Pentru scopurile prezentilor termeni si Conditii Generale generale de Cumparare, cuvintele de mai jos au urmatoarele sensuri :
„Cumparatorul” se refera la societatea comerciala BETA S.A, cu sediul in Xxxxx, xxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx xx.00;
„Contractul„ se refera la comanda ferma facuta de Cumparator si la Conditiile de Cumparare, asa cum sunt acceptate de catre Cumparator;
„Vanzatorul/Furnizorul „ se refera la partea sau partile care intra in
„Contract„ cu BETA S.A, direct sau prin intermediul unui reprezentant;
„Partea” se refera la Vanzator sau la Cumparator, in functie de context;
„Produse„ se refera la produsele din nomenclatorul de fabricatie al Vanzatorului;
Receptia produselor se va face la sediul Cumparatorului, daca nu este convenit altfel in comanda ferma. Cumparatorul se obliga sa receptioneze produsele la termenul contractual.
Tipul si amploarea controlului aplicat Furnizorului si produsului aprovizionat sunt dependente de efectul produsului aprovizionat asupra realizarii ulterioare a produsului sau asupra produsului final si asupra mediului, sanatatii si securitatii.
In acest sens, comenzile de aprovizionare sunt transmise de Cumparator la Furnizorii care au fost anterior evaluati / reevaluati pe baza chestionarelor de evaluare si acceptati pe baza urmatoarelor criterii: au certificate sistemele de management calitate, mediu, sanatate si securitate; detin evaluari specifice pentru materiale si componente supuse presiunii / certificari de produs; calitatea livrarilor anterioare, respectarea cerintelor de evaluare a conformitatii cu standardele si directivele aplicabile (identificare calitate produs, documente de certificare a conformitatii, calificare personal); respectarea termenelor de livrare, promptitudinea furnizorilor in livrarile anterioare; modul de solutionare al reclamatiilor, rezolvarea problemelor tehnice si de calitate ridicate; nivelul de pret practicat.
Pentru schimbari in privinta produselor care urmeaza sa fie furnizate este necesara aprobarea anterioara din partea Cumparatorului.
Cumparatorul inspecteaza produsele primite numai in privinta viciilor aparente exterioare, a neconformitatilor de suprafata, de identitate sau cantitate si verifica existenta documentelor de calitate si conformitate, cartea tehnica (daca este cazul), fisa tehnica de securitate si manual / instructiuni de operare (daca este cazul).
Cumparatorul va reclama viciile respective în timp util. Cumparatorul isi rezerva dreptul de a efectua inspectii suplimentare ale produselor primite. În plus, Cumparatorul va reclama viciile imediat ce acestea sunt descoperite în cursul activitatii curente. În privinta celor de mai sus, Furnizorul va renunta la dreptul de a afirma ca viciile au fost descoperite prea târziu. În cazul în care au fost descoperite vicii Cumparatorul va avea dreptul de a returna întregul produs / echipament Furnizorului.
Verificarea produsului se poate efectua la Furnizor cand unele caracteristici nu pot fi inspectate sau verificate dupa ce produsul a fost livrat. Acest lucru va fi precizat de Cumparator in contractul de aprovizionare.
Atunci cand este specificat in contract, clientul Cumparatorului are dreptul de a verifica la Furnizor daca produsul subcontractat este conform cu conditiile specificate. Cumparatorul va specifica acest lucru in contractul de aprovizionare.
Livrarea produselor de catre Vanzator se face conform INCOTERMS 2010. Termenul de livrare pentru produsele executate de Vanzator este cel stabilit in comanda ferma.
Datele si limitele de timp convenite sunt obligatorii. O data de livrare sau cerinta de termen va fi considerata satisfacuta in cazul in care Cumparatorul a primit produsele la data sau termenul stipulate in contract. La livrare, produsele vor fi insotite de urmatoarele documente: aviz de expeditie, factura fiscala, certificat de calitate si garantie / declaratie de conformitate, cartea tehnica (daca este cazul), fisa tehnica de securitate, manual / instructiuni de operare (daca este cazul), alte documente conform celor prevazute in comanda ferma.
