Prezentele Conditii Generale de Afaceri (denumite in continuare „CGA”) reglementeaza cadrul general de desfasurare a raporturilor contractuale dintre UniCredit Bank SA, societate administrata in sistem dualist, cu sediul in Romania, Bucuresti, Bulevardul Expozitiei nr. 1F, inregistrata in Registrul Comertului sub nr. J40/7706/1991, in Registrul Bancar sub nr.RB-PJR-40- 011/18.02.1999 , cod unic de inregistrare 361536, atribut fiscal RO, Identificator Unic la Nivel European (EUID): ROONRC.J40/7706/1991 capital social subscris si varsat 455.219.478,30 Lei, prin unitatile sale teritoriale (denumita in continuare “Banca”) si Clientii sai, persoane juridice (denumiti in continuare “Client”). Autoritatea de supraveghere a Bancii este Banca Nationala a Romaniei (BNR), cu sediul central in Romania, Xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xx.00, xxxxxx 0, xxx postal 030031. | These General Business Conditions (“GBC”) govern the general framework for the contract relations between UniCredit Bank SA, a company administered in a two-tier system, having its registered offices in Romania, Bucharest, 0X Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx., 0xx Xxxxxxxx, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/7706/1991, with the Banking Register under no.RB-PJR-40-011/18.02.1999, , sole registration code 361536, fiscal attribute RO, European Unique Identifier (EUID): ROONRC.J40 / 7706/1991, subscribed and paid registered capital of Lei 455.219.478,30, by means of its territorial units (the “Bank”) and its Clients, legal entities, (the “Client”). The supervisory authority of the Bank is the National Bank of Romania (NBR), with registered offices in Romania, Bucharest, 00 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, xxxxxx 0, and postal code 030031. |
Baza relatiilor de afaceri dintre Client si Banca este increderea reciproca. CGA au valoare de contract, fiind obligatorii pentru parti, si sunt incheiate pe o perioada nedeterminata. In relatia de afaceri, urmatorii termeni se vor interpreta dupa cum urmeaza: | The business relations between the Client and the Bank are based on mutual trust. The GBC have the value of an agreement, are mandatory for the parties, and are concluded for an undetermined period. Within the business relationship, the following terms shall be construed as following: |
„Client” reprezinta orice persoana juridica sau entitate cu/ fara personalitate juridica care are achizitionat cel putin un produs/ serviciu al Bancii. | ”Client” means any legal entity, or any entity with/ without legal personality that has purchased at least one product/service of the Bank |
„Contract specific” reprezinta contractul prin care Clientul achizitioneaza un produs/ serviciu al Bancii. | ”Specific Agreement” means the agreement under which the Client purchases a product/service of the Bank |
„Contract-cadru” („Contract pentru de deschidere de cont pentru persoane juridice”/Contract pentru furnizarea produselor si serviciilor bancare ) reprezinta contractul de servicii de plata incheiat intre Banca si Client, prin care se executa operatiuni de plati si incasari. Contractul cadru include si prezentele CGA. “Cont” reprezinta un cont bancar, inclusiv contul curent/ contul de plati, in care sunt evidentiate dupa caz disponibilitatile banesti ale Clientului si/sau sumele puse de Banca la dispozitia acestuia . „Cont curent/Cont de plati” reprezinta un cont detinut de Client, care este utilizat pentru executarea Operatiunilor de plati. „Contul de plăți accesibil online” reprezinta un cont de plăți care poate fi accesat de către Client prin intermediul unei interfețe online (eg. BussinesNet ) „Data de valuta” reprezinta data de referinta utilizata de catre Banca pentru a calcula dobanda aferenta fondurilor debitate sau creditate din/in contul Clientului. | “Framework Agreement” means the payment services agreement concluded between the Bank and the Client, under which payment operations are performed, including the GBC and the General Conditions of Use. “Account” – a banking account, including a Payment account which is used to highlight all available funds of the Client and/or the amounts the Bank places at his disposal “Current Account/Payment account” - an account held by the Client or on his behalf which is used for the execution of payment transactions; “Online Payment account”– the Payment account that can be accessed by the Customer through an online interface (BussinesNet Services). ”Value Date” means the reference date being used by the Bank in order to calculate the interest on the funds debited from or credited to the Client’s account. |
„Descoperit neautorizat de cont” reprezinta depasirea disponibilului din conturile de orice tip ale Clientului cu valoarea comisioanelor, taxelor, dobanzilor, oricaror | ”Unauthorised Overdraft” means the exceeding of the available funds in any type of accounts of the Client by the value of the fees, charges, interests, or any amounts |
sume datorate Bancii ca urmare a utilizarii oricarui produs/ serviciu pus la dispozitie de catre Banca. | being owed to the Bank as result of using any product/service provided by the Bank. |
„Operatiuni de plati” reprezinta actiunea initiata de platitor sau in numele platitorului sau de beneficiarul platii cu scopul de a depune, transfera sau retrage fonduri dintr-un cont de plati utilizat in acest scop. | ”Payment transaction” means an action being initiated by the payer or in the name of the payer or by the payee for the purpose of placing, transferring or withdrawing funds from a payment account used for this purpose. |
„Zi lucratoare” reprezinta orice zi a saptamanii, mai putin sambata, duminica si orice sarbatoare nationala si/sau legala, in care institutiile de credit din Romania sunt deschise pentru public si efectueaza activitati bancare. In ceea ce priveste operatiunile de plati, „ziua lucratoare” reprezinta orice zi a saptamanii in care Banca le poate executa, conform orelor limita specifice fiecarui tip de operatiune (cut-off-time), asa cum sunt comunicate Clientului prin afisare sau alte mijloace. | ”Business Day” means any day of the week, except for Saturdays, Sundays and any national and/or legal holiday, on which the Romanian credit institutions are open for public and perform banking activities. Regarding the payment operations, “business day” means any day of the week in which the Bank can execute, according to its cut-off-time, as they are communicated to the Client by displaying or other ways. |
„Program de lucru cu publicul” reprezinta perioada din ziua lucratoare in care Banca permite accesul reprezentantului legal al Clientului in incinta unitatilor sale teritoriale in vederea efectuarii operatiunilor bancare, conform orelor limita specifice fiecarui tip de operatiune (cut-off time), asa cum sunt comunicate Clientului prin afisare sau alte mijloace. | ”Public Working Hours” means the period of a Business Day during which the Bank allows the Client’s legal representative to access the premises of its territorial units in order to perform banking operations, according to the limit hours that are specific for each and every operation type (cut-off time) as notified to the Client by posting, or by other means. |
Prestator de servicii de plata tert – un prestator de servicii de plata, altul decat Banca, autorizat de Banca Nationala a Romaniei sau de o autoritatea competenta dintr-un stat membru al Uniunii Europene sa presteze servicii de informare cu privire la conturi si/sau servicii de initiere a platii si/sau servicii de confirmare disponibilitate fonduri. Serviciu de informare cu privire la conturi - serviciu online, prestat de un Prestator de servicii de plată terț (altul decât Banca), ce furnizează informații consolidate în legătură cu unul sau mai multe Conturi de plăți accesibil online deținute de Client la Bancă și/sau la mai mulți prestatori de servicii de plată. Serviciu de inițiere a plății - serviciu de inițiere a unui Ordin de plată cu privire la un Cont de plăți accesibil online deținut de Client la Bancă, prestat de un prestator de servicii de plată terț (altul decât Banca), la cererea Clientului. | “Third Party Payment Service Provider” (TPP)– a third party other than the Bank, licensed by the National Bank of Romania or any other National Competent Authority from European Union to provide account information service and/or payment initiation service and/or funds check service. “Account Information Service” (AIS)- an online service ensured by a Third Party Payment Service Provider (other than the Bank) through which consolidated information on one or more payment accounts held by the Client with the Bank or either another payment service provider or with more than one payment service provider is provided. “Payment Initiation Service” (PIS) - a service provided by a Third Party Payment Service Provider (other than the Bank) to initiate a payment order ,with respect to a Payment account accessible online held by the Client at the Bank, at the Client’s request. |
I. Deschiderea si administrarea conturilor | I. Account opening and management |
Art.1 Titularul contului | Art. 1 Account holder |
(1) La deschiderea unui cont, trebuie sa se indice denumirea Clientului care este titularul contului si care trebuie sa se identifice corespunzator. | (1) Upon opening an account, the Client that is the account holder shall identify according to the law. |
(2) Clientul va fi reprezentat prin persoane autorizate sa angajeze valabil societatea. Clientul poate numi persoane imputernicite sa opereze pe cont in limitele legale si statutare. | (2) The Client shall be represented by persons being authorised to validly bind the company. The Client may appoint persons to be authorized to operate by the account within the limits under the law, and under the articles of association of the company. |
(3) Mandatul acordat imputernicitilor se poate referi inclusiv la limitele de cheltuieli aferente instrumentului de plata utilizat de catre acestia, conform contractului | (3) The powers to be granted to the attorneys-in-fact may also refer to expenses limits related to the payment instrument to be used by them under the Specific |
specific aferent produsului contractat, sau la transferul contului intre unitatile teritoriale ale Bancii sau la inchiderea de cont. | Agreement related to the contracted product, or to the account transfer between the territorial units of the Bank, or to the account closing. |
(4) Prezentele Conditii Generale de Afaceri sunt opozabile si imputernicitilor Clientului. | (4) Should the Client have appointed a representative, the present GBC shall also apply to it the same. |
Art.2 Deschiderea conturilor | Art. 2 Account opening |
(1) Deschiderea conturilor plati/ curente si a altor tipuri de cont (depozit, escrow etc.), in moneda nationala si/sau in orice alta moneda, se face conform procedurilor interne ale Bancii si a reglementarilor legale in vigoare, cu conditia respectarii de catre Client a regulilor stabilite de catre Banca pentru deschiderea acestor tipuri de conturi, in baza documentelor solicitate de catre Banca. | (1) The opening of current/payment and other account types (deposit, escrow, etc.) in the national currency and/or in any other currency, shall be performed under the internal procedures of the Bank, and under the legal regulations in force, provided that the Client follows the rules having been set by the Bank for the opening of such accounts based on the documents being required by the Bank. |
(2) Banca poate refuza cererea de deschidere de cont, nefiind obligata sa motiveze acest refuz. | (2) The Bank may decline the account opening application, and shall have no obligation to give reasons for such decision. |
(3) Persoanele imputernicite sa opereze pe cont in numele Clientului vor furniza Bancii documentele solicitate de aceasta si isi vor depune specimenul de semnatura la Banca. | (3) The persons being authorised to operate by the account in the name of the Client shall provide the Bank with the required documents, and shall file their signature samples with the Bank. |
(4) Banca va permite efectuarea de operatiuni pe cont numai in baza semnaturilor persoanelor autorizate sa efectueze operatiuni pe cont si in limita mandatului dat de catre Client. Specimenele de semnaturi depuse la Banca sunt valabile pana la inlocuire/ revocare in scris. | (4) The Bank shall only allow operations to be performed on the account based on the signatures of the persons being authorised to perform operations on the account, and within the limits of their powers as granted by the Client. The signature specimens having been filed with the Bank are valid until replaced/revoked in writing. |
(5) In cazul in care Banca ia cunostinta, prin orice mijloace, despre aparitia unor divergente/ conflicte/ neintelegeri de orice natura intre asociatii/ actionarii/ administratorii/ imputernicitii Clientului, Banca are dreptul sa suspende nelimitat executarea oricarei instructiuni (ex.: creditarea/ debitarea contului, instructiuni in temeiul oricarui contract specific incheiat cu Banca etc.), pana la lamurirea situatiei in baza unor acte in forma si substanta satisfacatoare pentru Banca. Daca intr-o perioada de timp rezonabil situatia nu este clarificata, Banca poate decide incetarea raporturilor contractuale. Clientul exonereaza Banca de orice raspundere pentru pierderile pe care Clientul le-ar putea suferi ca urmare a aparitiei unei astfel de situatii. | (5) Should the Bank become aware by any means of the occurrence of frictions/ conflicts/ differences of any nature between the partners/ shareholders/ directors/ attorneys- in-fact of the Client, the Bank shall be entitled to suspend on an unlimited basis the performance of any direction (e.g. account crediting/debiting, instructions based on any Specific Agreement concluded with the Bank, etc.), until the situation is sorted out based on documents in a form and substance the Bank deems satisfactory. Should the situation be not sorted out within a reasonable period of time the Bank may decide to terminate the contractual relationship. The Client exonerates the Bank from any liability for the losses the Client might suffer as result of such a situation arising. |
(6) Orice operatiune de plata (ex. incasari, plati, retrageri/ depuneri de numerar etc.) se efectueaza de catre Client prin intermediul contului curent /contului de plati deschis la Banca, cu exceptia situatiilor in care prin Contractele specifice s-a stabilit altfel. | (6) Any payment operation (e.g. collection, payments, cash withdrawing/ depositing etc.) shall be performed by the Client means of the current account opened with the Bank except in situations where in the Specific Agreements has been otherwise established. |
Art.3 Modificari ale datelor de identificare ale Clientului | Art.3 Changes to the Client’s identification data |
(1) Clientul are obligatia sa informeze Banca, in scris si imediat, prezentand documentele justificative aferente, despre orice modificari aparute in situatia sa (referitoare, dar fara a se limita la date de identificare/ autorizatie de functionare/ date din actul constitutiv/ reprezentanti legali/ drepturi de semnatura in relatia cu Banca si/sau tertii/ forma juridica/ capacitate juridica), a documentelor/ informatiilor ce au stat la baza deschiderii de cont, | (1) The Client has the obligation to immediately notify the Bank in writing, also producing the relevant supporting documents, about any changes to its status (referring without limitation to identification information / operation authorisation/ information within the articles of incorporation/ legal representatives/ signature rights in relation to the Bank and/or third parties/ legal form/ legal capacity), of the documents/ information which are |
respectiv la baza acordarii produsului/serviciului bancar, precum si orice alte documente/ informatii care sunt relevante in relatia cu Banca. Modificarile considerate conform legii ca fiind publice trebuie de asemenea notificate Bancii in scris si imediat. Banca nu raspunde in nici un fel de eventualele prejudicii suferite de Client sau de terti ca urmare a comunicarii cu intarziere a modificarilor survenite si a actelor justificative aferente sau a necomunicarii lor. | relevant for the account opening, respectively for granting of banking products/services, and of any other documents/ information that are relevant for the relationship with the Bank. Any changes that under the law are considered public must also be immediately notified to the Bank in writing. The Bank shall in no way be liable for the possible damages to be suffered by the Client or by third parties as result of late notifying about the changes to have occurred, or of a failure to notify about the same. |
(2) Comunicarea modificarilor de mai sus este opozabila Bancii incepand cu ziua lucratoare urmatoare primirii de catre Banca a informarii, dovedita prin stampila de inregistrare a Bancii, aplicata pe copia Clientului, sau prin confirmarea de primire semnata de Banca. Orice comunicare primita in afara Programului de lucru cu publicul se considera primita incepand cu urmatoarea Zi lucratoare. | (2) The notification about changes as mentioned above shall be opposable to the Bank starting with the Business Day following the receipt by the Bank of the notice as evidenced by the registration stamp of the Bank on the duplicate of the Client or by the receipt confirmation signed by the Bank. Any notice to be received outside the Public Working Hours shall be deemed received starting with the next Business Day. |
Art.4 Depozite | Art.4 Deposits |
(1) La cererea Clientului, Banca poate constitui depozite in moneda nationala si/sau alta moneda, pentru suma si termenul indicate de catre Client in instructiunile de constituire a unui depozit bancar. | (1) By request from the Client the Bank may establish deposits in the national and/or other currency with the amount and the term as stated by the Client within the directions for establishing a bank deposit. |
(2) Depozitele constituite de catre Client la Banca vor fi guvernate de catre termenii si conditiile agreate pentru Depozite intre Banca si Client, cat si de prezentele CGA. | (2) The deposits to be established by the Client with the Bank shall be governed by the terms and conditions as agreed upon for Deposits between the Bank and the Client, as well as by these GBC. |
Art.5 Operatiuni pe cont cu acceptul/ la instructiunile Clientului | Art.5 Account operations by consent/ direction from the Client |
5.1 Instructiunile de orice tip (incasari, plati etc.) se pot receptiona in format fizic de catre Banca, in vederea executarii acestora (creditarii/ debitarii) pe/din conturile Clientului, numai in Zilele lucratoare, in timpul Programului de lucru cu publicul si cu respectarea orelor limita de primire (cut-off time) pentru fiecare tip de instructiune, asa cum sunt aduse la cunostinta Clientului de catre Banca. Instructiunile transmise Bancii de catre Client in alt mod (ex printr-un canal electronic), se vor receptiona si executa in conformitate cu prevederile Contractelor specifice, conform orelor limita specifice fiecarui tip de operatiune (cut-off time), asa cum sunt comunicate Clientului prin afisare sau alte mijloace. | 5.1 Directions of any type (collection, payments, etc.) may only be received by the Bank in physical format, in order to be performed (crediting/debiting) by/from the accounts of the Client, on business days during the public working hours, and in observing the limit receipt time (cut-off time) for each and every direction type, as notified to the Client by the Bank. The instructions sent to the Bank by the Client using different ways (e.g electronic channel) will be received and executed in accordance with the specific Contracts, according to its cut-off-time, as they are communicated to the Client by displaying or other ways. |
5.2 Orice operatiune de plata va fi executata de catre Banca exclusiv in baza Codului unic, asa cum este definit mai jos, iar raspunderea Bancii este limitata la executarea operatiunii de plata in conformitate cu Codul unic furnizat de catre Client, indiferent de celalalte informatii suplimentare primite de catre Banca (referitoare la platitor, Client, tranzactie etc.). | 5.2 Any payment operation shall be performed by the Bank exclusively based on the Sole Code as defined below, and the liability of the Bank shall be limited to performing the payment operation in accordance with the Sole Code as provided by the Client notwithstanding the other additional information received by the Bank (regarding the payer, the Client, the transaction, etc). |
5.3 Banca poate refuza efectuarea operatiunilor de plata: a) in cazul in care informatiile solicitate si furnizate de Client sunt ilizibile, incomplete sau incorecte, b) daca Clientul nu pune la dispozitia Bancii, la cererea acesteia, ori de cate ori aceasta considera necesar, orice documente si/sau declaratii considerate | 5.3 The Bank may decline performing payment operations: a) in the case where the information requested and provided by the Client is illegible, incomplete or incorrect, b) should the Client do not provide the Bank, by request from the same, whenever the same would so deem necessary, any documents |
necesare pentru justificarea operatiunilor derulate prin Banca si/sau determinarea situatiei reale a Clientului, c) daca operatiunea nu este in conformitate cu legile aplicabile (inclusiv reglementarile valutare in vigoare), regulamentele si practicile bancare sau Banca are suspiciuni cu privire la scopul sau natura tranzactiei (de ex. operatiunea are conexiuni cu tranzactii de finantare a actelor de terorism sau spalare de bani), d) daca operatiunea de plata este derulata prin/ catre tari cu care Banca nu colaboreaza, datorita prevederilor legale sau regulamentelor si politicii Bancii, e) daca operatiunea implica, direct sau indirect, o conexiune cu unul din elementele ce sunt subiect al unor Sanctiuni sau care contravin regulamentelor si politicii Bancii si ale Grupului UniCredit, precum, insa nu in mod limitativ reprezentate de valuta operatiunii, persoane, entitati, teritorii sau tari, bunuri, servicii sau tehnologie, f) daca operatiunea de plata este initiata prin intermediul unui Prestator tert de servicii de inițiere a plății, din motive justificate legate de initierea neautorizata sau frauduloasa a operatiunii conform prevederilor legale în vigoare. Intr-o astfel de situatie, Banca va informa Clientul, in modul convenit in Contractele specifice si/sau prezentele CGA, notificarea de refuz si motivele refuzului daca este posibil, inainte de refuz si, cel mai tarziu, imediat dupa acesta in masura in care prevederile legislative permit/ nu interzic. Banca va permite accesul la contul de plati odata ce motivele de blocare inceteaza sa mai existe. | and/or statements deemed required in order to justify the operations being performed by means of the Bank and/or to determine the actual condition of the Client, c) should the operation do not comply with the applicable laws (including foreign exchange regulations in force), regulations and banking practices, or should the Bank have doubts regarding the purpose or the nature of the transaction (for example, the operation is in connection with a terrorist financing or money-laundering transaction), d) should the payment operation be performed through/towards countries the Bank does not cooperate with due to the legal provisions, or to the regulations and policies of the Bank, e) if the operation involves, directly or indirectly, a connection with one of the items that are the subject of certain Sanctions or that are inconsistent with the regulations and policies of the Bank and the UniCredit Group, such as, but not limited, to the currency of the operation, persons, entities, territories or countries, goods, services or technology, f) if the payment transaction is initiated through an Payment Initiation Service Provider, for justified reasons related to the unauthorized or fraudulent initiation of the transaction in accordance with the legal provisions in force. In such a case, the Bank shall inform the Client, as agreed in the Specific Agreements and / or in the present document (GBC), with the refusal notification and the reasons for the refusal if possible, before the refusal and at the latest, immediately after the refusal, in case the provisions allow it / do not prohibit it. The bank will allow access to the payment account once the reasons for the refusal cease to exist. |
