Contract de angajare | הקסעה םכסה | |
Intre: numele firmei de forte de munca | :םדאה-חוכ דיגאת םש :ןיב | Between: |
Nr. de inregistrare | :.פ.ח | Manpower Company Name: |
Sefiul social al firmei | תבותכ :הרבחה | Company Registration No. |
Prin intermediul reprezentantului autorizat legal sa semneze contractul in numele firmei | לע םותחל ןידכ השרומה גיצנ י"ע הרבחה םשב םכסהה | Company Address: |
Numele xx.xx. | :ומשש :.ז.x xxxx , | By Legally Authorized Representative signing Agreement on behalf of Company: Name: Israeli I.D. No. |
Functia detinuta la firma | :הרבחב ודיקפת | Position in Company: |
(in urmatoarele: Angajatorul" | ")דיבעמה: "ןלהל( | (hereinafter referred to as "the Employer") |
Si | : ןיבל | And: |
Numele lucratorului | :xxxxx xx | Employee's Name: |
Nr. de identitate moldovenesc | :תינבודלומ .ז.ת 'סמ | Moldovan ID No. |
Nr. pasaport | :ןוכרד 'סמ | Passport Number: |
Data nasterii | :הדיל ךיראת | Date of Birth: |
Adresa | :תבותכ | Address: |
(in urmatoarele: "lucratorul") | ")דבועה: "ןלהל( | (hereinafter referred to as "the Employee") |
1. Preambul: | אובמ .1 | 1. Preamble: |
Intrucat angajatorul este o firma de forte de munca din Israel, autorizata sa angajeze lucratori straini in ramura constructiilor pentru a efectua lucrari pentru antreprenorii autorizati sa lucreze in constructii | -חוכ דיגאת וניה דיבעמהו ,ליאוה לארשיב ןידכ םירתיה לעב םדא םירז םידבוע קיסעהל השרומה ועצביש תנמ לע הינבה ףנעב לעופב םיקיסעמ רובע הדובע ;םישרומ ןינב ינלבק םניהש | Whereas the Employer is legally licensed in Israel as a manpower company permitted to employ foreign construction workers to carry out construction work for receivers of work who are licensed building contractors; |
Si intrucat lucratorul declara ca este apt din punct de vedere al sanatatii fizice si mentale sa efectueze activitatea fizica necesara in constructii, inclusiv in conditii de caldura sau frig, precum si lucru la inaltime si nu are nici o boala care sa-l impiedice sa lucreze cu competenta si harnicie in domeniul constructiilor | אוה יכ ריהצמ דבועהו ,ליאוהו תיזיפ ,תיתואירב הניחבמ רישכ תיזיפ הדובע עצבל תילטנמו ,היינבה ףנעב ץמאמב הכורכה ןכו ,רוקו םוח יאנתב תוברל וניא אוה יכו ,םיהבגב הדובע לסופה בצמ וא הלחמ לכמ לבוס דובעלמ ודעבמ ענומה וא ףנעב תוצירחבו תויעוצקמב ;היינבה | And Whereas the Employee declares that he is healthy as well as physically and mentally fit for strenuous physical labour in the construction sector, including in conditions of heat and cold, as well as work at heights, and does not suffer from any diseases or conditions which would disqualify or prevent him from working competently and diligently in the construction sector. |
Si intrucat lucratorul declara ca are pregatirea profesionala si experienta necesare unui meserias in ramura constructiilor | ול xx יכ ריהצמ דבועהו ליאוהו עוציבל עדיו ןויסינ וא/ו הרשכה היינבה ףנעב תיעוצקמ הדובע . עוצקמב | And Whereas the Employee declares that he has the necessary training and/or experience as well as knowledge necessary to carry out professional work in the construction sector in the vocation. |
Si intrucat lucratorul declara ca are pregatirea profesionala si experienta necesare unui meserias in ramura constructiilor | ונוצר תא עיבמ דיבעמהו ,ליאוהו ףנעב דבועכ דבועה תא קיסעהל תועצמאב ל"נה עוצקמב היינבה לעופב םיקיסעמ לצא ותבצה םישרומ היינב ינלבק םניהש ;לארשיב | And Whereas the employer wishes to employ the employee as a construction worker in the above vocation by placing him with receivers of work who are licensed Israeli building contractors; |
Și întrucat lucrătorul declară ca este pregatit si accepta sa lucreze in constructii pentru diversi antreprenori la care il va trimite angajatorul, sa efectueze si sa urmeze in mod rational si constiincios instructiunile pe care le va primi de la seful de santier sau reprezentanti autorizati de pe santier pentru a lucra pe santier, conform procedurilor Autorității Israeliene pentru Populație și Imigrare (denumită în continuare: PIBA)- cel puțin 236 de ore lunar. | אוה יכ ריהצמ דבועהו ,ליאוהו היינב תדובע עצבל םיכסמו ןכומ םיקיסעמ רובע ל"נה עוצקמב ונממ שקבתיש יפכ םינוש לעופב ןפואב תייצלו עצבלו ,דיבעמה י"ע ונתינש תוארוהל הדמתהבו ריבס גיצנה וא הדובעה להנמ י"ע ול הדובעה רתאב ךכל םיכמסומה ךשמב היינב תדובע עצבלו ילהנב עבקנש יפכ תועש םומינימ תעכ – הריגההו ןיסולכואה תושר ;תוישדוח הדובע תועש 236 | And Whereas the employee declares that he is ready and willing to carry out construction work in the above vocation for various receivers of work as will be requested by the employer, and to reasonably and diligently carry out and follow any instructions given to him by the authorized foreman or agent in the worksite and to carry out construction work for a minimum number of work hours as set out in the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority (hereinafter: PIBA) procedures – currently 236 work hours monthly; |
Si intrucat lucratorul este de acord sa depuna cerere pentru a obtine viza si permis de lucru la ambasada israeliana din Republica Moldova pentru a putea intra in Israel si pentru a lucra in ramura constructiilor conform celor precizate in acest contract; | שיגהל םיכסמ דבועהו ליאוהו הדובע ןוישירו הזיו תלבקל השקב ול ורשפאיש לארשי תורירגשמ ףנעב דובעלו לארשיל סנכיהל םכסהב רומאל םאתהב היינבה ;הז | And Whereas the employee has agreed to apply to the Israeli Embassy for a visa and work permit allowing him to enter Israel and to work in the construction sector as set out in this agreement; |
Ca urmare, se declara, se stipuleaza si se accepta intre parti urmatoarele : | ןיב םכסוהו הנתוה ,רהצוה ךכיפל :ןמקלדכ םידדצה | It is therefore declared, stipulated and agreed between the parties as follows: |
2.Introducere: | :המדקה .2 | 2. Introduction: |
x.Xxxxxxxxxx de mai sus si declaratiile sincluse in acesta sunt parte integranta a contractului de angajare. | תורהצההו ליעל אובמה .א -יתלב םיקלח םיווהמ וב תולולכה .הקסעהה םכסהמ םידרפנ | a. The above preamble and the declarations it includes are an integral parts of the Agreement. |
b. Lucratorul va fi angajat la angajator in functia de lucrator in constructii. | דיבעמה לצא קסעוי דבועה .ב .היינב דבוע לש דיקפתב | b. The employee shall be employed by the employer in the position of construction worker. |
c. Lucratorul accepta ca angajatorul sa fie unicul sau patron in perioada validitatii contractului de angajare | דיבעמהש ךכל םיכסמ דבועה .ג תפוקת ךשמב דיחיה ודיבעמ אהי .הקסעהה םכסה | c. The employee agrees that the employer will be the sole employer of the employee for the duration of this Agreement. |
d. Xxxxxxxxxx declara ca nu va efectua lucrari pentru nici un alt | עצבי אל אוה יכ ריהצמ דבועה .ד לארשיב רחא ףוג לכ רובע הדובע הז הקסעה םכסה תפוקת ךשמב | d. The employee declares that he will not carry out work for any other body in |
organ din Israel in perioada validitatii acestui contract nici ca lucrator nici ca antreprenor independent, nici in perioada pauzelor de lucru sau concedii ori zile de odihna sau sarbatori si ii este clar ca executarea unor lucrari in acele perioade se vor considera incalcare a contractului si ca urmare incalcare a conditiei sederii in tara si a permisului de lucru ceea ce poate duce la expulzarea lui din tara. Cele din acest articol nu sunt in contradictie cu dreptul muncitorului de a schimba abgajatorul conform art. 12 (e) de mai jos. | אל םג ,יאמצע ןלבקכ וא דבועכ הדובעב תוקספה לש תופוקתב וא החונמ ימיב וא תושפוח וא עוציב יכ ךכל עדומ אוה יכו ,םיגח הווהמ ולא תופוקתב הדובע ןכו הז הקסעה םכסה לש הרפה היהשה ןוישיר יאנת לש הרפה הלולעה ,ולש הדובעה תרשאו ןיא .הנידמהמ ותקחרהל ליבוהל ותוכזמ עורגל הז ףיעסב רומאב םידיבעמ תונשל דבועה לש )ה( 12 ףיעסב רומאכ םישרומ .ןלהל | Israel during the duration of this Agreement as an employee or as an independent contractor, even on breaks from work or vacations or on rest days or holidays, and that he is aware that carrying out of such work is a breach of this agreement as well as of the conditions of his visa and work permit and may lead to deportation. |
e. Data inceperii lucrului se va considera data sosirii lucratorului in Israel | :הדובעה תליחת ךיראת .ה דבועה לש ותעגה ךיראת .לארשיל | e. Employment commencement date: the date of the arrival of the employee in Israel. |
f. Data incetarii lucrului: dupa 12 luni de la data inceperii lucrului, in functie de valabilitatea permisului de angajare al angajatorului care il autorizeaza sa angajeze lucratori straini legali in constructii si in functie de viza de intrare si permisul de lucru al lucratorului acordate de autoritatile israeliene care ii permit sa lucreze in Israel. | םותב :הדובעה םויס ךיראת .ו תליחת ךיראתמ םישדוח 12 ףופכב ,דבועה לש הדובעה לש הקסעהה רתיה ףקותל ידבוע קיסעהל ול ריתמה דיבעמה ןוישיר ףקותו ןידכ םירז היינב וקפנוהש הדובעה תרשאו היהשה ,תוילארשיה תויושרה י"ע דבועל קסעומ תויהל ול םיריתמה .לארשיב | f. Date of ending of employment: at the end of 12 months from the date of commencement of the employment, subject to the continued force of the employer license allowing him to employ foreign construction workers and the continued force of the visa and work permit issued to the employee by the Israeli authorities, allowing him to be employed in Israel. |
g. Contractul poate fi prelungit prin acord comun al partilor pentru o noua perioada in functie de permisul de munca eliberat de angajatorul care ii permite sa angajeze muncitori straini in domeniul construcutiilor si in baza de vizei si permisului de munca eliberat lucratorului de catre autoritatile israeliene pentru a fi angajat in Israel. | םכסה תא ךיראהל ןתינ .ז תידדה המכסה י"ע הז הקסעה תופסונ תופוקתל םידדצה לש רתיה ףקותל ןידכ ףופכב ול ריתמה קיסעמה לש הקסעהה ,םירז היינב ידבוע קיסעהל תרשאו היהשה ןוישיר ףקותלו י"ע דבועל וקפנוהש הדובעה םיריתמה ,תוילארשיה תויושרה .לארשיב קסעומ תויהל ול | g This Agreement may be extended by mutual consent of the parties for additional periods subject to the continued force of the employer license allowing him to employ foreign construction workers and the continued force of the visa and work permit issued to the employee by the Israeli authorities, allowing him to be employed in Israel. |
