NR. ..................... din ..................
Părţile contractante:
AIESEC – Comitetul Local Târgu-Mureş, cu sediul în Târgu-Mureş, Str. Livezeni, nr. 69, având codul fiscal nr. 13373281, reprezentată prin ........................................
• Student/ă (Absolvent/ă) , la facultatea
cu domiciliul în. ,
identificat/ă cu BI/CI, seria .............., nr. ........................., eliberat de ,
în data de ...................., CNP ...................................., paşaport nr (după caz)
Tipul de stagiu de practică ales (se încercuieşte varianta corespunzătoare):
• Global Community Development Program (GCDP)
• Global Internship Program (GIP)
Prin prezentul contract se prezintă modul de colaborare privind drepturile şi obligaţiile persoanelor care doresc să efectueze stagii de practică în străinătate prin intermediul programului International Internships Program pe care organizaţia AIESEC îl oferă acestora.
Programul International Internships oferă tinerilor studenţi sau absolvenţi posibilitatea de a efectua un stagiu de practică plătit în străinătate în una din cele 110 ţări şi teritorii unde există AIESEC, în diferite companii sau instituţii, pe domeniul acestora de interes.
1.1. Scopul unui stagiu de practică în străinătate este acela de a asigura studentului:
▪ O experienţă pozitivă de învăţare;
▪ Abilităţi practice într-un mediu internaţional care să îi completeze pregătirea;
▪ Interactţiunea cu probleme sociale din comunitatea gazdă;
▪ Interacţiunea cu evenimente sociale şi culturale noi;
▪ Pregătirea pentru viitoarele responsabilităţi;
▪ Oportunitatea aplicării abilităţilor, atitudinii şi valorilor la locul de muncă şi în cadrul comunităţii;
▪ Cunoaşterea diferitelor probleme sociale şi modalităţilor diferite de lucru din ţara gazdă;
▪ Crearea unei reţele vaste de cunoştinţe.
1.2. Scopul stagiului de practică NU este:
▪ Să ofere o oportunitate al cărei scop este de a câştiga bani;
▪ O vacanţă;
▪ Asigurarea unei cariere viitoare într-o altă ţară. În cazul în care compania/organizaţia decide să angajeze studentul permanent în ţara şi/sau teritoriul gazdă, AIESEC nu va avea niciun rol în facilitarea acestui lucru;
▪ O modalitate prin care o persoană să-şi părăsească ţara/teritoriul. AIESEC nu încurajează extinderea stagiului de practică peste limitele asupra cărora s-a căzut de comun acord.
2.1. Obligaţiile Comitetului Local AIESEC Târgu-Mureş:
▪ Să asiste studentul/absolventul pe parcursul pregătirii sale pentru acest program şi căutării unei companii sau instituţii în străinătate potrivite profilului său prin intermediul platformei virtuale
▪ Să asiste studentul/absolventul în aflarea de informaţii legate de companie/organizaţie în momentul în care s-a găsit o oportunitate de stagiu de practică potrivită.
▪ Să menţină legătura cu studentul pe perioada stagiului de practică în străinătate.
▪ Să pregătească, în funcţie de diponibilitatea părţilor, oportunităţi pentru reintegrarea
studentului la întoarcerea acestuia din stagiul de practică.
2.2. Obligaţiile studentului/absolventului
▪ Fiecare participant la program este obligat să completeze anumite formulare necesare pentru introducerea CV-ului său în baza de date AIESEC de pe
▪ Studentul/Absolventul este obligat să păstreze comunicarea cu persoane din cadrul AIESEC care îl susţin în căutarea unui stagiu de practică şi în completarea diferitelor formulare sau documente.
▪ Niciun student nu are dreptul de a pleca în Programul de Practică internaţională fără să fi participat la programele de pregătire pentru program – ex: ICPS (International Cultural Preparation Seminar).
❖ În mod excepţional, un EP poate pleca în Programul de Practică internaţională fără a fi trecut prin ICPS, dacă:
- EP-ul a mai avut parte de un stagiu de practică internaţional sau de o bursă de studiu în străinătate, în ambele cazuri programele trebuind să fie recunoscute de Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării.
- EP-ul a mai avut parte de un stagiu de exchange în AIESEC.