5.4 Instructiuni de incasare | 5.4 Collection instructions |
(1) Pe durata relatiilor de afaceri, Banca este irevocabil abilitata sa accepte incasari pentru Client. | (1) During the business relationship, the Bank shall be irrevocably entitled to accept amounts for collection for the Client. |
(2) Pentru procesarea de catre Banca a incasarilor, urmatoarele informatii trebuie sa fie receptionate de catre Banca cumulativ: a) codul unic de identificare necesar pentru executarea corecta a incasarii (denumit in prezentele CGA „Codul unic”), alcatuit din: ( i) numarul de cont deschis de Client la Banca sau codul IBAN – International Bank Account Number aferent si (ii) codul de identificare al Bancii (BIC/ SWIFT) – XXXXXXXX; b) informatii complete cu privire la platitor: nume, numar de cont/IBAN si adresa, care poate fi inlocuita cu data si locul nasterii, numarul de identificare al platitorului sau numarul national de identitate. | (2) In order for the Bank to perform collections, the following information need to be cumulatively received by the Bank: a) the sole identification code as required for the proper performance of the collection (referred to in the present GBC as the “Sole Code”), which is formed of: (i) the number of the account opened by the Client with the Bank, or the related IBAN code – International Bank Account Number, and (ii) the identification code of the Bank (BIC/SWIFT) – XXXXXXXX; b) complete information regarding the payer: name, account number/IBAN, and address, which may be replaced by the birth date and place, the payer’s identification number or the national identity number. |
(3) Clientul si Banca convin de comun acord ca Banca este indreptatita sa perceapa din fondurile transferate, contravaloarea comisioanelor/ taxelor aferente incasarii, inainte de a credita contul Clientului cu suma respectiva. Banca va evidentia separat valoarea totala a operatiunii de plata si comisioanele/ taxele percepute. | (3) The Client and the Bank hereby mutually agree that the Bank is entitled to deduct the value of the fees/ charges related to the collection from the amounts transferred before crediting it to the Client's account. The Bank shall separately record the aggregate value of the payment transaction and the collected fees/charges. |
(4) Banca, in calitate de prestator de servicii de plata al Clientului beneficiar al platii, transmite prestatorului de servicii de plata al platitorului ordinul de plata initiat de catre sau prin intermediul Clientului, in termenele | (4) The Bank, as payment services provider for the payee Client, shall deliver a payment order initiated by or through the payee Client to the payer’s payment service provider, within the time limits agreed upon between the |
convenite intre Client si Banca, astfel incat plata sa poata fi facuta, in ceea ce priveste debitarea directa, la data scadenta convenita. | payee Client and the Bank, enabling settlement, as far as direct debiting is concerned, on the agreed due date. |
(5) Pe durata relatiilor de afaceri, Banca este irevocabil si neconditionat mandatata de catre Client sa accepte pe contul acestuia depuneri de numerar, inclusiv din partea unor terti, Clientul si/ sau deponentul fiind direct raspunzatori pentru aceasta operatiune din punct de vedere al legislatiei romane, precum si pentru prezentarea documentelor si/sau declaratiilor considerate necesare pentru justificarea depunerilor de numerar. Depunerile in numerar efectuate pe contul Clientului vor fi creditate si remunerate cu coeficientul corespunzator de dobanda din ziua depunerii. Depunerile de numerar efectuate sambata sau duminica se proceseaza avand data de valuta a Zilei lucratoare imediat urmatoare. | (5) During business relationship, the Bank is irrevocably and unconditionally authorised by the Client to accept on the account of the same cash deposits, including from third parties, and the Client and/or the depositor shall be directly liable for such transaction from the standpoint of the Romanian legislation, as well as for providing the documents and/or declarations required in order to justify the cash deposits. Cash deposits made on the account of the Client shall be credited and remunerated with the relevant interest coefficient starting with the depositing date. Cash deposits made on Saturdays or Sundays will be processed with value date on the next Business Day. |
(6) Banca va credita contul Clientului dupa ce aceasta a primit fondurile. Data valutei creditarii contului Clientului nu este ulterioara Zilei lucratoare in care valoarea Operatiunii de plata este creditata in contul Bancii in cazul in care: (i) nu exista o conversie monetara, (ii) exista o conversie monetara intre EUR si o monedă unui stat membru UE (Uniunea Europeana)/sau intre doua monede ale statelor membre UE. | (6) The Bank shall credit the Client’s account after it has received the funds. The value date of crediting the account is not subsequent to the Business day in which the amount of the payment transaction is credited to the Bank's account except the following situations: i) there is no currency conversion, (ii) there is a conversion between EUR and a currency of an EU Member State (EU) / or between two EU Member States' currencies. |
5.5 Instructiuni de transfer/ plata | 5.5 Transfer/ Payment instructions |
(1) Banca va efectua platile in conformitate cu instructiunile Clientului, daca sunt indeplinite cumulativ urmatoarele conditii: a) instructiunile sunt intocmite in scris, pe formularele puse la dispozitie de catre Banca, in mod corect, complet, clar si neechivoc de catre persoanele autorizate; b) soldul contului permite executarea platii, respectiv acopera atat valoarea platilor cat si a comisioanelor aferente, si nu este indisponibilizat; c) Clientul a furnizat Bancii Codul unic, compus din: ( i) numarul de cont al beneficiarului platii sau codul IBAN – International Bank Account Number aferent si (ii) codul de identificare al bancii beneficiarului platii (BIC/ SWIFT/ Routing Code), cu exceptia platior in EUR catre beneficiari din UE/SEE si a platilor nationale in Lei unde nu este obligatorie furnizarea codului BIC. | (1) The Bank shall execute payments according to the instructions of the Client if the following requirements are cumulatively met: a) the instructions are properly, completely, clearly, and unequivocally prepared in writing on forms provided by the Bank, by the authorised persons; b) the balance of the account allows the payment transaction, respectively it covers both the value of the payment, and of the related fees, and it was not blocked; c) the Client has provided the Bank with the Sole Code formed of: (i) the payee’s account number or the IBAN code – International Bank Account Number, and (ii) the payee’s bank identification code (BIC/SWIFT/Routing Code), with the exception of EUR payments with Beneficiaries from UE/EEA and Lei national payments where the BIC code is not mandatory.. |
(2) Instructiunile speciale care apar pe ordinul de transfer cu privire la modul de utilizare a banilor privesc numai beneficiarul platii si nu sunt adresate Bancii. | (2) Any special instruction being mentioned on the transfer order about to the way of using the money shall only concern the payee and they are not addressed to the Bank. |
(3) Data valutei la care se face debitarea contului Clientului nu va fi anterioara momentului in care suma care face obiectul operatiunii de plata este debitata din cont. | (3) The debit value date for the payer Client's account is no earlier than the point in time at which the amount of the payment transaction is debited from the Client’s account |
5.6 In cazul in care Banca refuza executarea unei instructiuni de plata sau initierea unei Operatiuni de plata, aceasta pune la dispozitia Clientului, la ghiseele Bancii sau prin alte mijloace agreate contractual, notificarea de refuz si, daca este posibil, motivele refuzului precum si | 5.6 In the event the Bank would refuse to execute a payment or the initition of a payment transaction, it shall provide the Client, at the Bank’s counters, or through other contractual agred means,with the refusal notification, and if possible, with the reasons for it, as well |
modalitatea de remediere, in masura in care prevederile legislative permit/ nu interzic. Clientul are obligatia sa se prezinte la Banca, in vederea luarii la cunostinta a refuzului sau sa acceseze notificarile trimise de Banca prin alte mijloace, in termenele mentionate la art. 5.8 de xxx xxx. | as with the remedying method, to the extent that the legal provisions allow/ do not prohibit it. The Client has the obligation to come to the Bank in order to acknowledge the refusal, or to access the notification sent by the Bank through other means, within the periods mentioned in the art. 5.8 below. |
5.7 In cazul in care refuzul de executare sau initiere al Bancii este justificat in mod obiectiv, respectiv cel putin una dintre conditiile de la art. 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 (2) si 5.5 (1) de mai sus nu este indeplinita, ordinul de plata se considera ca nu a fost primit, iar Banca percepe comisionul pentru notificarea prevazuta la punctul 5.6 de mai sus, conform Tarifului de comisioane al Bancii/ contractului specific. | 5.7 In case the Bank objectively justifies the execution or initiation refusal, respectively at least one of the conditions provided in art. 5.1, 5.3, 5.5 (2) and 5.5 (1) above is not fulfilled, the payment order shall be deemed not to have been received, and the Bank shall collect the fee for the notification provided under point 5.6 above, according to the Bank’s rates /the Specific agreement. |
5.8 a) Banca se va asigura ca, dupa momentul primirii ordinului de plata, suma Operatiunii de plata este debitata din contul Clientului si creditata in contul prestatorului de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii cel mai tarziu pana la sfarsitul urmatoarei zi lucratoare (T+1), pentru: (i) Operatiunile de plata in euro efectuate pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene (UE) sau in Spatiul Economic European (SEE), (ii) Operatiunile nationale de plata in lei, (iii) Operatiunile de plata care implica o singura conversie monetara intre euro si lei, efectuata in Romania, iar – in cazul Operatiunilor de plata transfrontaliere pe teritoriul UE si SEE – transferul transfrontalier are loc in euro. | 5.8 a) The Bank shall ensure that, after the payment order was received, the amount of the payment transaction shall be debited from the account of the Client, and credited to the account of the payee’s payment services provider at latest by the end of the next Business Day (T+1) at latest, for: (i) payment transactions in Euro performed on the territory of the European Union (EU), or on the European Economic Area (EEA), (ii) national payment transactions in Lei, (iii) payment transactions involving only one currency conversion between Euro and Lei, carried out in Romania, and – in case of cross-border payment transactions carried out within the territory of the EU and the EEA – the cross- border transfer takes place in Euro. |
b) Prin acordul Clientului si al Bancii, perioadele anterior mentionate sunt prelungite cu o Zi lucratoare suplimentara pentru Operatiunile de plata initiate pe suport de hartie. | b) By agreement of the Client and of the Bank the aforementioned periods are extended by one additional Business Day for paper-initiated payment transactions. |
c) Clientul si Banca convin ca termenul de executare pentru orice alte Operatiuni de plata altele decat cele mentionate la lit.a) este de maximum 3 zile lucratoare din momentul primirii ordinului de plata. | c) The Client and the Bank hereby agree that the execution time for any other Payment transactions, other than the ones mentioned at point a, is maximum 3 business days from the time the payment order was received by the Bank. |
d) Banca va aplica pentru Operatiunile de plati prevazute la art. 5.8 modalitatea de percepere a comisioanelor aferente conform dispozitiilor art. 142 din Legea nr. 209/2019 privind serviciile de plată și pentru modificarea unor acte normative, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare („Legea nr. 209/2019”). Astfel, pentru Operatiunile de plata prestate in interiorul UE/SEE, in orice valuta, daca prestatorul de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii din cadrul Operatiunii de plata se afla pe teritoriul UE/SEE, Banca va accepta doar aplicarea regulii de comisionare SHA (shared charging principle “SHA”- principiul comisioanelor suportate de catre fiecare parte), in care beneficiarul platii suporta pretul perceput de prestatorul sau de servicii de plata, iar Clientul suporta pretul perceput de Banca. e) Pentru Operațiunile de plată prin transfer credit prestate în afara UE si SEE, în orice monedă, Clientul poate opta pentru aplicarea uneia din urmatoarele reguli de comisionare: a) SHA; b) OUR – în care toate comisioanele sunt suportate de plătitor, c) BEN – în care toate | d) The Bank shall apply for the payment transactions provided in the art. 5.8, the method of charging the related fees according to the provisions of art. 142 from Law no. 209/2019 on payment services and for changing some legal acts („Law no. 209/2019”). Thus, for payment transactions performed within the EU/SEE, in any currency, if the payment service provider of the payee mentioned within the payment order is located in the EU / EEA, the Bank will only accept the application of SHA charging principle ("SHA" - the principle of commissions borne by each party), in which the payment payee bears the price charged by his payment services provider, and the Customer bears the price charged by the Bank. e) For credit transfer Payment transactions rendered outside the EU and EEA, in any currency, the Client may choose to apply one of the following charging rules: a) SHA; b) OUR - in which all commissions are borne by the payer, c) BEN - in which all commissions are borne by the payee. If the Client does not indicate the charging rule by the methods specific to the payment instrument, |
comisioanele sunt suportate de beneficiarul plăţii. In cazul in care Clientul nu indica regula de comisionare prin metodele specifice instrumentului de plata, Banca va procesa operatiunea de plata utilizand regula de comisionare SHA. | the Bank will process the Payment transaction using the SHA charging rule. |
5.9 Banca nu raspunde pentru executarea unor ordine de transfer false sau falsificate. | 5.9 The Bank shall not be liable for executing false or forged transfer orders. |
5.10 Clientul este responsabil pentru obtinerea tuturor avizelor si autorizatiilor, care vor fi comunicate si Bancii, in vederea executarii de catre Banca a instructiunilor de plata ale Clientului. | 5.10 The Client is liable to obtain all licences and authorisations, which shall also be notified about to the Bank, in order for the Bank to execute the Client’s payment transactions. |
5.11 Clientul detinator de cont/uri in valuta va suporta cota parte din pierderile operationale sau legale generate de aparitia oricarui caz de forta majora, razboaie sau alte evenimente similare sau datorate sechestrului instituit de terte persoane in strainatate sau datorate unor acte ale autoritatilor locale sau internationale (ex. confiscare, restrictii ale dreptului de a dispune etc.) care afecteaza conturile de corespondent ale Bancii, deschise la institutii ne/rezidente, corespunzatoare valutei in care sunt deschise conturile Clientului. | 5.11 The Client holding foreign currency account(s) shall bear the share of the operational or legal losses generated by the occurrence of any force majeure event, wars or other similar events, or due to sequestration established by third parties abroad, or due to actions of local or international authorities (e.g. seizure, restrictions on the right to dispose, etc.) affecting the corresponding accounts of the Bank opened with resident/non-resident institutions for the currency the accounts of the Client were opened in. |
5.12 Prin derogare de la obligativitatea prezentarii in scris a instructiunilor de plata, Banca poate da curs instructiunilor Clientului transmise prin diferite mijloace de comunicatie (inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la telefon, fax si BussinesNet), numai in conditiile existentei unui Contract-cadru sau Contract specific intre Banca si Client in acest sens. | 5.12 By way of derogation from the obligation to submit payment instructions in writing, the Bank may only proceed with the Client’s instructions transmitted through various communication means (including, but not limited to, telephone, fax and BussinesNet) provided that a Framework Agreement or Specific Agreement is in place between the Bank and the Client for such purpose. |
5.13 Banca are dreptul de a refuza efectuarea tranzactiilor ordonate de catre Client si/sau de a inceta relatiile cu Clientul, in cazul unor declaratii false sau daca are suspiciuni cu privire la realitatea celor declarate sau documentelor furnizate de catre Client, precum si in cazul in care tranzactiile au fost ordonate fara respectarea normelor interne ale Bancii si/sau ale prevederilor legale in vigoare. | 5.13 The Bank is entitled to refuse the execution of the transactions ordered by the Client and/or to terminate the relationship with the Client, in cases of false statements, or should it have any doubts regarding the truthfulness of the stated facts, or of the documents provided by the Client, as well as in cases where the transactions were ordered without following the internal regulations of the Bank and/or the legal provisions in force. |
5.14 Operatiunile de plata interbancare (incasari/ plati) se vor efectua in conformitate cu instructiunile din mesajul de plata si cu prevederile CGA. In cazul in care valuta creditarii/ debitarii este diferita de valuta contului Clientului indicat pentru incasare/ plata, Banca este imputernicita expres sa converteasca suma operatiunii de plata, la cursul de schimb practicat de catre Banca la data executarii operatiunii (creditare/debitare) in/din contul Clientului, astfel incat suma primita/ platita de catre Client sa fie creditata / debitata din contul indicat in Operatiunea de plata, conform prezentelor CGA. | 5.14 Inter-bank payment transactions (incomings/ outgoings) shall be executed in accordance with the payment instructions, or in the payment transaction, and with the provisions in the GBC. Should the crediting/debiting currency be different from the currency of the account of the Client having been designated for incomings/ outgoings purposes, the Bank is expressly authorised to convert the amount of the payment transaction, at the Bank’s exchange rate, applicable at execution date on the transaction (credit/debit) to/from the Client’s account, so that the amount to be received/paid by the Client to be credited/debited in/from the account as designated within the payment transaction, according to the present GBC. |
5.15. Banca poate refuza accesul la Contul de plăți accesibil online din motive justificate în mod obiectiv, legate de accesarea neautorizată sau frauduloasă a Contului de plăți accesibil online de către un Prestator de servicii terț, inclusiv de inițierea neautorizată sau frauduloasă a unei Operațiuni de plată. În aceste cazuri, în măsura în care este posibil, Banca informează Clientul plătitor, dacă este posibil, înainte de refuzarea accesului și cel mai târziu imediat după aceasta, telefonic sau printr-un mijloc de comunicare electronică (BussinesNet, e-mail, SMS etc.) că accesul la Contul de plăți este refuzat și motivele acestui refuz, cu excepția cazului în care furnizarea unor astfel de informații ar compromite motivele de siguranță justificate în mod obiectiv sau este interzisă de lege. Banca permite accesul la Contul de plăți odată ce motivele de refuz încetează să mai existe. | 5.15 The Bank may refuse access to the Online Payment account for objectively justified reasons related to the unauthorized or fraudulent access of the Online Payment account by a TPP. In such cases, as far as possible, the Bank shall inform the Client, where possible, before denying access and at the latest, immediately after, by phone or through electronic communication means (BusinessNet, e-mail, SMS, etc), that access to the Online Payment account is denied providing the reasons for such refusal, unless the provision of such information would compromise the security reasons objectively justified or it is prohibited by law. The Bank will allow access to the Online Payment account once the reasons for the refusal cease to exist. |
Art.6 Operatiuni fara acceptul Clientului | Art.6 Transactions without Client’s approval |
(1) Banca are dreptul de a efectua operatiuni pe conturile Clientului fara permisiunea acestuia, in urmatoarele situatii: (a) in baza unui titlu executoriu emis de catre un organ de executare; (b) in baza unui document emis de catre organele abilitate conform legii in acest sens, procedand la blocarea conturilor; (c) plati pentru datorii scadente (comisioane, taxe, dobanzi, speze bancare, descoperit de cont, inclusiv neautorizat, credite restante etc.) si pentru alte angajamente asumate anterior de Client fata de Banca; (d) stornari ale operatiunilor efectuate eronat, precum si a celor efectuate cu mentiunea “sub rezerva” (cu documente justificative anexate la extras); (e) in situatia mentionata in art. 19 alin. (2); (f) orice alte cazuri prevazute de lege. | (1) The Bank is entitled to execute transactions on the Client’s account without approval from the same in the following cases: (a) based on an writ of execution issued by a foreclosing body; (b) based on a document issued by the bodies being authorised under the law for such purpose, by blocking the accounts; (c) payments for due debts (fees, charges, interests, bank costs, overdraft, including unauthorized overdraft, overdue loans, etc.), and for other commitments having previously been undertaken by the Client towards the Bank; (d) reversal of incorrectly executed transactions, as well as of those executed with the mention “with reserves" (with supporting documents attached to the statement of account); (e) in the situation described under art. 19 para. (2); (f) any other cases provided for by the law. |
(2) In oricare din cazurile de mai sus, la sesizarea platitorului, a prestatorului de servicii de plata al platitorului, a adevaratului beneficiar sau in urma descoperirii erorii/ situatiei respective de catre Banca, Banca va avea dreptul de a debita/ credita contul Clientului cu sumele respective (inclusiv dobanzile aferente). | (2) In any of the cases above, by request from the payer, from the payer’s payment services provider, from the real beneficiary, or following the discovery of the error/ the respective case by the Bank, the Bank shall be entitled to debit/credit the account of the Client with the relevant amounts (including the related interests). |
(3) Daca Clientul are debite fata de Banca, din orice motiv (operatiuni curente, credite, descoperit de cont, inclusiv neautorizat etc.), Banca este autorizata irevocabil si neconditionat sa stinga aceste datorii prin: (i) debitarea oricarui cont deschis de Client la Banca cu prioritate fata de orice instructiune de transfer/ plata a Clientului, sau (ii) retinerea din orice sume datorate de Banca Clientului, fara a fi necesara permisiunea prealabila a Clientului. In acest caz, daca se debiteaza un cont al Clientului denominat intr-o alta valuta decat valuta datoriei catre Banca, Banca va efectua schimbul valutar utilizand cursul de schimb al Bancii practicat la momentul efectuarii conversiei. In cazul indisponibilizarii soldului unui cont in temeiul unui titlu executoriu, sumele blocate pot fi transferate de catre Banca intr-un cont special la dispozitia organului de executare numai in situatia in care sunt | (3) Should the Client have debts towards the Bank for any reason (current operations, loans, overdraft, including unauthorized overdraft etc.), the Bank is irrevocably and unconditionally authorized to cover such debts by: (i) debiting any account opened by the Client with the Bank with priority to any transfer/ payment instruction of the Client, or (ii) by set-off and withholding them from any amounts due by Bank to the Client, with no need for prior consent from the Client. In such event, should an account of the Client that is denominated in a currency other than the currency of the debt towards the Bank be debited, the Bank shall perform the currency exchange using the exchange rate of the Bank that is valid at the time of performing the conversion. Should the balance of an account be blocked based on an enforceable deed the blocked amounts may only be transferred by the Bank to a special account, made available to the enforcement body, in the case where |