h. In caz ca angajatorul declara ca lucratorul nu are abilitatile profesionale ori experienta necesara pentru a-l angaja in domeniul constructiilor, in pofida declaratiei lucratorului din preambulul la acest contract, lucratorul accepta sa se supuna unor teste profesionale efectuate de autoritatile israeliene si daca aceste autoritati considera ca lucratorul nu are cunostintele necesare in domeniu, lucratorul accepta dreptul angajatorului sa decline contractul si in acest caz el va parasi Israelul imediat pe propria sa cheltuiala. | ןיא יכ ןעוט דיבעמהו הדימב .ח םירושיכ דבועה לש ותושרב םיריבס ןויסינ וא םייעוצקמ דוגינב ,היינבה ףנעב ותקסעהל ראותמכ דבועה לש ותרהצהל הקסעה םכסהל אובמה קרפב הלועפ ףתשל םיכסמ דבועה ,הז תויעוצקמ תוניחב םייקלו תויושרה י"ע הנעצובתש תויושר ואצמי םא יכו תוילארשיה םירושיכה תא רסח דבועה יכ ולא ןיינב תדובעל םישרדנה ןויסינהו ,הז הקסעה םכסהל םאתהב היהת ודיבעמל יכ םיכסמ דבועה םכסה תא קיספהל תוכזה דבועה הז הרקמב יכו הז הקסעה ןפואב לארשי תא בוזעל םיכסמ .יטרפה ונובשח לע ,ידימ | h. In the case that the employer claims that the employee does not have reasonable vocational skills or experience for employment in the construction sector, in contradiction of the employee's declaration in the preamble to this agreement, the employee agrees to cooperate in vocational testing carried out by the relevant Israeli Authorities and if such authorities find that the employee lacks the necessary skills and experience for construction work as per this agreement, the employee agrees that the employer has the right to terminate this agreement and in such case the employee agrees to leave Israel at once at his own expense. |
i. Drepturile si indatoririle lucratorului din acest contract sunt conforme instructiunilor legale din Israel, inclusiv acordul colectiv in domeniul constructiilor semnat la data de 21.1.2010 (aici : "contract 2010") care a fost largit prin ordinul din 5.7.2010 si contractul colectiv din ramura constructiilor din ziua de 20.7.2011 (aici: "contract 2011") care este supliment si actualizare a "contractului 2010" si/sau a oricarui contract sau ordin care stabilesc conditiile preferentiale si sunt aplicabile la angajare sau la locul de munca (:toate aceste acorduri si actualizari sunt numite aici impreuna "acorduri colective"). | תויונמה דבועה תובוחו תויוכז .x xxxxxx םאתהב ןה הז םכסהב ,לארשי תנידמ יניד תוארוהל יללכה יצוביקה םכסהה תוברל םויב םתחנש הינבה ףנעב םכסה" :ןלהל( 21.1.2010 הבחרה וצב בחרוהש ,)"2010 םכסההו ,5.7.2010 םוימ םוימ הינבה ףנעב יללכה יצוביקה םכסה" :ןלהל( 20.7.2011 ןכדעלו ףיסוהל אב רשא )"2011 "2010 םכסה" לש ויתוארוה תא וצ וא יצוביק םכסה לכ וא/ו םיאנת םיעבוקה םיפסונ הבחרה הקסעהה לע םילחהו םיפידע ולא םימכסה( הדובעה םוקמב/ וידחי ןלהל ונוכי םהינוכדעו .)"םייצוביקה םימכסהה" | i The employee's rights and obligations will be in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, including the National Collective Agreement for the Construction Sector signed on January 21, 2010 (hereinafter: the 2010 agreement), which was extended by an extension order on July 5, 2010, as well as the July 20, 2011 National Collective Agreement for the Construction Sector (hereinafter the 2011 agreement) which adds to and updates the instructions of the 2010 agreement and/or any additional collective agreement or extension order which includes superior conditions and applies to the employment / the workplace ( these agreements and updates will be referred to hereinafter together as the Collective Agreements). |
J. Fiecare actualizare.din contractele colective va imfluenta drepturile respective detaliate in acest contract, si se vor aplica angajatorului si angajatului prin acest contract de angajare. | םימכסהב לוחיש ןוכדע לכ .י וליא-יא לע עיפשמה םייצוביקה ,הז םכסהב תויונמה תויוכזה ןמ לע םגו דבועה לע םג לוחי הקסעה םכסהל םאתהב דיבעמה .הז | j. Any updates made to the Collective Agreements which affect any of the rights listed in this agreement, shall apply to the employee and the employer under this agreement. |
.K. Toti termenii si toate definitiile care apar in contractul 2010 sunt aplicabile si acestui contract exceptand cazul in care s-a mentionat altfel. | םיחנומהו תורדגהה לכ .אי ולוחי ,2010 םכסהב םיעיפומה ןיוצ םא אלא ,הז םכסה לע םג .תרחא שרופמב | k. All definitions and terminology that appear in the 2010 agreement apply to this agreement as well, unless otherwise specified. |
L. In orice problema nespecificata in acest contract, partile vor urma prevederile Contractului Colectiv. | xxxxx xxx xxxxx לכב .xx וגהני ,שרופמב הז םכסהב םיאנתל םאתהב םידדצה םימכסהב םייונמה םייטנוולרה .םייצוביקה | L. Concerning any matter not specifically set out in this agreement, the parties shall follow the relevant provisions of the Collective Agreements. |
3. Salar, actualizari salar, data platilor, cheltuieli de transport si plata orelor suplimentare | דעומ ,ונוכדע ,הדובעה רכש .3 דעב לומגו העיסנ ימד ,ומולשת :תופסונ תועש | 3. Wages, salary updates, payment date, travel expenses and overtime compensation: |
A. In decursului primului an de angajare, si in cazul prelungirii contractului cf. prevederilor art. 2(g) de aici, timp de trei ani de lucru ai lucratorului, angajatorul ii va plati salar de baza care nu va fi sub 5600 shekeli (cinci mii sase sute de shekel israelieni noi) pentru fiecare luna lucrata, ca salar la primul nivel al tabelei de salarizare din contractul colectiv pentru orele de lucru obisnuite in fiecare luna. Aceasta suma nu cuprinde plata pentru orele suplimentare dupa cum e mentionat in art. 5 de mai jos | הקסעהה תנש ךלהמב .א תכראה לש הרקמבו ,הנושארה ףיעסב עבקנכ הז הקסעה םכסה דבועל דיבעמה םלשי ',ליעל )ז(2 -מ תחפי אלש ךסב סיסב רכש ששו םיפלא תשמח( ₪ 5600 םישדח םילקש תואמ אל ינא-הדובעה דרשמ)םילארשי ןיינבה ףנעב ףירעתה תא הריכמ הווהמה ,הדובע שדוח לכ דעב הגרדה ןיגב יפירעתה רכשה תא לש רכשה תואלבטב הנושארה תועש רובע םייצוביקה םימכסהה שדוח לכב תוליגרה הדובעה תא ללוכ וניא הז םוכס .ושדוחב ונתנייש םיפסונה רכשה ימולשת הדובע רובע דבועל דיבעמה י"ע 5 קרפב עבקנכ תופסונ תועשב .הטמ | a. During the first year of employment, and in case of extension of this agreement as set out in 2 (g) above, the employer shall pay the employee a base salary of no less than 5600 NIS (five thousand and six hundred New Israeli Shekels) per month, which is the first salary level as set out in the Collective Agreements for the regular work hours each month. This sum does not include the additional salary payments to be made by the employer to the employee for overtime work as set out in section 5 below. |
B. angajatorul va plati salarul angajatului in ultima zi a lunii la care se refera salarul si nu mai tarziu de ziua a 9-a a lunii urmatoare. Daca se plateste salariul dupa data de 9 aceasta se va considera ca inrautatilre a conditiilor si angajatorul va plati compensatii in valoare de 5% pt. prima saptamana de intarziere si | תא דבועל םלשי דיבעמה .ב לש ןורחאה םויב הדובעה רכש ,רכשה םלתשמ ודעבש שדוחה רחאלש שדוחל 9-מ רחואי אלו רכשה םלתשמ ודעבש שדוחה .)בקועה שדוחה - ןלהל( 9-ה רחאל הנמלושתש תורוכשמ תנלהכ הנבשחת בקועה שדוחל ייוציפ דבועל םלשי דיבעמהו רכש דעב 5% לש רועישב רכש תנלה | b. The employer shall pay the employee's salary on the last day of the month for which the salary is being paid, and no later than the ninth of the month after the month of work for which the employee is being paid (hereinafter – the following month). Salaries paid after the 9th of the following month will be considered late payment and the employer shall pay the employee late |
10% pentru fiecare saptamana urmatoare de neplata la timp. | 10% -ו הנלהל ןושארה עובשה .ןכמ רחאלש הנלה עובש לכ דעב | payment damages of 5% for the first week of delayed payment and 10% for each additional week of delayed payment. |
C. Angajatorul are dreptul sa reduca din salarul lucratorului sumele mentionate in art. 9 din contract conform conditiilor stabilite cu conditia ca reducerile sa fie detaliate in statul de plata care se va inmana lucratorului | רכשמ תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה .ג םיעיפומה םימוכסה תא דבועה ףופכב ןלהל הז םכסהל 9 קרפב ,ל"נה ףיעסב םיעובקה םיאנתל עיפוי םייוכינה טוריפש דבלבו .דבועל ןתנייש רכשה שולתב | c. The employer may deduct the amounts listed in section 5 of this agreement hereinafter from the employee's salary in accordance with the conditions set in the aforementioned section, as long as all such deductions are listed in the employee's pay slip. |
