TAX NEWS NO. 12/2021
TAX NEWS NO. 12/2021
Stimati colaboratori, Ordinul nr. 585/2021, emis de catre Ministerul Xxxxxx si Protectiei Sociale, privind modificarea si completarea modelului-cadru al contractului individual de munca, prevazut in anexa la Ordinul ministrului muncii si solidaritatii sociale nr. 64/2003 In vigoare de la 19 iulie 2021 ⮚ Se modifica si se completeaza modelul- cadru al contractului individual de munca, astfel incat angajatorii trebuie “sa informeze angajatul cu privire la obligatia de a adera la un fond de pensii administrat privat”. Aceasta obligatie se aplica doar persoanelor prevazute la art. 30 din Legea nr. 411/2004 privind fondurile de pensii administrate privat. Astfel, persoanele asigurate de pana in 35 de ani trebuie sa adere la un fond de pensii, iar persoanele asigurate in varsta de pana la 45 de ani pot adera la un fond de pensii. ⮚ Atributiile postului sunt prevazute in fisa postului, anexa la contractul individual de munca, cu exceptia microintreprinderilor cu pana la 9 salariati. | Dear collaborators, Order no. 585/2021, issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, on amending and supplementing the framemodel of the individual employment contract, provided in the annex to the Order of the Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity no. 64/2003 In force since July 19 th, 2021 ⮚ The framemodel of the individual employment contract is amended and supplemented, so that employers must “inform the employee about the obligation to join a privately managed pension fund”. This obligation applies only to the persons provided in art. 30 of Law no. 411/2004 regarding the privately administered pension funds. Thus, insured persons up to 35 years old must join a pension fund, and insured persons up to 45 years old may join a pension fund. ⮚ The attributions of the job are provided in the job description, annex to the individual employment contract, except for the micro-enterprises with up to 9 employees. |
Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Managing Partner | Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx (Xxxxxxxxx) Senior HR & Social Security Tax Consultant |
it’s good to be trusted!
00 Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Tel.: x0000.000.00.00, e-mail: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx
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