Furnizorul garanteaza ca livrarile sale includ toate serviciile care sunt necesare pentru utilizarea corecta, in conditii de siguranta si economice, ca acestea corespund destinatiei pentru care au fost comandate si ca acestea respecta nivelul tehnic si de calitate solicitat. In executarea obligatiilor sale, Furnizorul va respecta toate standardele de prestare a serviciilor, normele si reglementarile aplicabile, legile si prevederile legale aplicabile in special cele privind materialele si marfurile periculoase,
For the purpose of these terms and the Purchase General Conditions, the words below have the following meanings:
"Buyer" refers to the company "BETA" SA, with the registered office in Xxxxx, 00 Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx;
"Contract" refers to the firm order made by the Buyer and the Conditions of Purchase, as they are accepted by the Buyer;
"Vendor/Supplier" refers to the part or the parties entering the "Contract" with BETA S.A, directly or through a representative;
"Party" refers to the Buyer or the Seller, depending on the context; "Products" refer to the products in the manufacture schedule of the Seller;
The acceptance/reception of the products shall be made at the Buyer's headquarters if not agreed otherwise in the firm order. The Buyer undertakes to reception the products within the period stipulated in the contract.
The control type and magnitude applied to the Supplier and the supplied product depend on the effect of the product being provisioned on the subsequent completion of the product or the final product and on the environment, health and safety.
In this respect, the supply orders are transmitted by the Purchaser to the Suppliers who have been previously assessed / re-evaluated on the basis of evaluation questionnaires and accepted based on the following criteria: they have certified quality management, environmental, health and safety systems; they hold specific assessments for materials and components subject to pressure / certification of the product; the quality of earlier supplies, compliance with the requirements for the assessment of conformity to the applicable standards and Directives (identification of product quality, documents for the certification of conformity, qualified personal); compliance with the terms of delivery, timeliness suppliers in previous deliveries, method of handling the complaints, resolving the technical and quality issues; the price level being practiced.
For changes in respect of the products to be provided prior approval is required from the Purchaser.
The Buyer shall inspect products received only in the outer visible defects, superficial, identity or quantity non-compliance and verifies the existence of quality ad compliance documents, the technical book (if applicable), the safety data sheet and the operating manual / instructions (if applicable).
The Buyer shall complain about those defects in due time.
The Buyer reserves the right to make additional inspections of any of the received products. In addition, the Buyer shall advertise the defects as soon as they are found during the current activity. In respect of the above, the Supplier shall waive the right to say that vices have been discovered too late. In the event that defects/flaws were found, the Buyer shall have the right to return the entire product / equipment to the Supplier.
Verification of the product can be carried out at the Supplier's when some features cannot be inspected or verified after the product was delivered. This shall be specified by the Purchaser in the supply contract.
When specified in the order, the Buyer's customer has the right to check, at the Supplier's, if the sub-contracted product is according to the specified requirements. The Purchaser shall specify this in the supply contract.
Delivery of the products by the Seller shall be made in accordance with INCOTERMS 2010. The delivery time limit for the products executed by the Seller shall be as set out in the firm order.
The data and the limits of time to be agreed upon are mandatory. A delivery date or requirement to date shall be considered satisfied if the Buyer received the goods on the date or within the time limit specified in the contract. When delivered, the products shall be accompanied by the following documents: delivery note, fiscal invoice, certificate of quality and guarantee / declaration of conformity, technical book (if applicable), safety data sheet, operating manual / instructions (if applicable), other documents as provided for in the firm order.
The Supplier shall ensure that his supplies include all services that are necessary for the correct use, under safe economical conditions, that they are consistent with their intended purpose for which they have been ordered and that they comply with the requested quality and technical level. In the performance of his obligations, the Supplier shall comply with all standards on the provision of services, the applicable norms and
protectia mediului si prevenirea accidentelor. Furnizorul va respecta de asemenea normele general recunoscute de siguranta, sanatate si securitate.
Furnizorul va aduce la cunostinta Cumparatorului orice autorizatie administrativa necesara, orice cerinte de inregistrare sau notificare care pot fi solicitate pentru utilizarea articolelor livrate. In cazul in care receptia marfurilor presupune efectuarea unor formalitati vamale de import Vanzatorul are obligatia de a anunta cu minimum 5 zile inainte data la care marfurile vor ajunge la sediul Cumparatorului si de a furniza atasat anuntului (prin e-mail sau fax) copiile tuturor documentelor necesare pregatirii formalitatilor vamale de import, documente care insotesc marfa livrata.
Cumparatorul va achita pretul in conditiile si la termenele stabilite in comanda ferma.
Termenul de garantie pentru produsele livrate este de 12 luni de la data punerii in functiune, dar nu mai mult de 18 luni de la livrare, daca nu s-a negociat altfel prin oferta. BETA S.A va notifica Vanzatorului orice reclamatie privind cantitatea sau calitatea produselor livrate in termen de 5 zile lucratoare de la receptia produselor. In cazul aparitiei unor defecte in perioada de garantie, Cumparatorul va anunta Vanzatorul de situatia aparuta in vederea analizarii, in maxim 3 zile lucratoare de la data aparitiei, tinand produsul la dispozitia Vanzatorului, fara a face vreo interventie la produsul achizitionat .