D. In plus fata de salarul mentionat in art. 3A, daca lucratorul are nevoie de mijloace de transport pentru a putea ajunge la locul de munca si de acolo la cazare, el are dreptul sa primeasca de la angajator rambursarea cheltuielilor de calatorie pe care le-a platit. Suma maxima platita in acest scop de angajator apare in lista actualizata din timp in timp, conform contractului colectiv referitor la transport, ceea ce in ziua de azi este 22,60 shekeli pe zi (sau suma actualizata valabila) sau pretul biletului de calatorie – abonament lunar – cel mai ieftin dintre ele. In pofida celor mentionate, daca distanta este peste 40 de km. intre locuinta si locul de munca, iar angajatorul nu a pus la dispozitie mijloc de transport, lucratorul are dreptul la 150% din tariful mentionat (22.60 shekeli) sau cheltuielile platite de lucrator daca s-a convenit astfel prin prezentarea chitantei de catre angajat angajatorului. | ןיוצמה הדובעה רכשל xxxxx .ד xxxxx xx ,ליעל )א(3 ק"סב ידכ תירוביצ הרובחתל קקדזי רוזחלו הדובעה םוקמל עיגהל דיבעמהמ יאכז היהי אוה הנממ רשא העיסנה תואצוה רזחהל הרקתה הבוג .ודי לע ומלוש יפכ אוה דיבעמה תופתתשהל םאתהב ,תעל תעמ ןכדעתמש הבחרה יווצו םייצוביק םימכסהל לע דמוע םויכו ,תועיסנ רבדב םוכסה וא( םויל ₪ 22.60 לש ותולע וא )ףקתה ןכדועמה ,ישדוח – ישפוח העיסנ סיטרכ ףא לע .םיינשה ןיבמ לוזה יפל דבועה שרדיי םא ,ליעל רומאה קחורמה הדובע םוקמל עיגהל םוקממ מ"ק 40 -מ הלעמל דימעי דיבעמהש ילבמ ,וירוגמ יאכז דבועה היהי ,העסה ותושרל 150% הבוגב תועיסנ רזחהל )₪22.60( ליעל רומאה ףירעתהמ איצוהש לעופב תואצוה יפל וא דיבעמה םע םכוס םא ,דבועה ידי לע תולבק תגצה דגנכ ,שארמ .דיבעמל דבועה | d. In addition to the base salary quoted in section 3 (a) above, the employee shall be entitled to travel expense refunds from the employer if the employee uses public transportation to travel to or from his work place. The sum to be reimbursed to the employee by the employer is the lower of either 22.60 shekels per day (or the updated sum in force) or the cost of an unlimited monthly bus-pass. Notwithstanding the above, if the employee must travel a distance of over 40 kilometers from his home to his workplace and the employer does not provide transportation, the employee shall be entitled to 150% of the rate stated above ( 22.60shekels) as travel expenses, or to the actual amount spent on travel expenses, if so agreed with the employer in advance, according to receipts presented by the employee to the employer. |
םויו הדובע עובש תרדגה .4 :הדובע | ||
X. xxxxxxx se va depune lunar in contul bancar pe care il va deschide lucratorul la banca israeliana si lucratorul are dreptul sa transfere suma depusa pe numele lui in strainatate dupa cum va dori. | שדוח ידמ דקפות תרוכשמה .ה י"ע חתפיש קנב ןובשחב ושדוחב דבועהו ,ילארשי קנבב דבועה תא ריבעהל יאשר היהי ומש לע הדקפוהש תרוכשמה .xxxxx תוארכ ל"וחל | e. The salary will be deposited monthly in a bank account to be opened by the employee in an Israeli Bank, and the employee will be free to transfer the deposited salary abroad as he desires. |
4. Saptamana de lucru si ziua de lucru | םויו הדובע עובש תרדגה .4 :הדובע | 4. The Work Week and the Work Day: |
a . Orele de lucru obisnuite ale angajatului sunt 182 de ore lunar. | לש תוליגרה הדובעה תועש .א .תוישדוח תועש 182 ןה דבועה | a. The regular work hours of the employee are 182 work hours per month. |
b. În plus față de cele 182 de ore de bază de mai sus, angajatorul acceptă să plătească angajatului plata pentru orele suplimentare de cel puțin 54 de ore lunar și lucrătorul acceptă și dorește să lucreze 54 de ore în plus în fiecare lună ( în conformitate cu procedurile PIBA, privind timpul minim de lucru pentru angajații companiilor din sectorul construcțiilor în vigoare în perioada relevantă, precum și conform legislației muncii). Calculul plății pentru orele suplimentare va fi în conformitate cu art. 5 de mai jos și această sumă se va plăti în plus față de salarul de bază menționat în art. 3a. | xxxxx סיסבה תועשל רבעמ .ב דיבעמה ,הלעמ טרופמכ 182 לש רובע לומג דבועל םלשל םיכסמ תוחפל לש ףקיהב תופסונ תועש ידמ תפסונ הדובע תועש 54 ןכומ אוה יכ םיכסמ דבועהו ,שדוח תוחפל לש ףקיהב דובעל ןיינועמו ידמ תפסונ הדובע תועש 54 ףופכבו םאתהב לכה( שדוח הריגההו ןיסולכואה תושר ילהנל תוילמינימ הדובע תועש ןינעב ףקותב ויהיש יפכ ןינבה ףנעב ינידו ,תיטנוולרה הפוקתב לומגה םוכס בושיח .)הדובעה עצבתי תופסונ תועש רובע ,ןלהל 5 ףיעסב רומאל םאתהב תרוכשמל ףסונב םלושי הז םוכסו ")א(3 ףיעסב עבקנכ סיסבה | b. In addition to the basic 182 hours as set out above, the employer agrees to pay the employee overtime work compensation for a minimum of 54 overtime work hours monthly, and the employee agrees that he is ready and willing to work a minimum of 54 monthly overtime hours (subject to and in accordance with PIBA procedures regarding minimum working hours for employees of Construction Sector Manpower companies which are in force during the relevant period, as well as labor laws). Overtime compensation shall be figured as set out in section 5 below and shall be paid in addition to the base salary as set out in section 3 (a). |
c. Saptamana obisnuita de lucru va fi de 42 de ore, 5 zile sau 6 zile pe saptamana dupa cum va decide angajatorul. | xx היהי ליגרה הדובעה עובש .ג םימי 6 וא םימי 5 ןבו תועש 42 ידי לע עבקיש יפכ ,עובשב .דיבעמה | c. The regular work week shall be comprised of 42 hours and either 5 or 6 days, as decided by the employer. |
d. Numarul orelor obisnuite pe zi ( in urmatoarele – ore obisnuite) va fi de 9 ore in cazul saptamanii de lucru de 5 zile si 8- in cazul saptamanii de 6 zile de lucru, conform legii | םויב תוליגרה הדובעה תועש .ד אל )תוליגר תועש – ןלהל( עובשב תועש 9 לע הנילעת תועש 8 לעו , םימי 5 ןב הדובע תועש .םימי 6 ןב הדובע עובשב .קוחל םאתהב םה םויב הדובעה | d. The number of regular work hours per day (hereinafter – regular hours) shall be no more than nine hours in a five day work week and no more than eight hours in a six day work week. The number of work hours per day is defined by law. |
e. Lucratorul are dreptul la repaus saptamanal de 36 de ore consecutiv. Patronul si muncitorul sunt de acord ca repausul saptamanal sa fie sambata, exceptand cazul in care se va decide altfel de comun acord, in scris intre angajator si angajat | החונמל יאכז אהי דבועה .ה .תופוצר תועש 36 תב תיעובש יכ םימיכסמ דיבעמהו דבועה לש תיעובשה החונמה תפוקת ,תבשה םוי לכ תא לולכת דבועה בתכבו תרחא םכסוה ןכ םא אלא .דיבעמל דבועה ןיב | e. The employee shall be entitled to 36 consecutive rest hours per week. The employee and the employer agree that the employee's weekly period of rest will include all day Saturday, unless otherwise agreed by the employer and the employee in writing. |
5, Plata orelor suplimentare a. Muncitorul are dreptul la plata orelor suplimentare – 125% din salarul obisnuit pentru primele doua ore suplimentare peste cele obisnuite si-150% pentru fiecare ora suplimentara dupa aceea | :תופסונ תועש לומג .5 הרומתל יאכז היהי דבועה .א - יפל תופסונ תועשב הדובע דעב דעב ליגרה ורכשמ 125% תונושארה תופסונה םייתעשה הדובעה תועשל רבעמ הדובע לש העש לכל 150% -יפלו תוליגרה .ךכל רבעמ | 5. Overtime Compensation a. The employee shall be entitled to payment for work in overtime hours at 125% of his regular hourly salary for the first two hours of work performed beyond regular work hours and 150% for each additional hour. |
b. Este interzis lucrul in ziua de repaus, exceptand cazul in care s- a primit autorizare generala sau speciala pentru lucru conform "legii orelor de lucru si de repaus" din 1951. In caz ca lucratorul va munci in ziua de repaus saptamanl va avea dreptul la plata de 150% din salarul la ora | החונמה םויב הקסעה .ב טעמל ,הרוסא דבועה לש יעובשה םירתיה ולבקתה םהב םירקמב הדובעל םייפיצפס וא םייללכ תועש קוח"ל םאתהב הז גוסמ ."1951 -א"ישתה ,החונמו הדובע םויב קסעומ דבועה וב הרקמב אהי אוה ,ולש יעובשה החונמה 150% לש רועישב םולשתל יאכז | b. Employment on the Employee's rest day is prohibited except in cases when general or specific permits for such work have been issued according to the Hours of Work and Rest Law, 1951. If the Employee works on the Employee’s rest day, the Employee shall be entitled to receive a wage at a rate of 150% of his regular hourly rate for the regular work |
pentru orele obisnuite lucrate in acea zi, 175% pentru primele doua ore in plus si 200% pentru restul orelor lucrate peste acestea. | תועש דעב ליגרה יתעשה ורכשמ ,הז םויב תוליגרה ותדובע ורכשמ 175% לש רועישב םייתעשה דעב ליגרה יתעשה לש רועישבו תונושארה תופסונה .ךכל רבעמ העש לכ דעב 200% | hours, at a rate of 175 % of his regular hourly rate for the first two overtime hours, and at a rate of 200% for any additional overtime hours. |
6. Conditii sociale | :םיילאיצוס םיאנת .6 | 6. Social Benefits |
а. Plata pentru recuperare | הארבה ימד .א | a. Recuperation Pay |
1. Angajatul are dreptul la bani de recuperare dupa completarea unui an de lucru. | הארבה ימדל יאכז אהי דבועה.1 .תחא הדובע תנש תמלשה רחאל | 1. The employee shall be entitled to recuperation pay after completing one year of employment. |
2. Plata pentru recuperare pe care angajatorul o va plati angajatului este stabilita prin lege pentru sectorul de 378 de shekeli pe zi. | דיבעמהש הארבהה ימד ךרע .2 ףירעתה אהי דבועל םלשי רובע קוחב עובקה ןכדועמה ףירעת ,יטרפה יקסעה רזגמה . םויל ₪ 378 לש ךס לע דמועה | 2. The rate of the recuperation pay that the employer shall pay the employee shall be the updated rate as set by law for the private business sector, which 378 NIS per day. |
3. Suma pentru recuperare este bazata pe perioada de angajare in sectorul constructiilor din Israel conform urmatoarelor: | םייתנשה הארבהה ימד .3 רבצש קתוול םאתהב ומלושי ,לארשיב הינבה ףנעב דבועה :ןלהל טרופמכו | 3.The amount of yearly recuperation pay shall be based on the employee's period of work in the construction sector in Israel as follows: |
а. Sase zile pe an pentru primul si al doilea an de lucru | היינשהו הנושארה הנשה דעב .א .הנשב הארבה ימי 6 - הדובעל | a. Six days annually for the first and second year of employment. |
b.Opt zile anual pentru al treilea si al patrulea an de lucru. | תישילשה הנשה דעב .ב ימי 8 - הדובעל תיעיברהו .הנשב הארבה | b. Eight days annually for the third and fourth year of employment. |
б. Plata concediului de boala | הלחמ ימד .ב | b. Sick Leave Pay |
0.Xx primii doi ani de lucru in ramura constructiilor din Israel, angajatorul va plati angajatului bani pentru concediu de boala conform Legii platii pentru concediu medical din 1976 conform urmatoarelor: | ותדובעל תונושארה םייתנשב .1 ,לארשיב הינבה ףנעב דבועה לש הלחמ ימד דיבעמה ול םלשי קוח"ב תויונמה תוארוהל םאתהב ,"1976-ז"לשת ,הלחמ ימד :ןלהלדכ | 1.During the first two years of employment in the construction sector in Israel, the employer shall pay for employee's sick leave pay according to the Sick Pay Law 5736-1976 as follows: |