cel xxxxx egale cu sumele mentionate in titlul executoriu si comisioanele aferente platii si/sau in situatia in care s- a dispus suspendarea executarii respectivului titlu executoriu. In situatia in care contul curent/de plati nu este deschis in moneda in care trebuie efectuata plata conform titlului executoriu, Banca are dreptul sa deschida unul sau mai multe conturi de speciale in functie de valutele in care trebuie efectuata aceasta plata. Urmare a acestei operatiuni, restul disponibilului va ramane in conturile Clientului si va putea fi utilizat de catre Client. Sumele indisponibilizate in temeiul unui titlu executoriu nu sunt purtatoare de dobanzi. | they are at least equal to the amounts being mentioned in the enforceable deed and the charges related to the payment, and/or in the case where suspension of the enforcement of such enforceable deed was ordered. In case the current/payment account is not opened in the payment currency according to the enforcement deed, the Bank is entitled to open one or more special accounts depending on the currencies in which such payment shall be done. As result of such operation the remainder of the cash shall remain in the accounts of the Client and may be used by the Client. The amounts being blocked based on an enforceable deed do not bear interests. |
Art.7 Dreptul de creanta | Art.7 Receivables |
Banca are dreptul, iar Clientul renunta la orice drept pe care l-ar putea avea in acest sens, sa compenseze orice pretentie, creanta pe care o are fata de Client, cu orice contra-pretentie, creanta a Clientului fata de Banca, indiferent de moneda in care este exprimata o astfel de pretentie, sau creanta. Pretentiile exprimate in valute diferite vor fi compensate la cursul de schimb al Bancii de la data efectuarii compensarii, dupa caz. | The Bank is entitled, and the Client waives any right it may hold in such respect, to settle any claim, receivable it has against the Client, with any counter-claim, receivable of the Client against the Bank, notwithstanding the currency such a claim, or receivable, is expressed in. The claims being expressed in different currencies shall be settled at the exchange rate of the Bank on the settlement date, as appropriate. |
Art.8 Extrasul de cont | Art.8 Statement of account |
(1) Banca va emite si transmite/pune la dispozitia Clientului extrasul de cont in forma si prin mijloacele agreate cu acesta. | (1) The Bank issues and transmits / makes available to the Client the account statement in the form and means agreed with it. |
(2) Extrasul de cont emis de Banca reprezinta dovada deplina fata de Client cu privire la sumele si rulajele aferente disponibilitatilor banesti ale acestuia. | (2) The statement of account issued by the Bank shall represent the complete evidence to the Client in respect of the amounts and cash-flows. |
(3) Banca este exonerata de raspundere pentru eventualele deficiente si/sau erori ce ar putea sa apara in procesul de transmitere a extraselor de cont, conform optiunii Clientului. | (3) The Bank is exonerated from liability for the possible deficiencies and/or errors that might occur within the process of delivering the statements of account according to the option of the Client. |
(4) Clientul are obligatia sa verifice informatiile cuprinse in extrasul de cont. | (4) The Client has the obligation to check the information included to the statement of account. |
Art.9 Comisioane si taxe | Art.9 Fees and charges |
(1) Pentru serviciile acordate (inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la, pentru furnizarea de date suplimentare, SWIFT, Routing Code ale prestatorilor de plata ai beneficiarilor platilor dispuse de Client, transformarea numarului de cont furnizat de Client in cod IBAN, atunci cand operatiunea de plata necesita furnizarea codului IBAN), Banca percepe dobanzi, comisioane, speze, taxe, conform legislatiei in vigoare si a tarifelor Bancii, cu exceptia situatiilor in care exista conventii prin care s-au stabilit alte niveluri ale acestora. Clientul suporta comisioanele aferente serviciilor prestate de catre Banca, indiferent de relatiile comerciale derulate intre Client si terte parti. | (1) For the provided services (including, but not limited to, for further data provision, SWIFT, Routing Code of the payee’s payment services providers, the switching of the account number provided by the Client to an IBAN code, whenever the payment transaction requires an IBAN code to be provided) the Bank charges interests, fees, costs, charges under the legislation in force, and under the rates of the Bank, except for cases where there are in place agreements by means of which other levels of the same were set. The Client shall pay the fees related to the services having been provided by the Bank notwithstanding the business relationship between the Client and third parties. |
(2) Banca si Clientul pot conveni asupra pretului total pentru furnizarea, la cererea acestuia, de informatii suplimentare sau intr-un mod mai frecvent sau prin alte | (2) The Bank and the Client may agree about the total price for supplying, at the Consumer’s request, additional information or in a frequent manner or through any other |
mijloace de comunicare decat cele specificate in contractul-cadru. | communication means specific to the Specific agreement. |
(3) Operatiunile bancare speciale/ suplimentare, precum si cele care nu sunt prevazute in tarifele Bancii, se taxeaza suplimentar prin asimilarea cu operatiuni asemanatoare sau, in cazul in care nu se pot asimila, prin negociere cu Clientul solicitant al serviciului respectiv. | (3) The special/additional banking operations, as well as those that are not provided for in the rates of the Bank, shall be additionally charged by assimilating them with similar transactions, or in the event they cannot be assimilated, by negotiation with the Client having requested such service. |
(4) Banca este indreptatita sa modifice nivelul dobanzilor, comisioanelor, spezelor si taxelor, in conditiile legii si/sau in corelatie directa cu costurile sale reale privind serviciile prestate sau a costurilor de finantare si/sau in conformitate cu Contractele specifice incheiate cu Clientul. | (4) The Bank is entitled to change the level of the interests, fees, costs, and charges, under the conditions in the law and/or in direct correlation with the real costs regarding the services rendered or the financing costs and/or in accordance with the Specific Agreements having been concluded with the Client. |
(5) Orice modificare (incluzand, dar fara a se limita la, introducerea unor penalitati, comisioane, speze, taxe ori alte costuri noi) privind dobanzile, comisioanele, spezele si taxele vor fi aduse la cunostinta Clientului in timp util, prin mailing direct si/sau postare la sediile unitatilor bancare si/sau postare pe site-ul Bancii si/sau prin orice alta modalitate agreata de comun acord cu Clientul. | (5) Any change (including, but not limited to, the implementing of penalties, fees, bank costs, charges, or other new costs) to the interests, fees, bank costs, and charges shall be timely notified to the Client, by direct mailing and/or by posting in the Bank’s territorial units and/or by posting on the bank’s site and/or by any other means agreed with the Client... |
(6) In plus fata de dobanzile, taxele si comisioanele mentionate in prezentul articol 9, Clientul suporta si cheltuielile extraordinare, in special taxele de timbru si taxele legale, timbru judiciar, impozitele, costurile aferente asigurarilor si reprezentarilor legale, costul comunicatiilor telefonice, telegrafice si prin telex, ca si taxele postale platite in cursul relatiilor de afaceri. Banca poate incasa de la Client toate aceste sume intr- o singura transa, fara a fi obligata sa emita o situatie detaliata a cheltuielilor. | (6) Besides the interests, charges, and fees as mentioned within the present article 9, the Client shall also bear the extraordinary expenses, particularly stamp duties and legal charges, legal stamp, taxes, costs related to insurances and legal representation, the cost of telephone, telegraph and telex communications, as well as postal charges paid during the business relationship. The Bank may collect all such amounts from the Client in a single instalment, without obligation to issue a detailed statement of expenses. |
(7) Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a calcula si percepe pentru orice sume datorate si neachitate de catre Client la scadenta (inclusiv comisioane si taxe) o dobanda egala cu cea aplicabila unui descoperit de cont neautorizat. | (7) The Bank reserves the right to calculate and charge for any amounts owed, and unpaid by the Client on their due dates (including fees and charges) an interest equal to the one that is applicable for an unauthorised overdraft). |
(8) Banca are dreptul sa debiteze conturile Clientului, fara permisiunea prealabila a acestuia, cu sumele reprezentand taxe si/sau impozite aferente operatiunilor/ documentelor ordonate/ primite de la/ pentru Client. In cazul in care acest lucru nu este posibil, Banca are dreptul de a nu efectua operatiunea si de a returna documentele. | (8) The Bank is entitled to debit the accounts of the Client, without the latter prior consent, with the amounts representing duties and/or taxes related to the operations/ documents ordered by/ received from/for the Client. If this is not possible, the Bank is entitled not to perform the operation, and return the documents. |
(9) Clientul va despagubi integral Banca pentru orice costuri, cheltuieli si alte obligatii pe care Banca trebuie sa le suporte in cadrul procedurilor judiciare si extrajudiciare, in cazul in care Banca devine parte in proceduri legale si dispute dintre Client si o terta parte. | (9) The Client shall completely indemnify the Bank for any costs, expenses, and other liabilities the Bank has to bear within the legal and extra-legal procedures should the Bank become a party in legal procedures and dispute between the Client and a third party. |
(10) Toate comisioanele platibile in alta valuta decat cea exprimata in Lista de comisioane se vor calcula si percepe folosind cursul de schimb al Bancii la data debitarii contului. | (10) All of the fees that are payable in a currency other than the one as specified within the Fees List shall be calculated and charged using the exchange rate of the Bank on the account debiting date. |
(11) Orice suma platibila de Client Bancii conform prezentului articol va putea fi debitata de Banca din orice cont al Clientului. | (11) Any amount that is payable by the Client to the Bank according to the present article may be debited by the Bank from any account of the Client. |
Art.10 Reclamatii | Art.10 Complaints |
(1) Reclamatiile cu privire la informatiile evidentiate in extrasul de cont, altele decat cele privind operatiunile de plata neautorizate sau executate incorect, precum si cu privire la orice alta comunicare a Bancii trebuie notificate Bancii in scris, in maxim 5 zile de la data comunicarii extrasului de cont in forma agreata/ comunicarii respective. Lipsa unei notificari in termenul mentionat va fi considerata ca acceptare tacita din partea Clientului a continutului respectivului extras/ respectivei comunicari, decazandu-l in acelasi timp din dreptul de contestatie ulterioara. | (1) The complaints regarding the information in the statement of account, other than that regarding unauthorized or incorrectly executed payment transactions, as well as those regarding any other notice from the Bank, need to be notified to the Bank in writing within maximum 5 days after the statement of account/ the relevant notice was delivered in the agreed form. The failure to notify within the mentioned term shall be considered a silent acceptance by the Client of the content of such statement of account/ notice, decaying him from the right of ulterior appeal. |
(2) Banca nu este obligata sa informeze Clientul cu privire la efectuarea oricarei tranzactii. | (2) The Bank is not obliged to notify the Client about the performance of any transaction. |
(3) In cazul unei operatiuni de plata neautorizate sau executate incorect, inclusiv in cazul operatiunilor de plata initiate printr-un Prestator tert de servicii de inițiere a plății, Clientul are obligatia sa notifice deindata Banca, fara intarziere nejustificata, dar nu mai tarziu de 3 luni de la data debitarii, asupra faptului ca a constatat o operatiune de plata neautorizata sau executata incorect, care da nastere unei plangeri. (4) In termen de maxim 15 zile lucratoare de la data primirii unei reclamatii în legătură cu o operatiune de plata , Banca: (i) va transmite un raspuns Clientului sau (ii) in situatii exceptionale in care raspunsul nu poate fi transmis in termenul mai sus mentionat, va comunica Clientului un răspuns provizoriu, care să indice în mod clar motivele pentru care răspunsul la plângere va ajunge cu întârziere si cu precizarea termenului de trasmitere a raspunsului definitiv, fara ca acesta sa depaseasca de 35 de zile lucrătoare. | (3) In the event of an unauthorized or incorrectly executed payment transaction, including Payment transactions initiated via a Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP), the Client has the obligation to immediately notify the Bank, without unjustified delay, not later than 3 months after the debiting date, about the fact that it has found an unauthorized or incorrectly executed payment transaction that led to a complaint. (4) Within no more than 15 business days from receipt of a complaint in connection with a payment transaction, the Bank shall: (i) provide a response to the Client; or (ii) in exceptional circumstances where the response can’t be sent within the above-mentioned deadline, shall communicate to the Client a provisional response, indicating the reasons why the response to the complaint will be delayed and the deadline for the final reply, without exceeding 35 working days. |
Art.11 Incetarea dreptului de a efectua operatiuni pe cont | Art.11 Termination of the right to perform account operations |
(1) In cazul decesului reprezentantului/ imputernicitului legal al Clientului, acesta (Clientul) va notifica de indata Banca si va modifica in mod corespunzator fisa specimenelor de semnatura. | (1) In the event of the Client’s legal representative death, the Client shall immediately notify the Bank and it shall accordingly modify the signature specimen. |
(2) In cazul in care, din motive interne ce tin strict de vointa Clientului, dreptul de semnatura al reprezentantului/imputernicitului legal al Clientului este retras, Clientul va notifica de indata Banca, va depune documentele justificative in acest sens si va reface fisa specimenelor de semnatura. | (2) If the Client’s legal representative signature right is withdrawn due to the Client’s internal reasons, the Client shall immediately notify the Bank, it shall provide the justifying documents and it shall present a new signature specimen. |
(3) Lipsa notificarii Bancii si/sau nedepunerea documentelor justificative conform prevederilor legale, aferente modificarilor de mai sus, exonereaza Banca de orice raspundere. | (3) The Bank shall be in no case liable, if the above- mentioned notification and/or justifying documents are not presented. |
(4) Persoanelor care primesc, pe baza unor documente legale, dreptul de a dispune de sumele existente in conturile deschise la Banca, li se va permite sa beneficieze de acest drept la prezentarea documentelor respective (in original sau in copie legalizata de un | (4) The persons that receive, based on legal documents, the right to dispose of the amounts in the accounts opened with the Bank shall be allowed to benefit from such right upon producing the relevant documents (in original, or in copy having been certified by a Notary |
Notar Public, consulat, grefa instantei emitente, dupa caz). | Public, a consulate, a clerk of the issuing court, as appropriate). |
II. Derularea relatiilor de afaceri | II. Carrying-on of the business relationship |
Art.12 Circuitul documentelor | Art.12 Documents flow |
(1) Banca nu isi asuma nicio raspundere pentru autenticitatea, validitatea sau caracterul complet al documentelor si nici pentru efectele adverse care ar putea aparea ca urmare a utilizarii unor materiale nepotrivite, nici pentru interpretarea sau traducerea incorecta a acestor documente, si nici pentru tipul, cantitatea sau natura bunurilor care ar putea fi mentionate in aceste documente. | (1) The Bank undertakes no liability for the authenticity, the validity, or the completeness of the documents or for the adverse effects that could occur as result of using improper materials, or for the incorrect construction or translation of such documents, or for the type, the quantity, or the nature of the goods that could be mentioned within such documents. |
(2) Documentele emise de o autoritate straina prezentate Bancii, cum ar fi acte de identitate sau autorizatii vor fi examinate cu diligenta de catre Banca. Totusi, Banca nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate in ceea ce priveste autenticitatea acestora. | (2) The documents issued by a foreign authority being submitted to the Bank, such as identity documents or authorisations, shall be diligently examined by the Bank. However, the Bank undertakes no liability for the authenticity of the same. |
(3) Banca nu este obligata sa verifice autenticitatea, caracterul complet sau validitatea unor documente redactate in limba romana sau intr-o limba straina care privesc numirea judecatorilor sindici sau a altor administratori. | (3) The Bank shall not be bound to check the authenticity, the completeness, or the validity of documents having been prepared in Romanian, or in a foreign language, that regard the appointment of bankruptcy judges or of other executors/ administrators. |
(4) Clientul va suporta orice pierdere curenta sau viitoare datorata falsificarii, nevalabilitatii legale sau interpretarii si/sau traducerii incorecte a unor astfel de documente transmise Bancii. | (4) The Client shall bear any current or future loss due to forgery, legal invalidity, or misinterpretation, and/or wrong translation of such documents being delivered to the Bank. |
Art.13 Comunicari ale Bancii catre Client | Art.13 Bank’s notices to the Client |
(1) Prin comunicari se intelege transmiterea de catre Banca a oricarui document, informatie, notificare (inclusiv extras de cont) catre Client, in executarea prezentelor CGA si/sau a contractelor specifice, prin mijloacele de comunicatie stabilite de comun acord in CGA sau Contractele specifice, care cuprind si cerintele tehnice ale echipamentelor necesare, daca este cazul. | (1) By notices there is understood the delivery by the Bank of any document, information, notice (including a statement of account) to the Client, in performing under the present GBC, and/or under the Specific Agreements, by means of the communication means as mutually agreed upon within these GBC, or within the Specific Agreements, which may also include the technical requirements for the required equipment, if any. |
(2) Comunicarile scrise ale Bancii sunt considerate primite de catre Client, dupa perioada de timp normala conform circuitului postei pentru receptia respectivelor comunicari, daca acestea au fost expediate la ultima adresa notificata Bancii de catre Client, chiar daca adresa respectiva este a unui tert indreptatit sa primeasca corespondenta. | (2) The written notices from the Bank shall be deemed received by the Client after the regular time period as required according to the postal circuit in order to receive such notices, should the same have been sent by the Client at the latest notified address of the Bank, even though such address may belong to a third party that is entitled to receive the mail. |
(3) Expedierea se considera indeplinita daca Banca intra in posesia unei confirmari de orice fel, a unei copii a scrisorii in discutie, purtand semnatura in original a Clientului sau a reprezentantilor acestuia, sau daca primirea este confirmata printr-o confirmare de primire emisa de posta sau de un serviciu de curierat rapid, dupa caz. | (3) The sending shall be deemed accomplished should the Bank receive any kind of acknowledgement, a copy of the relevant letter bearing the original signature of the Client, or of the representatives of the same, or the receipt be acknowledged by means of the acknowledgement of receipt issued by the postal office or by an express courier service, as appropriate. |
(4) Banca poate folosi orice mijloc de comunicare (scrisori, telefon, fax, SMS, posta electronica – e-mail, afisare la sediile unitatilor teritoriale etc.) pentru a informa Clientul, referitor la orice aspect, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la, refuzul accesului la contul accesibil online al Clientului prin intermediul unui Prestator de | (4) The Bank may use any means of communication (letters, telephone, fax, SMS, electronic mail – e-mail, posting at the offices of the territorial units) in order to notify the Client about any issue, including, but not limited to the refusal to of access to the Client’s Online Payment account through an Account Information Service Provider |
Servicii de informare cu privire la conturi sau de către un Prestator de servicii de inițiere a platii, in conditiile acestui document si al prevederilor legale. | (ASIP) or by a Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP) under the terms of this document and legal provisions. |
(5) Banca nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate in ceea ce priveste efectele si consecintele de orice natura decurgand din utilizarea vreunui mijloc de comunicatie pentru transmiterea catre Client a oricaror comunicari, precum si din intarzierea, nereceptionarea, deteriorarea, pierderea sau din alte erori de transmisie a mesajelor, scrisorilor sau documentelor, inclusiv a celor ce se refera la operatiuni de decontare inter si intra bancare. | (5) The Bank undertakes no responsibility as regards the effects and the consequences of any nature to result from the use of any means of communication in order to deliver to the Client any notices, as well as from the delay, the non-receiving, damaging, loss, or other errors in transmitting messages, letters, or documents, including those referring to inter- and intra-banking settlement operations. |
(6) Clientul se obliga sa isi ridice corespondenta de la Banca intr-un timp rezonabil, in caz contrar, Banca putand distruge orice corespondenta neridicata de Client in timp de 3 luni de la data emiterii. | (6) The Client binds itself to pick up the mail from the Bank within a reasonable time period otherwise the Bank may destroy any mail to have not been picked up by the Client 3 months after its issue date. |
Art.14 Autorizarea operatiunilor de plata. Revocare | Art.14 Authorising payment operations. Revocation |
(1) Pentru a da curs instructiunii Clientului, operatiunea de plata trebuie sa fie autorizata inainte de executarea sa, respectiv Clientul si-a exprimat consimtamantul pentru executarea respectivei operatiuni de plata, in forma agreata cu Banca. | (1) In order to proceed with a direction from the Client, the payment transaction needs to be authorised before its execution, respectively the Client has expressed his-/her- /its consent to execute the relevant payment transaction, in the form as agreed upon with the Bank. |
(2) Consimtamantul consta in: (a) pentru operatiunile pe suport hartie – semnatura olografa a Clientului/ mandatarului/ imputernicitului pe cont, conform specimenului de semnaturi, anexa la contractul de deschidere de cont; (b) pentru operatiunile dispuse prin diferite mijloace de comunicatie (fax, telefon etc.), precum si pentru operatiunile dispuse prin alte instrumente de plata (BusinessNet, card, Debitare Directa, etc.) – conform Contractelor specifice incheiate intre Client si Banca. | (2) The consent consists of: (a) for hard copy transactions – the handwritten signature of the Client/ attorney in fact/ authorised person by the account, according to the signature specimen as attached to the account opening agreement; (b) for transactions being ordered through various means of communication (fax, telephone, etc.), as well as for transactions ordered through other payment instruments (BussinesNet, card, Direct Debit etc.) – according to the Specific Agreements having been concluded between the Client and the Bank. |
