank in the context of the contractual relationship with the User, and providing the Application's functions, such as those in connection with calculation, withholding, declaration and transfer of the tax related to the prizes granted, in the amount set out under the law in the context of the different campaigns, as well as those detailed in the General Policy and CGB-PF.
ii. Under the contract concluded between the Bank and Users, represented by the Terms and Conditions and the Regulation, for establishment, performance and management of the contractual relationship with the Users by ensuring the supply of all specific services and functions provided in the Smart Market Terms and Conditions and in the Regulation, in particular to:
a. ensure and manage the Application account creation process; check whether Users meet the eligibility conditions
required to benefit of Smart Market; check the identity of Users by sending, by text message, a temporary passwords with limited validity (OTP); put in place the necessary technical conditions to allow signing up for, and signing in to, the Application;
Signing up for, and signing in to, Smart Market takes place by automated means, without any intervention of a Bank's representative, via technical settings, and is necessary for safe execution and performance of the contract with the Bank. When Users fail to comply with the eligibility conditions or do not follow all the necessary steps for sign up for, or signing in to, the Application, creation of the User account with, and signing in to, Smart Market shall be refused. Users can repeat this process, as described in the Terms and Conditions, including as regards the channels whereby they can receive support from the Bank;
b. identification and provision of general and profiling-based customized campaigns, according to the details provided in Section II below; these activities are of essence for the Smart Market service; ensuring the granting of the relevant rewards further to Users having successfully met the conditions of a campaign, according to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and those of the Regulation; facilitating the access to, and capturing of, the rewards, depending on their type; supporting virtualization of the users' loyalty cards; supporting the "Member Get Member" function; User profile management; supporting the other functions described in the Terms and Conditions; and provision of the necessary technical support depending on their particulars;
All or part of the Smart Market functions are offered by automated means, without any intervention of a Bank representative, via the technical settings of the
applications/technical systems that support the Application; this is necessary for performance of the contract with the Bank. Users can seek the Bank's support for any of these functions, according to the Terms and Conditions;
c. management of the complaints and notices received;
d. calculating and display Users’ personal carbon footprint in order to help them to be aware of their impact over the environment;
e. for the other processing purposes relying on a contract between the Bank and Users, as identified in CGB-PF and the General Policy;
iii. Based on the Bank's interest, for the following purposes:
a. identification of the Bank's client segment who would be eligible and interested in using the Raiffeisen Smart Market application to obtain more relevant financial and non- financial offers and benefits;
b. establishment, exercise or defence of Bank's claims, including before courts, if applicable;
c. devising of statistical analyses on the User use of the Application to improve the Bank's products and services, including the Smart Market Application;
d. improving the work processes and User experience;
e. for the other processing purposes relying on the Bank's legitimate interest in the context of the contractual relation between the Bank and Users, as identified in CGB-PF and the General Policy;
The legitimate interest of the Bank consists of pursuing its business and taking the necessary measures to ensure the rights of the Bank in relation to Users and to improve the services and products offered by the Bank.
iv. Based on the consent expressed by Users, for the following purposes :
a. geo-localization, by capturing Users' location, in order to offer them relevant campaigns according to their location and to display them the campaigns offered by the Bank and/or by the Partners located in the vicinity of the Users' location.
For geo-localization, Users are required to cumulatively consent in the Application, employing the methods provided to them in this regard, and make the appropriate settings in the operating system of their devices to allow collection of localization data. In absence of the two cumulative actions, the Bank shall not collect the localization data of the Users and shall not be able to offer them the related functions. Users shall continue to benefit of the other functions of the Application, including the general and customized campaigns based on other criteria, but not on the Users' location;
b. sending of push notifications regarding the rewards and campaigns offered by the Bank and/or the Partners to Users, and regarding any updates of the Application.
In order to be sent push notifications, Users are required to cumulatively consent in the Application, employing the methods provided to them in this regard, and make the appropriate settings in operating system of their devices to allow collection the receipt of notifications. In the absence of the two cumulative actions, the Bank shall not send any push notifications. User shall continue to be informed about the rewards and campaigns offered by the Bank and/or the Partners to Users, and about any updates of the Application, via the Application and/or other channels determined by the Bank for this purpose.