- EP-ul a avut o poziţie de Vice-Preşedinte International Internships.
▪ Studentul/Absolventul trebuie să suporte toate cheltuielile legate de transportul său în ţara/teritoriul gazdă + alte cheltuieli (viza, asigurare, documente legale, etc.), să facă demersurile necesare şi utile pentru a obţine permisul de muncă şi de şedere, asigurarea,
certificările medicale şi aranjamentele necesare pentru stagiul său de practică sau să deţină suma necesară pentru acoperirea costurilor care apar în primele săptămâni ale stagiului de practică.
▪ Studentul/Absolventul trebuie să achite taxa aferentă tipului de stagiu de practică pentru care optează înainte de a-l începe.
▪ Studentul/Absolventul se obligă ca în termen de 3 luni de zile de la semnarea acestui contract să nu îşi caute alte diferite oportunităţi de învăţare, practică sau muncă şi să nu încheie alte contracte în baza acestora.
▪ Studentul/Absolventul nu are dreptul de a se înscrie la diferite instituţii de învăţământ pe perioada în care efectuează stagiul de practică în ţara respectivă.
▪ Prin semnarea prezentului contract, studentul înţelege şi este de acord cu conţinutul Contractului de Colaborare şi confirmă că acceptă la participarea în programul International Internships.
În vederea susţinerii căutării oportunităţilor de stagii de practică în străinătate, se instituie următoarele plăţi (taxe) necesare de făcut către AIESEC Târgu-Mures:
• Pentru Global Internship Program: 200 euro
• Pentru Global Community Development Program: 50 euro
Sumele reprezintă valori integrale, neluându-se în considerare eventualele reduceri care pot apărea, aşa cum sunt stipulate în ANEXA 1.
Sumele sunt plătite în RON la cursul BNR din ziua plăţii.
Plata se face către persoana cu care se păstrează comunicarea în AIESEC.
▪ Valabilitatea prezentului contract este de 6 luni din momentul semnării lui.
După expirarea termenului de 6 luni de la semnarea contractului, studentul iese din programul International Internships, pierzând posibilitatea de a-şi căuta stagiu de practică prin acest program. Totuşi, următoarele cazuri sunt posibile:
- În cazul în care studentul nu şi-a găsit internship din motive independente de AIESEC Tg. Mureş (nu aplică pentru internship-uri, nu păstrează legătura cu membri AIESEC responsabili de el, nu răspunde la e-mail-uri/telefon, este inflexibil în ceea ce priveşte ţările sau domeniile, etc.), după expirarea celor 6 luni, iese din program fără să-i fie returnată suma de bani achitată la data semnării prezentului contract.
- În cazul în care studentul nu şi-a găsit internship din motive independente de AIESEC Tg. Mureş, şi după expirarea celor 6 luni, îşi doreşte să mai rămână în program, va plăti din nou prima tranşă din taxă în momentul semnării unui nou contract de colaborare.
- În cazul în care studentul nu şi-a găsit un internship deşi a urmat toate indicaţiile membrilor AIESEC şi a aplicat la un număr de internship-uri prestabilit, după expirarea celor 6 luni, are posibilitatea să-şi prelungească prezentul contract cu încă 6 luni fără să mai plătească taxa de semnare a contractului.
- În cazul în care studentul nu şi-a găsit un internship deşi a urmat toate indicaţiile membrilor AIESEC şi a aplicat la un număr de internship-uri prestabilit şi după expirarea celor 6 luni, nu mai doreşte să rămână în program deşi i s-a oferit această posibilitate, poate ieşi fără a i se returna suma de bani achitată la data semnării prezentului contract.
▪ AIESEC Târgu-Mures nu este responsabil de actele săvârşite de către persoanele responsabile de stagii de practică din Comitetul Local/Naţional unde urmează să plece studentul în stagiul de practică.
▪ În cazul în care un participant la program decide să nu plece în stagiul de practică, acesta este scos din baza de date AIESEC.
▪ Pentru studentul şi/sau participantul la stagiul de practică internaţională oferite de AIESEC, se recomandă păstrarea prezentului contract pentru reamintirea responsabilităţilor asumate, ale Comitetului Local AIESEC din care se pleacă şi ale Comitetului Local AIESEC gazdă.