а. Lucratorul are dreptul pana la 18 zile anual concediu medical si poate acumula pana la 90 de zile | ימי 18 -ל יאכז היהי דבועה .א הריבצל תוכז םע הנשב הלחמ .םוי 90 דע לש | a. The employee is entitled to 18 sick days per year and has the right to accumulate up to 90 days. |
b. In functie de certificatul de boala eliberat de medic prin care angajatul trebuie sa se odihneasca i se va plati astfel: pentru prima zi de absenta din motive de boala nu se plateste; pentru a doua si a treia zi de absenta din cauza bolii se va plati jumatate din salarul zilnic; din ziua a patra si pana la sfarsitul concediului de boala se va plati salarul zilnic integral al angajatului. | אפורמ רושיא תגצהל ףופכב .ב תאפמ החונמב ךרוצה ןיגב םולשתל יאכז דבועה אהי ,הלחמ :ןלהל טרופמכ הלחמ ימד ןיגב תורדעיה לש ןושארה םויה דעב אהי אל דבועה - הלחמ תמחמ ינשה םויה דעב ;םולשתל יאכז תמחמ תורדעה לש ישילשהו 50%-ל יאכז אהי דבועה -הלחמ יעיברה םויה דעבו ;ימויה ורכשמ ךליאו הלחמ תמחמ תורדעיה לש ורכשמ 100%-ל יאכז דבועה – .ימויה | b. Subject to written certification from a doctor that the employee must rest due to illness, the employee will be entitled to sick pay as follows: for the first day of absence due to illness, the employee will not be entitled to payment; for the second and the third day of absence due to illness, the employee shall be entitled to half of his daily salary; from the fourth day of absence due to illness onward, the employee shall receive his full daily salary. |
2. Dupa trei ani de angajare in constructii in Israel, lucratorul are dreptul la plata a 25 de zile de boala anual, cu dreptul de a acumula pana la 161 de zile. Lucratorul are dreptul la plata zilelor de munca numai daca in certificatul de boala eliberat de medic este mentionat ca el are nevoie de odihna din cauza bolii | תישילשה הנשה ןמ לחה .2 ,לארשיב הינבה ףנעב הדובעל הלחמ ימי 25-ל יאכז דבועה היהי דע לש הריבצל תוכז םע הנשב םולשתל יאכז דבועה .םוי 161 ליעל טרופמכ הלחמ xxx xxxx לע יכ רשאמ אפורש רחאל תמחמ ותדובעמ חונל דבועה .הלחמ | 2. After three years of employment in construction in Israel, the employee shall be entitled to 25 sick days per year, with the right to accumulate up to 161 days. The employee shall be entitled to payment for sick days as aforementioned once a physician confirms that the employee must rest from work due to illness. |
c. Plata pentru zile de sarbatoare | םיגח xxx .ג | x. Paid Holidays |
1. Lucratorul poate absenta de la lucru in zilele sale de sarbatoare religioasa. Angajatul are dreptul la noua zile de concediu in zilele de sarbatoare plus o zi la alegere, adica zece zile pe an. | ןמ רדעיהל יאכז דבועה .1 תווצמ יפל ,גח ךלהמב הדובעה גח ימי 9 דעל יאכז דבועה .xxx ,ותריחב xxx ףסונ םויל ןכו הנשב .הנשב םימי 10 כ"הסבו | 1. The employee may be absent from work on his religious holidays. The employee is entitled to up to nine such days plus one additional day of his choice, for a total of ten annual days. |
2. Dupa trei luni de lucru in Israel, in care nu a absentat fara acordul angajatorului in ziua de dinainte sau de dupa sarbatoare, lucratorul are dreptul sa primeasca plata pentru zilele de sarbatoare conform religiei sale, sau religiei ebraice (zile definite prin contractul 2010) totalizand 9 zile pe an cu posibilitatea unei zile in plus la alegere | הדובע ישדוח השולש רחאל .2 דבועה םא ,דיבעמה לצא לארשיב תושר אלל הדובעה ןמ רדענ אל ירחא םוי וא ינפל םוי דיבעמה השפוחל יאכז דבועה היהי ,גחה תווצמ יפל גחה ימיב םולשתב םידוהיה גחה ימיב וא ותד דע )2010 םכסהב םתרדגהכ( םויל ןכו הנשב גח ימי 9 לכה ךסל .ותריחב יפל ףסונ | 2. After three months of being employed in Israel by the employer, if the employee was not absent from work without the employer's consent on the day preceding or the day after the holiday, the employee shall be entitled to paid vacation on either his religious holidays or on the Jewish holidays (as defined in the 2010 agreement), totaling up to 9 holidays per year and an additional day of his choice. |
3. In caz ca sarbatoarea religioasa se suprapune zilei de repaus saptamanal, aceasta zi nu se va plati in plus | גח ימי רובע םולשת השעי אל .3 תיעובשה החונמה לע םילפונה .דבועה לש | 3. Payment shall not be made for holidays that fall on the employee's weekly rest day. |
d. Concediu anual | תיתנש השפוח .ד | d. Annual Leave |
1. Lucratorul are dreptul la concediu de odihna anual ale carui date se vor stabili impreuna cu angajatorul. | השפוחל יאכז היהי דבועה .1 םיכיראתב ,םולשתב תיתנש .ודיבעמ םע ומאותש | 1. The employee shall be entitled to annual paid leave, on dates coordinated with the employer. |
2.Durata concediului anual este determinata de perioada de lucru in constructii in Israel si e stabilita prin Contractul Colectiv conform urmatoarelor | רשא תיתנשה השפוחה ךשמ .2 םאתהב עבקיי דבועל ןתנית הינבה ףנעב דבועה לש קתוול םימכסהב עובקכ ,לארשיב :ןלהלכ ,םייצוביקה | 2. The duration of the employee's annual leave is determined by the period of employment in construction in Israel, as defined in the Collective Agreements as follows: |
а. Pentru primul si al doilea an de lucru - angajatul are dreptul la 12 zile lucratoare de concediu in cazul saptamanii de lucru de 6 zile si la 10 zile lucratoare de concediu daca saptamana de lucru era de cinci zile. | היינשהו הנושארה הנשה דעב .א ימי 12 -ל יאכז אהי דבועה – 6 לש הדובע עובש רובע הדובע רובע הדובע ימי 10 -לו םימי .םימי 5 לש הדובע עובש | a. In the first and second year – the employee shall be entitled to 12 working days per six-day work week and 10 working days per five-day work week. |
b. In anul al treilea, lucratorul are dreptul la 13 zile de concediu pentru saptamana de sase zile de lucru si la 11 zile de concediu daca saptamana de lucru a fost de 5 zile | 13 – תישילשה הנשה דעב .ב לש הדובע עובש רובע הדובע ימי רובע הדובע ימי 11 -ו םימי 6 .םימי 5 לש הדובע עובש | b. In the third year - the employee shall be entitled to 13 days per six-day work week and 11 days per five-day work week. |
c. În al patrulea an, salariatul are dreptul la 16 zile lucrătoare de concediu pentru șase zile lucrate per saptamina și 14 zile lucrătoare pentru săptămâna de lucru de cinci zile. | ימי 16 -תיעיברה הנשה דעב .ג 6 לש הדובע עובש רובע הדובע עובש רובע הדובע ימי 14-ו ,םימי .םימי 5 לש הדובע | c. In the forth year the employee shall be entitled to 16 working days per six day work week and 14 working days per five day work week. |
d. În al cincilea an, salariatul are dreptul la 18 zile lucrătoare de concediu pentru șase zile lucrate per saptamina și 15 zile lucrătoare pentru săptămâna de lucru de cinci zile. | ימי 18 ,תישימחה הנשה דעב .ד 6 לש הדובע עובש רובע הדובע עובש רובע הדובע ימי 15-ו םימי .םימי 5 לש הדובע | d. in the fifth year, the employee shall be entitled to 18 working days per six day work week and 15 working days per five day work week |
3. Ca norma, concediul anual al lucratorului se va da in ultima luna a anului de lucru sau in prima luna a anului urmator dar lucratorul are dreptul sa foloseasca o zi de concediu anual si inainte conform "legii concediului anual din 1951" cu conditia sa anunte angajatorul cu 30 de zile inainte de luarea zilei de concediu | תיתנשה השפוחה ,ללככ .3 תנש לש ןורחאה שדוחב ןתנית וא תנתינ איה הדעבש הדובעה ,הירחאלש הדובעה תנש ךשמב דחא םוי לצנל יאשר דבועה ,םלוא תנש ךלהמב השפוחה ןמ תנתינ איה הדעבש הדובעה ףסונ דחא םויו רחביש דעומב תפסותב םייונמה םימיהמ דחאב - א"ישתה ,תיתנש השפוח קוח"ל ךכ לע עידוהש דבלבו ,"1951 םדוק שארמ םימי 30 ודיבעמל יפל תפסונה השפוחה םוי תחיקל .ותריחב | 3. As a rule, annual leave shall be given during the last month of the work year for which it is given or during the following year, though the employee may use one vacation day during the year for which it is given, on a date which he chooses and an additional day which is one of the days listed in the appendix to the Annual Leave Law, 5711-1951, on the condition that the employee gives the employer thirty days notice before taking the additional chosen date of leave. |
4. Concediul poate fi acumulat conform legii concediului anual din 1951-5711. | איה השפוח ימי תריבצ .4 ,תיתנש השפוח קוח"ל םאתהב ."1951-א"ישתה | 4. Leave may be accumulated in accordance with the Annual Leave Law, 5711-1951. |
7.Cazare corespunzatoare | :םימלוה םירוגמ .7 | 7. Suitable Living Accommodations |
a. Angajatorul va pune la dispozitia lucratorului locuinta convenabila pentru perioada de lucru la el si inca 7 zile dupa incetarea lucrului. Angajatorul este de acord ca locuinta pusa la dispozitia lucratorului sa fie conforma conditiilor stabilite prin "normele pentru lucratorii straini (interzicerea angajarii ilegale si | ,ונובשח לע ,דימעי דיבעמה .א םימלוה םירוגמ ,דבועה שומישל ולצא הדובעה תפוקת לכ ךשמל םימי 7 -מ תחפי אלש דעומ דעו םיכסמ דיבעמה .המויס רחאל ודמעיש םירוגמה לכש ךכל רחא ואלמי דבועה לש ושומישל תונקת"ב םיעובקה םיאנתה הקסעה רוסיא( םירז םידבוע םיאנת תחטבהו ןידכ אלש | a. The employer shall provide the employee with suitable living accommodations at the employer's expense throughout the entire employment period and for no less than seven days after the employment period has ended. The employer agrees that all living accommodations provided will fulfill the requirements set out in the Foreign Workers Regulations (Prohibition of Unlawful Employment and Assurance |
asigurarea conditiilor decente) (locuinta decenta) din anul 2000". | ,)םימלוה םירוגמ( )םינגוה ."2000 - ס"שתה | of Fair Conditions)(Suitable Living Accommodations), 5760-2000. |