Expressing the consent to geo-localization and be sent push notifications is not a condition for using the Application. Users can update their options (express or withdraw their consent) at any time after signing up for the Application, in the Application's settings and in the settings of the device's operating system. Should consent be withdrawn, the Bank shall no longer collect the localization data of, or send any push notifications to, Users. The lawfulness of the processing activities performed before consent withdrawal shall not be affected;
c. sending of commercial communications by means of remote communication to promote Smart Market, based on the consent expressed by Users, in the context of the pre- existing contractual relationship with the Bank and, as such, independent of the Smart Market Application.
The consent expressed in this regard can be withdrawn at any time, according to the provisions of CGB-PF and of the General Policy, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing activities carried out before the consent withdrawal.
The refusal to supply personal data, when this is required for execution or performance the Smart Market contract, or for performance of the Bank's legal obligations shall render impossible provision of the Raiffeisen Smart Market product.
When Users interacts with the Bank by phone, consideration shall be given to the personal data processing in this context, as described in Section 4 of the General Policy.
Related to the use of the Raiffeisen Online/Smart Mobile services, the personal data of Users shall be processed according to the provisions
of Section 5 of the General Policy, and those of the specific information documents related to those services.
With a view to identifying and providing campaigns that best respond to Users' interests, the Bank carries out processing activities that involve profiling.
For profiling purposes, the data about the Users' transaction history is analysed (insofar as Users have consented to geo-localization).
Thus, Raiffeisen Bank assesses these aspects about Users in order to create User profiles that reflect their transactional behaviour/interests/preferences as to given services or products (e.g., frequency and average amount of purchases, location of trips taken during a given time period (provided that they have consented to geo- localization), number of transactions made at POS terminals, and online).
Based on the profile thus create, the Users who are eligible for the campaigns of Raiffeisen Bank and/or the Partners shall be identified, in respect of which Raiffeisen Bank and the Partners (each for their respective campaigns) have determined a target segment of Eligible Users, applying segmentation criteria set for each campaign/type of campaign.
The segmentation criteria that can be determined concern or can concern demographics, data about the products and services contracted by Users with the Bank, the profiles detailed above, as well as the favourite categories selected by Users in their profile, among those predefined by the Bank.
Users shall be shown also those campaigns they are eligible for and which can be of interest to them, based on the segmentation criteria
and profiling performed, in addition to the general campaigns intended to all Users.
Given the above, not all Users of the Application shall benefit of the same campaigns or an equal number of campaigns. These aspects are particular to the service offered via the Application and are the result of a number of factors, including the number of Partners, the campaigns offered by them and/or by Raiffeisen Bank, the eligibility of Users for a specific campaign depending on the profiling performed for each User and the segmentation criteria determined by Raiffeisen Bank and the Partners.
Profiling, identification of the relevant campaigns for each User by reference to the profile created and segmentation criteria, as well as showing the campaigns to Users are fully automated processes, which means that these operations are not performed or verified manually by a representative of Raiffeisen Bank, but are the result of computer techniques or algorithms or of technical settings. These processing activities are required to provide the service supplied via the Application, as requested by the Users who choose to sign up for the Application.
Users can obtain additional information about profiling and campaigns identification, including by asking for information about why a particular campaign is displayed to them, using the contact details indicated in the Terms and Conditions or this Privacy Policy.