▪ Obligaţiile prevăzute în prezentul contract se vor respecta în totalitate de părţile semnatare, nerespectarea de către una din părţi atrăgând după sine rezilierea contractului.
▪ Prezentul contract intră în vigoare la data semnării de către părţi.
▪ Dacă semnarea nu este simultană, data intrării în vigoare va fi considerată data aplicării ultimei semnături.
Termenul agreat de părţi pentru începerea calculului perioadei de timp corespunzătoare reducerilor oferite în funcţie de momentul acceptării unei poziţii de la o companie prin intermediul utilizării International Internships Program este ...................
Prezentul Contract de Colaborare a fost încheiat în 2 (două) exemplare câte unul pentru fiecare parte, astăzi, în data de ......................................
AIESEC Târgu-Mureş Student/Absolvent/ă
Modalitatea de plată a taxelor este următoarea:
Stagii de practică prin Global Internship Program:
• La data semnării prezentului contract şi introducerii în program pe – 100 euro
• După găsirea de către student/absolvent a unui stagiu de practică prin programul International Internships dar înainte de plecarea în stagiul propriu-zis, se achită de către acesta suma de 100 euro, reprezentând a doua tranşă din taxa totală. La această sumă se pot aplica o serie de reduceri, în funcţie de încadrarea studentului/absolventului în una din categoriile de beneficiari ai acestor reduceri, după cum urmează:
- 50 euro dacă studentul/absolventul a avut o poziţie de conducere, ca Team Leader în AIESEC Târgu-Mureş şi şi-a îndeplinit cel puţin 80% din obiective.
- 75 euro dacă studentul/absolventul a avut o poziţie de conducere ca LCVP, LCP sau MC doar dacă cel puţin 80% din obiectivele sale au fost îndeplinite.
- 25 euro dacă în maxim 30 zile de la semnarea contractului sau de la un termen agreat de părţi studentul acceptă şi, la rândul lui, este acceptat de către o companie pe o poziţie de internship (în cazul self-matching).
- În cazul în care studentul/absolventul participă a doua oară în programul GIP sau a participat în programul GCDP şi a doua oară participă în GIP, acesta va beneficia de o reducere de 50 euro iar dacă a avut o poziţie de TLP/LCVP/LCP/MC în care şi-a îndeplinit cel puţin 80% din obiective, reducerea va fi de 75 euro.
Suma totală a reducerilor nu poate depăşi 100 euro.
Stagii de practică prin Global Community Development Program:
• La data semnării prezentului contract şi introducerii în program pe – 25 euro
• După găsirea de către student/absolvent a unui stagiu de practică prin programul International Internships dar înainte de plecarea în stagiul propriu-zis, se achită de către acesta suma de 25 euro, reprezentând a doua tranşă din taxa totală.
• Nu se oferă reduceri.
În cazul renunţării la stagiu de practică, suma achitată la data semnării contractului NU se returnează.
Student Contract
AIESEC Contact information | LC Târgu-Mureş, AIESEC in Romania Telephone: |
Student full name: | |
Student contact information: | Address: Telephone: E-mail: |
Criteria for Members going in International Internships Program:
I agree that:
□ I have knowledge of AIESEC, its purpose, its objectives and its activities.
□ I have the adaptability, awareness and maturity to handle the challenges of a internship in a different country/territory and culture.
□ I passed official language tests that certify my language proficiency.
□ I participated in and passed a Selection Process for International Internships stage.
□ I have the ability to cover travel and other related costs (eg. visa, work permit, insurance) to the location of the internship I am matched to, based on the preferences indicated in my Student Resume and Preferences Form.
□ I have provided my LC with CV and Cover Letter in English.
□ Information included in these documents is true.
□ I have participated in ICPS.
□ I will be reporting current situation during internship to my sending Local Committee at least once in 2 weeks.
Certification of Language Proficiency
Languages | Speaking | Understanding | Writing | Xxxxxx | Overal |
1. | native | native | native | native | native |
International Internships Program fees:
Global Internship Program: 200 euro Discounts:
Leadership (Team Leader): 50 euro
Leadership (LCVP, LCP, MC position): 75 euro (nu se cumulează cu cele anterioare) Self-matching, Matched in 30 days: 25 euro
Second internship: 50 euro
Global Community Development Program: 50 euro No discounts
Re-raising: see 4. Dispoziţii finale
50 % of fee is paid when the EP form is introduced in the database and the rest 50 % is paid when the form is matched.