b. Angajatorul poate reduce din salarul lucratorului o parte din costurile locuintei, in proportie stabilita prin "Normele pentru Lucratorii Straini (interzicerea angajarii ilegale si asigurarea conditiilor convenabile) (locuinta convenabila) din anul 2000-5760" cf. art. 9 de mai jos. | ורכשמ תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה .ב ירוגמ תולעמ קלח דבועה לש לע הלעי אלש רועישב , םידבועה םידבוע תונקת"ב עבקנש רועישה ןידכ אלש הקסעה רוסיא( םירז רועיש( )םינגוה םיאנת תחטבהו םירוגמ דעב רכשהמ םייוכינ ,"2000 – ס"שתה ,)םימלוה .הז םכסהל 9 קרפב טרופמכ | b. The employer may deduct part of the cost of the employee's living accommodations from the employee's salary, without exceeding the amount set in the Foreign Workers Regulations (Prohibition of Unlawful Employment and Assurance of Fair Conditions)(Rate of Deduction from the Salary for Suitable Living Accommodations), 5760-2000 and as explained in section 9 this agreement hereinafter. |
c. Lucratorul este de acord sa aiba grija de locuinta care i s-a pus la dispozitie de catre angajator, inclusiv mobilierul si instalatiile din ea si este de acord sa foloseasca locuinta si serviciile primite ca si curentul electric, apa, gazul, masina de spalat in masura necesitatilor si cu simtul raspunderii. Lucratorul este de acord sa respecte normele de securitate si sa pastreze locuinta curată si sa nu instaleze puncte electrice suplimentare sau improvizate in locuinta | הכלהכ לפטל םיכסמ דבועה .ג י"ע ותושרל ודמעוהש םירוגמב דויצהו םיטיהרה לכב ןכו דיבעמה םיכסמ אוהו ,םהב םילולכה ןכו ,םירוגמב שמתשהל ,למשח ןוגכ ,םינושה םיתורישב הרוצב הסיבכ תנוכמו זג ,םימ .הריבס הדימב ץוחנכו תיארחא יללכל תייצל םיכסמ דבועה וירוגמ לע רומשלו תוחיטבה תויללכמ עורגל ילבמו ,םייקנ ,ליעל תוטרופמה ויתויובייחתה למשח וא זג ירוביח ןיקתהל אלש .םירוגמב םירתלואמ וא םיפסונ | c. The employee agrees to take proper care of the accommodations provided by the employer as well as all their furnishings and equipment, and he agrees to use the accommodations, as well as the utilities such as electricity, water, gas, washing machine in a responsible matter and as reasonably necessary. The employee agrees to follow safety rules and to keep his accommodations clean, and, without derogating from the general nature of the above obligations, not to set up any additional or improvised gas or electric connections in the accommodations. |
d. Lucratorul intelege ca angajatorul este antreprenor de forte de munca care il va trimite sa lucreze la antreprenori in constructii şi ca urmare va avea dreptul sa il mute din locuinta in functie de şantierul pe care va lucra. Xxxx a afecta cele de mai sus, lucratorul intelege şi accepta ca patul lui sa fie un pat simplu in functie de conditiile de locuit respective. Partile sunt de acord ca angajatorul sa schimbe locuinta dupa necesitati şi lucratorul nu se va impotrivi atat timp cat locuinta va corespunde | וניה דיבעמה יכ ןיבמ דבועה .ד ותוא חלשי רשא םדא-חוכ ןלבק םינוש היינב ינלבק רובע הדובעל דיבעמה יכו םינוש היינב ירתאב תא הריבס הדימב תונשל יאשר לש ומוקימל םאתהב וירוגמ םוקמ לכב בצומ אוה וב היינבה רתא תויללכמ עורגל ילבמ .ןותנ עגר ,הלעמ תוטרופמה תויובייחתהה יכ ךכל םיכסמו ןיבמ דבועה ,שגרד גוסמ תויהל היושע ותטימ שרדנל םאתהב דיחי תטימ וא .םייטנוולרה םירוגמה יאנת חכונל דיבעמהש םימיכסמ םידדצה תא הריבס הדימב תונשל יאשר לש םירוגמה יאנת תאו םירוגמה םימאות םירוגמה דוע לכ דבועה | d. The employee understands that the employer is a manpower company who will send him to work for various construction contractors in various worksites and that his lodgings may be reasonably changed by the employer according to the location of the worksite in which he is currently stationed. Without derogating from the general nature of the above obligations, the employee understands and agrees that his bed may be a bunk bed or a single bed as necessitated by the relevant lodging conditions. The parties agree that the employer may reasonably change the lodgings and the lodging conditions of the |
conditiilor precizate mai sus in sub-articolul b. | ףיעס-תתב עבקנכ םיאנתה תא .ליעל 'א | employee as long as the lodgings correspond to the conditions set out in subsection (b) above. |
8. Asigurare Medicala Particulara | :יטרפ xxxxx xxxxx .8 | 8.Private Medical Insurance |
a. Angajatorul va obtine pentru lucrator, pe toata perioada de lucru, asigurare medicala private, pe cheltuiala sa. Asigurarea se va contracta cu un asigurator autorizat si va include toate serviciile medicale descries in "Normele Lucratorilor Straini (interzicerea angajarii ilegale si asigurarea conditiilor decente) (pachetul serviciilor de sanatate pt. lucrator) din 2001- 5761". Angajatorul va preda lucratorului polita de asigurare cu conditiile si detaliile relevante ale asigurarii in limba acestuia. | xxxxxx xxxxx היהי דיבעמה .א הדובעה תפוקת לכ ךשמל ,דבועל xxxxx xxxxx ,ונובשח לעו ,ולצא בייח יאופרה חוטיבה .יטרפ השרומ חוטיב קפס י"ע ןתניהל םיתורישה לכ תא לולכל בייחו תונקת"ב עבקנכ םייאופרה הקסעה רוסיא( םירז םידבוע םיאנת תחטבהו ןידכ אלש תואירב יתוריש לס( )םינגוה ."2001-א"סשתה ,)דבועל יאנת תא דבועל קפסי דיבעמה רשקה יטרפ תאו חוטיבה . ותפשב םייטנוולרה | a. The employer shall be responsible for providing private medical insurance to the employee at the employer's expense for the entire period of employment. The medical insurance must be given by a licensed insurance provider and must include all of the medical services listed in the Foreign Workers Regulations (Prohibition of Unlawful Employment and Assurance of Fair Conditions) (Health Services Package to Workers), 5761- 2001.The employer will provide the employee with the relevant policy conditions and contact information in his language. |
b. Angajatorul are dreptul sa deduca din salarul muncitorului o parte din banii pentru asigurarea medicala in suma care nu va depasi conditiile din Normele Lucratorilor Straini (interzicerea angajarii ilegale si asigurarea conditiilor decente )(pachetul serviciilor de sanatate pt. lucrator) din 2001-5761 cf. art. 9 din acest contract. | ורכשמ תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה .ב דעב איצוהש םוכס דבועה לש רועישב ,יאופרה חוטיבה ימד עבקנש רועישה לע הלעי אלש רוסיא( םירז םידבוע תונקת"ב תחטבהו ןידכ אלש הקסעה יוכינ רועיש( )םינגוה םיאנת ,)יאופר חוטיב דעב רכשהמ טרופמכ ,"2001 – ב"סשתה .ןלהל הז םכסהל 9 קרפב | b. The employer may deduct part of the cost of the employee's medical insurance from the employee's salary, without exceeding the amount set in the Foreign Workers Regulations (Prohibition of Unlawful Employment and Assurance of Fair Conditions)(Rate of Deduction from the Salary for the Medical Insurance Fee), 5761-2001 and as explained in section 9 of this agreement hereinafter. |
9. Deduceri permise din salar | רכשמ םירתומ םייוכינ .9 :הדובעה | 9. Permitted Payroll Deductions |
а. Angajatorul nu va deduce din salarul lucratorului decat sumele necesare si permise de legile Israelului si care sunt detaliate mai jos: | רכשמ הכני אל דיבעמה .א ולא טעמל םהשלכ םייוכינ דבועה ןידה יפל םירתומה וא םישרדנה םייוכינ ,הז ללכבו ,לארשיב :xxxx xxxxxx | a. The employer shall not make any deductions from employee's salary other than those required or permitted by Israeli law including as set out below: |
1. Deducerea cheltuielilor de cazare | :םירוגמ רובעב םייוכינ .1 | 1. Deductions for accommodation expenses: |
а. In caz ca angajatorul nu este proprietarul apartamentului destinat lucratorului, el poate deduce din salarul muncitorului urmatoarele sume (sau altele actualizate prin lege) in functie de locul cazarii lucratorului: | םירוגמה לע תולעבה םא .א ותושרל דיבעמה דימעה םתואש ,דיבעמה לש הניא דבועה לש תא תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה תא וא( םיאבה םימוכסה ,)קוח יפ-לע םינכדועמה םימוכסה ,xxxxx רכשמ ,שדוח לכב לש םירוגמה רוזאל םאתהב :xxxxx | x. If the employer does not own the accommodations that he provides to the employee, the employer may deduct the following sums (or the sums updated by law) from the employee's salary monthly, according to the employee's place of residence: |
zona cazarii suma maxima permisa pentru deducere- 2023 | יוכינה םוכס םירוגמה רוזא 2023 ןכדוע -רתומה יברמה | Area Maximum permitted deduction- update 2023 |
Ierusalim 449.82 shekeli | ₪449.82 םילשורי | Jerusalem 449.82 NIS |
Tel Aviv 511.49 shekeli | ₪511.49 ביבא לת | Tel Aviv 511.49 NIS |
Haifa 341.02 shekeli | ₪341.02 הפיח | Haifa 341.02 NIS |
Centru 341.02 shekeli | ₪341.02 זכרמ | Center 341.02 NIS |
Sud 303.16 shekeli | ₪303.16 םורד | South 303.16 NIS |
Nord 278.94 shekeli | ₪278.94 ןופצ | North 278.94 NIS |
b. In caz ca angajatorul este proprietarul apartamentului el poate deduce numai jumatate din sumele mentionate mai sus (sau sume actualizate ulterior) | תולעבב םה םירוגמה םא .ב תוכנל יאשר אהי אוה ,דיבעמה תיצחמ קר דבועה רכשמ וא( ליעל םיבוקנה םימוכסהמ .)םהלש םינכדועמה םימוכסה | b. If the employer owns the accommodations, the employer may deduct only half of the sum indicated above (or the updated sum) from the employee's salary. |
2. Deduceri pentru alte cheltuieli (curent electric, apa si taxe locale): | תוולנ תואצוה רובעב םייוכינ .2 :)הנונראו םימ ,למשח( | 2. Deductions for additional expenses (electricity, water and property tax): |
Angajatorul poate deduce din salarul lucratorului, in fiecare luna, suma de 100.36 shekeli (ori suma actualizata prin lege) pentru cheltuielile susmentionate | רכשמ תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה לש םוכס ,שדוח לכב ,דבועה םימוכסה תא וא( ₪100.36 דעב )קוח יפ-לע םינכדועמה .הלעמ תוולנה תואצוהה | The employer may deduct the sum of 100.36 NIS (or the sum updated by law) monthly from the employee's salary for the above additional expenses. |
3. Deduceri pentru asigurare medicala | :xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx םייוכינ .3 | 3. Deductions for medical insurance: |