With a view to attaining the aforementioned processing purposes, the Bank processes the categories of personal data of Users supplied by Users directly to the Bank (including further to their observation by the Bank) and generated/derived by the Bank, directly or through its processors, including part of the pre-existing relationship with Users:
• Identification Data, meaning CIF (the client identification code), an internal code generated by the Bank, their name and first name and other similar data that can be provided directly by Users
• Contact Data, meaning email address, phone number, address/residence and other similar data that can be provided directly by Users
• Demographics, meaning gender, age, city of residence, education, marital status, nationality, number of children, language and other similar data that can be provided directly by Users
• Data about the relationship with Raiffeisen and the products/services contracted, meaning client type and segment, client/account status, agency and assigned representative, start date of their relationship with Raiffeisen Bank, employer, information about the products/services used (type, name, start date, currency, account balance), IBAN and other similar data that can be provided directly by Users and resulting from the pre-existing contractual relations between the Bank and Users
• Data about transactions and transactional behaviour, meaning data about to the transaction history related to current accounts or credit cards held with Raiffeisen Bank, data about the transactions performed using that account/card (such as trader, date, amount, currency, description, status, type, country, channel, card, categories of transactions performed by card/in the Raiffeisen Bank account held and other similar data observed in the use of such accounts/cards), transactional behaviour/preferences/interests;
• Technical data about the device used and the Application, meaning device type and version, device manufacturer, time zone and location settings (country and city/town), operating system,
screen size, language, Application version and other similar data the User allows access to using the Application
• Localization Data, however only based on geo-localization consent
• Data resulting from the use of the Application, meaning sessions, number of Users, time spent in the Application, frequency of accessing the Application, duration of sessions, clicks on buttons, installation/uninstallation, data on consents granted/withdrawn, access/logins, data about the sign up with the Application (downloading of the Application, signing up, settings and preferences), data about the interaction with the Smart Market campaigns and rewards, data about the loyalty cards saved in the Application (number/code, card name, trader, name and first name), data about the favourite interests/categories selected by Users in the Application
• Other categories of data provided directly by Users or collected by Raiffeisen Bank by observation.
The Bank may also process the following categories of personal data of Users and which is supplied by Partners part of the latter's management of the User complaints and/or requests about their campaigns: name, first name, email address, phone number, complaint/request and data that could be shown therein, answer to the complaint/request and the data that could be shown therein.
The Bank does not process the biometrics from the Biometric system of the Users' device, such as the fingerprint - when the Touch ID function of the device is used or the facial image of Client - when the Face ID function of the device is used. These data and biometric models related thereto are and remain stored on the User's device and are subject to the rules of processing determined and made known via the respective device.
The Bank does not ask for, nor encourages Users to supply the personal data of other individuals part of their use of the Application. Insofar as Users, contrary to the above, supply personal data of other individuals when signing up for Raiffeisen Smart Market, considering the practical impossibility of the Bank to directly inform these categories of individuals, Users have the responsibility to inform the individuals concerned about the processing of their personal data by the Bank and to obtain their consent, if necessary.
To fulfil the processing purposes, the Bank discloses or can disclose personal data to the following categories of recipients: Users, as data subjects (insofar as they exercise their right of access according to the applicable law), other natural persons or legal entities who/that process personal data in the name of, or together with, the Bank, entities of the Raiffeisen Group, contractual partners of the Bank and the entities of the Raiffeisen Group, the judicial authority, central public authorities, courts of law, notaries public. More about the Raiffeisen Group here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx-xxx/xxxx- suntem/raiffeisen-bank-international/
As regards Partners, the Bank shall transmit to them the personal data of Users only when Users submit to the Bank complainants or any other requests regarding the Partners' campaigns and/or products or services. In this case, the Bank shall transmit to the Partners, as applicable, the identification and general contact data of Users and possibly also data about the campaign the Users have complaints or requests about, and/or any relevant data included therein. The Bank shall transmit the data to Partners only for the purpose of addressing the complaints or requests of Users. Save for the limiting case above,
the Bank shall not transmit to, or otherwise offer/allow Partners access to the personal data of Users processed in the Smart Market context, and the Partners shall only have access to statistical/aggregate reports about Users' interactions with their campaigns (e.g., X number of Users activated the campaign).
When Users supply their personal data to Partners for the purpose of purchasing their products or services in physical locations or on the websites of Partners or in any other context (e.g. filing of complaints directly to Partners, according to Terms and Conditions), provision of information about the processing of their personal data is the responsibility of such Partners, and not of the Bank.