Pentru neexecutarea in totalitate sau in parte a obligatiilor prevazute in comanda, partile datoreaza penalitati, astfel :
pentru neridicarea la timp a produselor si/ sau intarziere in efectuarea platii produselor livrate, Cumparatorul datoreaza penalitati pentru fiecare zi de intarziere de 0,1% din valoarea produselor neridicate sau neachitate, incepand cu a 10-a zi de intarziere, dar nu mai mult de 5% din valoarea produselor neridicate sau neplatite;
in cazul in care Vanzatorul nu va livra produsele la termenele prevazute in comanda, va fi obligat la plata penalitatilor de 0,1% pe zi din valoarea restantei fata de cantitatile contractate, incepand cu a 10-a zi de intarziere, dar nu mai mult de 10% din valoarea produselor nelivrate la termenul stabilit.
Contractul/comanda poate inceta : cu acordul ambelor parti sau la solicitarea uneia dintre parti, in cazuri intemeiate.
8. LEGEA CARE GUVERNEAZA CONTRACTUL SI INSTANTA COMPETENTA Legea care guverneaza prezentele Conditii de cumparare este legea romana. Toate neintelegerile decurgand din derularea prezentelor Conditii de Cumparare si care nu vor putea fi solutionate pe cale amiabila, vor fi deferite instantelor judecatoresti de la sediul Cumparatorului / debitorului sau Curtii de Arbitraj Comercial International de pe langa Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei, dupa regulile stabilite de aceasta curte, iar litigiul va fi solutionat in limba romana dupa legea romana.
Forta majora, asa cum este definita prin lege, exonereaza de raspundere partea care o invoca in conditiile legii cu cerinta notificarii scrise prealabile, in termen de 5 zile de la aparitia cazului de forta majora si in baza certificatului eliberat de Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei.
Modificarea prezentelor clauze se poate face doar cu acordul scris al ambelor parti.
regulations, the applicable laws and legal provisions in particular those relating to materials and dangerous goods, environmental protection and prevention of accidents. The Supplier shall comply with the generally recognized rules of safety, health and safety.
The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser of any required administrative authorization, any requirements for registration or notification which may be requested for the use of the delivered items. In the case where reception goods entails conducting import customs formalities, the Seller has the obligation to announce with a minimum of 5 days before the date on which the goods arrive at the Buyer's headquarters and to provide attached to the notice (by e-mail or fax) the copies of all documents needed for the preparation of customs formalities, documents which accompany the delivered merchandise.
The Buyer shall pay the price on the conditions and within the time limits laid down in the firm order.
The guarantee period for the delivered products shall be 12 months from the date of commissioning, but not more than 18 months from the delivery date, if it is not otherwise negotiated in the tender. BETA S.A. shall notify the Seller of any complaint concerning the quantity or quality of the delivered products within 5 working days from the acceptance / reception of the products. In the event of the appearance of defects during the warranty period, the Buyer shall inform the Seller of the occurred situation with a view to analyzing, in maximum 3 working days of the date of occurrence, taking the product available to the Seller, without making any intervention on the purchased product.
For failure in whole or in part of the obligations set out in the order, the parties owe penalties, as follows:
for not taking over the products in due time and/or delay in payments for the delivered goods, the Buyer owes penalties for each day of delay of 0,1 % of the value of the products not taken over or unpaid, starting on the 10th day of delay, but not more than 5% of the value of the not taken over or unpaid products;
in the event that the Seller shall not deliver the products within the time limits provided for in the order, it shall be forced to pay penalties of 0,1 % per day from the value of the remainder as compared to the amount contracted for, starting with the 10th day of delay, but not more than 10% of the value of the products not delivered within the set time limit.
The contract may be terminated: with the agreement of both parties or by termination by one of the parties, in well-grounded cases.
The law governing these Purchase Conditions is the Romanian law.
All disputes arising out of the progress of these Purchase Conditions, which shall not be solved amicably, will be sent before courts of law at the Buyer's/debtor's headquarters or the International Trade Court of Arbitration from near the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, in accordance with the rules laid down by this court, and their dispute shall be resolved in the Romanian language according to the Romanian law.
Force Majeure, as defined by the law, exempts of the liability the party that claims it under the terms of the law with the requirement of the previous written notification, within 5 days of the occurrence of the cases of force majeure and based on the certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
Change of these clauses can only be made with the agreement of both parties in writing.