Angajatorul poate deduce o treime din suma platita pentru asigurarea medicala ori suma de 134.46 shekeli noi (ori suma actualizata prin lege) din salarul | רכשהמ תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה םוכסהמ 1/3 דבועה לש ישדוחה חוטיבה דעב לעופב םלישש ,₪134.46 לש םוכס וא יאופרה | The employer may deduct the lower of either one third of the sum that was actually paid for medical insurance or the sum of 134.46 NIS (or the sum updated |
lunar al muncitorului, suma care e cea mai mica dintre acestea. | -לע םינכדועמה םימוכסה תא וא( .םהיניבמ ךומנה יפל )קוח יפ | by law) from the employee's monthly salary. |
.4.Datorii banesti ale lucratorului: | :xxxxx xx xxxxxx תובוח .4 | 4. Employee's debts: |
Angajatorul poate deduce din salarul angajatului anumite datorii banesti pe care le-a facut fata de angajator dar numai daca partile au ajuns la un acord in scris referitor la deducerea respectiva din salar | רכשמ תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה בוצק םוכסב םיוסמ בוח דבועה יאנתבו ,דיבעמל בח xxxxx xxx בתכב המכסה ועיבה םידדצהש ורכשמ יפסכה בוחה יוכינל עגונב .xxxxx לש | The employer may deduct from the employee's salary a specific debt of a fixed sum owed by the employee to the employer, on condition that the parties have agreed in writing to the deduction of the debt from the salary. |
b. Totalul sumelor lunare deduse de angajator din salarul lucratorului, conform celor mentionate mai sus nu va depasi 25% din salarul lunar al muncitorului, exceptand ultima luna de lucru. | םיישדוחה םייוכינה לכ ךס .ב הלעמ טרופמכ דיבעמה עצבמש ורכשמ 25% לע הלעי אל טעמל ,רזה דבועה לש ישדוחה תפוקת לש ןורחאה שדוחה .הדובעה | b. The total monthly deductions by the employer from the employee's salary as listed above may not exceed 25% of the employee's monthly salary, except in the last month of employment. |
c. Deducerea impozitului pe venit: angajatorul poate deduce impozit pe venit din salarul lucratorului in conformitate cu datele personale ale lucratorului si cu conditia ca suma dedusa sa fie varsata autoritatilor fiscale | :הסנכה סמ רובעב םייוכינ .ג דבועה רכשמ הכני דיבעמה םאתהב ,הסנכה סמל םימולשת ,דבועה לש םיישיאה םינותנל תויושרל םימולשתה תא ריבעיו סמה | c. Deduction for Income tax: The employer shall deduct income tax payments from the employee's salary according to the employee's personal status, and transfer these payments to the tax authorities. |
d. Deduceri pentru Asigurarile Sociale - angajatorul poate deduce sumele pentru asigurarile sociale conform legilor Asigurarilor Sociale din Israel pentru lucratorii straini pentru cazurile de : accidente de munca, falimentul angajatorului si maternitate. | :xxxxx xxxxx רובעב םייוכינ .ד םימוכס תוכנל יאשר דיבעמה xxxxx xxxxx ךרוצל דבועה רכשמ םיסוכמ םהב םיפנעל םאתהב ,הדובע תונואת :םירז םידבוע .תוהמאו םיקוריפ | d. Deductions for Social Security Payments – The employer may deduct sums from the employee's salary for social security coverage in the sectors convered by Israeli Social Security Law for foreign workers: work accidents, bankruptcy of employer and maternity. |
10 Stat de plata | :תרוכשמ שולת .10 | 10. Pay Slip |
Angajatorul va preda angajatului statul de plata pana la data de noua a lunii urmatoare celei pentru care se achita salarul. In acest stat de plata se vor mentiona toate componentele | רחואי אל ,xxxxx xxxxx דיבעמה םולשת דעומ רחאלש 9 -ה םויהמ ובו רכש שולת ,הדובעה רכש .דבועל םלושש רכשה יטרפ יביכר לכ תא טרפי רכשה שולת קוח"ב עבקנכ דבועה לש רכשה | The employer shall provide the employee with a detailed pay slip no later than the ninth of the month following the day of payment. The pay slip shall list all components of the employee's salary as required by the Wage Protection Law, |
salarului conform legii de protejare a salarului din 1958 - 5718 inclusiv toate deducerile effectuate din salarul lucratorului. | ,"1958 - ח"ישתה ,רכשה תנגה ותחפוהש םייוכינה תא הז ללכבו .xxxxx רכשמ | 5718-1958, including the deductions made from the employee's salary. |
11. Compensatii de concediere si fond de pensii | :היסנפו םירוטיפ ייוציפ .11 | 11. Severance Pay and Retirement Fund Pay : |
In conformitate cu procedurile relevante actualizate ale Autoritatii populatiei si imigrari (PIBA), sau normele valabile, angajatorul va transfera in fiecare luna suma de 734 de shekeli (aproximativ) in afara de salariului muncitorului, pentru fiecare luna lucrata complet catre PIBA pentru salariat. Sumele transferate conform legii muncitorilor si acordurilor collective sunt destinate acestora pentru fondul de pensii al agajatilor, pentru fondul de educatie continua si pentru plata compensatiilor, in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare, inclusiv cu contractele colective și cu ordinele de extindere. După cum sa arătat mai sus, această sumă lunară nu va fi dedusă din salariul angajatului. Angajatul primește suma acumulată, inclusiv dobânda acumulată, după deducerea comisioanelor bancare și a taxei de 15%, la ieșirea legală și definitiva din Israel | תילארשיה הקיקחל ףופכב םינכדועמה םילהנלו ,ףקותבש ןיסולכואה תושר לש םייטנוולרה דיבעמה )תושרה :ןלהל( הריגההו םולשת ושדוחב שדוח ידמ ריבעי םידבוע ןודקיפל ₪ 734-כ לש תונקתב עובקל םאתהב ,םירז םידבועל ןודקפ( םירז םידבוע רכשל רבעמ 2016-ו''עשת ,)םירז .דבועה רובע תושרל ,xxxxx xxxxx לע ויהי ורבעויש םימוכסה דיבעמה ביוחמ םתואש םימוכסה םימולשתכ ,xxxxx xxxx םלשל תומלתשה ןרק וא ,היסנפ ןרקל לכ יפ לע ,םירוטיפ ייוציפ דעב וא יצוביק םכסה יפ לע תוברל ןיד .הבחרה יוצו | According to the relevant updated procedures of the Population Immigration and Border Authority (PIBA), or the valid rules, in addition to the employee’s salary, for each completely worked month, the employer will transfer every month the amount of 734 shekels (approximately) to the PIBA. The amounts transferred according to the law of the workers and the collective agreements are intended for the pension fund of the employees, for the continuing education fund and for the payment of compensations, in accordance with the legislation in force, including the collective contracts and with the extension orders. As noted above, this monthly amount will not be deducted from the employee's salary. The employee receives the accumulated amount, including the accrued interest, after deducting the bank fees and the 15% tax, at the legal and definitive exit from Israel. |
Suma acumulata poate fi primita de catre lucrator de la banca din aeroportul din Israel dupa efectuarea controlului pasaportului, daca anterior s-a depus o cerere in acest sens de catre lucrator catre PIBA cu cel putin 10 zile inainte de plecare | אל הז ישדוח םוכס ,ליעל רומאכ אהי דבועה .xxxxx רכשמ הכוני , רבצנש םוכסה תא לבקל יאכז רחאל ,הרבצנש תיביר תוברל הסנכה סמו קנב תולמע יוכינ תיקוחה ותאיצי תעב 15% הבוגב .לארשי תנידממ תותימצלו דבועל רסמיהל לוכי םוכסה | The sum may be received by the employee at the bank in the airport in Israel after clearing passport control, subject to an application filed with PIBA at least 10 days in advance of departure, or via bank transfer to the employee's |
sau prin transfer bancar la contul angajatului în străinătate, în termen de 30 zile lucrătoare de la depunerea cererii. | הדשב קנב ףינסב ןמוזמב רחאל ,לארשיב הפועתה תרוקיב תא רבע דבועהש השקב תשגהל ףופכב ,םינוכרדה הריגההו ןיסולכואה תושרל ינפל שארמ םימי 10 תוחפל הרבעה תועצמאב וא ,ותאיצי לש ל"וחב קנבה ןובשחל תיאקנב תשגה םוימ םימי 30 ךות ,דבועה .רומאכ השקב | bank account abroad, within 30 working days of the filing of the application. |
In pofida celor de mai sus, daca lucratorul nu paraseste Israelul la sfarsitul perioadei legale de sedere, o parte din suma acumulată va fi dedusă de PIBA pentru fiecare lună de sedere ilegală în Israel de către angajat, dupa cum este aratat mai jos, iar dupa sase luni de sedere ilegala muncitorul va pierde intreaga suma. Deducerea pentru depășirea ilegală va fi următoarea: între 1 și 2 luni de ședere - 15% deducere; 2-3 luni - 25% deducere; 3-4 luni - cu 35% deducere; 4-5 luni - 50% deducere; 5-6 luni - 65% deducere; și după 6 luni, întreaga sumă va fi reținută, cu excepția cazului în care lucrătorul depune o cerere în termen de 18 luni de la data la care ar fi trebuit să plece din Israel, dovedind că depășirea ilegală în Israel s-a datorat unor motive care nu au depins de el sau din cauza unei greșeli de buna credinta. | וניא דבועה םא ,רומאה ףא לע ותוהש םותב לארשי תא אצוי ךותמ םימוכס ,הנידמב תיקוחה תושר ידי לע וכוני ןודקפה לכ רובע ,הריגההו ןיסולכואה תיקוח יתלב תוהש לש שדוח טרופמכ ,דבועה לש לארשיב לש םישדוח השיש רחאלו ,ןלהל אולמ הכוני תיקוח יתלב תוהש יתלב תוהש ןיגב יוכינה .םוכסה שדוח ןיב :ןלהלכ אהי תיקוח תיקוח יתלב תוהש לש םיישדוחל ישדוח 2-3 ןיב ,15% לש יוכינ - ,יוכינ 25% - תיקוח יתלב תוהש תיקוח יתלב תוהש ישדוח 3-4 ןיב ישדוח 4-5 ןיב ,35% לש יוכינ - ןיב ,50% - תיקוח יתלב תוהש - תיקוח יתלב תוהש שדוח 5-6 תיקוח יתלב תוהש רחאלו , 65% תא דיספי דבועה םישדוח 6 לש שיגי ןכ םא אלא ,םוכסה אולמ םישדוח 18 ךות תושרל השקב תא תאצל וילע היהש םויהמ ונממ רצבנ יכ חיכויו ,לארשי יכ וא , דעומב לארשי תא בוזעל אל אוה תועט לשבו בל םותב .xxxxx לארשי תא בזע | Nonetheless, if the employee does not exit Israel at the end of his legal period of stay in the country, a portion of the accrued sum will be deducted by PIBA for each month of illegal overstay in Israel by the employee, as set out below, and after 6 months of illegal overstay the employee will forfeit the entire sum. The deduction for illegal overstay will be as follows: between one to two months of overstay - - 15% deduction; 2-3 months, 25% deduction; 3-4 months, 35% deduction; 4-5 months- 50% deduction; 5-6 months- 65% deduction; and after 6 months, the entire sum will be forfeited, unless the worker files an application within 18 months of the date he should have left Israel, proving that his illegal overstay in Israel was due to reasons beyond his control or due to a mistake made in good faith. |
12 Concediere si demisionare | :תורטפתהו םירוטיפ .12 | 12. Dismissal and Resignation |
