Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.
Directoratul GENERALI - Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A., societate administrata in sistem dualist, infiintata si functionand potrivit legislatiei din Romania, cu sediul social in Bucuresti, Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, nr. 15, etaj 6, sector 1, cod postal 011857, inregistrata in Registrul Comertului sub nr. J40/13188/2007, CUI: 00000000, in temeiul art 117(1) din Legea societatilor nr. 31/1990, republicata precum si ale art. 16.1 a) din Actul Consitutiv al Societatii
Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.
The Directorate of Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A., a company organized on two-tiers system, founded and operating under the laws of Romania, with its registered office in Bucharest, Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, xx. 00, 0xx xxxxx, 0xx xxxxxxxx, xxxxxx code 011857, registered in Trade Register under no. J40/13188/2007, having the sole registration no. 22080825, under Article 117 (1) of Law 31/1990, republiched and of Article 16.1 a) of Company’s Article of Association
pentru data de 05.08.2022, ora 1000, la sediul social al societatii, cu urmatoarea ORDINE DE ZI:
1. Luarea la cunostinta cu privire la semnarea Actului Aditional nr. 3, inregistrat la societate cu nr. 866690/19.07.2022 ce are ca obiect modificarea contractului de inchiriere nr. 678/21.03.2013, aferent utilizării spaţiului destinat sediului social al societatii din Bucuresti, Sector 1, Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, nr. 15, etaj 6.
2. Mutarea sediului social al Generali SAFPP S.A. din Bucuresti, sector 1, Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, nr. 15, etaj 6, in Bucuresti, sector 1, Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, nr. 15, etaj 1.
3. Ca urmare a aprobarii mutarii sediului social, sa modifice Actul Constitutiv al Societatii, dupa cum urmeaza:
3.1. Articolul 4.1 al Actului Constitutiv se modifica
“4.1 Sediul social al societatii va fi in Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, Nr. 15, Etaj 6, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania.”
In forma noua:
“4.1 Sediul social al societatii va fi in Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, Nr. 15, Etaj 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania.”
4. Diverse.
5. Imputernicirea Presedintelui Directoratului/ oricare dintre membrii Directoratului de a semna toate documentele necesare si de a duce la indeplinire formalitatile cerute de legea Romana si de Normele Autoritatii de Supraveghere Financiara din Romania (A.S.F.).
On 05th August 2022, at 1000, at the company's headquarters, with the following AGENDA:
1. Taking note on the signing of the Additional Act no. 3, registered at the company with no. 866690/ 19.07.2022 which has as object the modification of the lease contract no. 678 / 21.03.2013, related to the use of the space destined for the registered office of the company from Bucharest, Xxxxxx 0, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, xx. 00, xxxxx 0.
2. Moving the registered office of Generali SAFPP
S.A. from Bucharest, sector 0, Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, xx. 00, xxxxx 0, xx Xxxxxxxxx, sector 1, Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx Square, no. 15, floor 1.
3. Following the approval of the relocation of the registered office, to amend the Articles of Association of the Company, as follows:
3.1. Article 4.1 of the Articles of Association is amended from:
“4.1 The registered office of the company will be in Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, No. 00, Xxxxx 0, Xxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx.”
In new form:
“4.1 The registered office of the company will be in Piata Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx, No. 00, Xxxxx 0, Xxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx.”
4. Miscellaneous.
5. To empower the Chairman of the Board of Directors/any member of the Board of Directors to sign all the documents and to fulfill the formalities in accordance with the Romanian law and with the Norms of the Financial Supervisory Authority (F.S.A.) of Romania.
Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.– societate administrata in sistem dualist
6. In situatia neindeplinirii conditiilor de cvorum la data primei adunari, se convoaca o noua Adunare Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor pentru data de 06.08.2022, la aceeasi ora, in acelasi conditii si cu aceeasi ordine de zi.
7. Actionarii pot participa si vota in Adunarea Generala a Actionarilor prin reprezentantii lor legali sau prin alte persoane imputernicite de catre acestia, pentru Adunarea Generala.
6. A new General Shareholders’ Meeting will be scheduled on 06th august 2022, at the same hour, under the same conditions and with the same agenda in case that the quorum at the date of the first Meeting will not be met.
7. Shareholders may attend to and vote in the General Shareholders’ Meeting through their legal representatives or through other empowered persons for the General Shareholders’ Meeting.
Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxxxx,
Presedintele Directoratului/Chairman of the Board of Directors
Digitally signed by Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxxxx
Date: 2022.07.20
11:32:48 +03'00'
Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxxxx,
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Membru Directoratului/Member of the Board of Directors
Digitally signed by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Date: 2022.07.20
11:30:40 +03'00'