Should it be necessary for attainment of the abovementioned purposes, the Bank shall transfer certain categories of personal data of Users outside Romania, to EU Member States, that are subject to the same data protection regulations as Romania (for instance, Germany).
Given the pre-existing relationship with Users, the Bank could transfer the Users' data also to the states indicated in the information reflected in CGB-PF and the General Policy. If necessary, the Bank shall ground the transfer of personal data on the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission, or other safeguards recognized under the law.
It is likely that during performance of such activities, the transfer states listed above change. The Users can get an updated list with the states where the personal data are transferred by accessing the General Policy, available at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx- noi/politica-de-confidentialitate/.
As a rule, with a view to attaining the indicated processing purposes, the Bank shall store personal data throughout the entire performance of the banking services, as well as afterwards, for a 5-year term after the end of the business relation or any other term, when there is a legitimate business need to proceed as such (for instance, to supply Users with the information requested or to meet its legal, tax, or accounting obligations, for auditing purposes).
As to the localization data, the Bank stores it for the necessary duration, up to 2 years of its collection.
As to the data collected through a cookie-similar technology, please consider the Cookie Policy.
It is possible that, following the fulfilment of the legal filing deadlines, the Bank will order the anonymization of the data, thus removing their personal nature, and to continue processing the anonymous data for statistical purposes.
Users are granted the following rights as regards the processing of their personal data for Smart Market purposes:
• The right of access to data = the Users’ right to obtain, upon request and free of charge, the acknowledgement of the fact that the personal data concerning him or her is or is not processed and, should this be the case, the access to the respective data and to any relevant information regarding the personal data processing;
• The right to rectification = the Users' right to obtain, at request and free of charge, rectification of any inaccurate data concerning them, as well as supplementation of any incomplete data;
• The right to delete data ("the right to be forgotten") = the Users' right to obtain, at request and free of charge, provided that conditions provided laid down under the law are met (e.g. when this is no longer necessary for its collection purpose), the deletion of the personal data concerning them. Further to a request to delete data, the Bank could anonymize this data (thus depriving it of its personal character) and shall continue to use the information for statistical purposes under such circumstances;
• The right to restrict processing = the Users' right to obtain, at request and free of charge, provided that the conditions laid down under the law are met, the marking of the stored personal data with a view to limiting its processing, except for its storage;
• The right to data portability = the Users' right to receive, at request and free of charge, the personal data supplied to the Bank in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as the right to have this data transmitted by Raiffeisen Bank to another data controller, provided that the conditions laid down under the law are met;
• The right to oppose = the User’s right to oppose at any time, for reasonable and legitimate grounds in relation to his/her particular situation, that the personal data concerning him or her should be covered by some processing, insofar as the requirements provided for by law are met;
• For a fully automated decision-making (i.e. which does not involve human intervention) that takes legal effects concerning the Users or affects them in a similar manner, the Users' right to obtain human intervention, express their point of view and challenge the decision;
For additional details about the processing activities for Smart Market purposes, as well as for the exercise of the rights they enjoy in this context, Users can file a written application to the addresses of any Raiffeisen Bank SA unit (the full list of units can be accessed here:
xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx/), or send an email to the Bank in this regard, using the following address: xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.
Similarly, User can contact the Data Protection Officer appointed by the Bank using the following email address: xxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.
Insofar as they find necessary, User can file a complaint to the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing or bring up an action before courts.
Smart Market does not use cookies. However, in order for the Application to work smoothly and to provide Users with all functions, as well as in order to allow the Bank to collect data on the Users' operation of the Application, the Application uses a cookie-similar technology as described in the Cookie Policy, available here: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx/xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx- sdk.pdf.
The Bank can regularly update this Privacy Policy. When the changes are not just formal (e.g. corrections, formatting), the Bank shall inform Users of the updating of the Privacy Policy (e.g. through x xxx-up in the Application). In any case, the Privacy Policy can be accessed at any time by the User in the Application.