а. In caz ca angajatorul doreste sa concedieze lucratorul il va chema la audienta organizata inainte de a decide despre concediere in urmatoarele conditii: | תא םייסל דיבעמה תנווכב םא .א ךורעל וילע ,דבועה לש ותקסעה תלבק םרט דבועל רדוסמ עומיש םשייל שיו ,וירוטיפ לע הטלחהה :םיאבה םיאנתה תא | a. If the employer intends to terminate the employment of the employee, he is required to hold an orderly hearing for the employee before deciding on dismissal, and the following provisions will apply: |
1. Lucratorul va primi cu 3 zile inainte de audienta motivele pentru care urmeaza a fi concediat si isi va prezenta propriile argumente sau va raspunde recvlamatiilor care I s- au adus | םימעטה תא לבקי דבועה .1 השולש םיננכותמה םירוטיפל דעומב .עומישה ינפל תוחפל םימי תא תולעהל דבועה לכוי עומישה עגונב וינועיט תא וא ויתונעט .ולא םימעטל | 1.The employee shall receive the reasons for the intended termination of employment at least three days prior to the hearing. The employee may present his arguments or claims concerning these reasons at the hearing. |
2. Decizia concedierii se va lua numai dupa audierea lucratorului. | םירוטיפה לע הטלחהה .2 ךילה עוציב רחאל קר לבקתת .עומישה | 2.The decision to terminate the employment shall be made only after the hearing has been held. |
b. Dupa procedura de audiere, angajatorul va inmana angajatului o notificare de concediere cu preavizul necesar conform legilor si in functie de vechimea in munca dupa cum urmeaza: | דיבעמה ,עומישה ךילה רחאל .ב תמדקומ העדוה דבועל ןתיי קתוול םאתהב ,םירוטיפל בתכב ,דיבעמה לצא דבועה לש הדבועה :xxxx xxxxxx | b. Following the hearing, the employer shall give the employee written prior dismissal notice according to the length of the period of employment of the employee by the employer as follows: |
1. In primul an de lucru prezvizul va fi de cel putin o zi pentru fiecare din primele sase luni lucrate de lucrator la angajator si doua zile incepand cu a saptea luna lucrata. | אל :הנושארה הנשה ךלהמב1 העדוה לש דחא םוימ תוחפ תששמ דחא לכ דעב תמדקומ לש הדובעל םינושארה םישדוחה לש םימי 2-ו דיבעמה לצא דבועה שדוח לכ דעב תמדקומ העדוה .יעיבשה שדוחהמ לחה הדובע | 1.During the first year of employment: no less than one day's notice for each of the first six months of employment of the employee by the employer and two days notice for each additional month of employment. |
2. Dupa primul an, preavizul va fi de cel xxxxx o luna. | ןתני – תחא הדובע תנש רחאל.2 העדוה לש םימי שדוחמ תוחפ אל .תמדקומ | 2.After the first year – no less than one month's notice shall be given. |
c. Xxxx lucratorul va dori sa demisioneze, el va preda o notificare scrisa angajatorului conform perioadelor mentionate in articoul b de mai sus, conform vechimii sale in munca la angajator. | ,רטפתהל דבועה תנווכב םא .ג תמדקומ העדוה רוסמל וילע תופוקתה יפל דיבעמל בתכב 'ב ףיעסב ליעל תוטרופמה לצא ולש הדובעה קתוול םאתהב .דיבעמה | c. If the employee intends to resign, he must give written notice to the employer according to the periods set out in (b) according to the length of time he has been employed by the employer. |
d. In caz ca angajatorul sau angajatul nu au transmis notificare de concediere sau demisie in temenul prevazut mai sus, partea care a omis notificarea va plati celeilalte parti despagubire in suma corespunzatoare perioadei pentru care s-ar fi platit preavizul. | אל רשא דבוע וא דיבעמ .ד םירוטיפל תמדקומ העדוה רוסמי ,ליעל טרופמכ תורטפתהל וא העדוה ימדב ינשה דצה תא הצפי רכשל הוושה רועישב תמדקומ דעב דבועל םלושמ היהש ליגרה תמדקומה העדוהה תפוקת התוא .הנתינ אלש תשרדנה | d. An employer or employee who does not give prior notification in writing of dismissal or resignation as aforementioned shall compensate the other party with advance notice pay equivalent to the regular salary that the employee would have received for the required period of advance notice that was not given. |
e. Lucratorul poate schimba angajatorul cu altul autorizat legal de patru ori pe an, fara acordul angajatorului la urmatoarele date, dupa notificare de preaviz legal: la 1 ianuarie, 1 aprilie, 1 iulie si 1 octombrie. Daca lucratorul vrea sa schimbe angajatorul la alta data – fara acordul angajatorului – daca are reclamatii referitoare la incalcarea drepturilor sale, el se poate adresa responsabilului cu problemele muncitorilor straini la Ministerul Muncii cf. art. 13 de mai jos pentru a cere autorizare in acest scop. | םידיבעמ xxxxx xxxx xxxxx .ה םימעפ עברא הקסעה רתיה ילעב לש ותמכסה אלל ,הנשב ,םיאבה םיכיראתב ,דיבעמה :ןידכ תמדקומ העדוה ןתמ רחאל ,לירפאב דחאה ,ראוניב דחאה .רבוטקואב דחאהו ילויב דחאה תונשל ןינועמ דבועהו הרקמב ןיב יהשלכ תעב םידיבעמ ותמכסה אלל - ליעל םיכיראתה לע תונעט רואל - דיבעמה לש ודצמ ולש הדובעה תויוכז תרפה תונפל יאשר דבועה ,דיבעמה לש םירז םידבוע תויוכז לע הנוממל דרשמב )ןמסדובמוא( הדובעב 13 ףיעסב טרופמכ הלכלכה .ךכל רושיא שקבלו ,הטמ | e. The employee may change licensed employers 4 times per year, without agreement from the employer, on the following dates, after giving legal notice: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, Oct. 1st. In case of the employee wishes to change employers at any time between the above dates – without employer agreement - due to claims of breach of his labour rights by the employer, the employee may contact the Ombudsman for Foreign Worker Labour Rights in the Ministry of Labour as set out in section 13 below, and apply for permission for such. |
13. Responsabilul pentru Drepturile Muncitorilor Straini la lucru | םידבוע תויוכז לע הנוממה.13 :הדובעב םירז | 13. Ombudsman for Foreign Workers’ Rights at Work |
Lucratorul poate depune plangere impotriva angajatorului sau la responsabilul de drepturile la locul de munca ale muncitorilor straini din cadrul Ministerului Economiei. Detaliile de contact actuale sunt: tel: 074 -7696161. | דגנכ הנולת שיגהל יאכז דבועה םידבוע תויוכז לע הנוממל ודיבעמ .הלכלכה דרשמב הדובעב םירז םיינכדע תורשקתה יכרדו היטרפ .074-7696161 :ןופלטב :המע :ל''אוד | An employee may file a complaint against his employer with the Ombudsman in Charge of Foreign Workers’ Rights at Work at the Ministry of the Economy. Current contact information for the Ombudsman is as follows: .000-0000000 phone :ל''אוד |
14. Prevederi suplimentare | :תופסונ תוארוה.14 | 14. General Provisions |
a. Neintelegeri | :תוקולחמ .א | a. Disputes: |
Neintelegeri referitoare la acest contract sau la probleme de lucru cf, contractului acesta se vor rezolva cf. legilor Israelului relevante. Tribunalul Muncii Israelian va fi tribunalul competent care va solutiona litigiile. Versiunea engleza a acestui contract este cea hotaratoare | וא הז םכסהל עגונב תוקולחמ םכסהל םאתהב הקסעהל עגונב ילארשיה ןידה יפ לע ובשויי הז הדובעל ןידה יתב .יטנוולרה טפשמה יתב תא ווהי םיילארשיה לש הרקמב ןידב םייטנוולרה עגונב טפשמה תיבב הקיספ ,תוקולחמ לש הרקמב .תוקולחמל הפשב םכסהה לש חסונה לש בייחמה חסונה אהי תילגנאה .םכסהה | Disputes concerning this agreement or concerning the employment under this agreement shall be settled according to relevant Israeli law. The Israeli labour courts shall be the relevant courts of law in case of adjudication of disputes in court. The English language version of this contract shall be the binding version. |
orice notificare pe care angajatorul o va transmite angajatului conform acestui contract se va redacta in limba pe care angajatul o intelege. | קיסעמהמ תנתינה העדוה לכ הפשב ןתנית הז הזוח יפל דבועו .xxxx xxxxxx | Any notice given by the employer to the employee under this contract shall be given in a language the employee understands. |
b. Imbracaminte | :דוגיב.ב | b. Clothing: |
Angajatorul va da lucratorului haine de calitate care includ: pantofi, pantaloni, camasa si sapca cu cozoroc. In plus, daca activitatea angajatului necesita haine de protective precum: cizme, casca, pentru a asigura protectia muncii . hainele de protecie sunt pe contul angajatorului. Muncitorul accepta si se obliga sa foloseasca cu grija si responsabilitate uneltele si echipamentul si sa le predea in stare buna cu uzura rezonabila | תכרעמ דבועל ןתיי דיבעמה תללוכה הבוט תוכיאמ דוגיב עבוכו הצלוח ,םייסנכמ ,םילענ תדובע רשאכ ,ףסונב .הייחצמ :ןוגכ ןגמ-ידגב תבייחמ דבועה הרימש ךרוצל 'דכו עבוכ ,םייפגמ דיבעמה ,הדובעב ותוחיטב לע .ונובשח לע ןגמ ידגב דבועל קינעי לפטל בייחתמו םיכסמ דבועה י"ע ול ונתינש םילכבו דויצב יוארכ בצמב שרדנכ םריזחהלו דיבעמה .םיריבס הקיחשו יאלב ךות ,בוט | The employer shall provide the employee with a set of high-quality clothing including shoes, trousers, a shirt and a cap each year. In addition, if the employee's work requires protective clothing such as boots or hats for the employee's safety at work, the employer shall provide the required protective garments at his own expense. The employee agrees to take good care of any equipment or tools provided by the employer and return them as required in good condition, less reasonable wear and tear. |
c. Cadouri de sarbatori | :גחל xx .ג | x. Holiday gifts: |
de doua ori pe an, de Anul Nou si de Pesah, angajatorul va oferi cadou angajatului. | הנשה שארב ,הנשב םיימעפ יש דבועל דיבעמה קינעי ,חספבו .גחל | The employer shall give the employee a holiday gift twice yearly – on the Jewish New Year and on Passover. |
d. Lucratorul este singurul raspunzator cu plata calatoriilor sale din tara natala, Moldova spre Israel si inapoi. | םולשתל ידעלב xxxxx xxxxx .ד הבודלוממ ולש העיסנה תואצוה .הרזחבו לארשיל | d. The employee is soley responsible for his own travel expenses from Moldova to Israel and back. |
15. Siguranta si Igiena | :הדובעב תוהגו תוחיטב .15 | 15. Safety and hygiene: |