AIESEC’s various international internships activities are operated as part of the full development experience provided by the AIESEC platform. The international internships experience is intended to have a direct impact on the intern through providing the individual with an international professional experience in a unique developmental environment provided by AIESEC. The success of an AIESEC international internship is dependent upon the fulfillment of specific roles and responsibilities by
interns, host and home LCs, member committees, and participating host organizations. The following contract describes the roles and responsibilities of all involved parties and must be agreed to and signed by all relevant parties in order to proceed with the internship.
An AIESEC internship is a practical working and learning experience for the intern to develop academic knowledge and professional skills. An internship must aim to provide the intern with:
▪ A positive learning experience;
▪ Practical skills and knowledge in a foreign environment to complement the intern’s higher educational background or field of career aspirations;
▪ Interaction with a different social and cultural environment with a view to gaining intercultural competencies;
▪ Development of theoretical and practical leadership skills;
▪ Opportunity to apply personal and professional skills, knowledge, attitudes and values to work for the organization as well as the host communities;
▪ Develop awareness and knowledge of social issues and different practices of the sending and hosting country;
▪ Opportunity to contribute to personal and professional life goals.
The internship cannot aim to:
▪ Solely provide an opportunity for the intern to earn money;
▪ Provide a holiday;
▪ Act as a permanent career placement or recruitment opportunity in the host country. If the organization decides to extend the internship on a permanent basis, AIESEC will have no role in facilitating this.
1. Responsabilities of the Sending Local Committee
▪ Organize a student Review Board according to the definition of Selection in the Quality Standards and ensure that every member participating in an internship has passed through it.
▪ Assist the member in completing all requiered paper documentation and completing the online EP form.
▪ Train and assist the member in matching procedures and use of matching tools.
▪ Inform the EP of current match status. In case the EP is responsible for his/her own matching, the LC should consistently track his/her matching status as well as provide guidance and overall support.
▪ Provide necessary support to the EP to send official Acceptance Note when needed.
▪ Provide adequate pre-departure preparation as outlined in the Exchange Process Standards.
▪ Educate the EP on the complaint procedures.
▪ Guide and support the EP through all quality issues using the International Exchange Policies and Quality Standards.
▪ Educate the EP on the responsabilities of all parties involved in the international internships process.
▪ Mantain communication with the EP throughout the duration of the internship.
▪ Provide the EP with the opportunity to re-integrate into the sending LC as outlined in the Re-Integration section of the Exchange Process Standards.
▪ Periodically evaluate the internship and communicate with the intern at least on a monthly basis.
▪ Communicate with the Host LC and intern to coordinate the reception so the requierements in the reception section Exchange Process Standards are met.
▪ Encourage the EP to complete and submit the measurement surveys. Inform the intern of the timeline for completing measurement surveys and facilitate the online or offline completion of surveys.
2. Responsabilities of the Hosting Local Committee
▪ Get an acceptance letter from the company/organization stating terms of the internship (salary or compensation, working hours, dates of internship, job description).
▪ Provide all the necessary information to the incoming applicant about visa, insurance, work permit and all other legal requierements.
▪ Pick up the trainee from the airport/railway station on the day of his/her arrival.
▪ Provide adequate reception as stated in the Quality Standards.
▪ Organize events that involve the applicant and local people in cultural learning.
▪ Give the applicant advice and access to AIESEC’s network when organizing cultural nights, sight seeing trips or other social events.
▪ The hosting Local Committee shall facilitate a meeting or social events no later than the first 3 days of the trainee’s arrival so that they can be introduced personally to the members of the LC.
▪ Facilitate the first steps in community involvement and related activities.
▪ Inform the trainee of any special local laws in the country (PS. Singapore, no chewing gum etc.)
▪ Inform the trainee of the social do’s and do not’s in the country.
▪ Give initial assistance in establishing and orienting the applicant upon arrival for his/her internship (accommodation, bank account, first day at work, local transportation, grocery shopping, etc.).
▪ Provide at least one opportunity for the applicant to share his/her culture with a group of people if he/she wishes (eg. With the company, the LC, for school children, at the university, etc.).