(3) Clientul isi poate retrage consimtamantul in orice moment, dar inainte de momentul primirii de catre Banca a ordinului de plata, conform art.16 de mai jos. | (3) The Client may withdraw its consent at any time, provided that such time is before the Bank receives the payment order under art.16 below. |
(4) Consimtamantul exprimat pentru executarea mai multor operatiuni de plata poate fi retras in scris sau prin alte mijloace de comunicatie, daca au fost agreate expres, de catre Client, iar orice operatiune de plata viitoare este considerata neautorizata. | (4) A consent to execute a series of payment transactions may be withdrawn in writing, or by other communication means if the same were expressly agreed upon by the Client, and any future payment transaction shall be deemed unauthorized. |
(5) Retragerea consimtamantului intra in vigoare in Ziua lucratoare urmatoare zilei in care Banca primeste revocarea. | (5) The withdrawal of the consent comes into force on the Business Day after the day the Bank has received the revocation. |
(6) Clientul nu poate revoca un ordin de plata dupa ce acesta a fost primit de catre Banca. In cazul in care Clientul si Banca au convenit ca executarea ordinului de plata sa inceapa la o data ulterioara convenita, Clientul poate revoca ordinul de plata pana cel mai tarziu la sfarsitul P de lucru cu publicul al Bancii din ziua lucratoare care precede ziua convenita pentru debitarea fondurilor. | (6) The Client may not revoke a payment order once it has been received by the Bank. Should the Client and the Bank have agreed for the execution of a payment order to start on a subsequent date as agreed upon, the Client may revoke the payment order at latest by the end of the Public Working Hours on the Business Day preceding the day having been agreed upon for funds debiting purposes. |
(7) In cazul in care operatiunea de plata este initiata printr-un Prestator tert de servicii de initiere a platii sau de catre beneficiarul platii sau prin intermediul beneficiarului platii, Clientul nu poate revoca ordinul de plata dupa transmiterea acestuia sau dupa exprimarea | (7) Where the payment transaction is to be initiated by or through the payee, the Client may not revoke the payment order after transmitting the payment order or after giving the consent to execute the payment transaction. By way of exception, in the event of a direct |
consimtamantului sau de executare a operatiunii de plata catre Prestatorul tert de Servicii de initiere a platii pentru a initia Operatiunea de plata sau dupa acordarea consimtamantului catre beneficiarul platii. Prin exceptie, in cazul unei debitari directe, Clientul poate revoca ordinul de plata, fara a aduce atingere drepturilor de rambursare, pana cel mai tarziu la sfarsitul Programului de lucru cu publicul al Bancii din Ziua lucratoare care precede ziua convenita pentru debitarea fondurilor. | debiting, the Client may revoke the payment order without impairing his/her/its rights to be reimbursed, at latest by the end of the Public Working Hours on the Business Day preceding the day having been agreed upon for funds debiting purposes. |
(8) Operatiunea de plata poate fi revocata si ulterior termenelor de la punctele (6) si (7) de mai sus, daca este posibil si daca Banca si Clientul agreeaza in mod expres in acest sens prin acord scris. In cazul prevazut la punctul (7) este necesar si acordul beneficiarului platii. In aceste situatii, Clientul va achita Bancii comisionul de revocare, conform Contractului- cadru/Contractului specific incheiat si/sau Listei de comisioane a Bancii. | (8) The payment transaction may also be revoked subsequent to the terms under items (6) and (7) above, if possible and if the Bank and the Client expressly agree upon such action by means of a written agreement. In the case that is provided for under item (7) the approval from the payee shall also be required. In such cases, the Client shall pay to the Bank the revocation fee under the Framework Agreement/Specific Agreement having been concluded, and/or under the Fees List of the Bank. |
(9) Revocarea trebuie efectuata si transmisa Bancii in scris sau prin intermediul mijlocului de comunicatie agreat printr-un Contract specific. | (9) The revocation needs to be prepared and delivered to the Bank in writing, or through the communication means as agreed upon by means of a Specific Agreement. |
(10) Clientul care foloseste un instrument de plata are urmatoarele obligatii: (a) sa utilizeze instrumentul de plata in conformitate cu termenii care reglementeaza emiterea si utilizarea acestuia si, de indata ce Clientul primeste un instrument de plata, acesta, in mod special, ia toate masurile rezonabile pentru a pastra elementele de securitate personalizate in siguranta impotriva utilizarii neautorizate a instrumentului de plata; (b) sa notifice Banca sau entitatea desemnata de aceasta, fara intarziere, de indata ce ia cunostinta de pierderea, furtul, folosirea fara drept a instrumentului sau de plata sau de orice alta utilizare neautorizata a acestuia, conform prezentelor CGA si/ sau a Contractelor specifice. | (10) The Client using a payment instrument has the following obligations: (a) to use the payment instrument in accordance with the terms governing the issue and the use of the payment instrument, and as soon as the Client receives a payment instrument, the same shall especially take all reasonable methods to keep the personalised security features safe from any unauthorised use of the payment instrument; (b) to notify the Bank, or the entity having been appointed by the latter, without delay, as soon as he/she/it has become aware of loss, theft, use without entitlement of his/her/its payment instrument, or any other unauthorised use of the same, according to the present GBC and/or to the Specific Agreements. |
(11) Prin metode rezonabile se inteleg masurile identificate in Contractele specifice fiecarui instrument de plata, precum si in prezentele CGA. | (11) By reasonable methods there are understood the actions as identified within the Specific Agreements for each and every payment instrument, as well as within the present GBC. |
Art.15 Blocarea instrumentelor de plata | Art.15 Blocking of payment instruments |
(1) Banca are dreptul de a bloca instrumentul de plata din motive justificate in mod obiectiv, legate de: a) securitatea instrumentului de plata, b) de o suspiciune de utilizare neautorizata sau frauduloasa a acestuia sau c) in cazul unui instrument de plata cu o linie de credit, de un risc sporit in mod semnificativ ca platitorul sa fie in incapacitatea de a se achita de obligatia de plata. | (1) The Bank is entitled to block the payment instrument for objectively justified reasons related to: a) the security of the payment instrument, b) the suspicion of unauthorised or fraudulent use of the payment instrument or c) in the case of a payment instrument with a credit line, a significantly increased risk that the payer may be unable to fulfil its liability to pay. |
(2) In aceste cazuri, Banca informeaza Clientul, in modul convenit in Contractele specifice si/sau prezentele CGA, in legatura cu blocarea instrumentului de plata si cu motivele acestui blocaj, daca este posibil, inainte de blocare si, cel mai tarziu, imediat dupa blocarea acestuia. Banca nu are obligatia informarii daca astfel se aduce atingere motivelor de siguranta justificate in mod obiectiv sau este interzisa de alte dispozitii legislative relevante. | (2) In such cases, the Bank shall inform the Client in the manner, as agreed upon within the Specific Agreements and/or the present GBC, of the blocking of the payment instrument and the reasons for it, if possible before the blocking and at the latest immediately thereafter. The Bank shall have no obligation to inform should such action impair the objectively justified security reasons, or be prohibited by other relevant legislative provisions. |
(3) Banca deblocheaza instrumentul de plata sau il inlocuieste cu un nou instrument de plata, dupa caz, odata ce motivele de blocare inceteaza sa mai existe. | (3) The Bank shall unblock the payment instrument or replace it with a new payment instrument, as appropriate, once the reasons for the blocking no longer exist. |
Art.16 Acceptarea si executarea instructiunilor Clientului | Art.16 Acceptance of and performance under the Client’s instructions |
(1) Pentru fiecare ordin de plata, dupa momentul primirii, Banca emite o referinta care permite identificarea ordinului de plata. | (1) For each and every payment order, after receipt, the Bank shall issue a reference to allow identifying the payment order. |
(2) Momentul primirii reprezinta momentul in care Banca intra in posesia Ordinului de plata, transmis direct de catre Client sau indirect de catre sau prin intermediul unui beneficiar al platii.Ordinul de plata poate fi executat de catre Banca doar in urma verificarii conditiilor mentionate la art 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 (2) si 5.5 (1). . Stampila Bancii aplicata pe Ordinul de plata nu reprezinta acceptarea in vederea executarii, ci doar atesta primirea de catre Banca a instrumentului. | (2) The time of receipt is when the payment order, transmitted directly by the Customer or indirectly by or through a payee, is received by the Bank. The payment order can be executed by the Bank only after checking the requirements as mentioned under the art. 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 (2) and 5.5 (1) , The stamp of the Bank applied on the payment order does not represent the acceptance for execution purposes, but merely certifies the receipt by the Bank of the instrument. |
(3) In cazul in care Clientul si Banca au convenit ca executarea ordinului de plata sa inceapa la o data ulterioara convenita (intr-o anumita zi sau la sfarsitul unei anumite perioade sau in ziua in care Clientul a pus fonduri la dispozitia Bancii), momentul primirii se considera in ziua convenita. In cazul in care ziua convenita nu este o Zi lucratoare pentru Banca, ordinul de plata se considera primit in urmatoarea zi lucratoare. | (3) Should the Client and the Bank have agreed for the execution of the payment order to start on a subsequent date as agreed upon (on a specific day or at the end of a certain period or on the day on which the Client has set funds at the Bank’s disposal), the receipt time shall be deemed to be the agreed day. Should the agreed day be not a Business Day for the Bank, the payment order shall be considered received on the next Business Day. |
(4) Pentru orice instructiune primita dupa orele limita, asa cum sunt aduse la cunostinta Clientului de catre Banca, precum si intr-o zi care nu este lucratoare pentru Banca, ordinul de plata se considera receptionat in urmatoarea Zi lucratoare. | (4) For any instruction received after the cut-off time, as notified to the Client by the Bank, as well as on a day that is not a Business Day for the Bank, the payment order shall be considered received on the next Business Day. |
(5) Banca are la dispozitie o perioada rezonabila de timp in conformitate cu natura tranzactiei, cu prevederile legislatiei aplicabile si ale prezentelor CGA, pentru prelucrarea si executarea instructiunilor. Exceptiile legale relevante privind perioada rezonabila de timp se aplica in mod corespunzator Bancii. | (5) The Bank has a reasonable period of time available, in accordance with the nature of the transaction, with the provisions in the applicable legislation, and in the present GBC, for the processing of, and the execution under the instructions. The appropriate legal exceptions to the reasonable period of time available are applied accordingly to the Bank. |
(6) Ordinele de plata retiparite vor avea acelasi continut ca si originalele; toate clauzele prezentelor CGA sunt aplicabile in acest caz in aceeasi masura in care sunt aplicabile in cazul ordinului de plata original. | (6) Reprinted payment orders shall have the same content as the originals; all of the clauses in the present GBC are applicable in this case to the same extent they are applicable to the original payment order. |
(7) Diferentele provenind din rotunjiri rezultate in urma tranzactiilor in moneda Euro sau in alte monede liber convertibile, inclusiv lei, pentru operatiunile legate de dobanzi se fac la doua zecimale si pentru comisioane se fac la intreg, conform legislatiei in vigoare; ele vor fi suportate de catre Client. | (7) The differences from rounding operations to result from transactions with the Euro currency or with other freely convertible currencies, including Lei, for operations related to interests, shall be done with two decimals, and for fees/ charges they shall be done up (or down) to next figure, under the legislation in force; they shall be borne by the Client. |
(8) Banca isi rezerva dreptul ca, in cazul in care considera oportun, sa accepte in mod exceptional ordinele de schimb valutar/ plata care nu au forma standard prevazuta de Banca, iar Clientul autorizeaza Banca sa completeze formularul adecvat – pe baza ordinului Clientului – si sa semneze in numele sau. | (8) The Bank reserves the right to, should it so deem fit, exceptionally accept foreign exchange/ payment orders not in the standard form as provided for by the Bank, and the Client authorises the Bank to fill-in the proper form – based on the order from the Client – and to sign in its name. |
(9) Pentru orice operatiune care implica conversia intr-o alta valuta, cursul de schimb este cel practicat de Banca la momentul efectuarii schimbului valutar. | (9) For any transaction involving the conversion to another currency, the exchange rate shall be the one used by the Bank at the time of executing the foreign currency exchange. |
Art.17 Confirmari | Art.17 Acknowledgements |
(1) In cazul instructiunilor primite prin diferite mijloace de comunicatie, conform Contractelor specifice, Banca poate, ca masura de precautie, si inainte de executarea lor, sa solicite confirmarea lor de catre Client prin aceleasi mijloace de comunicatie sau prin mijloace de comunicatie diferite, pe cheltuiala Clientului, in functie de natura situatiei existente. | (1) In cases of instructions received by different means of communication according to the Specific Agreements, the Bank may, as a caution, and prior to carrying out the same, request them to be acknowledged by the Client by the same communication means or by different communication means, at the expense of the Client, depending on the nature of the situation in place. |
(2) Convorbirile telefonice purtate cu Banca de catre Client sau reprezentantii/ imputernicitii acestuia pot fi inregistrate, in vederea asigurarii unui nivel maxim de siguranta a tranzactiilor ordonate Bancii/ efectuate de catre Banca si vor putea fi folosite ca o dovada a tranzactiilor ordonate/ efectuate. Prin acceptarea si semnarea prezentelor CGA, Clientul isi exprima acordul asupra acestui principiu instituit de Banca. | (2) Any telephone conversations between the Bank and the Client or the representatives/attorneys-in-fact of the latter, may be recorded in order to provide a maximum level of safety for the transactions being ordered to/ performed by the Bank, and they may be used as a proof of the transactions having been ordered/ executed. By accepting and signing the present GBC, the Client expresses its consent with such principle established by the Bank. |
Art.18 Relatia cu tertii | Art.18 Relationship with third parties |
(1) Clientul intelege si accepta faptul ca serviciile Bancii pot fi efectuate de catre una sau mai multe companii afiliate Bancii sau de catre orice alta companie terta specializata sau de catre subcontractanti ai acestor companii. | (1) The Client understands and accepts the fact that the Bank’s services may be provided by one or several companies affiliated to the Bank or by any other specialised third party company or by subcontractors of such companies. |
(2) Banca nu va fi raspunzatoare fata de Client pentru alegerea si/sau activitatea acestor terte parti, daca Banca nu a actionat cu rea intentie sau nu a manifestat o grava neglijenta in selectarea tertei parti. | (2) The Bank shall not be liable towards the Client for the choice and/or the activity of such third parties should the Bank have not acted in bad faith, nor shown gross negligence in selecting such third party. |
Art.19 Incasari/ plati in orice valuta din/ in strainatate sau in valuta straina pe teritoriul Romaniei | Art.19 Incomings/ outgoings in any currency to/from abroad or in foreign currency within Romanian territory |
(1) In ceea ce priveste platile in orice valuta in strainatate sau in valuta straina pe teritoriul Romaniei, Banca va directiona Operatiunile de plata instructate de Client prin: (i) sistemele de plati prevazute de lege, unde este cazul, (ii) canalele de decontare la care este conectata sau reteaua sa de banci corespondente cu relatie de cont. | (1) Regarding payments in any currency to abroad or in foreign currency within Romanian territory, the Bank shall direct the Payment transactions instructed by the Client through: (i) the payment clearing systems as requested by the law, where applicable, (ii) the settlement channels to which it is connected or its network of correspondent banks with an account relationship. |
(2) Banca nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate cu privire la incasarile/ platile in orice valuta din/ in strainatate sau in valuta straina pe teritoriul Romaniei in urmatoarele cazuri: (a) suspendarea platilor, moratoriu asupra platilor sau sechestrarea sumelor de bani, blocarea sau întârzierea de către băncile corespondente cu relaţie de cont, de către băncile intermediare sau de către autorităţile din ţara acestora; (b) daca beneficiarul refuza incasarea; (c) lipsa informatiilor necesare pentru procesarea operatiunii. In cazul incasarilor in orice valuta din strainatate sau in valuta straina pe teritoriul Romaniei, daca Banca, cu buna-credinta intemeindu-se pe mesajul SWIFT transmis de catre prestatorul de servicii de plata | (2) The Bank does not undertake any responsibility for outgoings/ incomings in any currency to/from abroad or in foreign currency within Romanian territory in the following cases: (a) suspension of payments, moratorium on payments, or sequestration of the amounts of money, blocking or delaying by the correspondent banks with an account relationship, by the intermediary banks or by the authorities of their country; (b) should the payee decline collecting; (c) lack of information that is required in order to process the operation. In the case of incomings in any currency from abroad or in foreign currency within Romanian territory, if the Bank, acting with good-will based on the SWIFT message issued by the payment |
al platitorului, a creditat contul Clientului cu suma corespunzatoare operatiunii de incasare si intervin oricare dintre cazurile anterior-mentionate, aceasta are dreptul sa debiteze contul Clientului cu suma creditata. Daca, la momentul exercitarii acestui drept de catre Banca, soldul creditor al contului Clientului nu acopera aceasta suma, devin aplicabile prevederile art. 6 alin. (3). | services provider of the payer, has credited the Client’s account with the amount corresponding to the incoming payment and any of the previous mentioned cases occurred, then the Bank has the right to debit the Client’s account with the credited amount. If the credit standing on the Client’s account does not cover this amount at the moment the Bank is exercising its right, the provisions of art. 6 para. (3) becomes applicable. |
(3) Banca este exonerata de raspunderea fata de Client daca instructiunile pe care le transmite altor banci nu sunt indeplinite de acestea , chiar daca Banca a avut initiativa in alegerea acelei banci corespondente. | (3) The Bank shall be exonerated from the liability towards the Client should the instructions it delivers to other banks be not accomplished by them,, even though it may have had the initiative of the Bank in choosing such correspondent bank. |
(4) Intarzierea primirii avizelor de creditare de la bancile partenere cauzate de sarbatorile legale, de circuitul bancar extern sau de orice alte cauze neimputabile Bancii, nu reprezinta neindeplinirea de catre Banca a obligatiilor sale. | (4) Delays in receiving crediting notices from partner banks due to legal holidays, to the foreign banking circuit or to any other causes that cannot be assigned to the Bank shall not represent a failure of the Bank to fulfil its obligations. |
(5) Banca nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate privind valuta sau pierderile rezultate din schimbul valutar in tara de origine a bancii corespondente ce executa efectiv respectiva operatiune, care se supune legii locului. | (5) The Bank undertakes no responsibility regarding the currency or the losses to result from foreign exchange in the origin country of the correspondent bank that actually performs the relevant operation, which is subject to the law of such place. |
Art.20 Expedierea de hartii de valoare | Art.20 Dispatch of securities |
Daca nu primeste instructiuni contrare in scris, Banca poate ca, la alegerea sa, si in conformitate cu uzantele bancare, sa expedieze valorile, documentele, garantate sau negarantate, pe riscul Clientului, cu scrisoare recomandata sau prin trimitere prin posta cu valoare declarata la valoare mica. | Unless otherwise directed in writing, the Bank may at its own choice, and in compliance with the banking practices, dispatch the securities, the documents, whether secured or not, at the risk of the Client, by means of registered mail, or sending through declared value letters in declaring a low value. |
Art.21 Facilitati de credit | Art.21 Loan facilities |
(1) Banca poate acorda Clientului facilitati de credit, conform normelor proprii de creditare. | (1) The Bank may grant loan facilities to the Client under its own loan-granting rules. |
(2) Facilitatile de credit se acorda pe baza de contract specific incheiat cu Clientul. | (2) Loan facilities shall be granted based on a Specific Agreement concluded with the Client. |
(3) In vederea garantarii angajamentelor de plata de orice forma, Banca este indreptatita sa solicite Clientului garantii materiale (ipoteca, gaj etc), garantii personale, sau orice alte tipuri de garantii acceptate de catre Banca. | (3) In order to obtain guaranty for any type of payment commitments the Bank is entitled to request the Client to provide material securities (mortgage, pledge, etc.), personal securities, or any other type of securities that are accepted by the Bank. |
(4) La cererea Clientului, Banca poate emite scrisori de garantie. Returnarea catre Banca a originalului scrisorii de garantie, in cadrul valabilitatii acesteia, fie de catre Client, fie de catre beneficiarul acesteia, nu va fi considerata de catre Banca ca o descarcare a sa de obligatiile asumate prin respectiva scrisoare de garantie in absenta unei declaratii scrise a beneficiarului de eliberare a Bancii de sub angajament. Aceasta declaratie va fi semnata si stampilata angajant fie pe originalul scrisorii de garantie, fie pe un document separat; semnaturile beneficiarului trebuie sa fie confirmate de Banca beneficiarului ca fiind angajante. | (4) By request from the Client the Bank may issue letters of guaranty. The returning to the Bank of the original letter of guaranty, within the validity period of the same, by either the Client, or the beneficiary of the same, shall not be considered by the Bank a discharge of its obligations as undertaken by such letter of guaranty in absence of a written statement from the beneficiary that would release the Bank from its commitment. Such statement shall be binding signed and stamped either on the original letter of guaranty, or on a separate document; the signatures of the beneficiary need to be confirmed by the Bank of the beneficiary as binding. |