a. Lucratorul declara ca stie ca angajarea in constructii include riscuri fizice si se angajeaza sa respecte normele de securitate la locul de munca, inclusiv sa foloseasca echipamentul de protectie si accepta si se obliga sa participe la toate cursurile despre securitate cerute de angajator | יכ ןיבמ אוה יכ ריהצמ דבועה .א הכורכ היינבה ףנעב הדובע ןיבמ אוה ןכו םייזיפ םינוכיסב יללכ לכל תייצל וילע יכ םיכסמו םוקמב תוחיטבה תוארוהו דויצב שומישה תוברל ,הדובעה אוהש ןיבמו םיכסמ אוה יכו ,ןגמ תורשכה לכב קלח לוטיל בייח י"ע ונממ ושרדייש תוחיטבה .דיבעמה | a. The employee declares that he understands that the employment in the construction sector involves physical risks and he understands and agrees that he must obey all safety rules and directions in the workplace, including use of safety equipment, and he agrees and understands that he must take part in all safety training required by the employer. |
b. angajatorul va furniza lucratorului, pe cheltuiala sa, urmatoarele: | לע דבועל קפסי דיבעמה .ב :םיאבה םיטרפה תא ונובשח | b. The employer shall provide the employee with the following at the employer's expense: |
1.imbracaminte potrivita lucrarilor speciale si echipament de protectie | xxxxxxx תשרדנה השבלה .1 .הנגה דויצו תודחוימ | 1. Garments required for special work and protective gear. |
2.Facilitati pentru igiena care include toaleta, dus, chiuvete, loc aranjar pentru luarea mesei, apa calda si apa rece. | לע הרימש םשל םינקתמ .2 תוברל )תוהיג( הנייגיהה תוניפ ,םירויכ ,תוחלקמ ,םיתוריש םימו םימח םימ ,תורדוסמ לכוא .םירק | 2. Hygiene facilities including bathrooms, showers, sinks, dedicated eating areas and hot and cold water. |
3. Controale medicale periodice conform deciziei medicului specializat in probleme de munca. | תויתפוקת תויאופר תוקידב .3 .יתקוסעת אפור תטלחה יפ לע | 3. Regular medical checkups as required by an occupational physician |
4. Curs pentru oferirea de prim- ajutor | הרזע תשגהב הרשכה יסרוק .4 .הנושאר | 4. First-aid training courses |
0.xx cazul accidentelor de munca care provoaza vatamari serioase lucratorului, angajatorul va informa in cel mai scurt timp ambasada Moldovei. | הדובע תנואת לש הרקמב5. 'דבועל יניצר קזנ םרגנ היתובקעב ךכ לע עידוהל קיסעמה לע תורירגשל ירשפאה םדקהב .לארשיב הבודלומ | 5. In case of work accidents resulting in serious injury to the employee the employer is responsible to inform the Moldavan Embassy in Israel of such as soon as possible. |
x.Xxxx a deroga de la cele de mai sus, muncitorul se obliga sa nu consume bauturi alcoolice sau sa nu foloseasca droguri la lucru sau inaintea orelor de lucru pentru a nu influenta negativ exercitarea meseriei si a nu produce pagube la lucru. Lucratorul declara ca I s- a explicat ca folosirea drogurilor | ,הלעמ טרופמהמ עורגל ילבמ .ג תותשל אלש םיכסמ דבועה וא םיילוהוכלא תואקשמ רחא רמוח לכב שמתשהל ינפל וא הדובעה םוי ךלהמב עיפשיש ןפואב הדובעה תועש םוקמב ויעוציב לע תילילש הרוצב םורגיש ןפואב וא/ו הדובעה דבועה .הדובעה םוקמב הנכסל אל הליטנ יכ ול רהבוה xx xxxxx | c. Without derogating from the above, the employee agrees that he will not drink alcoholic beverages or any other substances during the work day or before the work hours in a manner that would negatively affect his performance in the workplace and/or cause danger in the workplace. The employee declares that he has been informed that illegal drugs |
sau violenta sunt abateri penale in Israel si se considera incalcare a contractului | תלעפה וא םימס לש תיקוח תוילילפ תורבע תווהמ תומילא םכסה לש תורפה ןכו לארשיב .הז הקסעה | and violence are criminal offences in Israel as well as violations of this agreement. |
x.Xxxxxxxxxx declara ca va respecta obiceiurile israelului si se va comporta conform legilor israeliene, precum si legilor de protectie a muncii. | תא דבכי אוה יכ ריהצמ דבועה .ד קוחל םאתהב גהניו לארשי יגהנמ תוארוה הז ללכבו ילארשיה .ה .הדובעב תוחיטבל רשקב לכל תייצי אוה יכ ריהצמ דבועה ישנא י"ע ול ונתנייש תוארוהה .ןוחטיב | d. The employee declares that he will respect the customs of Israel and will act in accordance with Israeli Law, including rules concerning safety at work. |
x.Xxxxxxxxxx declara ca se va supune instructiunilor personalului de siguranta. | xxxx xxx xx xxxxx xxxxx .ו אלו הדובעה ילכל xxxx xxxxx .תינלשר הרוצב םהב שמתשי | e.The employee declares that he will obey all instructions given by defense personnel |
x.Xxxxxxxxxx declara ca va avea grija de uneltele de lucru si nu le va manui cu neglijenta. | f. The employee declares that he will take diligent care of the work tools and will not use them negligently. | |
16. Lucratorul informeaza prin prezenta pe angajator ca datele de mai jos sunt relevante si promite sa anunte angajatorul in caz ca va interveni vreo modificare | דיבעמל תאזב עידומ דבועה .16 עדימ םיווהמ םיאבה םיטרפה יכ עידוהל םיכסמו ויבגל יטנוולרה לע בתכבו ידימ ןפואב ודיבעמל :הז עדימב יוניש לכ | 16. The employee hereby informs the employee that the following is his pertinent information and agrees to inform his employer promptly and in writing of any change in this information: |
a. persoana de legatura din Moldova pentru cazuri de urgenta este: numele relatia de rudenie nr. de id. telefon adresa | הרקמב הבודלומב רשק שיא .א :םש :םוריח :ינבודלומ.ז.ת רפסמ; :הברק ; ; ; :ןופלט רפסמ :תבותכ . | a. Contact person in Moldova in case of emergency: name: Moldovan ID Number: Relationship: Telephone Number: Address: |
b. in caz ca lucratorul are de primit sume de bani dupa plecarea din Israel sau in caz de invaliditate ori deces, lucratorul dispune prin prezenta ca sumele sa fie transferate in contul bancar din Moldova, deschis pe numele sau sau in comun cu o persoana din familie, ruda de prim rang: | םיעיגמה םיפסכ לש הרקמב .ב לארשי תא ותביזע רחאל דבועל ,תוומ וא תוכנ לש הרקמב וא לכ יכ תאזב הרומ דבועה ודקפוי ול םיעיגמה םיפסכה ,אבה הבודלומ בב קנבה ןובשחב וא ,דיחיה וילעב אוה דבועהש החפשמ ןב םע םיפתושמ םילעב :הנושאר הגרדמ | b. In case of moneys owing after the employee has left Israel or in the case of incapacity or death, the employee hereby instructs that all moneys owing are to be deposited in the following bank account in Moldova, which is owned by the employee only, or jointly with a first degree family member: |
Banca | :קנב | Bank: |
Adresa | :תבותכ | Address: |
Numarul contului | ןובשח רפסמ :קנב | Account Number: |
Numele detinatorului contului | םש :xxxxxx | Name of Account: |
Numarul bancii | רפסמ :קנבה | Bank Number: |
Cod SWIFT | דוק :טפיווס | Swift Code: |
17.Perioada de angajare din acest contract depinde de intrarea in tara a lucratorului dupa primirea vizei si permisului de lucru (B1) pentru ramura constructiilor timp de 90 de zile din ziua semnarii de catre ambele parti. Xxxx lucratorul nu va veni in Israel in decurs de 90 de zile, oricare dintre parti poate anunta cealalta parte ca acest contract este anulat si niciuna din parti nu va avea pretentii de la cealalta parte ca despagubire de reziliere. | הז הקסעה םכסה לש ופקות .17 דבועה לש ותסינכב הנתומ תלבק רחאל לארשי תנידמל הדובעו היהש ןוישירו הרשא 90 ךותב ,היינבה ףנעב )1/ב( ינש ידי לע ותמיתח םוימ םימי סנכנ אל דבועה םא .םידדצה רומאכ םוי 90 ךותב לארשיל יאשר םידדצהמ דחא לכ ,ליעל תושרה תועצמאב ינשל עידוהל דחא ףאלו םכסהה תא לוטיב לע לבקל תוכזה היהת אל םידדצהמ .ןיקיזנ ימד וא יוציפ | 17. The force of this agreement is conditional on the entry of the employee into Israel after receiving a B/1 visa and work permit for the construction sector, within 90 days of its signing by both parties. If the employee does not enter Israel within 90 days as aforesaid, either party may notify the other, via PIBA, of cancelation of the agreement and neither party will have the right to receive compensation or damages. |
18. acest contract este redactat in 3 limbi. Versiunea engleza este cea care prevaleaza. | שולשב ךרענ הז םכסה .18 תילגנאב חסונה רשאכ ,תופש .בייחמה חסונה אוה | 18. This agreement is made in three lanugages. The English version being the definitive version. |
Semnaturi: | :םותחה לע | Signatures: |
lucratorul reprezentantul legal al angajatorului | דיבעמה לש השרומ xxxx xxxxx | Employee Authorised Employer Representative |
certificarea semnaturii angajatorului : subsemnatul numele avocatului/revizorului contabil licenta nr. declar ca d-l/d- na xx.xx. Israelian este autorizat/a legal sa semneze acest acord in numele firmei inreg. cu nr. si a semnat acordul in fata mea in numele firmei. | :דיבעמה לש המיתח תרהצה -ךרוע םש ,הטמ םותחה ינא :ךמסומ ןובשח האור/ןידה :ןוישיר רפסמ תרבג/רמ xx xxxx xxxx .ז.ת )ת(לעב :רפסמ תילארשי ךמסוה דיבעמה י"ע ןידכ )הכמסוה( הז הקסעה םכסה לע םותחל דיבעמה םש לש ומשב רפסמ .פ.ח הקסעה םכסה לע )המתח( םתחו .דיבעמה לש ומשב םויה ינפב הז | Employer Signature Certification: I the undersigned, name of attorney/ certified accountant: license number: hereby certify that Mr./Ms. Israel ID NO. has been legally authorized by the Employer to sign this agreement on behalf of the Employer Name: Registry Number and has signed this Agreement before me today on the Employer's behalf. |
numele avocatului/revizorului contabil semnatura data | האור/ןידה ךרוע םש :ןובשחה :תמתוח :ךיראת | Advocate/Account name: Stamp: Date: |
declaratia semnaturii lucratorului : subsemnatul xx.xx, moldovenesc din partea agentiei din Moldova, certific faptul ca lucratorul posesorul cartii de id. Moldovenesti a semnat acordul prezent in fata mea, azi, | ינא :דבועה לש המיתח תרהצה הטמ םותחה , .ז.ת רפסמ ינבודלומב הקוסעתה תונכוס םעטמ יכ תאזב רשאמ ,ינבובלומה לעב רמ ,דבועה רפסמ ינבודלומ.ז.ת לע םתח םויה ינפב הז הקסעה םכסה | Witness to Employee Signature: I the undersigned , Moldovan ID of the Moldovan Employment Agency, hereby certify that the Employee, Mr. Moldovan ID NO. signed this Agreement before me today after its conditions were explained to him and he agreed to its contents. |
dupa ce i s-a explicat continutul si prevederile acestuia. | אוהו ול ורבסוה ויאנתש רחאל .וב םילולכה םינכתל םיכסה | |
Numele functionarului xx.xx. Al functionarului data | םש :דיקפה :דיקפה לש .ז.ת :ךיראת | Clerk Name: Clerk ID: Date: |