▪ Provide assistance and support to the applicant when he/she has problems with the company/organization or any other aspect of his/her internship.
▪ Provide assistance in ensuring that the internship maximizes its potential for cultural learning and community involvement.
▪ Provide the applicant information so that they can legally leave the country.
3. Responsabilities of the organization/company
▪ Provide a detailed internship description meeting the standards of quality outlined in the International Exchange Policies (Please request a copy of the policies from your AIESEC representative).
▪ Pay the necessary participation fee to the Local Committee.
▪ Provide professional work experience for a period between 6 and 78 weeks.
▪ Designate one representative in the organization as responsible for the matching process (accepting/rejecting candidates). The period of response regarding candidates cannot exceed 8 days.
▪ Provide orientation of the workplace upon the intern’s arrival to the organization’s policies and procedures, orientation of the core business, orientation of information systems, office processes, and any other information necessary to fulfil the internship job objectives.
▪ Participate in an initial meeting with the Host LC and intern to set and review expectations, processes for internship evaluation and addressing complaints.
▪ Provide adequate working conditions (which may include personal workspace and computer), salary, orientation, guidance and training for the intern to achieve the objectives agreed upon.
▪ Ensure the intern performs the job, receives salary (unless something different is agreed) and has working conditions as stated on the TN form entered on during the entire duration of the internship.
▪ Evaluate the intern and the Hosting LC in measurements periods (pre-exchange, 4 weeks and post-evaluation).
▪ Provide regular performance feedback/evaluations to the intern at intervals agreed upon with the intern.
▪ Participate in AIESEC activities that are of interest and relevance to the organization and its representatives.
▪ Comply with all applicable employment law and regulations regarding internship contracts and if needed, provide the intern with a valid internship employment contract.
▪ Failure to comply with the roles and responsabilities may result in the organization being charged with a penalty.
4. Responsabilities of the intern
▪ Complete and sign all documentation partaining to participation in an AIESEC internship. This includes but is not limited to, Student Contract, EP Resume and an agreement regarding fee policies.
▪ Complete the EP Form on using the EP Resume.
▪ Pay the necessary application fees and/or deposits to their Local or Member Committee.
▪ Pass the language test(s) for all proficiency levels in non-native languages. Have written proof of the language level(s) as specified in the EP forms.
▪ Participate in a Review Board organized by the Local Member Committee.
▪ Attend preparation events and complete the preparation requierements of the country and territory.
▪ Communicate continuously with the home LC of the matching status and any changes of preferences or issues that arrise.
▪ Inform the Local and/or Member Committee if they become unavailable for an internship, or if they are looking into other opportunities.
▪ Have sufficient funds to incur all expenses related to transportation to and from the host country or territory.
▪ Have sufficient funds to cover all living expenses for the first four weeks of the internship.
▪ Review the visa/work permit regulations for the host country prior to the purchase of a ticket to travel to the country (air/sea/land transportation).
▪ Acquire the necessary legal documents to participate in an internship in the foreign country (visa. Insurance, medical certifications, working and residence permits and other requiered documents). Intern shall incur all costs related to all legal documentation or processes.
▪ Officially register with the home embassy in the host country.
▪ Maintain communication with the Sending and Hosting Local Committees throughout the internship.
▪ Complete and submit measurement surveys together with Sending and Hosting LC.
▪ Provide current contact information to the Local Committees (host and home). Prepare to give presentations about the home country and culture to organization employees, AIESEC members and other audiences.
▪ Take a proactive and independent role in getting involved in the community and in other activities outside the internship.
▪ Take a proactive and independent role in integrating with the local AIESEC chapter and its membership.
▪ Participate in AIESEC activities relevant to interests and goals.
▪ Give input to the host Local and Member Committees about future internship opportunities with the organization they are working for to provide similar opportunities to other EPs in the future.
▪ Participate in reintegration activities after their arrival to their home country with their sending LC.
5. Responsabilities of the Member Committee
▪ If the country and territory has monitored access, the MC is responsible for ensuring each new EP form is reviewed and put on available within one week if the member meets all quality standards.
▪ Ensure all Local Committees are implementing and following the International Exchange Policies and any other policies that the Member Committee has developed speciffically for their country/territory.