(5) Descoperit de cont. Banca poate decide, la discretia sa totala si in limitele permise de legislatia aplicabila, executarea operatiunilor de plata instructate de Client din contul indicat de acesta a caror suma depaseste soldul creditor al contului respectiv. In acest caz, simpla instructare a Bancii de catre Client pentru executarea operatiunii de plata are valoarea unei solicitari de acordare a unui credit neangajant in vederea executarii platii solicitate. Prin urmare: | (5) Overdraft. The Bank may decide, at its sole discretion and to the extent permitted by applicable law, to perform the payment operations instructed by the Client on the account indicated by the latter, with the amount that exceeds the credit balance on the respective account. In this case, the simple instruction of the Client toward the Bank to perform the payment transaction has the value of a request for granting an uncommitted loan for executing the payment requested; therefore: |
(i) prezentele CGA, cererea Clientului si extrasul de cont au valoarea juridica a unui contract de credit, constituind titlu executoriu, in acceptiunea legislatiei relevante aplicabile; | i) these GBC, Customer's request and the account statement have the legal value of a credit agreement, constituting an enforceable title, within the meaning of applicable law; |
(ii) Clientul are obligatia sa ramburseze Bancii aceste sume pana la finalul zilei in care are loc debitarea contului, iar in cazul neindeplinirii acestei obligatii si in absenta unei alte intelegeri, Clientul datoreaza Bancii alaturi de aceste sume si dobanda penalizatoare astfel cum este stabilita in Lista de comisioane a Bancii in vigoare la data respectiva. | ii) The Customer has the obligation to reimburse to the Bank these amounts until the end of the day the account is debited, and in case of not fulfillment of such obligation and in absence of other agreement, the Client owes to the Bank the above mentioned amounts together with the penalty interest as mentioned in the Bank's list of commissions in force at that respective date; |
III. Garantii | III. Security |
Art.22 Garantii | Art.22 Security |
(1) Banca are dreptul sa solicite Clientului sa furnizeze sau sa suplimenteze in mod corespunzator garantii acceptabile de catre Banca pentru toate obligatiile asumate de catre Client fata de Banca. Clientul are obligatia sa evalueze si/sau reevalueze garantiile mobiliare si imobiliare, constituite in favoarea Bancii prin Contractele specifice, anual si/ sau periodic si/ sau la cererea Bancii, si sa prezinte Bancii, in termenul stabilit/indicat, raportul de evaluare si/sau reevaluare, dupa caz, efectuat de catre un evaluator agreat de catre Banca, conform documentelor internationale si nationale care reglementeaza activitatea de buna practica in domeniul evaluarilor activelor corporale. In cazul in care Clientul nu isi indeplineste aceasta obligatie, acesta este de acord ca Banca sa efectueze pe cheltuiala clientului evaluarea si/sau reevaluarea, dupa caz, clientul obligandu-se sa permita accesul reprezentantilor Bancii si a evaluatorului in acest scop, prevederile alin. (9) de | (1) The Bank is entitled to request the Client to properly provide or supplement securities that are acceptable for the Bank for all of the obligations the Client has undertaken towards the Bank. The Client has the obligation to evaluate and/or to reevaluate the movable and immovable collaterals, established in favor of the Bank, according to the Specific Contracts, annually and/or periodically and/or on the Bank’s request and to provide to the Bank, within the established/indicated terms, the evaluation and/or reevaluation report, by case, made by an evaluator agreed by the Bank, according to the international and national documents which regulates the best practice activity in the area of tangible assets’ evaluation. If the Client does not comply with this obligation, the Client agrees that the Bank is entitled to perform, on the Client’s expense, the evaluation and/or reevaluation, by case and the Client undertake to allow the Bank’s representatives |
mai jos, fiind aplicabile. | and evaluators’ access, for this purpose, provisions of the point 9 from present article being applicable. |
(2) Bunurile sau valorile de orice fel (incluzand, dar fara a se limita la, soldul conturilor, valori mobiliare, cecuri, cambii, valuta, depozite colaterale, marfuri, conosamente, adeverinte de magazinaj si de depunere in consignatie, participatiuni la imprumuturi colective, drepturi de subscriere si drepturi de orice alt fel, inclusiv creante ale Clientului fata de Banca insasi) care au ajuns in posesia oricarui departament al Bancii sau care i-au fost incredintate acesteia cu titlu de garantie, sunt aduse in garantie in favoarea Bancii, in masura permisa de lege, in vederea garantarii oricaror pretentii prezente sau viitoare – inclusiv al acelora care nu sunt inca scadente – ale Bancii fata de Client, indiferent ca aceste pretentii provin dintr-un credit acordat Clientului, din garantii emise de catre Banca la cererea si pe socoteala Clientului (scrisori de garantie, avaluri), cambii scontate sau acceptate, acreditive, sau ca pretentiile Bancii fata de Client au rezultat din relatii de afaceri sau au fost transmise Bancii in legatura cu acestea. | (2) Any kind of assets or valuables (including, but not limited to, account balances, securities, cheques, bills of exchange, foreign currency, collateral deposits, merchandise, bills of landing, storage and consignation certificates, shares in joint loans, subscription rights, and rights of any other kind, including receivables of the Client against the Bank itself) to have been received by any department of the Bank, or to have been entrusted to the same as security, shall be made security in favour of the Bank to the extent allowed by law in order to obtain guaranty for any current or future claims - including those that are not yet due – of the Bank against the Client, notwithstanding that such claims may arise from a loan having been granted to the Client, from guaranties issued by the Bank by request from, and on the account of the Client (letters of guaranty, sureties), discounted or accepted bills of exchange, letters of credit, or that the claims of the Bank against the Client have resulted from a business relationship, or were transferred to the Bank in relation to the same. |
(3) Valorile mobiliare straine depozitate in Romania, pentru care nu s-au platit impozite, nu pot fi utilizate drept garantii. Banca poate, totusi, plati impozitele aferente respectivelor valori, in numele si pe seama Clientului din conturile acestuia, daca, pentru un motiv oarecare, valorile trebuie sa fie gajate, iar Clientul si-a exprimat consimtamantul in acest sens. | (3) Foreign securities deposited in Romania for which no taxes were paid may not be used as security. The Bank may however pay the taxes related to the relevant securities, in the name and on behalf of the Client from its current account, should such securities need to be pledged for any reason, and the Client gives its consent in the matter. |
(4) Activele aduse in garantie in favoarea Bancii, ca si proprietatile transferate sau drepturile cesionate cu titlu de garantie, servesc drept garantii pentru orice fel de pretentii ale Bancii fata de Client, in special pentru cele aferente unor credite acordate, inclusiv garantiile emise, imprumuturile, cambiile scontate sau acceptate si scrisorile de credit, in afara de cazul in care respectivele valori au fost in mod explicit excluse de la utilizarea lor pentru alte pretentii. | (4) The assets having been made security in favour of the Bank, as well as the transferred properties, or the rights having been assigned as security, shall serve as security for any claims of the Bank against the Client, and especially for those related to loans having been granted, including the issued guaranties, loans, discounted or accepted bills of exchange, and letters of credit, except for the case where such valuables were explicitly excluded from their use for other claims. |
(5) Banca poate suspenda executarea oricarei obligatii asumate fata de Client datorita neindeplinirii de catre Client a oricarei obligatii fata de Banca, chiar daca aceste obligatii nu sunt inca scadente si exigibile sau nu au la baza acelasi raport juridic. | (5) The Bank may suspend the performance of any obligation undertaken towards the Client as a result of the Client failing to fulfil any obligation towards the Bank, even though such obligations may be not yet due and payable, or may be not based on the same legal relation. |
(6) Clientul este obligat sa supravegheze pastrarea in siguranta a tuturor activelor, titlurilor, valorilor si drepturilor, cat si incasarea obligatiilor si productelor, care au fost aduse in garantie in favoarea Bancii si trebuie sa informeze Banca in consecinta. | (6) The Client is obliged to monitor the safekeeping of all of the assets, securities, valuables, and rights, as well as the collecting of the liabilities and products having been brought as security in favour of the Bank, and to keep the Bank informed about the same. |
(7) Clientul este de acord si convine sa incheie orice act sau formular solicitat de Banca in scopul inregistrarii garantiilor constituite de catre Client in favoarea Bancii, in baza prezentelor CGA. | (7) The Client consents and agrees to conclude any document or form as requested by the Bank for the purpose of registering the securities established by the Client in favour of the Bank based on the present GBC. |
(8) Daca Clientul nu-si indeplineste obligatiile la scadenta, sau nu prezinta sau nu majoreaza garantiile conform solicitarilor Bancii, Banca are dreptul de a valorifica oricare dintre garantii, in conditiile legii. In cazul existentei mai multor garantii, Banca poate alege oricare dintre ele la latitudinea sa. Chiar daca Banca are la dispozitie mai multe garantii, ea poate totusi, in interesul stingerii rapide a obligatiilor Clientului fata de Banca, sa isi recupereze creanta prin executarea silita a altor active ale Clientului. (9) Toate costurile si cheltuielile efectuate pentru asigurarea, administrarea, evaluarea si/sau reevaluarea, dupa caz si valorificarea garantiilor, cum ar fi taxele de magazinaje, costurile de supraveghere, primele de asigurare, comisiile/costurile de mediere si taxele juridice si de timbru, vor fi suportate de catre Client. Banca este autorizata in mod expres sa debiteze oricare din conturile clientului pentru plata acestor costuri, privind mentinerea, administrarea, asigurarea, evaluarea si/sau reevaluarea, dupa caz si valorificarea garantiilor. (10) In cazul in care Clientul a contractat de la Banca credite care beneficiaza de o garantie acordata de fonduri de garantare – astfel cum sunt definite si identificate in Contractul de Credit (cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la, FNGCIMM, FGCR), la data platii garantiei de catre Fond, Fondul de garantare se subroga in toate drepturile Bancii derivand din contract, avand, in limita platii efectuate, aceleasi drepturi ca si Banca impotriva Clientului, in calitate de Imprumutat si/sau Constituitorului. Dupa caz, Banca este mandatata de catre Fondul de Garantare, sa il reprezinte in fata Clientului, in calitate de Imprumutat, sau tertului garant, la incheierea contractelor de garantii accesorii Contractului de Credit in vederea constituirii Garanţiilor prezente si viitoare aferente Creditului si in favoarea acestuia in calitate de cocreditor, proportional cu riscul asumat. Pentru suportarea proportionala a eventualelor pierderi, in cazul in care Fondul plateste garantia, executarea Garantiilor se va face in conditiile legii de catre Banca, in cazul in care conventia incheiata intre Fond si Banca prevede acest lucru. Creanta Fondului dobandita prin subrogatie legala este de acelasi tip si rang cu a Bancii, garantata cu aceleasi garantii reale si personale care insotesc creanta Bancii. Banca este mandatata de catre Fond sa participe, in numele si in contul Fondului, la distribuirea sumelor rezultate din valorificarea garantiilor, indiferent de procedura de valorificare aplicabila. Intre Banca si Fond, impartirea sumelor rezultate din executarea garantiilor se face in mod proportional cu riscul asumat, cu respectarea impartirii proportionale a riscului de credit intre Banca si Fond. | (8) Should the Client fail to fulfil his/her/its obligations when due, or to produce or increase the securities according to the requirements from the Bank, the Bank shall be entitled to turn to account any of the securities under the conditions in the law. Should there be several securities the Bank may choose any of them at its option. Even though the Bank may have several securities in hand it may however, for the interest of quickly settling the obligations of the Client towards the Bank, recover its receivable by foreclosing other assets of the Client. (9) All costs and expenses incurred for insuring, managing, evaluation and/or reevaluaton, by case, and turning to account the securities, such as storage fees, monitoring costs, insurance premiums, mediation fees, legal and stamp duties, shall be borne by the Client. The Bank is expressly authorised to debit any of the accounts of the Client for the payment of such costs regarding the maintenance, the management, the insurance, evaluation and/or reevaluaton, by case, and the turning to account of the securities. (10) In case that the client has contracted from the Bank loans guarantee by guarantee funds - as defined and identified in the Loan Agreement (such as, but not limited to, FNGCIMM, FGCR) at the moment of payment of the guarantee by the Fund, the Guarantee Fund is subrogated in all the Bank’s rights resulting from the contract, having, within the limit of payment, the same rights as the Bank against the Client, as Borrower and/ or Guarantor. By case, the Bank is mandated by the Guarantee Fund, to represent it before the Client, as Borrower, or before the third party guarantor, at the conclusion of the warranties contracts, accessories to Loan Agreement, in order of constituting all present and future securities including in his favor, as co-lender (“cocreditor”), proportional with the assumed risk. For proportional bear of potential losses, if the Fund makes the payment, the enforcement of collateral guarantees will be made by the Bank, if such is stipulated by the convention signed between Bank and Fund. Fund’s receivable acquired through legal subrogation is of the same type and rank of the Bank’s one, backed by the same collateral and personal guaranties as the bank’s receivable. The Bank is empowered by the Fund to participate, in the name and on behalf of the Fund, at the distribution of proceeds from the execution of collaterals, regardless of the applicable recovery procedure. Between the Bank and the Fund, dividing the proceeds from the execution of collaterals is proportionally to the assumed risk, with respect to credit risk proportional sharing between the Bank and the Fund. |
Banca poate sa initieze oricare proceduri pe care le va considera necesare in vederea recuperarii tuturor sumelor datorate de catre Imprumutat/ Constituitor conform Contractelor de garantie si Contractului de Credit, prin executarea contractelor de garantie incheiate intre Banca si Imprumutat/ Constituitor, atat in nume propriu, cat si in numele Fondului. Sumele rezultate dupa executarea Garantiilor de catre Banca, din care se deduc dobanzi si comisioane aferente Creditului, cheltuielile ocazionate de recuperarea creantei vor diminua proportional cu procentul de garantare pierderile platite de Fond si cele suportate de Banca, dupa caz. | Bank may initiate any procedures that it considers necessary in order to recover any amounts due by the Borrower / settlor as collateral and the credit agreement, the performance guarantee contracts concluded between the Bank and the Borrower / settlor, both in his own name and on behalf of the Fund. Amounts resulting after the enforcement of the guarantees by the Bank, after deduction of interest and fees related to the loan, and of the enforcement expenses, will diminish proportionally to the percentage of guarantee, the losses paid by the Fund and incurred by the Bank, by case. |
Art.23 Incasare creante | Art.23 Collection of receivables |
(1) Clientul nu are dreptul de a solicita renuntarea la (cupoanele de) dobanzi sau la (cupoanele de) dividende aferente valorilor gajate. Banca poate incasa aceste cupoane/ dobanzi, comisioane inainte ca pretentiile sale sa devina scadente si poate considera sumele rezultate drept garantii conform prezentelor CGA. | (1) The Client shall not be entitled to request any waiver on interest (coupons) or dividend (coupons) that are related to the pledged valuables. The Bank may collect such coupons/interest, fees before its claims become due, and may consider the resulting amounts as security under the present GBC. |
(2) Banca are dreptul de a soma si de a incasa creantele cu care s-a garantat sau care i-au fost cesionate inainte de scadenta creantelor datorate Bancii. La cererea Bancii, Clientul este obligat ca, pe cheltuiala sa, sa solicite ca platile creantelor aferente garantiilor constituite in favoarea Bancii sa fie efectuate catre Banca. | (2) The Bank is entitled to call upon and collect the receivables that were made security, or that were assigned to it, before the due date of the receivables being owed to the Bank. By request from the Bank the Client is obliged to request at its own expense the payments for the receivables related to the securities having been established in favour of the Bank to be paid to the Bank. |
(3) La incasarea acestor creante, Banca poate, fara consultarea prealabila a Clientului, sa ia orice masuri si sa faca orice aranjamente pe care le considera necesare cu debitorii, terte persoane, pentru a incasa creantele in mod expeditiv, sa acorde amanari, scutiri sau sa faca compromisuri. Banca nu isi asuma nici o raspundere pentru incasarea sau pentru executarea acestora. | (3) When collecting such receivables the Bank may, without prior consultation of the Client, take any action, and make any arrangements it deems required with the debtors being third parties in order to expediently collect the receivables, to allow postponements, exemptions, or to make compromises. The Bank undertakes no liability for the collection or the foreclosure of the same. |
IV. Dobanda | IV. Interest |
Art.24 Calculul dobanzii | Art.24 Interest calculation |
(1) Dobanda datorata de Client Bancii, pentru serviciile si produsele bancare, inclusiv cele care fac obiectul contractelor incheiate de Client cu Banca se va calcula dupa urmatoarea metoda: | (1) The interest owed by the Client to the Bank for banking services and products, including those representing the subject matter of the agreements concluded by the Client with the Bank, shall be calculated using the following method: |
n Unde: d = dobanda d* = S x ------- x r % S = suma in sold 360 n = numar de zile r = rata dobanzii | n Where: d = interest d* = S x ------ x r % S = balance amount 360 n = number of days r = interest rate |
*) Anul se va considera de 360 de zile pentru toate valutele tranzactionate de Banca, cu exceptia GBP si PLN (pentru care anul se va considera de 365 zile) | ) There shall be considered a 360-day year for all of the foreign currencies being traded by the Bank, except for GBP and PLN (for which a 365-day year shall be considered) |
(2) Modalitatea de calcul a dobanzii mentionata mai | (2) The above-mentioned interest calculation method |
sus se va aplica in mod corespunzator oricarei operatiuni ce implica un calcul de dobanda datorata de Client Bancii, la care Clientul este parte, cu exceptia cazului in care se stabileste o alta modalitate de calcul, agreata in scris intre Banca si Client intr- un alt document. | shall accordingly apply to any operation involving the calculation of an interest owed by the Client to the Bank the Client is a party to, unless another calculation method is set and agreed upon in writing between the Bank and the Client within another document. |
(3) Dobanda datorata de Banca Clientului, pentru depozitele/ conturile Clientului deschise la Banca se va calcula dupa urmatoarea metoda: | (3) The interest owed by the Bank to the Client for the deposits/accounts of the Client opened with the Bank shall be calculated using the following method: |
n Unde: d = dobanda d* = S x ------- x r % S = suma in sold 360 n = numar de zile r = rata dobanzii | n Where: d = interest d* = S x ------ x r % S = balance amount 360 n = number of days r = interest rate |
*) Anul se va considera de 360 de zile pentru toate valutele tranzactionate de Banca, cu exceptia GBP si PLN (pentru care anul se va considera de 365 zile) | ) There shall be considered a 360-day year for all of the foreign currencies being traded by the Bank, except for GBP and PLN (for which a 365-day year shall be considered) |
(4) Modalitatea de calcul a dobanzii mentionata mai sus se va aplica in mod corespunzator oricarei operatiuni ce implica un calcul de dobanda datorata de Banca Clientului, cu exceptia cazului in care se stabileste o alta modalitate de calcul, agreata in scris intre Banca si Client intr-un alt document. | (4) The above-mentioned interest calculation method shall accordingly apply to any operation involving the calculation of an interest owed by the Bank to the Client unless there is another calculation method agreed upon in writing between the Bank and the Client within another document. |
(5) Sumele aflate in investigatia Bancii nu sunt purtatoare de dobanda. | (5) The amounts that are under the Bank’s investigation, are not interest bearing. |
V. Ordine de vanzare/ cumparare valute straine | V. Foreign currency sales/ purchases orders |
Art.25 Executarea ordinelor de vanzare/ cumparare valute straine | Art.25 Executing foreign currency sales/ purchases orders |
(1) Banca executa ordinele de cumparare si vanzare de devize si valute straine in conformitate cu legile si reglementarile emise de Banca Nationala a Romaniei in aceasta privinta. | (1) The Bank shall carry out sale and purchase orders for foreign currencies in compliance with the laws and the regulations issued by the National Bank of Romania in such respect. |
(2) Banca este autorizata sa execute tranzactii de schimb valutar (vanzare/ cumparare de valute) fara permisiunea Clientului, in urmatoarele situatii: (a) pe baza unei hotarari judecatoresti definitive si executorii sau pe baza unui alt titlu, in conformitate cu prevederile legii; (b) p entru acoperirea oricaror dobanzi, speze, comisioane sau alte debite inregistrate de Client fata de Banca. | (2) The Bank is authorised to carry out foreign exchange transactions (foreign currency sale/purchase) without consent from the Client in the following cases: (a) based on a final and enforceable court decision, or based on another title, in accordance with the provisions in the law; (b) in order to covering any interest, charges, fees, or other debts of the Client towards the Bank. |
(3) In relatiile de afaceri cu Clientul, Banca va utiliza propriile sale rate de schimb practicate la momentul tranzactiei. Aceste rate vor fi afisate la sediile Bancii, precum si prin alte mijloace specifice (Reuters, Internet etc.). | (3) Within its business relationship with the Client the Bank shall use its own exchange rates as valid on the transaction date. Such rates shall be posted at the offices of the Bank, as well as by other specific means (Reuters, Internet, etc.). |
(4) Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a nu da curs solicitarii de anulare a unui schimb valutar daca tranzactia initiala a fost efectuata in baza unei negocieri agreata cu Clientul in baza unui Contract specific sau printr-o convorbire telefonica inregistrata a Bancii sau pe baza unei instructiuni scrise a Clientului. 5) Clientul si Banca convin ca termenul de executare pentru operatiunile de plata aferente schimburilor valutare care nu sunt derulate printr-un cont curent/de plati al Clientului deschis la Banca este cel comunicat | (4) The Bank reserves the right not to comply with the request to cancel a foreign exchange operation should the original transaction have been carried out based on a negotiation agreed upon with the Client by Special Contract or registered telephone conversation of the Bank, or based on a written direction from the Client. (5) The Client and the Bank agree that the execution time for the payment operations related to foreign exchange transactions that are not carried out through a Client's current/payment account held with the Bank is the one |