▪ Ensure that all Local Committees are running international internships.
▪ Provide all the necessary systems and tool for LCs to operate international internships.
6. Match Policies
6.1. An applicant shall not contact the organization prior to being accepted by the organization or
after being rejected by the organization unless the company initiates contact with the applicant for the purpose of a telephonic interview.
6.2. After another form has shown interest in or accepted your form you have 8 days to respond through the system. If you do not respond then the link between forms will be cancelled. The only exception will occur if both parties have agreed through the system to ”renew the waiting period” which will give an extension of another 8 days.
6.3. If an applicant rejects the TN after the TN has accepted the EP (all the stage of final confirmation) that applicant will be taken out of the system and placed on system hold. This means they will not be able to participate in the traineeship program.
6.4. A potential match can only be rejected under the following circumstances:
• All the Requiered priorities as specified on the forms are not met
- i.e. applicant specifies that the Business Type of Traineeship needs to be Marketing and has as priority Requiered, but is matched to a Finance traineeship.
• The applicant does not possess the skills requiered for the traineeship.
- i.e. the company/organization requieres an applicant that speaks Estonian and the applicant does not have this skill
- i.e. the company/organization requieres knowledge of HTML and the applicant does not possess this knowledge
• The actual job description does not match the specifications on the company/organization form
- i.e. the company/organization form states that it is a traineeship in the field of Marketing, but the job description specifies that the trainee will be teaching English to its employees.
6.5. If eighter the applicant or company rejects a match without a valid reason, the form of the part that rejected the match will no longer be allowed to participate in AIESEC’s International Internship Program.
6.6. In the case that match policies are breached, the responsible Member Committee will deny the applicant that violated the policy access to the system.
6.7.An applicant may only reject 5 forms for valid personal reasons. If, however, the applicant rejects more than 5 forms he will not be able to participate in the International Internships Program and is obliged to pay the full fees.
6.8. An applicant in the following cases may not reject a match:
• An applicant is matched to a country/territory that was included in his/her preferences as entered on the EP form.
• The applicant is not allowed to reject a match if the applicant does not have valid reasons for rejecting it based on the country. A valid reason for rejecting a match based on the country and territory can include the following: a country and territory at war or countries and territories that will pose risk or danger to the trainee.
• The specifications stated on the company/organization form match the requiered criteria stated on the applicant form.
Special Cases
Applicants participating in AIESEC’s International Internships Program shall not provide false or inaccurate information relating to work experience, academic backgrounds or language proficiency levels. If an applicant has falsified any information that resulted in a match with a company/organization, the hosting Committee may send the applicant back to his/her home country at his/her own expense. The applicant shall not be allowed to apply for any other traineeship through AIESEC.
7. Limit of liability
AIESEC International, AIESEC Sending Local Committee and AIESEC Hosting Local Committee may only be held liable for their personal respective responsibilities as described in this student contract and its annexes.
In particular, AIESEC International, AIESEC Sending Local Committee and AIESEC Hosting Local Committee shall never be held liable:
▪ In case of refusal from the authorities to provide a visa, work permit or any other legal document or authorization needed by the individual to participate in the internship.
▪ In case of false, inaccurate or incorrect information provided by the individual or the organization resulting in the match/internship.
▪ In case of accident incurred by the individual during the internship.
▪ In case of damages caused by the individual to the organization or to any third party during the internship.
In addition, AIESEC International, AIESEC Sending Local Committee and AIESEC Hosting Local Committee cannot be held liable in any event:
▪ For any consequential or indirect damages, including loss of income or profits.
▪ Where the failure to fulfill their obligations has been caused by circumstances beyond their control.
As a participant in an AIESEC internship, we recommend that you keep this Student Contract with you to remind yourself of your responsibilities, the responsibilities of your Home and Host Local Committees, the organization to which you have been matched, your Member Committee and AIESEC International.
We wish you the best of luck on your internship ....
And hope it will be a wonderful experience for you!
Confirmation of Understanding and Agreement
I understand and agree with the provisions of the present agreement and annexes and confirm that all information stated on my ”Student Resume” and ”Student Contract” is valid and correct.
Student’s full name:
Date (dd-mm-rrrr):
Note: 2 copies of this contract are needed with original signatures (1 for yourself, 1 for the sending LC)