de catre Banca conform Contractului specific sau Contractului-cadru, insa nu poate depasi 4 Zile lucratoare din momentul efectuarii schimburilor valutare in cazul platilor efectuate pe teritoriul UE sau in SEE in monedele nationale ale tarilor din UE si SEE. | communicated by the Bank according to the Specific Agreement or the Framework Agreement, but it shall not exceed four (4) Business Days from the moment of executing the foreign exchange transactions in case of payments operations performed on the EU territory or in SEE for national currencies of the countries in the EU and SEE. |
VI. Incasare, plati si scontare, cambii si cecuri | VI. Collection, payments and discount, bills of exchange and cheques |
Art.26 Incasarea | Art. 26 Collection |
(1) Instructiunile pentru incasare trebuie transmise Bancii de catre Client in timp util, pentru a putea fi executate conform conditiilor normale de afaceri, fara a se recurge la metode de urgenta pentru expediere; in caz contrar, Banca nu-si asuma nici o responsabilitate cu privire la prezentarea la termen a instrumentelor pentru care Clientul a depus instructiuni de prezentare. | (1) The Client shall timely submit the collection instructions to the Bank so that they can be executed under the normal business conditions, without resorting to emergency dispatch methods; otherwise the Bank undertakes no responsibility for the timely delivery of the instruments the Client has submitted delivery instructions for. |
(2) Daca Banca crediteaza sumele aferente valorificarii cambiilor si cecurilor prezentate ei pentru incasare, inainte de incasarea propriu-zisa, creditul respectiv este trecut in contul curent al Clientului – ca si in cazul valorilor scontate – cu conditia incasarii propriu-zise si a existentei unui drept de recurs al Bancii fata de instrumentul respectiv. | (2) Should the Bank credit the amounts related to the turning to account of bills of exchange and cheques submitted to it for collection purposes before the actual collection such credit shall be transferred to the current account of the Client - as in the case of discounted values - subject to the actual collection and the existence of a right to appeal of the Bank as to the relevant instrument. |
(3) Banca nu-si asuma nicio responsabilitate pentru manevrarea/ remiterea/ pierderea in cadrul circuitului postal a cambiilor/ cecurilor. | (3) The Bank undertakes no responsibility for the handling/ rendering/ loss of bills of exchange/ cheques within the postal circuit. |
(4) In absenta altor instructiuni, Banca poate prezenta cambiile, biletele la ordin ajunse la maturitate, depuse cu titlu de garantare/ garantie, si poate sa le protesteze in caz de neplata, si in acest scop poate emite instructiuni, in timp util, cu privire la valorile de incasat in strainatate. | (4) Unless otherwise directed, the Bank may submit the bills of exchange, the promissory notes having reached their due dates, which were lodged as guaranty/security, and may protest them in case of a failure to pay; for such purpose it may timely issue directions regarding the values to be collected abroad. |
Art.27 Stornarea creditarii | Art.27 Credit reversal |
(1) Banca poate redebita cambiile pe care le-a creditat intr-un cont “cu conditia incasarii” inainte ca astfel de valori sa ajunga la maturitate, indiferent de relatia legala, in special indiferent de orice fel de aranjament anterior, daca informatiile obtinute de catre Banca cu privire la trasul acceptant al cambiei in cazul unei cambii sunt nesatisfacatoare, sau daca cambia astfel acceptata este protestata sau daca situatia financiara a trasului acceptant se deterioreaza. | (1) The Bank may re-debit the bills of exchange it has credited into an account “subject to collection” before any such values reach their due dates, notwithstanding the legal relationship, and in particular notwithstanding any prior arrangement, should the information obtained by the Bank about the drawee accepting the bill of exchange is unsatisfactory, or should the accepted bill of exchange be protested, or should the financial condition of the accepting drawee deteriorate. |
(2) Daca cambiile sau cecurile nu sunt achitate la prezentare, sau daca modul de a dispune este restrictionat de lege sau prin masuri oficiale, sau daca astfel de instrumente nu pot fi prezentate in timp util datorita unor obstacole insurmontabile, sau daca s-a instituit un moratoriu sau, in tara in care astfel de cambii sau cecuri sunt platibile, exista circumstante similare celor mentionate mai sus, Banca va redebita cambiile sau cecurile deja creditate, chiar si in cazul in care nu poate intra in posesia originalelor cambiilor sau cecurilor in discutie. Aceasta prevedere se aplica si cambiilor | (2) Should the bills of exchange or the cheques be not paid upon submission, or should the manner of disposing thereof be restricted by law or by official action, or should such instruments cannot be timely submitted due to certain unconquerable obstacles, or should a moratorium have been established, or should there be similar circumstances in place in the country such bills of exchange or cheques are payable in, the Bank shall re- debit the already credited bills of exchange or cheques, even in the case where it would be unable to gain possession of the originals of the concerned bills of |
scontate cu drept de recurs. | exchange or cheques. This provision also applies to bills of exchange being discounted with a right to appeal. |
(3) In toate cazurile in care cambii si cecuri sunt redebitate, Banca isi pastreaza pretentiile cu privire la cambiile si cecurile respective impotriva Clientului si impotriva oricarei parti interesate, avand dreptul la plata intregii sume aferente acestor cambii sau cecuri plus alte pretentii pana la acoperirea soldului debitor. | (3) In all cases where bills of exchange and cheques are re-debited the Bank shall keep its claims regarding the relevant bills of exchange and cheques against the Client, and against any interested party, being entitled to receive the payment of the entire amount related to such bills of exchange or cheques, plus other claims, until the debit balance is covered. |
(4) In cazul in care cambii sau cecuri deja creditate si incasabile intr-o alta tara sunt returnate neonorate Bancii, in conformitate cu prevederi aplicabile ale legilor din tara respectiva, sau in conformitate cu prevederile unui acord intervenit cu o institutie de credit straina, Banca poate debita in consecinta aceste sume din contul curent al Clientului. | (4) In the case where bills of exchange or cheques that were already credited, and are collectable in another country, are returned to the Bank unpaid, in accordance with applicable provisions of the laws in the relevant country, or in accordance with the provisions of an agreement with a foreign credit institution, the Bank may as a consequence debit such amounts from the current account of the Client. |
Art.28 Titluri de credit (cambii, bilete la ordin) si cecuri. | Art.28 Credit titles (bills of exchange, promissory notes) and cheques. |
(1) Clientul se obliga: (a) sa prezinte Bancii cambii, bilete la ordin, cecuri care indeplinesc cerintele prevazute de Legea nr.58/1934 asupra cambiei si biletului la ordin si Legea nr.59/1934 asupra cecului, precum si normele BNR emise in aplicarea acestora; (b) in cazul in care unul sau mai multe formulare de cec, cambii sau bilete la ordin sunt furate, pierdute sau distruse, sa notifice in scris Banca cu indicarea tuturor elementelor de identificare a formularelor respective; (c) sa restituie Bancii formularele de cambii, bilete la ordin sau cecuri aflate in posesia sa si/sau a mandatarilor sai, in termen de 15 zile calendaristice de la data indicata in notificarea transmisa de catre Banca in acest sens. | (1) The Client undertakes: (a) to present the Bank with bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques that meet the requirements stipulated by the Law no.58/1934 on bills of exchange and promissory notes and Law no.59/1934 on cheques and the NBR’s norms issued for their application; (b) in case one or more cheques, bills of exchange or promissory notes are stolen, lost or destroyed, to notify the Bank in writing pointing out all identification elements of those forms; (c) to return to the Bank the bills of exchange, promissory notes or cheques under its and/or proxies’ possession, within 15 calendar days from the date specified in the notification sent by the Bank in this regard. |
(2) In cazul pierderii, sustragerii sau distrugerii unui titlu de credit (cambie, bilet la ordin) sau a unui cec, Clientul poate solicita instantelor competente anularea acestuia, conform prevederilor legale. | (2) In case of loss, theft or destruction of a credit title (bill of exchange, promissory note) or a cheque, the Client may request its cancellation to the competent court, according to the law. |
(3) In cazul in care Clientul solicita anularea propriilor titluri de credit cec-uri necompletate sau gresit completate, acesta este obligat sa remita Bancii instrumentele respective. | (3) If the Client requests cancellation of his / her own credit titles blank or incorrectly filled cheques, he / she is obliged to remit the respective instruments to the Bank. |
(4) Banca are dreptul, insa nu si obligatia, de a acorda Clientului carnete de cecuri barate, aceasta operatiune fiind supusa procedurilor Bancii. (5) Banca este exonerata de răspundere pentru eventuale refuzuri la plata ale titlurilor de credit depuse de catre Client, din orice motive, incluzand, dar fara a se limita la: (i) lipsa disponibilului in cont, (ii) prezentarea la încasare a instrumentelor avand vicii de forma, (iii) existentei oricaror notificari conforme cu reglementările BNR, inclusiv cele ale Regulamentului BNR nr. 1/2012 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea la Banca Naţională a României a Centralei Incidentelor de Plati. (6) Banca poate proceda la anularea inregistrarilor privind incidentele de plaţi din baza de date a Centralei Incidentelor de Plati, doar in baza unei hotararii judecatoreşti executorii, prin care se dispune anularea acestora | (4)The Bank has the right, but not the obligation, to provide the Client with crossed cheque books, this operation being subject to the Bank's procedures. (5) The Bank is relieved of liability for any payment refusals of the credit titles deposited by the Client for any reason, including, but not limited to: (i) lack of funds in the account, (ii) presentation of instruments with format errors (iii) the existence of any notifications complying with the NBR regulations, including those of the NBR Regulation no. 1/2012 regarding the organization and functioning at the National Bank of Romania of the Incident Payments Center (6) The Bank may cancel the payment incidents records from the Incident Payments Center's database only on the basis of an enforceable court order ordering their cancellation |
(7) Banca pune la dispozitia Clientului la ghiseele Bancii informatiile/cererile prevazute de prevederile legale privind incidentele de plati, Clientul fiind in mod expres de acord ca aceasta forma de comunicare este suficienta si valabil efectuata de catre Banca, nemaifiind nevoie de alte formalitati. (8) Banca nu poate fi obligata sa onoreze instrumentele de plata dupa data inchiderii contului, raspunderea pentru orice prejudicii fata de orice parte interesata care deriva din utilizarea acestor instrumente este exclusiv in sarcina Clientului. | (7) The Bank submits to the Client at the Bank’s counters with the information/ requests provided for by the applicable legal provisions on payments incidents, and the Client expressly consents that they are validly communicated and that no other additional formalities are necessary. (8) The Bank may not be required to honour the payment instruments after the date of closing the account, liability for any damage to any interested party arising out of the use of such instruments is solely at the Customer's expense. |
VII. Alte clauze | VII. Other clauses |
Art.29 Confidentialitate | Art.29 Confidentiality |
(1) Banca va lua toate masurile necesare pentru a asigura confidentialitatea si secretul operatiunilor bancare incredintate ei de catre Client, in stricta conformitate cu practica internationala si cu legea romana. | (1) The Bank shall take all the required action in order to ensure the confidentiality and the secrecy of the banking operations it was entrusted with by the Client in strict compliance with the international practice, and with the Romanian law. |
(2) Banca poate dezvalui informatii de natura secretului profesional, indiferent de forma sub care acestea sunt stocate, in urmatoarele situatii limitative: (a) informatiile sunt dezvaluite in conformitate cu prevederile legale sau ca urmare a unei solicitari din partea unei autoritati publice abilitate legal de a solicita astfel de informatii; (b) dezvaluirea de informatii se face cu aprobarea Clientului; (c) dezvaluirea informatiilor detinute de Banca se face catre alte entitati din Grupul UniCredit si/sau catre alte entitati fata de care s-a externalizat un serviciu si care actioneaza in numele si pe seama Bancii, terta parte garantand Bancii pastrarea confidentialitatii informatiilor cel putin in aceleasi conditii de confidentialitate ca si obligatiile Bancii. | (2) The Bank may disclose information of the nature of professional secrecy no matter the form in which they are stocked in the following limitative situations: (a) the information is revealed according to the legal regulations and as a result of a request from the public authorities legally empowered to request such information; (b) revealing information with the Client’s agreement; (c) revealing information detained by the Bank to other entities from UniCredit Group and/or other entities to which a service was outsourced and which acts in the name and on behalf of the Bank, third party which guarantees to the Bank to keep the confidentiality of the information at least in the same confidentiality conditions as the Bank’s obligations. |
(3) Clientul se obliga sa pastreze confidentialitatea termenilor si conditiilor derularii relatiilor contractuale cu Banca, in caz contrar fiind obligat sa acopere daunele provocate Bancii. | (3) The Client is obliged to keep confidential the terms and the conditions for the carrying on of the contract relations with the Bank; otherwise he/she/it shall be obliged to cover the damages caused to the Bank. |
Art. 30 Protectia datelor cu caracter personal („Date personale”) Datele personale ale reprezentantilor unei Parti se vor prelucra de catre cealalta Parte in conditiile Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date si de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE („Regulamentul”), in scopul executarii CGA, Contractului- cadru si/ sau Contractului specific, al indeplinirii obligatiilor legale, precum si in scopuri legitime (ex. prevenirea fraudei, realizarea raportarilor interne, aplicarea masurilor de analiza a clientelei conform legislatiei aplicabile etc.). Fiecare Parte are obligatia de a-si informa direct, conform art. 12 si 13 din Regulament, reprezentantii/ salariatii imputerniciti in relatia cu cealalta Parte cu privire la prelucrarea Datelor lor personale de catre aceasta din urma, pentru scopurile mentionate anterior. Fiecare Parte asigura standardele de securitate cu privire la prelucrarea Datelor personale conform art. 32 din Regulament, prin luarea și aplicarea tuturor masurilor tehnice și operationale adecvate in vederea protejarii Datelor personale impotriva oricaror distrugeri accidentale sau ilegale, pierderi, modificari, dezvaluiri sau acces neautorizat și impotriva procesarii ilegale. In cazul formelor de organizare juridica “persoana fizica autorizata”, “intreprindere individuala” sau a “profesiilor liberale”, Clientul a fost informat cu privire la prelucrarea Datelor sale personale (inclusiv la drepturile din Regulament si modalitatea de exercitare), prin Nota de informare, anexa, dupa caz, la CGA, Contractul-cadru si/ sau Contractul specific. | Art.30 Personal data protection („Personal Data”) The Personal Data of the representatives of a Party shall be processed by the other Party under the terms of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) for the purpose of executing the GBC, Framework Agreement and/ or the Specific Agreement, fulfilling its legal obligations and for legitimate purposes (eg. fraud prevention, internal reporting, applying customer analysis measures according to relevant legislation, etc.). Each Party has the obligation to inform directly, according to art. 12 & 13 of the Regulation, his representatives / authorized staff in relation with the other Party related to the processing of their Personal Data by the latter for the purposes mentioned above. Each Party guarantees the security standards regarding the processing of Personal Data according to Art. 32 of the Regulation by taking and applying all appropriate technical and operational measures to protect Personal Data against any accidental or illegal damage, loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access and against illegal processing. In the case of legal forms of "freelancer", "individual enterprise" or “liberal professions”, the Customer has been informed about the processing of his personal data (including about the rights in the Regulation and the manner of exercising such rights), through the information note annexed to the GBC, the Framework Agreement and/ or the Specific Agreement, as the case. |
Art.31 Transmiterea datelor de la/catre terti (1) Clientul, prin reprezentant legal, cu buna-credinta declara, in mod expres si neechivoc, ca elibereaza Banca si entitatile Grupului de obligatia pastrarii secretului profesional in domeniul bancar si relatia cu clientela, in vederea transmiterii si/sau transferului catre orice entitati care la data utilizarii acestor informatii fac/vor face parte din Grup, a faptelor, datelor si informatiilor aflate la dispozitia Bancii care privesc persoana, proprietatea, activitatea, afacerea, personalul sau relatiile de afaceri ale Clientului ori a informatiilor referitoare la conturile Clientului – solduri, rulaje, operatiuni derulate, la serviciile prestate sau contractele incheiate cu Clientul, precum si a oricaror alte informatii care ar putea fi interpretate ca fiind de natura secretului bancar; | Art.31 Data transmission from/ to third parties (1) The Client, dully represented, in good faith, expressly and unequivocally, declares that the Bank and UniCredit Group Entities are released from the obligation to observe the banking secrecy in relation with its customers, in order to submit and/or transfer to any entity which is, at the time of using the information/ data, part of the Group, any fact, data and information at its disposal concerning the person, property, activity, business, staff or business relationships of the Client or the Client's accounts information – balances, turnovers, performed operations, provided services or contracts concluded with the Client , as well as any other information that could be construed as banking secrecy; |
(2) Prin „Grup" se intelege compania mama UniCredit SpA (Italia) impreuna cu toate companiile controlate direct sau indirect de aceasta, incluzand companiile din Romania ale Grupului (UniCredit Bank SA, UniCredit Leasing Corporation IFN SA, UniCredit Leasing Fleet Management SRL, UniCredit Insurance Broker SRL, UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, DEBO Leasing IFN SA, UCTAMRO SRL etc.), institutiile financiare/ de | (2) The "Group" means the parent company UniCredit SpA (Italy) with all companies controlled directly or indirectly by it, including the Group companies in Romania (UniCredit Bank SA, UniCredit Leasing Corporation IFN SA, UniCredit Leasing Fleet Management Ltd, UniCredit Insurance Broker SRL, UniCredit Consumer Financing IFN SA, DEBO Leasing IFN SA, UCTAMRO SRL etc.), financial/credit institutions |
credit care fac parte din Grupul UniCredit si care sunt specificate pe pagina de internet a Grupulului la adresa xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx, precum si succesorii si cesionarii tuturor acestor entitati. | that are part of the UniCredit Group and which are listed on the Group’s website at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx, as well as the legal assignees and successors of these entities. |
(3) Clientul declara in mod expres ca acordul mentionat anterior este valabil pe intreaga durata a relatiei contractuale cu Banca, fiind furnizat in scopul desfasurarii activitatilor bancare, al realizarii unui proces eficient de management al riscurilor la nivelul Grupului si a unui proces cuprinzator de gestionare si monitorizare a clientilor, precum si in scopul furnizarii unor servicii si produse bancare competitive, dedicate si de inalta calitate, care ar putea include, fara a se limita la: | (3) The Client declares expressly that this consent is valid for the entire duration of the contractual relationship with the Bank, being provided for conducting banking activities, achieving Group wide risk management process and comprehensive client management process and supervisory as well as tailored and high quality service and products which might include, but is not limited to the following: |
1. monitorizarea nivelului de satisfactie a clientului si a calitatii serviciilor si produselor oferite de entitatile Grupului; | 1. monitoring the client’s satisfaction and the quality of services and products offered by UniCredit Group entities; |
2. intermediere reciproca intre entitatile Grupului, inclusiv prin promovarea oricaror produse si servicii ale acestora (finantare/ acordare de imprumuturi/ alte tipuri); | 2. mutual intermediation between UniCredit Group entities, including promoting any of their products and services (financing/ lending/ others); |
3. evaluarea eligibilitatii clientilor cu scopul de a acorda produse si servicii standard sau personalizate din portofoliul entitatilor Grupului, de asemenea prin calcularea indicatorilor in evaluarea bonitatii, a riscului de credit, stabilirea gradului de indatorare, etc.; | 3. assessing the clients’ eligibility for the purpose of granting standard or customized products and services from the portfolio of UniCredit Group entities, also by calculating indicators in assessing creditworthiness, credit risk, determining indebtedness and so on; |
4. monitorizarea adecvata a tuturor obligatiilor asumate de catre client fata de entitatile Grupului, inclusiv comunicarea si/ sau transferarea informatiilor necesare pentru stabilirea capacitatii de plata si a comportamentului de plata. | 4. adequate monitoring of all obligations assumed by the client to UniCredit Group entities, including submitting and/ or transferring of necessary information to determine the capacity to pay and payment behaviour. |
(4) Clientul este de acord ca Banca sa transmita intr-un mod considerat obisnuit pentru banci, toate informatiile pe care Banca le primeste in legatura cu prezentele CGA sau cu relatia de afaceri dintre Banca si Client, in mod special in interesul unei protectii rezonabile a creditorilor, catre banci, institutii/ autoritati centrale ale bancilor sau organizatii preferate pentru protectia creditorilor, precum si catre auditorul financiar, societatile din cadrul grupului UniCredit, un viitor potential cesionar sau dobanditor al creantei sau catre oricare alta persoana sau companie care ar putea propune intrarea in relatii contractuale cu Banca in legatura cu prezentele CGA. | (4) The Client agrees for the Bank to deliver, in a manner that is considered usual for banks, all the information the Bank receives concerning the present GBC or the business relationship between the Bank and the Client, especially for the interest of a reasonable protection of the creditors, to banks, institutions / central authorities of the banks or preferred organizations for creditors’ protection, as well as to the financial auditor, the companies within the UniCredit group, a future potential receivable assignee or acquirer or to any other person or company that may propose entering a contract relationship with the Bank in relation to the present GBC. |
(5) Clientul autorizeaza Banca sa solicite/ sa furnizeze de la/ catre Centrala Incidentelor de Plati, Centrala Riscurilor Bancare, Biroul de Credit sau institutii similare acestora, dupa caz, orice date referitoare la activitatea sa si ori de cate ori considera necesar acest lucru. (6) Banca efectueaza operatiuni bancare prin intermediul SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), inregistrata in Belgia. Reteaua SWIFT opereaza prin serverele sale din Europa si Statele Unite ale Americii (SUA), unde sunt stocate temporar toate datele operatiunii de plata (inclusiv date cu caracter personal). Centrul operational din SUA se supune legislatiei americane, iar | (5) The Client authorises the Bank to request from / submit to the Central Office for Payments Incidents, the Banking Risks Central Office, the Credit Bureau or similar institutions, as appropriate, any data regarding its activity and whenever it so deems it necessary. (6) The Bank performs banking transactions through SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), which is registered in Belgium. The SWIFT network operates through its servers in Europe and the United States of America (USA), where all of the data of the payment transaction are temporarily stored (including personal data). The USA operational centre is subject to the American law, and the USA Treasury |
Departamentul Trezoreriei din SUA are dreptul de a solicita acces la datele personale stocate in centrul operational SWIFT din SUA, in scop specific si limitat, respectiv numai pentru prevenirea spalarii banilor si luptei impotriva finantarii actiunilor teroriste. Astfel, Departamentul Trezoreriei din SUA poate colecta datele cu caracter personal ale Clientilor Bancii care ordona operatiuni bancare si care sunt procesate prin SW IFT. | Department is entitled to request access to the personal data being stored within the SWIFT operational centre in the USA, for specific and limited purposes, namely only in order to prevent money laundering and to fight against the financing of terrorist acts. Thus, the USA Treasury Department may collect the personal data of the Clients of the Bank that orders banking transactions that are processed through SWIFT. |
Art.32 Informare privind furnizarea datelor catre autoritati fiscale competente | Art.32 Disclosure regarding data provided to the competent tax authorities |
(1) Clientul intelege ca, in scopul conformarii fiscale si conform legislatiei aplicabile, inclusiv unor acorduri bilaterale/multilaterale incheiate de Romania cu alte state, la cerere si periodic, Banca are obligatia de a raporta Autoritatii Nationale de Administrare Fiscala (A.N.A.F.), in calitate de autoritate fiscala competenta din Romania sau, dupa caz, oricarei alte autoritati legal desemnate in acest scop, informatii de natura financiara si date cu caracter personal despre Client, imputernicitii, reprezentantii legali si beneficiarii reali ai acestuia; conform cu prevederile respectivelor acorduri internationale, aceste informatii pot fi transferate autoritatilor competente din alte jurisdictii. | (1) The Client understands that, in order to comply with and according to the applicable fiscal legislation, including any bilateral/multilateral agreements concluded by Romania with other states, upon request and periodically, the Bank is required to report to the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) as competent fiscal authority in Romania or, where appropriate, any other authorities legally designated for this purpose, financial information and personal data about the Client, its proxies, legal representatives and ultimate beneficial owners; according to the provisions of these international agreements, this information may be transferred to competent authorities of other jurisdictions. |
(2) Aceste informatii se refera inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la: i) nume, adresa, jurisdictia de rezidenta fiscala, numar de identificare fiscala, data si locul nasterii, ii) numarul si soldul conturilor, iii) in cazul conturilor de custodie, de depozit si altele – cuantumul brut total platit/ creditat in legatura cu respectivul cont, al dobânzilor, dividendelor, altor venituri generate, precum si încasările brute totale din vânzarea/răscumpărarea activelor financiare, iv) detinerea de casete de valori, precum si orice alte date si documente solicitate conform legii de catre autoritate. | (2) This information may refer including but not limited to: i) name, address, residence for tax purposes, Tax Identification Number, date and place of birth, ii) the number and accounts balance, iii) in case of custodial accounts, depository accounts and other types – the total gross paid/credited in connection with the account, interest, dividends, other income generated, and total gross proceeds from sale/redemption of financial assets, iv) holding safe deposit boxes, as well as any other data and documents required under the law by the authorities. |
(3) Clientul si/sau persoanele ale caror date personale sunt furnizate autoritatii fiscale competente isi poate/pot exercita drepturile prevazute de Legea 677/2001 in materia protectiei datelor cu caracter personal, respectiv dreptul de acces la date, de informare, de interventie si de opozitie, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale, dreptul de a se adresa Autoritatii Nationale de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal sau justitiei, drepturi care pot fi exercitate in limitele legale, trimitand, atunci cand prevederile legale mentioneaza acest lucru, o adresa scrisa, datata si semnata catre UniCredit Bank SA in care sa se precizeze numele complet si domiciliul pentru identificare. | (3) The Client and/or the individuals whose personal data is provided to the competent tax authority may exercise the rights provided by the Law 677/2001 on the protection of personal data, namely the right of access to data, of information, of intervention upon the data and to object, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, the right to address the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing or the courts of law, rights which may be exercised within the legal limits by sending, whenever the law provides for in this respect, a written, dated and signed letter to UniCredit Bank SA stating in the full name and address for identification purposes. |
(4) Prin semnarea cererii de deschidere de cont, a Contractului specific si a Contractului-cadru, dupa caz, Clientul: i) certifica faptul ca toate datele furnizate Bancii sunt reale, exacte si complete si nu a omis un fapt datorita caruia declaratiile ar putea deveni substantial false, ii) se obliga sa notifice de indata Banca in cazul modificarii datelor furnizate si sa remita Bancii documentele relevante, iii) este de acord ca poate beneficia de drepturile conferite de conventii pentru evitarea dublei impuneri incheiate de Romania cu alte state, doar de la data la care va prezenta Bancii un certificat de rezidenta fiscala emis de autoritatea straina | (4) By signing the account opening request, the Specific Agreement and the Framework Agreement, as the case may be, the Client: i) certifies that all data provided to the Bank are true, accurate and complete and no date was omitted so that the statements could become substantially false, ii) undertakes to immediately notify the Bank in case of change of circumstances and to deliver to the Bank relevant documents, iii) agrees that it may benefit of the rights granted by double taxation treaties concluded by Romania with other states, only from the date on which the Client provides the Bank with a valid tax residence certificate issued by the competent foreign |
competenta, iv) va furniza Bancii de indata, la simpla cerere, orice informatii si documente necesare Bancii pentru respectarea obligatiilor legale de raportare catre autoritatea fiscala competenta. | authority iv) undertakes to immediately provide the Bank, upon request, with any information and documents necessary for the Bank to comply with its legal reporting obligations. |
Art.33 Raspunderi | Art.33 Liabilities |
33.1 Raspunderea Bancii | 33.1 Liability of the Bank |
(1) Banca este exonerata de raspundere in cazul pierderilor suferite de catre Client in urma intarzierilor, pierderilor, omisiunilor, erorilor de transmitere/ receptie, neintelegeri sau greseli ale comunicarilor prin telefon, fax, e-mail, aplicatiile de plati electronice, precum si a oricaror mesaje, scrisori sau documente, daca nu se datoreaza neglijentei sau culpei sale grave. | (1) The Bank is exonerated from liability in cases of losses to be suffered by the Client due to delays, losses, omissions, sending/ receiving errors, misunderstandings or communication errors by telephone, fax, e-mail, electronic payment applications, as well as any other messages, letters or documents, unless they are due to its negligence or serious fault. |
(2) Banca nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate in ceea ce priveste efectele si consecintele decurgand din incetarea activitatii sale ca urmare a unor cazuri fortuite sau de forta majora (incluzand dar fara a se limita la conflicte internationale, actiuni violente sau armate, revolte, masuri luate de orice guvern/ autoritate locala sau internationala, organizatie regionala sau internationala sau de catre orice banca centrala, conflicte de munca la nivelul personalului Bancii sau al unor terte parti ale caror servicii sunt folosite de Banca, boicoturi, pane de curent sau caderea liniilor de comunicatie sau a echipamentului Bancii, sau ale unor terte parti ale caror servicii sunt folosite de catre Banca). In astfel de situatii, Banca va avea dreptul sa ia acele masuri necesare in mod rezonabil pentru a diminua efectele negative pe care astfel de cazuri le pot avea fata de Client. | (2) The Bank does not undertake any responsibility as regards the effects and the consequences devolving from the ceasing of its business due to accidental or force majeure events (including, but not limited to, international conflicts, violent or armed actions, mutinies, action taken by any government/ local or international authority, regional or international organization or by any central bank, labour conflicts at the level of the employees of the Bank or of third parties whose services are used by the Bank, boycotts, fault of electricity or failure of communication lines or of the equipment of the Bank or of any third parties whose services are used by the Bank). In such cases the Bank shall be entitled to take the reasonably required action in order to reduce the adverse effects such cases may entail for the Client. |
(3) Clientul este raspunzator pentru orice modificare intervenita in relatiile cu partenerii sai comerciali privind pretul, cursul valutar sau alte diferente rezultate din derularea operatiunilor comerciale, si, ca urmare, eventualele pierderi sunt suportate de catre Client. | (3) The Client is liable for any change in its commercial relationship with its partners regarding the price, the exchange rate or other differences to result from carrying on trading operations, and therefore the possible losses shall be borne by the Client. |
(4) In cazul ordinului de plata initiat de Client, Banca poate fi responsabila fata de Client pentru executarea corecta a operatiunii de plata, numai in conditiile in care Clientul si-a indeplinit corect si complet obligatiile din prezentele CGA si/sau contractele specifice. | (4) In the case of a payment order having been initiated by the Client the Bank may be responsible towards the Client for the proper performance of the payment operation provided that the Client has properly and completely fulfilled its obligations under the present GBC and/or the Specific Agreements. |
(5) In cazul in care Codul unic furnizat de Client este incorect, Banca nu raspunde pentru neexecutarea sau executarea defectuoasa a operatiunii de plata, insa va depune, in schimbul comisionului aferent, toate eforturile rezonabile pentru operatiunea de recuperare a fondurilor implicate in operatiunea de plata. In situatia in care colectarea fondurilor nu este posibila, la cererea scrisa a Clientului, Banca va pune la dispozitia acestuia toate informatiile de care dispune si care sunt relevante pentru platitor pentru initierea de catre acesta a unei actiuni in instanta in vederea recuperarii fondurilor. | (5) Should the Sole Code being provided by the Client be incorrect, the Bank shall not be liable for the failure to execute or the defective execution of the payment transaction, but shall pay, in consideration of the related fees, all the reasonable efforts for the operation of recovering the funds involved in the payment transaction. In the event that the collection of funds is not possible, at the written request of the Client, the Bank shall make available to it all the information at its disposal and which are relevant to the payer for initiating by him an action in court of law for the recovery of the funds. |
(6) Raspunderea Bancii este exclusa daca poate dovedi | (6) The liability of the Bank shall be excluded should it be |
Clientului platitor si, daca este cazul, prestatorului de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii, ca prestatorul de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii a primit suma care face obiectul operatiunii de plata in termenele prevazute la art.5.8 de mai sus. | able to prove to the payer Client and, where relevant, to the payee’s payment services provider that the payee’s payment services provider has received the amount of the payment transaction within the terms as provided for under art.5.8 above. |
(7) La cererea Clientului platitor, Banca depune eforturi imediate, indiferent de raspunderea sa in conformitate cu punctul (4) sau punctul (6) de mai sus, dupa caz, pentru a identifica si a urmari operatiunea de plata si pentru a-l notifica pe Client cu privire la rezultate, in cazul unei operatiuni de plata neexecutate sau incorect executate, in care ordinul de plata este initiat de Clientul platitor. Clientul va achita Bancii contravaloarea comisionului de investigatie, daca neexecutarea sau executarea incorecta a operatiunii de plata nu se datoreaza Bancii. | (7) On the payer Client’s request, the Bank shall make immediate efforts, notwithstanding its liability in compliance with the item (4) or the item (6) above, as appropriate, in order to identify and trace the payment transaction and to notify the Client about the results, in the case of a non-executed or defectively executed payment transaction, where the payment order is initiated by the payer Client. The Client shall pay to the Bank the value of the investigation fee should the non-execution or the defective execution of the payment transaction be not due to the Bank. |
(8) Raspunderea Bancii nu intervine in situatia in care actioneaza in baza unor dispozitii legislative. | (8) The Bank shall not be liable in the case where it acts based on legislative provisions. |
(9) Banca nu isi asuma nicio responsabilitate pentru pierderile suferite din cauza intarzierilor sau erorilor facute de terte parti (banci intermediare, prestatori de servicii de plata terti, agenti, notari, furnizori de servicii postale sau de curierat etc.) in executarea instructiunilor primite de la Banca pe seama si/sau la ordinul Clientului. | (9) The Bank undertakes no responsibility for the losses to be suffered due to delays or errors of third parties (intermediary banks, agents, TPPs, public notaries, providers of postal services or couriers, etc.) in performing under the instructions received from the Bank on behalf of and/or by order from the Client. |
(10) Raspunderea Bancii fata de Client este limitata la pagubele cauzate de catre Banca, cu intentie sau din culpa grava, prin incalcarea prezentelor CGA si/sau Contractelor specifice, iar orice alta compensatie financiara suplimentara care nu este expres mentionata in prezentele CGA si/sau Contractul specific este exclusa. | (10) The liability of the Bank towards the Client is limited to the damages caused by the Bank, either on purpose or by severe fault, by breaching the present GBC and/or the Specific Agreements and any other additional financial compensation that is not expressly mentioned within the present GBC and/or the Specific Agreement shall be excluded. |
(11) Prevederile din prezentele CGA referitoare la raspunderea Bancii fata de Client pentru executarea instructiunilor de plata/ transfer pana la incasarea fondurilor de catre institutia de plata a beneficiarului platii, se aplica conform legii si prevederilor prezentelor CGA numai pentru operatiunile de plata efectuate in moneda nationala (LEI), EUR si monedele tarilor din UE si SEE. | (11) The provisions within the present GBC regarding the liability of the Bank towards the Client for the execution of a payment/transfer instructions until the funds are collected by the payee’s payment service provider shall be applied according to the law and to the provisions in the present GBC, only for payment transactions executed in the national currency (RON/ Lei), EUR and currencies of the EU and EEA countries. |
(12) In cazul tranzactiilor neautorizate, Banca va rambursa Clientului suma aferenta operatiunii de plata neautorizate cel tarziu la sfarsitul urmatoarei Zile lucratoare, dupa ce s-a constatat sau a fost notificata fara intarziere nejustificata, dar nu mai tarziu de 3 luni de la data debitarii, faptul ca a constatat o operatiune de plata neautorizata care da nastere unei plangeri, cu exceptia cazului in care Banca are motive rezonabile sa suspecteze ca a fost comisa o frauda, caz in care Banca comunica aceste motive, in scris, autoritatii nationale competente. Banca se asigura ca data creditarii contului curent/contului de plati al Clientului nu este ulterioara datei la care suma operatiunii neautorizate a fost debitata. | (12) In case of an unauthorised payment transaction, the Bank shall reimburse to the Client the amount of the relevant unauthorised payment transaction, at the latest at the end of the next Business Day after it has noticed or has been notified of the unauthorized operation without undue delay, but not later than 3 months after the debiting date, about the fact that it has found an unauthorised payment transaction giving rise to a complaint, unless the Bank has reasonable grounds to suspect that a fraud was committed, case in which the Bank communicated these grounds, in writing, to the national competent authority. The Bank shall ensure that the date of crediting the Client's account is not later than the date on which the amount of unauthorized operation has been debited. |
(13) Banca, in calitate de prestator de servicii de plata al Clientului beneficiar al platii, este raspunzatoare fata de Client pentru: a) transmiterea corecta a ordinului de plata catre prestatorul de servicii de plata al platitorului in conformitate cu art. 5.4 punctul (4) de mai sus si b) pentru efectuarea operatiunii de plata in conformitate cu obligatiile sale prevazute la art. 5.8 litera d) de mai sus. In cazul in care Banca devine raspunzatoare conform mentiunilor anterioare, retransmite imediat ordinul de plata in cauza catre prestatorul de servicii de plata al platitorului in cazul prevazut la litera a) de mai sus, si garanteaza punerea la dispozitia Clientului a sumei ce face obiectul operatiunii de plata, imediat dupa ce aceasta suma este creditata in contul Bancii in cazul prevazut la litera b) de mai sus, iar data creditarii contului Clientului este cel mai devreme data la care este efectuata corectarea erorii. | (13) The Bank, as payment services provider of the payee Client, shall be liable towards the Client for: a) the proper transmission of the payment order to the payer’s payment services provider in accordance with the art.5.4 item (4) above and b) the execution of the payment transaction in compliance with its obligations as provided for under the art.5.8 letter d) above. Should the Bank become liable under the previous mentions, it shall immediately re-transmit the relevant payment order to the payer’s payment services provider in the case being provided for under the letter a) above, and it shall ensure that the amount of the payment transaction is at the Client’s disposal immediately after that amount is credited into the Bank’s account in the case being provided for under the letter b) above, and the date on which the Client's account is credited is the earliest date when the error correction is made.. |
(14) In cazul in care Banca este raspunzatoare pentru neexecutarea sau executarea cu intarziere a unei operatiuni de plata initiate de platitor, aceasta ramburseaza platitorului, daca este cazul, valoarea operatiunii de plata neexecutate sau executate incorect. Data creditarii contului Clientului este cel mai devreme data la care este efectuata corectarea eroarii. | 14) If the Bank is liable for the non-execution or late execution of a payment transaction initiated by the Client, it shall reimburse to the Client, where applicable, the amount of the unexecuted or incorrectly executed payment transaction. The crediting date is the earliest date when the error correction is made. |
33.2 Raspunderea Clientului | 33.2 Liability of the Client |
(1) Clientul are obligativitatea de a informa Banca imediat despre furtul/ pierderea/ distrugerea/ anularea mijloacelor de plata (exp: cecuri, bilete la ordin, carduri etc.). Banca nu isi asuma nici o responsabilitate pentru pagubele produse ca urmare a unor omisiuni, erori sau instructiuni nelegale inaintate Bancii de catre Client. | (1) The Client has the obligation to immediately notify the Bank about the theft/ loss/ destruction/ cancellation of the payment means (e.g. cheques, promissory notes cards, etc.). The Bank undertakes no responsibility for damages caused as result of omissions, errors or illegal instructions having been forwarded to the Bank by the Client. |
(2) In cazul in care se inregistreaza descoperit neautorizat pe cont, Clientul va suporta penalizarile corespunzatoare, conform Contractelor specifice incheiate cu Banca sau conform nivelului practicat de catre Banca si afisat la sediile sale sau comunicate Clientului la deschiderea de cont. | (2) Should an unauthorized overdraft occur on the account, the Client shall bear the appropriate penalties under the Specific agreements concluded with the Bank or according to the level being employed by the Bank and displayed at its territorial units or notified to the Client upon opening the account. |
(3) Clientul este raspunzator pentru orice pierdere suferita pentru neexecutarea sau executarea in mod defectuos a unei operatiuni de plata sau pentru o operatiune neautorizata de plata in cazul in care pierderile se datoreaza in principal unui intermediar/ tert ales/ desemnat de catre Client. | (3) The Client shall be liable for any loss suffered due to a non-execution or to a defective execution of a payment transaction or due to an unauthorised payment transaction in the case where the losses are primarily due to a broker/ third party having been chosen/ appointed by the Client. |
(4) Clientul este raspunzator pentru orice pierdere provocata Bancii, fara nicio limita de suma, ca urmare a fraudei proprii sau a unui tert, precum si in cazul incalcarii uneia sau mai multor obligatii prevazute la art.14 punctul (10) de mai sus. | (4) The Client shall be liable for any loss to be caused to the Bank, without any amount limitation, as result of his/her/its own fraud or of a fraud by a third party, as well as in case of breaching one or several of the obligations as provided for under the art. 14 item (10) above. |
Art.34 Forta majora | Art.34 Force Majeure |
(1) Banca/ Clientul nu va fi raspunzatoare in cazul indeplinirii cu intarziere sau neindeplinirii obligatiilor sale datorita fortei majore sau cazului fortuit. Raspunderea Bancii si/sau a Clientului este inlaturata, sau | (1) The Bank/ Client will not be considered reliable in case of delay or not fulfilment of its obligations in case of force majeure or casus fortuitous. The liability of the Bank and/or the Client shall be removed or suspended, as the |
suspendata dupa caz, in situatia aparitiei fortei majore sau cazului fortuit. | case, in case of force majeure or casus fortuitous. |
(2) Prin forta majora se intelege evenimentul extern, intervenit dupa semnarea prezentelor CGA/ contractului- cadru/ contractului specific, imprevizibil, absolut invincibil si inevitabil, care este de natura a exonera de raspundere partea care il invoca, care o impiedica sa isi indeplineasca total sau partial obligatiile contractuale pe durata relatiilor de afaceri (inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la greve, calamitati naturale, razboi). | (2) By force majeure is understood an external event occurring after the signing of the present GBC/ of the Framework Agreement/ of the Specific Agreement, unpredictable, absolutely insurmountable and inevitable, which can exonerate from responsibility the party invoking it, which completely or partially prevents it from fulfilling its contract obligations during the business relationship (including, but not limited to strikes, acts of God, war). |
(3) Prin caz fortuit se intelege acel eveniment care nu poate fi prevazut si nici impiedicat de cel care ar fi fost chemat sa raspunda daca evenimentul nu s-ar fi produs, care este de natura a exonera de raspundere partea care il invoca, inclusiv deficientele de natura tehnica care fac imposibila prestarea serviciului contractat. | (3) By casus fortuitus is understand that event that cannot be foreseen or prevented by the party responsible in case such event would appear, which will exonerate from responsibility the party invoking it, including the technical deficiencies which make the execution of the contracted service almost impossible. |
(4) Partea afectata va comunica aparitia fortei majore in termen de maxim 5 zile de la data aparitiei, iar in termen de maxim 15 zile va transmite celeilalte parti, in original, certificatul de atestare a cazului de forta majora eliberat de autoritatile competente. | (4) The affected party shall notify about the occurrence of the force majeure within 5 days after the occurrence date, and within maximum 15 days shall deliver to the other party, in original, the force majeure ascertaining certificate issued by the competent authorities. |
Art.35 Legea aplicabila | Art.35 Applicable law |
(1) Legea in vigoare in Romania guverneaza toate relatiile dintre Client si Banca, chiar si in cazul in care un proces se desfasoara in strainatate. Disputele care apar intre Banca si Client vor fi solutionate pe cale amiabila, iar cand acest lucru nu va fi posibil, diferendul va fi dedus judecatii instantei judecatoresti competente din Romania. | (1) The law in force in Romania shall govern all of the relations between the Client and the Bank even in the case where a trial would be held abroad. The disputes to occur between the Bank and the Client shall be amicably settled, and if not possible, the dispute shall be referred for settlement purposes to the competent court of law in Romania. |
(2) In mod facultativ, in vederea solutionarii pe cale amiabila a eventualelor dispute cu Banca, Clientul poate apela la procedurile extrajudiciare prevazute de lege. | (2) Optionally, for an amicable settlement of any possible disputes with the Bank, the Client may use the extrajudicial procedures provided by the law. |
(3) CGA se completeaza cu prevederile legislatiei interne in materie, cu reglementarile emise de Banca Nationala a Romaniei, regulile si uzantele internationale, precum si cu propriile norme si proceduri de lucru ale Bancii. | (3) These GBC are completed with the provisions in the domestic legislation within the matter, the regulations issued by the National Bank of Romania, the International Rules and Practices, as well as with the own rules and working procedures of the Bank. |
(4) Prevederile Titlului III si articolele 141, 149, 171, 172, 177-179, 182-185, 190 si 203-213 din Titlul IV din Legea nr. 209/2019 nu se aplica Clientului. | (4) The provisions in the Title III and the articles 141, 149, 171, 172, 177-179, 182-185, 190 si 203-213 in the Title IV of the Law no. 209/2019 shall not apply to the Client. |
Art.36 Modificari | Art.36 Alterations |
(1) Prezentele CGA se vor completa cu prevederile Contractelor Specifice prin care Clientul a contractat diverse produse si servicii bancare. In cazul unui conflict intre anumite prevederi din aceste CGA si conditiile din acele contracte vor prevala respectivele prevederi din contractele specifice, cu exceptia prevederilor de la art.34 (4) de mai sus si a celor referitoare la operatiunile de plati carora le sunt aplicabile, in orice situatie, prezentele CGA. | (1) These GBC shall be completed with the provisions in the Specific Agreements by means of which the Client has contracted various banking products and services. In the event of a conflict between certain provisions within these GBC and the conditions in such agreements the relevant provisions in the Specific Agreements shall prevail, except for the provisions under art.34 (4) above, and the provisions concerning the payment operations to which these GBC are applicable under any circumstances. |
(2) Banca poate decide, in mod unilateral, atunci cand | (2) The Bank may unilaterally decide, when so deeming it |
considera oportun, modificarea prezentelor CGA. | fit, to alter the present GBC. |
(3) Orice modificari ale prezentelor CGA vor fi notificate Clientului in scris sau afisate la sediile unitatilor teritoriale ale Bancii sau publicate pe pagina de internet a Bancii si vor deveni opozabile Clientului de la data notificarii/ afisarii/ publicarii/ mentionata in documentul afisat/ publicat, dupa caz. | (3) Any alterations to these GBC shall be notified to the Client in writing or displayed at the offices of the territorial units of the Bank or published on the Internet page of the Bank and shall become opposable to the Client since the notification/ displaying/ publishing date as mentioned within the displayed/ published document, as appropriate. |
Art.37 Aplicarea CGA | Art.37 Applying of the GBC |
(1) In momentul semnarii contractului de deschidere de cont, a Contractului specific si a Contractului-cadru, dupa caz, Clientul semneaza si pentru primirea prezentelor CGA si are responsabilitatea de a lua act de continutul acestora. Semnarea de catre Client a contractelor mentionate anterior are semnificatia intelegerii si acceptarii de catre acesta a continutului prezentelor CGA. | (1) Upon signing the account opening agreement, the Specific Agreement and the Framework Agreement, as the case may be, the Client also signs for receiving these GBC and is responsible to become aware of the contents thereof. The signing of the above mentioned agreements by the Client represents the understanding and acceptance of the content of these GBC. |
(2) Banca nu va intra in niciun raport contractual cu Clientul decat daca acesta din urma a acceptat prezentele CGA. | (2) The Bank shall not enter any contract relation with the Client unless the latter has accepted the present GBC. |
(3) Xxxxx exceptie de la prezentele CGA nu poate fi invocata decat daca o astfel de derogare a fost agreata in scris. | (3) No exception from the present GBC may be invoked unless such derogation was agreed upon in writing. |
(4) Prin semnarea documentelor de deschidere de cont, Clientul ia cunostinta si accepta prevederile prezentelor CGA si ca Banca ii pune la dispozitie servicii si produse bancare pe care le considera adecvate si care sunt in conformitate cu strategia Bancii, respectand prevederile legislatiei interne in vigoare, regulile, uzantele si practicile internationale in materie bancara, regulamentele si procedurile interne ale Bancii. Prevederile CGA se aplica si sunt valabile pana la data incetarii oricaror si tuturor relatiilor de afaceri dintre Banca si Client. | (4) By signing the account opening documents, the Client acknowledges and accepts the provisions of these GBC and that the Bank provides with banking services and products it considers proper and which comply with the strategy of the Bank, also observing the provisions in the domestic legislation in force, the international banking rules and practices, the internal rules and procedures of the Bank. The provisions in the GBC shall apply and shall and remain valid until the date of terminating any and all business relations between the Bank and the Client. |
(5) Clientul este obligat ca la data primirii CGA, sa prezinte Bancii situatia sa reala, precum si orice documente si informatii cerute de Banca. | (5) The Client is obliged, upon receiving the GBC, to notify the Bank about its actual condition, as well as any documents and information as required by the Bank. |
(6) Orice document emis de o autoritate straina (notar, tribunal, etc) va indeplini conditiile de supralegalizare/ apostilare conform prevederilor legislative in vigoare. | (6) Any document issued by a foreign authority (notary, tribunal etc.) shall meet the legalisation/ apostille requirements under the legislative provisions in force. |
(7) Prezentarea de documente incomplete si/sau informatii incorecte atrage raspunderea Clientului pentru eventualele daune provocate, Banca avand dreptul de a inceta raporturile contractuale. | (7) The provision of incomplete documents and/or incorrect information shall entail the liability of the Client for the possible damages caused and the Bank shall be entitled to terminate the contract relations. |
(8) Clientul este obligat sa prezinte Bancii, ori de cate ori aceasta considera necesar, orice documente si/sau declaratii considerate necesare pentru justificarea operatiunilor derulate prin Banca si/sau determinarea situatiei reale a Clientului. | (8) The Client is obliged to provide the Bank, whenever the same so deems it required, with any documents and/or statements deemed required in order to support the operations being performed by means of the Bank and/or to determine the actual condition of the Client. |
(9) Prezentele CGA sunt incheiate in limba romana si engleza. In caz de dispute sau neconcordante intre versiunea in limba romana si cea in limba engleza, versiunea in limba romana va prevala. Comunicarile dintre Banca si Client se efectueaza in limba romana, daca partile nu agreeaza altfel. | (9) These GBC are concluded in Romanian and English language. In the event of disputes or inconsistencies between the Romanian and English version, the Romanian version shall prevail. The communication between the Bank and the Client shall be carried on in Romanian language, if not otherwise agreed. |
Art.38 Spalarea banilor. Sanctiuni | Art.38 Money Laundering |
(1) Banca si orice alt membru al Grupului UniCredit poate intreprinde orice actiune pe care o considera adecvata pentru a asigura indeplinirea oricaror obligatii le-ar avea, oriunde in lume, cu privire la prevenirea si combaterea fraudei, spalarii banilor, finantarii actelor de terorism, darii/luarii de mita, coruptiei, evaziunii fiscale si la furnizarea serviciilor financiare si a altor servicii persoanelor care pot fi supuse Sanctiunilor. (2) Prin “Sanctiuni” se va intelege orice tip de restrictie, obligatie sau sanctiune prevazuta de: i) legislatia si reglementarile administrate sau puse in aplicare de Statele Unite ale Americii privind sanctiunile de natura economica sau financiara sau cele aferente embargoului comercial; ii) legile si reglementarile adoptate de Uniunea Europeana privind sanctiunile de natura economica sau financiara sau cele aferente embargoului comercial; iii) sanctiunile economice, embargourile sau oricare alte masuri restrictive de natura financiara sau economica adoptate de Consiliul de Securitate al Natiunilor Unite in temeiul articolului 41 din Carta Natiunilor Unite; iv) legile si reglementarile administrate sau puse in aplicare de orice organisme abilitate ale statelor in ale caror jurisdictii se afla Banca, Clientul, beneficiarul real al acestuia sau Grupul UniCredit, in scopul mentinerii pacii si securitatii internationale, prevenirii si combaterii terorismului, asigurarii respectarii drepturilor omului si libertatilor fundamentale, dezvoltarii si consolidarii democratiei si statului de drept si indeplinirii altor scopuri, in conformitate cu obiectivele comunitaţii internationale, cu dreptul international si cu dreptul Uniunii Europene. (3) In scopul prevederilor de mai sus, termenul „actiune” poate include, fara a se limita la, investigarea si interceptarea platilor efectuate in si din contul Clientului, sau pe seama acestuia, si in particular a platilor internationale, si investigarea sursei fondurilor sau beneficiarului acestora, efectuarea de investigatii in scopul determinarii daca o persoana sau o operatiune este supusa Sanctiunilor, refuzul Bancii de a efectua operatiuni de plata, inchiderea unuia/ unora sau tuturor conturilor Clientului, terminarea relatiei de afaceri. (4) Desfasurarea acestor actiuni de catre Banca poate conduce la intarzierea sau oprirea executarii instructiunilor de plata sau a incasarii sumelor/decontarii tranzactiilor dar, in masura in care este posibil, Banca va informa Clientul despre motivele care au determinat aceste intarzieri sau opriri si despre durata estimata a oricarei intarzieri. | (1) The Bank and any other member of the UniCredit group may take whatever action it considers appropriate to meet any obligations anywhere in the world relating to the prevention of fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion and the provision of financial and other services to persons who may be subject to Sanctions. (2) "Sanctions" shall mean any kind of restriction, obligation or sanction provided by: (i) the laws and regulations administered or enforced by the United States of America on economic or financial sanctions or those related to the commercial embargo; ii) the laws and regulations adopted by the European Union on economic or financial sanctions or those related to the commercial embargo; (iii) economic sanctions, embargoes or any other restrictive measures of financial or economic nature adopted by the United Nations Security Council pursuant to Article 41 of the Charter of the United Nations; iv) the laws and regulations administered or enforced by any competent body of the States in whose jurisdictions the Bank, the Client, its real beneficiary or the UniCredit Group are, in order to maintain international peace and security, prevent and combat terrorism, ensure the observance of rights human rights and fundamental freedoms, the development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law, and the fulfilment of other goals, in accordance with the objectives of the international community, with international law and European Union law. (3) For the purposes of the above provisions, the term "action" may include, but is not limited to, investigating and intercepting payments into and out of the Client’s Account, or on its behalf, particularly international payments, and investigating the source of funds or intended recipient, making enquiries to establish whether a person or an operation is subject to Sanctions, Bank's refusal to perform payment operations, closure of one or all of the Client's accounts, termination of the business relationship. (4) Carrying out these activities may delay or stop the processing of payment orders or the receipt of cleared funds but, where possible, the Bank will advise the Client of the reasons for any delay or stop and the likely length of any delay. |
(5) Clientul va pune imediat la dispozitia Bancii toate documentele, informatiile si mijloacele de identificare pe care le solicita (astfel cum acestea sunt determinate la simpla apreciere a Bancii), si de maniera si forma determinate de catre Banca. Aceasta solicitare se refera la: | (5) The Client shall immediately provide to the Bank all documents, information and means of identification it requests (as determined at the Bank’s sole discretion), and in the manner and form determined by the Bank. This includes: |
(a) schimbari cu privire la informatiile si statutul imputernicitilor si reprezentantilor legali sau confirmarea scrisa referitoare la neintervenirea unor schimbari cu | (a) changes to the information or status of existing Authorised Users and Legal Representatives or written confirmation that no changes have been made to such |
privire la informatiile si statutul acestor persoane; | persons; |
(b) informatii cu privire la noii imputerniciti si/sau reprezentanti legali (care pot include identificarea personala a acestor persoane); | (b) information regarding new Authorised Users and/or Legal Representatives (which may entail personal identification of such persons); |
(c) actualizarea informatiilor cu privire la Client, conducerea acestuia, pozitia financiara, beneficiarii reali si grupul de entitati din care face parte, daca este relevant; si | (c) updated information regarding the Client, its management, financial position, beneficial owners and group of companies if relevant; and |
(d) informatii in avans cu privire la orice tert care va fi beneficiar al platilor. | (d) information in advance regarding any third party beneficiaries to whom payments are to be made. |
VIII. Incetarea relatiilor de afaceri | VIII. Termination of the business relations |
Art.39 Relatiile de afaceri dintre Banca si Client inceteaza prin: | Art.39 The business relations between the Bank and the Client shall end by: |
(a) acordul partilor, la data si in conditiile convenite; | (a) agreement of the parties, on the date, and under the conditions as agreed upon; |
(b) denuntarea unilaterala, urmatoarele prevederi devenind aplicabile: | (b) unilateral cancellation, in which case the following provisions shall become applicable: |
(1) Clientul poate denunta unilateral prezentele CGA oricand, mai putin in situatia in care asupra sumelor existente in conturile Clientului au fost instituite masuri de indisponibilizare din partea organelor/ autoritatilor competente conform legii, sub conditia primirii de catre Banca, cu 30 de zile inainte de incetare, a unei notificari scrise de denuntare. | (1) The Client may unilaterally terminate the present GBC at any time, except for the case where action has been taken in relation to the existing amounts in the accounts of the Client for blocking by the competent bodies/ authorities according to the law, provided that the Bank received, 30 days before the termination, a written termination notification. |
(2) Banca poate denunta unilateral CGA si/sau contractul-cadru incheiat/e cu Clientul in conditiile si termenii notificati. | (2) The Bank may unilaterally terminate the GBC and/or the framework agreement concluded with the Client under the notified terms and conditions. |
(c) rezilierea pentru neindeplinirea de catre o parte a obligatiilor sale, care determina imposibilitatea executarii CGA si/sau a contractului-cadru pentru cealalta parte; urmatoarele situatii indreptatesc Banca sa inceteze deindata relatiile cu Clientul, in totalitate sau pentru o anumita operatiune, fara notificare sau alta formalitate prealabila: | (c) termination by reason of failure by one of the parties to fulfil its obligations, which determines the impossibility for the other party to perform under the GBC and/or the framework agreement; the following circumstances shall entitle the Bank to immediately terminate the relations with the Client, entirely or for a certain operation only, without prior notice or other formalities: |
i) dupa deschiderea unui cont, semnarea Contractului specific sau a Contractului-cadru, dupa caz, apar probleme legate de verificarea identitatii beneficiarului si/sau de provenienta fondurilor, care nu pot fi solutionate; | i) after an account was opened, a Specific Agreement or a Framework Agreement was signed, issues occur in relation to checking the identity of the beneficiary and/or the source of funds that cannot be solved; |
ii) Clientul ajunge in una dintre situatiile de neindeplinire a obligatiilor fata de Banca sau daca a incalcat legislatia in vigoare; | ii) the Client reaches one of the cases of failure to fulfil its obligations towards the Bank or should the same have breached the legislation in force; |
iii) daca exista suspiciuni ale Bancii ca tranzactiile efectuate/ in curs/ ordonate de Client au ca scop spalarea de bani si/sau finantarea actelor de terorism sau daca actiunea sau inactiunea Clientului sau a beneficiarului real al Clientului, direct sau indirect, ar putea contribui la incalcarea de catre Banca sau de catre Client a legislatiei si reglementarilor prin care sunt stabilite Sanctiuni; | iii) should the Bank hold any doubts that the operations having been performed/ in progress/ ordered by the Client have for purpose money laundering and/or terrorism financing or if the action or inaction of the Client or the real beneficiary of the Customer, directly or indirectly, could contribute to the Bank's or Client's breach of the laws and regulations by which Sanctions are established; |
iv) in orice alte situatii impuse de dispozitii legislative/ decizii ale unor autoritati competente; | iv) in any other cases as imposed by legislative provisions/ decisions of competent authorities; |
v) soldul contului este mai mic decat zero (datorita operatiunilor de administrare de cont si/sau costului cardului) si nu exista operatiuni pe cont pe o perioada de sase luni (cu exceptia taxelor si comisioanelor percepute de Banca). | v) the balance of the account is less than zero (due to account management operations and/or the card cost) and there are no operations by the account for a six- month period (except for charges and fees being charged by the Bank). |
(d) Banca poate denunta relatiile de afaceri cu Clientul si in urmatoarele situatii: | (d) the Bank may also terminate the business relations with the Client under the following circumstances: |
i) situatia financiara a Clientului se deterioreaza substantial sau este in mod serios amenintata; | i) the financial condition of the Client substantially deteriorates or is seriously threatened; |
ii) Clientul nu se supune cererii de a furniza garantii suplimentare sau de a majora valoarea garantiilor oferite. | ii) the Client does not comply with the request to provide additional securities or to increase the value of the provided securities. |
e) in situatiile prevazute in Contractele specifice. | e) according to the clauses within Specific Agreements. |
Incetarea relatiilor de afaceri/ Contractelor specifice nu va afecta indeplinirea obligatiilor Clientului existente in acel moment fata de Banca. | The termination of the business relations/ Specific Agreements shall not affect the Client’s existing obligations towards the Bank. |
Art.40 Inchiderea conturilor | Art.40 Account Closing |
(1) La incheierea relatiilor de afaceri, soldul oricarui cont deschis la Banca de catre Client devine imediat scadent, Clientul fiind obligat sa plateasca Bancii imediat soldul debitor, respectiv sa instructeze Banca cu privire la transferul soldului creditor (disponibil dupa achitarea tuturor obligatiilor sale fata de Banca). In caz contrar, Clientul este obligat sa furnizeze Bancii garantii acceptabile, respectiv, in cazul soldului creditor, Banca va fi eliberata de orice obligatie fata de Client. | (1) Upon the termination of the business relations, the balance of any account opened with the Bank by the Client shall immediately become due and the Client shall be liable to immediately pay to the Bank the debit balance, respectively to instruct the Bank as regards the transfer of the credit balance (available after all of its obligations towards the Bank were paid). Otherwise, the Client shall be liable to provide the Bank with acceptable securities, respectively in the case of a credit balance the Bank shall be exonerated from any obligation towards the Client. |
(2) In situatia in care Clientul este notificat despre incetarea relatiei de afaceri/ cont cu Banca, Clientul va restitui Bancii formularele neutilizate, carnetele de cecuri/ filele CEC puse la dispozitia Clientului, precum si celelalte mijloace de comunicare si transfer de date puse la dispozitia sa de catre Banca. | (2) Should the Client be notified about the ending of the business relation/account with the Bank, the Client shall return to the Bank all of the unused forms, cheque books/ cheques to the Client, as well as the other means of data communication and transfer having provided by the Bank. |
(3) Dupa incetarea CGA, Banca nu va mai fi tinuta sa onoreze titluri de credit, efecte de comert, cecuri transmise spre incasare. | (3) After the termination of the GBC, the Bank shall no longer be held liable to pay credit titles, trading effects, cheques sent for collection. |